Academic literature on the topic 'Language co-activity'

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Journal articles on the topic "Language co-activity"


Lilja, Niina, and Arja Piirainen-Marsh. "Connecting the Language Classroom and the Wild: Re-enactments of Language Use Experiences." Applied Linguistics 40, no. 4 (January 2, 2018): 594–623.

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Abstract Using multimodal conversation analysis, this article analyses language learning as an in situ process during a teacher-assigned, experientially based pedagogical activity. The activity involved a three-part pedagogical structure, where learners first prepared for and then participated in real-life service encounters, and later reflected on their experiences back in the classroom. The analysis details how the co-constructed telling sequences through which novice second language users re-enact their experiences create an occasion for language-focused activity. We argue that the actions through which the participants display and sustain an orientation to an interactional practice as an object of learning make visible a learning project. The findings illuminate the practices through which language-focused activity is initiated, sustained, and managed to enable in situ learning. They also show how re-enactments function in storytelling and display a novice learner’s interactional competence. Finally, the findings illustrate how experiences gained in everyday social activities can be ‘harvested and reflected upon’ (Wagner 2015: 77) in the classroom and contribute to recent initiatives to develop teaching practices that support learning in-the-wild.
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Russo Cardona, Tommaso. "Metaphors in sign languages and in co-verbal gesturing." Dimensions of gesture 8, no. 1 (May 15, 2008): 62–81.

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In analyses of the grammatical structure of sign languages (Liddell, 2003), “classifier forms” which play a major role in these spatialised grammars, are looked upon as a “gestural” component of sign language. Kendon (2004) pointed out that some of the organizational principles of co-verbal gesturing can be compared to “classifiers” in sign languages. In this paper drawing on previous analyses of LIS (Italian Sign Language) metaphors in discourse (Russo, 2004a, 2005) the role of “classifier forms” in SL metaphors is examined and compared with some aspects of gestural metaphors produced during academic lectures in Italian. It is shown that similarities and differences between the two communicative devices can be pointed out only if the multimodal organization of both face-to-face speech activity and face-to-face sign language communication is taken into account. The gestural actions produced by speakers and the non-manual gestures produced by signers are interpreted as framing a speech act unit in this way providing a perspective for the interpretation of the lexical items within it. The distinction between langue and parole proposed by Ferdinand de Saussure (1916) is discussed and reframed by this analysis.
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Linuwih, Endar Rachmawaty, and Nopita Trihastutie. "Digital Entertainment to Support Toddlers’ Language and Cognitive Development." TEKNOSASTIK 18, no. 1 (January 30, 2020): 1.

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This current research aimed at seeing how English nursery rhymes and kids’ songs as learning media support toddlers who are not living in an English speaking country (Indonesia) but exposed to the English language media during their normal baby-sitting times to learning English. To observe how two Indonesian toddlers learned English language in their early critical period of language acquisition through co-watching activity, Early Development Instrument which focuses on language and cognitive development domain with reading awareness and reciting memory subdomain was applied to observe two subjects after 15 month treatments (from age 10-24 months). The results show that the media and the co-watching activity are able to support the toddlers’ understanding of the English words spoken and their ability to produce the intelligent pronunciation of those words. The interesting fact reveals that English which is normatively learned merely as a foreign language to most Indonesian people is no longer something far-off to the toddlers who are exposed to it through English nursery rhymes and kids’ songs online since they are at the very young age. They naturally tend to be bilingual since at the same time they learn their mother tongue.
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Early, Jessica Singer, and Tracey T. Flores. "Escribiendo Juntos: Toward a Collaborative Model of Multiliterate Family Literacy in English Only and Anti-immigrant Contexts." Research in the Teaching of English 52, no. 2 (November 1, 2017): 156–80.

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This article describes an after-school family literacy program as a model of multiliterate collaboration under and against English Only and anti-immigrant conditions. The model reveals how state politics surrounding language, ethnicity, and citizenship may interact with the activity systems of family literacy programs to redefine what counts as sanctioned language and literacy learning within school spaces. This article details the findings of a qualitative study and includes the goals and curriculum of the program, as well as the recruiting mechanisms, participants, participant feedback, and participant experiences. Findings from the study reveal the role of parental investment in language and literacy learning, language co-construction, and honoring of all languages, cultures, and experiences. This family literacy model contributes to literacy studies by offering possibilities for future school-sponsored, multiliterate family literacy research collaborations to draw from and extend the language and literacy practices and funds of knowledge of ELL students, parents, teachers, and literacy scholars working within English Only and anti-immigrant contexts.
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H. Le, Huong. "English Language University Teachers’ Research Activity: Untold Stories in Vietnam." Global Research in Higher Education 1, no. 1 (May 9, 2018): 45.

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<em>This qualitative case study explores English language university teachers’ engagement in research including their interests, publications and co-operation, from which the obligation of research activity at universities in Vietnam is revealed. Twenty-one English language university teachers at Hong Duc University were invited to participate in the research. Survey questionnaire and Skype semi-structured interview were employed to collect necessary data to identify teacher participants’ involvement in research. Being seen from socio-cultural perspectives, the findings of the study indicate that how English language university teachers engage in research is inter-twined with the current context where research is done.</em>
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Cotoc, Alexandra, and Ioana Mudure-Iacob. "A #Co-Teaching Story from the Digital Pedagogical Framework." Linguaculture 15, Special Issue (October 30, 2024): 44–63.

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The pairing of educational technology and pedagogy within new media in the exploration of foreign language teaching approaches reveals a proximity to genuine interaction among learners through immersion in language education and new media content creation. Shifting from the role of “learning to create” into a more “creating to learn”-focused role, students are empowered to become active media creators while using language and tech savviness, as well as digital apps and tools, as core skills. In doing so, the language class gains the potential to become a microcommunity of practice that encourages critical thinking and collaboration abilities while engaging in complex problem-solving skills, extending its utility into the facilitation of autonomous learning contexts. With language learners stimulated by new media in their communicative practice, it is the role of teachers to find an innovative and digital pedagogical method of matching the students’ Netspeak needs to promote cognitive activation in the EAP class. The purpose of the current study is to showcase a tested example of how educational digital pedagogy within the context of new media can be leveraged to enhance language learning outcomes via a digital escape room learning context for students with various learning backgrounds and in an innovative co-teaching scenario. The collaboratively designed and implemented digital escape room activity challenges language learners to solve language puzzles, create new media content, and use receptive and productive language skills to find clues and passwords, fostering collaboration and communication among learners who are motivated to make use of their transversal skills while breaking out from such a complex language activity.
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Fang, Di. "Collaborative assessments in Mandarin conversation." Chinese Language and Discourse 12, no. 1 (July 8, 2021): 52–83.

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Abstract The co-production of a sentence is a phenomenon that is widely observed in talk-in-interaction across languages. However, with a few notable exceptions, there is still much room for the investigation of how the co-production of sentences is put to the service of specific actions and activities in different language communities. This paper, using 10 hours of video-recorded data, examines the co-production of assessments (“collaborative assessments”) in Mandarin conversation. It is found that speakers can use syntactic, prosodic, and bodily-visual devices to realize assessment collaboration, and that the functions of collaborative assessment include (1) helping provide a candidate assessment term and facilitating the assessment; (2) articulating/specifying ‘vague’ assessments; (3) helping complete the foreshadowing of a negative assessment term; and (4) co-participation in the assessment activity. This paper also discusses the design features of co-completion and subsequent responses on the basis of the continuum of speakers’ epistemic authority and agency in collaborative assessment sequences and concludes with some implications of this study for grammar as practice.
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Hellermann, John. "The sequential and prosodic co-construction of a ‘quiz game’ activity in classroom talk." Journal of Pragmatics 37, no. 6 (June 2005): 919–44.

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Tal-Or, Nurit, and Yariv Tsfati. "Does the Co-Viewing of Sexual Material Affect Rape Myth Acceptance? The Role of the Co-Viewer’s Reactions and Gender." Communication Research 45, no. 4 (July 28, 2015): 577–602.

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While media research has long ago acknowledged that watching TV is a social activity, only a few studies have examined the effects of co-viewing on adult reactions to a televised text. In the current investigation, we used social-cognitive theory combined with previous research on the intra-audience effect, audience identification, transportation, and attitude change to develop hypotheses connecting co-viewers’ reactions, co-viewers’ gender, and viewer’s post-exposure attitudes. Participants watched a movie segment that ended in a rape scene. We manipulated their confederate co-viewers’ displayed reaction (enthusiastic or bored) and gender, and subsequently measured perceived co-viewers’ attributions of responsibility for the rape, the viewers’ transportation, identification with the male protagonist, and acceptance of the rape myth (the tendency to attribute responsibility for sexual violence to the victim). Results demonstrated that for those participants who correctly perceived the engagement manipulation, the effect of the confederate co-viewer’s engagement manipulation on rape myth acceptance was positive and significant. In addition, both manipulations had an indirect effect on rape myth acceptance, sequentially mediated through transportation and identification.
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McDougall, Jill. "Basal Readers In The Language Program." Aboriginal Child at School 22, no. 3 (October 1994): 24–27.

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Most educationalists now acknowledge the pedagogical power of the Whole Language or Language Experience approach to the teaching of reading and other language skills. This approach is particularly valuable in remote Aboriginal schools where teaching resources can be made culturally relevant by centering learning around local and community driven experiences. Once a theme has been selected (usually around a personal or mediated experience such an excursion or other activity or a Big Book), the children are immersed in the oral and written language that arises from this experience. Activities may include creating a negotiated text, modelled writing, co-operative cloze and formulating a personal response to the experience. A thematic approach seeks to provide sufficient repetition of language structures and vocabulary for children to increase their fluency as readers and to generally expand their skills as language users.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Language co-activity"


Magniant, Véronique. "Des gestes professionnels langagiers didactiques au cours préparatoire, au service de la co-activité langagière de révision de textes écrits et de la construction du sujet dans différentes disciplines." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.

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Nos travaux s’ancrent dans une perspective doublement historico-culturelle : d’une part, nous considérons l’activité langagière en tant que processus dynamique d’élaboration de concepts scientifiques, de production de discours dans la perspective de l’interactionnisme social et de sémiotisation à l’oral comme à l’écrit. Ces trois activités langagières et cognitives participent, selon la théorie léontievienne à laquelle nous souscrivons, au développement des élèves et à la formation de leur personnalité. D’autre part, nous nous situons dans une approche vygotskienne de l’apprentissage : nous nous intéressons à la manière dont des sujets âgés de cinq à sept ans s’approprient des concepts scientifiques transposés (dont fait partie le langage écrit), dans des contextes socio-discursifs définis par les disciplines scolaires, grâce à la co-activité cognitive et langagière avec l’adulte. Nous nous intéressons en particulier à l’apprentissage de l’activité scripturale en classe de CP et proposons de nous focaliser sur la manière dont langage oral et langage écrit peuvent s’articuler et être enseignés par le biais de l’opération de révision des textes écrits par les élèves, dans différents domaines d’apprentissage disciplinaires. Cette approche de l’enseignement de l’activité langagière trouve ses fondements dans les travaux sur la notion de littératie et inclut les pratiques langagières familiales et scolaires en réfutant toute dichotomie entre activité langagière orale et écrite. Nous décrivons un dispositif de révision collective des écrits d’élèves, produits dans différentes disciplines, et procédons à une triple analyse : à partir d’une analyse épistémique réalisée au préalable, nous cherchons à identifier les apprentissages réalisés par les élèves, perceptibles dans des écrits terminaux. Puis nous tentons de les mettre en lien avec des interactions orales qui ont lieu lors des séances d’évaluation des écrits et caractérisons la nature de ces interactions. Au sein des séances de révision, nous tentons enfin d’identifier des Gestes Professionnels Langagiers Didactiques (GPLD), réalisés par les enseignantes ayant participé à la construction des données et participant à l’appropriation des savoirs langagiers (notamment scripturaux) par les élèves. Nos résultats permettent d’identifier, dans les écrits finaux, des déplacements à la fois sémiotiques, discursifs, culturels et psycho-affectifs. Ces déplacements peuvent être mis en lien avec certaines interactions orales pendant les séances de révision des écrits initiaux. L’analyse fine des interactions orales permet ainsi d’identifier des GPLD spécifiques de l’enseignement de l’activité langagière au CP, tels que : GPLD de catégorisation des situations d’écriture, GPLD de secondarisation des discours, GPLD de densification des schématisations au sujet des objets scientifiques transposés. Plusieurs GPLD mettent en avant le continuum entre oralité et scripturalité, comme les GPLD d’oralisation des textes écrits, ou de scripturalisation des textes oraux. Nous voyons dans certains cas que ces GPLD sont appropriés par les élèves et qu’une certaine réversibilité s’opère dans la co-activité langagière, ce qui met en lumière les liens entre activité intrasubjective et intersubjective. Selon nos résultats, les GPLD permettent à tous les élèves de l’étude de s’instaurer en tant que sujets dans les différentes communautés discursives disciplinaires, d’apprendre à devenir énonciateurs de textes à l’oral comme à l’écrit, dans différentes situations. À la lueur des travaux menés en socio-didactique, et selon nous, les GPLD identifiés pourraient ainsi être des outils pour enseigner l’activité langagière dans toute sa complexité, à tous les élèves, même à ceux les plus éloignés des pratiques langagières scolaires
Our work is rooted in a dual historical-cultural perspective: on the one hand, we consider language activity as a dynamic process of elaborating scientific concepts, producing discourse from the perspective of social interactionism, and semiotising both orally and in writing. According to the Leontievian theory to which we subscribe, these three language and cognitive activities contribute to the development of pupils and the formation of their personalities. On the other hand, we take a Vygotskian approach to learning: we are interested in the way in which subjects aged between five and seven appropriate transposed scientific concepts (of which written language is a part), in socio-discursive contexts defined by the school disciplines, thanks to cognitive and linguistic co-activity with the adult. We are particularly interested in learning to write in the first grade and propose to focus on the way in which oral language and written language can be articulated and taught through the process of revising texts written by pupils in different subject areas. This approach to teaching language activity is based on work on the notion of literacy and includes family and school language practices, refuting any dichotomy between oral and written language activity. We describe a system for the collective revision of pupils' writing, produced in different subjects, and carry out a threefold analysis: on the basis of an epistemic analysis carried out beforehand, we seek to identify the learning achieved by the pupils, perceptible in their initial writing. We then attempt to link them to the oral interactions that take place during the writing assessment sessions and characterise the nature of these interactions. Finally, within the revision sessions, we attempt to identify Didactic Language Proficiency Gestures (DLPGs) carried out by the teachers involved in constructing the data and participating in the appropriation of language knowledge (particularly scriptural knowledge) by the pupils. Our results enable us to identify semiotic, discursive, cultural and psycho-affective shifts in the final writings. These shifts can be linked to certain oral interactions during the revision sessions of the initial writings. A detailed analysis of oral interactions makes it possible to identify DLPGs specific to the teaching of language activities in CP, such as: DLPG of categorisation of writing situations, DLPG of secondarisation of discourse, DLPG of densification of schematisations about transposed scientific objects. Several GPLD highlight the continuum between orality and scripturality, such as the DLPG of oralisation of written texts, or scripturalisation of oral texts. In some cases, we see that these DLPGs are appropriated by the pupils and that a certain reversibility occurs in language co-activity, which highlights the links between intrasubjective and intersubjective activity. According to our results, the DLPGs enable all the pupils in the study to establish themselves as subjects in the various disciplinary discourse communities, to learn to become enunciators of texts, both orally and in writing, in different situations. In the light of the work carried out in socio-didactics, and in our view, the DLPGs identified could thus be tools for teaching language activity in all its complexity to all pupils, even those furthest removed from school language practices
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Kist, Liane Batistela. "O desenvolvimento profissional corresponsável na formacão de professores de língua materna à luz da teoria holística da atividade." Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2017.

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This study investigates the Co-responsible Professional Development (DPC, in Portuguese), in first language teachers’ formation (LM teachers, in Portuguese) based on the Holistic Activity Theory (THA, in Portuguese). The DPC is a triadic conception of professionalization that articulates, based on alliance and reciprocal confidence, three contexts: Academy, Graduation and Market. The DPC is one of the basic concepts of THA studied by Richter (2011) which pattern concerns on the inseparability among conduct, concept and quality in the professional practice, ordered in a systemic way through a set of criteria that are the basis of the parameterization of a specialized job in an autopoietic horizon, denominated as framework. The development of the investigation starts out from an analysis from an excerpt of the activity report of the Portuguese Language Course Subproject that integrates the Institutional Scholarship Program of Introduction to Teaching First Language (PIBID/Português, in Portuguese). Owing that, to implement a DPC, a professional alliance is necessary based on a link of confidence and on the adoption of a paradigm of consensual work (framework) between initial and in-service capacitation, this study begins by analyzing the PIBID/Português as a formative model able to anchor the necessary elements to the professional development of first language teachers. Through a case study within the scope of qualitative research and using the indiciary paradigm from GINZBURG (1989), it is possible to say, in a general way, that PIBID/Português revealed itself as a formative referential with a strong tendency to anchor a DPC and its developments: principles of job framework founded by the DPC, absence of problems in the framework interfaces, setting up as a consequence of the absence of deviation in the means and relations with the socio-interacionist paradigm in the conceptual field of first language, which are revealers of what THA denominates as overcoming akrasia. In other words, this study brings out some positive aspects concerning the inseparability between conduct, concept and value in a triadic situation of professionalization.
Este estudo investiga o Desenvolvimento Profissional Corresponsável (DPC), especialmente, na formação do professor de Língua Materna (LM) à luz da Teoria Holística da Atividade (THA). O DPC consiste em uma concepção triádica de profissionalização, articulando, em bases de aliança e confiança recíproca, três lugares: Academia, Graduação e Mercado. O DPC é um dos conceitos básicos da THA, escudada por Richter (2011), cuja matriz diz respeito à inseparabilidade entre conduta, conceito e valor no exercício profissional, ordenados de forma sistêmica, por meio de um conjunto de critérios embasadores da parametrização de um trabalho especializado num horizonte autopoiético, (enquadramento). O desenvolvimento da investigação partiu da análise de uma parte do relatório de atividades do Subprojeto Letras Português, integrante do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência – PIBID. Tendo em vista que, para se implementar um DPC, é necessária uma aliança profissional alicerçada num elo de confiança e na adoção de um paradigma de trabalho (enquadramento) consensual entre capacitação inicial e emserviço, essa pesquisa parte da análise do PIBID/Português como um referencial formativo capaz de ancorar os fatores necessários ao desenvolvimento profissional de professores de LM. Por intermédio de um estudo de caso, no escopo das pesquisas de base qualitativa, e através do paradigma indiciário de GINZBURG (1989), pode-se dizer, de modo geral, que o PIBID/Português revelou-se como um referencial formativo, com forte tendência ao ancoramento de um DPC e seus desdobramentos: princípios de enquadramento de trabalho proposto pela THA, ausência de problemas nas interfaces do enquadramento, configurando, consequentemente, ausência de desvios aos meios e relações com o paradigma sociointeracionista no quadro conceitual do ensino de Língua Materna como marca de superação do que a THA denomina de acrasia. Em outras palavras, revelou aspectos positivos no tocante à inseparabilidade entre conduta, conceito e valor, em uma situação triádica de profissionalização.
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Marko, Rodić. "Kompleksi Co(III), Ni(II) i Cu(II) sa hidrazonima nekih 2-piridil-ketona." Phd thesis, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, 2015.

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U disertaciji su opisane sinteze i fizičko-hemijske karakterizacije 32 kompleksa kobalta(III), nikla(II) i bakra(II) sa ligandima S-metilizotiosemikarbazonom 2-acetilpiridina (HL¹), bis(S-metilizotiosemikarbazonom) 2,6-diacetilpiridina (H₂L²), tiosemikarbazonom-S-metilizotiosemikarbazonom 2,6-diacetilpiridina (HL³), 1-adamantoilhidrazonom 2-acetilpiridina (HL⁴) i 1-adamantoilhidrazonom di(2-piridil)-ketona (HL⁵).Kako ligandi HL³, HL⁴ i HL⁵ do sada nisu bili sintetisani, dobijeni rezultati ujedno predstavljaju i prve iz njihove koordinacione hemije. Iako je sa S-metilizotiosemikarbazonom 2-acetilpiridina poznato nekoliko kompleksa, do sada nijedan od njih nije strukturno okarakterisan, tako da su rezultati prikazani u ovoj disertaciji dali jasnu sliku o načinima koordinacije HL¹. Takođe, kako je sa H₂L² poznat vrlo malo broj kompleksa, dobijeni rezultati su dali značajan doprinos razumevanju koordinacione hemije ovog liganda.Gotovo svi sintetisani kompleksi (njih 27 od 32) su strukturno okarakterisani metodom rendgenske kristalografije. Odabrana jedinjenja su ispitana metodama termičke analize, a utvrđena je njihova antimikrobna i citotoksična aktivnost. 
This thesis describes syntheses and physico-chemical characterizations of 32 complexes of cobalt(III), nickel(II) and copper(II), with ligands 2-acetylpyridine S-methylisothiosemicarbazone (HL¹), 2,6-dicetylpyridine bis(S-methylisothiosemicarbazone) (H₂L²), thiosemicarbazone-S-methylisothiosemicarbazone 2,6-dicetylpyridine (HL³), 2-acetylpyridine 1-adamantoylhydrazone (HL⁴), and di(2-pyridil)-ketone 1-adamantoylhydrazone (HL⁵).Since the ligands HL³, HL⁴, and HL⁵ were not synthetized hitherto, the obtained results are the first regarding their coordination chemistry as well. Even though there are several complexes reported with 2-acetylpyridine S-methylisothiosemicarbazone as a ligand, none of them was structurally characterized. Therefore, here presented results gave clear insight into coordination modes of the HL¹. Moreover, since there is limited number of complexes with H₂L² reported hitherto, the obtained results gave significant contribution to understanding of its coordination chemistry.Almost each synthetized complex (27 out of 32) was structurally characterized by means of single crystal X-ray crystallography. The selected compounds were characterized by thermal analysis, and their antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity were determined.
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Fantognon, Comlan Xavier. "Analyse émergentiste des pratiques enseignantes en FLES : cas de l’appropriation de l’IFADEM au Bénin. Entre contextualisation, réflexivité et médiation." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015.

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Située au carrefour de la didactique des langues et cultures et des sciences de l’éducation, la présente thèse porte sur l’appropriation, par les enseignants du cycle primaire au Bénin, de l’Initiative Francophone pour la Formation à Distance des Maîtres (IFADEM) en tant que dispositif de formation continue, en enseignement-apprentissage du FLES. L’objectif consiste à apporter des pistes pour améliorer l’appropriation du dispositif. A partir d’un modèle théorique d’appropriation, mis en place au regard d’une approche théorique transdisciplinaire et des spécificités du contexte d’étude, doublé d’une démarche de triangulation articulant enquêtes par questionnaires, par entretiens semi-directifs, d’auto-confrontation et par observations de pratiques effectives (situantes), nous nous sommes attachés à identifier les « indicateurs » d’appropriation ainsi que les « effets » du dispositif de formation sur les « pratiques pédagogiques effectives » des enseignants. Les théories holistiques de l’apprentissage des langues et spécifiquement l’éducation bilingue, le translanguaging et les théories sur l’enseignement-apprentissage de l’oral, ont constitué un socle pour l’analyse et la compréhension de la situation de recherche. La stabilité de nos analyses, offerte par le choix d’une méthodologie par triangulation, confirme que le parcours d’appropriation est déterminé par des relations d’interdépendance entre des facteurs situationnels (contextualisation), relationnels (relation avec les pairs) et individuels (self-system, réflexivité, recul épistémologique). Elle nous permet également d’aboutir aux conclusions suivantes : les enseignants bénéficiaires de la formation IFADEM font usage de la formation de façon instrumentale, et notamment des tâches qui leurs sont proposées pour améliorer l’enseignement oral du et en français afin de faire face au plurilinguisme. Ils sont exposés à plusieurs variations d’échelle, sources de contraintes et de tensions dans leurs activités pédagogiques, et ces dernières constituent un frein à l’appropriation du dispositif. L’analyse du processus d’appropriation au regard de l’émergentisme et des systèmes complexes d’activité permet d’aboutir au fait que les tensions générées par le déploiement du dispositif IFADEM font partie intégrante du processus de transformation de ce dernier. C’est l’absence de feed-back soutenu et institutionnalisé qui constitue une entrave à l’appropriation du dispositif. Afin de réagir positivement à ces écarts et de garantir l’appropriation du dispositif, le recours à la médiation ainsi qu’à une approche par tâches constituerait une voie intermédiaire. Elle permettrait notamment au dispositif de formation IFADEM, de s’inscrire dans une démarche co-évolutive, essentielle à l’équilibre des systèmes. C’est en tenant compte de l’ensemble de ces analyses et ajustements que cette recherche aboutit à l’élaboration d’un modèle d’appropriation
This PhD thesis, situated at the crossroads of two domains – language and culture learning and teaching and learning sciences – deals with the way Beninese primary school teachers appropriated the IFADEM programme - « Initiative Francophone pour la Formation à Distance des Maîtres » (Francophone Initiative for Distance Education of Teachers), as a lifelong education environment in the teaching and learning of « French as Foreign/Second Language Learning ». Our purpose is to suggest new avenues aimed at improving the appropriation of this education environment. Our approach is based on a theoretical model of appropriation informed by a transdisciplinary theoretical stance and by the specifics of the context under study, but also on a triangulation method mixing questionnaire surveys, semi-directive interviews, self-confrontation interviews and observations of actual practises (situating). We try to identify the « indicators » of appropriation as well as the « effects » of the education environment on the « actual pedagogical practises » of teachers. Holistic theories of language learning – and more specifically bilingual education, translanguaging and the theories on oral skills development have given a foundation to the analysis and the comprehension of the research situation. The stability of our analyses, made possible by the choice of a triangulation methodology, confirms that the appropriation paths are determined by interdependency relations between factors of situational (contextualisation), relational (relationships with peers) and individual (self-system, reflexivity, epistemological distancing) natures. It also allows us to reach the following conclusions : the teachers who benefitted from the IFADEM training use it instrumentally and more specifically use the tasks they were proposed to improve the teaching of oral skills in and of French, in order to tackle the question of plurilingualism. These teachers are faced with several scale variations which engender constraints and tensions in their pedagogical activities, thus hindering the appropriation of the education environment. The analysis of the appropriation process in the light of emergentism and of complex systems of activity leads to the conclusion that the tensions generated by the implementation of the IFADEM progamm are part and parcel of its process of transformation. The absence of institutionalised and sustained feedback is the real hindrance to the appropriation of the education environment. In order to reduce these discrepancies in a positive way and to guarantee appropriation, turning to mediation and a task-based approach would constitute a middle way. In particular, it would allow the IFADEM environment to come within the scope of a co-evolutive approach, which is essential to the balance of systems. Taking into account all these analyses and adjustments helps this research to reach the elaboration of a model of appropriation
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Books on the topic "Language co-activity"


Angotti, Franco, and Giuseppe Pelosi, eds. Il Telefono & Dintorni. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2011.

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Sponsored by the University of Florence, the "National Committee for the celebrations of the bicentenary of the birth of Antonio Meucci" had multiple goals. These included: fostering a knowledge of the historic period in which Antonio Meucci lived in Florence, where he was born on 13 April 1808; contributing to spread and enhance technical-scientific culture among secondary school and university students; offering an occasion for reflection on the future of telecommunications from the perspective of technological innovation and the legal, regulatory, economic and social aspects; underscoring the influence of the telephone on the evolution of language, customs and means of expression, and finally co-ordinating and enhancing other initiatives not directly sponsored by the Committee. This book "Il telefono & dintorni" brings together a selection of the events, contributions and 'images' selected from among the numerous initiatives organised by the Meucci Committee over its three years of activity.
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Landolfi, Liliana. Explanation as a joint activity: Co-constructing knowledge in second-language classrooms. 1988.

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Book chapters on the topic "Language co-activity"


Rogers, Eoin, John D. Kelleher, and Robert J. Ross. "Language Model Co-occurrence Linking for Interleaved Activity Discovery." In Machine Learning for Networking, 70–84. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Elola, Idoia, and Ana Oskoz. "Chapter 1. Sociocultural approaches to L2 digital collaborative writing." In Language Learning & Language Teaching, 12–31. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2023.

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Whereas collaborative writing is an established approach to second language (L2) education, the use of this approach in the L2 classroom has now been bolstered by the ubiquity of digital tools. Sociocultural theory (SCT) and activity theory (AT), both frameworks that inform digital collaborative writing, conceptualize writing as a holistic activity in which several key elements interact dynamically, including participants, tools, and outcomes. This chapter explores the value of knowledge sharing, meaning negotiation, scaffolding, mediation, intersubjectivity, and action completion – all pivotal tenets in collaborative writing – through these frameworks. It also illustrates critical issues (e.g., knowledge co-construction and interaction) and concludes by acknowledging unexplored areas of research and instructional practices that could further advance digital collaborative writing.
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Davin, Kristin J. "Mediator and Learner Engagement in Co-Regulated Inter-Psychological Activity." In The Routledge Handbook of Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Development, 282–94. New York : Routledge, 2018. | Series: Routledge handbooks in applied linguistics: Routledge, 2018.

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Akimoto, Taisuke, and Takashi Ogata. "Designing a Socially Open Narrative Generation System." In Natural Language Processing, 743–69. IGI Global, 2020.

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The authors propose the design of a Socially Open Narrative Generation System (SONGS) that co-creates a collection of diverse narratives from a narrative generation program and people. This is a challenge of the social application of narrative generation technology used for vitalizing the social activity of producing and sharing narratives. The key idea is to connect and unify individual narrative productions by many agents, including a computer program and many humans, via a collection of narratives produced and accumulated by these agents. At the same time, SONGS is the practice of a computational approach to narratology as a model for the social process of narrative production. This chapter describes the key concepts and mechanism design of SONGS with several experimental programs.
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Hayashi, Makoto, Junko Mori, and Tomoyo Takagi. "Contingent Achievement of Co-Tellership in a Japanese Conversation: An Analysis of Talk, Gaze, and Gesture." In The Language of Turn and Sequence, 81–122. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 2002.

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Abstract The research presented in this chapter is intended as a contribution to an understanding of the mutual bearing of linguistic resources and interactional practices (cf. Ochs, Schegl off, and Thompson 1996). Our interest is in elucidating the embodied nature of language as action in social interaction. To this end, we undertake a detailed analysis of a single episode of talk-in-interaction taken from a video taped conversation among speakers of Japanese. Our study has three closely related goals: (1) to offer a demonstration of the complex interconnection of linguistic structures and social actions, (2) to underscore the need to include the examination of co-occurring non vocal behavior in the analysis of language in face-to-face interaction, and (3) to examine the interactive achievement of a contingent participation structure, that is, that of co-tellership, within the activity of telling.
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Jakaza, Ernest. "Intersubjective Stance and Argumentation in Zimbabwean Parliamentary Discourse." In Argumentation and Appraisal in Parliamentary Discourse, 97–115. IGI Global, 2019.

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Language use in the parliament is a matter of stance taking and appraisal of others and the self-invoking systems of socio-cultural value and dis/alignments. This chapter examines the language of evaluation and appraisal in parliamentary debates and speeches. In order to account for the language of evaluation and stance in the parliament, the study evokes the appraisal resource of engagement. The research draws its analysis from the key notions of appraisal and argumentation theories focusing on how parliamentarians position themselves dis/aligning with co-participants. The research examines how the continuous process of alignment impacts on argumentation in parliamentary debates. The research concludes that intersubjective stance is an argumentative activity that involves pro and contra argumentation with parliamentarians critically testing propositions submitted in the dialogic space.
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Martinez, Hugo, Luis Becerra, and Jaime Camacho. "Information Systems Success." In Measuring Organizational Information Systems Success, 62–79. IGI Global, 2012.

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This chapter characterizes the publication activity of Information Systems success by data collected from the Science Citation Index and Social Science Citation Index databases from ISI Web of Science during 2001 to 2010. It provides insights into the research activities of Information Systems success research and identifies patterns, tendencies, or regularities existing in the literature related to authors, journals, institutes, and countries. A co-ocurrence analysis of keywords is made to indicate the core themes research areas in the literature and new emerging topics. It is found that the IS success literature has a positive growth rate, and it is likely to continue with this tendency in the future. However, the analysis shows the need to set up a common language framework that serves as a guide to researchers to develop a most mature body of knowledge.
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Bernini, Marco. "Cognitive Liminalism." In Beckett and the Cognitive Method, 122–65. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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Beckett’s fictional minds are pensive and tensive cognitive agents. If rumination feels to many of them a task to be performed or a “pensum to discharge” (U, 304), it is the way they think, however, that sparks a sustained and unsolvable cognitive differential or tension: a state of liminality due to the fact that they are not yet, or not anymore, endowed with what it takes to navigate the world effortlessly and meaningfully. The twilight atmosphere of Beckett’s boundary storyworlds or innerscapes therefore exponentially resonates with the wavering cognitive processes of what this chapter will define as liminal minds. After an overture section reinforcing how liminality is a structural principle that applies to many of Beckett’s storyworlds on several domains, the chapter heads on to the cognitive functioning of Beckett’s fictional minds. The second section focuses on Beckett’s alteration of the enactive scaffolding co-operation of language, narrative, and motility in human development. The third section analyzes his lesioning of human teleological dispositions on the motivational and emotional level, as well as the malfunctioning of predictive processes. In the final section, it addresses what kind of readerly experience results from engaging with cognitive liminalism, where liminal minds are constantly occupied by the activity of sense-making without the functional possibility of making sense.
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Cowie, Anthony P. "Phraseology." In Practical Lexicography, 163–67. Oxford University PressOxford, 2008.

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Abstract Throughout the 1980s and into the 1990s, there has been a quickening of interest among theoretical linguists, and among specialists in lexicography, discourse analysis, language acquisition, and foreign language teaching, in what were traditionally known as ‘idioms’, and are variously called ‘word-combinations’ (Zgusta 1971), ‘fixed expressions’ (Alexander 1987), and ‘phrasal lexemes’ (Pawley 1985; Lipka 1990). The interest reflects a keener awareness than before of the pervasiveness of ready-made memorized combinations in written and spoken language and a wider recognition of the central part they play in first and second language acquisition and in speech production (Bolinger 1976, 1985; Peters 1983; Pawley and Syder 1983). The notion that native-like proficiency in a language depends crucially on knowledge of a stock of prefabricated units, varying in complexity and internal cohesion, can also be seen as a necessary corrective to the atomistic view that the workings of language can be explained by a system of rules of general applicability, a lexicon largely made up of minimal units, and a set of basic principles of semantic interpretation (Fillmore et al. 1988). This shift of perception is partly the outcome of a steady accumulation of descriptive studies throughout the 1970s and 1980s, and questions of analysis and classification will be the chief focus of this survey. Phraseology, as the study of the structure, meaning, and use of wordcombinations, is not a commonly recognized field of activity among British and American linguists (for an East European view, see Arnold 1986; Gläser 1988); but that it has become a significant focus of research, especially perhaps in Europe, is apparent from the attention given to word-combinations in textbooks on lexical semantics (Cruse 1986), lexicology (Carter 1987; Lipka 1990), and vocabulary in language teaching (Carter and McCarthy 1988), and from the publication of a number of phraseological dictionaries (e.g., Cowie et al. 1983; Benson et al. 1986). It is noticeable, too, that despite the continuing influence in collocational analysis of neo-Firthian lexical theory (Sinclair 1987b), with its emphasis on observed frequency of co-occurrence within stated distances (or ‘spans’) in large computerized corpora, the dominant influences in work are a more directly Firthian strain (Mitchell 1971) and East European (specifically Soviet) phraseological theory, first mediated to non-Russian-speaking students through the work of Klappenbach (1968); Weinreich (1969); Arnold (1973); and Lipka (1974).
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Bueltmann, Tanja, and Donald M. MacRaild. "English, Scots and Germans compared: British and continental perspectives." In The English diaspora in North America. Manchester University Press, 2017.

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The English ethnic associationalism we describe in this book was not unique; indeed, it was part of a world of associations. Providing a comparative context is therefore crucial. Chapter 6 charts the evolution and purpose of those ethnic clubs and societies established in North America by other migrant groups. We focus particularly on Scots and Germans and explore the beginnings of the associational culture of these groups. The Scots were the most active in the early phase of settlement, also anchoring their associationalism in philanthropy. St Andrew’s societies, much as those of St George, had an elite dimension, but catered for a broader migrant cohort—those in distress. Similarities in the work of the two organisations even led to concrete co-operation. From the mid-nineteenth century onwards, however, the Scots developed a second and distinct tier: an ethnic associational culture at the heart of which lay sport. This contributed to a significant proliferation in Scottish ethnic associational activity—though one that was trumped, in the early twentieth century—by the Scottish mutualist branches in both the US and Canada (Order of Scottish Clans and the Sons of Scotland respectively). We also develop non-British/Irish comparators through an examination of developments in the German immigrant community in North America to establish to what extent language was a factor in immigrant adjustment to new world realities. Examining the Germans will also permit consideration of how external developments—in this case particularly the First and Second World Wars—were watersheds that united British Isle migrants, while casting out Germans and the more militant wings of the Irish.
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Conference papers on the topic "Language co-activity"


Tatarinova, Natalia, Arina Zhukova, and Julia Tatarinova. "LANGUAGE CO-LEARNING TECHNOLOGY THROUGH EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY." In 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. IATED, 2021.

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Yao, Wenqun. "A Co-relationship Study of Cognitive Style and Language Activity Design in English Class." In 7th International Conference on Management, Education, Information and Control (MEICI 2017). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2017.

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Kozitsyn, Aleksandr Sergeevich, Sergey Alexandrovich Afonin, and Dmitry Alexeevich Shachnev. "Methods for thematic search of conferences based on scientometric data." In 24th Scientific Conference “Scientific Services & Internet – 2022”. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, 2022.

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Thematic information search is used in various fields of activity. The use of thematic analysis tools to search for conferences allows you to increase the completeness of the search and coverage of conferences, helps to expand the circle of scientific communication of young scientists and the formation of closer scientific connections. The search algorithms developed by the authors use the co-authorship graph and the reference set of authors. The set can be obtained using methods of thematic search of experts or based on given samples. The developed algorithms are language insensitive and take into account the authority of conferences in the scientific community. Approbation was carried out on the data of the scientometric system IAS ISTINA.
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Radel Neto, Guilherme Requião, Nicole Faustino Nasser de Mello, Gabriele Paiva da Silva, Tayná Arias Rolim, and Marina de Souza Pimenta. "The impact of caregiver interaction with preschool children exposed inappropriately to screens on neurolinguistic development: a literature review." In XIV Congresso Paulista de Neurologia. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2023.

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Introduction: The first four years of life are critical for neurodevelopment. The overuse of technology in these first years can impact social and linguistic skills. Objective: This review investigates the role of social interaction and caregiver engagement in the neurodevelopment of babies and preschoolers with premature or excessive screen exposure. Methods: Searches on digital databases (MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane, and LILACS) were performed using the keywords “child”, “preschool”, “neurodevelopment”, “child development”, “screen time”, “child behavior”, “social interaction”, “caregivers” and “parents”. Studies were selected using PICO (population, intervention, control, and outcomes) criteria. After a double-blind screening of the 31 articles found, 6 studies were included. Results: Up to 23,168 children aged four years or younger were examined in the articles analyzed. All studies showed worse language development with an exposure higher than one hour per day, some of them showing a dose-response relationship between longer screen time and outcome severity. Two studies emphasized that prematurely exposing children to screens before the age of two has a harmful effect. Three studies demonstrated positive results regarding caregiver co-viewing and orientation during the activity. The nature of the media, parents’ perception, and exposure during family meals were ranked as possible factors that can influence language acquisition. Conclusion: This review highlights the importance of caregiver engagement in promoting neurolinguistic development in babies and preschoolers. Screen exposure can harm language skills, but conscious consumption with guidance may mitigate these effects. Exposure before the age of 2 and excessive use (exceeding 1 hour per day) between ages 2–4 can cause the most harm. Therefore, caregiver supervision and interaction play a crucial role in fostering optimal neurodevelopment in this population.
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Taking into consideration the role that power plays within the context of social life, it becomes obvious that without this attribute called ?power? there could be no ordinate human activity (Bordeiu, 2006). Seen as a political phenomenon, power seems to be the most important component of political institutions. In this regard, it is being used for keeping and consolidating a certain social order, for ensuring the functionality of all social institutions, for keeping the social cohesion in a society, for controlling the citizens? behavior, as well as for unwanted behavior prevention (Mihailescu, 2000). The most general and well-known form of power is social power and the literature of the field (Downing, 1998; Hastings, 2000; Balandier, 1998; Valsan, 1997) describes it as the means through which society adjusts itself and self-regulates its mechanism with the purpose of ensuring and sustaining its optimum functionality. Bordeiu (2006) sees it as the element that sets in motion all the social gearing towards historical progress, the propelling force which accomplishes social and sustainable development, the binding concept among all the social structures and phenomena, which it definitely organizes (forming its hierarchical systems), coordinates and orchestrates according to the target agenda. Like any other social phenomena, the social power phenomenon distinguishes itself through a series of specific traits and the question is whether these traits that personalize social power do need the use of language or not, and if they do, at what level? In what follows, I will briefly summarize the traits of social power as proposed by Bordeiu (2006) and the diverse manifestations of power forms in society, trying to determine (via logical assumptions) the relevance of language for each category:&#8594; Display as social relation ? social power relies invariably on the existence of a specific social relation (subordination: leader to obedient, also co-operation for achieving conjoint goals) between people or groups of people, typical of any community, no matter its size (family, tribe, nation). Among the members of any groups appear different relations based on interests (power, solidarity, collaboration, conflict, etc), relations that come into being according to a specific context and are submitted to the filter of language. &#8594; Display as organization and management of social life ? power constitutes the most important element in organizing, ruling and adjustment setting of social life. It imposes the goals of human activity, the necessary means and strategies for achieving them and in this way power becomes the vital component that establishes and applies social order on the social level, an order that in its turn generates the phenomenon of power. So, social order depends on organization in order to validate power and vice versa, but neither of them can materialize themselves without the support of language. &#8594; Essentiality and Permanence - power is an essential and a permanent element for social relations and therefore ensures the normal functioning of society. But the normal functioning of a society could never be achieved without the patterns of communication and verbal interaction. Language itself becomes this way essential and permanent to society. &#8594; Global Display ? power has, among other things, the quality of a global factor and becomes an integrator that orchestrates and incorporates all the other forms of ruling and organization of social activities. During the integration process, language plays a decisive role, as it ensures the uniformity of the system (language performing values). &#8594; Social Values Synthesis Display ? The values promoted by power represent a synthesis of the other values manifested on the social level, which reflect the interests of the social majority, taking into consideration those related to the historical, moral or cultural tradition. In this case, language has the capacity to store these values, ensures fluency in passing on specific values and provides the opportunity to form a majority which will share the same ideological language. &#8594; Roles Asymmetry within Power Relationships ? The need for organizing and ruling different forms of activity (within complex human groups) determines social divisions, respectively asymmetries in the roles assumed by different categories of individuals (leaders and obeyers).
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Felea, Cristina, and Liana Stanca. "A TOOL FOR DETERMINING AN OPTIMAL MODEL OF STUDENT ENGAGEMENT IN WIKIS FOR LEARNING ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES." In eLSE 2014. Editura Universitatii Nationale de Aparare "Carol I", 2014.

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The problem of learners' engagement is receiving renewed attention against the background of the transition from traditional to technology-enhanced learning environments and the ensuing shift from the transmission to the (co-)construction of knowledge model in teaching/learning. Recent studies on the use of social media for academic purposes have also revealed transformations in student and teacher roles and behaviour. This study is part of an ongoing research on various pedagogical aspects related to early adoption of Web 2.0 tools (wikis) in a blended language learning programme of English for Academic Purposes attended by undergraduate students in social sciences in a Romanian university. The authors' prior research on student behaviour suggested low participation levels during the semester and high activity under the pressure of finals. Our current objective is to continue the research in an attempt to provide a more accurate learner profile that could help teachers improve the learning environment to further activate their students. We applied the ROC analysis, a cost/benefit analysis of diagnostic decision making, in order to diagnose the features of students who would use successfully a Web 2.0 tool for learning. The study aims to exemplify how ROC analysis can be used to offer a classification of students with positive/negative inclinations to adopt a Web 2.0 tool by eliminating the false-positives, respectively the false-negatives. Consequently, it may become a tool to select a possible optimal model to be considered in the process of needs analysis and of taking important decisions regarding teaching methods, course contents and design.
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Colibaba, Anca cristina, Florin Murariu, Stefan Colibaba, Irina Gheorghiu, and Ovidiu Ursa. "PROMOTING LESS POPULAR SPORTS IN SCHOOLS THROUGH THE NOT ONLY FAIR PLAY ONLINE TOOLKIT." In eLSE 2016. Carol I National Defence University Publishing House, 2016.

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The article is a study of the online toolkit addressing teachers of physical education which was developed within the project Not only fair play (557089 EPP1-2014-IT-SPO-SCP) co-financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme, Sport - Collaborative Partnership. The project aims to promote the enhancement of sport and physical activities offer of European schools both within the curricular activities and through extracurricular initiatives in order to confute the need to necessary choose between studying and doing sport. And through the project sport and physical activity became a fundamental educational tool to provide students with self confidence, socialisation opportunities, mutual understanding among different cultures and valorise the role that the universal language of sport can play in order to achieve social inclusion, equal opportunities and tolerance. The online toolkit benefits from the outcomes, knowledge and experience gained from previous European projects related to the topic. It is based on research on physical education activities, less popular sports and games and sports preferences of the students from the partners' countries. The online toolkit addresses teachers from mainstream, special needs and inclusive schools. The main chapters develop topics such as: the role of sports in education and life; the balance between sports and study; methods of motivating students only interested in sport to improve their school performances. The toolkit also provides teachers with materials on how to: integrate sport and healthy lifestyle approaches into the students' educational pathways; promote an ethical approach to sport; and use sports as a means to acquire transversal skills and as a means of social inclusion. The toolkit provides teachers with counseling and training on how to use sports in school and extracurricular contexts.
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