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Valk, Karl. "Le projet intellectuel d'un réformateur : Philippe de Mézières (1327-1405)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.

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Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de l'activité littéraire de Philippe de Mézières (1327-1405) dans une perspective d'histoire intellectuelle. Elle s'appuie sur des concepts élaborés par l'« École de Cambridge », en mettant l'accent sur l'interaction entre les langages intellectuels - des façons de parler fondées sur des autorités - et les actes de langage - des énoncés réalisés à l'aide de ces langages. Je commence par souligner le rôle de Philippe de Mézières lui-même dans la construction de récits biographiques repris par l'historiographie. Une enquête sur les principales références utilisées dans les œuvres de Mézières m'amène ensuite à souligner un recours ostentatoire aux sources bibliques et patristiques. Je l'explique par ses affinités avec une culture intellectuelle émergente, centrée sur la cour papale d'Avignon et pratiquée par un cercle influent et mobile de clercs et de laïcs ayant un penchant pour la création littéraire et la pensée réformatrice. Des études de cas consacrées à Nicole Oresme et à Brigitte de Suède me permettent d'illustrer les relations sociales et intellectuelles soudant ce réseau. Une dernière partie est consacrée aux fondements de la vision du monde de Mézières. Son œuvre met en évidence la relation historique entre Dieu et la congrégation des fidèles. Son intérêt pour l'Église primitive et son plaidoyer en faveur d'un concile général incluant des laïcs le rapprochent à la fois des critiques de la papauté d'Avignon et des partisans du mouvement conciliaire. Son projet d'Ordre de la Passion témoigne d'une préférence pour l'ecclésiologie des ordres militaires ainsi que pour les institutions politiques des cités-états de l'Italie du Nord
This thesis is devoted to the study of the literary activity of Philippe de Mézières (1327-1405) from an intellectual historical perspective. It draws from concepts elaborated by the “Cambridge school”, focusing on the interplay between intellectual languages - ways of speaking based on authoritative traditions - and language acts - particular utterances made using those languages. I begin by emphasising the importance of Philippe de Mézières himself in forming the narratives upon which historiographical accounts of his life have largely been based. An investigation of the main references used in Mézières' works then leads me to underline an ostentatious reliance on Biblical and Patristic sources. I explain this tendency by Mézières' affinities with an emerging intellectual culture centred around the papal court of Avignon and practised by an influential and highly mobile circle of clerics and laypeople with a penchant for literary creation and reformist thought. Case studies devoted to Nicole Oresme and Bridget of Sweden permit me to exemplify the social and intellectual relations that bind this network together. A final section is devoted to the basic tenets of Mézières's world-view. His work brings to the fore the historical relationship between God and the congregation of the faithful. Mézières' interest for the early church and his advocacy for a general council including laypeople connect him with both critics of the Avignon papacy and proponents of the conciliar movement. His project of the Order of the Passion evinces a preference for the vanguardist ecclesiology of the military orders as well as for the political institutions of Northern-Italian city-states
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ALBERTINI, CHRISTOPHE. "Contribution a l'etude de l'organisation spatio-temporelle et langagiere chez l'enfant presentant un deficit intellectuel." Aix-Marseille 2, 1989.

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Guist'hau, Béatrice Ceillier Jean-Yves. "De l'utilité du programme de communication Makaton étude de cas de 4 enfants présentant un déficit intellectuel et des troubles sévères du langage /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2007.

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Andrien, Loïc. "Les outils de gestion et la construction du sens de l’action collective : Étude de cas d’un outil d’évaluation des besoins dans des associations de parents de personnes en situation de handicap intellectuel." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.

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A travers l’étude d’un outil d’évaluation des besoins dans huit associations de parents de personnes en situation de handicap intellectuel, pendant cinq ans, nous avons enquêté sur la place qu’il prend dans la construction du sens de l’action collective. Nous inspirant de la théorie de la rationalité ordinaire de Raymond Boudon et des travaux de Jacques Girin sur le langage dans les organisations, nous proposons une approche originale de la notion d’institution, considérée comme un processus de stabilisation d’un système de croyances collectives. Nous montrons que l’institution est essentiellement œuvre de langage et que les outils de gestion participent à l’appauvrir. En structurant l’activité que l’instrument est censé outiller, il contribue à diminuer les discussions des utilisateurs et donc la construction du sens de l’action collective
Through the study of a needs assessment tool in eight associations of parents of people with intellectual disabilities, for five years, we investigated the place it takes in the construction of the sense of collective action. Inspired by Raymond Boudon's theory of ordinary rationality and Jacques Girin's work on language in organizations, we propose an original approach to the notion of institution, considered as a process of stabilization of a system of collective beliefs. We show that the institution is essentially a work of language and that management tools help to impoverish it. By structuring the activity that the instrument is supposed to equip, it contributes to reducing the discussions of the users and thus the construction of the sense of the collective action
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Wiseman, Roxanne Elizabeth. "Mapping the language of intellectual disability." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.

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A escrita criativa dos intelectuais-artistas Roberto Corrêa dos Santos e Teixeira Coelho, inconfigurável segundo parâmetros mais usuais do ensaísmo acadêmico em literatura, vislumbra outros espaços em relação à tarefa da crítica na atualidade. Essa escrita motiva um estudo em que as re-descrições produzidas pela crítica no universo da literatura quanto ao seu próprio discurso, no contexto dos últimos vinte anos, são comparadas a redescrições do posicionamento crítico elaborado no campo das artes visuais. As performances literárias de Roberto Corrêa dos Santos e de Teixeira Coelho, vistas como criação de novos instrumentos, harmonizam-se com experiências da visualidade na arte contemporânea, em que são problematizados, conjuntamente por críticos e artistas, o essencialismo, o representacionismo e o fundacionismo. O radicalismo crítico filosófico do neopragmatismo, voltado para essas últimas questões e pouco evidenciado na cultura acadêmica brasileira, é incluído no diálogo pretendido nesta tese com o objetivo de uma vívida ampliação de perspectivas.
The creative writing of the intellectual artists Roberto Corrêa dos Santos and Teixeira Coelho, unclassifiable according to the usual parameters of academic writing in literature, points to other spaces within current practices in literary criticism. Such writing motivates a study in which redescriptions of the discourse produced by literary criticism in the past two decades are compared with redescriptions of critical positioning produced in the field of visual art. The literary productions of Roberto Corrêa dos Santos and Teixeira Coelho, seen as the creation of new instruments, are found to echo the experiences of visuality in contemporary art, in which essentialism, representationalism and foundationism are questioned both by critics and artists. The critical philosophical radicalism of neopragmatism, which addresses such issues and is scarcely represented in Brazilian academic culture, is included in the comprehensive dialogue offered in this dissertation, with a view to a sharp widening of perspectives.
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Remy-Neris, Amélie. "Lecture partagée et développement du langage de l'enfant avec une déficience intellectuelle." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024.

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La lecture partagée, activité ludique qui consiste à interagir avec un enfant autour de l'histoire d'un livre et de ses illustrations, est étudiée depuis de nombreuses décennies en raison de ses effets bénéfiques sur le développement du langage. Des travaux conduits chez les enfants tout-venant ont montré qu'elle permettait d'enrichir le vocabulaire et, possiblement, de favoriser l'apprentissage de structures morphosyntaxiques. Il pourrait donc s'avérer utile de promouvoir cette pratique auprès d'enfants présentant des difficultés langagières. C'est le cas notamment des enfants avec une déficience intellectuelle, lesquels nécessitent un accompagnement langagier régulier et important pour développer leurs compétences lexicales et morphosyntaxiques. Les travaux réalisés à leur sujet à propos de l'efficacité de cette activité n'en sont cependant qu'à leurs balbutiements. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous nous sommes attelés à cette question en mettant en œuvre une étude interventionnelle. En l'occurrence, un essai contrôlé randomisé a été conduit auprès d'enfants de 6 à 12 ans scolarisés en instituts médico-éducatifs, des établissements accueillant des enfants et adolescents présentant une déficience intellectuelle. Différentes épreuves ont été administrées à l'ensemble des participants au cours d'un prétest. Elles consistaient en deux tests cognitifs, quatre épreuves lexicales et quatre épreuves morphosyntaxiques. Chaque domaine langagier a ainsi été évalué sur les versants réceptif et expressif. Les épreuves de langage étaient constituées, de manière équilibrée, de tests standardisés et d'épreuves expérimentales construites par nos soins pour les besoins de l'étude. Ces épreuves, contenant des items en lien direct avec le vocabulaire ou les structures morphosyntaxiques travaillées au cours de l'intervention, avaient pour objectif d'évaluer avec davantage de sensibilité les acquis des participants. Au total, 108 enfants présentant une déficience intellectuelle légère à modérée ont été inclus dans l'étude. Ils ont été répartis en deux groupes. Un premier groupe (« VOCABULAIRE ») a bénéficié de séances de lecture dialogue, une forme de lecture partagée particulièrement interactive. Ces séances étaient centrées sur l'apprentissage de 30 mots cibles. Le second groupe (« MORPHOSYNTAXE ») a, quant à lui, participé à des séances de lecture dialogue consacrées à l'apprentissage de trois structures morphosyntaxiques. Des tests statistiques ont été utilisés pour contrôler l'équivalence des groupes au prétest en ce qui concerne l'âge, le sexe, le niveau socioéconomique, le nombre de séances de lecture dialogue, les compétences pragmatiques, l'ampleur des troubles du comportement, l'investissement des participants au cours des séances et, bien entendu, leur niveau de développement cognitif et langagier. Au terme des séances, les épreuves langagières ont été une nouvelle fois administrées. La comparaison des performances des deux groupes suggère que l'entraînement du groupe VOCABULAIRE a permis d'améliorer significativement la compréhension et la production des mots cibles par les participants. Ce résultat confirme les enseignements des travaux conduits antérieurement à propos des enfants tout-venant et ouvre des perspectives cliniques intéressantes ainsi que des pistes pour de futurs projets de recherche dans le champ de la déficience intellectuelle. En revanche, les résultats obtenus aux épreuves de morphosyntaxe ne permettent pas de conclure à l'efficacité des séances de lecture dialogue pour améliorer les compétences de nos participants, possiblement en raison d'un trop faible nombre de séances et/ou d'une moindre malléabilité de la composante morphosyntaxique du langage. Les données collectées sont cependant source de réflexions et de suggestions pour de futurs travaux interventionnels visant à favoriser le développement des compétences morphosyntaxiques chez les enfants présentant une déficience intellectuelle
Shared reading, a play-based activity that involves interacting with a child around a book story and its illustrations, has been studied for many decades for its beneficial effects on language development. Research on typical children has shown that it enriches vocabulary and, possibly, promotes the learning of morphosyntactic structures. It could therefore be useful to promote this practice among children with language difficulties. This is particularly true for children with intellectual disabilities, who require regular and substantial language support to develop their lexical and morphosyntactic skills. However, research on the effectiveness of this activity is still in its beginning. In this thesis, we set out to address this question by implementing an interventional study. A randomized controlled trial was carried out with children aged 6 to 12 enrolled in instituts médico-éducatifs, which are special school for children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Various tests were administered to all participants during the pretest. They consisted of two cognitive tests, four lexical tests and four morphosyntactic tests. Each language component was evaluated from both receptive and expressive perspectives. The language tests consisted of a balance of standardized and experimental tests, constructed for the purposes of the study. These tests, containing items directly related to the vocabulary or morphosyntactic structures worked on during the intervention, were designed to provide a more sensitive assessment of the participants' language skills. A total of 108 children with mild to moderate intellectual disability were included in the study. They were divided into two groups. The first group ("VOCABULARY") benefited from dialogic reading sessions, a particularly interactive form of shared reading. These sessions focused on the learning of 30 target words. The second group ("MORPHOSYNTAX") took part in dialogic reading sessions too, focusing on the learning of 3 morphosyntactic structures. At the end of the sessions, the language tests were administered again. A comparison of the two groups' performances indicates that training the VOCABULARY group significantly improved participants' comprehension and production of target words. This result confirms the findings of previous research on typically developing children, and opens up interesting clinical perspectives and avenues for future research projects in the field of intellectual disability. On the other hand, the results obtained on the morphosyntax tests do not allow us to conclude that the dialogic reading sessions were effective in improving the skills of our participants, possibly because the number of sessions was too low and/or because the morphosyntactic component of language was less malleable. However, the data collected provide food for thoughts and suggestions for future interventional work aimed at fostering the development of morphosyntactic skills of children with intellectual disabilities
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This project explores research-based methods for creating an e-learning resource to teach an intellectual skill. Intellectual skills are one of the five domains of learning defined by Robert M. Gagné. The intellectual skill taught via the e-learning resource is the rules of Turkish vowel harmony, a fundamental phonological feature of the Turkish language. The purpose of the e-learning resource is to provide novice learners with a set of tools and strategies with which to approach the future study of Turkish. A literature review was conducted in three areas: Gagné’s instructional design theories, Turkish language learning, and best practices for the design of multimedia e-learning. Two rapid prototypes in the form of Moodle course sites were developed. Guidance for improving the prototypes was sought from experts in instructional design, usability, and computer software. The resulting finished e-learning product is a nine-topic Moodle course based on Gagné’s nine events of instruction. The main Moodle course content teaches the rules of Turkish vowel harmony as an intellectual skill which has been broken down into discriminations (the Turkish vowels), concepts (the Turkish vowel groups) and rules (Turkish vowel harmony). Higher order rules are taught in the form of exceptions to the rules of Turkish vowel harmony found in foreign loan-words in Turkish. Practice is provided in applying the rules of Turkish vowel harmony as a set of word attack skills for approaching Turkish language artifacts found online and in the environment. A comprehensive list of resources relating to learning Turkish, learning about the Turkish language, and learning about learning Turkish, is provided to facilitate future extension and application of what was learned in this course. Each lesson is presented in the form of a Moodle book. Each lesson is followed by an ungraded assessment in the form of an Adobe® PDF quiz. The quizzes and accompanying answer keys are designed to provide guided practice, feedback, and self-assessment to help students extend and apply the lesson material. All lessons were beta-tested to ensure usability and reduction of extraneous cognitive load. The project resulted in the development of a Best Practices Checklist for designing e-learning resources to teach intellectual skills. The Best Practices Checklist, which can be found in Appendix B, was used to develop the outline for e-learning resources to teach intellectual skills in other subject areas and was found to be an effective rapid prototyping and instructional design tool. Insight was gained into the significance of prior knowledge for teaching intellectual skills, and on how to calibrate cognitive load in e-learning design relative to the learner’s prior knowledge of the subject matter being taught.
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Roberts, Paul J. "A causal-comparative study of intellectual, achievement, language, and behavioral dimensions of language-disordered and non language-disordered learning disabled children." Virtual Press, 1990.

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The study examined the existence of (dis)similarities between subgroups of learning disabled children who had language-based learning disorders and those who did not exhibit specific language-based disabilities, and what related symptomatology characterized these children. The present study extends the previous literature by utilizing a multidimensional approach to the identification of language-based learning disordered children. The subjects used in this study were a group of 46 children between the ages of 6 and 14 years old referred to a major medical center for psychoeducational evaluation due to reported learning and/or behavioral difficulties. The subjects were separated into two groups according to the nature of the initial referral. Initial comparisons of the two groups were conducted by examining differences in cognitive, achievement, language, and behavioral functional as measured by standardized psychometric instruments. Significant differences were found between the two groups on several variables. Subtyping of the sample was accomplished using Ward's Method of cluster analysis. Fourteen cluster variables were chosen for analysis. These included (a) WISC-R Verbal IQ, (b) WISC-R Performance IQ, (c) PPVT, (d) VMI, (e) Reading, Spelling, and Arithmetic subtests of the WRAT-R, (f) the five language composites of the TOLD, and (g) the Parent and Teacher versions of the Conner's Abbreviated Questionnaire. Two separate cluster analyses, one with and one without behavioral data were calculated. Results of the second cluster analysis were similar to the first. To validate the obtained cluster solutions, Multivariate Analysis of Variance was used to examine whether the clusters differed significantly on a linear composite of cognitive, achievement, language, and behavioral instruments. The expected subgroupings of language-disordered children did not appear. Several theoretical explanations for these findings are discussed and implications for future research are offered.
Department of Educational Psychology
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Sheerin, Fintan Killian. "Employing standardised language to define the unique interventions of intellectual disability nursing." Thesis, University of Ulster, 2005.

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Haddab, Mustapha. "Les intellectuels et le statut des langues en Algérie." Paris 7, 1993.

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On s'efforce de mettre au jour dans ce travail les mécanismes sociologiques qui déterminent les spécificités de l'évolution du rapport entre les langues en Algérie, principalement depuis 1962. Il contient une analyse de la genèse et du statut social des groupes qui manifestent des attitudes intransigeantes sur la question de l'arabisation en Algérie, en particulier les intellectuels et lettres arabisants. On y procède également à l'étude des conditions sociales des formes de substitution de l'usage de l'arabe à celui du français, dans divers champs sociaux ; y sont aussi analysées les formes de résistance à la progression de ces processus de substitution linguistique
The purpose of this work is to highlight the sociological mechanisms which determine the specific features of the evolution of relations among languages in Algeria, especially since 1962. It includes an analysis of the background and the social status of the groups that have taken a hard line on the issue of arab speaking intellectuals and scholars. It reviews the replacement of the use of french by the use of arab, among various social fields ; the different ways of resisting the progress of the language replacement are also studied
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Bonnaud-Lamotte, Danielle. "Du double langage aux ecrivains-guides des annees 1900-1945 (intitule du document de synthese des travaux)." Paris 3, 1995.

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Sous l'intitule du double langage aux ecrivains-guides 1900-45, document de synthese, 1992 166p. ; l'ensemble de travaux, tous deja imprimes et publies, presente : la problematique, la pregressive mise au point d'une methode, le recours a l'etude assistee par ordinateur, dite : ellao,1989,138p et l'apport de ces travaux a la connaissance des ecrivains francais engage dans la revolution socio-esthetique des annees 1900-1945. Les recherches sur la reception de charles peguy en russie et en urss de 1900 a 1970 ont accentue mon besoin de demasquer le double langage deja revele par celui tenu, en france, dans les milieux socio-culturels contemporains. V. Charles peguy davant la revolution sociale, 1992, 308p. Et mon recueil factice en litterature comparee, 1992, env. 104p l'emploi des premiers logiciels d'etudes lexicales avec le concours du labo. Lexicologie politique ens saint-cloud, de 1973 a 1992, revele la signification reelle du discours tenu par ou sur peguy, barbusse, poulaille, breton, crevel et autres. La comparaison, ensuite, de leurs ideo-socio- culturels authentiques avec leur vie personnelle : adhesion ideologique par congres
In the little book from dual language to the guiding riters of 1900-1945 are summed up all my printed and already published works. They deal with : my progressive process of computer-assisted studies : ellao, 1989, 158 p. And their bearing on the study of franch writers devoted to, they themsevles defined, as a socio-cultural revolution, from 1900 to 1945. V. Charles peguy devant 'la revolution sociale', 1992, 308 p. And my "recueil factice en litterature comparee", 1992, 104 p. The research on the reception of charles peguy in russia and the ussr, between 1900 and 1970, has stressed the need for unveiling adual language also spoken, in france even, within cultured social groups. The use of the first software programs for lexical studies, with the contribution of the political. Lexicon laboratory, at the ens of saint-cloud, from 1973 to 1992, has helped discovering the real meaning of the thinking of writers such as peguy, barbusse, breton, poulaille, crevel and others
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Rhodes, Katherine T. "Language Profile and Performances on Math Assessments for Children with Mild Intellectual Disabilities." Digital Archive @ GSU, 2012.

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It has been assumed that mathematics testing indicates the development of mathematics concepts, but the linguistic demands of assessment have not been evaluated, especially for children with mild intellectual disabilities. 244 children (grades 2 – 5) were recruited from a larger reading intervention study. Using a multilevel longitudinal SEM model, baseline and post-intervention time points were examined for the contribution of item linguistic complexity, child language skills, and their potential interaction in predicting item level mathematics assessment performance. Item linguistic complexity was an important, stable, and negative predictor of mathematics achievement with children’s language skills significantly and positively predicting mathematics achievement. The interaction between item linguistic complexity and language skills was significant though not stable across time. Following intervention, children with higher language skills performed better on linguistically complex mathematics items. Mathematics achievement may be related to an interaction between children’s language skills and the linguistic demands of the tests themselves.
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Mikosz, David James. "The other common sense : Noah Webster, language, and the Anglo-American intellectual tradition." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1999.

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Junqua, Amélie. "Joseph Addison et le langage." Paris 7, 2007.

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On s'intéresse au travail précurseur de Joseph Addison sur le langage dans la presse périodique anglaise du début du XVIIIeme siècle, et à son impact sur le vaste lectorat de ces périodiques qui dépasse les frontières nationales (Addison est très tôt traduit et publié en Europe) et temporelles (il représente jusqu'au XIXeme siècle une référence incontestée). Notre première partie s'efforce de clarifier l'usage des ternies d'analyse, de reconstituer l'environnement culturel qui a nourri la réflexion addisonienne, ainsi qu'une évaluation de la plus ou moins grande influence de John Locke et de Thomas Hobbes. La deuxième partie considère Addison en tant que vecteur des théories lockiennes, et nous amène à préciser le contexte social, historique et politique déterminant le lectorat de la presse périodique. Le résultat de cette recherche fait considérablement douter qu'Addison se soit contenté d'une vulgarisation exhaustive des textes théoriques. On reconsidère donc en dernière partie la position d'Addison dans l'histoire des idées. La récurrence des signes et de leur lecture dans sa prose peut en effet s'interpréter comme une pratique, dénuée de rigueur scientifique, de cette discipline alors encore naissante, baptisée par Locke du nom de « sémiotique ». Des signes mêlés de la société, de l'espace et du corps, il se dégage une conception neuve et insolite des rapports entre signe, pensée et monde. Parce qu'elle naît d'une lecture personnelle des théories du langage, la réflexion addisonienne est paradoxale et créatrice : ses propres contradictions la divisent mais l'enrichissent, et alimentent une œuvre périodique en constante réinvention
Our analysis focuses on Joseph Addison's conception and practice of language, as exposed in his periodical essays and more generally his prose. If Addisonian periodicals have been variously interpreted, it has seldom been considered how they could be also read as a possible popularization of Locke's theories on words, or more generally as a transmission of linguistic theories and cultural attitudes towards language to a vast readership (both in Europe and in America, and well until the XIXth century). We therefore endeavour in a first part to recreate Addison's social and cultural 'milieu,' to consider thé various conceptions of language it exposed him to, and to appreciate the respective influences of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. Our second part deals with the peculiar status Addison bestows upon John Locke, the latter becoming a philosophical landmark as well as an intellectual façade or mask for Joseph Addison; and questions the assumption that Addison wrote primarily as a popularizer. Our third part is devoted to Addison's practice and observation of language - his obsessive concern for signs, his amateur attempt at establishing a semiotics of urban space and sartorial codes - which yet rarely complies with Lockean theories. Addison's paradoxical interpretation and practice of linguistic theories lead him to the unsolved - and unsolvable - dead-end of ambiguity. This position however provides him with unbounded powers of literary creation, endlessly dividing yet enriching his periodical essays
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Wilson, Bonita M. "Hunger: Black Women Recasting the Shadows that Obscure Intellectual Tradition." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2013.

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Snyder, Sarah, Victoria Knight, and Pamela J. Mims. "Teaching Students with Intellectual Disability to Read Text." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2016.

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This session will provide a text comprehension research overview for students with intellectual disability (ID). The presenters will review the instructional strategies and text supports (accommodations) that have been used to improve student text comprehension, with emphasis on strategies that teachers can immediately implement, and discuss opportunities for future research. Learner Outcomes: • Participants will gain knowledge of the text comprehension research base, as well as explore practical issues related to researching text comprehension. • Participants will learn about the instructional strategies and supports that have been used to improve student text comprehension and how to implement these in their classrooms. • Participants will describe recommendations for implementing research-based instruction and supports into their practice.
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Estripeaut-Bourjac, Marie. ""Los Nuevos" : le langage d'une génération : Colombie : 1925-1935." Bordeaux 3, 1996.

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Ces nuevos sont les oublies des anthologies sur les avant-gardes et les ignores des fresques sur l'irruption de la modernite dans la litterature latino-americaine. Ils etaient pourtant l'expression d'une classe d'age qui s'est fixe pour tache de construire un pays reel afin de donner consistance a cette colombie qu'ils jugeaient entite de vent et de papier. Parler du "langage d'une generation", c'est envisager un ensemble ou se logent plusieurs types de discours, entre lesquels le litteraire et le poetique; la politique, l'histoire et l'economie y trouvent aussi leur place, dans la mesure ou los nuevos s'affirmaient etre une generation et pas seulement un cenacle litteraire. Cette approche vise donc a prendre en charge tous les signes, quel que soit le discours auquel ils appartiennent, les differences provenant de l'emetteur et du contexte, car il s'agit de presenter los nuevos comme une generation qui repond avec ses armes, ici son langage, aux problemes specifiques que lui pose son epoque : les frontieres, l'espace, le temps, l'identite. Et comment chacun "oriente" sa reponse, en fonction de son imaginaire ("-c'est-a-dire l'ensemble des images et des relations d'images qui constitue le capital pense de l'homo sapiens", selon les termes de g. Durand). L'imaginaire acquiert de cette facon le role de "dynamisme organisateur" (g. Durand), d'articulation historicisee entre representations, ecriture et histoire
Those nuevos have been left out of avant-guardist anthologies and they have been missing in epics which deal with the burst of modernity into latin-american literature; this, despite the fact that they were the mouthpiece of an age-group whose goal was to build up a real country and give consistency to a colombia viewed as made up of hot water and waste paper. Speaking of "the language of a generation" amounts to envisioning a whole composed of several kinds of speeches among which literary and poetical ones. But politics, history and economics are to be found there too, in so far as los nuevos proved themselves to be a full generation, not merely a literary club. Consequently, in this approach are purposely considered all signs, whatever the sort of speech they belong to, all differences that stem from transmitter and context, since it aims at showing los nuevos as being a generation of writers who respond with their own weapons, here their own words, to the specific problems of their days, namely, boundaries, space, time, identity. And it aims at showing the way each one gives "direction" to his answer according to his own fancy-world ("that is, the whole set of images and interrelated images which constitute the stock of thought in homo sapiens", as g. Durand put it). Each fancy-world thus functions as a "structuring dynamism" (g. Durand wrote), as a historicized interconnexion between representations, writing and history
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Huguet, Alice Audrey. "The iconicity of picture communication symbols for children with English additional language and intellectual disabilities." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2012.

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Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) provides many individuals who have little or no functional speech with a means to enter the world of communication. Aided and/or unaided symbols are used as a means of reception and expression to create shared meaning. The selection of an appropriate symbol set/system is vital and iconicity plays a central role in this process. The Western-based symbol set, Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) (Johnson, 1981), is readily available and widely used in South Africa, despite little information existing on its iconicity to South African populations with disabilities. This study aimed to determine the iconicity of Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) for children with English Additional Language (EAL) and intellectual disability. A quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive design was used. Thirty participants between the ages of 12;00 and 15;11 (years; months) with EAL and intellectual disability were required to identify 16 PCS presented thematically on a ‘bed-making’ communication overlay in response to a gloss read out by the researcher. The results indicated that, overall, the 16 PCS were relatively iconic to the participants. The results also indicated that the iconicity of PCS can be manipulated and enhanced and that it can be influenced by other PCS that are used simultaneously on the communication overlay. The reasons for these findings are described. The clinical and theoretical implications of this study’s results are discussed, followed by a critical evaluation of this study and, finally, recommendations for future research are suggested.
Dissertation (Master of Arts)--University of Pretoria, 2012.
Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC)
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Hausman, Gary J. "Frames and Overflows in Rights Expression Languages." Thesis, School of Information and Library Science, 2006.

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This paper analyzes the visions, schemas, and vocabularies of prominent rights expression languages, including Creative Commons, METS, ODRL, and MPEG-21. The paper extends Michel Callon’s sociological insight that all forms of human agency are multiple and diverse. Callon argues, in the context of economic sociology, that one must constantly decide between a strategy emphasizing “framing” as the norm with “overflows” treated as leaks, or conversely a strategy accepting “overflows” as the norm with “framing” as inherently imperfect. Callon’s categories are extended, through a modeling exercise, to the classification of current metadata schemes. The analysis suggests that metadata developers should explore what semantic choices and strictures are left out of metadata schemes, as well as those that are included. Such a thought exercise is especially useful in distinguishing areas suited for XML rights markup extensions.
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Adjoumani, Affoua Mia Elise. "La représentation de l'intellectuel dans le roman africain francophone subsaharien." Thesis, Paris Est, 2008.

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Déterminer la condition existentielle de l’intellectuel mis en scène dans le roman africain francophone subsaharien, tel est l’objectif assigné à cette étude. Pour ce faire, nous procédons à un développement articulé autour de trois axes. Chacun de ceux-ci met en exergue la question du malaise qui sous-tend la représentation du personnage dans le corpus. La première partie est relative à l’étiquette sémantique du protagoniste intellectuel. Cette étiquette dépeint un personnage qui se démarque de la majorité des comparses à cause de la spécificité de son statut d’intellectuel. Elle témoigne du regard critique globalement dépréciatif porté sur ce statut et rend compte de l’ambiguïté inhérente à celui-ci. Dans la deuxième partie, nous examinons les relations qu’entretient le protagoniste avec les autres actants des récits. Cette analyse illustre et confirme l’antagonisme entre la majorité des comparses et lui. Dans la troisième partie, nous recensons et analysons les thèmes qui corroborent le malaise du protagoniste intellectuel, dévoilé tout au long des deux parties précédentes. Ces thèmes révèlent un personnage tourné vers un ailleurs plus hospitalier, un statut autre que le sien, synonyme de bien-être, et une vie nouvelle traduisant également son aspiration à ce bonheur
To determine the existential condition of the intellectual put in scene in the sub-Saharan french-speaking novel, such is the aim of this study.With this intention, we carrie out a development articuled around three axes. Each one of those put forward the question of the malaise wich underlies the representation of the character in the corpus. The first part is relative to the semantic label of the intellectual protagonist. This label depicts a character who distance himself from the majority of characters because of the specificity of his intellectual status. It shows a critical opinion overall depreciating about this status and is the expression of the ambiguity inherent in this one. In the second part, we examine the protagonist and the other characters’s relationships. This analysis illustrates and confirms the antagonisme between the majority of the actors and him. In the third part, we analyze the topics which corroborate the malaise of the intellectual protagonist, revealed throughout the two preceding parts. These topics reveal a character turned towards elsewhere more hospital, an other status, synonymous with wellbeing, and a new life also translating its aspiration with this happiness
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Jochim, Charles [Verfasser], and Hinrich [Akademischer Betreuer] Schütze. "Natural language processing and information retrieval methods for intellectual property analysis / Charles Jochim. Betreuer: Hinrich Schütze." Stuttgart : Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Stuttgart, 2014.

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Goffredo, Marisa. "Language acquisition after the critical period : a case study of an adolescent with an intellectual disorder." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Nair, Shankar Ayillath. "Philosophy in Any Language: Interaction between Arabic, Sanskrit, and Persian Intellectual Cultures in Mughal South Asia." Thesis, Harvard University, 2014.

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This dissertation examines three contemporaneous religious philosophers active in early modern South Asia: Muhibb Allah Ilahabadi (d. 1648), Madhusudana Sarasvati (d. 1620-1647), and the Safavid philosopher, Mir Findiriski (d. 1640/1). These figures, two Muslim and one Hindu, were each prominent representatives of religious thought as it occurred in one of the three pan-imperial languages of the Mughal Empire: Arabic, Sanskrit, and Persian. In this study, I re-trace the trans-regional scholarly networks in which each of the figures participated, and then examine the various ways in which their respective networks overlapped. The Chishti Sufi Muhibb Allah, drawing from the Islamic intellectual tradition of wahdat al-wujud, engaged in "international" networks of Arabic debate on questions of ontology and metaphysics. Madhusudana Sarasvati, meanwhile, writing in the Hindu Advaita-Vedanta tradition, was busy adjudicating competing interpretations of the well-known Sanskrit text, the Yoga-Vasistha. Mir Findiriski also took considerable interest in a shorter version of this same Yoga-Vasistha, composing his own commentary upon a Persian translation of the treatise that had been undertaken at the Mughal imperial court. In this Persian translation of the Yoga-Vasistha alongside Findiriski's commentary, I argue, we encounter a creative synthesis of the intellectual contributions occurring within Muhibb Allah's Arabic milieu, on the one hand, and the competing exegeses of the Yoga-Vasistha circulating in Madhusudana's Sanskrit intellectual circles, on the other. The result is a novel Persian treatise that represents an emerging "sub-discipline" of Persian Indian religious thought, still in the process of formulating its basic disciplinary vocabulary as drawn from these broader Muslim and Hindu traditions.
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Curtis, Florence Sally Haines. "The intellectual scope of the 'mester de clerecía'." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2014.

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This thesis investigates the first poetry written in Castilian by intellectuals, the 'mester de clerecía', ‘craft of clerics’. Exploring the unique circumstances of Iberia in the Middle Ages as a hub for the intellectual vanguard and a holy territory for encounters with saints, pilgrimage and Reconquest, I examine the canonical texts of an alleged thirteenth-century poetic school as the Castilian bedrock of a wider Iberian and European literary movement. Notably including analysis of the fourteenth-century "Libro de buen amor", a canonical work in its own right thought to parody the earlier poems, I also reassess the significance of the verse form 'cuaderna vía' for the 'mester de clerecía', in which the thirteenth-century poems are exclusively written. Over an introduction and four chapters, I combine close reading of the "Libro de Alexandre" (Chapter 1), Berceo’s Vidas of Millán, Domingo and Oria (Chapter 2), the "Libro de Apolonio" and "Poema de Fernán González" (Chapter 3), and the "Libro de buen amor" (Chapter 4), with research into intellectual, pedagogical, and religious contexts. Notably, I have found the poems analyzed to be especially concerned with the landscape of the reading mind. The result is an expanded view of the 'mester de clerecía' as theological and philosophical poems that offer ways of understanding and approaching the life of the mind as well as that of the body that are thought-provoking and informative to this day. Concluding that the thirteenth-century, canonical poems are the witnesses of a 'textual community' of authors rather than a poetic school, I advocate an inclusive definition of the 'mester de clerecía'. The 'mester de clerecía' are of extremely rich intellectual scope and are of potential interest to scholars of all European literatures, and literary, intellectual, and social history, as well as theology and philosophy.
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Ghellai, Mohamed. "Analyse des erreurs et des représentations orthographiques du français par des intellectuels arabophones." Université Stendhal (Grenoble ; 1970-2015), 1997.

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Notre recherche intitulee "analyse des erreurs et des representations" porte sur deux aspects qui nous semblent contribuer efficacement a la promotion (en libye) de la didactique du francais ecrit dont l'orthographe est la composante principale. L'analyse des erreurs porte sur des productions ecrites authentiques d'etudiants libyens realisees au cours de deux situations distinctes: contraignante (dictee) et moins contraignante (texte libre). Notre objectif consiste en premier lieu a situer notre recherche en presentant la didactique du francais en libye, a diagnostiquer, expliquer les types d'erreurs et faire etat des procedures orthographiques confirmees par les erreurs orthographiques suivies d'implications didactiques. En deuxieme lieu, nous analysons des representations d'intellectuels arabophones ayant un apport complementaire pour notre recherche, ce qui nous permet d'elucider des aspects cognitifs ayant un impact sur les procedures orthographiques lors de la production de textes ecrits
This research intitled "errors and representations analysis" actually treats of two aspects wich seems to be contributing to the promotion in libya of written french didactic, where orthograph is its principal composant. Errors analysis treats of written authentic productions of libyan students in two different situations: contrain situation (dictation) and less contrain situation (dissertation). Our aim is first of all to situate our research by presenting french teaching in libya to diagnostate, explain types of errors and orthographical procedures confirmed by orthographical errors and didactic implications. Secondly, we analyse arabophon intellectuals representations wich constitute a complementary apport for our research. In this phase, we tent to clarify cognitic aspects having an impact on orthographical procedures on the written texts
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Nenad, Gajić. "Razvoj metode za merenje intelektualnog kapitala preduzeća." Phd thesis, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, 2017.

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Intelektualni kapital je neopipljivo jedinstvo obično nevidljivih resursa i aktivnosti baziranih na znanju koje dodaju vrednost organizaciji u očima internih i eksternih aktera (stejkholdera).U radu se istražuje mogućnost merenja ovog nematerijalnog konstrukta, sačinjenog od ljudskog, organizacionog i relacionog kapitala.Metoda za merenje, odnosno monetarnu valuaciju, uspešno je razvijena, a predloženi model verifikovan je statističkom analizom. Metoda je namenjena prvenstveno eksternom izveštavanju, ali se usled velike preciznosti, pouzdanosti i proverljivosti rezultata može koristiti i kao kontrolna alatka menadžmenta.
Intellectual capital is the intangible unity of usually invisible knowledge-basedresources and activities that add value to an organization in the eyes ofinternal and external stakeholders.This study explores the possibility of measuring that intangible constructcomposed of human, organizational and relational capital. The method formeasurement and monetary valuation has been successfully developed andthe proposed model was verified by statistical analysis. The method isintended primarily for external reporting, but due to high accuracy, reliabilityand verifiability of results can also be used as a tool of management control.
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May, Adrian. "Lignes, an intellectual revue : twenty-five years of politics, philosophy, art and literature." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2015.

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The thesis takes the French revue Lignes (1987-present) as its object of study to provide a new account of French intellectual culture over the last twenty-five years. Whilst there are now many studies covering the role of such revues throughout the twentieth-century, the majority of such monographs extend no further than the mid-1980s: the major novelty of this thesis is extending these accounts up until the present moment. It is largely assumed that a reaction against the Marxist and structuralist theories of the 1960s and 1970s led to embrace of liberalism and an intellectual drift to the right in France from the 1980s onwards: whilst largely supporting this account, the thesis attempts to nuance this narrative of the fate of the intellectual left in the following years by showing the persistence of what can be called a politicised 'French theory' in Lignes, and a returning left-wing militancy in recent years. In doing so, it will both reveal under-studied aspects of well-known thinkers, such as Jean-Luc Nancy, Jacques Rancière and Alain Badiou, as their thought develops through their participation in a collaborative, periodical publication, and introduce lesser known thinkers who have not received an extended readership in Anglophone spheres. Lignes also argues for the continued persistence and relevance of the thought of a previous generation of thinkers, notably Georges Bataille, Maurice Blanchot and Dionys Mascolo, and the thesis concludes by examining the potential role 'French Theory' could still have in France. Furthermore, as revues provide a unique nexus of intellectual, cultural, social and political concerns, the thesis also provides a unique history of France from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the 2007 financial crisis and the Arab Spring. Much of the thesis is concerned with contextualising intellectual debates within a period characterised by the moralisation of discourses, a return of religion, the global installation of neo-liberalism and the eruption of immigration as a controversial European issue. From a relatively theoretical and politically stable position to the left of the Parti socialiste, Lignes therefore provides a privileged vantage point for the mutations in French social and cultural life throughout the period.
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Chambreuil, Michel. "Structures et processus de l'activite langagiere : aspects formels." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 1987.

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Dans le contexte actuel des multiplicites d'analyse du traitement de la langue naturelle, les auteurs se sont interesses aux "entites" mises en jeu par differentes theories dans les "processus" et dans les "structures" qu'elles associent au traitement d'expressions langagieres. Les theories abordees ont ete choisies dans trois des courants actuellement dominants et issus respectivement: de la linguistique (n. Chomsky), de la logique (r. Montague), de l'intelligence artificielle (t. Winograd)
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Yarmohammadian, Hossein Abadi Ahmad. "Etude de méthodes d'éducation spécialisée du langage pour des enfants avec un déficit cognitif (déficience intellectuelle et autisme)." Lille 3, 1999.

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Dans ce travail, nous nous efforçons de faire une étude théorique et pratique des particularités langagières des enfants ayant un déficit cognitif et leur éducation. Plus précisément, l'objectif de notre recherche consiste à explorer les particularités générales et langagières des enfants autistiques et des déficients intellectuels ainsi qu'explorer les méthodes efficaces d'éducation de leur troubles langagiers. Dans l'aspect pratique, nous nous efforçons également de faire explorer et comparer les particularités langagières, psychomotrices, intelligences et comportementales de ces deux groupes d'enfants. Notre étude s'inspire de cette idée que la cognition et le langage sont deux éléments interdépendants et essentiels de développement de la personnalité de l'enfant : le déficit cognitif affecte donc le développement du langage de même que les difficultés langagières influent sur les capacités cognitives surtout sur la pensée logique. Les résultats de notre enquête clinique et comparative montrent une différence significative entre les particularités langagières des autistes et celles des déficients intellectuels. En effet, dans notre échantillon, il apparaît que les capacités langagières, psychomotrices, intelligences et comportementales adaptives des enfants autistes sont moins développées que celles des déficients intellectuels. Nos interprétations font apparaître que cette faiblesse développementale est due à une souffrance et une anxiété intérieure de l'enfant, une stéréotypée comportementale parasite et une malle filtration des informations de l'extérieur. La même différence est constatée entre les diagnostics des autistes et ceux des déficients intellectuels, en dépit de plusieurs similitudes. Ainsi, le processus d'éducation des enfants ayant un déficit cognitif surtout les autistes est plus complexe.
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Mims, Pamela J., Ann Lee, and D. Browder. "Teaching Middle School Aligned ELA Skills to Students with Significant Intellectual Disabilities." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2012.

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Mims, Pamela J., and Ann Lee. "Teaching Middle School Aligned ELA Skills to Students with Significant Intellectual Disabilities." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2012.

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Slagle, Judith Bailey. "Joanna Baillie and the Poetry of Intellectual and Historical Romanticism." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2012.

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Book Summary: The Encyclopedia of Romantic Literature is an authoritative three-volume reference work that covers British artistic, literary, and intellectual movements between 1780 and 1830, within the context of European, transatlantic and colonial historical and cultural interaction. Comprises over 275 entries ranging from 1,000 to 6,500 words arranged in A-Z format across three fully cross-referenced volumes Written by an international cast of leading and emerging scholars Entries explore genre development in prose, poetry, and drama of the Romantic period, key authors and their works, and key themes Also available online as part of the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literature, providing 24/7 access and powerful searching, browsing and cross-referencing capabilities
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Gariépy, Alain. "Jean-Marc Léger : un intellectuel nationaliste du Québec contemporain." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 1996.

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The writings and life of Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa (1942-2004) have had an immense impact in a variety of disciplines. Her oft-cited text Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza (1987) is included in many university courses’ reading lists for its contributions to discourses of hybridity, linguistics, intersectionality and women of color feminism, among others. Unfortunately, most scholars content themselves with the intricacies of Borderlands to the neglect of her corpus of work, which includes essays, books, edited volumes, children’s literature and fiction/autohistorias. This analysis presented here wishes to expand our understandings of Anzaldúa’s work by engaging with her pre- and post-Borderlands writings in an attempt to highlight the unrecognized contributions Anzaldúa offers to feminist theory, spirituality, spiritual activism, queer theory, expansive ideas of queerness and an articulation of alternative, non-Western epistemology. This project offers close readings of published and archival Anzaldúan text and draws parallels between her life and her writing.
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Barker, Robert Michael. "Modeling Phonological Processing for Children with Mild Intellectual Disabilities: The Relationship between Underlying Phonological Abilities and Associated Language Variables." Digital Archive @ GSU, 2010.

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The structure of phonological processing for typically developing children has been debated over the past two decades. Recent research has indicated that phonological processing is best explained by a single underlying phonological ability (e.g., Anthony and Lonigan, 2004). The current study had two goals. The first goal was to determine the structure of phonological processing for school-age children with mild intellectual disabilities (MID). The second goal was to determine the relationship between the components of phonological processing and expressive and receptive language ability. The participants were 222 school-age children identified by their schools as having MID. Confirmatory factor analysis was utilized to determine the structure of phonological processing. The results indicated that a model with one phonological awareness factor and one naming speed factor explained the data better than competing models with a single latent factor or more than two latent factors. There was a negative significant relationship between phonological processing and naming speed. There were positive bivariate relationships between phonological processing and expressive and receptive language. There were negative bivariate relationships between naming speed and expressive and receptive language. These results are consistent with other research findings with typically developing children, indicating a similarity in the relationships between phonological process and language for children with MID. Theoretical and instructional implications are discussed.
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Mims, Pamela J. "Increasing Literacy Outcomes for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2017.

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This session will focus on providing literacy instruction to students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) through the use of story-based lessons of grade appropriate texts and systematic instruction of the five components of reading (i.e., phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, vocabulary, fluency). Specifically, participants will gain understanding of prompting literacy development through evidence based practices found effective for students with severe disability.
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Van, Wyk Renera Elsabé. "Teachers' perceptions about language practices and choices in schools in Mpumalanga, South Africa for learners with severe intellectual disability." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2020.

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Supporting learners with a severe intellectual disability (SID) who come from diverse language backgrounds presents teachers with complex choices and decisions regarding the language(s) they use in their classrooms. Understanding teachers' perceptions in this matter can assist all role players, such as administrators and policy makers as well as auxiliary support personnel such as speech-language therapists, to support teachers in their decisions and practices. This study aimed to investigate the perceptions of foundation phase teachers in schools for learners with SID, that have high linguistic diversity, about their language practices and choices. Specifically, the study aimed to: (i) describe the language(s) teachers use with the learners in their classrooms; (ii) to describe the factors that teachers take into account when deciding on which language(s) to use with their learners; and (iii) to explore teachers' beliefs and feelings about language practices and choices for learners with SID in their classes.
Mini Dissertation (MA AAC)--University of Pretoria, 2020.
Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC)
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Adjoumani, Affoua Mia Elise Diop Papa Samba Lezou Gérard Dago. "La représentation de l'intellectuel dans le roman africain francophone subsaharien." S. l. : S. l. : S. n. ; S. n, 2008.

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Carlier, Currie Kate. "New Arrival Students' Experience Creating Illustrated Memoirs: Making Meaning and Developing Intellectual Self-Trust." Miami University / OhioLINK, 2021.

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Barsoum, Yasmine. "Étude d'une terminologie bilingue (français / arabe) du droit de propriété intellectuelle sur internet." Thesis, Paris 3, 2012.

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Cette thèse intitulée « Étude d’une terminologie bilingue (français-arabe) du droit de la propriété intellectuelle sur internet » porte sur la terminologie juridique et traite de la problématique suivante : "Comment peut-on, à travers l’analyse et le dépouillement d'un corpus bien délimité (français et arabe), constituer une terminologie bilingue de la propriété intellectuelle sur Internet, ayant pour retombée la création d’une base de données terminologiques?". Cette base de données est exploitable par des étudiants, des enseignants, des chercheurs, des traducteurs et des organismes spécialisés dans le domaine objet d’étude.L’objectif de la thèse est donc de répondre aux besoins terminologiques d’un public bilingue intéressé au domaine du droit et en particulier à la propriété intellectuelle, en faisant une mise au point et un traitement minutieux des deux langues arabe et française dans trois secteurs d’activité à savoir le droit, l’informatique et l’internet. La confection de cette terminologie est basée sur deux approches : lexico-sémantique et conceptuelle. Cette thèse est constituée de cinq chapitres dans lesquels les processus terminologiques sont analysés minutieusement dans les deux langues du point de vue théorique et pratique. Des contributions et des recommandations sont apportées à travers cette recherche dans le domaine de la terminologie, par exemple, les tentatives visant à combler les lacunes des dictionnaires spécialisés dans les deux langues, la promotion de la langue arabe en matière de logiciels de TAL et de terminologie et le renforcement de la coopération entre les spécialistes du domaine (juristes et informaticiens) et les terminologues
This thesis entitled “A study of a bilingual terminology (French-Arabic) of the intellectual property law on the internet” tackles the juridical terminology and handles the following research question: “How can we establish, through the analysis and mining of a well-bounded French-Arabic corpus, a bilingual terminology of the intellectual property on the internet leading to the creation of a terminological database?”. This database is usable by students, teachers, researchers, translators and specialized organizations in this field. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to meet the terminological needs of a bilingual public interested in law in general and in intellectual property in particular, by doing a deep processing of the two languages in three activity sectors: law, computer science and internet. The process of creating this terminology database is based on both lexico-semantic and conceptual approaches. This thesis consists of five chapters in which the terminological processes are deeply analyzed in both languages from the theoretical and practical points of view. Among the contributions and recommendations that are made through this research in the field of terminology are the attempts to fill the gaps in specialized dictionaries in both languages, the promotion of Arabic language as regards to Automatic Language Processing (ALP) and terminological softwares and the reinforcement of the cooperation between a field’s specialists (jurists and computer engineers) and terminologists. Keywords: bilingual terminology, terminological database, law, intellectual property, internet, copyright
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Hu, Mingyuan. "Fou Lei and his alibis : the dépaysement of a Chinese intellectual and his spiritual counterparts." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2014.

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Michel de Montaigne believed that to judge a man, we must follow his traces long and carefully. This chronological study of Fou Lei (1908-1966) traces, firstly, his footsteps as a cogent critic of art, literature, music and politics, and as the most accomplished translator of French literature in China of the twentieth century, and secondly reveals a fraction of an intellectual labyrinth meandering through China’s fragmented modern history, almost Oedipal in its disposition towards its past, and its tragic love relations with the West, real or envisioned. Fou Lei the translator of Balzac and Fou Lei the art critic have been the subjects of recent scholarly work of Nicolai Volland and Claire Roberts. This thesis proposes an intellectual biography of Fou Lei and commences, by necessity, with a narrative of his youth – especially the years he spent in Europe – which he himself scarcely mentioned, and the analysis of which is sorely missing in existing literature. Hitherto unpublished documents that I discovered in France and Switzerland contribute to this biography. A close examination of Fou Lei’s early, especially emotional, life is made with the purpose of contextualising his subsequent moral and existential choices. These choices in turn are historicised through his writing, translation and correspondence. Archival findings in Paris lend significant insight into the agony in which he lived during his last years in China, where political predicaments alone were responsible for his death. There are two dimensions to this investigation: intellectual and linguistic. A recurring theme is that of parallels, and a sustained inquiry that of how to reconstruct, then deconstruct, the process of cultural translation and appropriation. Allowing the material to dictate my treatment of it, I make as my focus the internal life of an individual against external conditions. Fou Lei, who chose to live a strictly sedentary life in response to his circumstances, justifies and demands this treatment. Squarely through the point of view of an intellectual who made sense of external and internal realities by way of rigid dichotomy, I obliquely challenge generalised ideas, in particular those of this intellectual himself. I thereby draw attention to the specific thought process of his generalising and the possible ways of understanding it, throwing into question the linguistic instability inherent in these efforts. Under psychological considerations, pre-supposed categorisations dissolve. The ingenium of an individual scrutinised in a given historical situation makes specific the notion of “culture” in a defined context, itself routinely entangled not least semantically. Other than situating Fou Lei, where necessary, in his social milieu, I make apparent, and give accent to, a milieu of words, one with indistinct geographical and temporal boundaries, to glimpse the mental world of a multilingual literatus, the devotion of whose entire adult life was to the craft of language. For the same reason that a thesis on Joseph Conrad might not be expected to discuss Poland, I restrain, where possible, inclined elaboration on the elephantine subject that is China in my study of Fou Lei. I hope to illustrate the “obsession with China” – as C. T. Hsia termed it – that he shared with his contemporaries without falling victim myself to that obsession. This individualistically-driven narrative yet serves a historical purpose. It allows Fou Lei himself to take us from a post-revolutionary, post-May Fourth, post-White Terror Shanghai to an inter-war Europe during the Great Depression, and back to a China entering the Sino-Japanese War, then the Civil War, changing thereafter from a Republic to a People’s Republic under progressively totalitarian control, and traversing endless upheavals into the Cultural Revolution. This voyage becomes thereupon itself a witness both to Fou Lei’s desperate interaction with his time, and to his fierce insistence on autonomy. Notwithstanding our way of arguing being by and large linear, in no way should Fou Lei’s journey be conceptualised as so. In a peculiarly three-dimensional manner, there was more a dislocation, or a continuous array of dislocations, that he had to make sense of in relation to his own country, the political signification of which changed several times over in the lifetime of that particular generation, than the easily supposed confrontation and integration between the so-called East and West. What this modern Chinese intellectual, decidedly archaic in his moral standing and profoundly romantic in a nineteenth-century European sense, obliges, is multi-disciplinary research from multiple angles. What this study of his youth, now positioned in relation to his entire life, reveals, are aspirations that were never fulfilled, seeds that never grew. What it portrays is a sensitivity determined to educate himself against all odds. To a certain extent, this is not so much an analysis of what he achieved – and achieve he did, formidably – as of how he was aborted, and why. In Fou Lei and his Alibis, we observe a man of letters turning time and again to art and literature as a refuge, and I raise, and leave open, questions about his conditions and reactions, still unresolved; questions of alienation and exile, imposed and chosen; questions of perceived roots, perceived universality; the question, as Simone Weil put it, of the relationship between destiny and the human soul.
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Marzagora, Sara. "Alterity, coloniality and modernity in Ethiopian political thought : the first three generations of 20th century Amharic-language intellectuals." Thesis, SOAS, University of London, 2016.

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Sajiki, Atsuko. "Intellectual empathy as a tool of cross-cultural learning United States students in study abroad program in Japan /." [Bloomington, Ind.] : Indiana University, 2006.

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Thesis (Ph.D.)--Indiana University, Language Education, School of Education, 2006.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-04, Section: A, page: 1258. "Title from dissertation home page (viewed June 18, 2007)."
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Tamouro, Abdessamad. "Le rôle fondateur de la notion de "ilm"(science) dans la pensée arabo-musulmane jusqu'au Xème/IVème siècle." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1997.

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The purpose of this study was to test the effects of graduated guidance procedure on teaching imitation of manual signs to students with moderate to severe disabilities. Sessions began with student initiation and were embedded across already established reinforcement routines across the student’s day. A multiple baseline across participants design was used to evaluate these effects.
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Irion, Katherine Ann. "A Case Study: Incorporating Young Adult Literature into General Education To Improve Intellectual and Emotional Intelligence." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2018.

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Institutions of higher learning have required students to take general education courses since such they were conceived and implemented in the 1940s. Requirements vary widely across institutions, but there is a broad consensus that a literature course be required in order to graduate. While these courses feature many types of literature, one literary field is overwhelmingly overlooked: young adult literature. Brigham Young University has recently implemented a young adult literature course that will fulfill a general education requirement. This case study examines the question, "What might be the rationale for including a course in young adult literature as part of the general education curriculum?" The findings of this case study suggest teaching YA literature as a GE course benefits students' emotional and intellectual intelligence. Drawing on observations, interviews, students' work, and students' reflections, analysis concludes that young adult literature has the ability to be used in a university general education class to successfully teach intellectual abilities and to impart and improve emotional intelligence.
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Irving, Sarah Rosalind. "Intellectual networks, language and knowledge under colonialism : the work of Stephan Stephan, Elias Haddad and Tawfiq Canaan in Palestine, 1909-1948." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2018.

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This thesis examines the biographies and intellectual and cultural works of Elias Haddad, Stephan Stephan and Tawfiq Canaan, Arab writers who lived in Jerusalem in the late Ottoman and British Mandate periods, a time when Palestinian identity was in a state of flux and when Ottoman, British and Zionist interests impacted upon Palestinian Arab society, economy and politics. Informed by ideas about colonial and postcolonial relations, the impacts of context and power on the development of texts, and theories of networks and entanglements, it argues that even in the absence of comprehensive biographical knowledge about individual actors, we can locate them in their intellectual and political environments. It also argues for the importance of using non-elite genres – including language manuals, travel guides and translations – in researching intellectual history, and for understanding debates and discourses within colonial societies. Drawing on my historical research into the lives of Haddad, Stephan and Canaan, and combining it with textual analysis, this thesis makes the argument for more diverse ideas of Palestinian identity than are often discussed for the Mandate period, and for the need to include a wider range of contributors than prominent intellectuals and politicians in our assessment of the discourses in play in this key period of Palestinian history.
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Nguyen, Tuong Pierre. "Définition et implantation d'un langage de conception de composants analogiques réutilisables." Paris 6, 2006.

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Mendy, Dominique François. "La médiatisation des intellectuels dans les débats publics africains (1960-2000)." Thesis, Paris 2, 2014.

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L’affirmation que les médias constituent le « quatrième pouvoir » semble appartenir à ces évidences que l’on ne questionne pas toujours tant de la part des professionnels des médias que de certains intellectuels. Vérité qui semble d’autant plus évidente que les médias en démontrent l’effectivité par leur capacité à mobiliser les publics autour d’un événement ou encore d’une série télévisuelle. Pour ne pas transformer une telle assertion en un « concept mou », il fallait la mettre à l’épreuve en l’appliquant à un contexte (le Sénégal) et à une époque (1960-2000), et surtout à un groupe particulier, celui des intellectuels. L’avantage de ce groupe est qu’il est doté de compétences (savoir et savoir-faire) lui donnant un « pouvoir » symbolique. C’est ainsi que dans le contexte sénégalais, ces derniers consolideront au fil du temps leur « puissance » par l’intermédiaire des divers supports (revues, romans, essais, etc.), mais aussi par les débats publics et les grandes manifestations intellectuelles (congrès, symposiums, festivals, etc.). Ces divers modes de légitimation et de consécration qui prouvent leur degré d’engagement, seront confrontés aux médias qui, en se multipliant à partir des années 80, développent des stratégies d’influence fondées sur la visibilité et l’utilisation accrue des langues nationales. Ce qui aura comme effets émergents non seulement de faire émerger de nouvelles légitimités sociales, mais encore de dégager de nouvelles configurations socioculturelles, politiques, intellectuelles et publiques, notamment une figure intellectuelle plus attentive aux créations culturelles locales
The assertion that the medias have become the “fourth power” seems to be part of the self-evident facts that the professionals of the medias as well some intellectuals need not always question. A truth that is all the more obvious because the medias regularly prove it through their capacity to mobilize people around an event or even a televised series. In order not to turn such an assertion into a “soft concept”, it has been worth putting it to the practical test within the context of Senegal during the period (1960-2000) by chiefly applying it to the particular group of the intellectuals. The advantage of such a group lies on its competences (knowledge and know-how) that have given it a symbolic “power”. Thus, in the Senegalese context the intellectuals have consolidated, in the long run, their “strength” through various means of publications (journals, novels, essays, etc.), as well as through public debates and important intellectual gatherings (congresses, symposiums, festivals etc.). Those various ways of official recognition and consecration, that have proven their level of commitment, have confronted the medias which, by growing in large numbers in the 80s, have developed influential strategies based on visibility and the increased use of the national languages. The consequent emerging effects have not only made new social legitimacies rise up, but have also caused new sociocultural, political, intellectual and public configurations come out, especially an intellectual figure that has been more attentive to the cultural creations
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