Academic literature on the topic 'Landscape of localization'

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Journal articles on the topic "Landscape of localization"


Lu, Mingzhen. "Research on the Localization of Landscape Design in Cambodia." International Journal of Education and Humanities 2, no. 3 (May 9, 2022): 32–35.

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Landscape design styles usually different in different regions, this design style is also a real reflection of the local natural customs and human history. So far, the localization of Cambodian landscape design style has formed. This paper mainly discusses the localization of landscape design in Cambodia, confirms the theory of localized landscape design, and explores the development direction of Cambodian modern landscape design, hoping to provide corresponding references for researchers in the industry.
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Gonzalez, Augusto, Dario A. Leon, Yasser Perera, and Rolando Perez. "On the gene expression landscape of cancer." PLOS ONE 18, no. 2 (February 21, 2023): e0277786.

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Kauffman picture of normal and tumor states as attractors in an abstract state space is used in order to interpret gene expression data for 15 cancer localizations obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas. A principal component analysis of this data unveils the following qualitative aspects about tumors: 1) The state of a tissue in gene expression space can be described by a few variables. In particular, there is a single variable describing the progression from a normal tissue to a tumor. 2) Each cancer localization is characterized by a gene expression profile, in which genes have specific weights in the definition of the cancer state. There are no less than 2500 differentially-expressed genes, which lead to power-like tails in the expression distribution functions. 3) Tumors in different localizations share hundreds or even thousands of differentially expressed genes. There are 6 genes common to the 15 studied tumor localizations. 4) The tumor region is a kind of attractor. Tumors in advanced stages converge to this region independently of patient age or genetic characteristics. 5) There is a landscape of cancer in gene expression space with an approximate border separating normal tissues from tumors.
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Podolsky, Dmitry, and Kari Enqvist. "Eternal inflation and localization on the landscape." Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2009, no. 02 (February 4, 2009): 007.

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Bunde, A., S. Havlin, J. W. Kantelhardt, S. Russ, and I. Webman. "Localization in a highly correlated potential landscape." Journal of Molecular Liquids 86, no. 1-3 (June 2000): 151–61.

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Harrell II, Evans M., and Anna V. Maltsev. "Localization and landscape functions on quantum graphs." Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 373, no. 3 (November 15, 2019): 1701–29.

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Mersini-Houghton, Laura, and Malcolm J. Perry. "Localization on the landscape and eternal inflation." Classical and Quantum Gravity 31, no. 21 (October 17, 2014): 215008.

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Steinerberger, Stefan. "Localization of quantum states and landscape functions." Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 145, no. 7 (February 24, 2017): 2895–907.

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Yan, Fang, Ji Peng Liu, and Shu Ling Zhao. "Discussing the Campus Landscape Design from Hargreaves’s Landscape Design Idea." Advanced Materials Research 255-260 (May 2011): 1418–21.

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Through the reorganization, analysis and summary of Hargreaves’s campus overall plan design idea of Cicinnati University, the author carried on the discussion to the existing university campus environment design, then given the explicit mentality and the localization. It will have the enlightenment by the time to the present campus construction and the landscape design, and will be helpful in the outstanding campus landscape formation.
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Russ, Stefanie, Jan W. Kantelhardt, Armin Bunde, Shlomo Havlin, and Itzhak Webman. "Anderson localization in a random correlated energy landscape." Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 266, no. 1-4 (April 1999): 492–96.

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Mubarak H. Oglah, Sabri J. Mohammed, and Moustafa S. El-Daher. "Determine the Lower-State Energy of (GaMn)As/GaAs Quantum Well using Localization Landscape Method." Tikrit Journal of Pure Science 25, no. 6 (December 24, 2020): 96–102.

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The current research presented the value of the lowest state energy for (GaMn)As/GaAs Quantum Well by using the Schrodinger equation and the localization landscape method, and a comparison between the quantum confinement potential and the wavefunction localization of both the landscape method and the Schrödinger method, a great match was found between the two methods, where the Landscape method 0.1% greater than Schrodinger method. From the Hamiltonian function analysis, it was found that the quantum eigenvalues in the discrete wells interact only when the corresponding eigenvalues are close to each other. Localization appears clearly in the sub-regions of quantum well, so, we prove damping in quantum wells, especially near the boundaries of the well. The effective quantum potential W was determined.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Landscape of localization"


Cassella, Lucia [Verfasser], and Anne [Akademischer Betreuer] Ephrussi. "Landscape and functions of RNA localization in the Drosophila follicular epithelium / Lucia Cassella ; Betreuer: Anne Ephrussi." Heidelberg : Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2021.

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Lönnerud, Anne. "Facing Peak Oil and Climate Change: A Pragmatic Approach to a Re-localized Food Production System in Uppsala, Sweden." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för geovetenskaper, 2012.

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Globalization and industrial agriculture have enabled consumers in Sweden and other countries in the Western world to enjoy foodstuffs from many parts of the world at very affordable monetary prices, but at the same time involving a lot of external costs in the form of environmental degradation, and a high dependency on foreign agricultural ecosystems as well as on oil and other non-renewable inputs, thus degrading sustainability and resilience in the food system. Accelerated climate change and the upcoming peak oil crisis call for a reorientation and a transition to a more locally-based system. The prospects for a re-localized food system have been investigated in a case study of Uppsala Municipality, Sweden. The results consist of a study of the current primary food production in Uppsala, also including an allotment garden survey, a study of how much additional food may be produced on idle land, and an analysis of opportunities and challenges for a re-localized food system in Uppsala. The allotment garden survey revealed that c. ten percent of the total area of plots containing cottage houses was used for food production, while the figure for plots without cottages was several times higher, c. 65 percent. The total estimated yield for allotment gardens in Uppsala Municipality was about 90 tons of vegetables and 48 tons of fruits and berries. Quantitative calculations on the yield produced by local farmers, horticulturists and leisure gardeners were made for the five categories grain, dairy products, eggs, meat, and vegetables, fruits and berries, together constituting about 85 percent of the total Swedish food consumption. The estimated balance of supply and demand differed a lot between food categories, ranging from 400 percent for grain to 20 percent for meat as well as for vegetables, fruits and berries. Due to empirical uncertainty, the latter figure should be interpreted with caution. For eggs and dairy products the balance of supply and demand was 67 percent and 50 percent respectively. A quantitative estimation for idle land showed that the greatest potential for an increased food production is within leisure gardening, which could be increased by 3.5 to 6 times. A transition to full self-sufficiency would, however, require drastically altered consumer habits towards seasonal vegetables and fruits and less beef in favor of vegetarian proteins. The qualitative analysis of possibilities and obstacles concluded that the greatest assets for a re-localized food production were the large production capacity within rural agriculture, the abundance of mostly unutilized private garden land, the increased interest for urban agriculture among the population, positive attitudes among consumers towards local food, and a relatively high general awareness of climate change and the need for a more sustainable society. Among the challenges were found lacking economic viability and access to suitable farmland, the centralized food industry, an imbalanced agricultural output, unsustainable consumer habits, the tendency among Swedish municipal planners to support exploitation of fertile soil, and a low awareness among both the population and decision makers regarding peak oil and social resilience generally.
Globaliseringen och det industriella jordbruket har möjliggjort för konsumenter i Sverige och andra västländer att få tillgång till matvaror till låga priser och från många olika delar av världen. Samtidigt har detta medfört ett högt pris i form av miljöförsämringar och ett stort beroende av utländsk jordbruksproduktion, samt av olja och andra råvaror som inte är förnybara. Resultatet har blivit ett livsmedelssystem med urholkad hållbarhet och ökad sårbarhet. Accelererande klimatförändringar och den kommande krisen i samband med oljetoppen manar till nyorientering och en övergång till ett mer lokalbaserat system. Denna fallstudie av Uppsala kommun har undersökt utsikterna att återknyta matproduktionen till lokala system. Resultaten omfattar både en studie av den nuvarande matproduktionen i Uppsala, vilken även inkluderade en enkätundersökning av kolonilotter, en studie av potentialen att öka matproduktionen på mark som idag inte används aktivt för det ändamålet, samt en analys av möjligheter och utmaningar för en lokal matproduktion i Uppsala. Enkätundersökningen visade att på kolonilotter med stugor användes ca tio procent av den totala ytan för matproduktion, medan motsvarande siffra för kolonilotter utan stugor var flera gånger högre, ca 65 procent. Den totala skörden för alla kommunala kolonilotter i Uppsala uppskattades till 90 ton grönsaker och 48 ton frukt och bär. För den totala matproduktionen från jordbruket, trädgårdsnäringen och fritidsodlingen gjordes beräkningar för fem olika kategorier: Spannmål, mejeriprodukter, ägg, kött samt grönsaker, frukt och bär, som tillsammans utgör ca 85 procent av den totala svenska matkonsumtionen. Den uppskattade försörjningsbalansen varierade starkt mellan olika kategorier, från 400 procent för spannmål till 20 procent för kött samt för grönsaker, frukt och bär. Osäkerheten kring det vetenskapliga underlaget gällande fritidsodlingen är dock stort, vilket gör att siffrorna för grönsaker, frukt och bär bör tolkas försiktigt. För ägg och mejeriprodukter var försörjningsbalansen 67 procent respektive 50 procent. Studien av obrukad mark visade att den största potentialen för en ökad matproduktion finns inom fritidsodlingen, som beräknades skulle kunna öka med 3.5 till 6 gånger. En övergång till full självförsörjning skulle dock kräva drastiska förändringar i konsumtionsvanorna mot säsongsbetonade grönsaker och frukt samt mindre nötkött till förmån för mer vegetabiliskt protein. Analysen av möjligheter och utmaningar för en återgång till en mer lokal matproduktion pekade på att de största fördelarna är den stora produktionskapaciteten inom jordbruket, den stora sammanlagda arealen privat trädgårdsmark som till stor del är outnyttjad för matproduktion, det ökande intresset för stadsodling bland befolkningen, positiva attityder till lokal mat bland konsumenter, och en relativt hög medvetenhet kring klimatförändringar och behovet av ett mer hållbart samhälle. Bland de viktigaste utmaningarna fanns den bristande ekonomiska lönsamheten inom yrkesodlingen, den centraliserade livsmedelsindustrin, obalansen inom jordbruksproduktionen, med överskott på spannmål och underskott på andra livsmedelsråvaror, ohållbara konsumtionsvanor, tendenser hos svenska kommunala tjänstemän att stödja exploatering av bördig mark, samt den låga graden av medvetenhet hos både befolkningen och beslutsfattarna kring oljetoppen och samhällets sårbarhet generellt.
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Гуменюк, Інна Леонідівна, and Inna Leonidivna Humeniuk. "Варіювання максимуму інтенсивності та його локалізація в міських англомовних пейзажних описах." Київ, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2018.

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У тезах доповіді подано результати акустичного аналізу, який є одним із етапів експериментального дослідження у фонетиці.
У праці подано результати акустичного аналізу як етапу експериментального фонетичного дослідження просодичних засобів реалізації англомовних міських пейзажних описів. Методика експерименту розроблена згідно вимог сучасної фонетики, класифікації англомовних пейзажних описів та методики, запропонованої автором.За результатами акустчного аналізу автор виокремив варіації максимуму інтенсивності та її локалізації в англомовних міських пейзажних описах.
The paper offers the results of the acoustic analysis as the stage of experimental photeics research of prosodic means realizing English urban landscape descriptions. The methodology of the experiment is elaborated according to the proven techniques in contemporary phonetics, classification of English landscape descriptions and methodology developed by the author. According to the results of the acoustic analysis, the author establishes variations of maximum intensity and its localization in English urban landscape descriptions.
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Гуменюк, Інна Леонідівна, and Inna Leonidivna Humeniuk. "Динамічні закономірності інтонаційного оформлення міських англомовних пейзажних описів." ПВЗС "Український гуманітарний інститут", Міленіум, 2017.

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Дані наукової доповіді можуть бути використані в експериментально-фонетичних дослідженнях.
У роботі схарактеризовано результати акустичного аналізу динамічних параметрів просодичної організації міських пейзажних описів та їх варіацій у статичних, статично-динамічних та динамічних описах. У ході експерименту досліджувалися максимум інтенсивності та його локалізація, діапазон інтенсивності, рівень інтенсивності та інтервал інтенсивності.
In the paper the acoustic analysis results of dynamic parametres in prosodic organization of urban landscape descriptions and their variations in static, static-and-dynamic and dynamic descriptions are presented and characterized. In the process of experiment intesity maximum and its localization, intensity level, intensity range, intensity interval were studied.
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XIE, ZONG-HAN, and 謝宗翰. "Landscape inspired by sound localization — Study of Zong-Han Xie’s Art Works." Thesis, 2017.

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The idea of sound localization is to get familiar with new places through self-senses. While the author places himself in new environment, he tends to connect self-consciousness with past experiences. In advance, what he felt from his senses depicted the outline of scenery through imagination. Author strives to deal with anxiety and emotions which cause self-enclosure to consciousness when creating. In chapter 2, referencing studies of consciousness from phycology and phenomenology as theoretical fundamentals. In chapter 3, continuing on to author's creation through visualizing sound and space, Mainly depicting sound as three different parts, line, visual, space. Lastly, comparing works with the idea of " Karesansui ", and concept of space. Through demonstrating consciousness and further research, making it return to the original point of status. By doing so, it takes emotions which were sealed to a clear and objective outside world.
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Гуменюк, Інна Леонідівна, and Inna Leonidivna Humeniuk. "Динамічні характеристики сільських англомовних пейзажних описів." 2015.

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Дані проведеного експерименту можуть бути використані для подальших досліджень у галузі експериментальної фонетики.
У праці подано результати акустичного аналізу динамічних характеристик та їх варіювання у статичних, статично-динамічних та динамічних описів. У процесі експерименту досліджувалися максимум інтенсивності та його локалізація, рівень інтенсивності, інтервал інтенсивності.
In the paper the acoustic analysis results of dynamic parameters in prosodic organisation of country descriptions are presented and their variations in static, static-and-dynamic and dynamic decriptions are characterised. In the process of experiment intensity maximum and its localization, intenisty level and intensity interval were studied.
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Books on the topic "Landscape of localization"


Aston, Emma. Centaurs and Lapiths in the Landscape of Thessaly. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Lapiths and Centaurs are famous figures of Greek myth in both its literary and its artistic representation. However, what is rarely discussed is the localization of their conflict in the landscapes of Thessaly, in northern Greece. This chapter restores the Thessalian dimension, in two ways: first, by examining the landscape of Thessaly as a setting, and second, by reconstructing the involvement of certain of the region’s communities in the formation and development of the myths. It is argued that these communities should be regarded as active participants in myth-making rather than just the backgrounds onto which the myths were projected by non-Thessalians. The ultimate aim, however, is not to identify this local perspective as an isolated one, separate from the literary and artistic traditions by which Lapiths and Centaurs are chiefly known; instead, Thessalian voices feed into, and respond to, the wider myth-making processes of the ancient Greek world.
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Wang, Xiaoxuan. Maoism and Grassroots Religion. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This book explores grassroots religious life under and after Mao in Rui’an County, Wenzhou, in southeastern China, a region widely known for its religious vitality. Drawing on hitherto unexplored local state archives, records of religious institutions, memoirs, and interviews, it tells the story of local communities’ encounters with the Communist revolution, and their consequences, especially the competitions and struggles for religious property and ritual space. It demonstrates that, rather than being totally disrupted, religious life under Mao was characterized by remarkable variance and unevenness and was contingent on the interactions of local dynamics with Maoist campaigns—including the land reform, the Great Leap Forward, and the Cultural Revolution. The revolutionary experience strongly determined the trajectories and development patterns of different religions, inter-religious dynamics, and state-religion relationships in the post-Mao era. This book argues that Maoism was destructively constructive to Chinese religions. It permanently altered the religious landscape in China, especially by inadvertently promoting the localization and even (in some areas) the expansion of Protestant Christianity, as well as the reinvention of traditional communal religion. In this vein, the post-Mao religious revival had deep historical roots in the Mao years, and cannot be explained by contemporary economic motives and cultural logics alone. This book calls for a renewed understanding of Maoism and secularism in the People’s Republic of China.
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Book chapters on the topic "Landscape of localization"


Palumbo, Giuseppe. "The Future of Translation and Translators in a Fast-Changing Economic and Technological Landscape." In Translation and Localization, 220–41. London ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2019. |: Routledge, 2019.

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Stamnes, Arne Anderson, and Heidrun Stebergløkken. "12. Patterns or Contrast? A GIS-Based Study of the Landscape Context and Localization of the Southern Rock Art Tradition in Stjørdal, Mid-Norway." In Contrasts of the Nordic Bronze Age, 159–73. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2020.

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Bastianoni, Federico. "Time–Frequency Localization Operators: State of the Art." In Landscapes of Time-Frequency Analysis, 63–74. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Teofanov, Nenad. "Continuity Properties of Multilinear Localization Operators on Modulation Spaces." In Landscapes of Time-Frequency Analysis, 291–307. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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"A Geographic Imaginary: the Skandapurāṇa, Lakulīśa, and the Localization of Tradition." In Mapping the Pāśupata Landscape, 11–47. BRILL, 2020.

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Shapland, Michael G. "Tower-naves, lordly towers, and the Anglo-Saxon aristocracy." In Anglo-Saxon Towers of Lordship, 133–73. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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This chapter traces the construction of tower-naves at lordly residences during the late tenth and eleventh centuries, as part of a wider tradition of aristocratic tower construction in late Anglo-Saxon England. This is argued to have been driven by the increasing localization of social power in the hands of the aristocracy during this period, and their ambition to manifest their power in the landscape. The symbolic role of these towers is discussed, in legitimizing the social position of their lords, as is their usefulness in fulfilling their lords’ military duties. Several of the towers are placed within the context of wider landscapes of defence, in terms of their viability as refuges and watchtowers over war-beacons, assembly-sites, and routes of communication.
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"Challenges to the Localization of Global Anti-Money Laundering Standards in Less Developed Economies." In The Global Anti-Money Laundering Regulatory Landscape in Less Developed Countries, 159–86. Routledge, 2016.

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al Kalbani, Ali, Badriya Al Balushi, Maha al Jahwari, Maryam al Rashdi, and Jouhara al Habsi. "How to Integrate Sustainable Considerations Into the 4Ps of Marketing." In Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-Services, 344–70. IGI Global, 2023.

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This chapter investigates integrating sustainability principles into marketing strategies, transforming the 4Ps (product, price, promotion, place) into the sustainable framework of the 4Cs. It explores the changing landscape of product development, pricing strategies, promotion, and distribution channels considering sustainability. The expanded definition of a product includes services, intangible offerings, and customer experiences, stressing continuous innovation and differentiation. Balancing fair pricing for sustainable products and addressing price sensitivity is examined, emphasizing the incorporation of social and environmental costs into pricing decisions. The influence of digital marketing and interactive strategies is explored, along with the integration of offline and online channels. The impact of technology and the COVID-19 pandemic on distribution channels is discussed, highlighting the significance of hyper-local and localization marketing. The chapter underscores the importance of sustainability in marketing strategies and recommends integrating it into the 4Ps.
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Wu, Helena Y. W. "Introduction: The Hangover after the Handover." In The Hangover after the Handover, 1–16. Liverpool University Press, 2020.

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The introductory chapter puts forward the notion of “hangover” to scrutinize the so-called colonial-postcolonial transition of Hong Kong after the handover in 1997. With an eye to the cultural, social and political landscape, the chapter explores how Hong Kong undergoes a dual hangover from the last years of British colonial rule, in which the administration made attempts to accelerate localization, democratization and institutionalization, and after the taken-for-granted state following the handover, in which the post-1997 authorities’ rhetorical claims of decolonization are contained within the frames of nationalization and globalization. In view of the cultural, social and political forces in flux, the multiple entry points introduced by this chapter open up a space to critically interrogate the further transition of Hong Kong from the post-handover to the post-hangover during the 2010s and the manifold impacts on the local, national and global levels.
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Athanassaki, Lucia. "Athenian Monumental Architecture, Iconography, and Topography in Plutarch’s De Gloria Atheniensium." In Plutarch's Cities, 81–102. Oxford University Press, 2022.

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Chapter 5 explores the significance of the Athenian art and architecture in shaping Plutarch’s subject matter and narrative style in De gloria. Taking as starting point the overt reference to Euphranor’s painting in the Stoa of Zeus Eleutherios and the covert references to the Marathon painting in the Stoa Poikile, it traces Plutarch’s steps in the Athenian Agora and argues that Plutarch places himself, mentally at least, at the temple of Ares and in full view of Pindar’s statue in front of the Royal Stoa; this particular localization indicates that the vehement attack on Athenian cultural achievements must be taken with a grain of salt. On this reading De gloria was not a panegyric, but a rhetorical exercise, composed perhaps with the expectation of eliciting a counter-argument. The chapter concludes with Plutarch’s selective visualization and commemoration of the cultural landscape of the Agora and the people and events celebrated in it.
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Conference papers on the topic "Landscape of localization"


Suzuki, Tetsuya, and Takehiro Tokuda. "A System for Landscape Photograph Localization." In 2006 6th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. IEEE, 2006.

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Namba, Ayaka, Satoshi Muramatsu, Katsuhiko Inagaki, Daisuke Chugo, Sho Yokota, and Hiroshi Hashimoto. "Consideration of Landscape Recognition for Topological Localization." In IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE, 2018.

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Zhang, Liqiang, Xiaobo Zhou, and Qiang Cheng. "Landscape-3D; A Robust Localization Scheme for Sensor Networks over Complex 3D Terrains." In 2006 31st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks. IEEE, 2006.

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Szántó, Catherine. "Towards the redefinition of the meaning of the Meuse Valley landscape in Liège: proposal for a landscape experiment." In International Conference Virtual City and Territory. Roma: Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions, 2014.

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The localization of the city of Liège, in the Meuse (Maas) valley, later the development of its industries and its port, were all conditioned by the natural geography of its site. Yet today the site itself and its natural characteristics are seldom perceptible from within the city. The large scale destructions in the city fabric during the last two centuries broke up its historical siteresponsive urban morphology. The disappearing industry left the landscape scarred with now meaningless traces, and no strong alternative vision for its future. While the region is waiting for “the” solution, for the definitive project that will give it new impulse and identity, the abandoned industrial sites and many of their surroundings are turning into “non-sites”. To gain a new vision specific to the valley, one must read todays’ landscape as a palimpsest left by rural uses and urban developments, including industrial artifacts, overlaid on its original geomorphology. A “project” approach, such as that proposed by many landscape architects at different scales, from garden to forest and larger urban development, offers a way of observing and interpreting the landscape, eventually leading to iterative, local interventions, (“landscape acupuncture”). Inspired by the site-responsive agricultural past of the valley, the interventions should lead to a new spatial language of urban agriculture and forestry. Each of these interventions can turn into a “landscape laboratory”, involving local stakeholders, whose aim is to articulate small scale landscape elements with long-term place and time-contextual investment, and thus redefine its identity.
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Kunakova, Lucia. "METHODOLOGY OF THE EVALUATION OF THE LANDSCAPE POTENTIAL FOR THE LOCALIZATION OF THE LANDFILLS." In 15th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM2015. Stef92 Technology, 2011.

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Chen, Chi-Yuan, Yu-Han Lin, Tong-Hong Wang, and Chih-Ching Wu. "Abstract B50: HnRNP A3 regulates the nuclear EGFR localization and cancer progression." In Abstracts: AACR Special Conference on the Evolving Landscape of Cancer Modeling; March 2-5, 2020; San Diego, CA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2020.

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Yuan, Yuhui, and Xiaoyun Ni. "The Localization Design of Jing-Chu Context in the Renovation and Renewal of Urban Public Landscape." In 3rd International Conference on Architecture: Heritage, Traditions and Innovations (AHTI 2021). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Wu, Yuh-Renn, Tsung-Yin Tsai, Chaohsin Wu, Krystian Michalczewski, and Piotr Martyniuk. "Investigation of type-II superlattices InAs/InAsSb photoconductor system by $8\times 8\quad \mathrm{k}\cdot \mathrm{p}$ model and application of localization landscape theory for transport." In 2019 Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW). IEEE, 2019.

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Galinskaitė, Lina, Gytautas Ignatavičius, and Vaidotas Valskys. "DEPENDENCE OF VEHICLE COLLISIONS WITH ROE DEER ON SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL FACTORS IN LITHUANIA." In 11th International Conference “Environmental Engineering”. VGTU Technika, 2020.

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Rising road densities, vehicle speeds limits and traffic volumes, combined with recent growth in the population density of various deer species, have increased the risk of DVCs across the world, causing a great deal of animal suffering, traffic safety problems and socio-economic costs. Object of this investigation was to find out collisions trend with roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Lithuania. The aim of our study was to determine where in Lithuania accidents occure more frequently and evaluate these accidents in time. In 2013–2017 number of AVCs in Lithuania was recorded more then 12 011 times, over half of 7155 occur with roe deer. The temporality of accidents was studied under three scales – daily, weekly and seasonal. Daily peaks start at 7:00 (8.75%), 8:00 (6.08%). Evening peaks, start at 17:00 (7.71%), other at 22:00 (10.64%) hours. Week collisions with roe deer increase on Friday 14.9%. The risk of collision with roe deer varies over the year – the majority of crashes occur in May 14.7% and November 10.7%. In spatial study localization of collision data with ArcGIS 10.3. It was found that road surrounding landscape dominated by agricultural land collisions occurred at a maximum of 29.77%. 19.10% collisions were recorded in the forest area. In built-up areas 11.85%. Analysis of these trends allow to simulate and predict when and where the highest risk of DVCs occurs. In conclusion, this could give valuable information and constitute a manageable tool for the road managers, planners, scientist, wildlife conservationist who are interested in these type of accidents in regions of Lithuania.
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Steffelbauer, David B., and Daniela Fuchs-Hanusch. "Fitness landscapes and distance metrics for model-based leakage localization." In 2016 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol). IEEE, 2016.

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