Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Land configuration'
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McGrath, Paul G. "Knowledge-intensive firms : configuration or community?" Thesis, University of Warwick, 1999. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/36347/.
Full textAguiar, Douglas Vieira de. "Grid configuration and land use : a syntactic survey of Porto Alegre (Brazil)." Thesis, Imperial College London, 1991. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.301615.
Full textPrescott, Graham William. "Effects of land-use, landscape configuration, and management practice on biodiversity in tropical agricultural landscapes." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2015. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.709023.
Full textScoppa, Martin Dennis. "Towards a theory of distributed attraction: the effects of street network configuration upon the distribution of retail in the city of Buenos Aires." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/47568.
Full textVenturini, Véronique. "La planification littorale spatialisée à l’épreuve du terrain : l’exemple des communes de Calenzana, Olmeto et Sisco." Thesis, Corte, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022CORT0002.
Full textThis thesis deals with the difficulties involved in the operationalization of the spatialized littoral planning in Corsica, especially through the consideration of the characteristics and configurations related to the land situation. To do this, it is based, within the framework of a professional experience of urban planner, on the analysis of three coastal municipalities, Sisco, Olmeto and Calenzana, presenting difficulties in the implementation of their urban planning documents. The planning includes tools and methods of preparation and analysis implemented to frame the evolution and development of territories. Seven years after the approval of the PADDUC, the island's urban planning documents have seen their goals evolve about a more balanced vision of urbanization. The challenges of preserving the environment, production areas and the objective of densifying built-up areas have been reinforced, thus obliging planning documents to set a strict and precise development context based on socio-demographic projections. In view of this operational definition of spatialized strategic planning, this research work proposes, within the framework of an empirical approach, a vision that complements the methods of elaboration and evaluation of local urban planning documents by integrating the land question as a basis for analysis and observation of territorial evolution. This research work is based on the identification of a series of indicators showing the influence of land characteristics on the implementation of planning documents, taking into consideration their legal and geographical situation. This aggregation of land indicators leads us to a spatialized and surface representation aiming at better estimating and understanding the real mobilization of land for building
Nielsen, Michael Meinild. "Inferring Land Use from Remote Sensing Imagery : A context-based approach." Doctoral thesis, Stockholms universitet, Kulturgeografiska institutionen, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-103082.
Full textAt the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript. Paper 6: Manuscript.
Le, Bris Arnaud. "Optimisation de la configuration d'un instrument superspectral aéroporté pour la classification : application au milieu urbain." Thesis, Paris Est, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PESC1182/document.
Full textThis work was performed in the context of a possible enrichment of land cover databases. The description of land cover is necessary it possible to produce environmental indicators for the management of ecosystems and territories, in response to various societal and scientific needs. Thus, different land cover databases already exist at various levels (global, European, national, regional or local) or are currently being produced. However, it appeared that knowledge about land cover should more detailled in urban areas, since it is required by several city modeling applications (micro-meteorological, hydrological, or pollution monitoring simulators), or public regulations monitoring (e.g. concerning ground perviousness). Such materials maps would be (both semantically and spatially) finer than what is contained in existing land cover databases. Therefore, they could be an additional layer, both in land cover databases (such as in IGN High Resolution land cover database) and in 3D city models. No existing database contains such information about urban material maps. Thus remote sensing is the only solution to produce it. However, due to the high heterogeneity of urban materials, their variability, but also the strong similarities between different material classes, usual optical multispectral sensors (with only the 4 red - green - blue - near infrared bands) are not sufficient to reach a good discrimination of materials. A multispectral sensor or superspectral, that is to say spectrally richer, could therefore provide a solution to this limit. Thus, this work was performed intending the design of such sensor. It aimed at identifying the best spectral configuration for classification of urban materials, or at least to propose sub-optimal solutions. In other words, a spectral optimization was carried out in order to optimize both the position of the bands in the spectrum and their width. Automatic feature selection methods were used. This work was performed in two steps. A first task aimed at defining the spectral optimization methods and at validating them on literature reference data sets. Two state-of-the-art optimization heuristics (Sequential Forward Floating Search and genetic algorithms) were chosen owing to their genericity and flexibility, and therefore their ability to be used to optimize different feature selection criteria. A benchmark of different scores measuring the relevance of a set of features was performed to decide which score to optimize during the band selection process. Band width optimization was then studied: the proposed method consisted in building a hierarchy of bands merged according to their similarities. Band selection was then processed within this hierarchy. The second part of the work consisted in the application of these spectral optimization algorithms to the case study of urban materials. A collection of urban materials spectra was first caught and from various spectral libraries ( ASTER , MEMORIES...). Spectral optimization was then performed on this dataset. A limited number (about 10) of well chosen bands appeared to be sufficient to classify next common materials (slates - asphalt - cement - gravel - metal - cobblestones - shingle - earth – tiles). Bands from short wave infrared spectral domain (1400 - 2500 nm) were shown again to be very useful to discriminate urban materials. However, quantitative results assessing the confusions between the materials must be considered carefully since some materials are very uncommon in the library of collected spectra, and thus their possible variability is not completely considered
Ma, Mingfei. "Are there alternatives to greenbelts? : evidence from a new land-use transport interaction model for Greater Beijing." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2017. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/265001.
Full textPiccinato, Junior Dirceu. "Terra urbana, patrim?nio fundi?rio: uma an?lise hist?rica da apropria??o do solo na configura??o do urbano no nordeste paulista (1800-1930)." Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas, 2012. http://tede.bibliotecadigital.puc-campinas.edu.br:8080/jspui/handle/tede/101.
Full textThis paper seeks to trace a historical analysis of urban land ownership, land heritage (religious and secular) in the training process and the establishment of urban centers in northeastern S?o Paulo State between the years 1800 and 1930, focusing more attention to two significant events that favored the construction of an urban network in this region: the migration of incoming miners and the cycle of coffee along with the arrival of Cia Mogiana these parts. The establishment of an urban center it is a chapel, parish and village was only possible during the Colony and the Empire, by granting lands to the heritage of a holy devotion. With the advent of the Republic, on the actions of capitalist interests, the donation of land was no longer the sacred as well, but the commercialization of land, or profit. The scrutiny as to how the appointments issued by each of the two historical dimensions conform sought the transformation of this part of the state territory and the creation of urban forms. We shall show, however, that even calling for a linearity in the award process, and ownership of urban design, practices, experiences and local dynamics were crucial to the definition of the nuclei. For the preparation of the dissertation, have been included relevant documents and images of urban farming initiatives, as well as important previous studies, to identify possible links between the issues surrounding land and property circumstances that presented themselves in every situation and the determinations imposed by government religious and / or civil liability. Thus, we try to treat the grant of land as an urban process developed in a regional context that holds conjunctures of conflicts and interests in configuration of urban.
Este trabalho busca tra?ar uma an?lise hist?rica sobre a apropria??o da terra urbana, patrim?nio fundi?rio (religioso e laico) no processo de forma??o e funda??o de n?cleos urbanos no nordeste do Estado de S?o Paulo entre os anos de 1800 e 1930, detendo-se com maior aten??o em dois momentos significativos que favoreceram a constru??o de uma rede urbana nesta regi?o: o movimento migrat?rio dos entrantes mineiros e o ciclo da cafeicultura, juntamente com a chegada da Cia. Mogiana nestas paragens. O estabelecimento de um n?cleo urbano, seja ele uma capela, freguesia ou vila, s? era poss?vel, durante a Col?nia e o Imp?rio, por meio da concess?o de terras para o patrim?nio de um santo de devo??o. Com o advento da Rep?blica, sob as a??es dos interesses capitalistas, a doa??o de terra para a forma??o de n?cleos urbanos n?o tinha mais como bem o sagrado, mas a comercializa??o da terra, ou seja, o lucro. A an?lise atenta para o modo como as designa??es emanadas por cada uma das dimens?es hist?ricas procuraram conformar a transforma??o desta parte do territ?rio paulista e a cria??o das formas urbanas. Pretende-se mostrar, entretanto, que mesmo conclamada uma linearidade no processo de concess?o, apropria??o e delineamento do solo urbano, pr?ticas, experi?ncias e din?micas locais foram determinantes para a defini??o dos n?cleos urbanos. Para a elabora??o da disserta??o, foram consultados documentos escritos e imagens pertinentes a iniciativas das cria??es urbanas, bem como importantes estudos precedentes, procurando identificar poss?veis v?nculos entre as quest?es envolvendo as terras patrimoniais, circunst?ncias que se apresentavam em cada situa??o e as determina??es impostas pelas administra??es religiosa e/ou civil. Desse modo, procura-se tratar a concess?o da terra urbana como um processo desenvolvido num contexto regional que guarda conjunturas particulares de conflitos e interesses na configura??o do urbano.
Rademeyer, Brian. "The influence of environmental impacts on tailings impoundment design." Thesis, Pretoria : [s.n.], 2007. http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-01292008-172436.
Full textNdlovu, Nkanyiso. "Investigating wireless network deployment configurations for marginalized areas." Thesis, University of Fort Hare, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10353/463.
Full textBrachmi, Rhizlane. "Congestion Mitigation Strategy:Modeling the Effect of Different Geometric Configurations of a Two-Lane On-Ramp on Capacity Using VISSIM." Cleveland State University / OhioLINK, 2019. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=csu1560189783503486.
Full textChen, Hongyun. "Safety evaluation of freeway exit ramps." [Tampa, Fla.] : University of South Florida, 2008. http://purl.fcla.edu/usf/dc/et/SFE0002338.
Full textChang, Yu-Hsuan, and 張妤瑄. "Near Real-time Air Quality Simulation System-Bare Land Module Configuration and Test." Thesis, 2017. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/47045225485169435115.
Full text國立中興大學
In recent years, the air quality data of Central Taiwan shows that suspended particles and ozone are the main pollutants in the air. Not only does the emission of pollutants bear the blame for the high concentration of suspended particles, but meteorological factors also affect the transmission and generation of pollutants. By modifying the code of Gaussian Trajectory transfer-coefficient model (GTx) in respect of the calculation of the bare land module and testing under the same simulation condition, its accuracy of the before and after modification will be studied and cases will be simulated. Besides adding the bare-land module, this studies, tying in OPENDATA openly provided by the government recently, also adopts PHP language to establish the connection of MySQL database, so as to deliver the near real-time simulated outcomes and improves the accuracy of the forecast. According to the outcomes, it is known that both pollutants (PM10 and PM2.5) can obtain better Mean Fractional Bias (MFB) and Correlation Coefficient (R) under low wind speed and high wind speed when the simulated value is assessed for performance evaluation under different wind speed. The above finding is due to the association between the dissipating amount and the wind speed of bare land when using the bare land module, thus, its performance is better than that of the emission factor using TEDs9.0 database, and it’s able to deliver the contribution amount of the suspended particles on the bare land in the exact point of time.
Chen, Kun-Tso, and 陳坤佐. "A Study on the configuration and strategies of land use planning through Landscape Ecological Principle in Taiwan land-development case." Thesis, 2012. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/74215732002546933144.
Full text國立中興大學
Of all the current land development projects in Taiwan, Environmental Impact Assessment seems to be the only monitoring system when it comes to the maintenance aspect of ecological environment. Therefore, this study attempted to examine from the point of view of landscape ecology, identify the contents and role of landscape ecology professionals could participate in this system. This study explored land planning related studies and theories through literature review, in order to examine the possibility of using landscape ecology theories on large scale land development projects, including species move least-cost model, landscape structure index, species ecology assessment index, and landscape ecology principles, and then come up with a feasible operational process for subsequent development application. Based on numerous EIA reports from the past and through selection, this study has chosen Hsinchu Science Park Jhunan Science Park, Central Taiwan Science Park Taichung Science Park, Central Taiwan Science Park Houli Science Park, Southern Taiwan Science Park Tainan Science Park and Southern Taiwan Science Park Kaohsiung Science Park as the five study sites. When assessing of changes in bird species, we found that from diversity index and evenness index analysis, site development of Jhunan, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung Science Parks have become more stable, and both indexes were either rising or constant. Both indexes of Jhunan and Tainan Science Park, which have better landscape structure or maintenance of ecological environment, appeared to be rising, and because Houli Science Park is still in the changing period of developing phase, the two indexes were very unstable and changes rigorously. Therefore, diversity index and evenness index are effective monitoring indicators in understanding whether if a site’s ecological restoration has reached equilibrium state, or if the site’s environmental structure is conducive to bird species habitat. Through the species move least-cost model of the five study sites, the possibility of examine from landscape sale is confirmed. In this study, Jhunan Science Park’s species move least-cost model changes were able to explain the disappearance of important habitat significantly affected large populations. Landscape changes in Taichung Science Park almost changed the original natural pattern entirely, and even it recovered through time and bird species were eventually stabilized, the composition, however, has tend to become ubiquitous species that are familiar to human. Although the pattern were changed in Tainan Science Park, the strategy of designated conservation area and integrity of greenbelt system allowed the recovered environment positively assisted in increasing the number and diversity of the bird population; but due to the limits of habitat environment, it is obvious that bird species were concentrated in certain areas. From these results, it is certain that species move least-cost model can predict ecological environment of a site, and it also is a viable tool for suggesting improvements. The results of landscape indicators are important data for planners to understand the landscape changes before and after a development. It can predict or verify the result of species change through the variation of aggregation and connectivity. Finally, actually carry out the original planning of the site according to the prepared procedure of this study, and at the same time under the condition of not affecting spatial function and building coverage ratio of the area, propose design recommendations for parks and green spaces. Because all the proposed recommendations are based on species move least-cost and landscape ecology principles, we believe these design policies will assist substantially in recovering landscape ecology, and provide enough ecological theory groundwork for EIA review.
Fikadu, Tilahun Mulatu. "Modelling temporal landscape configuration in montado system cover and biodiversity." Master's thesis, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/31154.
Full textMontado, a human shaped agro-silvopastoral system in Portugal, has been experiencing series of changes following the transformation of agricultural policies. Such changes are responsible for altering the structure and composition of montado landscape and hence the biodiversity of the system. Management practices in montado system usually focus on a single and common land use (agroforestry) that represent only part of montado landscape. A recently developed StDM (Stochastic Dynamic Modelling) was applied to model the spatial and temporal patterns in the system and predict changes in biodiversity patterns of passeriform species considering both with and without agroforestry management. Model outputs showed the land use dynamics favoring the expansion of areas with intense and intermediate canopy at the expense of open areas. This resulted in a declining temporal and spatial trend for species richness, with the higher declining rate observed for open area species. Contrary to our expectation, the species richness is even more reduced with the management of agroforestry. Therefore, a detailed understanding on the complexity and balance among different land uses in the system followed by augmentation of management efforts to other biodiversity enhancing land use types will improve the biodiversity of the system than focusing only on a single or few land use types.
Huang, Hsiao-Chi, and 黃曉琪. "The Development and Land Tenure Configuration in The Eighteen Curves River in Ching Dynasty." Thesis, 2009. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/pgku2z.
Full textLockhart, James C. "Towards a theory of the configuration and management of export-dependent land-based value systems: The case of New Zealand." 1997. http://wwwlib.umi.com/dissertations/fullcit/9839468.
Full textSubscription resource available via Digital Dissertations
Maimaitiyming, Maimaiti. "Effects of Spatial Pattern of GreenSpace on Land Surface Temperature: A case study on Oasis City Aksu, northwest China." Master's thesis, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/9200.
Full textThe urban heat island (UHI) refers to the phenomenon of higher atmospheric and surface temperatures occurring in urban areas than in the surrounding rural areas. Numerous studies have shown that increased percent cover of greenspace (PLAND) can significantly decrease land surface temperatures (LST). Fewer studies, however, have investigated the effects of configuration of greenspace on LST. This thesis aims to fill this gap using oasis city Aksu, northwest China as a case study. PLAND along with two configuration metrics were used to measure the composition and configuration of greenspace. The metrics were calculated by moving window method based on a greenspace map derived from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery, and LST data were retrieved from Landsat TM thermal band. Normalized mutual information measure was employed to investigate the relationship between LST and the spatial pattern of greenspace. The results showed that PLAND was the most important predictor of LST. Configuration of greenspace also significantly affected LST. In addition, the variance of LST was largely explained by both composition and configuration of greenspace. Results from this study can expand our understanding of the relationship between LST and vegetation, and provide insights for improving urban greenspace planning and management.
CHEN, QIN-MENG, and 陳琴孟. "An expert system for configuration management of PC LAN." Thesis, 1991. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/03569391472300019618.
Full textMckinnon, Ian A. "Operational and Safety-based Analyses of Varied Toll Lane Configurations." 2013. https://scholarworks.umass.edu/theses/1067.
Full text"Selection between UNIX in minicomputer setup and LAN configuration for a medium-sized company considering computerization." Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1991. http://library.cuhk.edu.hk/record=b5886667.
Full textThesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1991.
Bibliography: leaves 74-76.
ABSTRACT --- p.ii
Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1
General Overview of Medium-sized Companies in Hong Kong --- p.2
Matters of Concern --- p.6
Chapters Summary --- p.7
Chapter II. --- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY --- p.9
Literate Review --- p.9
Questionnaire --- p.9
Observation and Site Visits --- p.10
Selective Interview --- p.10
Summary --- p.11
Chapter III. --- HISTORY OF SYSTEMS --- p.12
Evolution of local area network (LAN) --- p.12
Evolution of Unix Systems --- p.14
Requirements and consideration on computerization --- p.20
Market Trend --- p.23
PC and PC Installation --- p.24
UNIX Installation --- p.25
Chapter V. --- SYSTEM OVERVIEW --- p.29
LAN System Overview --- p.29
Advantages in using Unix System --- p.30
Availability of Application Software --- p.30
Economic Advantages --- p.30
Proficient PC Users --- p.31
Standardization --- p.31
Psychological Advantages --- p.32
Disadvantages in using LAN System --- p.32
Diminishing Performance --- p.33
Immature Multi-user Applications --- p.33
Complex System Management --- p.33
Primitive Database Management System --- p.34
Intensive Support Required --- p.34
Unix System Overview --- p.35
Advantages in using Unix System --- p.36
Wide Area and Remote Connection --- p.36
Centralized System Administration --- p.37
Tight Data Security Control --- p.37
True Multi-tasking System --- p.38
Expandability --- p.38
Technological Advantage --- p.38
Disadvantages in using LAN System --- p.39
Lack of Standard --- p.39
Comparatively fewer Application Softwares Available --- p.39
High Upgrading Cost --- p.40
High Initial Investment --- p.40
High Adminstration Cost --- p.40
Poor User Interface --- p.42
Recent Development in LAN System --- p.43
Wireless LAN System --- p.45
LAN Application in recent years --- p.47
Document Management System --- p.49
Wide Area Networking --- p.49
"Groupware, Database Server and Multi-media" --- p.51
Recent Development in Unix System --- p.52
Unix Institutions --- p.54
Unix Applications --- p.55
General Configuration of a LAN-based Application --- p.57
General Configuration of a Unix-based Application --- p.60
Chapter VIII. --- FINDINGS --- p.65
Total System Cost --- p.65
System Expandability --- p.66
System Administration --- p.66
System Security --- p.67
Office Automation --- p.67
Data Processing --- p.67
Summary --- p.68
Recommendation : Marriage of UNIX and LAN Systems --- p.70
Inter-system Connection --- p.70
Running DOS in UNIX --- p.71
Running Network Operating System on UNIX machines --- p.71
Network based on UNIX --- p.72