Academic literature on the topic 'Land configuration'

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Journal articles on the topic "Land configuration"


Wiltshire, Andrew J., Maria Carolina Duran Rojas, John M. Edwards, Nicola Gedney, Anna B. Harper, Andrew J. Hartley, Margaret A. Hendry, Eddy Robertson, and Kerry Smout-Day. "JULES-GL7: the Global Land configuration of the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator version 7.0 and 7.2." Geoscientific Model Development 13, no. 2 (February 7, 2020): 483–505.

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Abstract. We present the latest global land configuration of the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) model as used in the latest international Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). The configuration is defined by the combination of switches, parameter values and ancillary data, which we provide alongside a set of historical forcing data that defines the experimental setup. The configurations provided are JULES-GL7.0, the base setup used in CMIP6 and JULES-GL7.2, a subversion that includes improvements to the representation of canopy radiation and interception. These configurations are recommended for all JULES applications focused on the exchange and state of heat, water and momentum at the land surface. In addition, we provide a standardised modelling system that runs on the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) JASMIN cluster, accessible to all JULES users. This is provided so that users can test and evaluate their own science against the standard configuration to promote community engagement in the development of land surface modelling capability through JULES. It is intended that JULES configurations should be independent of the underlying code base, and thus they will be available in the latest release of the JULES code. This means that different code releases will produce scientifically comparable results for a given configuration version. Versioning is therefore determined by the configuration as opposed to the underlying code base.
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RATHORE, S. S., KAPILA SHEKHAWAT, and G. A. RAJANNA. "Land configurations in surface drip irrigation for enhancing productivity, profitability and water-use efficiency of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) under semi-arid conditions." Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90, no. 8 (October 14, 2020): 1538–43.

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The aim of the experiment was to maximize water-use efficiency and resultant crop productivity through surface drip irrigation under modified land techniques in arid- and semi-arid conditions of India. To address these issues, field study was undertaken on Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. & Coss.] with surface drip irrigation under various land configuration techniques to enhance water-use efficiency, crop productivity and profitability. Results of the study revealed that flat sowing drip irrigation system in 60/30 and 30/60 cm land configuration resulted in highest seed yield (141 to 161 %), oil productivity (139 to 150%) and water-use efficiency of mustard seed (141 to 162 %) over flat 90/60cm land configuration. Better growth and yield attributes of Indian mustard were also recorded in land configuration of flat sowing in 60/30 and 30/60cm. Maximum net return of ` 102×103 obtained at 30/60cm flat sowing followed by flat sowing at 60/30cm land configuration over other land configurations under drip irrigation. Likely, sowing of mustard at 30/60cm followed by 60/30cm flat land configuration with surface drip irrigation produced highest root biomass (79 to 94%), root length density (75to 86%), root volume density (135 to 169%) and root mass density (65 to 125%) over 90/60cm flat land configuration. Among ridge and furrow land configuration, 30/60cm ridge and 60/30cm furrow sowing found better in producing highest seed and oil yields, better economics over 90/60cm furrow.
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Lubis, Ravide, Bagus Sapto Mulyatno, and Karyanto Karyanto. "OPTIMALISASI DAN ANALISIS DESAIN PARAMETER SEISMIK 3D DARAT BERDASARKAN MODEL GEOLOGI LAPANGAN “RL”." Jurnal Geofisika Eksplorasi 4, no. 2 (January 17, 2020): 15–30.

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The design of 3D land seismic parameters is a preliminary step before the acquisition of 3D land seismic data to obtain seismic data quality and efficient survey budget. The objective of this research is to obtain high quality of 3D land seismic data based on fold coverage spread on each target layer. The method used is based on the principle of wave propagation or ray tracing method on each target layer, wherein each wave reflection point (bin) will have a different value of fold so that the required configuration of the stretch that will result in the optimal spread of the fold. The applied stretch configurations are orthogonal, brick, zig-zag and slanted where each stretch configuration uses two types of templates that is narrow and wide azimuth. From the simulation analysis results of several stretch configurations in the survey area, then the optimal stretch configuration will be obtained in the survey area. The stretch configuration will be applied is the configuration of orthogonal stretch with narrow azimuth type template. Consideration of the selection of this stretch configuration because it has a more evenly folding effect on the target layer than with other stretch configurations. Furthermore, to obtain the configuration of the appropriate stretch of field conditions, the source point is moved outside the obstacle zone so that the quality of seismic data is maintained.
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Bush, Mike, Tom Allen, Caroline Bain, Ian Boutle, John Edwards, Anke Finnenkoetter, Charmaine Franklin, et al. "The first Met Office Unified Model–JULES Regional Atmosphere and Land configuration, RAL1." Geoscientific Model Development 13, no. 4 (April 21, 2020): 1999–2029.

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Abstract. In this paper we define the first Regional Atmosphere and Land (RAL) science configuration for kilometre-scale modelling using the Unified Model (UM) as the basis for the atmosphere and the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) for the land. RAL1 defines the science configuration of the dynamics and physics schemes of the atmosphere and land. This configuration will provide a model baseline for any future weather or climate model developments to be described against, and it is the intention that from this point forward significant changes to the system will be documented in the literature. This reproduces the process used for global configurations of the UM, which was first documented as a science configuration in 2011. While it is our goal to have a single defined configuration of the model that performs effectively in all regions, this has not yet been possible. Currently we define two sub-releases, one for mid-latitudes (RAL1-M) and one for tropical regions (RAL1-T). The differences between RAL1-M and RAL1-T are documented, and where appropriate we define how the model configuration relates to the corresponding configuration of the global forecasting model.
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Zhang, Qiang, Zixuan Wu, Vijay P. Singh, and Chunling Liu. "Impacts of Spatial Configuration of Land Surface Features on Land Surface Temperature across Urban Agglomerations, China." Remote Sensing 13, no. 19 (October 6, 2021): 4008.

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Booming urbanization triggers a significant modification of surface landscape configuration and hence complex urban climates. Considerable concerns exist regarding impacts of impervious surface area (ISA) and/or urban green space (UGS) on land surface temperature (LST). However, a knowledge gap still exists concerning the influence of urban landscape components and related spatial configuration on LST. To date, case studies have usually focused on individual cities, while few reports have addressed the impacts of urban surface components and relevant spatial configurations on LST within cities of different sizes, at different latitudes, and with different climatic backgrounds. Considering case studies from different latitudes and various climatic backgrounds can assist in obtaining comprehensive viewpoints about impacts of urban surface features on LST in both space and time. In this paper we analyzed data from three urban agglomerations, Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei (BTH), the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) and the Pearl River Delta (PRD), over the period 2000–2015. These three regions are densely populated with the most developed socio-economy across China, and are also dominated by booming urbanization. Based on Landsat remotely sensed data, we included the spatial pattern of surface components and related configuration into our analysis, quantifying impacts of spatial configuration of surface components on LST in both space and time. We found generally rising LST over all cities, which can be attributed to continuous urban expansion-induced decreased UGS. Generally, LST over ISA was 0.96–7.96 °C higher than that over UGS. We investigated the impacts of spatial pattern of land surface components on LST and found that the joint effect of the composition and spatial configuration of land surface components had the most significant impact on LST. Specifically, ISA and UGS had higher impact on LST than the impact of geometry of the ISA and UGS on LST. In the future, continuous expansion of ISA and continuous shrinking of UGS will drive the rising tendency of LST. Moreover, a larger rising tendency of LST will be observed in larger sized cities than smaller sized cities.
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Gharari, Shervan, Martyn P. Clark, Naoki Mizukami, Wouter J. M. Knoben, Jefferson S. Wong, and Alain Pietroniro. "Flexible vector-based spatial configurations in land models." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24, no. 12 (December 16, 2020): 5953–71.

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Abstract. Land models are increasingly used in terrestrial hydrology due to their process-oriented representation of water and energy fluxes. A priori specification of the grid size of the land models is typically defined based on the spatial resolution of forcing data, the modeling objectives, the available geospatial information, and computational resources. The variability of the inputs, soil types, vegetation covers, and forcing is masked or aggregated based on the a priori grid size. In this study, we propose an alternative vector-based implementation to directly configure a land model using unique combinations of land cover types, soil types, and other desired geographical features that have hydrological significance, such as elevation zone, slope, and aspect. The main contributions of this paper are to (1) implement the vector-based spatial configuration using the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model; (2) illustrate how the spatial configuration of the model affects simulations of basin-average quantities (i.e., streamflow) as well as the spatial variability of internal processes (snow water equivalent, SWE, and evapotranspiration, ET); and (3) describe the work and challenges ahead to improve the spatial structure of land models. Our results show that a model configuration with a lower number of computational units, once calibrated, may have similar accuracy to model configurations with more computational units. However, the different calibrated parameter sets produce a range of, sometimes contradicting, internal states and fluxes. To better address the shortcomings of the current generation of land models, we encourage the land model community to adopt flexible spatial configurations to improve model representations of fluxes and states at the scale of interest.
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Gniadek, Jacek, Stanisław Harasimowicz, Jarosław Janus, and Jacek M. Pijanowski. "Analysis of land configuration of arable lands case study of Mściwojów." Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape 1 (2013): 19–29.

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Ita Surayya. "PENDAFTARAN TANAH DALAM HUKUM AGRARIA LAND REGISTRATION IN AGRARIAN LAW." Juris 6, no. 2 (December 12, 2022): 299–305.

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This study traces the shift in the legal configuration of land registration, namely the change in PP no. 10 of 1961 became PP No. 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration by comparing the anatomy of the substance of the two government regulations. Researchers also criticize the development of regulations that encourage the acceleration of land registration in recent times. The researcher then conducted interviews with a number of agrarian activists to more deeply reveal the interests of legal ideology that caused a shift in the configuration of land registration. Changes from Government Regulation Number 10 of 1961 to Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration are often understood only as technical changes to laws and regulations. In fact, law is not born from a vacuum so that it cannot be separated from its socio-historical context. Land registration is not only an administrative matter, but is filled with ideological-legal interests. The shift in the configuration of land registration is determined by the ideological-legal basis. In the early days of the birth of the LoGA, land registration was utilized as a land reform instrument to ensure that lands that exceeded the boundaries became objects of land redistribution. The implementation of this agrarian reform then foundered along with the change in the direction of legal ideology which was more capitalist in character so that the function of land registration turned into a land market instrument.
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Sekiyama, Takashi, and Akira Nagashima. "Solar Sharing for Both Food and Clean Energy Production: Performance of Agrivoltaic Systems for Corn, A Typical Shade-Intolerant Crop." Environments 6, no. 6 (June 4, 2019): 65.

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The purpose of this research was to examine the performance of agrivoltaic systems, which produce crops and electricity simultaneously, by installing stilt-mounted photovoltaic (PV) panels on farmland. As PV power stations enjoy remarkable growth, land occupation with the purpose of establishing solar farms will intensify the competition for land resources between food and clean energy production. The results of this research showed, however, that the stilt-mounted agrivoltaic system can mitigate the trade-off between crop production and clean energy generation even when applied to corn, a typical shade-intolerant crop. The research was conducted at a 100-m2 experimental farm with three sub-configurations: no modules (control), low module density, and high module density. In each configuration, 9 stalks/m2 were planted 0.5 m apart. The biomass of corn stover grown in the low-density configuration was larger than that of the control configuration by 4.9%. Also, the corn yield per square meter of the low-density configuration was larger than that of the control by 5.6%. The results of this research should encourage more conventional farmers, clean energy producers, and policy makers to consider adopting stilt-mounted PV systems, particularly in areas where land resources are relatively scarce.
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Aziz, Naimul. "Land-Use, Street Configuration and Pedestrian Volume: The Case of a Historic Town, Mymensingh, Bangladesh." Nakhara : Journal of Environmental Design and Planning 15 (December 24, 2018): 137–54.

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This study explores the relative connections among pedestrian movement patterns, land use and street configuration by analyzing the pedestrian volume, existing land use pattern as well as the street configuration in different streets of Mymensingh. Mymensingh is a historic town of Bangladesh which was established by the British Colonists in more than 200 years ago along the river Brahmaputra. The street patterns of Mymensingh is very unique as it was developed by the fusion of the streets made by British Colonists and the narrow streets made by the local inhabitants. By using the method of Space Syntax the configurational values of street segments are compared with the corresponding pedestrian counts. The study result shows that the correlation is very poor within this two factors as commercial land uses affects the pedestrians more.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Land configuration"


McGrath, Paul G. "Knowledge-intensive firms : configuration or community?" Thesis, University of Warwick, 1999.

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This thesis is a study into the nature of knowledge-intensive firm defined here as professional service firms providing tailored services to corporate clients and relying heavily on the problem solving capacity of their employees. This thesis attempts to strike a balance between a straightforward and overtly empirical piece of work which presupposes the meaning of knowledge work and an abstract contribution which questions, explores and attempts to reframe our understanding of the prevailing concept of knowledge work and of the knowledge-intensive firm. Three exceptionally successful contemporary firms are studied as potential exemplars of this seemingly new organisational form. The cases are examined from three overlapping and integrated perspectives. First, a structure and design perspective is adopted. The existing literature on the structure and design of these firms is examined and developed into an ideal type (Weber, 1978) which is subsequently used in the interviewing of employees. A more processual/contextual/alternative perspective on knowledge work is then adopted and combined with the related concept of community is applied to the study of the three cases. Finally, drawing on the historical case of early Irish monasticism, a premodern knowledge-intensive institutional form, the sense of the interrelationship between structure and community is elaborated upon and, along with some peculiarly monastic angles, applied to the three cases. The overall conclusion is that contemporary KIFs represent "plural forms" (Jeffrey, 1991) in the sense that they use different internal and external control mechanism simultaneously for the same function. While the operations of these firms are complex and unusual, the claim of a new paradigm of management underpinning these firms is rejected.
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Aguiar, Douglas Vieira de. "Grid configuration and land use : a syntactic survey of Porto Alegre (Brazil)." Thesis, Imperial College London, 1991.

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Prescott, Graham William. "Effects of land-use, landscape configuration, and management practice on biodiversity in tropical agricultural landscapes." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2015.

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Scoppa, Martin Dennis. "Towards a theory of distributed attraction: the effects of street network configuration upon the distribution of retail in the city of Buenos Aires." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013.

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This dissertation tests the proposition that the spatial structure of street networks affects the distribution of urban land use. Specifically, it examines patterns of commercial land use utilizing parcel based data on retail and service businesses location. While previous studies report a correlation between spatial structure and patterns of commercial land use, these studies do not typically control for the effect of key variables likely to contribute to the spatial distribution of retail and service establishments. In order to redress this balance, and using the City of Buenos Aires as a case study, this dissertation studies the correlation between commercial land use frontage and street connectivity measures, while controlling for street widths, density of population and employment, interstore externalities, zoning regulations, and distance to transit stations. Buenos Aires is chosen for its regular plan radiating from a well-defined CBD, a plan which would be expected to conform to standard urban attraction models of retail location. Results of multiple regression models indicate that, after controlling for these variables, measures of street connectivity account for key aspects of the distribution of retail, including linear distributions along major radial and peripheral streets at a distance from the CBD. Thus, the dissertation supports the thesis that "urban attraction" should not be conceptualized in terms of distances from a unique central location, or a number of central locations, but rather in terms of a model of distributed centrality governed by the structure of street networks.
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Venturini, Véronique. "La planification littorale spatialisée à l’épreuve du terrain : l’exemple des communes de Calenzana, Olmeto et Sisco." Thesis, Corte, 2022.

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Cette thèse traite des difficultés inhérentes à l’opérationnalité de la planification littorale spatialisée en Corse, à travers notamment la prise en considération des caractéristiques et configurations liées à la situation foncière. Pour ce faire, elle s’appuie, dans le cadre d’une expérience professionnelle d’urbaniste, sur l’analyse de trois communes littorales, Sisco, Olmeto et Calenzana, présentant des difficultés de mise en œuvre de leurs documents d’urbanisme. La planification regroupe des outils et méthodes d’élaboration et d’analyse mis en œuvre pour encadrer l’évolution et le développement des territoires. Sept ans après l’approbation du Plan d’Aménagement et de Développement Durable de la Corse, les documents d’urbanisme insulaires ont vu leurs objectifs évoluer au regard d’une vision plus équilibrée de l’urbanisation. Les enjeux de préservation de l’environnement, des espaces de production et l’objectif de densification des espaces bâtis ont été renforcés, obligeant ainsi les documents de planification à fixer un cadre d’aménagement strict et précis fondé sur des projections sociodémographiques. Face à cette définition opérationnelle de la planification stratégique spatialisée, ce travail de recherche propose, dans le cadre d’une démarche empirique, une vision complémentaire aux méthodes d’élaboration et d’évaluation des documents d’urbanisme locaux en intégrant la question foncière comme base d’analyse et d’observation de l’évolution des territoires. Ce travail de recherche se fonde sur la mise en évidence d’une série d’indicateurs montrant l’influence des caractéristiques foncières sur la mise en œuvre des documents de planification en prenant en considération leur situation juridique et géographique. Cette agrégation d’indicateurs fonciers nous amène à une représentation spatialisée et surfacique visant à mieux estimer et comprendre la mobilisation réelle du foncier à bâtir
This thesis deals with the difficulties involved in the operationalization of the spatialized littoral planning in Corsica, especially through the consideration of the characteristics and configurations related to the land situation. To do this, it is based, within the framework of a professional experience of urban planner, on the analysis of three coastal municipalities, Sisco, Olmeto and Calenzana, presenting difficulties in the implementation of their urban planning documents. The planning includes tools and methods of preparation and analysis implemented to frame the evolution and development of territories. Seven years after the approval of the PADDUC, the island's urban planning documents have seen their goals evolve about a more balanced vision of urbanization. The challenges of preserving the environment, production areas and the objective of densifying built-up areas have been reinforced, thus obliging planning documents to set a strict and precise development context based on socio-demographic projections. In view of this operational definition of spatialized strategic planning, this research work proposes, within the framework of an empirical approach, a vision that complements the methods of elaboration and evaluation of local urban planning documents by integrating the land question as a basis for analysis and observation of territorial evolution. This research work is based on the identification of a series of indicators showing the influence of land characteristics on the implementation of planning documents, taking into consideration their legal and geographical situation. This aggregation of land indicators leads us to a spatialized and surface representation aiming at better estimating and understanding the real mobilization of land for building
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Nielsen, Michael Meinild. "Inferring Land Use from Remote Sensing Imagery : A context-based approach." Doctoral thesis, Stockholms universitet, Kulturgeografiska institutionen, 2014.

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This doctoral thesis investigates the potential of classification methods based on spatial context to infer specific forms of land use from remote sensing data. The problem is that some types of land use are characterized by a complex configuration of land covers that traditional per-pixel based methods have problems classifying due to spectral heterogeneity. The problem of spectral heterogeneity is also present in classification of high resolution imagery. Two novel methods based on contextual information are evaluated, Spatial Relational Post-Classification (SRPC) and Window Independent Context Segmentation (WICS). The thesis includes six case studies in rural and urban areas focusing on the classification of: agricultural systems, urban characteristics, and dead wood areas. In the rural case studies specific types of agricultural systems associated with different household strategies are mapped by inferring the physical expression of land use using the SRPC method. The urban remote sensing studies demonstrate how the WICS method is able to extract information corresponding to different phases of development. Additionally, different urban classes are shown to correspond to different socioeconomic profiles, demonstrating how urban remote sensing can be used to make a connection between the physical environment and the social lives of residents. Finally, in one study the WICS method is used to successfully classify dead trees from high resolution imagery. Taken together these studies demonstrate how approaches based on spatial context can be used to extract information on land use in rural and urban environments where land use manifests itself in the form of complex spectral class and land cover patterns. The thesis, thus, contributes to the research field by showing that contextual methods can capture multifaceted patterns that can be linked to land use. This, in turn, enables an increased use of remote sensing data, particularly in the social sciences.

At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript. Paper 6: Manuscript.

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Le, Bris Arnaud. "Optimisation de la configuration d'un instrument superspectral aéroporté pour la classification : application au milieu urbain." Thesis, Paris Est, 2015.

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Ce travail s'inscrit dans la perspective de l'enrichissement des bases de données d'occupation du sol. La description de l'occupation du sol permet de produire des indicateurs environnementaux pour la gestion des écosystèmes et des territoires, en réponse à des besoins sociétaux, réglementaires et scientifiques. Aussi, des bases de données décrivant l'occupation du sol existent à différents niveaux (local, national, européen) ou sont en cours de constitution. Il est toutefois apparu que la connaissance de l'occupation du sol nécessaire pour certaines applications de modélisation de la ville (simulateurs de micro-météorologie, d'hydrologie, ou de suivi de pollutions), voire de suivi réglementaire (imperméabilisation des sols) est plus fine (au niveau sémantique et géométrique) que ce que contiennent ces bases de données. Des cartes de matériaux sont donc nécessaires pour certaines applications. Elles pourraient constituer une couche supplémentaire, à la fois dans des bases de données sur l'occupation du sol (comme l'occupation du sol à grande échelle de l'IGN) et dans des maquettes urbaines 3D.Aucune base de données existante ne contenant cette information, la télédétection apparaît comme la seule solution pour la produire. Néanmoins, du fait de la forte hétérogénéité des matériaux, de leur variabilité, mais aussi des fortes ressemblances entre classes distinctes, il apparaît que les capteurs optiques multispectraux classiques (limités aux 4 canaux rouge - vert - bleu - proche infrarouge) sont insuffisants pour bien discriminer des matériaux. Un capteur dit superspectral, c'est-à-dire plus riche spectralement, pourrait apporter une solution à cette limite. Ce travail s'est donc positionné dans l'optique de la conception d'un tel capteur et a consisté à identifier la meilleure configuration spectrale pour la classification des matériaux urbains, ou du moins à proposer des solutions s'en approchant. Un travail d'optimisation spectrale a donc été réalisé afin d'optimiser à la fois la position des bandes dans le spectre ainsi que leur largeur. Le travail s'est déroulé en deux temps. Une première tâche a consisté à définir et préciser les méthodes d'optimisation de bandes, et à les valider sur des jeux de données de référence de la littérature. Deux heuristiques d'optimisation classiques (l'une incrémentale, l'autre stochastique) ont été choisies du fait de leur généricité et de leur flexibilité, et donc de leur capacité à être utilisées pour différents critères de sélection d'attributs. Une comparaison de différentes mesures de la pertinence d'un jeu de bandes a été effectuée afin de définir le score à optimiser lors du processus de sélection de bandes. L'optimisation de la largeur des bandes a ensuite été étudiée : la méthode proposée consiste à préalablement construire une hiérarchie de bandes fusionnées en fonction de leur similarité, le processus de sélection de bandes se déroulant ensuite au sein de cette hiérarchie. La seconde partie du travail a consisté en l'application de ces algorithmes d'optimisation spectrale au cas d'étude des matériaux urbains. Une collection de spectres de matériaux urbains a d'abord été réunie à partir de différentes librairies spectrales (ASTER, MEMOIRES, ...). L'optimisation spectrale a ensuite été menée à partir de ce jeu de données. Il est apparu qu'un nombre limité de bandes bien choisies suffisait pour discriminer 9 classes de matériaux communs (ardoise - asphalte - ciment - gravier - métal - pavés en pierre - shingle - terre – tuile). L'apport de bandes issues du domaine de l'infrarouge onde courte (1400 - 2500 nm) pour la discrimination des matériaux a également été vérifiée. La portée des résultats chiffrés obtenus en terme de confusions entre les matériaux reste toutefois à nuancer du fait de la très faible représentation de certains matériaux dans la librairie de spectres collectés, ne couvrant donc pas la totalité de leur variabilité
This work was performed in the context of a possible enrichment of land cover databases. The description of land cover is necessary it possible to produce environmental indicators for the management of ecosystems and territories, in response to various societal and scientific needs. Thus, different land cover databases already exist at various levels (global, European, national, regional or local) or are currently being produced. However, it appeared that knowledge about land cover should more detailled in urban areas, since it is required by several city modeling applications (micro-meteorological, hydrological, or pollution monitoring simulators), or public regulations monitoring (e.g. concerning ground perviousness). Such materials maps would be (both semantically and spatially) finer than what is contained in existing land cover databases. Therefore, they could be an additional layer, both in land cover databases (such as in IGN High Resolution land cover database) and in 3D city models. No existing database contains such information about urban material maps. Thus remote sensing is the only solution to produce it. However, due to the high heterogeneity of urban materials, their variability, but also the strong similarities between different material classes, usual optical multispectral sensors (with only the 4 red - green - blue - near infrared bands) are not sufficient to reach a good discrimination of materials. A multispectral sensor or superspectral, that is to say spectrally richer, could therefore provide a solution to this limit. Thus, this work was performed intending the design of such sensor. It aimed at identifying the best spectral configuration for classification of urban materials, or at least to propose sub-optimal solutions. In other words, a spectral optimization was carried out in order to optimize both the position of the bands in the spectrum and their width. Automatic feature selection methods were used. This work was performed in two steps. A first task aimed at defining the spectral optimization methods and at validating them on literature reference data sets. Two state-of-the-art optimization heuristics (Sequential Forward Floating Search and genetic algorithms) were chosen owing to their genericity and flexibility, and therefore their ability to be used to optimize different feature selection criteria. A benchmark of different scores measuring the relevance of a set of features was performed to decide which score to optimize during the band selection process. Band width optimization was then studied: the proposed method consisted in building a hierarchy of bands merged according to their similarities. Band selection was then processed within this hierarchy. The second part of the work consisted in the application of these spectral optimization algorithms to the case study of urban materials. A collection of urban materials spectra was first caught and from various spectral libraries ( ASTER , MEMORIES...). Spectral optimization was then performed on this dataset. A limited number (about 10) of well chosen bands appeared to be sufficient to classify next common materials (slates - asphalt - cement - gravel - metal - cobblestones - shingle - earth – tiles). Bands from short wave infrared spectral domain (1400 - 2500 nm) were shown again to be very useful to discriminate urban materials. However, quantitative results assessing the confusions between the materials must be considered carefully since some materials are very uncommon in the library of collected spectra, and thus their possible variability is not completely considered
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Ma, Mingfei. "Are there alternatives to greenbelts? : evidence from a new land-use transport interaction model for Greater Beijing." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2017.

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Urban greenbelts are considered a key instrument for shaping sustainable urban growth and protecting the environment in a large number of cities in the world. In most cities, there is a widely shared belief that urban greenbelts are beneficial to the natural environment. By contrast, there is little understanding of the underlying economic impacts of greenbelts and other green space configurations in fast growing cities. The unprecedented rate and scale of urbanisation in the emerging economies has brought the role of greenbelts into an even sharper focus. In cities within these fast growing economies, the urban population is expected to double in the coming decades, which means that greenbelts are under great pressures to adapt to the large forthcoming growth. Few existing urban models are capable of addressing the dynamic nature of the urban transformations and predicting the impacts of urban greenbelts in the developing world. This prompts us to develop a new modelling method that is capable of assessing the impacts of different configurations, scales and locations of green spaces. We then use it to examine alternative futures to the greenbelt through a case study of Greater Beijing. The method we developed is a new variant in the land use-transport interaction (LUTI) model family. This model is capable of addressing the non-equilibrium nature of urban land use and transport development and the equilibrium nature of the day-to-day adaptations made by businesses and citizens. This LUTI model aims to answer the following questions: what are the short-term and long-term economic impacts of a greenbelt on a fast growing city? Which alternative green space configuration performs better in terms of economic well-being and travel costs? Where and how much should the greenbelt land be progressively reshaped or released as the city grows? The new LUTI model is calibrated and validated using data collected for 1990, 2000 and 2010 for Greater Beijing, The model is first tested retrospectively through revisiting the past greenbelt policies in Beijing from 1990 to 2010. Then the impacts of different future green space configurations from 2010 to 2030 are predicted and assessed through quantifying economic costs/benefits and travel costs for socio-economic groups. The model results suggest that under rapid transformative urban change, the configuration, scale and location of a greenbelt have a significant impact on a city’s economic efficiency. Such impacts will transcend the greenbelt boundary, and even the boundary of Beijing Municipality, onto the entire city region. A narrow greenbelt launched in the early age of urban expansion could lead to spatial mismatch of residents and jobs. A wide and strictly controlled ring-shaped greenbelt is not the highest performing intervention either, in terms of economic well-being. The green-wedges configuration is a remedial policy that balances the economic efficiency and environmental benefits. Intensive development around metro/rail stations in the designated greenbelt could reduce spatial costs and promote sustainable travel modes. This implies that a careful siting of new development within existing designations of the greenbelt can be beneficial in terms of economic well-being and sustainable transport.
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Piccinato, Junior Dirceu. "Terra urbana, patrim?nio fundi?rio: uma an?lise hist?rica da apropria??o do solo na configura??o do urbano no nordeste paulista (1800-1930)." Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas, 2012.

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This paper seeks to trace a historical analysis of urban land ownership, land heritage (religious and secular) in the training process and the establishment of urban centers in northeastern S?o Paulo State between the years 1800 and 1930, focusing more attention to two significant events that favored the construction of an urban network in this region: the migration of incoming miners and the cycle of coffee along with the arrival of Cia Mogiana these parts. The establishment of an urban center it is a chapel, parish and village was only possible during the Colony and the Empire, by granting lands to the heritage of a holy devotion. With the advent of the Republic, on the actions of capitalist interests, the donation of land was no longer the sacred as well, but the commercialization of land, or profit. The scrutiny as to how the appointments issued by each of the two historical dimensions conform sought the transformation of this part of the state territory and the creation of urban forms. We shall show, however, that even calling for a linearity in the award process, and ownership of urban design, practices, experiences and local dynamics were crucial to the definition of the nuclei. For the preparation of the dissertation, have been included relevant documents and images of urban farming initiatives, as well as important previous studies, to identify possible links between the issues surrounding land and property circumstances that presented themselves in every situation and the determinations imposed by government religious and / or civil liability. Thus, we try to treat the grant of land as an urban process developed in a regional context that holds conjunctures of conflicts and interests in configuration of urban.
Este trabalho busca tra?ar uma an?lise hist?rica sobre a apropria??o da terra urbana, patrim?nio fundi?rio (religioso e laico) no processo de forma??o e funda??o de n?cleos urbanos no nordeste do Estado de S?o Paulo entre os anos de 1800 e 1930, detendo-se com maior aten??o em dois momentos significativos que favoreceram a constru??o de uma rede urbana nesta regi?o: o movimento migrat?rio dos entrantes mineiros e o ciclo da cafeicultura, juntamente com a chegada da Cia. Mogiana nestas paragens. O estabelecimento de um n?cleo urbano, seja ele uma capela, freguesia ou vila, s? era poss?vel, durante a Col?nia e o Imp?rio, por meio da concess?o de terras para o patrim?nio de um santo de devo??o. Com o advento da Rep?blica, sob as a??es dos interesses capitalistas, a doa??o de terra para a forma??o de n?cleos urbanos n?o tinha mais como bem o sagrado, mas a comercializa??o da terra, ou seja, o lucro. A an?lise atenta para o modo como as designa??es emanadas por cada uma das dimens?es hist?ricas procuraram conformar a transforma??o desta parte do territ?rio paulista e a cria??o das formas urbanas. Pretende-se mostrar, entretanto, que mesmo conclamada uma linearidade no processo de concess?o, apropria??o e delineamento do solo urbano, pr?ticas, experi?ncias e din?micas locais foram determinantes para a defini??o dos n?cleos urbanos. Para a elabora??o da disserta??o, foram consultados documentos escritos e imagens pertinentes a iniciativas das cria??es urbanas, bem como importantes estudos precedentes, procurando identificar poss?veis v?nculos entre as quest?es envolvendo as terras patrimoniais, circunst?ncias que se apresentavam em cada situa??o e as determina??es impostas pelas administra??es religiosa e/ou civil. Desse modo, procura-se tratar a concess?o da terra urbana como um processo desenvolvido num contexto regional que guarda conjunturas particulares de conflitos e interesses na configura??o do urbano.
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Rademeyer, Brian. "The influence of environmental impacts on tailings impoundment design." Thesis, Pretoria : [s.n.], 2007.

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Books on the topic "Land configuration"


Associates, Allan J. Freedman. Ataratiri road configuration and transportation impact study. [Toronto: City of Toronto Housing Dept., 1990.

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Associates, Allan J. Freedman. Ataratiri road configuration and transportation impact study: Supplementary technical report. [Toronto: City of Toronto Housing Dept., 1990.

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Putman, Stephen H. Integrated transportation and land use forecasting: Sensitivity tests of alternative model systems configuration. [Washington, D.C.]: U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy, 2001.

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Sansome, Constance J. Origin and configuration of the present-day land surface, Goodhue County, Minnesota. 1986.

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Ekberg, Carl J., and Sharon K. Person. The Village Emerges. University of Illinois Press, 2017.

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This chapter examines the tripartite nature of the settlement pattern that emerged at St. Louis during the 1760s: it consisted of a nuclear village, plowlands for sowing grain, and commons for pasturing livestock, gathering firewood, and shooting rabbits and squirrels. It begins with a description of the physical configuration of early St. Louis and goes on to discuss Indians' claims to the land on which St. Louis was built. It then traces the history of town planning at early St. Louis before turning to Louis St. Ange de Bellerive's conveyance of land grants in early St. Louis containing an explicit homesteading provision. It concludes with an account of French monarch Louis XV's promulgatation of a land ordinance for Louisiana.
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Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits., ed. Surface mount land patterns: (configurations and design rules). IPC, 1987.

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Wich, Serge A., and Lian Pin Koh. Conservation Drones. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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In this book, we introduce the use of drones for wildlife conservation. We provide a broad overview of when drone technology can be useful for wildlife conservation before going into the different types of drones that are available and the basic configuration of such systems. After this we discuss the various types of sensors that are being used to obtain data and the various applications for those sensors by us and others. We discuss the various applications of sensors and discuss research that we and others have conducted with those. The usage of drones for surveillance is discussed as well with a particular focus on poaching and other illegal activities. Drones are commonly used for mapping areas and we provide an overview of considerations for mapping missions as well as on how to process the data collected during mapping missions into products. We discuss examples such as the creation of orthomosaics and digital surface models, and their use in land cover classification and for object detection. We also provide an overview of how drones have been used to count animals and derive distribution and density from such data. We end with some thoughts on the future of drones.
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Noga-Banai, Galit. Jerusalem in Rome. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter is about representations of contemporary constructions of earthly Christian Jerusalem in fifth-century Rome. Once the apostolic history of Rome had become visible in the city, and Rome had turned into a pilgrimage destination, where the faithful celebrated the commemoration of the local Roman martyrs, Jerusalem was welcomed to perform on stage, embraced by the strong arms of Peter and Paul. Thus, additional translations of relics from Palestine to Rome, as well as distinct appearances of Jerusalem and Bethlehem in mosaic decoration (S. Pudenziana; S. Maria Maggiore) and possibly architecture (S. Stefano Rotondo), will form the core of discussion. I will show how innovative Roman combinations of Rome and Jerusalem, as well as configurations of Rome as the “Promised Land,” were designed to reinforce the supreme position of Rome and its Apostolic See both in the present and at the End of Days.
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Deruelle, Nathalie, and Jean-Philippe Uzan. Self-gravitating fluids. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter briefly describes ‘perfect fluids’. These are characterized by their mass density ρ‎(t, xⁱ), pressure p(t, ⁱ), and velocity field v(t, ⁱ). The motion and equilibrium configurations of these fluids are determined by the equation of state, for example, p = p(ρ‎) for a barotropic fluid, and by the gravitational potential U(t, ⁱ) created at a point ⁱ by other fluid elements. The chapter shows that, given an equation of state, the equations of the problem to be solved are the continuity equation, the Euler equation, and the Poisson equation. It then considers static models with spherical symmetry, as well as polytropes and the Lane–Emden equation. Finally, the chapter studies the isothermal sphere and Maclaurin spheroids.
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Hidden Complexities Of The Frankish Castle Social Aspects Of Space In The Configurational Architecture Of Frankish Castles In The Holy Land 10991291. Amsterdam University Press, 2012.

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Book chapters on the topic "Land configuration"


Lykostratis, Konstantinos, and Maria Giannopoulou. "Land Value Hot-Spots Defined by Urban Configuration." In New Metropolitan Perspectives, 590–98. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Koźlak, Marek, Antoni Kurzeja, and Aleksander Nawrat. "Verifying Unmanned Land Vehicle Vision System Configuration Using Serious Gaming Solution." In Vision Based Systemsfor UAV Applications, 335–42. Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing, 2013.

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Hatna, Erez, and Martha M. Bakker. "Long-Term Changes in the Configuration of Agriculture and Natural Areas Around Cities in the Netherlands (1900–1990)." In Modeling of Land-Use and Ecological Dynamics, 37–49. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Luo, Xiao, Qingsheng Luo, Chen Zhu, and Baoling Han. "The Configuration Design and Analysis of a Small Air-Land Amphibious Detecting Robot." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1366–76. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Zhao, Weiguang, Zehao Ling, Jingqiang Zhao, Ying Yang, Ze Xie, and Ze Chen. "Optimal Configuration of Micro-Energy-Network of Cogeneration Type in Near Land Island." In Green Energy and Networking, 320–29. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Borse, D. K., V. P. Usadadia, D. T. Tajane, and M. M. Patel. "Effect of Land Configuration on Yield and Nutrient Uptake by Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Under Partially Reclaimed Coastal Salt Affected Soil of South Gujarat." In Transforming Coastal Zone for Sustainable Food and Income Security, 223–30. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Asami, Yasushi. "Introduction: City Planning and New Technology." In New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives, 261–65. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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AbstractIn Part III, titled “City Planning and New Technology,” we discuss two topics, namely, compact cities and real estate technology in Japan.Promotion of compact cities is regarded as a high priority issue in urban policies in the era of population decrease. The Act on Special Measures concerning Urban Reconstruction in 2014 was revised to institutionalize the framework for the Location Normalization Plan, a plan for local governments to build compact cities to manage population decline and aging urban infrastructure while placing less burden on environment. Three chapters are devoted to issues related to this movement. In Chap.10.1007/978-981-15-8848-8_18, Ishikawa (2020) discusses how urban functions can be guided by residents’ perspectives. To build a compact city, various day-to-day services must be placed proximal to residential areas; however, some services must be placed at a certain distance from residences because of land use restrictions. Therefore, we must determine the uses allowed in residential areas. In Chap.10.1007/978-981-15-8848-8_19, Morimoto (2020) discusses the history of major contributions made by the development of transportation facilities to urban spread, the important role of traffic facilities to guide land use toward desirable purposes, and impact of self-driving vehicles on land use. In Chap.10.1007/978-981-15-8848-8_20, Ogushi (2020) explains how the Location Normalization Plan in Niigata City was formed in detail.Real estate technology refers to real estate business-related services that use new technology. Several new services based on new technology have been introduced in the field of real estate in Japan. Three chapters are devoted to issues related to real estate technology. In Chap.10.1007/978-981-15-8848-8_21, Narimoto (2020) explains the outline of real estate technology services in Japan and identifies legal problems associated with handling of information. In Chap.10.1007/978-981-15-8848-8_22, Nishio and Ito (2020) report on creating a sky view factor calculating system that uses Google Street View. Sky view factor is a term that refers to a configuration factor for the amount of sky in a hypothetical hemisphere. In Chap.10.1007/978-981-15-8848-8_23, Kiyota (2020) explains the transition of neural network research and characteristics of deep learning and introduces a system that detects category inconsistencies in real estate property photographs submitted by real estate companies by using deep learning and a system that detects indexes associated with ease of living based on property photographs.
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Gomaa, Dalia M. A. "Moments of (Un)belonging: The Spatial Configuration of Home(land) in The Time between Places: Stories that Weave in and out of Egypt and Arnerica and The Namesake." In The Non-National in Contemporary American Literature, 93–128. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2016.

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Gunarathna, Udesh, Hairuo Xie, Egemen Tanin, Shanika Karunasekara, and Renata Borovica-Gajic. "Real-Time Lane Configuration with Coordinated Reinforcement Learning." In Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: Applied Data Science Track, 291–307. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Ranjan, R., A. Panchal, S. Karpe, and S. Menon. "Machine Learning Strategy for Subgrid Modeling of Turbulent Combustion Using Linear Eddy Mixing Based Tabulation." In Lecture Notes in Energy, 175–208. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractThis chapter describes the use of machine learning (ML) algorithms with the linear-eddy mixing (LEM) based tabulation for modeling of subgrid turbulence-chemistry interaction. The focus will be on the use of artificial neural network (ANN), particularly, supervised deep learning (DL) techniques within the finite-rate kinetics framework. We discuss the accuracy and efficiency aspects of two different strategies, where LEM based tabulation is used in both of them. While in the first approach, referred to as LANN-LES, the subgrid reaction-rate term is obtained efficiently using ANN in the conventional LEMLES framework, in the other approach referred to as TANN-LES, the filtered reaction rate terms are obtained using ANN. First, we assess the implications of the employed network architecture, and the associated hyperparameters, such as the amount of training and test data, epoch, optimizer, learning rate, sample size, etc. Afterward, the effectiveness of the two strategies is examined by comparing with conventional LES and LEMLES approaches by considering canonical premixed and non-premixed configurations. Finally, we describe the key challenges and future outlook of the use of ML based subgrid modelling within the finite-rate kinetics framework.
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Conference papers on the topic "Land configuration"


Ling, Julia, Christopher J. Elkins, and John K. Eaton. "The Effect of Land Taper Angle on Trailing Edge Slot Film Cooling." In ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.

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Trailing edge slot film cooling is a widely used method of protecting the thin trailing edge of turbine blades from hot gas impingement. The structures that separate the slots, known as “lands,” come in a variety of configurations which can be broadly classified as either “tapered” or “straight.” This paper examines the effect of the land taper angle on the mixing of the coolant flow with the main flow by comparing three configurations: a case with straight lands, a previously reported case with slightly tapered lands, and a case with strongly tapered lands. In each case, the slot width and the land width at the plane of the slot exit are kept constant. For each configuration, the mean volumetric coolant concentration distribution and 3-component velocity field were measured using Magnetic Resonance Imaging techniques. It is shown that the land taper angle has a strong effect on the mean flow features and coolant surface effectiveness. Furthermore, the impact of the lands configuration on the flow field and concentration distribution is seen not just in the cutback region, but also in the wake of the blade.
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Vedeshkin, Georgy K., Evgeniy D. Sverdlov, and Alexey N. Doubovitsky. "Combustor Configuration Influence on Combusion Instabilities Performance." In ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2010.

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The paper describes the results of calculations and experimental investigations of combustor configurations. It is shown that combustor configuration effects high frequency and low frequency combustor instabilities, gas dynamics of the flow, recirculation zones dimensions and lean flame out limits. Combustion instability modes had been investigated in two versions of combustor configurations: with the abrupt divergence of the channel and with an inlet conical diffuser. Gas flow instabilities had been investigated in the central recirculation zone without any chemical reactions. As a result the combustion instability model in which a role of a feed back mechanism is performed by hydrodynamic gas flow instability in the combustor is suggested. Modification of the combustor with a conical diffuser with the suggested model of the hydrodynamic combustion instability taken into account made it possible to settle the instability problem for the given combustor.
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Miller, Carlyle R., Curtis A. Link, and Marvin A. Speece. "Modified Land Streamer Configuration for Shallow Seismic Data Acquisition." In Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2003. Environment and Engineering Geophysical Society, 2003.

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R. Miller, Carlyle, Curtis A. Link, and Marvin A. Speece. "Modified Land Streamer Configuration For Shallow Seismic Data Acquisition." In 16th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 2003.

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Chowdhury, Souma, Jie Zhang, Achille Messac, and Luciano Castillo. "Characterizing the Influence of Land Configuration on the Optimal Wind Farm Performance." In ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2011.

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The development of large scale wind farms that can produce energy at a cost comparable to that of other conventional energy resources presents significant challenges to today’s wind energy industry. The consideration of the key design and environmental factors that influence the performance of a wind farm is a crucial part of the solution to this challenge. In this paper, we develop a methodology to account for the configuration of the farm land (length-to-breadth ratio and North-South-East-West orientation) within the scope of wind farm optimization. This approach appropriately captures the correlation between the (i) land configuration, (ii) the farm layout, and (iii) the selection of turbines-types. Simultaneous optimization of the farm layout and turbine selection is performed to minimize the Cost of Energy (COE), for a set of sample land configurations. The optimized COE and farm efficiency are then represented as functions of the land aspect ratio and the land orientation. To this end, we apply a recently developed response surface method known as the Reliability-Based Hybrid Functions. The overall wind farm design methodology is applied to design a 25MW farm in North Dakota. This case study provides helpful insights into the influence of the land configuration on the optimum farm performance that can be obtained for a particular site.
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Rodri´guez, S., S. Kersten, H. A. Zuniga, J. C. Ling, and J. S. Kapat. "Effect of Stagnation Regions on Film Cooling Effectiveness." In ASME Turbo Expo 2007: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2007.

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Over the last decades, researchers have investigated many aspects of film cooling. The present study investigates the impact of stagnation region created by a downstream airfoil on endwall film cooling effectiveness. Experimental measurements are presented for a single row of cylindrical holes inclined at 35° with hole length to diameter ratio, L/D = 7.5, pitch to diameter ratio, PI/D = 3 with a constant density ratio of 1.26 and with nitrogen as the coolant. Five different configurations were studied. Configuration 0 is the baseline, this configuration consist of a single row of cylindrical holes. Configuration I-III consisted of an airfoil positioned downstream of the injection point at x/D = 6.4, 12.7 and 25.4. The presence of wake is also investigated on configuration IV. This configuration in addition to the airfoil, also has a wake plate at x/D = −12.7, upstream of the injection location. The experimental data shows that slightly higher averaged effectiveness values are observed for configuration I for low blowing ratios. Configuration III average effectiveness is higher for mid and high blowing ratios. For all configurations, the average effectiveness increase with increasing blowing ratio at a x/D further downstream of the injection point where the jet has reattached. Higher blowing ratio increase lateral spreading of the jet promoting jet to jet interaction and mainstream interaction enhancing mixing.
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Chen, Wei, Jing Ren, and Hongde Jiang. "Effect of Turning Vane Configurations on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in a Ribbed Internal Cooling System." In ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2010.

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The ribbed serpentine blade cooling system is a typical configuration in the modern gas turbine airfoil. In this study, the experimental and the numerical efforts were carried out to investigate the local heat transfer and pressure drop distribution of a ribbed blade cooling system with different configurations in the turn region. A test rig containing a ribbed rectangular U-duct with a 180° round turn was built in Tsinghua University for this study. Transient liquid crystal method was applied to get the heat transfer distribution. Nine test cases with three turn configurations under three Reynolds numbers were carried out in the experiment. Pressure was measured along the duct in order to determine the influence of turning vane configurations on pressure drop. The test cases were also analyzed numerically based on RANS with three different turbulence models: the k-ε model, the SST reattachment model, and the Omega Reynolds Stress turbulence model. Both the experimental and the numerical results showed a significant influence of the turning vane configuration on the heat transfer and pressure drop in the convective cooling channel. Among the three configurations, the loss coefficient of turn in configuration 2 was lowest, due to the introduction of turning vane. Even the ribs were added in turn region of configuration 3, the loss coefficient and friction factor are reduced by 23% and 17.5%, respectively. Meanwhile, the heat transfer in baseline configuration is still the highest. As the introduction of turning vane, the heat transfer in the region after turn was reduced by 35%. In configuration 3, the heat transfer in the turn region was enhanced by 15% as the ribs installed in the turn region. In the before turn region, the pressure drop and heat transfer was not influenced by the turn configuration. All the turbulence models captured the trend of heat transfer and pressure drop distribution of three test sections correctly, but all provide overpredicted heat transfer results. Among the models, the ORS turbulence model provided the best prediction. While aiming at high heat transfer level and low pressure drop, it is suggested that, a suitable turn configuration, especially with the turning vane and/or the ribs, is a promising way to meet the conflicted requirements of the heat transfer and pressure drop in the convective cooling system.
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Dellenback, Paul A. "Improved Gas Turbine Efficiency Through Alternative Regenerator Configuration." In ASME Turbo Expo 2002: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2002.

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An alternative configuration for a regenerative gas turbine engine cycle is presented that yields higher cycle efficiencies than either simple or conventional regenerative cycles operating under the same conditions. The essence of the scheme is to preheat compressor discharge air with high temperature combustion gases before the latter are fully expanded across the turbine. The efficiency is improved because air enters the combustor at a higher temperature, and hence heat addition in the combustor occurs at a higher average temperature. The heat exchanger operating conditions are more demanding than for a conventional regeneration configuration, but well within the capability of modern heat exchangers. Models of cycle performance exhibit several percentage points of improvement relative to either simple cycles or conventional regeneration schemes. The peak efficiencies of the alternative regeneration configuration occur at optimum pressure ratios that are significantly lower than those required for the simple cycle. For example, at a turbine inlet temperature of 1300°C (2370°F), the alternative regeneration scheme results in cycle efficiencies of 50% for overall pressure ratios of 22, whereas simple cycles operating at the same temperature would yield efficiencies of only 43.8% at optimum pressure ratios of 50, which are not feasible with current compressor designs. Model calculations for a wide range of parameters are presented, as are comparisons with simple and conventional regeneration cycles.
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Emge, Steven R., Sidney M. Bennett, Richard B. Dyott, J. Brunner, and D. E. Allen. "Reduced minimum-configuration fiber optic gyro for land navigation applications." In SPIE's 1996 International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation, edited by Eric Udd, Herve C. Lefevre, and Kazuo Hotate. SPIE, 1996.

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Dorrington, John R., David G. Bogard, and Ronald S. Bunker. "Film Effectiveness Performance for Coolant Holes Imbedded in Various Shallow Trench and Crater Depressions." In ASME Turbo Expo 2007: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2007.

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Film cooling adiabatic effectiveness was investigated for various configurations of coolant holes embedded in shallow transverse trenches or circular and elliptical shaped depressions. As a basis of comparison, a shaped hole configuration was also tested. Tests were conducted on the suction side of a simulated vane at a downstream location where pressure gradient and curvature effects were small. For the transverse trench, effects of the trench width with varying depths, the trench wall angle, and the pitch between holes within the trench were investigated with trench depths that ranged from 0.5d to 1d. The crater depressions were tested at a depth of 0.5d. The film effectiveness for the crater depressions was not as good as the best performing trench configuration at that depth, but they all performed better than the baseline configuration of cylindrical holes. The trench configurations were found to have an optimum depth of 0.75d, with little improvement in performance for trench depths greater than this. Comparison of the trench performance with a typical shaped hole configuration showed that film effectiveness for the trench was similar to that of the shaped holes.
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Reports on the topic "Land configuration"


Datshkovsky, Darcia, Maria Perez, Jesse Madden Libra, and Julien Sylvain Collaer,. Open configuration options Scarcity in the Land of Plenty. Inter-American Development Bank, February 2022.

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Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is the most water-rich region in the world, but millions of its inhabitants live with water risk. This contradiction, driven by mismatches in the location of supply vs demand, quality issues, and failing infrastructure, makes it crucial that policy makers use people-centric water risk metrics when assessing water risk in LAC. 35% of the population lives in water stressed basins, a number which balloons to 60% when accounting for the lack of institutional capacity for preserving water quality and providing water services.
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Smith, Greg, and John Wandelt. Physical Configuration Audit of the MITRE LAD. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 1991.

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Wilke, Jason P. Effects of Various Blowout Panel Configurations on the Structural Response of LANL Building 16-340 to Internal Explosions. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2005.

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Salavisa, Isabel, Mark Soares, and Sofia Bizarro. A Critical Assessment of Organic Agriculture in Portugal: A reflection on the agro-food system transition. DINÂMIA'CET-Iscte, 2021.

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Over the last few decades, the organic agriculture sector has experienced sustained growth. Globally, as well as in the European Union and Portugal, organic production accounts for just under 10% of total Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) (FiBL, 2019; Eurostat, 2019; DGADR, 2019; INE, 2019; GPP, 2019). This growth has been seen in terms of production, number of producers, amount of retail sales, imports and exports. This article attempts to build on the multi-level perspective (MLP) of the socio-technical (ST) transitions theory by employing a whole systems analysis (Geels, 2018) of organic agriculture in Portugal, which defends an integrated vision of the systems, where multiple interactions occur within and among the niche, the regime and the landscape levels. This approach has been employed in order to develop a critical analysis of the current state of the Portuguese organic agriculture sector, stressing the multiplicity of elements that are contributing to the agro-food system´s transformation into a more sustainable one. In fact, the agro-food system is related with climate change but also has connections with other domains such as public health, water management, land use and biodiversity. Therefore, it is affected by shifts in these areas. This analysis considers developments in increasing domestic organic production, number of producers, amount of retail sales, imports, exports, market innovations, and the sector´s reconfiguration. The organic sector´s increase has been attributed to European regulation, institutionalization, standardization, farmer certification, external (government) subsidy support programs, incremental market improvements (visibility and product access), the emergence of new retailers, the rise of supporting consumers and a shift away from conventional agriculture (Truninger, 2010; DGADR, 2019; Pe´er et al, 2019). However, together with positive incentives, this sector also faces numerous barriers that are hindering a faster transformation. Difficulties for the sector to date have included: product placement; a disconnect between production, distribution and marketing systems; high transport costs; competition from imports; European subsidies focused on extensive crops (pastures, olive groves, and arable crops), entailing a substantial growth in the area of pasture to the detriment of other crops; the fact that the products that are in demand (fresh vegetables and fruit) are being neglected by Portuguese producers; expensive certification procedures; lack of adequate support and market expertise for national producers; the hybrid configuration of the sector; and price. Organic agriculture as a niche-innovation is still not greatly contributing to overall agricultural production. The low supply of organic products, despite its ever-increasing demand, suggests that a transition to increased organic production requires a deeper and faster food system reconfiguration, where an array of distinct policies are mobilized and a diversity of actions take place at different levels (Geels, 2018; Pe´er et al, 2019). This paper will attempt to contribute an overall critical assessment of the organic sector´s features and evolution and will identify some of the main obstacles to be overcome, in order to boost the sustainability transition of the agro-food system in Portugal.
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Jung, Carina, Karl Indest, Matthew Carr, Richard Lance, Lyndsay Carrigee, and Kayla Clark. Properties and detectability of rogue synthetic biology (SynBio) products in complex matrices. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), September 2022.

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Synthetic biology (SynBio) aims to rationally engineer or modify traits of an organism or integrate the behaviors of multiple organisms into a singular functional organism through advanced genetic engineering techniques. One objective of this research was to determine the environmental persistence of engineered DNA in the environment. To accomplish this goal, the environmental persistence of legacy engineered DNA building blocks were targeted that laid the foundation for SynBio product development and application giving rise to “post-use products.” These building blocks include genetic constructs such as cloning and expression vectors, promoter/terminator elements, selectable markers, reporter genes, and multi-cloning sites. Shotgun sequencing of total DNA from water samples of pristine sites was performed and resultant sequence data mined for frequency of legacy recombinant DNA signatures. Another objective was to understand the fate of a standardized contemporary synthetic genetic construct (SC) in the context of various chassis systems/genetic configurations representing different degrees of “genetic bioavailability” to the environmental landscape. These studies were carried out using microcosms representing different environmental matrices (soils, waters, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) liquor) and employed a novel genetic reporter system based on volatile organic compounds (VOC) detection to assess proliferation and persistence of the SC in the matrix over time.
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Volunteer Kinematics and Reaction in Lateral Emergency Maneuver Tests. SAE International, November 2013.

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It is important to understand human kinematics and muscle activation patterns in emergency maneuvers for the design of safety systems and for the further development of human models. The objective of this study was to quantify kinematic behavior and muscle activation in simulated steering tests in several realistic conditions. In total 108 tests were performed with 10 volunteers undergoing purely lateral maneuvers at 5 m/s2 deceleration or simulated lane change maneuvers at 5 m/s2 peak acceleration and peak yaw velocity of 25 °/s. Test subjects were seated on a rigid seat and restrained by a 4-point belt with retractor. Driver subjects were instructed to be relaxed or braced and to hold the steering wheel while passenger subjects were instructed to put their hands on their thighs. Subjects were instrumented with photo markers that were tracked with 3D high-speed stereo cameras and with electromyography (EMG) electrodes on 8 muscles. Corridors of head displacement, pitch and roll and displacement of T1, shoulder, elbow, hand and knee were created representing mean response and standard deviation of all subjects. In lane change tests for the passenger configuration significant differences were observed in mean peak of head left lateral displacement between the relaxed and the braced volunteers, i.e. 171 mm (σ=58, n=21) versus 121 mm (σ=46, n=17), respectively. Sitting in a relaxed position led to significantly lower muscle activity of the neck muscles. It was concluded that significantly more upper body motion and lower muscle activity was observed for relaxed subjects than for braced subjects.
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