Journal articles on the topic 'Laminar layer'
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Forster, E., C. Kaltschmidt, J. Deng, H. Cremer, T. Deller, and M. Frotscher. "Lamina-specific cell adhesion on living slices of hippocampus." Development 125, no. 17 (September 1, 1998): 3399–410.
Full textGiepman, R. H. M., F. F. J. Schrijer, and B. W. van Oudheusden. "A parametric study of laminar and transitional oblique shock wave reflections." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 844 (April 4, 2018): 187–215.
Full textAtencio, Craig A., and Christoph E. Schreiner. "Laminar Diversity of Dynamic Sound Processing in Cat Primary Auditory Cortex." Journal of Neurophysiology 103, no. 1 (January 2010): 192–205.
Full textDjenidi, L., F. Anselmet, J. Liandrat, and L. Fulachier. "Laminar boundary layer over riblets." Physics of Fluids 6, no. 9 (September 1994): 2993–99.
Full textAnderson, E. J., W. R. McGillis, and M. A. Grosenbaugh. "The boundary layer of swimming fish." Journal of Experimental Biology 204, no. 1 (January 1, 2001): 81–102.
Full textZhang, Jiaojiao, Shengna Liu, and Liancun Zheng. "Turbulent boundary layer heat transfer of CuO–water nanofluids on a continuously moving plate subject to convective boundary." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 77, no. 4 (December 21, 2021): 369–77.
Full textRaić, Karlo. "Simplification of laminar boundary layer equations." Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 24, no. 2 (July 2, 2018): 93–102.
Full textAlston, Thomas M., and Ira M. Cohen. "Decay of a laminar shear layer." Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics 4, no. 12 (December 1992): 2690–99.
Full textQiu, Jinhao, Junji Tani, Toshiyuki Hayase, and Takashi Okutani. "Active control of laminar boundary layer." Matériaux & Techniques 90 (2002): 13–17.
Full textKuz’min, A. I., and S. S. Kharchenko. "Self ignition in laminar mixing layer." Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves 35, no. 1 (January 1999): 23–30.
Full textMcConnell, SK, and CE Kaznowski. "Cell cycle dependence of laminar determination in developing neocortex." Science 254, no. 5029 (October 11, 1991): 282–85.
Full textPolivanov, Pavel A., Andrey A. Sidorenko, and Anatoly A. Maslov. "Effective plasma buffet and drag control for laminar transonic aerofoil." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering 234, no. 1 (August 29, 2018): 58–67.
Full textLysenko, Vladimir, Boris Smorodsky, Yuri Yermolaev, Sergey Gaponov, Aleksandr Kosinov, Nikolay Semionov, and Alex Yatskih. "Influence Of Heavy Gas Blowing Into The Wall Layer Of Supersonic Boundary-Layer On Its Transition." Siberian Journal of Physics 12, no. 1 (March 1, 2017): 50–56.
Full textSawa, Sayuki, and Shinzo Yoshikado. "Evaluation of Laminated Thin-Film ZnO Varistor by PLD." Key Engineering Materials 350 (October 2007): 217–20.
Full textBoiko, Andrey V., Kirill V. Demyanko, Yuri M. Nechepurenko, and Grigory V. Zasko. "On the Use of Probability-Based Methods for Estimating the Aerodynamic Boundary-Layer Thickness." Fluids 6, no. 8 (July 28, 2021): 267.
Full textPierucci, Mauro, and Pedro Morales. "Interaction between a laminar boundary layer and an elastic layer." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 80, S1 (December 1986): S15—S16.
Full textDesai, A. R., and S. K. McConnell. "Progressive restriction in fate potential by neural progenitors during cerebral cortical development." Development 127, no. 13 (July 1, 2000): 2863–72.
Full textAggoune, S., and El Hachemi Amara. "Dynamical Study of a Molten Boundary Layer Ejected by Laminar Gas Flow." Defect and Diffusion Forum 348 (January 2014): 88–93.
Full textHan, B., and P. Kunthong. "Micro-Mechanical Deformation Analysis of Surface Laminar Circuit in Organic Flip-Chip Package: An Experimental Study." Journal of Electronic Packaging 122, no. 4 (May 15, 2000): 294–300.
Full textNinomiya, Taihei, Kacie Dougherty, David C. Godlove, Jeffrey D. Schall, and Alexander Maier. "Microcircuitry of agranular frontal cortex: contrasting laminar connectivity between occipital and frontal areas." Journal of Neurophysiology 113, no. 9 (May 2015): 3242–55.
Full textFörster, Eckart, Shanting Zhao, and Michael Frotscher. "Hyaluronan-associated adhesive cues control fiber segregation in the hippocampus." Development 128, no. 15 (August 1, 2001): 3029–39.
Full textNelson, P. A., M. C. M. Wright, and J. L. Rioual. "Automatic Control of Laminar Boundary-Layer Transition." AIAA Journal 35, no. 1 (January 1997): 85–90.
Full textSemin, N. V., V. V. Golub, G. E. Elsinga, and J. Westerweel. "Laminar superlayer in a turbulent boundary layer." Technical Physics Letters 37, no. 12 (December 2011): 1154–57.
Full textNasr, H., I. A. Hassanien, and H. M. El-Hawary. "Chebyshev solution of laminar boundary layer flow." International Journal of Computer Mathematics 33, no. 1-2 (January 1990): 127–32.
Full textKachanov, Y. S. "Physical Mechanisms of Laminar-Boundary-Layer Transition." Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 26, no. 1 (January 1994): 411–82.
Full textBogolepov, V. V. "Small perturbations of a laminar boundary layer." Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 28, no. 5 (1988): 706–16.
Full textBejan, Adrian. "Theory of Unsteady Laminar Boundary Layer Flow." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 28, no. 6 (June 1985): 1241.
Full textNelson, P. A., M. C. M. Wright, and J. L. Rioual. "Automatic control of laminar boundary-layer transition." AIAA Journal 35 (January 1997): 85–90.
Full textHicks, Peter D., and Pierre Ricco. "Laminar streak growth above a spanwise oscillating wall." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 768 (March 6, 2015): 348–74.
Full textPoels, Allison, Xavier Collin, Azemi Benaissa, and Dominique Poirel. "Mode and regime identification for a static NACA0012 airfoil at transitional Reynolds numbers." Mechanics & Industry 21, no. 6 (2020): 620.
Full textLevitt, M. D., C. A. Fetzer, J. M. Kneip, J. H. Bond, and D. G. Levitt. "Quantitative assessment of luminal stirring in the perfused small intestine of the rat." American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 252, no. 3 (March 1, 1987): G325—G332.
Full textLasauskas, Eduardas. "INFLUENCE OF TRANSITION LOCATION ON AIRFOIL DRAG." Aviation 9, no. 3 (September 30, 2005): 19–22.
Full textQUADRIO, MAURIZIO, and PIERRE RICCO. "The laminar generalized Stokes layer and turbulent drag reduction." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 667 (November 16, 2010): 135–57.
Full textEpstein, M., G. M. Hauser, and R. E. Henry. "Thermophoretic Deposition of Particles in Natural Convection Flow From a Vertical Plate." Journal of Heat Transfer 107, no. 2 (May 1, 1985): 272–76.
Full textLINGWOOD, R. J. "On the impulse response for swept boundary-layer flows." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 344 (August 10, 1997): 317–34.
Full textAvramenko, A. A., A. O. Tyrinov, N. P. Dmitrenko, and Yu Yu Kovetska. "HEAT TRANSFER IN GRADIENT LAMINAR FLOWS." Thermophysics and Thermal Power Engineering 43, no. 3 (October 8, 2021): 30–35.
Full textObara, Clifford J., and C. P. van Dam. "Keel Design for Low Viscous Drag." Journal of Ship Research 33, no. 02 (June 1, 1989): 145–55.
Full textBogey, Christophe, and Roberto Sabatini. "Effects of nozzle-exit boundary-layer profile on the initial shear-layer instability, flow field and noise of subsonic jets." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 876 (August 1, 2019): 288–325.
Full textKhapko, T., P. Schlatter, Y. Duguet, and D. S. Henningson. "Turbulence collapse in a suction boundary layer." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 795 (April 14, 2016): 356–79.
Full textSchrauf, G. "Status and perspectives of laminar flow." Aeronautical Journal 109, no. 1102 (December 2005): 639–44.
Full textJonker, A. S., J. J. Bosman, E. H. Mathews, and L. Liebenberg. "Flow over a glider canopy." Aeronautical Journal 118, no. 1204 (June 2014): 669–82.
Full textWilliams, James C. "Singularities in solutions of the three-dimensional laminar-boundary-layer equations." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 160 (November 1985): 257–79.
Full textVijgen, P. M. H. W., C. P. van Dam, and C. J. Obara. "Turbulence Effects on the Design and Performance of Low-Drag Keels." Journal of Ship Research 36, no. 03 (September 1, 1992): 268–79.
Full textÓ Náraigh, Lennon, Peter D. M. Spelt, and Stephen J. Shaw. "Absolute linear instability in laminar and turbulent gas–liquid two-layer channel flow." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 714 (January 2, 2013): 58–94.
Full textHiguera, F. J. "The hydraulic jump in a viscous laminar flow." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 274 (September 10, 1994): 69–92.
Full textYamagata, M., and J. R. Sanes. "Target-independent diversification and target-specific projection of chemically defined retinal ganglion cell subsets." Development 121, no. 11 (November 1, 1995): 3763–76.
Full textStankovic, P., M. Vasic, V. Djukic, Lj Janosevic, and M. Vukasinovic. "Vocal fold masses removal: The sub epithelial micro flap technique." Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica 55, no. 4 (2008): 43–47.
Full textBeyene, Shiferaw D., Beshah Ayalew, and Srikanth Pilla. "On the Inter-Laminar Shear Strength of Composites Manufactured via a Stepped-Concurrent UV Curing and Layering Process." Journal of Composite Materials 53, no. 28-30 (June 12, 2019): 4149–59.
Full textKopić, Janja, Alisa Junaković, Iva Salamon, Mladen-Roko Rasin, Ivica Kostović, and Željka Krsnik. "Early Regional Patterning in the Human Prefrontal Cortex Revealed by Laminar Dynamics of Deep Projection Neuron Markers." Cells 12, no. 2 (January 5, 2023): 231.
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