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Anaby-Tavor, Ateret, Boaz Carmeli, Esther Goldbraich, Amir Kantor, George Kour, Segev Shlomov, Naama Tepper, and Naama Zwerdling. "Do Not Have Enough Data? Deep Learning to the Rescue!" Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34, no. 05 (April 3, 2020): 7383–90.

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Based on recent advances in natural language modeling and those in text generation capabilities, we propose a novel data augmentation method for text classification tasks. We use a powerful pre-trained neural network model to artificially synthesize new labeled data for supervised learning. We mainly focus on cases with scarce labeled data. Our method, referred to as language-model-based data augmentation (LAMBADA), involves fine-tuning a state-of-the-art language generator to a specific task through an initial training phase on the existing (usually small) labeled data. Using the fine-tuned model and given a class label, new sentences for the class are generated. Our process then filters these new sentences by using a classifier trained on the original data. In a series of experiments, we show that LAMBADA improves classifiers' performance on a variety of datasets. Moreover, LAMBADA significantly improves upon the state-of-the-art techniques for data augmentation, specifically those applicable to text classification tasks with little data.
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Pratiwi, Rahmawati Eka, Ahmad Dahidi, and Nuria Haristiani. "ANALISIS KESALAHAN PELAFALAN HURUF KONSONAN TSU DALAM BAHASA JEPANG TERHADAP PENUTUR BAHASA INDONESIA." JAPANEDU: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Bahasa Jepang 1, no. 2 (August 1, 2016): 135.

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AbstrakPada saat mempelajari bahasa asing, pada umumnya kita tentu akan mempelajariya huruf dari bahasa tersebut. Setiap bahasa memiliki fonem yang berbeda-beda. Pembelajaran huruf dan bagaimana cara melafalkannya merupakan pembelajaran dasar dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing. Fonem adalah bunyi terkecil yang dapat membedakan makna, sedangkan huruf adalah lambang bunyi atau lambang fonem. Misalnya, dalam bahasa Indonesia yang membedakan kata “kelas” dan “keras” adalah fonem /l/ dan /r/. Contoh lainnya yang berhubungan dengan bahasa Jepang. Pada penulisan bahasa Jepang, sering kita temukan kata dari bahasa asing yang ditulis dengan fonem yang sama. Misalnya, kata “light” (cahaya) dan “right” (kanan) yang memiliki makna yang berbeda, namun sama-sama ditulis dengan huruf atau lambang fonem yang sama yaitu 「ライト」/raito/. Dengan kesalahan seperti ini akan mudah sekali terjadi kesalahpahaman dalam berkomunikasi. Terutama, komunikasi verbal.Setelah membandingkan fonem yang dimiliki oleh bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Indonesia, salah satu fonem bahasa Jepang yang tidak terdapat dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah fonem [ts]. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kampus Showa, Gunma University kepada 15 orang mahasiswa Indonesia, yang terbagi 2 suku bangsa dengan 2 bahasa daerah yang berbeda (Sunda dan Jawa). Pada penelitian kali ini, pertama-tama, penulis memperdengarkan sebuah rekaman yang berisikan kalimat yang sama dengan teks yang telah dibaca oleh responden, lalu meminta responden untuk mengulanginya dan kemudian merekamnya. Selanjutnya, penulis meminta responden untuk mebaca sebuah teks, kemudian merekamnya kembali. Setelah data terkumpul dan di periksa oleh penutur asli bahasa Jepang, penulis menganalisisnya berdasarkan teori yang ada. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa bahasa ibu (bahasa daerah) tidak berpengaruh dalam kealahan pelafalan bahasa dikarenakan responden melakukan kesalahan ditempat yang sama dan persentase jumlah responden yang mampu melafalkan dengan baik dan benar, dengan yang tidak, dapat dikatakan seimbang (50:50). Kemudian, huruf “tsu” yang berada diawal kataatau tidak didahului oleh bunyi apapun lebih rentan terjadi kesalahan. Dengan kata lain, bunyi yang keluar sebelum huruf “tsu” berpengaruh dalam membantu melafalkan fonem [ts] dalam huruf konsonan “tsu”. Kata kunci : Fonetik, Huruf Konsonan Tsu, kesalahan pelafalan, linguistik Abstract At the timen of learning a foreign languange, in general, we would learn the letters of the language. Each language has different phonemes. Learning letters and how to prounounce it is the basis of learning a foreign language learning. Phoneme is the smallest sound that can distinguish the meaning, while the letter is the epitome of sound or phoneme emblem. For example, in the Indonesian language, phoneme /l/ and /r/ differentiates the word “kelas”(class) and “keras” (hard). In relatiom to Japanese languange learning, particulary in writing Japanese loan word, we often find the word of the foreign language written with the same phoneme. For example, the word “light” (cahaya) and “right” (kanan) which have different meanings, but written in the same letters or phoneme symbols /raito/. Such an error will lead to misunderstandings to take place in communication, especially in terms of verbal communication. After comparing of characteristic of phoneme of both Japanese and Indonesia language, it was found out that the phoneme [ts] in the Japanese phonemes does not exitst in the Indonesian language. The research was conducted at the Showa campus of Gunma University involving 15 Indonesian students who were divided into two different ethnicities with two different local languages (Sundanese and Javanese). In her study, the researcher firstly the author played recording of the same sentences as the next text will read later by the respondents. Furthermore, the author asked the respondents to recite it and then record it. Then, the author asked respondents to read a text, and then to record it. again. Once the data were collected and checked by native Japanese speaker, the author analyzed them. The results showed that the local language does not affect the pronouncation errors because the respondents made the misktake at the same place and the percentage of respondents who were able to recite properly, compared to those who were unable to, was equal (50:50). Then, the letters “tsu” located at the beginning of words or not preceded by any sound is more susceptible to errors. In other words, the sound that comes out before the letter “tsu” is influential in helping to pronounce phonemes [ts] in letters “tsu”. Keyword : phonetic, Consonant Tsu of Japanese languange, pronounce errors, linguistic
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STANLEY, E. G. "LAURENCE NOWELL AND WILLIAM LAMBARD." Notes and Queries 46, no. 1 (1999): 3—b—4.

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BERKHOUT, CARL T. "WILLIAM LAMBARDE AND OLD ENGLISH." Notes and Queries 47, no. 4 (December 1, 2000): 415–20.

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BERKHOUT, CARL T. "WILLIAM LAMBARDE AND OLD ENGLISH." Notes and Queries 47, no. 4 (2000): 415–20.

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Hermawan, Agus. "Representasi semboyan Edukasi KI Hajar Dewantoro Dalam Kajian Semantik (Pendekatan Behavioral)." Jurnal Pendidikan Edutama 5, no. 2 (July 29, 2018): 49.

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Abstract: As a verbal communication instrument, language is a system with arbitrer. People realize that language activity actually is an activity to exspress language symbols to inform the meaning of the symbols to another people (in oral communication) or to the reader (in a letter communication). This thing can be seen from some of these proof, teacher in educational world already forgot about what was Ki Hajar Dewantara said, in that motto, teacher not only have to teach about educational in the class, but also to build the characteristic of their students. This observation use documentation methods in written text or language in the motto of Ki Hajar Dewantara, because Ki Hajar Dewantara wrote a message in that motto about education in the world, including in our environment to send a message about what was he did. The motto that written by Ki Hajar Dewantara use many interesting words. This thing make the writer use behavioral approachment to be a reference to make a meaning of the educational motto from Ki Hajar Dewantara.Keywords: representation, motto, education, meaning.Abstrak: Sebagai alat komunikasi verbal bahasa merupakan suatu sistem lambang bunyi yang bersifat arbitrer. Orang menyadari bahwa kegiatan berbahasa sesungguhnya adalah kegiatan mengekspresikan lambang – lambang bahasa untuk menyampaikan makna- makna yang ada pada lambang tersebut,kepada lawan bicaranya (dalam komunikasi lisan) atau pembaca ( dalam komunikasi tulis). Hal ini dapat dilihat dari bukti berikut, pendidik dalam dunia pendidikan suda mulai lupa dengan semboyan Ki Hajar Dewantara, dalam semboyan tersebut pendidik tugas dan tanggungjawabnya selain mengajar juga harus membentuk karakteristik peserta didiknya,memberikan contoh dalam bersikap.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode dokumentasi dalam penggunaan bahasa tulis yang dituangkan di semboyan Ki Hajar Dewantara sangatlah menarik, karena Ki Hajar Dewantara menuliskan pesan terhadap dunia pendidikan, baik dilingkungan sekitar maupun dilingkungan luar untuk menyampaikan pesan terhadap apa yang dialaminya. Tulisan Ki Hajar Dewantara tersebut mengandung makna atau arti, apa yang dituliskan Ki Hajar Dewantara banyak menggunakan istilah- istilah yang unik, yang sulit dinalar oleh manusia lainnya. Hal ini menyebabkan penulis menggunakan pendekatan behavioral manjadi acuan untuk memaknai istilah yang ada di semboyan pendidikan Ki Hajar Dewantara.Kata kunci: representasi, semboyan, edukasi, makna.
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Darsono, Darsono. "TEMBANG MACAPAT CENGKOK MERDI LAMBANG (MERSUDI LARAS LAGUNING TEMBANG)." Keteg: Jurnal Pengetahuan, Pemikiran dan Kajian Tentang Bunyi 19, no. 1 (September 9, 2019): 47–55.

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Macapat adalah salah satu karya sastra dalam bahasa daerah Jawa, Sunda, Bali dan Madura berbentuk puisi yang disusun menurut kaidah-kaidah tertentu, meliputi guru gatra, guru lagu, dan guru wilangan. Ia memiliki kandungan isi yang berbobot. Penyajiannya melalui proses penggarapan yang halus, lembut, cermat dan mantap serta senantiasa memperhatikan unsur etika dan estetika. Tembang macapat sangat populer sekitar abad XVIII dapat dikatakan menduduki puncak tangga dalam kelompok seni kraton. Tembang macapat mengandung dua unsur seni yaitu seni sastra dan seni embe/suara yang difungsikan sebagai media yang sangat komunikatif untuk menyampaikan petuah atau pesan-pesan pembangunan. Akan tetapi saat ini tinggalah catatan historis dunia sastra jawa, karena tembang macapat kini sudah tidak begitu dikenal oleh pewarisnya. Kesemuanya ini bukan disebabkan pengaruh perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi semata akan tetapi juga disebabkan kurangnya prasarana pengajaran baik berupa buku maupun pengajarnya atau kurang variatif materi tembang yang ada. Berhubungan dengan hal tersebut, sebagai karya sastra yang adiluhung menurut hemat penulis tembangmacapat sangat perlu untuk dilestarikan guna memperkaya khasanah budaya Indonesia. Rencana penciptaan tembang macapat cengkok Merdi Lambang dimaksudkan sebagai wujud tindakan partisipatif dalam upaya pelestarian dan pengembangan.Kata kunci: Tembang Macapat, berkembang, Merdi Lambang.AbstractMacapat is one of the literary works in the languages of Java, Sundanese, Balinese and Madurese in the form of poetry that arranged according to certain rules, including Guru Gatra, Guru Lagu, and Guru Wilangan. It has meaningful content. The presentation of Macapat is through a smooth, gentle, careful and steady cultivation process that always pays attention to ethics and aesthetics elements.Macapat song is very popular around the XVIII century. It said to occupy the top of the hits in the palace of the arts group. Macapat song contains two elements of art that are literary art and ensemble/ sound that is functioned as a very communicative media to convey development advice or messages.However at this time, Macapat remains the historical record in the world of Javanese literature because the song of Macapat now is not very well knew by its heir. All of this matter is not due to the influence of the development of science and technology itself, but it also due to the lack of teaching and supporting facilities both in the form of books and instructors or the lack of variety of existing song material. Inconnection to this, as a valuable literary work, the author has opinion that the song Macapat are very necessary to be preserved, in order to enrich the treasury of Indonesian culture. The plan for the creation of the Macapat tunes for Merdi Lambang are intended to be a form of participatory action for conservationand development efforts.Keywords: Macapat Tunes, Developing, Merdi Lambang.
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Tsybova, I. A. "On Debov’s dictionary." Philology at MGIMO 6, no. 4 (December 28, 2020): 167–69.

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B.M. Debov’s dictionary Romanic component in rhymes of French rap (On the specificity of youth’s word-creation)”. Ivanovo: Publishing House of Ivanovo State University, 2020. – 221 p. is the continuation of the preceding works of the author – dictionaries of abbreviations and deviating from norm vocabulary of youth (verlan, rap). The selection and analysis of Romanic (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Provensal) vocabulary is an evident quality of the dictionary. Among the words forming the rhymes are internationalisms (maestro, opera, villa, etc), names of well-known national dishes (macaroni, pizza), popular Latin American dances (lambada, samba, tango) and also the names of drugs used by some youngsters (cocaїna, marijuana). One can consider rap as a source to supplement vocabulary. The dictionary by V.M. Debov is undoubtedly interesting for those who study Romanic languages.
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Alekseev, Boris. "William Lambard and the Сhorographic Еradition of Historical Writing in Early Modern England: Discourses of Land, Law and Language." ISTORIYA 12, no. 1 (99) (2021): 0.

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Dekker, Kees. "Rebecca Brackmann. The Elizabethan Invention of Anglo-Saxon England: Laurence Nowell, William Lambarde and the Study of Old English." Anglia 131, no. 1 (April 2013): 170–73.

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Sudaryanto, Sudaryanto. "TIGA FASE PERKEMBANGAN BAHASA INDONESIA (1928—2009): KAJIAN LINGUISTIK HISTORIS." AKSIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 2, no. 1 (June 30, 2018): 1–16.

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Indonesian language experienced three phases of development since its birth on October 28, 1928 until the issuance of Law Number 24 Year 2009 on Flag, Language, and Symbol of the Country, and National Anthem. The three phases it covers (1) Indonesian as a language of unity, (2) Indonesian as a country language, and (3) Indonesian as a international language. Research method used is content analysis. Data sources used are books, documentation, and photographs that record Indonesian events over 81 year. The results of this study indicate that (1) the phase Indonesian as a language of unity is marked van Ophuijsen of Spelling and the Indonesian Congress I, (2) the phase Indonesian as a country language is marked Article 36 of the 1945 Constitution, Indonesian Congress II, National Political Language Praseminar (1974), National Political Language Seminar (1975), Political Language Seminar (1999), Suwandi Spelling (1947), and Improved Spelling (1972), and (3) the phase of Indonesian as a international language marked Indonesian Congress International IX, Law Number 24 Year 2009, and the Center of Strategy Development and Linguistic Diplomacy, The Development Agency and Language Coachin. Keywords: Indonesian, language of unity, country language, international language Abstrak Bahasa Indonesia mengalami tiga fase perkembangan sejak kelahirannya pada 28 Oktober 1928 hingga terbitnya Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2009 tentang Bendera, Bahasa, dan Lambang Negara, serta Lagu Kebangsaan. Tiga fase itu mencakup (1) bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa persatuan, (2) bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa resmi negara, dan (3) bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa internasional. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah analisis konten. Sumber data yang digunakan ialah buku, dokumentasi, dan foto yang merekam peristiwa bahasa Indonesia selama kurun waktu 81 tahun. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) fase bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa persatuan ditandai Ejaan van Ophuijsen dan Kongres Bahasa Indonesia I, (2) fase bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa resmi negara ditandai Pasal 36 UUD 1945, Kongres Bahasa Indonesia II, Praseminar Politik Bahasa Nasional (1974), Seminar Politik Bahasa Nasional (1975), Seminar Politik Bahasa (1999), Ejaan Suwandi (1947), dan Ejaan yang Disempurnakan (1972), dan (3) fase bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa internasional ditandai Kongres Internasional IX Bahasa Indonesia, UU Nomor 24 Tahun 2009, dan Pusat Pengembangan Strategi dan Diplomasi Kebahasaan Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa. Kata kunci: bahasa Indonesia, bahasa persatuan, bahasa negara, bahasa internasional
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Cheng, Pengxiang, and Katrin Erk. "Attending to Entities for Better Text Understanding." Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34, no. 05 (April 3, 2020): 7554–61.

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Recent progress in NLP witnessed the development of large-scale pre-trained language models (GPT, BERT, XLNet, etc.) based on Transformer (Vaswani et al. 2017), and in a range of end tasks, such models have achieved state-of-the-art results, approaching human performance. This clearly demonstrates the power of the stacked self-attention architecture when paired with a sufficient number of layers and a large amount of pre-training data. However, on tasks that require complex and long-distance reasoning where surface-level cues are not enough, there is still a large gap between the pre-trained models and human performance. Strubell et al. (2018) recently showed that it is possible to inject knowledge of syntactic structure into a model through supervised self-attention. We conjecture that a similar injection of semantic knowledge, in particular, coreference information, into an existing model would improve performance on such complex problems. On the LAMBADA (Paperno et al. 2016) task, we show that a model trained from scratch with coreference as auxiliary supervision for self-attention outperforms the largest GPT-2 model, setting the new state-of-the-art, while only containing a tiny fraction of parameters compared to GPT-2. We also conduct a thorough analysis of different variants of model architectures and supervision configurations, suggesting future directions on applying similar techniques to other problems.
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Souza, Marília Silva de, Jaciana Marlova Gonçalves Araújo, and Luciano Dias de Mattos Souza. "Psychometric Validation of the Short Form of the Smoking Consequences Questionnaire (S-SCQ) for Brazil." Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 23, no. 11 (November 2018): 3947–55.

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Abstract Smoking accounts for 24% of deaths in the general population and is also the factor that explains the biggest amount of years of life lost. It is important to understand the expectations regarding smoking behavior. The present study aimed to validate the Short Form of the Smoking Consequences Questionnaire (S-SCQ) for a Brazilian version. The Researchers did the process of semantic adaptation to language and national context. The S-SCQ was applied in a sample of 129 people. The next step was to perform psychometric analyses for the set of 21 items. Exploratory Factor Analysis, with pairwise treatment for missing cases, was used to achieve construct validity. To carry out Factor Analysis, the method of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used initially. Afterwards, Principal Axis Factoring (PAF) using Varimax rotation with Kaiser normalization was applied. The reliability of the total scale (21 items) showed a Cronbach alpha index of 0.851 and a 0.870 Lambda2 of Gutmann. Quite satisfactory rates were also observed in the subscales. Similarly, the item-overall correlation values also confirmed the scale’s good reliability indices.
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Zawarnis, Yulfi. "ANALISIS STRUKTUR KAMUS DWIBAHASA LAMPUNG—INDONESIA [Structural Analysis of The Lampung—Indonesian Bilingual Dictionary]." TOTOBUANG 7, no. 1 (September 20, 2019): 29.

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This paper is the result of an analysis of the structure of the Lampung-Indonesian bilingual dictionary. The data is examined by a number of entries in the Bilingual Lampung Dictionary - Indonesia. The method used is a descriptive analytical qualitative method with an objective approach that aims to provide an overview of reality in the object studied. Data were analyzed based on groups of data adjusted for type and type of error. The results of the analysis show that the Lampung-Indonesian Bilingual Dictionary published by the Lampung Province Language Office in 2009 still needs to be revised. Things that must be present, not yet appropriate, or need to be omitted in the dictionary are the inclusion of word classes, phonetic symbol omissions, uniformity of defining systems, and uniformity of writing symbols of sound / kh / and / gh / to / r /. In addition, the entries contained in the dictionary are still very limited in number. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the Lampung Bilingual Dictionary - Indonesia still requires revisions so that benefits can be felt. Makalah ini merupakan hasil analisis terhadap struktur Kamus Dwibahasa Lampung—Indonesia. Data yang dikaji sejumlah lema yang terdapat dalam Kamus Dwibahasa Lampung—Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan objektif yang bertujuan memberikan gambaran tentang realitas pada objek yag diteliti. Data dianalisis berdasarkan kelompok data yang disesuaikan dengan tipe dan jenis kesalahan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Kamus Dwibahasa Lampung—Indonesia yang diterbitkan oleh Kantor Bahasa Provinsi Lampung pada tahun 2009 masih perlu direvisi. Hal-hal yang harus harus ada, belum sesuai, atau perlu dihilangkan dalam kamus tersebut adalah pencantuman kelas kata, penghilangan lambang fonetik, penyeragaman sistem pendefinisian, dan penyeragaman penulisan lambang bunyi /kh/ dan /gh/ menjadi /r/. Selain itu, lema yang terdapat dalam kamus tersebut masih sangat terbatas jumlahnya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut disimpulkan bahwa Kamus Dwibahasa Lampung—Indonesia masih memerlukan revisi agar dapat lebih dirasakan manfaatnya
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Pemertahanan Bahasa Dayak Deah Desa Pangelak Kecamatan Upau Kabupaten Tabalong. Bahasa Dayak Deah merupakan bahasa daerah yang memiliki kekhasan sendiri bagi penuturnya yang dijadikan sebagai lambang identitas masyarakat tutur Dayak Deah yang sudah dialihkan dari generasi ke generasi sebagai bahasa ibu, sehingga mereka tetap mempertahankan identitas Dayak Deah melalui penggunaan bahasa Dayak Deah sebagai sarana komunitas utama. Masalah dalam penelitian ini berkaitan dengan93faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemertahanan BDD di Desa Pangelak, Kecamatan Upau, Kabupaten Tabalong. Tujuan penelitian ini difokuskan pada pola-pola penggunaan bahasa oleh informan dalam berbagai ranah, sehingga mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi pemertahanan BDD di Desa Pangelak. Manfaat penelitian ini dapat memberikan informasi tentang pemertahanan BDD di Desa Pangelak. Secara teoritik dapat memberikan manfaat bagi pengembangan ilmu bahasa dan sebagai masukan dalam penyusunan dan perencanaan kebijakan bahasa daerah di tingkat Kabupaten Tabalong. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Penggunaan metode deskriptif dalam penelitian Pemertahanan Bahasa Dayak Deah di Desa Pangelak Kecamatan Upau Kabupaten Tabalong sangat sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian dan mudah digunakan karena metode deskriptif, yaitu menggambarkan suatu fenomena tentang Pemertahanan Bahasa Dayak Deah di Desa Pangelak Kecamatan Upau Kabupaten Tabalong. Oleh karena itu, data yang diperlukan ada dua jenis, yaitu data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan kuesioner. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemertahanan BDD masih sangat baik (dipertahankan oleh penuturnya) atau berada dalam kategori dapat bertahan, baik oleh GTDD dan GMDD, sehingga kemungkinan terjadi pergeseran BDD di DP masih relatif kecil sekali. Hal ini dikarenakan warga DD masih konsisten menggunakan BDD di rumah dan di luar rumah berdasarkan situasi dan kondisi.Kata-kata kunci: pemertahanan, bahasa dayak deah
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Sarzi-Ribeiro, Regilene Aparecida, and João Victor Kurohiji Bonani. "EXPERIMENTAÇÕES ARTÍSTICAS NA ANIMAÇÃO OCIDENTAL: BEGONE DULL CARE." Arteriais - Revista do Programa de Pós-Gradução em Artes 5, no. 8 (July 6, 2020): 72.

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ResumoO presente artigo tem como tema a animação experimental e suas características, campo repleto de inovações técnicas e artísticas que é mantido à margem dos estudos sobre o cinema animado. Portanto, tem como objetivos definir certas características de uma animação experimental e identificar e descrever traços e características do que se considera uma animação experimental no curta animado “Begone Dull Care” (1949) de Norman McLaren (1914-1987) e Evelyn Lambart (1914-1999) através de uma pesquisa teórica, bibliográfica e descritiva do tipo qualitativa, de natureza básica/pura a partir da coleta de dados e análise documental que compreende a identificação, verificação e apreciação de documentos (bibliográficos e obras audiovisuais) com determinados fins, como análise de conteúdo por meio da descrição do filme de animação “Begone Dull Care” (1949). Diferente da animação comercial que tem como objetivo comercial agradar o público sem a preocupação da satisfação artística ou pessoal dos animadores dos estúdios, e buscar soluções formais que facilitem a produção em larga escala dos filmes animados, a animação experimental vai se distinguir por experimentações técnicas e estéticas que desafiam os limites da linguagem e ampliam seu potencial expressivo. Com caráter de vanguarda, voltada à criação artística e à experimentação, a animação experimental terá desenvolvimento na Europa do início do séc. XX. Artistas como McLaren e Oskar Fischinger exploraram técnicas que ampliam o potencial plástico das animações. O termo incorporou diversas nomenclaturas ao longo dos anos como animação independente ou de autor. “Begone Dull Care” é produto desse espírito que desafia o tradicional através de experimentações. Nele, McLaren utiliza o método de animação direto sobre a película e sincroniza cores e formas gráficas animadas pelo som de jazz. McLaren e Lambart adotam formas simplificadas e abstratas para maior liberdade de criação e, durante tal processo empírico, incorporam imprevistos, acidentes e materiais não convencionais como potencializadores da expressividade através de suas experimentações com a materialidade do filme.AbstractThe present article has as its theme the experimental animation and its characteristics, a field full of technical and artistic innovations that is kept aside from the studies on animated cinema. Therefore, it aims to define certain characteristics of an experimental animation and to identify and describe traits and characteristics of what is considered an experimental animation in the animated short film Begone Dull Care in Norman McLaren’s (1914-1987) and Evelyn Lambart (1914). Bibliographical and audio-visual works with a specific purpose, such as the identification, verification and evaluation of documents (bibliographical and audiovisual works), of a basic / pure nature, based on data collection and documentary analysis, as content analysis through the description of the animated film “Begone Dull Care” (1949). Unlike commercial animation that aims to please the public without the concern of the artistic or personal satisfaction of studio animators, and seek formal solutions that facilitate the large-scale production of animated films, the experimental animation will be distinguished by technical experimentation and aesthetics that challenge the limits of language and amplify its expressive potential. With avant-garde character, focused on artistic creation and experimentation, the experimental animation will be developed in Europe at the beginning of the century. XX. Artists like McLaren and Oskar Fischinger explored techniques that amplify the plastic potential of animations. The term has incorporated several nomenclatures over the years as independent or author animation. “Begone Dull Care” is a product of this spirit that challenges the traditional through experimentation. In it, McLaren uses the direct animation method on the film and synchronizes colors and graphic shapes animated by the sound of jazz. McLaren and Lambart adopt simplified and abstract forms for greater freedom of creation and, during such an empirical process, incorporate contingencies, accidents and unconventional materials as enhancers of expressiveness through their experimentation with the materiality of the film.
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Pranoto, Iwan, Stepanus Adi Pratiswa, and Nala Nandana Undiana. "MOTIF BURUNG ENGGANG GADING PADA PAKAIAN ADAT DAYAK KANAYATN KALIMANTAN BARAT." Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa 9, no. 2 (September 2, 2020): 226.

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AbstrakRagam hias merupakan sebuah ciri khas produk kebudayaan yang terdapat di berbagai daerah, seperti di Kalimantan Barat terdapatnya stilasi ragam hias burung enggang yang memiliki makna serta filosofi pandangan masyarakat setempat terhadap ragam hias tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-harikhususnya bagi suku Dayak Kanayatn di Kabupaten Landak, Kalimantan Barat. Karya seni yang berkembang pada masyarakat ini memiliki keterkaitan dengan fenomena sosial yang banyak menggunakan bahasa simbol dan lambang dalam mengaplikasikannya pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Simbol dan lambang yang dipakai masyarakat suku Dayak Kanayatn khususnya pada pakaian adat terdapat motif hias burung enggang, yang memiliki makna-makna kehidupan, kesuburan, keberanian. Karya seni motif hias pada pakaian adat suku Dayak Kanayant mengacu pada simbol, ikon, indeks, rheme, decising, argument, qualising, sensing, dan legising serta tanda dan penanda yang digunakan dan sintakis dari objek motif burung enggang serta semantik yang terdapat dalam motif burung enggang dan pragmatik yang memberi pesan kepada pembaca. Sebuah pesan yang dimiliki oleh motif hias burung enggang pada pakaian suku Dayak Kanayatn ini akan dilihat dari beberapa bagian terdiri dari bagian kepala, badan, dan kaki, setiap bagian ini tidak lepas dari unsur-unsur seni rupa yang menjadi simbol dan makna bagi masyarakat suku Dayak Kanayatn.Kata Kunci: dayak, motif, burung, enggang, pakaian.AbstractDecorative variety is a characteristic of products that exist in various regions such in Kalimantan Barat includes stylized ornamentation of burung enggang which has meaning and philosophy the views of local people on decoration in daily life,especially for Dayak Kanayatn tribe in Landak, Kalimantan Barat. Arts developed at this society hasa relationship with social phenomena that many use the language of symbols and symbols used Dayak Kanayatn tribe community specifically on traditional clothing there is a enggang gading ornamental, which is have meanings of life fertility, courage. Decoratife on traditional tribal clothing Dayak Kanayatn on symbols, icons, indeks, rheme, decising, argument, qualising, sensing, and legising, binders and markings used as well the syntax of enggang gading motif objects as well the semantics which give a message to the reader. A Message from the burung enggang ornamental on the Dayak Kanayatn tribe clothing will be, viewed from several parts consisting of the head, body, and legs,each of these parts can not be separated from fine art which are symbols for the Dayak Kayatan.Keywords: dayak, ornament, burung, enggang, clothing.
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El Hajj, Sleiman. "Between Validation and Emasculation: Paradox of the West as Architect of Queer Autonomy in Rabih Alameddine’s The Perv." Excursions Journal 5, no. 1 (January 24, 2020): 1–16.

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Unlike his more recent novels such as The Hakawati (2006) and An Unnecessary Woman (2013), which also lambast patriarchy, but not from a queer perspective, the early fiction of Rabih Alameddine, Lebanon's only openly gay writer to date, seeks to destabilize hetero-normative boundaries by a critical engagement through creative narrative with the homo-politics of diaspora. In resisting the coercion of the Lebanese and, to a certain extent, the Arab or Middle Eastern homosexual into calibrated, conformist social moulds, his narratives present the West as a plausible refuge in which his exiled gay characters can thrive. In this article, I argue that a nuanced reading of this refuge is needed since the exilic sanctuary in Alameddine's The Perv (1999), his only short story collection to date, is paradoxical. Its illiberal sexualized response to queerness as a form of otherness is extrapolated to similar issues of marginalisation and sexualized abuse enacted by the patriarchal polity that has othered Alameddine’s queer(ed) exiles in the first place. The Western sanctuary’s seemingly antithetical notions of emasculation and empowerment become, ultimately, the very qualities factoring into his usage of strong sexual language in his explicit depiction of the coercive sexuality into which the encounter with the gendered and/or queered other has been relocated in different texts and cultural contexts in The Perv.
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Silenzie, Ricardo, and Muhammad Adi Pribadi. "Interaksi Simbolik dalam Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu di PT. Creative Motion Pctures: Studi Kasus Komunikasi Pemasaran Film Once Upon a Time in Indonesia." Prologia 4, no. 2 (October 1, 2020): 310.

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Integrated marketing communication planning in film marketing activities is implemented as a sales solution and promotes a film title to the public in a variety of effective and interactive ways in which the message in the film can touch the appropriate target audience. PT. Creative Motion Pictures is a film company that uses an integrated marketing communication planning formula to meet the needs of its audience. PT. Creative Motion Pictures formulas when planning marketing communication. The influence of symbolic interaction has a major contribution in the marketing communication planning of PT. Creative Motion Pictures. This research uses a qualitative methodology with a case study method. Data collection was done by participant observation, in-depth interviews with PT. Creative Motion Pictures. The conclusion of this research is that it has 4 stages of integrated marketing communication planning namely Film Products, Target Market, Promotion, Distribution. At all stages there are symbolic interactions such as language selection, organizational regulations, and company vision.Perencanaan komunikasi pemasaran terpadu dalam kegiatan pemasaran film diterapkan sebagai solusi penjualan dan mempromosikan sebuah judul film kepada masyarakat dengan berbagai cara yang efektif dan interaktif dimana pesan dalam film bisa menyentuh target audience yang sesuai. PT. Creative Motion Pictures merupakan perusahaan film yang menggunakan formula perencanaan komunikasi pemasaran terpadu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penontonnya. PT. Creative Motion Pictures formula-formula yang ketika melakukan perancanaan komunikasi pemasaran. Pengaruh Interaksi simbolik memiliki kontribusi yang besar dalam perencanaan komunikasi pemasaran PT. Creative Motion Pictures. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi partisipan, wawancara yang mendalam dengan tim PT. Creative Motion Pictures. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yakni memiliki 4 tahapan perencanaan komunikasi pemasaran terpadu yaitu Produk Film, Target Pasar, Promosi,Pendistribusian. Pada semua tahapan tersebut terdapat interaksi lambing-lambang seperti, pemilihan bahasa,peraturan organisasi, sampai visi perusahaan.
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GRYGIEL, KATARZYNA, and PIERRE LESCANNE. "Counting and generating lambda terms." Journal of Functional Programming 23, no. 5 (September 2013): 594–628.

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AbstractLambda calculus is the basis of functional programming and higher order proof assistants. However, little is known about combinatorial properties of lambda terms, in particular, about their asymptotic distribution and random generation. This paper tries to answer questions like: How many terms of a given size are there? What is a ‘typical’ structure of a simply typable term? Despite their ostensible simplicity, these questions still remain unanswered, whereas solutions to such problems are essential for testing compilers and optimizing programs whose expected efficiency depends on the size of terms. Our approach toward the aforementioned problems may be later extended to any language with bound variables, i.e., with scopes and declarations. This paper presents two complementary approaches: one, theoretical, uses complex analysis and generating functions, the other, experimental, is based on a generator of lambda terms. Thanks to de Bruijn indices (de Bruijn, N. (1972) Lambda calculus notation with nameless dummies, a tool for automatic formula manipulation, with application to the Church-Rosser theorem. Indagat. Math.34(5), 381–392), we provide three families of formulas for the number of closed lambda terms of a given size and we give four relations between these numbers which have interesting combinatorial interpretations. As a by-product of the counting formulas, we design an algorithm for generating λ-terms. Performed tests provide us with experimental data, like the average depth of bound variables and the average number of head lambdas. We also create random generators for various sorts of terms. Thereafter, we conduct experiments that answer questions like: What is the ratio of simply typable terms among all terms? (Very small!) How are simply typable lambda terms distributed among all lambda terms? (A typable term almost always starts with an abstraction.) In this paper, abstractions and applications have size 1 and variables have size 0.
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Abstract: This study aims to scientifically revealed the signs and symbols of human behavior reflective verbs in the surah al-Mā'ūn based on the discourse of semiotics of the Qur'an and convey its meaning in religious social bias. The research employed interpretative-qualitative design. The social and religious bias is asserted in the Qur'an of Surat al-Mā'ūn. In describes the characteristics of people who deceive the religion. Semiotics as one of approach to the study of the Qur'an deals with constructing the meaning of the language of the Qur'an by a sign system. The findings showed that the characteristics of those who deceived religion in Surat al-Mā'ūn are in the following: (1) people who do not provide donations to orphans for the sake of their survival life (2) people who do not encourage others to donate their wealth to the poor;(3) the person who neglect his prayers, such as postponing prayer until the time is over, praying without fulfilling its necessity (4) people who like to show off (riya>') in terms of worship and muamalah in order to be appreciated more by others and (5) people who are reluctant to provide assistance to others both physically and non physically for certain reasons. ملخص: كانت أهداف هذه الدراسة تحليل العلامات والروامز من الأفعال التي تصور سلوك الإنسان فى سورة الماعون بالدراسة السيميائية فى القرآن وشرح معانيها في التحيز الاجتماعي الديني. والطريقة المستخدمة هي نوعية- تفسيرية. التحيز الاجتماعي والديني قد كتب في القرآن الكريم فى سورة الماعون. بينت هذه السورة خصائص الناس الذين يكذبون بالدين. السيميائية كمنهج دراسة القرآن تسعى إلى بناء معنى ألفاظ القرآن بنظام الرموز. ومنهج تفسير الروامز بالتضافر بين الرمز والمرموز حتى ظهرت المعاني الجديدة. واستنادا إلى الدراسة السيميائية فإن خصائص الذين كذبوا بالدين في سورة الماعون هم: أولا، الناس الذين لا يقدمون أيّ شيء إلى اليتامى لقضاء متطلبات حياتهم. ثانيا، الناس الذين لا يشجعون ويرشدون الآخرين على تقديم التبرّع والأغذية للمساكين. ثالثا، الناس الذين يهملون صلاتهم وهذا كمن يؤخّر الصلاة حتى فات وقتها، ومن يؤدّي الصلاة ولكن بعدم أداء شروطها وأركانها، أوالذي لا يخشع في صلاته. رابعا، الناس الذين يراءون فى العبادة والمعاملة أمام الآخرين. خامسا، الناس الذين لايساعدون الآخرين جسديا أوغير جسدي لسبب ما. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara ilmiah tanda-tanda dan lambang-lambang verba reflektif perilaku manusia dalam surat al-Mā’ūn berdasarkan wacana semiotika al-Qur’an serta mendeskripsikan maknanya dalam bias sosial keagamaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif-interpretatif. Bias sosial dan keagamaan telah tercatat dalam al-Qur’an surat al-Mā’ūn. Dalam surat tersebut dijelaskan mengenai ciri-ciri orang yang mendustakan agama. Semiotika sebagai salah satu pendekatan studi al-Qur’an berupaya untuk mengkonstruksi makna bahasa al-Qur’an dengan sistem tanda. Metode interpretasi tanda adalah dengan mensinergikan antara petanda dan penanda sehingga melahirkan representasi makna yang baru. Berdasarkan pembacaan semiotika, ciri-ciri orang yang mendustakan agama dalam surat al-Mā’ūn adalah pertama, orang yang tidak memberikan santunan berupa apapun kepada anak-anak yatim demi keberlangsungan hidup selamanya. Kedua, orang yang tidak memberi dorongan dan anjuran kepada orang lain untuk memberi santunan dan makanan kepada orang-orang miskin yang membutuhkan. Ketiga, orang yang lalai dalam salatnya, seperti menunda-nunda mengerjakan shalat sehingga waktunya habis, melaksanakan salat dengan tidak memenuhi syarat dan rukunnya, atau tidak khusyu’ dalam salat. Keempat, orang yang suka pamer (riya>’) dalam hal ibadah dan muamalah agar dinilai lebih oleh orang lain. Kelima, orang yang enggan memberikan bantuan baik secara fisik maupun non fisik kepada orang lain karena sebab tertentu. Kata Kunci; Semiotika, al-Mā’ūn, Sosial, Agama.
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SEPTIAN, EGI PRAJA. "WAWACAN SITI PERMANA KARYA M.K. MANGOENDIKARIA (Kajian Struktural dan Antropologi Sastra)." LOKABASA 7, no. 1 (April 25, 2016): 26.

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Penelitian ini berjudul Wawacan Siti Permana Karya M.K. Mangoendikaria (Kajian Struktural dan Antropologi Sastra). Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan: 1) struktur formal Wawacan Siti Permana, 2) struktur naratif Wawacan Siti Permana, 3) unsur-unsur antropologi sastra dalam Wawacan Siti Permana. Sumber data dari penelitian ini adalah Wawacan Siti Permana yang ditulis oleh M.K. Mangoendikaria. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan adalah teknik studi pustaka. Wawacan Siti Permana menceritakan sosok wanita yang cantik, bernama Nyi Siti Permana, selaku anak dari lurah désa Cigéréléng, banyak pria yang terpikat olehnya. Pupuh yang ditemukan terdapat 10 pupuh dengan 526 paragraf, yaitu pupuh dangdanggula, pupuh asmarandana, pupuh kinanti, pupuh pangkur, pupuh magatru, pupuh sinom, pupuh mijil, pupuh maskumambang, pupuh lambang, dan pupuh pucung. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) struktur formal Wawacan Siti Permana terdiri dari guru lagu dan guru wilangan pupuh, watak/karakter pupuh, serta sepuluh sasmita pupuh, 2) struktur naratif Wawacan Siti Permana meliputi: a) alur cerita campuran dan ada 18 episode, b) terdapat lima motif cerita, c) tokoh cerita terdiri dari 12 tokoh, d) latar cerita meliputi latar tempat, latar waktu, dan latar suasana, e) tema cerita dalam Wawacan Siti Permana yaitu kasih sayang, f) terdapat kolofon yaitu pada jaman perang Itali dan Absinia, dan g) tidak ditemukan adanya manggalasastra, 3) unsur antropologi sastra Wawacan Siti Permana meliputi: a) sistem kepercayaan (religi) meliputi tiga aspek, b) organisasi sosial/organisasi kemasyarakatan meliputi dua aspek, c) ilmu pengetahuan terdiri dari delapan aspek, d) bahasa meliputi tiga bahasa, gaya bahasa, dan babasan paribasa Sunda, e) terdapat empat kesenian, f) sistem mata pencaharian terdapat 16 mata pencaharian, g) sistem tekhnologi meliputi enam aspek. Wawacan Siti Permanamempunyai banyak nilai-nilai didalamnya dan sangat penting untuk kekayaan kebudayaan hususnya untuk masyarakat Sunda. AbstractThis research is entitled Wawacan Siti Permana of M.K. Mangoendikaria (A Structural and Anthropological Literature Study). This study aimed to describe (1) the formal structure; (2) the narrative structure; and (3) the elements of the anthropological literature in Wawacan Siti Permana. The data source of this research is the text of Wawacan Siti Permana of M.K. Mangoendikaria. The research employed descriptive method. This study used the technique of literature study. Wawacan Siti Permana tells a story of a beautiful woman, named Nyi Siti Permana. She is the daughter of the Head of Cigereleng Village. Many men are lured by Siti Permana. In the text, there are 10 pupuhs with 526 paragraphs. They are Pupuh dangdanggula, Pupuh Asmarandana, Pupuh kinanti, Pupuh Pangkur, Pupuh Magatru, Pupuh Sinom Pupuh Mijil, Pupuh Maskumambang, Pupuh Lambang, and Pupuh Pucung. There are some of the results of this research. (1) The formal structure of Wawacan Siti Permana consists of guru lagu and guru wilangan of the pupuhs, characters of the pupuhs, and ten sasmitas of the pupuhs. (2) the narrative structure of Wawacan Siti Permana includes (a) a mixture storyline with 18 episodes; (B) five motifs of story; (C) 12 characters of the stories; (D) the background of place, time setting, and background of ambience; (E) the theme of compassion; (F) The colophon of days of the war between Italy and Ethiopia; and (g) no manggalasastra. (3) The elements of anthropological literature are (a) the three aspects of the belief system (religion); (b) two aspects of social organization; (C) the eight aspects of science; (D) three languages, style, and Sundanese babasan-paribasa; (E) four arts; (F) 16 livelihood; (G) six aspects of technological systems. Wawacan Siti Permana contains many important values and cultural wealth of the Sundanese people.
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Jurotun, Jurotun. "Meningkatkan Komunikasi Matematis Peserta Didik Melalui “Disco LeMPer” berbantuan Software GeoGebra." Kreano, Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif 6, no. 1 (July 27, 2015): 1.

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<p align="justify">Peserta didik belum menguasai kemampuan komunikasi matematika, baik kemampuan matematika lisan maupun kemampuan matematika secara tertulis. Peserta didik sulit membedakan penggunaan simbol dan lambang matematika, mengubah masalah nyata ke dalam bahasa matematika, serta mentransfer bentuk matematika ke dalam masalah nyata, peserta didik jarang mengajukan pertanyaan ataupun memberikan pendapatnya dalam proses pembelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan komunikasi matematis melalui “Disco LeMPer” berbantuan Software GeoGebra. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian tindakan kelas dengan Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari silkus 1 dan siklus 2. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini dilaksanakan di kelas XI MIA3 SMA Negeri 1 Dempet. Alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi dan tes tertulis. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa terjadi peningkatan komunikasi matematis lisan sebesar 45% pada siklus 1 dan 22% pada siklus 2. Sedangkan untuk komunikasi tertulis terjadi peningkatan sebesar 30% untuk siklus 1 dan 42% untuk siklus 2. Dengan demikian pembelajaran Disco LeMPer berbantuan software GeoGebra dapat meningkatkan komunikasi matematis peserta didik SMA untuk materi irisan kerucut. </p><p align="justify"><em>Learners have not mastered the mathematical communication skills, both verbal and math skills math skills in writing. Learners are difficult to distinguish the use of symbols and mathematical symbol, changing the real problems into mathematical language, as well as the transfer form to the real problems of mathematics, students rarely ask questions or give opinions in the process of learning mathematics. This study aims to improve mathematical communication through "Disco Lemper" aided software GeoGebra.This research is a classroom action research with the type of research is a class action consisting of cycle 1 and cycle 2. Class Action Research was conducted in class XI MIA3 SMA Negeri 1 Dempet. Data collection tools used were observation sheet and a written tes. The results showed that an increase in oral mathematical communication by 45 % in cycle 1 and 22 % in cycle 2. As for written communication an increase of 30 % for the first cycle and 42 % for cycle 2. Thus Disco Lemper aided learning software GeoGebra can improve communication mathematical high school students to the material conic sections. </em></p>
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Nisa', Mir'atun. "TAFSIR AL-FATIHAH (STUDI LITERATUR KITAB TAFSIR BIMAKNA PETUK)." QOF 2, no. 2 (December 15, 2018): 133–46.

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Abstract Hidayatut Thulab is one of the pesantren in Kediri, East Java, which publishes many books, especially the book of morality and interpretation. Achmad Asymuni and his son Achmad Yasin Asmuni as caretakers of the Hidayatut Thulab pesantren are among the ulamas and kiai in Kediri, who are very productive in their work. This article aims to analyze one of the books by Achmad Yasin Asymuni entitled Tafsir al-Fatihah, the book of interpretation of his work is usually called tafsir bimakna petuk. The analysis was carried out using the Islah Gusmian text analysis framework with regard to the technical aspects of writing and hermeneutic aspects. From this analysis it can be seen that in the technical aspect of writing this interpretation adopts coherent systematic, detailed presentation form with persuasive exposition language style and non-scientific reference sources. As for the hermeneutic aspect, this interpretation has a Sufic theological nuance. In addition, the book of interpretation of al-Fatihah uses makna gandul with Java-pegon script by affixing the symbol of the position of the word in Arabic grammar in almost all words Keyword : tafsir al-Fatihah, makna gandul, Java-pegon Pesantren dan Madrasah Hidayatut Thulab adalah salah satu pesantren di Kediri Jawa Timur yang banyak menerbitkan kitab-kitab terutama kitab akhlaq dan tafsir. Achmad Asymuni dan putranya Achmad Yasin Asmuni sebagai pengasuh pesantren Hidayatut Thulab termasuk diantara ulama dan kiai pesantren di Kediri yang sangat produktif dalam berkarya. Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisa salah satu kitab karya kiai Achmad Yasin Asymuni yang berjudul Tafsir al-Fatihah, kitab tafsir karya beliau biasa disebut dengan tafsir bimakna petuk. Analisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan kerangka analisis teks Islah Gusmian dengan memperhatikan aspek teknis penulisan dan aspek hermeneutik. Dari analisa tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa pada aspek teknis penulisan tafsir ini menganut sistematika runtut, bentuk penyajian rinci dengan gaya bahasa eksposisi persuasif dan sumber rujukan non ilmiah. Adapun pada aspek hermeneutis, tafsir ini bernuansa teologis sufistik dengan metode tafsir riwa>yat. Selain itu, kitab tafsir al-Fatihah ini menggunakan makna gandul dengan aksara Jawa pegon dengan dibubuhkan lambang kedudukan kata dalam tata bahasa Arab di hampir seluruh kata-kata.
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Mareta, Riski. "ANALISIS PELAFALAN BUNYI SEGMENTAL PADA SISWA TUNARUNGU SMPLB B SLBN 7 JAKARTA." AKSIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 2, no. 2 (December 31, 2018): 202–15.

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The study aims to obtain information about segmental sounds in the form of vocal sounds, consonant sounds, diphthong sounds, and clusters. This study was conducted on three deaf students SMPLB B SLBN 7 Jakarta. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative with data analysis techniques. Data is obtained by direct observation and interviews to retrieve oral speech data which are then transcribed into phonetic symbols. Based on the results of analysis on the verbal speech data of a student, it was found 178 vowel sounds, and 143 consonant sounds, 2 cluster sounds produced and 149 syllable patterns found, and based on the results of this analysis students did not produce diphthong sounds. So, it can be concluded that there were 464 data in total in this study out of three deaf students tunarungu SMPLB B SLBN 7 Jakarta. Implications for Indonesian language learning, namely improving speaking skills in deaf students. Thus, students can practice their speaking skills through teaching Indonesian and produce oral speech that is included in segmental sounds. Keywords: pronunciation, segmental sound, deaf students Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai bunyi segmental yang berupa bunyi vokal, bunyi konsonan, bunyi diftong, dan kluster. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tiga orang siswa tunarungu Sekolah Menengah Pertama Luar Biasa B (Tunarungu) SLBN B 7 Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik analisis data. Data diperoleh dengan cara pengamatan dan wawancara secara langsung untuk mengambil data ujaran lisan yang kemudian ditranskripsi ke dalam lambang fonetik. Berdasarkan hasil analisis pada data ujaran lisan seorang siswa, ditemukan data sebanyak 178 bunyi vokal, serta sebanyak 143 bunyi konsonan, 2 bunyi kluster yang dihasilkan dan 149 pola silabel yang ditemukan, dan berdasarkan hasil analisis ini siswa tidak menghasilkan bunyi diftong.Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat 464 data secara keseluruhan pada penelitian ini dari tiga orang siswa tunarungu SMPLB B SLBN 7 Jakarta. Implikasi terhadap pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, yaitu meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara pada siswa tunarungu. Dengan demikian, siswa dapat melatih keterampilan berbicaranya melalui pengajaran bahasa Indonesia dan menghasilkan bunyi ujaran lisan yang termasuk ke dalam bunyi segmental. Kata kunci: pelafalan, bunyi segmental, siswa tunarungu
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AbstrakTulisan ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana kajian linguistik forensik dilakukan dalam delik aduan penghinaan terhadap simbol dan pejabat negara. Data dikumpulkan dan diolah menjadi transkripsi forensik dari tuturan berupa video dan tangkap layar unggahan Facebook yang mengandung tuturan yang berkasus hukum sebagai data tersedia prakasus, serta video dan tangkap layar unggahan Facebook dengan topik serupa dari subjek penelitian yang sama sebagai data galian kasus. Tuturan yang berkasus hukum dianalisis secara semantis dan pragmatik. Analisis semantis digunakan untuk memperoleh gambaran makna sekunder tuturan yang disampaikan tersidik. Analisis pragmatik digunakan untuk memperoleh makna berdasarkan konteks tuturan tersidik. Perbandingan data tuturan berdelik hukum dengan tuturan dari data pembanding digunakan untuk memperoleh gambaran profil bahasa tersidik berdasarkan gaya diksi tersidik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa transkripsi forensik dari data tuturan seperti video atau tulisan di media sosial dijadikan dasar untuk melakukan analisis dalam kajian linguistik forensik. Berdasarkan analisis semantis dengan melihat penggunaan kata, frasa, dan kalimat juga dilihat koteks penggunaannya dan berdasarkan analisis pragmatik dengan melihat konteks penggunaannya disimpulkan bahwa HRS tidak melakukan penghinaan terhadap Pancasila, HBS melakukan penghinaan terhadap pejabat negara, dan SSG tidak melakukan penghinaan terhadap simbol atau lambang negara, yaitu Pancasila.Kata kunci: penghinaan, simbol, negara, linguistik forensikInsulting the State Symbol and Official in Forensic Linguistics Studies AbstractThis paper is describes on how the study of forensic linguistics conducted in the complaint offense of insulting against the state symbols and officials. Data is collected and processed into a forensic transcriptions from videos and screenshots uploaded on Facebook containing legal-related speeches as a pre case provided data, as well as videos and screenshots uploaded on Facebook with similar to the same research subject as a case study data. The Legal-related speeches are analyzed semantically and pragmatically. Semantic analysis is used to obtain a picture of the secondary meaning of the speeches expressed by the accused. A pragmatic analysis is used to gain meaning based on the speeches of the accused context. Comparison of the legal-related speeches data with the speeches of comparative data is used to obtain an overview of the language profile of the accused based on the diction style used by the accused. The result of the analysis indicates that the forensic transcriptions from the videos and posts on social media are used as a basis for conducting analysis in forensic linguistics studies. Based on the semantic analysis by looking at the use of words, phrases, and sentences as well as the usage co-text, and based on the pragmatic analysis by looking at the usage context, it was concluded that HRS did not insult Pancasila, HBS insulted the state officials, and SSG did not insult the state symbols, namely Pancasila.Keywords: insults, symbols, state, forensic linguistics
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Abdul Salam, Nur Syazwani, and Sharifah Raihan Syed Jaafar. "PERILAKU FONOLOGI KONSONAN DI AKHIR KATA DIALEK PETANI SIK[THE PHONOLOGICAL BEHAVIOUR OF WORD-FINAL CONSONANTS IN THE PETANI SIK DIALECT]." Journal of Nusantara Studies (JONUS) 4, no. 1 (June 29, 2019): 316.

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Kajian ini mendeskripsikan perilaku fonologi konsonan yang berada di akhir kata dalam dialek Petani Sik yang dituturkan di daerah Sik, Kedah, Malaysia. Terdapat beberapa fenomena fonologi yang berlaku di akhir kata dalam dialek Petani Sik, Kedah lantaran sekatan ke atas kehadiran sesetengah konsonan di posisi dalam dialek ini. Data kajian telah diperoleh melalui kajian rintis, soal selidik serta kajian lapangan yang melibatkan pemerhatian dan rakaman. Pengumpulan data dilakukan di Kampung Telaga Batu, Sik, Kedah dengan memilih 30 penutur natif yang berumur antara 45 hingga 75 tahun. Hasil analisis menunjukkan konsonan /r/, /l/, /s/, /m/ dan /h/ tidak dibenarkan hadir di akhir kata dalam dialek Petani Sik. Kehadiran konsonan-konsonan ini telah ditangani dengan proses fonologi seperti peleburan, penggantian, penyisipan dan pengguguran. Penggantian konsonan /s/ kepada [ç] yang didahului oleh vokal tinggi dan /s/ kepada [h] yang didahului oleh vokal /a/ serta diikuti oleh penyisipan [j] sebelum konsonan tersebut merupakan output dialek Petani Sik yang paling menarik khusunya bunyi [ç]. Kehadirannya dalam dialek-dialek Melayu sangat terhad hanya kepada dialek Kedah Utara dan tidak wujud dalam bahasa Melayu standard. Kemunculannya yang terbatas ini menjadi lambang identiti unik dalam dialek Kedah khususnya dialek Petani Sik. Penelitian proses fonologi di akhir kata dalam dialek Petani Sik memberi implikasi sebagai nilai tambah kepada kajian terdahulu selain sebagai perintis ke arah penyelidikan ilmiah yang memelihara dan mendokumentasikan sistem nahu sebuah dialek Melayu yang semakin kurang penuturnya.Kata kunci: Bahasa Melayu, dialek Kedah, dialek Petani Sik, fonologi, konsonan akhir kata. ABSTRACTThis study describes the phonological behaviour of word-final consonants in the Petani Sik dialect spoken in the Sik region of Kedah, Malaysia. There are a number of phonological phenomena which occur at word-final position in the Petani Sik dialect due to restriction on the presence of consonants at this position of word. Data for this study were obtained through pilot study, questionnaire and fieldwork which included observation and recording. Data gathering at Kampung Telaga Batu, Sik, Kedah was carried out involving 30 native speakers aged between 45 and 75 years. The findings show that consonants /r/, /l/, /s/, /m/ and /h/ are not allowed to occur at word-final position in the Petani Sik dialect. The occurrence of these consonants has been resolved by the phonological processes namely coalescence, substitution, epenthesis and deletion. The substitution consonant from /s/ to [ç] which is preceded by a high vowel and from /s/ to [h] before /a/ which is then followed by the epenthesis [j] before the consonant are the most interesting outputs yielded from the dialect particularly the [ç]sound. Its presence in Malay dialects is limited only for the North Kedah dialect. It also does not exist in the standard Malay. The limited presence of this sound is interesting as it represents a unique identity symbol for Kedah dialect particularly Petani Sik dialect. This study contributes to the phonological knowledge in the dialect and it documents the grammar of a Malay dialect which now has less speakers.Keywords: Kedah dialect, Malay language, Petani Sik dialect, phonology, word-final position.Cite as: Salam, N. S. & Syed Jaafar, S. R. (2019). Perilaku fonologi konsonan di akhir kata dialek petani Sik. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 4(1), 316-343.
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SERGEY, ILYA, DIMITRIOS VYTINIOTIS, SIMON L. PEYTON JONES, and JOACHIM BREITNER. "Modular, higher order cardinality analysis in theory and practice." Journal of Functional Programming 27 (2017).

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AbstractSince the mid '80s, compiler writers for functional languages (especially lazy ones) have been writing papers about identifying and exploiting thunks and lambdas that are used only once. However, it has proved difficult to achieve both power and simplicity in practice. In this paper, we describe a new, modular analysis for a higher order language, which is both simple and effective. We prove the analysis sound with respect to a standard call-by-need semantics, and present measurements of its use in a full-scale, state-of-the-art optimising compiler. The analysis finds many single-entry thunks and one-shot lambdas and enables a number of program optimisations. This paper extends our preceding conference publication (Sergey et al. 2014 Proceedings of the 41st Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2014). ACM, pp. 335–348) with proofs, expanded report on evaluation and a detailed examination of the factors causing the loss of precision in the analysis.
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Filinski, Andrzej, and Henning Korsholm Rohde. "A Denotational Account of Untyped Normalization by Evaluation." BRICS Report Series 10, no. 40 (December 6, 2003).

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We show that the standard normalization-by-evaluation construction for the simply-typed lambda_{beta eta}-calculus has a natural counterpart for the untyped lambda_beta-calculus, with the central type-indexed logical relation replaced by a "recursively defined'' <em>invariant relation</em>, in the style of Pitts. In fact, the construction can be seen as generalizing a computational-adequacy argument for an untyped, call-by-name language to normalization instead of evaluation.<br /> <br />In the untyped setting, not all terms have normal forms, so the normalization function is necessarily partial. We establish its correctness in the senses of <em>soundness</em> (the output term, if any, is beta-equivalent to the input term); <em>standardization</em> ( beta-equivalent terms are mapped to the same result); and <em>completeness</em> (the function is defined for all terms that do have normal forms). We also show how the semantic construction enables a simple yet formal correctness proof for the normalization algorithm, expressed as a functional program in an ML-like call-by-value language.
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Filinski, Andrzej, and Henning Korsholm Rohde. "Denotational Aspects of Untyped Normalization by Evaluation." BRICS Report Series 12, no. 4 (February 11, 2005).

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We show that the standard normalization-by-evaluation construction for the simply-typed lambda_{beta eta}-calculus has a natural counterpart for the untyped lambda_beta-calculus, with the central type-indexed logical relation replaced by a "recursively defined'' <em>invariant relation</em>, in the style of Pitts. In fact, the construction can be seen as generalizing a computational-adequacy argument for an untyped, call-by-name language to normalization instead of evaluation.<br /> <br />In the untyped setting, not all terms have normal forms, so the normalization function is necessarily partial. We establish its correctness in the senses of <em>soundness</em> (the output term, if any, is in normal form and beta-equivalent to the input term); <em>identification</em> ( beta-equivalent terms are mapped to the same result); and <em>completeness</em> (the function is defined for all terms that do have normal forms). We also show how the semantic construction enables a simple yet formal correctness proof for the normalization algorithm, expressed as a functional program in an ML-like call-by-value language.<br /> <br />Finally, we generalize the construction to produce an infinitary variant of normal forms, namely <em>Böhm trees</em>. We show that the three-part characterization of correctness, as well as the proofs, extend naturally to this generalization.
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Mulyani, Hesti. "KONSEPSI TENTANG TUHAN DALAM TEKS AKSARA SWARA." Jurnal IKADBUDI 5, no. 12 (November 10, 2017).

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Aksara swara termasuk di dalam klasifikasi bunyi bahasa, yakni bunyi vokal. Aksara swara adalah suatu sistem lambang grafis atau lambang bunyi (aksara) yang digunakan untuk menuliskan bahasa Jawa. Jumlah aksara Jawa ada 6, yaitu a – i – u – e [e, æ] – o – e [ǝ]. Penulisan dengan Aksara swara telah berhasil mendokumentasikan dan mengabadikan ajaran konsepsi tentang Tuhan bernuansa rasa kejawen melalui naskah Serat Kridhasastra karya Mas Ngabei Mangunwijaya yang berisi salah satunya adalah teks Aksara Swara.Tulisan ini berusaha menyajikan suatu gagasan yang berhubungan dengan ajaran konsepsi tentang Tuhan. Gagasan mengangkat kembali ajaran konsepsi tentang Tuhan itu disajikan melalui kajian deskriptif terhadap teks berjudul Aksara Swara.Pengkajian teks berjudul Aksara Swara karya Mas Ngabei Mangunwijaya diharapkan dapat memahami makna teks bagi masyarakat pada zamannya, yakni pada masa lampau sebagai sejarah, dan pada masa kini sebagai pemertahanan eksistensi ajaran atau piwulang, dalam hal ini konsepsi tentang Tuhan serta pada masa yang akan datang sebagai dokumentasi dan pelestarian mengenai ajaran konsepsi tentang Tuhan terdiri atas (1) Tuhan sebagai Af’al atau Pencipta alam semesta, (2) Keberadaan Tuhan, (3) Tuhan sebagai Sumber Kehidupan makhluk, (4) Kekuasaan Tuhan, dan (5) Sirrullah yang tersimpan dalam teks tersebut. Selanjutnya, pada masa kini dan masa nanti makna teks tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengungkap dan melestarikan nilai-nilai budaya Jawa sebagai pembentukan akhlak dan kepribadian manusia secara religius.Kata kunci: konsepsi tentang Tuhan, Aksara Swara AbstractAksara Swara included in the classification of the sounds of language, which sounds vokal. Vowel script is a graphic emblem or symbol system sound (characters) used to write Java script language. There are 6 vowel script, namely a - i - u - e [e, æ ] - o - e [ǝ] . The process of writting of vowel script successfully documented and perpetuate the theory construct about God in Javanese point of view through manuscript Serat Kridhasastra by Mas Ngabei Mangunwijaya containing one of which is a text Aksara Swara.This paper tries to present an idea that relates with the theory construct about God. The idea reappoint the theory construct about God was presented through a descriptive study of the text entitled Aksara Swara.Assessment of the text titled Aksara Swara by Mas Ngabei Mangunwijaya expected to understand the meaning of the text for the people of his time, which in the past as history, and today as the retention of the existence of the doctrine or piwulang, in this case the conception of Tuhan and in the future as the documentation and preservation of the theory construct about God of the above (1) God as the creator of the universe Af'al or, (2) existence of God, (3) God as being the source of life, (4) Power of God, and (5) Sirrullah stored in the text. Furthermore, in the present and future meaning of the text later can be used to uncover and preserve the cultural values of Java as the formation of human character and personality religiously.Keywords: the theory construct about God, Aksara Swara
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