Academic literature on the topic 'Lambadi language'

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Journal articles on the topic "Lambadi language"


Anaby-Tavor, Ateret, Boaz Carmeli, Esther Goldbraich, Amir Kantor, George Kour, Segev Shlomov, Naama Tepper, and Naama Zwerdling. "Do Not Have Enough Data? Deep Learning to the Rescue!" Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34, no. 05 (April 3, 2020): 7383–90.

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Based on recent advances in natural language modeling and those in text generation capabilities, we propose a novel data augmentation method for text classification tasks. We use a powerful pre-trained neural network model to artificially synthesize new labeled data for supervised learning. We mainly focus on cases with scarce labeled data. Our method, referred to as language-model-based data augmentation (LAMBADA), involves fine-tuning a state-of-the-art language generator to a specific task through an initial training phase on the existing (usually small) labeled data. Using the fine-tuned model and given a class label, new sentences for the class are generated. Our process then filters these new sentences by using a classifier trained on the original data. In a series of experiments, we show that LAMBADA improves classifiers' performance on a variety of datasets. Moreover, LAMBADA significantly improves upon the state-of-the-art techniques for data augmentation, specifically those applicable to text classification tasks with little data.
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Pratiwi, Rahmawati Eka, Ahmad Dahidi, and Nuria Haristiani. "ANALISIS KESALAHAN PELAFALAN HURUF KONSONAN TSU DALAM BAHASA JEPANG TERHADAP PENUTUR BAHASA INDONESIA." JAPANEDU: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Bahasa Jepang 1, no. 2 (August 1, 2016): 135.

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AbstrakPada saat mempelajari bahasa asing, pada umumnya kita tentu akan mempelajariya huruf dari bahasa tersebut. Setiap bahasa memiliki fonem yang berbeda-beda. Pembelajaran huruf dan bagaimana cara melafalkannya merupakan pembelajaran dasar dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing. Fonem adalah bunyi terkecil yang dapat membedakan makna, sedangkan huruf adalah lambang bunyi atau lambang fonem. Misalnya, dalam bahasa Indonesia yang membedakan kata “kelas” dan “keras” adalah fonem /l/ dan /r/. Contoh lainnya yang berhubungan dengan bahasa Jepang. Pada penulisan bahasa Jepang, sering kita temukan kata dari bahasa asing yang ditulis dengan fonem yang sama. Misalnya, kata “light” (cahaya) dan “right” (kanan) yang memiliki makna yang berbeda, namun sama-sama ditulis dengan huruf atau lambang fonem yang sama yaitu 「ライト」/raito/. Dengan kesalahan seperti ini akan mudah sekali terjadi kesalahpahaman dalam berkomunikasi. Terutama, komunikasi verbal.Setelah membandingkan fonem yang dimiliki oleh bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Indonesia, salah satu fonem bahasa Jepang yang tidak terdapat dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah fonem [ts]. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kampus Showa, Gunma University kepada 15 orang mahasiswa Indonesia, yang terbagi 2 suku bangsa dengan 2 bahasa daerah yang berbeda (Sunda dan Jawa). Pada penelitian kali ini, pertama-tama, penulis memperdengarkan sebuah rekaman yang berisikan kalimat yang sama dengan teks yang telah dibaca oleh responden, lalu meminta responden untuk mengulanginya dan kemudian merekamnya. Selanjutnya, penulis meminta responden untuk mebaca sebuah teks, kemudian merekamnya kembali. Setelah data terkumpul dan di periksa oleh penutur asli bahasa Jepang, penulis menganalisisnya berdasarkan teori yang ada. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa bahasa ibu (bahasa daerah) tidak berpengaruh dalam kealahan pelafalan bahasa dikarenakan responden melakukan kesalahan ditempat yang sama dan persentase jumlah responden yang mampu melafalkan dengan baik dan benar, dengan yang tidak, dapat dikatakan seimbang (50:50). Kemudian, huruf “tsu” yang berada diawal kataatau tidak didahului oleh bunyi apapun lebih rentan terjadi kesalahan. Dengan kata lain, bunyi yang keluar sebelum huruf “tsu” berpengaruh dalam membantu melafalkan fonem [ts] dalam huruf konsonan “tsu”. Kata kunci : Fonetik, Huruf Konsonan Tsu, kesalahan pelafalan, linguistik Abstract At the timen of learning a foreign languange, in general, we would learn the letters of the language. Each language has different phonemes. Learning letters and how to prounounce it is the basis of learning a foreign language learning. Phoneme is the smallest sound that can distinguish the meaning, while the letter is the epitome of sound or phoneme emblem. For example, in the Indonesian language, phoneme /l/ and /r/ differentiates the word “kelas”(class) and “keras” (hard). In relatiom to Japanese languange learning, particulary in writing Japanese loan word, we often find the word of the foreign language written with the same phoneme. For example, the word “light” (cahaya) and “right” (kanan) which have different meanings, but written in the same letters or phoneme symbols /raito/. Such an error will lead to misunderstandings to take place in communication, especially in terms of verbal communication. After comparing of characteristic of phoneme of both Japanese and Indonesia language, it was found out that the phoneme [ts] in the Japanese phonemes does not exitst in the Indonesian language. The research was conducted at the Showa campus of Gunma University involving 15 Indonesian students who were divided into two different ethnicities with two different local languages (Sundanese and Javanese). In her study, the researcher firstly the author played recording of the same sentences as the next text will read later by the respondents. Furthermore, the author asked the respondents to recite it and then record it. Then, the author asked respondents to read a text, and then to record it. again. Once the data were collected and checked by native Japanese speaker, the author analyzed them. The results showed that the local language does not affect the pronouncation errors because the respondents made the misktake at the same place and the percentage of respondents who were able to recite properly, compared to those who were unable to, was equal (50:50). Then, the letters “tsu” located at the beginning of words or not preceded by any sound is more susceptible to errors. In other words, the sound that comes out before the letter “tsu” is influential in helping to pronounce phonemes [ts] in letters “tsu”. Keyword : phonetic, Consonant Tsu of Japanese languange, pronounce errors, linguistic
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STANLEY, E. G. "LAURENCE NOWELL AND WILLIAM LAMBARD." Notes and Queries 46, no. 1 (1999): 3—b—4.

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BERKHOUT, CARL T. "WILLIAM LAMBARDE AND OLD ENGLISH." Notes and Queries 47, no. 4 (December 1, 2000): 415–20.

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BERKHOUT, CARL T. "WILLIAM LAMBARDE AND OLD ENGLISH." Notes and Queries 47, no. 4 (2000): 415–20.

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Hermawan, Agus. "Representasi semboyan Edukasi KI Hajar Dewantoro Dalam Kajian Semantik (Pendekatan Behavioral)." Jurnal Pendidikan Edutama 5, no. 2 (July 29, 2018): 49.

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Abstract: As a verbal communication instrument, language is a system with arbitrer. People realize that language activity actually is an activity to exspress language symbols to inform the meaning of the symbols to another people (in oral communication) or to the reader (in a letter communication). This thing can be seen from some of these proof, teacher in educational world already forgot about what was Ki Hajar Dewantara said, in that motto, teacher not only have to teach about educational in the class, but also to build the characteristic of their students. This observation use documentation methods in written text or language in the motto of Ki Hajar Dewantara, because Ki Hajar Dewantara wrote a message in that motto about education in the world, including in our environment to send a message about what was he did. The motto that written by Ki Hajar Dewantara use many interesting words. This thing make the writer use behavioral approachment to be a reference to make a meaning of the educational motto from Ki Hajar Dewantara.Keywords: representation, motto, education, meaning.Abstrak: Sebagai alat komunikasi verbal bahasa merupakan suatu sistem lambang bunyi yang bersifat arbitrer. Orang menyadari bahwa kegiatan berbahasa sesungguhnya adalah kegiatan mengekspresikan lambang – lambang bahasa untuk menyampaikan makna- makna yang ada pada lambang tersebut,kepada lawan bicaranya (dalam komunikasi lisan) atau pembaca ( dalam komunikasi tulis). Hal ini dapat dilihat dari bukti berikut, pendidik dalam dunia pendidikan suda mulai lupa dengan semboyan Ki Hajar Dewantara, dalam semboyan tersebut pendidik tugas dan tanggungjawabnya selain mengajar juga harus membentuk karakteristik peserta didiknya,memberikan contoh dalam bersikap.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode dokumentasi dalam penggunaan bahasa tulis yang dituangkan di semboyan Ki Hajar Dewantara sangatlah menarik, karena Ki Hajar Dewantara menuliskan pesan terhadap dunia pendidikan, baik dilingkungan sekitar maupun dilingkungan luar untuk menyampaikan pesan terhadap apa yang dialaminya. Tulisan Ki Hajar Dewantara tersebut mengandung makna atau arti, apa yang dituliskan Ki Hajar Dewantara banyak menggunakan istilah- istilah yang unik, yang sulit dinalar oleh manusia lainnya. Hal ini menyebabkan penulis menggunakan pendekatan behavioral manjadi acuan untuk memaknai istilah yang ada di semboyan pendidikan Ki Hajar Dewantara.Kata kunci: representasi, semboyan, edukasi, makna.
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Darsono, Darsono. "TEMBANG MACAPAT CENGKOK MERDI LAMBANG (MERSUDI LARAS LAGUNING TEMBANG)." Keteg: Jurnal Pengetahuan, Pemikiran dan Kajian Tentang Bunyi 19, no. 1 (September 9, 2019): 47–55.

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Macapat adalah salah satu karya sastra dalam bahasa daerah Jawa, Sunda, Bali dan Madura berbentuk puisi yang disusun menurut kaidah-kaidah tertentu, meliputi guru gatra, guru lagu, dan guru wilangan. Ia memiliki kandungan isi yang berbobot. Penyajiannya melalui proses penggarapan yang halus, lembut, cermat dan mantap serta senantiasa memperhatikan unsur etika dan estetika. Tembang macapat sangat populer sekitar abad XVIII dapat dikatakan menduduki puncak tangga dalam kelompok seni kraton. Tembang macapat mengandung dua unsur seni yaitu seni sastra dan seni embe/suara yang difungsikan sebagai media yang sangat komunikatif untuk menyampaikan petuah atau pesan-pesan pembangunan. Akan tetapi saat ini tinggalah catatan historis dunia sastra jawa, karena tembang macapat kini sudah tidak begitu dikenal oleh pewarisnya. Kesemuanya ini bukan disebabkan pengaruh perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi semata akan tetapi juga disebabkan kurangnya prasarana pengajaran baik berupa buku maupun pengajarnya atau kurang variatif materi tembang yang ada. Berhubungan dengan hal tersebut, sebagai karya sastra yang adiluhung menurut hemat penulis tembangmacapat sangat perlu untuk dilestarikan guna memperkaya khasanah budaya Indonesia. Rencana penciptaan tembang macapat cengkok Merdi Lambang dimaksudkan sebagai wujud tindakan partisipatif dalam upaya pelestarian dan pengembangan.Kata kunci: Tembang Macapat, berkembang, Merdi Lambang.AbstractMacapat is one of the literary works in the languages of Java, Sundanese, Balinese and Madurese in the form of poetry that arranged according to certain rules, including Guru Gatra, Guru Lagu, and Guru Wilangan. It has meaningful content. The presentation of Macapat is through a smooth, gentle, careful and steady cultivation process that always pays attention to ethics and aesthetics elements.Macapat song is very popular around the XVIII century. It said to occupy the top of the hits in the palace of the arts group. Macapat song contains two elements of art that are literary art and ensemble/ sound that is functioned as a very communicative media to convey development advice or messages.However at this time, Macapat remains the historical record in the world of Javanese literature because the song of Macapat now is not very well knew by its heir. All of this matter is not due to the influence of the development of science and technology itself, but it also due to the lack of teaching and supporting facilities both in the form of books and instructors or the lack of variety of existing song material. Inconnection to this, as a valuable literary work, the author has opinion that the song Macapat are very necessary to be preserved, in order to enrich the treasury of Indonesian culture. The plan for the creation of the Macapat tunes for Merdi Lambang are intended to be a form of participatory action for conservationand development efforts.Keywords: Macapat Tunes, Developing, Merdi Lambang.
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Tsybova, I. A. "On Debov’s dictionary." Philology at MGIMO 6, no. 4 (December 28, 2020): 167–69.

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B.M. Debov’s dictionary Romanic component in rhymes of French rap (On the specificity of youth’s word-creation)”. Ivanovo: Publishing House of Ivanovo State University, 2020. – 221 p. is the continuation of the preceding works of the author – dictionaries of abbreviations and deviating from norm vocabulary of youth (verlan, rap). The selection and analysis of Romanic (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Provensal) vocabulary is an evident quality of the dictionary. Among the words forming the rhymes are internationalisms (maestro, opera, villa, etc), names of well-known national dishes (macaroni, pizza), popular Latin American dances (lambada, samba, tango) and also the names of drugs used by some youngsters (cocaїna, marijuana). One can consider rap as a source to supplement vocabulary. The dictionary by V.M. Debov is undoubtedly interesting for those who study Romanic languages.
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Alekseev, Boris. "William Lambard and the Сhorographic Еradition of Historical Writing in Early Modern England: Discourses of Land, Law and Language." ISTORIYA 12, no. 1 (99) (2021): 0.

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Dekker, Kees. "Rebecca Brackmann. The Elizabethan Invention of Anglo-Saxon England: Laurence Nowell, William Lambarde and the Study of Old English." Anglia 131, no. 1 (April 2013): 170–73.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Lambadi language"


Kathail, Vinod. "Optimal interpreters for lambda-calculus based functional languages." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1990.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 195-197).
by Vinod Kumar Kathail.
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Silvia, Gilezan. "Intersection types in lambda calculus and logic." Phd thesis, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, 1993.

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Madiot, Jean-Marie. "Higher-order languages : dualities and bisimulation enhancements." Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2015.

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Les comportements des processus concurrents peuvent être exprimés en utilisant des calculs de processus, des langages formels simples qui permettent de démontrer des résultats mathématiques précis sur les interactions entre processus. Un exemple très simple est CCS, un autre exemple est le pi-calcul, plus expressif grâce à un mécanisme de communication de canaux. Dans ce dernier, on peut instaurer un système de types (pour raffiner l'analyse aux environnements plus contraints) et encoder le lambda-calcul (qui représente les calculs séquentiels).Certains de ces calculs, comme CCS ou des variantes du pi-calcul comme les calculs de fusions, ont une certaine propriété de symétrie. On utilise dans un premier temps cette symétrie comme un outil, pour prouver que deux encodages du lambda-calcul dans le pi-calcul sont en fait équivalents.Cette preuve nécessitant un système de types et une forme de symétrie, on se pose la question de l'existence d'un système de types pour les autres calculs symétriques, notamment les calculs de fusion, à laquelle on répond par la négative avec un théorème d'impossibilité.En analysant ce théorème, on découvre un contrainte fondamentale de ces calculs qui empêche l'utilisation des types, à savoir la présence d'une notion de relation d'équivalence entre les canaux de communication. Le relâchement de cette contrainte pour obtenir une relation de pré-ordre engendre un calcul intéressant qui recouvre des notions importantes du pi-calcul, absentes dans les calculs de fusion : les types et les noms privés. La première partie de la thèse se concentre sur l'étude de ce calcul.La deuxième partie de la thèse se concentre sur la bisimulation, une méthode pour établir l'équivalence de deux agents dans des langages d'ordre supérieur, par exemple le pi-calcul ou le lambda-calcul. Une amélioration de cette méthode est la théorie des techniques modulo, très puissante, mais qui malheureusement s'applique uniquement aux systèmes de premier ordre, comme les automates ou CCS.Cette thèse s'applique alors à décrire les langages d'ordre supérieur en tant que systèmes du premier ordre. On récupère ainsi la théorie générale des techniques modulo pour ces langages, en prouvant correctes la correspondance induite et les techniques spécifiques à chaque langage. On détaille les tenants et aboutissants de cette approche, pour fournir les outils nécessaires à son utilisation pour d'autres langages d'ordre supérieur
The behaviours of concurrent processes can be expressed using process calculi, which are simple formal languages that let us establish precise mathematical results on the behaviours and interactions between processes. A very simple example is CCS, another one is the pi-calculus, which is more expressive thanks to a name-passing mechanism. The pi-calculus supports the addition of type systems (to refine the analysis to more subtle environments) and the encoding of the lambda-calculus (which represents sequential computations).Some of these calculi, like CCS or variants of the pi-calculus such as fusion calculi, enjoy a property of symmetry. First, we use this symmetry as a tool to prove that two encodings of the lambda-calculus in the pi-calculus are in fact equivalent.This proof using a type system and a form of symmetry, we wonder if other existing symmetric calculi can support the addition of type systems. We answer negatively to this question with an impossibility theorem.Investigating this theorem leads us to a fundamental constraint of these calculi that forbids types: they induce an equivalence relation on names. Relaxing this constraint to make it a preorder relation yields another calculus that recovers important notions of the pi-calculus, that fusion calculi do not satisfy: the notions of types and of privacy of names. The first part of this thesis focuses on the study of this calculus, a pi-calculus with preorders on names.The second part of this thesis focuses on bisimulation, a proof method for equivalence of agents in higher-order languages, like the pi- or the lambda-calculi. An enhancement of this method is the powerful theory of bisimulations up to, which unfortunately only applies for first-order systems, like automata or CCS.We then proceed to describe higher-order languages as first-order systems. This way, we inherit the general theory of up-to techniques for these languages, by proving correct the translations and up-to techniques that are specific to each language. We give details on the approach, to provide the necessary tools for future applications of this method to other higher-order languages
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Xiao, Yong. "From syntactic theories to interpreters : specifying and proving properties /." view abstract or download file of text, 2004.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 2004.
Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 152-155). Also available for download via the World Wide Web; free to University of Oregon users.
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Chelyah, Hassane. "Analyse phonographématique de l'Arabe en vue d'applications informatiques." Google Book Search Library Project, 1994.

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Thévenon, Patrick. "Vers un assistant à la preuve en langue naturelle." Chambéry, 2006.

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Cette Thèse est la conclusion de trois ans de travail sur un projet nommé DemoNat. Le but de ce projet est la conception d'un système d'analyse et de vérification de démonstrations mathématiques écrites en langue naturelle. L'architecture générale du système se décrit en 4 phases : 1. Analyse de la démonstration par des outils linguistiques ; 2. Traduction de la démonstration dans un langage restreint ; 3. Interprétation du texte traduit en un arbre de règles de déduction ; 4. Validation des règles de déduction à l'aide d'un démonstrateur automatique. Ce projet a mobilisé des équipes de linguistes et de logiciens, les deux premières phases étant la tâche des linguistes, et les deux dernières étant la tâche des logiciens. Cette thèse présente plus en détail ce projet et développe principalement les points suivants : - définition du langage restreint et de son interprétation ; - propriétés du type principal de termes d'un λ -calcul typé avec deux flèches entrant dans le cadre d'un outil linguistique, les ACGs ; - description du démonstrateur automatique
This Thesis is the conclusion of three years of work in a project named DemoNat. The aim of this project is to design a system able to analyse and validate mathematical proofs written in a natural language. The general scheme of the system is the following : 1. Analysis of the proof by means of linguistics tools ; 2. Translation of the proof in a restricted language ; 3. Interpretation of the translated text in a deduction rules tree ; 4. Validation of the deduction rules with an automatic prover. This project envolved teams of linguists and logicians, the first two phases being the task of the linguists, and the lasts ones being the task of the logicians. This thesis presents in more details the project and develops mainly the following points: - Definition of the restricted language and its interpretation ; - proprerties of the principal type of terms of a typed λ-calculus with two arrows, part of a linguistic tool, the ACGs ; - Description of the automatic prover
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Ahn, Ki Yung. "The Nax Language: Unifying Functional Programming and Logical Reasoning in a Language based on Mendler-style Recursion Schemes and Term-indexed Types." PDXScholar, 2014.

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Two major applications of lambda calculi in computer science are functional programming languages and mechanized reasoning systems (or, proof assistants). According to the Curry--Howard correspondence, it is possible, in principle, to design a unified language based on a typed lambda calculus for both logical reasoning and programming. However, the different requirements of programming languages and reasoning systems make it difficult to design such a unified language that provides both. Programming languages usually extend lambda calculi with programming-friendly features (e.g., recursive datatypes, general recursion) for supporting the flexibility to model various computations, while sacrificing logical consistency. Logical reasoning systems usually extend lambda calculi with logic-friendly features (e.g., induction principles, dependent types) for paradox-free inference over fine-grained properties, while being more restrictive in modeling computations. In this dissertation, we design and implement a language called Nax that embraces benefits of both. Nax accepts all recursive datatypes, thus, allowing the same flexibility of defining recursive datatypes as in functional languages. Nax supports a number of Mendler-style recursion schemes that can express various kinds of recursive computations and also guarantee termination. Nax supports term-indexed types to support specifications of fine-grained properties. In addition, Nax supports a conservative extension of Hindley--Milner type inference. The theoretical contributions of this dissertation include theories for Mendler-style recursion schemes and term-indexed types, which we developed to establish strong normalization and logical consistency of Nax.
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Madet, Antoine. "Complexité Implicite de Lambda-Calculs Concurrents." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2012.

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Contrôler la consommation en ressources des programmes informatiques est d'importance capitale, non seulement pour des raisons de performance, mais aussi pour des questions de sécurité quand par exemple certains systèmes mobiles ou embarqués disposent de quantités limitées de ressources. Dans cette thèse, nous développons des critères statiques pour contrôler la consommation en ressources de programmes concurrents d'ordre supérieur. Nous prenons comme point de départ le cadre des Logiques Light qui a été étudié afin de contrôler la complexité de programmes fonctionnels d'ordre supérieur au moyen de la correspondance preuves-programmes. La contribution de cette thèse est d'étendre ce cadre aux programmes concurrents d'ordre supérieur. Plus généralement, cette thèse s'inscrit dans le domaine de la complexité implicite qui cherche à caractériser des classes de complexité par des principes logiques ou des restrictions de langage. Les critères que nous proposons sont purement syntaxiques et sont développés graduellement afin de contrôler le temps de calcul des programmes de plus en plus finement: dans un premier temps nous montrons comment garantir la terminaison des programmes (temps fini), puis nous montrons comment garantir la terminaison des programmes en temps élémentaire, et enfin nous montrons comment garantir la terminaison des programmes en temps polynomial. Nous introduisons également des systèmes de types tels que les programmes bien typés terminent en temps borné et retournent des valeurs. Enfin, nous montrons que ces systèmes de types capturent des programmes concurrents intéressants qui itèrent des fonctions produisant des effets de bord sur des structures de données inductives. Dans la dernière partie, nous étudions une méthode sémantique alternative afin de contrôler la consommation en ressources de programmes impératifs d'ordre supérieur. Cette méthode est basée sur la réalisabilité quantitative de Dal Lago et Hofmann et permet d'obtenir plusieurs bornes de complexité de manière uniforme. Cette dernière partie est un travail en collaboration avec Aloïs Brunel.
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Müller, Fritz [Verfasser], and Reinhard [Akademischer Betreuer] Wilhelm. "On confluence and semantic full abstraction of lambda calculus languages / Fritz Müller ; Betreuer: Reinhard Wilhelm." Saarbrücken : Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2016.

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Might, Matthew Brendon. "Environment Analysis of Higher-Order Languages." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007.

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Any analysis of higher-order languages must grapple with the tri-facetted nature of lambda. In one construct, the fundamental control, environment and data structures of a language meet and intertwine. With the control facet tamed nearly two decades ago, this work brings the environment facet to heel, defining the environment problem and developing its solution: environment analysis. Environment analysis allows a compiler to reason about the equivalence of environments, i.e., name-to-value mappings, that arise during a program's execution. In this dissertation, two different techniques-abstract counting and abstract frame strings-make this possible. A third technique, abstract garbage collection, makes both of these techniques more precise and, counter to intuition, often faster as well. An array of optimizations and even deeper analyses which depend upon environment analysis provide motivation for this work. In an abstract interpretation, a single abstract entity represents a set of concrete entities. When the entities under scrutiny are bindings-single name-to-value mappings, the atoms of environment-then determining when the equality of two abstract bindings infers the equality of their concrete counterparts is the crux of environment analysis. Abstract counting does this by tracking the size of represented sets, looking for singletons, in order to apply the following principle: If {x} = {y}, then x = y. Abstract frame strings enable environmental reasoning by statically tracking the possible stack change between the births of two environments; when this change is effectively empty, the environments are equivalent. Abstract garbage collection improves precision by intermittently removing unreachable environment structure during abstract interpretation.
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Books on the topic "Lambadi language"


Ghumantū jātiyoṃ kā lokasāhitya aura bhāshā kā vaijñānika adhyayana. Dillī: Mittala eṇḍa Saṃsa, 2014.

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Rameśa, Ārya Āra. Bañjārā bhāshā apaṇe āpa sīkha =: Learn Banjara language yourself. Haidarābāda: Bañjārā Prakāśana, 2002.

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Rāṭhoṛa, Subhāsha. Lamāṇī bolī bhāsha kā samājabhāshā vaijñānika adhyayana. Kānapura: Atula Prakāśana, 2013.

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Sōmakka, Eṃ. Laṃbāṇi makkaḷa Kannaḍa kalikeya samasyegaḷu. Beṅgaḷūru: Annadāni Bhairava Prakāśana, 2010.

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J. F. A. K. van Benthem. Language in action: Categories, lambdas, and dynamic logic. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1991.

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Benthem, J. F. A. K. van. Language in action: Categories, lambdas, and dynamic logic. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1995.

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Benthem, Johan van. Language in action: Categories, lambdas and dynamic logic. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1991.

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Gabriel, Altmann, and Čech Radek, eds. The Lambda-structure of texts. Lüdenscheid: RAM-Verlag, 2011.

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Amadio, Roberto M. Domains and lambda-calculi. Cambridge, U.K: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

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Isomorphisms of types: From [lambda]-calculus to information retrieval and language design. Boston: Birkhäuser, 1995.

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Book chapters on the topic "Lambadi language"


Sharan, Kishori. "Lambda Expressions." In Java Language Features, 169–222. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2018.

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Muskens, Reinhard. "Language, Lambdas, and Logic." In Resource-Sensitivity, Binding and Anaphora, 23–54. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2003.

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Sharan, Kishori. "Lambda Expressions." In Beginning Java 8 Language Features, 123–71. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2014.

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Mailund, Thomas. "Lambda Expressions." In Domain-Specific Languages in R, 101–7. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2018.

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Ahman, Danel, and Andrej Bauer. "Runners in Action." In Programming Languages and Systems, 29–55. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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AbstractRunners of algebraic effects, also known as comodels, provide a mathematical model of resource management. We show that they also give rise to a programming concept that models top-level external resources, as well as allows programmers to modularly define their own intermediate “virtual machines”. We capture the core ideas of programming with runners in an equational calculus $$\lambda _{\mathsf {coop}}$$ λ coop , which we equip with a sound and coherent denotational semantics that guarantees the linear use of resources and execution of finalisation code. We accompany $$\lambda _{\mathsf {coop}}$$ λ coop with examples of runners in action, provide a prototype language implementation in OCaml, as well as a Haskell library based on $$\lambda _{\mathsf {coop}}$$ λ coop .
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Lämmel, Ralf. "An Excursion into the Lambda Calculus." In Software Languages, 289–318. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Matsuda, Kazutaka. "Modular Inference of Linear Types for Multiplicity-Annotated Arrows." In Programming Languages and Systems, 456–83. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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AbstractBernardy et al. [2018] proposed a linear type system $$\lambda ^q_\rightarrow $$ λ → q as a core type system of Linear Haskell. In the system, linearity is represented by annotated arrow types $$A \rightarrow _m B$$ A → m B , where m denotes the multiplicity of the argument. Thanks to this representation, existing non-linear code typechecks as it is, and newly written linear code can be used with existing non-linear code in many cases. However, little is known about the type inference of $$\lambda ^q_\rightarrow $$ λ → q . Although the Linear Haskell implementation is equipped with type inference, its algorithm has not been formalized, and the implementation often fails to infer principal types, especially for higher-order functions. In this paper, based on OutsideIn(X) [Vytiniotis et al., 2011], we propose an inference system for a rank 1 qualified-typed variant of $$\lambda ^q_\rightarrow $$ λ → q , which infers principal types. A technical challenge in this new setting is to deal with ambiguous types inferred by naive qualified typing. We address this ambiguity issue through quantifier elimination and demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach with examples.
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Jaber, Guilhem, and Colin Riba. "Temporal Refinements for Guarded Recursive Types." In Programming Languages and Systems, 548–78. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractWe propose a logic for temporal properties of higher-order programs that handle infinite objects like streams or infinite trees, represented via coinductive types. Specifications of programs use safety and liveness properties. Programs can then be proven to satisfy their specification in a compositional way, our logic being based on a type system.The logic is presented as a refinement type system over the guarded $$\lambda $$ λ -calculus, a $$\lambda $$ λ -calculus with guarded recursive types. The refinements are formulae of a modal $$\mu $$ μ -calculus which embeds usual temporal modal logics such as and . The semantics of our system is given within a rich structure, the topos of trees, in which we build a realizability model of the temporal refinement type system.
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Gulias, Victor M., Carlos Abalde, and Juan J. Sanchez. "Lambda Goes to Hollywood." In Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, 391–407. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.

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Ricciotti, Wilmer, and James Cheney. "Query Lifting." In Programming Languages and Systems, 579–606. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractLanguage-integrated query based on comprehension syntax is a powerful technique for safe database programming, and provides a basis for advanced techniques such as query shredding or query flattening that allow efficient programming with complex nested collections. However, the foundations of these techniques are lacking: although SQL, the most widely-used database query language, supports heterogeneous queries that mix set and multiset semantics, these important capabilities are not supported by known correctness results or implementations that assume homogeneous collections. In this paper we study language-integrated query for a heterogeneous query language $$\mathcal {NRC}_{\lambda }( Set,Bag )$$ NRC λ ( S e t , B a g ) that combines set and multiset constructs. We show how to normalize and translate queries to SQL, and develop a novel approach to querying heterogeneous nested collections, based on the insight that “local” query subexpressions that calculate nested subcollections can be “lifted” to the top level analogously to lambda-lifting for local function definitions.
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Conference papers on the topic "Lambadi language"


Harvey, Brian, and Jens Monig. "Lambda in blocks languages: Lessons learned." In 2015 IEEE Blocks and Beyond Workshop (Blocks and Beyond). IEEE, 2015.

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Chlipala, Adam. "A certified type-preserving compiler from lambda calculus to assembly language." In the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2007.

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Duvert, Fréderic, and Renato De Mori. "Conditional models for detecting lambda-functions in a spoken language understanding system." In Interspeech 2010. ISCA: ISCA, 2010.

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Tobisawa, Kazunori. "A Meta Lambda Calculus with Cross-Level Computation." In POPL '15: The 42nd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2015.

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Abel, Andreas, and Christian Sattler. "Normalization by Evaluation for Call-By-Push-Value and Polarized Lambda Calculus." In PPDP '19: Principles and Practice of Programming Languages 2019. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2019.

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Hillebrand, Gerd G., and Paris C. Kanellakis. "Functional database query languages as typed lambda calculi of fixed order (extended abstract)." In the thirteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART symposium. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 1994.

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Arefin, Md, and Raffi Khatchadourian. "Porting the NetBeans Java 8 enhanced for loop lambda expression refactoring to eclipse." In SPLASH '15: Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2015.

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Berezun, Daniil, and Neil D. Jones. "Compiling untyped lambda calculus to lower-level code by game semantics and partial evaluation (invited paper)." In POPL '17: The 44th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2017.

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