Academic literature on the topic 'Laevius'

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Journal articles on the topic "Laevius"


Kwapisz, Jan. "An Unnoticed Fragment of Laevius?" Philologus 162, no. 1 (June 1, 2018): 178–80.

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Kwapisz, Jan. "An Odd Latin Word and the Date ofanon.155 FGE." Trends in Classics 12, no. 2 (November 24, 2020): 359–61.

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AbstractThis note argues, against a recent article published in this journal, that the traditional Hellenistic dates of anon. 155 FGE, an experimental anonymous epigram composed of eccentric compounds, and accordingly of Hegesander of Delphi, who is Athenaeus’ source for this epigram, are correct, since an allusion to this poem is found in the early Roman poet Laevius. Anon. 155 FGE is an attack not on Cynics, but philosophers in general.
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Vardi, Amiel D. "An anthology of early Latin epigrams? A ghost reconsidered." Classical Quarterly 50, no. 1 (May 2000): 147–58.

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In Book 19, chapter 9 of the Nodes Atticae Gellius describes the birthday party of a young Greek of equestrian rank at which a group of professional singers entertained the guests by performing poems by Anacreon, Sappho, ‘et poetarum quoque recentium ⋯λεγεῖα quaedam erotica’ (4). After the singing, Gellius goes on, some of the Greek συμπόται present challenged Roman achievements in erotic poetry, excepting only Catullus and Calvus, and criticized in particular Laevius, Hortensius, Cinna, and Memmius. Rising to meet this charge, Gellius’ teacher of rhetoric, Antonius Julianus, admits the superiority of the Greeks in what he calls ‘cantilenarum mollitiae’ in general (8), but to show that the Romans too have some good erotic poets, he recites four early Latin love epigrams, by Valerius Aedituus (frs. 1 and 2), Porcius Licinus (fr. 6), and Lutatius Catulus (fr. I). The same three poets are listed in the same order in Apuleius’ Apology in a list of amatory poets which he provides in order to establish precedents and thus invalidate his prosecutors’ referral to his erotic poems in their accusation (Apul. Apol. 9). Catulus is also enumerated in Pliny's list of Roman dignitaries who composed ‘uersiculos seueros parum’ like his own (Ep. 5.3.5), and an amatory epigram of his is cited by Cicero in De Natura Deorum 1.79 (fr. 2). We possess no further evidence connecting the other two with the composition of either erotic or, more generally, ‘light’ verse, but a poem by Porcius Licinus on Roman literary history is attested by several sources including Varro, Suetonius, and Gellius himself.
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Ikihimioya, I., M. I. Okoruwa, and U. I. Ikhatua. "Nutrient intake and digestibility of West African dwarf goats fed graded levels of and as supplements to Afzelia africana Newbouldia laevis Panicum maximum." Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 44, no. 4 (December 27, 2020): 297–306.

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The study was conducted to determine nutrient intake and digestibility of West African dwarf goats fed graded levels of Afzelia africana and New bouldia laevisas supplements to Panicum maximum. Twenty female West African dwarf goats aged between 5 and 7 months old with mean live weight of 6.62±0.41kg were allotted to five dietary treatments with two replicates of two goats per treatment in a completely randomised design. The compared diets were: T (100% Panicum maximum), T (25%Afzelia africana and 75% Panicum maximum), T (50% Afzelia africana and 50% Panicum maximum), T (25% New bouldia laevis and 75% Panicum maximum) and T (50% Newbouldia laevis and 50% Panicum maximum). A metabolism trial was conducted at the end of the feeding trial to assess the diets on nutrient digestibility after the nutrient intake study of the goats. Results obtained showed that total hemicelluloses intake ( ) was significantly (p<0.05) higher in T compared with other diets. Total crude protein intake(43.45g.d) and hemicelluloses digestibility(92.20%)were higher significantly (p<0.001) and (p<0.01) respectively in T . Total lignin intake (36.22g.d )and organic matter digestibility (77.70%) were significantly better (p<0.05) and (p<0.01) respectively in T . Digestibility of neutral and acid detergent fibre (55.71% and 49.79%) were significantly higher (p<0.05) and (p<0.001) while dry matter digestibility (83.49%) was significantly better (p<0.01) in T than other treatment diets. Total dry matter, organic matter, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre and cellulose intakes with digestibility of crude protein, lignin and cellulose were not significantly (p>0.05) affected by treatment diets. It was concluded that the combination of Panicum maximum based diet with Newbouldia laevis in a ratio of 50:50 had the potential to enhance nutrient digestibility in goats.
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Risley, Michael S., and Ronald A. Eckhardt. "Protamine polymorphism inXenopus laevis laevis." Journal of Experimental Zoology 242, no. 3 (June 1987): 373–77.

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Anderson, David, Olivia Cervantez, Gary M. Bucciarelli, Max R. Lambert, and Megan R. Friesen. "Feral frogs, native newts, and chemical cues: identifying threats from and management opportunities for invasive African Clawed Frogs in Washington state." PeerJ 12 (May 10, 2024): e17307.

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Invasive species threaten biodiversity globally. Amphibians are one of the most threatened vertebrate taxa and are particularly sensitive to invasive species, including other amphibians. African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) are native to Southern Africa but have subsequently become invasive on multiple continents—including multiple parts of North America—due to releases from the pet and biomedical trades. Despite their prevalence as a global invader, the impact of X. laevis remains understudied. This includes the Pacific Northwest of the USA, which now hosts multiple expanding X. laevis populations. For many amphibians, chemical cues communicate important information, including the presence of predators. Here, we tested the role chemical cues may play in mediating interactions between feral X. laevis and native amphibians in the Pacific Northwest. We tested whether native red-legged frog (Rana aurora) tadpoles display an antipredator response to non-native frog (X. laevis) or native newt (rough-skinned newts, Taricha granulosa) predator chemical stimuli. We found that R. aurora tadpoles exhibited pronounced anti-predator responses when exposed to chemical cues from T. granulosa but did not display anti-predator response to invasive X. laevis chemical cues. We also began experimentally testing whether T. granulosa—which produce a powerful neurotoxin tetrodotoxin (TTX)—may elicit an anti-predator response in X. laevis, that could serve to deter co-occupation. However, our short-duration experiments found that X. laevis were attracted to newt chemical stimuli rather than deterred. Our findings show that X. laevis likely poses a threat to native amphibians, and that these native species may also be particularly vulnerable to this invasive predator, compared to native predators, because toxic native newts may not limit X. laevis invasions. Our research provides some of the first indications that native Pacific Northwest species may be threatened by feral X. laevis and provides a foundation for future experiments testing potential management techniques for X. laevis.
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Hadji-Azimi, I., V. Coosemans, and C. Canicatti. "Atlas of adult Xenopus laevis laevis hematology." Developmental & Comparative Immunology 11, no. 4 (September 1987): 807–74.

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Van den Eynde, H., A. Mazabraud, and H. Denis. "Biochemical research on oogenesis. RNA accumulation in the oocytes of the newt Pleurodeles waltl." Development 106, no. 1 (May 1, 1989): 11–16.

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We have compared the accumulation of 5S RNA and tRNA in oocytes of Pleurodeles waltl with the corresponding process previously studied in Xenopus laevis. 5S RNA synthesis is regulated similarly in both species since different families of 5S RNA genes are transcribed in oocytes and in somatic cells of P. waltl, as in those of X. laevis. Previtellogenic oocytes of P. waltl contain only one prominent kind of storage particles (thesaurisomes). In contrast, X. laevis oocytes of the same size contain two major classes of thesaurisomes, sedimenting at 42S and 7S. The more abundant particles found in P. waltl oocytes are homologous to the larger thesaurisomes (42S) of X. laevis, but they have a lower sedimentation coefficient and a higher tRNA/5S RNA molar ratio than their X. laevis counterparts. Small amounts of particles which we think to be homologous to the 7S particles of X. laevis are present in previtellogenic oocytes of P. waltl. Therefore, the storage function of the 7S particle protein (TFIIIA) is only marginal in this species. In X. laevis oocytes TFIIIA has a second function. It acts as a positive transcription factor involved in the developmentally regulated expression of the 5S RNA genes. In X. laevis expression of the oocyte-type 5S RNA genes is accompanied by a massive accumulation of TFIIIA. This is not the case in P. waltl.
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Работа посвящена выявлению структуры онтогенетической изменчивости древесных растений на примере Ulmus laevis. Установлено, что в качестве основной структурной единицы (ОСЕ) онтогенетической изменчивости Ulmus laevis следует рассматривать двулетнюю побеговую систему (ДПС). В кроне U. laevis ДПС представлена 6 структурно-функциональными типами. Использование ДПС в качестве ОСЕ онтогенетической изменчивости позволяет подробно описать тонкую структуру онтогенетических изменений, происходящих на разных уровнях организации кроны. Выявленные в ходе работы особенности структуры онтогенетических изменений в кроне U. laevis могут рассматриваться в качестве важнейших механизмов обеспечения устойчивого развития его кроны. Можно выделить следующие 3 свойства онтогенетической изменчивости, лежащие в основе устойчивого развития кроны U. laevis: разномасштабность варьирования внутренней структуры ДПС, периодичность структурного развития оси определенного порядка ветвления и структурированность онтогенетической изменчивости на всех уровнях организации кроны.
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Thach, Nguyen. "Amphidromus chrisabbasi, a new species (Gastropoda: Camaenidae) from Indonesia." Festivus 49, no. 3 (August 1, 2017): 206–9.

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A new species of genus Amphidromus Albers, 1850 is described from the town of Soe, West Timor Island, Indonesia and compared to six other species of this genus: Amphidormus marieabbasae Thach, 2017, Amphidromus laevus laevus Müller, 1774, Amphidormus laevus janetabbasae Parsons, 2014, Amphidormus laevus nusleti Parsons, 2014, Amphidromus contrarius baaguiae Forcart, 1936 and Amphidromus reflexilabris Schepman, 1892. It is characterized by elongated aperture and twin (or coalescent) spiral lines, forming black or red-brown spiral bands on chalky white outer surface.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Laevius"


Boikou, Angeliki. "Aux origines de "l'expressionnisme" dans la littérature latine : reconstitution et analyse des poèmes de Laevius et de Matius." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.

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Cette étude vise à reconstituer les origines d'une tendance de la littérature latine que l'on qualifie souvent d'« expressionnisme » et à analyser les œuvres fragmentaires de deux poètes peu connus, Laevius et Cn. Matius, dont nous sont parvenus une cinquantaine d'extraits environ. Le poète Laevius est présenté par les sources comme l'auteur des Erotopaegnia, un recueil lyrique de poèmes d'amour en mètres divers. Le terme paegnia fait penser aux Παίγνια que Philétas de Cos avait composés au IIIe s. av. J.-C. Quant à Matius, il traduit en latin l'Iliade d'Homère et écrit des mimiambes, à l'instar du poète alexandrin Hérondas. Nos connaissances sur la poésie de la fin du IIe et du début du Ier siècle av. J.-C., qui a précédé l'avènement des néotériques, sont rudimentaires, notamment en raison de la perte presque totale des textes de cette époque. Ce qui nous reste se limite à de courts fragments isolés de leur contexte et conservés dans les œuvres des érudits, des lexicographes, des commentateurs et des grammairiens de l'époque impériale. La présente étude propose une nouvelle édition et une traduction française des fragments de Laevius et de Cn. Matius, accompagnées d'une analyse métrique et d'un commentaire linguistique et interprétatif de leurs recueils. Une attention particulière est portée au style et à la langue de ces extraits, dans le but de démontrer que la poésie de Laevius et de Matius reflète un moment transitoire et expérimental dans la littérature latine. Ces auteurs partagent un intérêt pour les formes expressives, telles que les archaïsmes, les néologismes, les hapax legomena et les composés originaux, faisant de la langue un outil au service de l'expressivité. Laevius et Matius tiennent une place originale dans l'histoire de la littérature latine : ils développent des thèmes célèbres mais les présentent selon des perspectives nouvelles, anti traditionnelles et antihéroïques, comme dans la poésie alexandrine ; ils introduisent des éléments lyriques et sentimentaux et annoncent les poètes néotériques comme Catulle, sans pour autant s'identifier à ceux-ci. La dernière partie de cette étude explore les modalités de transmission et de circulation des fragments de Laevius et de Matius, en analysant les contextes dans lesquels leurs vers ont été cités. Cette enquête constitue un facteur fondamental dans la reconstitution des œuvres de ces poètes, car elle contribue tant à la solution de problèmes éditoriaux délicats qu'à la restitution de l'histoire et de la postérité de ces textes à l'époque impériale
This study aims to reconstruct the origins of a trend in Latin literature usually called “expressionism”, engaging in the analysis of the works of Laevius and Matius, two minor poets of the late Republic, whose works have survived only in fragmentary form. The ancient sources identify Laevius as the author of the Erotopaegnia, a collection of lyric love poems composed in various metres. The term paegnia, featuring in the title, most probably evokes the Παίγνια of Philitas of Cos, a collection of short light poems dating back to the early 3rd century BCE. Matius, on the other hand, is considered among the first Latin poets to translate the Iliad in hexameters, whereas he has also composed mimiambs in the manner of the Alexandrian poet Herodas. More generally, our knowledge of Latin poetry from the late second and the early first centuries BCE remains limited, primarily due to the almost entire loss of the poetic texts written in this period. Indeed, the only literary evidence comes from small poetic fragments preserved by imperial scholars, mainly by critics, lexicographers, commentators and grammarians. This study proposes a new edition and a French translation of the surviving fragments of Laevius and Cn. Matius, along with a metrical, linguistic, and interpretative commentary. Special attention is given to the stylistic features of their poetry, to demonstrate that their verses reflect a moment of transition and deliberate experimentalism in Latin literature. Both Laevius and Matius exhibit a common interest in peculiar linguistic forms, such as archaisms, neologisms, hapax legomena and original compounds, which they combine in the most expressive and surprising way. While they draw inspiration from well-known mythological themes, they reinterpret these narratives from a different perspective, focusing, as the Alexandrian poets before them, on the un-heroic and unconventional aspects of these stories. Moreover, Laevius and Matius are among the first Latin poets who explored lyric and emotional themes. Although they foreshadow the poetry of Catullus and the other neoterics, they don't entirely identify with them.The final chapter of the present thesis sheds light on the different ways of transmission of Laevius' and Matius' fragments, exploring the grammatical, lexicographical and antiquarian contexts in which their verses were cited. This investigation is particularly interesting because it contributes to the solution of various editorial problems and helps us understand how poetic collections circulated in late Antiquity
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Pan, Tien-Chien Burggren Warren W. "Metabolic, cardiac and ventilatory regulation in early larvae of the South African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis." [Denton, Tex.] : University of North Texas, 2009.

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Minshull, Jeremy Stephen. "Cynlins in Xenopus laevis." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1988.

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Pan, Tien-Chien. "Metabolic, cardiac and ventilatory regulation in early larvae of the South African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2009.

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Early development of O2 chemoreception and hypoxic responses under normoxic (150 mmHg) and chronically hypoxic (110 mmHg) conditions were investigated in Xenopus laevis from hatching to 3 weeks post fertilization. Development, growth, O2 consumption, ventilatory and cardiac performance, and branchial neuroepithelial cells (NEC) density and size were determined. At 3 days post fertilization (dpf), larvae started gill ventilation at a rate of 28 ± 4 beats/min and showed increased frequency to 60 ± 2 beats/min at a PO2 of 30 mmHg. Also at 3 dpf, NECs were identified in the gill filament buds using immunohistochemical methods. Lung ventilation began at 5 dpf and exhibited a 3-fold increase in frequency from normoxia to a PO2 of 30 mmHg. Hypoxic tachycardia developed at 5 dpf, causing an increase of 20 beats/min in heart rate, which led to a 2-fold increase in mass-specific cardiac output at a PO2 of 70 mmHg. At 10 dpf, gill ventilatory sensitivity to hypoxia increased, which was associated with the increase in NEC density, from 15 ± 1 to 29 ± 2 cells/mm of filament at 5 and 10 dpf, respectively. Unlike the elevated rate, cardiac and ventilatory volumes were independent of acute hypoxia. Despite increased cardioventilatory frequency, larvae experienced an average of 80% depression in during acute hypoxia. Chronic hypoxia (PO2 of 110 mmHg) decreased mass-specific cardiac performance before 10 dpf. In older larvae (10 to 21 dpf), chronic hypoxia decreased acute branchial and pulmonary hypoxic hyperventilation and increased NEC size. Collectively, these data suggest that larvae exhibit strong O2-driven acute hypoxic responses post-hatching, yet are still O2 conformers. All acute hypoxic responses developed before 5 dpf, and then the effects of chronic hypoxia started to show between 7 and 21 dpf. Thus, the early formation of acute hypoxic responses is susceptible to the environment and can be shaped by the ambient PO2.
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Tucker, Abigail Saffron. "Tail development in Xenopus laevis." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1995.

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Costa, R. "Endoderm patterning in Xenopus laevis." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2004.

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The endoderm is the inner germ layer of the vertebrate embryo from which the respiratory and digestive systems are derived. These include organs such as the liver, pancreas, stomach, lungs and intestine. Recent research has helped our understanding of early vertebrate endoderm specification and terminal differentiation of specific endodermal lineages. However, very little is known about the molecular mechanisms that control endoderm patterning and morphogenesis during vertebrate development. As a way to identify genes involved in these elusive steps of development, I performed a differential hybridisation screen in a macroarray tailbud ventral foregut cDNA library coupled with in situ hybridisation analysis. My aim was to identify and characterise new regionally expressed endodermal genes in Xenopus laevis, a classical embryologic model organism. Here, I report the identification and characterisation of a dozen novel regionally expressed endoderm genes. At tailbud stages their expression patterns fall into three re-occurring domains; anterior ventral midgut endoderm, posterior endoderm and dorsal endoderm. In addition, regional expression of some of these genes is observable at gastrula stages, endoderm specification. These are the first early stable endodermal markers for different regions of the gastrula endoderm. This suggests that the earliest steps in endoderm patterning are concurrent with endoderm specification. Furthermore I describe the identification of a mesodermal transcription factor, which appears to be expressed in ‘early embryonic macrophages’ - and a poorly characterised embryonic cell population. I present an overview of endoderm development together with the results from my screen. Overall, these results reveal an unexpected degree of early endodermal patterning and assist our understanding of the link between early and late events of vertebrate endoderm development. In addition, this work provides us with new and very useful markers for endodermal patterning, and potentially some key developmental regulators of endodermal formation.
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Marklew, Sarah. "Retinoid receptors in Xenopus laevis." Thesis, University of Warwick, 1994.

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Benites, da Costa Ricardo Manuel. "Endodermal patterning in Xenopus laevis." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2004.

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Smith, Darrin Paul. "Xenopus laevis octamer-binding proteins." Thesis, University of Warwick, 1990.

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The ubiquitous human octamer-binding transcription factor, Oct-1, is believed to regulate the expression of a number of ubiquitously expressed genes. These include genes which are expressed throughout the cell-cycle (eg. snRNA genes) and histone H2B genes, whose expression is tightly coupled to nuclear DNA synthesis at S-phase of the cell-cycle. I have isolated and completely sequenced two X. laevis homologues of Oct-1. The high degree of relatedness of the two homologues indicates that these are likely to be copies of the same gene, which arose during the theoretical genome duplication event in X. laevis evolution. X. laevis and human Oct-1 display strong evolutionary conservation (85% Identity over a stretch of 750 amino acids), which presumably means that X. laevis has a similar, if not identical function to human Oct-1. Homology between human and X. laevis does, however, break down shortly before the N terminal end, at a point where alternate splicing is known to occur in hunan Oct-1 (W. Herr, pers. comn.). The full length X. laevis cDNA clone which I have isolated may represent a novel alternately spliced form of Oct-1. Two octamer-binding proteins have been identified (in band shift assays) in X. laevis oocyte, embryo and tissue extract. Oct-1, and a second, previously unidentified octamer-binding protein which has been termed Oct-R, for octamer-related. Oct-1 does not bind to a degenerate octamer motif most often seen in X. laevis H2B promoters. Oct-R binds more strongly to this degenerate motif than the consensus motif, but only in the context of the H2B promoter, and does not bind either motif in another sequence context. This suggests that Oct-R may have a role in regulation of H2B transcription, although no direct evidence has been obtained. Since Oct-1 is believed to stimulate the S-phase specific induction of histone H2B gene transcription the possibility that Oct-1 binding activity is cell-cycle regulated is of interest. X. laevis Oct-1 (and Oct-R) binding activity does not appear to be cell-cycle regulated. Oct-1 and Oct-R are stored in the oocyte (partly in the cytoplasm), in an amount equivalent to at least 80 000 somatic cells. Histone protein and message are stored in the oocyte as part of the mechanism to provide enough histones to keep-up with the high rate of DNA synthesis in early Xenopus development. It is possible that histone gene transcription factors are stored for the same purpose. By mutation of the octamer motif in the promoter of X. laevis histone H2B gene promoter I have tentatively concluded that the octamer motif is required for the expression of a H2B gene (independently of DNA synthesis) in the oocyte. The H2B gene occurs in association with a H2A gene, as part of a divergently expressed gene pair. The octamer motif may be required for the expression of both H2B and H2A genes. The degenerate octamer motif contained in this H2B promoter does not bind efficiently to Oct-1 in vitro, but binds well to Oct-R, indirectly suggesting that Oct-R is required for the expression of the H2B gene. A polyclonal antiserum raised against the N terminal domain of X. laevis Oct-1 reacts to proteins other than Oct-1 on Western blots of oocyte and embryo extract. These proteins, which are antigenically related to the N terminal domain of Oct-1, are entirely located in the cytoplasm of the oocyte, and entirely located in the nucleus of somatic cells. These proteins are synthesised during oogenesis, and stored in the oocyte in an amount equivalent to at least 100 000 somatic cells.
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Reyes, Hernández Paulina. "Producción de anticuerpos policlonales contra el silenciador de la transcripción del elemento represor (REST) de Xenopus laevis." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2005.

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Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de Médico Veterinario
La regulación transcripcional negativa es un mecanismo importante de control de la expresión de genes que contribuyen en el fenotipo neuronal. El elemento represor de la transcripción REST/NRSF ha sido propuesto como un regulador negativo de muchos genes de diferenciación neuronal terminal, expresándose en células no neuronales, precursores neuronales y neuronas en diferenciación. El papel de REST in vivo durante la diferenciación del sistema nervioso aún se desconoce, dada, entre otras, la letalidad de la pérdida de función de REST en ratones. El laboratorio en el que se desarrolló esta memoria de título ha utilizado otro organismo modelo, Xenopus laevis, a partir del cual se han obtenido resultados compatibles con la participación de REST en procesos muy tempranos del desarrollo neural. La interpretación de estos resultados requiere del análisis de los patrones de expresión de la proteína REST, lo que origina el objetivo principal de esta memoria de título: generar anticuerpos policlonales contra REST/NRSF de Xenopus laevis, para luego ser probados en embriones de Xenopus en diferentes estadíos del desarrollo. La electrotransferencia de extractos de embriones, evidenció que el suero antiREST es inmunoreactivo a una proteína de ~200 KDa, la cual está presente en embriones en los estadíos de clivaje, blástula, gástrula, neurula y organogénesis. En embriones inyectados con un morfolino antisentido de REST, el suero antiREST no detectó ninguna proteína; a diferencia de los embriones control no inyectados, en los cuales reconoció una proteína de ~200 KDa. Estos resultados son compatibles con la idea de que el suero antiREST reconoce la proteína REST endógena de Xenopus laevis. Por otra parte, el suero antiREST no resultó ser de utilidad en el reconocimiento de la proteína REST en embriones y en cortes de ellos mediante inmunohistoquímica
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Books on the topic "Laevius"


Marklew, Sarah. Retinoid receptors in xenopus laevis. [s.l.]: typescript, 1994.

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Smith, Darrin P. "Xenopus laevis" octamer-binding proteins. [s.l.]: typescript, 1990.

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Wiechmann, Allan F., and Celeste R. Wirsig-Wiechmann. Color Atlas of Xenopus laevis Histology. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2003.

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Lametschwandtner, Alois, and Bernd Minnich. Color Atlas of Adult Xenopus laevis. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Wiechmann, Allan F. Color atlas of Xenopus laevis histology. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.

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Chong, James Paul Jonathon. Control of DNA replication in Xenopus laevis. Manchester: University of Manchester, 1996.

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Kloas, Werner. Humorale Mechanismen der Osmoregulation bei Xenopus laevis. Karlsruhe: Fak. für Bio- und Geowissenschaften der Univ., 1990.

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Sive, Hazel L. Early development of Xenopus laevis: A laboratory manual. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2000.

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Peter, Hausen. The early development of Xenopus laevis: An atlas of the histology. Tübingen: Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 1991.

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Marinus, Marie Juliette. Laevinus Torrentius als tweede bisschop van Antwerpen, 1587-1595. Brussel: Paleis der Academiën, 1989.

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Book chapters on the topic "Laevius"


Webster, Chloe. "Laevers." In Early Childhood Theorists and Approaches Explained, 69–70. London: Routledge, 2025.

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Bröer, Stefan. "Xenopus laevis Oocytes." In Methods in Molecular Biology, 295–310. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2010.

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Gradl, Dietmar. "Xenopus laevis (Südafrikanischer Krallenfrosch)." In Modellorganismen, 173–95. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019.

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Pomerening, Joseph R. "Xenopus laevis Egg Extract." In Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, 2364–65. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.

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Lametschwandtner, Alois, and Bernd Minnich. "Materials and Methods." In Color Atlas of Adult Xenopus laevis, 5–20. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Lametschwandtner, Alois, and Bernd Minnich. "Microvasculature of Xenopus Tissues and Organs." In Color Atlas of Adult Xenopus laevis, 21–275. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Lametschwandtner, Alois, and Bernd Minnich. "Introduction." In Color Atlas of Adult Xenopus laevis, 1–3. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Wiechmann, Allan F., and Celeste R. Wirsig-Wiechmann. "Basic Tissues." In Color Atlas of Xenopus laevis Histology, 1–20. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2003.

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Wiechmann, Allan F., and Celeste R. Wirsig-Wiechmann. "Cranial Structures." In Color Atlas of Xenopus laevis Histology, 89–128. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2003.

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Wiechmann, Allan F., and Celeste R. Wirsig-Wiechmann. "Cardiovascular System." In Color Atlas of Xenopus laevis Histology, 21–25. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2003.

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Conference papers on the topic "Laevius"


Fogliano, Chiara, Bice Avallone, Chiara Maria Motta, and Rosa Carotenuto. "Influence of Benzodiazepine Delorazepam on Xenopus laevis Embryogenesis." In The 7th World Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering. Avestia Publishing, 2022.

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Kuklina, T. E., and O. L. Konusova. "ON THE STATE OF ULMUS LAEVIS PALL. IN THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT." In Prirodopol'zovanie i ohrana prirody: Ohrana pamjatnikov prirody, biologicheskogo i landshaftnogo raznoobrazija Tomskogo Priob'ja i drugih regionov Rossii. Izdatel'stvo Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2020.

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An assessment of the state of Ulmus laevis plantings in the urban environment was carried out on the example of Tomsk. Biometric characteristics and indicators of the viability of trees in street and boulevard plantings have been established. Information about pests and diseases of elm affecting its vital condition and decorative qualities has been obtained.
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Cao, Xiaohong, Chaolong Han, Lei Shi, and Xiaoye Wang. "Immunomodulation of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Purified from Nitzschia Laevis." In 2009 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics. IEEE, 2009.

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Schuwerk, L., U. Teichmann, W. Baumgärtner, and P. Wohlsein. "Altersassoziierte Veränderungen und Neoplasien beim Afrikanischen Krallenfrosch (Xenopus laevis)." In 67. Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Pathologie der Deutschen Veterinärmedizinischen Gesellschaft. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2024.

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Serlin, Zachary, Jason Rife, and Michael Levin. "A Level Set Approach to Simulating Xenopus laevis Tail Regeneration." In Proceedings of the Artificial Life Conference 2016. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016.

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Serlin, Zachary, Jason Rife, and Michael Levin. "A Level Set Approach to Simulating Xenopus laevis Tail Regeneration." In Proceedings of the Artificial Life Conference 2016. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016.

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Fránková-Kozáková, M. "Halophilous diatoms in Czech running waters: Pleurosira laevis and Bacillaria paxillifera." In 1st Central European Diatom Meeting. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, 2007.

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Longo, D., S. Peirce, T. Skalak, M. Marsden, L. Davidson, B. Dzamba, and D. DeSimone. "Computational automata simulation of blastocoel roof thinning in the Xenopu laevis embryo." In Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium. IEEE, 2003.

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Slamet, Bejo, and Regina Melianawati. "Histological study on digestive system development of blacksaddled coralgrouper, Plectropomus laevis (Lacepede, 1801) larvae." In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOLOGY AND APPLIED SCIENCE (ICOBAS). AIP Publishing, 2019.

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Reports on the topic "Laevius"


Cline, Hollis T. Developing Xenopus Laevis as a Model to Screen Drugs for Fragile X Syndrome. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, June 2014.

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Cline, Hollis T. Developing Xenopus Laevis as a Model to Screen Drugs for Fragile X Syndrome. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, October 2013.

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Hensey, Carmel E. Cloning and Biochemical Analysis of the Ataxia-Telangiectasia (A-T) Gene in Xenopus Laevis. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1999.

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Савосько, Василь Миколайович. Систематический анализ спонтанной дендрофлоры Жовтневого района г. Кривого Рога. Запорізький національний університет, 2007.

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Проведен систематический анализ спонтанной дендрофлоры Жовтневого района г. Кривого Рога. Установлено, что на мониторинговых площадках выявлено 56 видов дендрофлоры, которые принадлежат к 33 родам и 19 семействам. Ведущее место в спектре спонтанной дендрофлоры занимает семейство Rosaceae Juss., а ведущими родами являются: Populus L. (8 видов), Acer L. (7 видов), Ulmus L. (3 вида). В дендрофлоре деревья занимают ведущую позицию (76,8%); вторую кустарники (17,6%), третью лианы (5,4%). На территории района формируется ядро видов спонтанной дендрофлоры. К их числу необходимо отнести вяз гладкий (Ulmus laevis Pall.), шиповник собачий (Rosa canina L.), яблоню лесную (Malus sylvestris Miller), абрикос обыкновенный (Armeniaca vulgaris Mill.), белую акацию (Robinia. pseudoacacia L.), ясень обыкновенный (Fraxinus excelsior L.), клен ясенелистый (Аcer пеgипdo L.) и жимолость татарскую (Lonicera tatarica L.).
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Савосько, Василь Миколайович, and Екатерина Михайловна Алексеева. Систематический анализ спонтанной дендрофлоры Жовтневого района г. Кривого Рога. Запорізький національний університет, 2007.

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Проведен систематический анализ спонтанной дендрофлоры Жовтневого района г. Кривого Рога. Установлено, что на мониторинговых площадках выявлено 56 видов дендрофлоры, которые принадлежат к 33 родам и 19 семействам. Ведущее место в спектре спонтанной дендрофлоры занимает семейство Rosaceae Juss., а ведущими родами являются: Populus L. (8 видов), Acer L. (7 видов), Ulmus L. (3 вида). В дендрофлоре деревья занимают ведущую позицию (76,8%); вторую кустарники (17,6%), третью лианы (5,4%). На территории района формируется ядро видов спонтанной дендрофлоры. К их числу необходимо отнести вяз гладкий (Ulmus laevis Pall.), шиповник собачий (Rosa canina L.), яблоню лесную (Malus sylvestris Miller), абрикос обыкновенный (Armeniaca vulgaris Mill.), белую акацию (Robinia. pseudoacacia L.), ясень обыкновенный (Fraxinus excelsior L.), клен ясенелистый (Аcer пеgипdo L.) и жимолость татарскую (Lonicera tatarica L.).
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Shpigel, Muki, Allen Place, William Koven, Oded (Odi) Zmora, Sheenan Harpaz, and Mordechai Harel. Development of Sodium Alginate Encapsulation of Diatom Concentrates as a Nutrient Delivery System to Enhance Growth and Survival of Post-Larvae Abalone. United States Department of Agriculture, September 2001.

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The major bottlenecks in rearing the highly priced gastropod abalone (Haliotis spp.) are the slow growth rate and the high mortality during the first 8 to 12 weeks following metamorphosis and settling. The most likely reason flor these problems is related to nutritional deficiencies in the diatom diet on which the post larvae (PL) feed almost exclusively in captivity. Higher survival and improved growth rate will reduce the considerable expense of hatchery-nursery resisdence time and thereflore the production costs. BARD supported our research for one year only and the support was given to us in order to prove that "(1) Abalone PL feed on encapsulated diatoms, and (2) heterotrophic diatoms can be mass produced." In the course of this year we have developed a novel nutrient delivery system specifically designed to enhance growth and survival of post-larval abalone. This approach is based on the sodium-alginate encapsulation of heterotrophically grown diatoms or diatom extracts, including appetite-stimulating factors. Diatom species that attract the PL and promote the highest growth and survival have been identified. These were also tested by incorporating them (either intact cells or as cell extracts) into a sodium-alginate matrix while comparing the growth to that achieved when using diatoms (singel sp. or as a mixture). A number of potential chemoattractants to act as appetite-stimulating factors for abalone PL have been tested. Preliminary results show that the incorporation of the amino acid methionine at a level of 10-3M to the sodim alginate matrix leads to a marked enhancement of growth. The results ol these studies provided basic knowledge on the growth of abalone and showed that it is possible to obtain, on a regular basis, survival rates exceeding 10% for this stage. Prior to this study the survival rates ranged between 2-4%, less than half of the values achieved today. Several diatom species originated from the National Center for Mariculture (Nitzchia laevis, Navicula lenzi, Amphora T3, and Navicula tennerima) and Cylindrotheca fusiformis (2083, 2084, 2085, 2086 and 2087 UTEX strains, Austin TX) were tested for heterotrophic growth. Axenic colonies were initially obtained and following intensive selection cycles and mutagenesis treatments, Amphora T3, Navicula tennerima and Cylindrotheca fusiformis (2083 UTEX strain) were capable of growing under heterotrophic conditions and to sustain highly enriched mediums. A highly efficient selection procedure as well as cost effective matrix of media components were developed and optimized. Glucose was identified as the best carbon source for all diatom strains. Doubling times ranging from 20-40 h were observed, and stable heterotroph cultures at a densities range of 103-104 were achieved. Although current growth rates are not yet sufficient for full economical fermentation, we estimate that further selections and mutagenesis treatments cycles should result in much faster growing colonies suitable for a fermentor scale-up. As rightfully pointed out by one of the reviewers, "There would be no point in assessing the optimum levels of dietary inclusions into micro-capsules, if the post-larvae cannot be induced to consume those capsules in the first place." We believe that the results of the first year of research provide a foundationfor the continuation of this research following the objectives put forth in the original proposal. Future work should concentrate on the optimization of incorporation of intact cells and cell extracts of the developed heterotrophic strains in the alginate matrix, as well as improving this delivery system by including liposomes and chemoattractants to ensure food consumption and enhanced growth.
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