Academic literature on the topic 'La tour du pin isere'
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Journal articles on the topic "La tour du pin isere"
Gauthier, Jacques. "Théopoésie et liturgie chez Patrice de La Tour du Pin." Laval théologique et philosophique 44, no. 3 (1988): 315.
Full textGARFITT, J. S. T. "Review. Carnets de route. La Tour du Pin, Patrice de." French Studies 51, no. 4 (October 1, 1997): 507.
Full textSaint-Pierre, Mario. "GAUTHIER, Jacques, La théopoésie de Patrice de La Tour du Pin." Laval théologique et philosophique 47, no. 1 (1991): 127.
Full textGARFITT, J. S. T. "Review. Patrice de La Tour du Pin: Biographie spirituelle. Chamska, Isabelle." French Studies 51, no. 4 (October 1, 1997): 507–8.
Full textGarfitt, T. "Review: Cahiers Patrice de La Tour du Pin, 18: Correspondance (suite)." French Studies 58, no. 1 (January 1, 2004): 136.
Full textGARFITT, J. S. T. "Review. La Theopoesie de Patrice de La Tour du Pin. Gauthier, Jacques." French Studies 51, no. 4 (October 1, 1997): 507.
Full textPagé, Jean-Guy. "GAUTHIER, Jacques, Patrice de La Tour du Pin, quêteur du Dieu de joie." Laval théologique et philosophique 45, no. 1 (1989): 164.
Full textWoodward, Servanne. "Les Amérindiens dans les Mémoires de la marquise de La Tour du Pin (1778-1815)." Lumen: Selected Proceedings from the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 24 (2005): 35.
Full textCasas, Santiago. "Antoine Murat, La Tour du Pin en son temps, Via Romana, Versailles 2008, 384 pp." Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia 19 (March 9, 2016): 585.
Full textGARFITT, J. S. T. "Review. Patrice de La Tour du Pin: La quete d'une theopoesie. Le Han, Marie-Josette." French Studies 51, no. 4 (October 1, 1997): 507.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "La tour du pin isere"
Froger, Jérôme. "Le personnel dirigeant de la Révolution française en Isère : les communes du district de La Tour-du-Pin, 1788-1799." Grenoble 2, 1995.
Full textIt's a study of the political elite, at the lowest level of administration (towncouncils, committes and so on) in the la tour-du-pin district. The study follows a chronological order and aims at highlighting what changed and what continued in a permanent way through the different stages of the revolution. Two major directions have been followed : a social as well as a prosopographic study. The systematical use of the revenue sources at the end of the old regime and of the revolution leads us to the study of the socioprofessional composition of the town-councils and of their position in the social hierarchy of the village populations. The prosopographic study allows us to spot what was permanent and what might have ceased to be, and to witness the coming to life of a political life of a new style (reactions toward local and national events). Permanence is pre-eminent all through the revolution : no change in the people, the social backgrounds from wich the elite was to come in spite of the institutional changes and the succession of the appointment methods (the corporate system of the old regime, followed by the suffrage based on a tax qualification and then the universal suffrage). The terror (1793-1794) was a time of complete change for the two most important cities (bourgoin and cremieu) where the former elite was replaced by a new political corps coming from the working classes
Froger, Jérôme. "Le personnel dirigeant de la Révolution Française en Isère : les communes du district de la Tour-du-Pin (1788-1799)." Université Pierre Mendès France (Grenoble ; 1990-2015), 1995.
Full textIt's a study of the political elite, at the lowest level of administration (towncouncils, committes and so on) in the la tour-du-pin district. The study follows a chronological order and aims at highlighting what changed and what continued in a permanent way through the different stages of the revolution. Two major directions have been followed : a social as well as a prosopographic study. The systematical use of the revenue sources at the end of the old regime and of the revolution leads us to the study of the socioprofessional composition of the town-councils and of their position in the social hierarchy of the village populations. The prosopographic study allows us to spot what was permanent and what might have ceased to be, and to witness the coming to life of a political life of a new style (reactions toward local and national events). Permanence is pre-eminent all through the revolution : no change in the people, the social backgrounds from wich the elite was to come in spite of the institutional changes and the succession of the appointment methods (the corporate system of the old regime, followed by the suffrage based on a tax qualification and then the universal suffrage). The terror (1793-1794) was a time of complete change for the two most important cities (bourgoin and cremieu) where the former elite was replaced by a new political corps coming from the working classes
Gauthier, Jacques. "Patrice de la Tour du Pin : le quêteur du Dieu de joie." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 1985.
Full textDupuy, Jean-Luc. "La pensée politique de René de la Tour du Pin Chambly de la Charce." Paris 2, 1991.
Full textThe research about rene de la tour du pin chambly de la charce's political thought doesn't only consist in uncovering a forgotten or misunderstood actor in the french social catholicism between nineteenth century ending and twentieth century beginning. The albert de mun's companion undeniably has a share in increasing this movement through catholic working clubs of charitable institution and its differents agencies. That summarized work try to qualify how his personnal participation exceeds this single framework. Rene de la tour du pin chambly de la charce assignes to his political thought, not only theoretically but also practically, the purpose of founding an "christian social order". More, he gathers on this project his economicals and politicas ideas according to the order prescribed by his formula: "representative regime on basis of public body regime". He addresses to political science primaries questions about meaning of "social economy", political power or political representation. At least this is the interpretation we propose about this political thought, and its fundamental unsettling
Le, Han Marie-Josette. "Patrice de la Tour du Pin et la quête d'une théopoésie : étude d'une démarche créatrice." Brest, 1992.
Full textPatrice de la Tour du Pin's somme de poesie is a vast and relentless search for a verbal universe which reflects the interior world of the poet and translates his personal vision. It is also a constant reflexion on the power of language and on the role of the human word. During this joint creative and critical approach, La Tour du Pin elaborates the original concept of theopoesie which intends to unite the aesthetic search with the spiritual quest. In this work we have tried to circumscribe this concept and to show how La Tour du Pin proceeded from its origination to its realisation. This search for a theopoesie presents three major stages : volume I of la somme marks the flowering of speech and inspiration but also a sort of renunciation and final sacrifice. Volume II is caracterised by the ordeal of the failure of inspiration, similar in the poetic field to what the mystics call "la nuit obscure". And lastly volume III witnesses the resurgence of a purified word, echo of the divine verb. The quest which animates the whole somme is realised in the service of a word coming from elsewhere but perfectly undertaken and internalised
Renaud-Chamska, Isabelle. "L'oeuvre poétique de Patrice de La Tour du Pin (1911-1975) : poésie et liturgie dans "Une somme de poésie"." Paris 4, 1989.
Full textChamska, Isabelle. "L'Oeuvre poétique de Patrice de La Tour du Pin (1911-1975) poésie et liturgie dans une somme de poésie /." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1990.
Full textPierrisnard, Yannick. "Présence de l'ange dans la poésie du vingtième siècle : figures, symbole, discours." Thesis, Paris 4, 2014.
Full textRelying on traditional paradoxes that theology defined from an angelic essence, the poetry of the twentieth century expresses a universal fascination towards angels. This attraction appears all the more curious as it applies to all observable poetic sensibilities. In addition, these practices turn out to be so diverse and contradictory that angelic appearance acquire a radically original property to withstand any intention of the author, and the even more curious one to escape the immediate intentions of a poet, developing a secondary speech of its own. The angel marks a way of speech in which different instances of poetic discourse coexist in a still unindividuated relation. The angelic messenger indicates the precise moment when the inner chaos of a subject is transformed into articulate language . This exploration of the angelic phenomenon will be divided into three steps, each dedicated to a different corpus. The study of the angel as a visual figure will explore the many variations from an apparition to another, motivated by hesitations of religious, temporal, civilizational, political and aesthetic kind, as they appear in the poetic works of Guillaume Apollinaire for the French literature, and those of Odysseus Elytis in the Greek linguistic area. The analysis of the angel as a support of an intimate relationship of the subject to itself more broadly interrogate the Austro-German poetic experiences on the one hand, the Mexican on the other hand. Eventually, two attempts to form an angelic language in French poetry will be considered, through the respective major works of Patrice de La Tour du Pin and Christian Gabriel/le Guez-Ricord
Despax, Arnaud. "La question de la totalité dans la poésie française postérieure à la Seconde Guerre mondiale (André Frénaud, Patrice de La Tour du Pin, Pierre Emmanuel)." Toulouse 2, 2010.
Full textPoetic modernity is often said to be typified by its inclination towards silence, self-effacement, and fragmentation. Yet some poets belonging with the second half of the XXth century explicitly claim their desire and their right to confront the Great Totality. They do so in works that elaborate various strategies of poetic totalization in keeping with a Romantic tradition : that is particularly the case of André Frénaud, Patrice de La Tour du Pin and Pierre Emmanuel. In spite of their apparent anachronism, their works actually imply a tension that expresses the semantic dualism of the notion of totality, between intension (wholeness) and extension (allness) : does the whole-inclusive and self-contained Book ambition the fusing of multiplicity into a homogeneous whole, or does it open up to every thing without denying the infinite ? The breaking off induced by World War II enhances this problem, questioning the ambition of intensive totality and its inner risk of totalitarianism : that of the final Word which denies the rest of the world. Far from being blind to that risk, the three poets we study exhibit it. The temptation of totality is consequently checked by the irreducible singularity of beings and things. Undergoing a de-totalization caused by the axiological crisis of a compromised enunciatory posture, the works willingly suffer the injury of otherness that fragments them. Poetry is able to play the game of an extensive multiplicity : this capacity being grounded on an ethic of relationships, it thus reinvents its right to develop according to a totalizing dynamics. Therefore, the work exist by virtue of its issuing into the world
Van, Zwoll Lisa R. "A la recherche d'une histoire perdue the fictionalization of personal history in Journal d'une femme de cinquante ans by Henriette-Lucy Dillon, Marquise de La Tour du Pin de Gouvernet /." 2005.
Full textBooks on the topic "La tour du pin isere"
La Tour du Pin en son temps. Versailles: Via romana, 2008.
Find full textGrillot, Paul. La Tour-du-Pin: Ses environs, ses châteaux. La Tour-du-Pin: Editions du Portail, 1990.
Find full textChamska, Isabelle. Patrice de La Tour du Pin: Biographie spirituelle. Paris: Desclée, 1992.
Find full textSiesling, Jan Laurens. Le maître de la tour-du-pin: Roman. Cognac [France]: Temps qu'il fait, 1988.
Find full textMemoirs of Madame de la Tour du Pin. London: Century, 1985.
Find full textLa théopoésie de Patrice de la Tour du Pin. Montréal: Bellarmin, 1989.
Find full textFiori, Gabriella. Patrice de La Tour du Pin: L'oro della notte. Milano: Servitium, 2011.
Find full textHan, Marie-Josette Le. Patrice de La Tour du Pin: La quête d'une théopoésie. Paris: H. Champion, 1996.
Find full textRohan-Chabot, Alix de. Madame de la Tour du Pin: Le talent du bonheur. [Paris]: Perrin, 1997.
Find full textGeorges, Martin. Histoire et généalogie de la maison de La Tour-du-Pin. [S.l: s.n., 1985.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "La tour du pin isere"
Kontou, Tatiana, Victoria Mills, Deborah Wynne, and Louisa Yates. "Anon, ‘Pin-Making (From Sir George Head's Home Tour)’." In Victorian Material Culture, 243–44. London: Routledge, 2022.
Full textSimon, David S. "Pin-like beams and turbulence." In A Guided Tour of Light Beams. IOP Publishing, 2020.
Full text"La Tour du Pin, Lucie de (1770–1853)." In A New Dictionary of the French Revolution. I.B. Tauris, 2012.
Full textLauer, Jürgen. "Frédéric-Séraphin de La Tour du Pin (1759–1837)." In Die "Neuordner" Europas beim Wiener Kongress 1814/1815, 185–88. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2016.
Full text"La Tour du Pin Gouvernet, Jean-Frédéric, Comte de (1727–94)." In A New Dictionary of the French Revolution. I.B. Tauris, 2012.
Full text"The Marquise and the Butter-Churn: The American Education of the Marquise de la Tour du Pin." In Revolutions & Watersheds, 87–102. BRILL, 1999.
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