Academic literature on the topic 'La sentence arbitrale'
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Journal articles on the topic "La sentence arbitrale"
Burrus, Louis, and Blaise Stucki. "Sentence arbitrale étrangère, séquestre et exequatur." ASA Bulletin 31, Issue 2 (June 1, 2013): 429–38.
Full textBeaulieu, Marie-Louis. "Arbitrage." Relations industrielles 4, no. 5 (March 5, 2014): 45–46.
Full textGunter, Pierre-Yves. "Exequateur en France d’une sentence arbitrale annulée à l’étranger." ASA Bulletin 25, Issue 4 (December 1, 2007): 826–29.
Full textLemieux, Denis, and Sabine Mekki. "La révision judiciaire des décisions en vertu du chapitre 11 de l’ALENA (Canada c. SD Myers)." Les Cahiers de droit 45, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 791–820.
Full textMartel, David. "La nullité de la sentence arbitrale : lecture croisée franco-espagnole." Revue internationale de droit comparé 60, no. 2 (2008): 487–513.
Full textRoback, Léo. "Changements de « routine »." Jurisprudence du travail 14, no. 2 (February 10, 2014): 294–98.
Full textGuillemard, Sylvette. "L’affaire Chouette : l’arbitre et l’interprétation d’un contrat en matière de droit d’auteur selon la Cour suprême du Canada." Les Cahiers de droit 44, no. 1 (April 12, 2005): 99–112.
Full textBesson, Sébastien. "Le recours contre la sentence arbitrale internationale selon la nouvelle LTF (aspects procéduraux)." ASA Bulletin 25, Issue 1 (March 1, 2007): 2–35.
Full textZoromé, Adama. "L’exécution forcée en France de la sentence arbitrale impliquant les États et leurs émanations." ASA Bulletin 39, Issue 4 (December 1, 2021): 836–54.
Full textde Boisséson, Matthieu. "Les Consequences de lAnnulation dUne Sentence Arbitrale dans lEtat de la Juridiction du Siege de lArbitrage." Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem 3, Issue 12 (December 1, 2006): 90–97.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "La sentence arbitrale"
Ghoutchini-Gharavi, Hamid. "L'efficacité internationale de l'annulation d'une sentence arbitrale." Paris 2, 2000.
Full textDanay, Elmi Manijeh. "La sentence arbitrale et le juge étatique : approche comparative des systèmes français et iranien." Thesis, Paris 1, 2016.
Full textIn France and Iran, the law of arbitration is the result of a long historical development. Arbitration in Iran finds its roots in the Antiquity. Because of a culture favoring the pacific settlement of disputes, which was prevailing at that period, arbitration imposed itself as the privileged mode in resolving disputes. In the field of international commercial arbitration, Iranian legal system has been inspired by the UNCITRAL Model Law in the promulgation of its LICA in 1997. This country has also adhered to the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in 2001. The converging point between the Iranian and French legal systems is the following: they have tried to establish the rules favoring the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards, any of them adopting a different approach. The First Part of this study is allocated to the reception of the arbitral award in the two legal systems. Solely the final award could be subject to control and enforcement. More concretely, the qualification of the arbitral award as international or foreign award will determine the applicable rules in the matters of recognition and enforcement. The arbitral award, identified and recognized, could possibly be controlled by the judge who will determine its fate. The Second Part of our analysis describes the said control that could be direct, on the occasion of the action for setting aside the award, or indirect, when requesting the recognition and enforcement of the award. This mechanism will lead in fine to protecting the winning party’s rights and avoiding any abuse of the means of recourse by the losing party
Kim, Doowon. "Etude comparée du régime de la sentence arbitrale en droit coréen et en droit français." Thesis, Paris 2, 2021.
Full textAn in-depth comparative study of arbitration between Korean and French law has never been considered in France. From the Korean comparative point of view, French arbitration law is of particular interest for the next possible directions of Korean arbitration law. For this reason, since the 1999 reform, even after the 2016 revision, Korean jurists have been paying attention to foreign arbitration regulations, especially with regard to the international influence of the French arbitration system. Therefore, it seems relevant to present the evolution of the two arbitration laws by focusing on several reforms that provide solutions to the problems raised by the application of the previous rules. Thus, the question is whether the current Korean legislation is sufficient to meet the requirements of the international community and to promote the Korean commercial arbitration system internationally. If not, should French law be used as an inspiration to define new directions for arbitration practices and laws ? In this respect, it seems interesting to compare in particular the regime of the arbitral award in Korean law and in French law. This comparative analysis will therefore seek to explain the reasons of the differences in the solutions provided by these two laws, on a legislative and jurisdictional level, in order to guide the Korean doctrine and legislator and to highlight developments likely to reassure foreign parties considering arbitration in South Korea
Yangoumale, Jean. "La nature de la sentence arbitrale en droit international : essai d'approche phénoménologique." Paris 2, 1989.
Full textThe utility of the phenomenological approach of the international law is point out by the problem concerning the nature of the international arbitral award. Traditionally, the effects of the international arbitral award are analysed as limited to the legal relationship between the parties. Such an approach is very restrictive, for it does not take into account the effects of the award as to precedent and international customary law. According to its wide scope of observation, phenomenologism allows new and adequate analysis. In fact, owing to the contemporary extension of the international arbitration to international organizations and private persons, the international arbitral award has a great influence on the adaptation and development of international law
Motulsky-Falardeau, Antoine. "Le délai de prescription applicable à l'exécution d’une sentence arbitrale étrangère au Québec." Thesis, Université Laval, 2014.
Full textKhater, Talaat. "Les obstacles juridiques à l'exécution de la sentence arbitrale : étude comparée franco-égyptienne." Dijon, 2005.
Full textKouassi, Fabrice Constant. "L'annulation de la sentence arbitrale au Québec et dans l'espace OHADA : une approche comparée." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2011.
Full textBernadskaya, Elena. "La sentence arbitrale internationale : contribution de droit processuel comparé (droit français et droit russe)." Thesis, Lyon 3, 2011.
Full textThe arbitral award is a complex legal notion, sharing characteristics with the contract, the jurisdictional act and the judicial decision. Indeed, the jurisdictional dimension of the arbitral award has now been admitted, though, because of its contractual source, it is still considered as a private legal act. The legal regime of this jurisdictional act is therefore influenced by a contractual bias – as from the arbitrators’ appointment up to the enforcement of the arbitral award. A comparative approach shows that the arbitral award’s notion and legal regime are differently considered in French and Russian laws. The differences lie mainly in the interpretation of the legal qualification criteria, though the latter are similar in the two legal systems. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the said differences through the study of the arbitral award’s notion and legal regime in French and Russian laws, which might lead to consider that the specificity of the arbitral award should be preserved instead of considering the award as a judicial decision
Bonato, Giovanni. "La nature du "lodo rituale" en droit italien et de la sentence arbitrale en droit français." Paris 8, 2007.
Full textAlmahmoud, Hussam. "L'arbitrage commercial international et les opérations bancaires : étude à la lumière des droits syrien et égyptien." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017.
Full textThe practice of business reveals the success of arbitration as a means of resolving disputes. This form of justice, promoted by important international and regional conventions, is recognized and encouraged by many national legislations. The Syrian and Egyptian Arab Republics are not so left behind this way. They have adopted important and modern texts which aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of the arbitration process and creating a favorable environment for the development of this type of dispute settlement. Yet despite a favorable legislative context, banking operators in these republics are still reluctant to resort to this form of justice. Although this resume may be justified in the case of disputes arising from the implementation of so purely internal operations, it is surprising to observe it in the case of operations which are deployed in the international order. The object of the study is therefore to highlight the prospects offered by the new legal provisions. At first, the question of "access to arbitration" is explored. Going beyond this first problem, it was still necessary to examine the way in which these national provisions frame "arbitral justice" at the stage of the proceedings as well as at the level of appeals available against the award
Books on the topic "La sentence arbitrale"
Vulliemin, Jean-Marie. Jugement et sentence arbitrale. 2nd ed. Zürich [Switzerland]: Schulthess Polygraphischer, 1990.
Find full textDivision, United Nations Codification. Reports of international arbitral awards: Recueil des sentences arbitrales. [New York?]: United Nations, 2007.
Find full textBeaulieu, Caroline Riverin. L' évolution politique de la notion de méthode de délimitation maritime en droit international: Illustration par la sentence arbitrale entre la Guinée et la Guinée-Bissau de 1985. Genève: Université de Genève, Département de science politique, Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales, 1997.
Find full textArnaldez, Jean-Jacques. Collection of ICC arbitral awards 1991-1995 =: Recueil des sentences arbitrales de la CCI. Paris: ICC Publishing, 1997.
Find full textKeutgen, Guy. Collection of CEPANI arbitral awards, 1985-1995 = Recueil de sentences arbitrales du CEPANI, 1985-1995. Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2005.
Find full textCaramelo, António Sampaio. A impugnação da sentença arbitral: Comentário aos Artigos 46o, 51o e 54o da Lei de Arbitragem voluntária. Coimbra]: Coimbra Editora, 2014.
Find full textUnited Nations Commission on International Trade Law. Convention on the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards (New York, 1958): Convention pour la reconaissance et l'exécution des sentences arbitrales étrangères (New York, 1958). New York: United Nations, 2008.
Find full textTrương, Corinne Cam Quyen. Les différends liés à la rupture des contrats internationaux de distribution dans les sentences arbitrales CCI. Paris: Litec, 2002.
Find full textCrépin, Sophie. Les sentences arbitrales devant le juge français: Pratique de l'exécution et du contrôle judiciaires depuis les réformes de 1980-1981. Paris: L.G.D.J., 1995.
Find full textZamora, Mercedes Carrillo. La impugnación internacional de la sentencia arbitral por fraude procesal: Estudio particularizado de la controversia limítrofe anglo-venezolana sobre el territorio de la Guayana Esequiba. Cádiz: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, 2011.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "La sentence arbitrale"
Macmahon, Belinda. "Sentence Du Tribunal Arbitral." In Permanent Court of Arbitration Award Series, 199–303. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2007.
Full textMacmahon, Belinda. "Interprétation de la Sentence du Tribunal Arbitral." In Permanent Court of Arbitration Award Series, 305–12. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2007.
Full textHertz, Paul, and Javier Legris. "On Axiomatic Systems for Arbitrary Systems of Sentences." In Universal Logic: An Anthology, 11–29. Basel: Springer Basel, 2012.
Full textWang, Yuxin, Linsen Song, Wayne Wu, Chen Qian, Ran He, and Chen Change Loy. "Talking Faces: Audio-to-Video Face Generation." In Handbook of Digital Face Manipulation and Detection, 163–88. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textBroggini, Gerardo. "Le contrôle des sentences arbitrales internationales par le juge du siège et par le juge de l’exécution." In Private Law in the International Arena, 95–111. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2000.
Full textNogueira, Luiz Álvaro de Sousa, and Hamilton Tavares dos Prazeres. "ARBITRAGEM JURÍDICA COMO MEIO DE SOLUÇÃO DE CONFLITO: SENTENÇA ARBITRAL PARCIAL." In Estudos Avançados em Ciências Jurídicas Volume I. Editora Enterprising, 2021.
Full textSmullyan, Raymond M. "Gödel’s Proof Based on ω-Consistency." In Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems. Oxford University Press, 1992.
Full textConrado, Paulo Cesar, Júlia Silva Araújo Carneiro, André Luiz Fonseca Fernandes, and Phelipe Moreira Souza Frota. "Sentença Arbitral em Litígios Tributários – Vinculação a Precedentes e Judicialização." In Arbitragem Tributária no Brasil e em Portugal: Visões do Grupo de Pesquisa “Métodos Alternativos de Resolução de Disputa em Matéria Tributária” do Núcleo de Direito Tributário da FGV DIREITO SP, 127–34. Editora Blucher, 2022.
Full textMartin F, Gusy, and Hosking James M. "Part I Commentary on the ICDR International Rules, 22 Article 22—Privilege." In A Guide to the ICDR International Arbitration Rules. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Full textHarris, David, Michael O’Boyle, Ed Bates, and Carla Buckley. "10. Article 7: Freedom from retroactive criminal offences and punishment." In Harris, O'Boyle, and Warbrick: Law of the European Convention on Human Rights. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textConference papers on the topic "La sentence arbitrale"
Cheng, Zhou, Chun Yuan, Jiancheng Li, and Haiqin Yang. "TreeNet: Learning Sentence Representations with Unconstrained Tree Structure." In Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-18}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2018.
Full textLakemeyer, Gerhard, and Hector J. Levesque. "A First-Order Logic of Limited Belief Based on Possible Worlds." In 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning {KR-2020}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2020.
Full textMallinson, Jonathan, Rico Sennrich, and Mirella Lapata. "Sentence Compression for Arbitrary Languages via Multilingual Pivoting." In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Stroudsburg, PA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2018.
Full textAmendola, Giovanni, Nicola Leone, and Marco Manna. "Finite Controllability of Conjunctive Query Answering with Existential Rules: Two Steps Forward." In Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-18}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2018.
Full textLiu, Daxin, and Gerhard Lakemeyer. "Reasoning about Beliefs and Meta-Beliefs by Regression in an Expressive Probabilistic Action Logic." In Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-21}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2021.
Full textWeng, Rongxiang, Hao Zhou, Shujian Huang, Lei Li, Yifan Xia, and Jiajun Chen. "Correct-and-Memorize: Learning to Translate from Interactive Revisions." In Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-19}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2019.
Full textSosa, Ricardo. "I am a Creative Loop: Towards Integrative Studios in Design and Creative Technologies." In LINK 2021. Tuwhera Open Access, 2021.
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