Academic literature on the topic 'L'exécution'
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Journal articles on the topic "L'exécution"
Taïeb, Emmanuel. "L'exécution soumise au regard." Communications 75, no. 1 (2004): 57–74.
Full textChevallier, Bertrand. "Le rôle du juge de l'exécution." Revue juridique de l'Ouest 7, no. 1 (1994): 119–26.
Full textAyissi Manga, Eugène Bertrand. "L'exécution forcée d'une obligation de faire." Revue juridique de l'Ouest 12, no. 3 (1999): 331–59.
Full textGariazzo, André, and Thierry Fossier. "Requête et ordonnance du juge de l'exécution." Revue juridique de l'Ouest 7, no. 1 (1994): 3–11.
Full textKouznetsov, Evgueni. "L'exécution des décisions de justice en Russie." Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest 38, no. 2 (2007): 45–57.
Full textD'Aoust, Claude, Sylvain Saint-Jean, and Gilles Trudeau. "L'obligation de civilité du salarié." Relations industrielles 41, no. 1 (April 12, 2005): 157–80.
Full textTjouen, Alexandre-Dieudonné. "L'exécution des décisions de justice en droit camerounais." Revue internationale de droit comparé 52, no. 2 (2000): 429–42.
Full textGauvard, Claude. "Le peuple et l'exécution capitale au Moyen Âge." Histoire de la justice 24, no. 1 (2014): 15.
Full textPhilippe, Julien. "Plaidoyer pour l'exécution par l'orthodontiste des désinclusions chirurgicales." Revue d'Orthopédie Dento-Faciale 27, no. 1 (March 1993): 29–36.
Full textParrend, Pierre, and Stéphane Frénot. "Vérification automatique pour l'exécution sécurisée de composants Java." L'objet 14, no. 4 (December 30, 2008): 103–27.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "L'exécution"
Letellier, François. "L'exécution testamentaire." Paris 2, 2000.
Full textOphèle, Claude. "L'exécution anticipée d'une obligation contractuelle." Tours, 1993.
Full textThis thesis aims to study how anticipation is a way to execute a contractual obligation, i. E. A payment. Beyond the heterogeneity of the solutions taken up by the law, a real consistency emerges. Refering to various contracts (such as loan, guarantee, letter of credit, building contracts) the thesis proposes a review of the law related to the anticipatory execution. Anticipatory execution is accepted (part one) when the interest of one of the contracting parties, either the creditor imposing the anticipation to the debtor, of the debtor deciding to advance his payment, prevails over the date of execution. On the other hand, anticipatory execution is actually rejected (part two) only when it is required by the protection of a debtor, especialy when he is a consumer
Drago, Guillaume. "L'exécution des décisions du Conseil Constitutionnel." Paris 2, 1989.
Full textToday, the development of the french constitutional council's case law exercises a main influence over the hierarchy of rules. The constitutional council's decisions must be considered as one of the sources of law. So, all public authorities must take them into account while enacting and particularly while drafting bills. Article 62 of the french constitution lays it down as a principle that the decisions of the constitutional council are imperative to public authorities, to all administration and judges. The topic of the research engaged is to precise the notion of authority of this council's decisions and case law. Moreover it aims at showing the way those decisions are followed out by parliament, government, public administration and judges. Comparative law is an element of this research
Depo, Marie-Françoise. "L'exécution des trusts en droit français." Nice, 1987.
Full textThe trust, institution of Anglo-Saxon law, presents various forms. But it remains unknown in the French law. That creates a legal insecurity when the execution of a trust is claimed in France. The first problem consists of knowing if the trust is compatible with the principles of French law concerning property and estate. The study shows that the execution of a trust is not systematically prohibited by the French public order. After examining the conditions under which a trust can produce effects in France, the problem of the practice of its execution is set. Two questions result from the originality of the Trust : - how will the organs of the trust operate in France ? The solution depends on their qualification by Fench law and on the law which will be applicable to them. After trying to compare the trust to various French institutions, French case law begins to accept it as an original institution. The applicable law will depend on the type of obligation concerned. - how will the third be protected ? The theory of simulation does not seem to be applicable. But the theory of appearance, already used by the tax administration, could be invoked. A hope of simplification and higher security on the legal relations issued from the execution of a trust comes from foreign instances, the evolution of French law and the possible ratification of the Hague treaty on the law applicable to trust and its recognition
Onanga, Romuald. "Le retard dans l'exécution du contrat." Nancy 2, 2002.
Full textTraditionally, the dogma of the autonomy of the will dominated and explained the general theory of the contract. The contract appears as a means given to the parties to exercise a certain influence on the future, to prevent the appearance of the unpredictable. In this context, the payment when due is an economic imperative with which one should not compromise. Any delay brought by one of the contractant parties from then on, engages automatically its contractual liability for the penalty of which, a multitude of possibilities is left with the discretion of the creditor, and specially the condemnation to suspended damages. This traditional vision is questioned under the influence of a new more humanist doctrinal tendency today, which recommends the softening of the rigour of the contractual link. So, confronted with the new requirements of the modern society, and helped by these new theses favourable to a softening of the rigour in the execution, the legislator helped the late debtors, by granted them a right for the delay being translated by terms of payment allowing them to face their commitments. It appears while the question of the delay in the execution of the contract oscillates between the rigour in the execution recommended by the modern doctrine. Indeed, on one hand, on the base of the system is the rigorous requirement of the old solutions, which naturally, are certainly considerably eased, but lived present in substantive law because from this point of view, the delay constitutes a neglect in the contractual obligations and is sanctioned as tel. But in what proportions does this principle live, and what is its force in the current system? It is the answer to these questions that is usual the first part of this work. On the other hand, in spite of maintains some execution rigorous as principle, the contemporary tendency recommends the softening of this rigour, and it finds a favourable echo at the legislator who organizes measures of favour towards the late debtor. These favours are translated in substantive law by the emergence of a right for the delay recognized by the debtor in trouble, whose question it is in the second part
Jakse, Raphaël. "Vérification interactive de propriétés à l'exécution." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019.
Full textComputers are ubiquitous.We trust them for a huge and increasing number of tasks, some critical.Consequences of software defects are various, from little annoyances to the loss of multiple lives.Hence, ensuring software reliability is instrumental.Fixing bugs is a very time-consuming activity of the software development cycle.In this thesis, we present interactive runtime verification (i-RV), which combines runtime verification and interactive debugging.Runtime verification is a formal method to study the behavior of a system at runtime.It consists in matching runtime traces of a system at runtime against behavioral properties.These properties are part of the system specification.Interactive debugging consists in studying a system at runtime in order to understand its bugs and fix them, inspecting its internal state interactively.Interactive runtime verification aims to make interactive debugging less tedious and more systematic by leveraging the rigorous and automated aspects of runtime verification.We aim to ease the debugging part of the software development cycle.We define an efficient and convenient way to check behavioral properties automatically on a program using an interactive debugger.We gather bug detection and bug understanding in an integrated workflow, by guiding interactive debugging using runtime verification.We provide a formal model for interactively runtime verified programs.We model the execution of a program under a debugger composed with a monitor (for verdict emission) and a scenario (for steering the debugging session).We provide guarantees on the soundness of the verdicts issued by the monitor by exhibiting a weak simulation (relation) between the initial program and the interactively runtime verified program.Moreover, we provide an algorithmic view of this model suitable for producing implementations.We then introduce a distributed and adaptive framework for interactive runtime verification.It allows checking several requirements simultaneously and debugging a distributed system composed of communicating processes.The monitors, the scenario and the debugged programs themselves run distributed using an orchestrating protocol which we verified using the SPIN model checker.Our distributed framework is designed to adapt to existing components.We present Verde, an implementation of interactive runtime verification.A first version is based on the GNU Debugger (GDB) to interactively runtime verify C and C++ programs.A second version, Dist-Verde, is an implementation of our distributed framework compatible with C and C++ programs through GDB and Java programs through JDB, the Java Debugger.We report on experiments using Verde assessing the usefulness of interactive runtime verification and the performance of our implementation.Our results show that interactive runtime verification is applicable in a variety of cases and helps to study bugs
Asso, Emmanuelle. "Le droit à l'exécution du jugement." Nice, 2005.
Full textThe contemporary right set up the right to the enforcement of the judgments. Affirmed with force by the European Convention of the humans right, this right forms now part of the right to a fair trial stated by article 6 of European Convention. Often, it was marked that the right was related to faculty to force, it seems indeed that the enforcement of the judgment is the most important phase of the procedure since it is supposed to concretize it. Consequently, it is necessary to know if the right, so much at the national level than European, offers a concrete capacity to us to carry out the judgments. In the absence of right to enforce the judgment, the interest of the litigants in the engagement of a procedure would be seen reduced, moreover the enforcement's lack of the decisions would be incompatible with the principle of the rule of the law which the States began to respect by ratifying European Convention
Schaus, Annemie. "L'exécution des obligations internationales dans l'Etat fédéral." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2001.
Full textEl, hokayem Antoine. "Vérification à l'exécution de spécifications décentralisées hiérarchiques." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018.
Full textRuntime Verification (RV) is a lightweight formal method which consists in verifying that a run of a system is correct with respect to a specification. The specification formalizes the behavior of the system typically using logics or finite-state machines. While RV comprehensively deals with monolithic systems, multiple challenges are presented when scaling existing approaches to decentralized systems, that is, systems with multiple components with no central observation point. We focus particularly on three challenges: managing partial information, separating monitor deployment from the monitoring process itself, and reasoning about decentralization in a modular and hierarchical way. We present the notion of a decentralized specification wherein multiple specifications are provided for separate parts of the system. Decentralized specifications provide various advantages such as modularity, and allowing for realistic monitor synthesis of the specifications. We also present a general monitoring algorithm for decentralized specifications, and a general datastructure to encode automata execution with partial observations. We develop the THEMIS tool, which provides a platform for designing decentralized monitoring algorithms, metrics for algorithms, and simulation to better understand the algorithms, and design reproducible experiments.We illustrate the approach with two applications. First, we use decentralized specifications to perform a worst-case analysis, adapt, compare, and simulate three existing decentralized monitoring algorithms on both a real example of a user interface, and randomly generated traces and specifications. Second, we use decentralized specifications to check various specifications in a smart apartment: behavioral correctness of the apartment sensors, detection of specific user activities (known as activities of daily living), and composition of properties of the previous types.Furthermore, we elaborate on utilizing decentralized specifications for the decentralized online monitoring of multithreadedprograms. We first expand on the limitations of existing tools and approaches when meeting the challenges introduced by concurrency and ensure that concurrency needs to be taken into account by considering partial orders in traces. We detail the description of such concurrency areas in a single program execution, and provide a general approach which allows re-using existing RV techniques. In our setting, monitors are deployed within specific threads, and only exchange information upon reaching synchronization regions defined by the program itself. By using the existing synchronization, we reduce additional overhead and interference to synchronize at the cost of adding a delay to determine the verdict
Arteil, David. "L'exécution du contrat par un non-contractant." Poitiers, 2005.
Full textThe traditional subjective concept of contract renders the performance of contract by a third party an unlikely possibility. The personal bonds created by contractual obligations between the parties bind them in a relationship exclusive of any external intervention. Through the combined effect of the binding obligations and the principle of privity of contract, the contracting parties appear to be the sole who can perform the contract. The practice reveals however another reality. The object of the thesis is to show that the intervention of a third party is today a true means of performance of contract. The thesis adopts a more dynamic approach towards the contractual relations, directed towards the realisation of the economic operation that those relations envisage. From this point of view, the heart of the contract moves from its subject towards its object and permits a greater participation by the third party in the performance. The substitution of a party is indeed a protean phenomenon. Whether it is by means of transfer of contract, delegation, stipulation in favour of a third person or more traditional techniques such as the sub-contract, the guarantee or the contract of employment, a non-contracting person can perform a contract in a number of ways. Each of them fulfills a specific function which places the third party in an extraordinary situation. It is thus the general economy of the operation in which the third party participates which determines not only the conditions but also the consequences of the performance of contract. The role of the non-contracting person in the performance of the service is thus variable according to whether it satisfies directly or indirectly the creditor : the third party sometimes acts merely in the shade of the initial debtor, whether as primary or secondary party in favour of the creditor. This study of the contract performance by a third party falls under an economic idea of contractual exchanges which serves practical interests in a dual concern for safety and legal effectiveness
Books on the topic "L'exécution"
Cayrol, Nicolas. Droit de l'exécution. Paris: LGDJ-Lextenso éditions, 2013.
Find full textPiedelièvre, Stéphane. Droit de l'exécution. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2009.
Find full textBernex, Olivier. L'exécution de la peinture. Gémenos [France]: Autres temps, 2009.
Find full textOrsoni, Gilbert. L'exécution de la loi de finances. Paris: Economica, 1998.
Find full textFerron, Jacques. Rosaire: Précédé de L'exécution de Maski. Outremont, Québec: Lanctôt, 2003.
Find full textHerzog-Evans, Martine. Droit de l'exécution des peines: 2007-2008. 3rd ed. Paris: Dalloz, 2007.
Find full textL'exécution forcée: Législation béninoise et droit ohada. Cotonou, Bénin]: Editions Juris Ouanilo, 2006.
Find full textEvano, Florence. Les tiers dans le droit de l'exécution. Lille: ANRT, Atelier national de reproduction des thèses, 2006.
Find full textErstein, Lucienne. L'exécution des décisions de la juridiction administrative. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 2000.
Find full textLebrun, Christine. Le devoir de coopération durant l'exécution du contrat. Montréal, Québec: LexisNexis, 2013.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "L'exécution"
Bertrand, Régis, and Anne Carol. "Avant-propos." In L'exécution capitale, 5–21. Presses universitaires de Provence, 2003.
Full textBessette, Jean-Michel. "L’exécution : gestes techniques et rapports humains." In L'exécution capitale, 25–32. Presses universitaires de Provence, 2003.
Full textMilanesi, Claudio. "La réanimation d’un condamné à Montpellier en 1745." In L'exécution capitale, 33–41. Presses universitaires de Provence, 2003.
Full textBertrand, Régis. "Que faire des restes des exécutés ?" In L'exécution capitale, 43–57. Presses universitaires de Provence, 2003.
Full textBarras, Vincent. "Le laboratoire de la décapitation." In L'exécution capitale, 59–70. Presses universitaires de Provence, 2003.
Full textCarol, Anne. "La question de la douleur et les expériences médicales sur les suppliciés au xixe siècle." In L'exécution capitale, 71–81. Presses universitaires de Provence, 2003.
Full textRenaudet, Isabelle. "Mourir en Espagne : « garrot vil » et exécution capitale dans l’Espagne contemporaine." In L'exécution capitale, 83–106. Presses universitaires de Provence, 2003.
Full textJanin-Thivos, Michèle. "La mémoire de l’exécution du père Gabriel Malagrida par l’inquisition portugaise : martyr de la foi ou victime du fanatisme ?" In L'exécution capitale, 109–27. Presses universitaires de Provence, 2003.
Full textSchneider, Robert A. "Rites de mort à Toulouse : les exécutions publiques (1738-1780)." In L'exécution capitale, 129–50. Presses universitaires de Provence, 2003.
Full textDemartini, Anne-Emmanuelle. "L’exécution de Lacenaire, entre scandale et édification." In L'exécution capitale, 151–66. Presses universitaires de Provence, 2003.
Full textConference papers on the topic "L'exécution"
Girauld, C., C. Moulin, P. Thomas, J. L. Salagnac, J. C. Baillif, and G. Gerbel. "SOFFITO : une maquette de robot mobile pour l'exécution de tâches de second-ceuvre de batiment." In Colloque CAO et Robotique en Architecture et BTP (3rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction). Paris: Hermes, 1986.
Full textReports on the topic "L'exécution"
L'utilisation de champs magnétiques pour trouver des ressources conduit à l'exécution de levés magnétotell uriques pour chercher du pétrole et du gaz naturel. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2009.
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