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Ciegis, Remigijus, Dalia Streimikiene, Rimantas Pareigis, and Dalia Gineitiene. "ENVIRONMENTAL KUZNETS CURVES: ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS." Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference 1 (June 23, 2007): 235.

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The results of empirical studies on Kuznets environmental curves are discussed in the article as well as economic implications of findings of these studies. The relationship of economic growth and environmental impact has spurred fierce debates between growth optimists referring to the phenomenon of the environmental Kuznets curve, and pessimists referring to the limits to growth. The article draws some hints from a critical assessment of the literature on the environmental Kuznets curve. In particular it is argued that the optimistic implications of this literature on the sustainability management are not granted. However, environmental Kuznets curves analysis allows clarification of a few basic conditions to achieve pollution reduction with economic growth. These conditions can be met by implementing a systematic and strict environmental policy strategy aimed at shifting Kuznets relations downward.
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Dasgupta, Susmita, Benoit Laplante, Hua Wang, and David Wheeler. "Confronting the Environmental Kuznets Curve." Journal of Economic Perspectives 16, no. 1 (February 1, 2002): 147–68.

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The environmental Kuznets curve posits an inverted-U relationship between pollution and economic development. Pessimistic critics of empirically estimated curves have argued that their declining portions are illusory, either because they are cross-sectional snapshots that mask a long-run “race to the bottom” in environmental standards, or because industrial societies will continually produce new pollutants as the old ones are controlled. However, recent evidence has fostered an optimistic view by suggesting that the curve is actually flattening and shifting to the left. The driving forces appear to be economic liberalization, clean technology diffusion, and new approaches to pollution regulation in developing countries.
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Chen, Xudong, Bihong Huang, and Chin-Te Lin. "Environmental awareness and environmental Kuznets curve." Economic Modelling 77 (March 2019): 2–11.

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Xu, Lan. "Theory of Environmental Kuznets Curve." Advanced Materials Research 361-363 (October 2011): 1697–702.

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The paper develops a two-state-variable environmental growth model to derive the optimal growth path for the relationship between pollution and economic growth, which is used to verify the existence of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis. It is found that the theoretical outcomes imply the existence of the EKC relationship between environmental degradation and economic growth, which is dependent on the combining effects of the pollution intensity, abatement technology of pollution emission, production technology, and the return rate of capital stock.
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Silvère Konan, Yao, and Kodjo Aklobessi. "Revisiting the environmental Kuznets curve: Evidence from West Africa." Environmental Economics 12, no. 1 (May 6, 2021): 64–75.

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This paper analyzes the revenue-pollution relationship by revisiting the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis for West African countries over the period of 1980–2014. The study approximates the income measurement by GDP per capita and uses carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxide (NO2), and methane emissions as various environmental quality measures. The paper uses parametric and non-parametric estimation techniques to test the EKC hypothesis. The results support the existence of the U-inverted relationship between income and methane emission, on one hand, and between income and nitrogen dioxide emission on the other. The estimates also show a mixed result for the U-inverted hypothesis between income and carbon dioxide emissions. Thus, the verification of the curve depends on the estimation techniques and the measurement of the pollutant used. The obtained results led to the conclusion that the EKC hypothesis is validated for West African countries.
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Sobhee, Sanjeev K. "The environmental Kuznets curve (EKC): a logistic curve?" Applied Economics Letters 11, no. 7 (June 10, 2004): 449–52.

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Lebdaoui, Hind, Maroua El Asri, and Youssef Chetioui. "Environmental Kuznets curve for CO2 emissions." Interdisciplinary Environmental Review 1, no. 1 (2021): 1.

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Purnawan, Ferry, Akhmad Fauzi, and Sahat M. H. Simanjuntak. "Developing an empirical Environmental Kuznets Curve." Economic Journal of Emerging Markets 7, no. 1 (April 2015): 48–59.

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Kim, Kun Ho. "Inference of the environmental Kuznets curve." Applied Economics Letters 20, no. 2 (February 2013): 119–22.

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Kahn, Matthew E. "A household level environmental Kuznets curve." Economics Letters 59, no. 2 (May 1998): 269–73.

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Onater-Isberk, Esra. "Environmental Kuznets curve under noncarbohydrate energy." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 64 (October 2016): 338–47.

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Luzzati, T., and M. Orsini. "Investigating the energy-environmental Kuznets curve." Energy 34, no. 3 (March 2009): 291–300.

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STERN, DAVID I. "Progress on the environmental Kuznets curve?" Environment and Development Economics 3, no. 2 (May 1998): 173–96.

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The environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis proposes that there is an inverted U-shape relation between environmental degradation and income per capita. This has been taken to imply that economic growth will eventually redress the environmental impacts of the early stages of economic development. The literature on this issue has developed rapidly over the last few years. This paper examines whether progress has been made on both understanding the EKC phenomenon and on addressing the various criticisms raised against some of the empirical studies and their interpretation in the policy literature. Though basic EKC studies continue to be carried out, recent work has focused on the effect of a variety of conditioning variables on the environmental impact-GDP relationship. Some attempts have also been made to examine the history of the relationship in individual countries. The econometric techniques used have improved. However, empirical decompositions of the EKC into proximate or underlying causes are either limited in scope or non-systematic, and explicit testing of the various theoretical models has not yet been attempted.
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Jha, Raghbendra, and K. V. Bhanu Murthy. "An inverse global environmental Kuznets curve." Journal of Comparative Economics 31, no. 2 (June 2003): 352–68.

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Ridzuan, Sulhi. "Inequality and the environmental Kuznets curve." Journal of Cleaner Production 228 (August 2019): 1472–81.

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Dinda, Soumyananda. "Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis: A Survey." Ecological Economics 49, no. 4 (August 2004): 431–55.

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Villavicencio, Daniela Melissa, Karen Irene Tapia, and Patricia Endara. "EFECTO DEL CRECIMIENTO ECONÓMICO SOBRE LA CONTAMINACIÓN ENTRE 2000-2018: LA CURVA DE KUZNETS AMBIENTAL (CKA)." Universidad-Verdad, no. 85 (December 19, 2024): 38–65.

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El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el impacto del crecimiento económico sobre la contaminación ambiental en los países de altos, medios y bajos ingresos, entre 2000- 2018, mediante la aplicación de la hipótesis de la Curva de Kuznets Ambiental (CKA). La metodología utilizada es la de panel de datos con efectos fijos, para 94 países, y las principales variables utilizadas para las estimaciones son: las emisiones de CO2 per cápita, el PIB per cápita, y el consumo de energía. Finalmente, la hipótesis de la Curva de Kuznets Ambiental no se cumple para todos los grupos de países analizados, sin embargo, se confirma el efecto positivo entre el crecimiento económico y la contaminación ambiental. Palabras clave: Crecimiento-económico, emisiones-CO2, curva Kuznets-ambiental, energías-renovables, políticas ambientales. AbstractThe objective of this research work is to analyze the impact of economic growth on environmental pollution in high, medium, and low-income countries between 2000-2018 through the application of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis. The methodology used is the panel data with fixed effects for 94 countries, and the main variables used for the estimates are CO2 emissions per capita, GDP per capita, and energy consumption. Finally, the hypothesis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve is not fulfilled for all the groups of countries analyzed; however, the positive effect between economic growth and environmental pollution is confirmed. Keywords: Economic growth, CO2 emissions, environmental Kuznets curve, renewable energies, environmental policies.
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Gruszecki, Lech, and Bartosz Jóźwik. "Theoretical reconstruction of the environmental Kuznets curve." Gospodarka Narodowa 299, no. 3 (September 30, 2019): 95–117.

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Mandalas, Ioannis, Nectaria Gizani, and Efthimios Zervas. "New trends on Environmental Kuznets Curve research – A bibliometric analysis." E3S Web of Conferences 436 (2023): 05005.

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Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), connecting environmental degradation with income, is established in 1991 from Grossman and Krueger. It comes from the inverted-U shape of the initial Kuznets curve, which described the relationship between economic growth and income inequality. Since then, more than 3,000 scientific documents, examining the relationship between the same independent variable and environmental degradation, have been published. This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of the topic. In recent years, EKC attracts the scientific interest as the number of documents have been continuously increasing. The majority of authors’ origin come from China and its affiliation institutes, followed by USA, Turkey, Pakistan, and United Kingdom. The most popular document type is scientific article and the fields in which EKC is most implemented are environmental science, economics, energy, social sciences, and engineering. The most popular keyword of documents are Kuznets Curve, Environmental Kuznets Curve, Economic Growth, Carbon Dioxide and Economic Development.
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Okon, Emmanuel O. "Nigeria: Is There an Environmental Kuznets Curve for Fluorinated Gases?" Open Economics 4, no. 1 (January 1, 2021): 57–71.

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Abstract The environmental Kuznets curve is a relationship between various indicators of environmental degradation and income per capita. Empirical studies have produced mixed results concerning Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis given the different indicators of environmental degradation used. But there has not been any validation of Environmental Kuznets Curve for powerful greenhouse gases like fluorinated gases that have a global warming effect up to 23 000 times greater than carbon dioxide (CO2), and their emissions are rising strongly. This paper aimed to test the applicability of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Nigeria from 1970-2018 by deploying the Auto Regressive Distributed Lag methodology, the bounds test shows that there’s a long-run equilibrium relationship between Gross Domestic Product per capita, square of Gross Domestic Product per capita, alternative and nuclear energy, combustible renewable and waste, and adjusted savings: net forest depletion. Nonetheless, the results do not support the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis both in the short-run and long-run and inverted U-shaped relationship was not found between fluorinated greenhouse gas emissions and growth in Nigeria. However, adopting fluorinated gas recycling and destruction processes, optimizing production to minimize emissions, and replacing these gases with alternatives are suggested for industrial users.
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Gdad, Mr Mallikarjun, and Mrs Sunita Kademani. "The Economic Growth and Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis Evolution and Assessment, Causes and Prospective: A Review of Literature under a Critical Analysis." INTERANTIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT 08, no. 008 (August 28, 2024): 1–14.

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Based on econometric estimates, recent research has shown an inverted-U link between environmental quality indices and income, known as an environmental Kuznets curve. This may affect economic and environmental policies. This paper examines this research as a whole and finds that unequivocal evidence for an environmental Kuznets curve relationship is very scant; that important indicators show a monotonically increasing relationship; and that even if there is a relationship, most of the world's population is still on the increasing section of the curve, so income growth based on this relationship would result in con In conclusion, the income—environment link is still problematic and requires deliberate environmental policy if future income increase is to be sustainable. If the environmental Kuznets curve is correct, economic growth in both developed and developing nations may prevent environmental issues, which are largely caused by economic development. Global environmental talks are biassed to follow the environmental Kuznets curve theory. Environmentalists say economic growth has done a lot of damage to the environment, especially with higher energy demand, but economists say it will solve these issues in the long run. Since the cause is the remedy, the link between environmental change and economic development has broken. The environmental Kuznets curve compares pollution indicators to per capita income. Economic expansion first causes environmental pollution, but as incomes rise, it improves the environment. Environmental economics examines water quality, air pollution, solid waste, global warming, and other environmental concerns' costs and benefits. 1.1. Key words: Environmental Kuznets Curve, Economic Growth, Economic Structure, Equation of EKC, Level of Environmental Degradation, Key Takeaways.
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Muhammad Fajar and Hariyanto. "PENGUJIAN EKSISTENSI ENVIRONMENTAL KUZNETS CURVE DI INDONESIA." Jurnal Lebesgue : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika, Matematika dan Statistika 2, no. 1 (April 13, 2021): 62–68.

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Tujuan studi adalah untuk menguji eksistensi fenomena environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode regresi kuadratik yng diestimasi dengan ordinary least square dengan terlebih dahulu merekonstruksi varibel prediktor. Adapun data yang digunakan adalah emisi karbondioksida per kapita (metrik ton) bersumber dari World Bank Dataset, PDB (Produk Domestik Bruto) nominal (ribuan Rupiah) dan jumlah penduduk yang bersumber dari Badan Pusat Statistik. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa fenomena EKC eksis terjadi di Indonesia yang diindikasikan dari koefisien komponen kuadrat pada model signifikan. Ini menyiratkan bahwa aktivitas ekonomi yang menggunakan bahan bakar fosil semakin meningkat penggunaannya. Namun, pertumbuhan ekonomi pada titik tertentu yang bermuara pada aktivistas produksi, membuat manusia sadar bahwa lingkungan dan alam harus dijaga dan berkesinambungan untuk kebutuhan ekonomi generasi mendatang.
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Sinha, Apra, and Mohammad Younus Bhatt. "Investigating the Environmental Kuznets Curve for India." Journal of Environments 3, no. 1 (June 1, 2016): 1–6.

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Özokcu, Selin, and Özlem Özdemir. "Economic growth, energy, and environmental Kuznets curve." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72 (May 2017): 639–47.

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Bo, Sun. "A Literature Survey on Environmental Kuznets Curve." Energy Procedia 5 (2011): 1322–25.

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Bertinelli, Luisito, and Eric Strobl. "The Environmental Kuznets Curve semi-parametrically revisited." Economics Letters 88, no. 3 (September 2005): 350–57.

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NAHMAN, ANTON, and GEOFF ANTROBUS. "THE ENVIRONMENTAL KUZNETS CURVE: A LITERATURE SURVEY." South African Journal of Economics 73, no. 1 (March 2005): 105–20.

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COLE, M. A., A. J. RAYNER, and J. M. BATES. "The environmental Kuznets curve: an empirical analysis." Environment and Development Economics 2, no. 4 (November 1997): 401–16.

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This paper examines the relationship between per capita income and a wide range of environmental indicators using cross-country panel sets. The manner in which this has been done overcomes several of the weaknesses asscociated with the estimation of environmental Kuznets curves (EKCs). outlined by Stern et al. (1996). Results suggest that meaningful EKCs exist only for local air pollutants whilst indicators with a more global, or indirect, impact either increase monotonically with income or else have predicted turning points at high per capita income levels with large standard errors – unless they have been subjected to a multilateral policy initiative. Two other findings are also made: that concentration of local pollutants in urban areas peak at a lower per capita income level than total emissions per capita; and that transport-generated local air pollutants peak at a higher per capita income level than total emissions per capita. Given these findings, suggestions are made regarding the necessary future direction of environmental policy.
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Hartman, Richard, and O.-Sung Kwon. "Sustainable growth and the environmental Kuznets curve." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 29, no. 10 (October 2005): 1701–36.

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Fernández, Esther, Rafaela Pérez, and Jesús Ruiz. "The environmental Kuznets curve and equilibrium indeterminacy." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 36, no. 11 (November 2012): 1700–1717.

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Winslow, Margrethe. "The environmental Kuznets curve revisited once again." Forum for Social Economics 35, no. 1 (January 2005): 1–18.

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Esmaeili, Abdoulkarim, and Negar Abdollahzadeh. "Oil exploitation and the environmental Kuznets curve." Energy Policy 37, no. 1 (January 2009): 371–74.

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Managi, Shunsuke, and Pradyot Ranjan Jena. "Environmental productivity and Kuznets curve in India." Ecological Economics 65, no. 2 (April 2008): 432–40.

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He, Jie, and Patrick Richard. "Environmental Kuznets curve for CO2 in Canada." Ecological Economics 69, no. 5 (March 2010): 1083–93.

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Stern, David I. "The environmental Kuznets curve after 25 years." Journal of Bioeconomics 19, no. 1 (January 9, 2017): 7–28.

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Wang, Sophie Xuefei, Yu Benjamin Fu, and Zhe George Zhang. "Population growth and the environmental Kuznets curve." China Economic Review 36 (December 2015): 146–65.

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Wagner, Martin. "The Environmental Kuznets Curve, Cointegration and Nonlinearity." Journal of Applied Econometrics 30, no. 6 (September 30, 2014): 948–67.

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., Ojasvini. "Environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis: An empirical testing." International Journal of Foreign Trade and International Business 5, no. 2 (July 1, 2023): 64–70.

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Ella, Philemon Nsi, Jean Felix Mabiala, and Louis Bertrand Ogoula Ikinda. "Testing the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis in CEMAC Countries." Asian Journal of Empirical Research 12, no. 2 (June 15, 2022): 82–88.

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The objective of this study is to test the hypothesis of the environmental Kuznet curve (EKC) for 6 CEMAC countries covering the period 1960-2014. We wanted to know if the evolution of per capita income affects environmental quality in the income-emissions relationship (environment). To achieve this objective, we used the method of fixed effects. The results of this study reveal that there is no empirical support for the presence of an environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis. On the other hand, there is rather an inverted "N"-shaped relationship between gross domestic product per capita and CO2 emissions. Moreover, the use of the FMOLS method gives robust results. For this purpose, the minimum turning point which corresponds to per capita income from which CO2 emissions increase is 89.84 dollars and the maximum point corresponding to per capita income from which CO2 emissions decreases is 116.21 dollars. Therefore, CEMAC countries must undertake income policies with the aim of reaching at least the threshold of 1116.21 dollars per capita in order to reverse the evolution of CO2 emissions.
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Yan, Jun, Wenting Lu, Xiaoyan Xu, and Jiamin Lian. "Empirical Study of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in China Based on Provincial Panel Data." Sustainability 15, no. 6 (March 15, 2023): 5225.

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The Environmental Kuznets Curve is a key indicator to measure the relationship between the environmental pollution level and economic development. Considering that China’s economic development is a superposing process of multiple industrial technologies, in order to restore the classical Environmental Kuznets Curve estimation as much as possible, this paper selects the data of six types of pollutants between provinces (except Tibet) in China during 2011–2017 to construct a comprehensive environmental pollution degree indicator, which is more objective than the single indicator in traditional research; estimates the Environmental Kuznets Curve with per capita disposable income; and then conducts a panel regression analysis based on the econometric model. Research shows that the relationship between comprehensive environmental pollution and economic development basically presents an inverted U-shape, which is consistent with the basic characteristics of the traditional Environmental Kuznets Curve, and the inflection point of the curve is 34,243.2 in RMB. Finally, according to the results, effective suggestions are put forward to correctly handle the relationship between economic development and environmental governance and optimize the path of environmental governance in China.
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Nishitateno, Shuhei, and Paul J. Burke. "The motorcycle Kuznets curve." Journal of Transport Geography 36 (April 2014): 116–23.

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Khan, Muhammad Zaheer. "Revisiting the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis in Pakistan." Market Forces 16, no. 1 (June 1, 2021): 18.

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A number of studies have already determined the existence of inverted U-shaped environmental Kuznets curve in Pakistan however the role of structural breaks in determining the relationship is yet to be investigated. The objective of this study was to determine if the presence of possible structural breaks explain the existence of environmental Kuznets curve type relationship in Pakistan for the period 1980-2016 by using data of total energy consumption, Real GDP per capita, foreign direct investment and trade openness. For the analysis the study first used the conventional time series econometric methods to determine the order of integration and Cointegration in the model. Second; as it is evident from the literature that presence of structural break in the model can have a significant impact, so the study used the Zivot and Andrews unit root test with one structural break to determine the order of integration in the model and Gregory-Hansen -Cointegration method to determine the presence of structural break within Cointegration framework. The results of the study not only confirm the existence of environmental Kuznets curve in the model, it also confirms the presence of structural break in the model.
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RAYMOND, LEIGH. "Economic Growth as Environmental Policy? Reconsidering the Environmental Kuznets Curve." Journal of Public Policy 24, no. 3 (December 2004): 327–48.

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Some research has posited that while initially damaging to the environment, continued economic growth eventually leads to superior environmental quality. This relationship is often described as an ‘Environmental Kuznets Curve’ (EKC), after a similar hypothesis regarding income inequality made by economist Simon Kuznets. Following such findings, the EKC is sometimes offered as a rationale for encouraging economic growth as the best environmental policy option. This paper reconsiders the policy-relevance of the EKC idea, drawing on a wide range of international data collected in the Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) project. Specifically, it tests the theoretical arguments advanced by Arrow and others (1995) that EKC relationships are unlikely to hold for environmental problems that are intergenerational in time or spread across national boundaries. The results of this research substantially confirm those arguments, providing more evidence that the EKC idea is an inadequate guide for environmental policy makers around the globe.
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Cantavella, Manuel. "The role of services in the environmental Kuznets curve." Economics and Business Letters 9, no. 4 (December 23, 2020): 326–33.

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This paper examines the influence of services activity in the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) model regarding carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The analysis is applied for Spain during the period 1940-2014. It compares the standard environmental Kuznets curve model and its modification by isolating the evolution of services effect. The results through the autoregressive distributed-lag (ARDL) estimation strategy confirm that even though all economic activities tend to be more and more sustainable, it is the evolution of services sector that becomes fundamental in the reduction of per capita CO2 emissions.
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Kang, Hyun-Soo. "Investigating the Energy Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis Considering Energy Security." Korea International Trade Research Institute 19, no. 5 (October 31, 2023): 181–97.

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Purpose - This study investigated the Energy-Environmental Kuznets Curve (EEKC) hypothesis with a focus on energy security. The main purpose of this study is to verify the validity of EEKC and emphasize the importance of the relationship between energy security and sustainability. Design/Methodology/Approach - In this study, panel data analysis was conducted on 40 countries (22 OECD countries and 18 non-OECD countries) from 2000 to 2019. In particular, ridge regression analysis was applied to address multi-collinearity among explanatory variables. Findings - First, this study emphasized that the level of income and the type of energy consumption by country are important factors in the validity of the EEKC hypothesis. Second, for OECD countries, there was a U-shaped relationship between total energy consumption and petroleum consumption with economic growth, while for non-OECD countries, a U-shaped relationship was observed in natural gas and electricity consumption. Third, the improvement of the energy security index for both total and non-OECD countries resulted in a decrease in energy consumption, whereas for OECD countries, the positive effects of the energy security index were limited to total energy consumption and petroleum consumption. Research Implications - While regulations and policies for controlling CO2 emissions are important, more proactive policies for energy consumption, which can be considered a more fundamental cause of environmental pollution, are needed. In addition, harmonious policies for energy security and sustainable development should be supported.
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Huang, Chang Fu, and Jing Zhou. "Environmental Kuznets Curve, Flood Disaster of China and Stormwater Resource Reuse." Applied Mechanics and Materials 522-524 (February 2014): 907–10.

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We analyzed the relationship between the national flood disaster area, drought disaster area , total disaster area and per capita GDP from 1970-2011 in this study, which use the theory of Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) and regression analysis model. The study showed that drought disaster area and per capita GDP showed a typical "U" shaped of Kuznets curve, flood disaster area and per capita GDP showed "inverted U + U" typed of Kuznets curve. From China's current economic situation, flood is an important factor to affect Chinas economic development, especially the regional economic development. Thinking about how to implement stromwater resource reuse from a strategic perspective is an important issue of land resource utilization and regional economic development. So we propose a strategic concept based on the empirical analysis.
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Kasioumi, Myrto. "The Environmental Kuznets Curve: Recycling and the Role of Habit Formation." Review of Economic Analysis 13, no. 3 (October 31, 2021): 367–87.

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Our analysis focuses on a novel theoretical model which explains the relationship between pollution and output as well as recycling and output in the context of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) framework. Our model incorporates habit formation on recycling in a circular economy model and we find that the EKC is characterized by a downward sloping curve, while the recycling output curve by an increasing curve, results which are both in agreement with the general patterns of these curves supported by the literature.
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Hamaide, Bertrand. "Sustainability and the Environmental Kuznets Curve Conjecture: An Introduction." Sustainability 14, no. 12 (June 16, 2022): 7372.

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Tirgil, Abdullah, Yasin Acar, and Onder Ozgur. "Revisiting the environmental Kuznets curve: evidence from Turkey." Environment, Development and Sustainability 23, no. 10 (February 4, 2021): 14585–604.

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Zuo, Hui, Danxiang Ai, and Jun Yang. "Voluntary Regulation and Dynamic Optimal Environmental Kuznets Curve." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1813, no. 1 (February 1, 2021): 012057.

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