Academic literature on the topic 'Koweïtien'
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Journal articles on the topic "Koweïtien"
Al-Nakkas, Jamal. "La grève en droit koweïtien : réglementation et application." Revue internationale de droit comparé 51, no. 2 (1999): 403–12.
Full textABDULREDHA, Adnan. "L’AVENTURE DES MOTS FRANÇAIS DANS LE DIALECTE KOWEÏTIEN." مجلة القراءة والمعرفة 23, no. 260 (May 1, 2023): 0.
Full textAlayash-Alenezi, Mordhi, and Khaled Aldhafiri. "La wilāya : une gestion du patrimoine du mineur en droit civil koweïtien et en droit musulman." Revue de la recherche juridique, no. 1 (January 4, 2021): 549–66.
Full textAlrashidi, Husain. "La vente avec droit de rachat selon le droit civil koweïtien." Revue internationale de droit comparé 70, no. 2 (2018): 391–409.
Full textAl-Kandari, Fayez. "LE PRÉLÈVEMENT D’ÉLÉMENTS DU CORPS HUMAIN EN DROIT FRANÇAIS ET KOWEÏTIEN." Arab Law Quarterly 20, no. 4 (2006): 365–88.
Full textAziki, Yasmina. "Fonds koweïtien pour le développement, genèse de la « petite BIRD » du Golfe." SGMOIK-Bulletin, no. 45 (October 1, 2017): 42–47.
Full textAlayash-Alenezi, Mordhi. "Interruption du fonctionnement de l’entreprise durant la pandémie du Coronavirus en droit koweïtien." Revue de la recherche juridique, no. 2 (January 5, 2021): 1309–32.
Full textSami, Al-Deraiei. "La Notion d'Accident de la Circulation: Étude de Droit Français et de Droit Koweïtien." Arab Law Quarterly 18, no. 2 (2003): 144–68.
Full textBuzubar, Mohammed. "L'Avortement Pénal: Étude Comparée de l'Infraction d'Avortement Entre le droit Français et droit Koweïtien." Arab Law Quarterly 19, no. 1 (February 1, 2004): 55–90.
Full textAlrashidi, Husain. "La Lutte contre l’Abus de faiblesse." Revue de la recherche juridique, no. 1 (January 3, 2022): 373–93.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Koweïtien"
Alharbi, Khaled. "Les actes de gouvernement en droits français et koweïtien." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2018.
Full textCreated in 1822 by the French « Conseil d’Etat » and, introduced in several other countries such as Kuwait, Government acts have always been very much criticized, because of a lack of clear criteria and jurisdictional immunity which often make difficult their distinction with some neighboring theories. It is the doctrine that has always proposed criteria and classifications of government acts. Despite all these efforts, this theory is clearly contrary to the general principles of law, to fundamental freedoms and, above all, to the rule of law. This is the ability to withdraw, without justification, Kuwaiti nationality to a person and the right to prohibit foreign citizens residing in France from voting to designate their President. The rise of populist ideas here and there makes government acts even more dangerous for the democracy. Therefore, even if the doctrine is divided on the matter, their pure and simple abolition, in France and in Kuwait, appears to be a necessity which should simply be determined by the modalities
Jamal, Mona. "Le contrat d'adhésion : étude comparée des droits français et koweïtien." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2017.
Full textThe contract of adhesion has been the subject of doctrinal debate for long time and usually arises during the signing of contracts. In such conditions one party will be in a position of inferiority compared to the other contracting party. This imbalance will usually be in favor of the first party who prepared the contract. As for the second party who will not be in the position of negotiating, they will merely adhere to a pre-established contract without having the possibility to discuss the terms. In this context, the law of the parties’ sometimes causes inequalities and certain abuses. The new reform of French Civil code law dated 10 Feb. 2016, marks an evolution; Hence, the importance of a reflection on the concept of the contract of adhesion in French and Kuwaiti law. The comparative approach allows us to grasp the points of convergence and divergence that exist between these statutes in regard to both the legal system of the contract of adhesion and the level of protection. This brings us to question whether the Kuwaiti law can be improved by embracing the French law
Bu, Abbas Ali. "Le Contrat de franchise en droit français et en droit koweïtien." Strasbourg, 2010.
Full textFranchising is a contract which is binding two legally independent persons in the purpose of collaboration, the franchiser giving to the franchisee his distinguished signs and know-how with a payment in return and the commitment of the franchisee to use them according to a uniform commercial technique. Franchising is the repetition of a commercial success beforehand experimented by the franchiser. The implementation of the franchising contract involves the application of an anthology of rights such as contract law, competition law, trademark law and others distinguished signs law. The franchiser must communicate to the franchisee all the precontractual informations imposed by the law. The franchiser and the franchisee have mutual bonds. Franchising takes consequences both towards the execution of the contract and towards its extinction. This thesis carries out a comparative analysis of the franchising contract between the French and the Kuwaiti law
Alsaif, Dalal. "L'appréhension de la criminalité organisée. Étude comparative des droits français et koweïtien." Thesis, Poitiers, 2018.
Full textThe fight against organized crime is today one of the national and international priorities. To do so, however, the countries do not always adopt the same solutions, as shown by the comparative study of French and Kuwaiti laws. Substantially, the two laws have many points in common. Organized crime has not actually been criminalized as such by French and Kuwaiti legislators. There are, however, several criminalizations to apprehend this criminal phenomenon in these two laws. It is either to fight against criminal organizations, via the conspiracy (association de malfaiteurs/entente criminelle), or to fight against the criminal activities committed by these organizations, via the aggravating circumstance of organized criminal group (bande organisée/groupe criminel organisé). To fight against organized crime, both laws also adopt an adapted repressive policy that allows the collaborator of justice to be exempted from penalty or to benefit from a reduction of the sentence. Procedurally, the two laws have adopted different approaches. The French law contains some special criminal procedures, applicable to organized crime, that derogate from ordinary criminal procedures. It also conferred on the specialized courts the competence to adjudicate the organized crime cases (the JIRS). The Kuwaiti law, on the other hand, is content with relying on ordinary criminal procedures and ordinary courts to apprehend organized crime. On this aspect, if the specialization of the French courts does not seem to be transposable into Kuwaiti law, the latter can adopt the French special criminal procedures to better combat organized crime
Alenezi, Nasser. "Nouvelles technologies et justice civile : analyse comparative des systèmes français et koweïtien." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Full textCivil justice is criticized for its slowness and the procedure for its complexity. Many challenges must be met to enable, while respecting the guarantees of a fair trial, civil cases to be processed within a reasonable time. The emergence of new communication technologies in the field of justice has already offered new solutions to simplify and accelerate procedures. Innovative perspectives are now being studied. But is the deployment of the use of new technologies in civil procedures necessarily a good way of handling disputes? Many emphasize the resulting gain in efficiency when others warn against abuses and excesses which can threaten the balance of procedures and the way in which justice is delivered. Access to the judge for all litigants is at the heart of the discussions. Furthermore, the fear of a robotization of justice linked to the emergence of start-ups and the insertion of programs using artificial intelligence in the field of Justice, threatens the nature of the legal professions. New technologies then appear to be “a double-edged sword”. The resulting benefits are tempered by the risks they generate. Relying on new technologies can be beneficial but only if their use remains in the service of justice and civil procedure, without prejudice to the essence of the action of the legal professions, without widening inequalities. regarding access to justice or opening a loophole regarding the protection of personal data. This topical study must be carried out in a comparative dimension in order to see if the measures applied and envisaged in France could be transposed into the Kuwaiti procedure which is lagging behind on this point. The objective of this thesis is therefore to analyze the scope of application and the challenges of new technologies in civil trials from a comparative law perspective
Mohammad, Adel Al Sayed Ali. "La garantie du dommage à la personne en droit civil koweïtien et la responsabilité sans faute en droit civil français : étude comparative entre les droits civils koweïtien, français, musulman." Paris 10, 1999.
Full textAlenezi, Mordhi. "Contrat électronique et protection du consommateur en droit français et en droit koweïtien." Strasbourg, 2010.
Full textThe interest which dresses the e-commerce in a globalized economy makes no more doubt. Rules applicable to the electronic contract are henceforth known. However when the notion of electronic contract is evoked, it is impossible to neglect the protection of the cyber consumer. He is all the more vulnerable as he is going to make a commitment in a dematerialized and international environment. The guarantee of legal security which owes datum to the cyber consumer gets free throughout the contractual process. The consumer protection has to be made during the offer and the electronic acceptance in particular by the obligation of information and the proof of the consent of the consumer. Secondly, it is made during the execution of the mutual obligations of the parties and during the birth of disputes. These disputes have an international vocation due to the absence of any physical contact of the parties on the Internet network, where from the importance of the determination of the applicable law and that of the competent jurisdiction
Alkandari, Mohammed. "Les banques islamiques en droit koweïtien : "étude juridique à la lumière de la Charia"." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2015.
Full textIslamic banking is one of the most important topics. In Kuwait, a number of Islamic banks engage in banking and commercial transactions but they avoid interest "Riba" in their transactions. Consequently, the study proves the formal and procedural aspects of Islamic banks and their departments, including their transactions and services. The study then concludes with the explanation of the legitimate (Sharia) and legal aspects of the concept of "Riba"
Alsabah, Maryam. "Responsabilité du fait des choses : étude comparative du droit français et du droit Koweïtien." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020.
Full textMy research aims to study how the Kuwaiti system compensates victims in situations where the French system uses general liability for acts of things, based on article 1242, first paragraph of the French Civil Code. This study takes its interest from the fact that this liability in France is much criticized and it is even envisaged in one of the great projects of reform of the law of obligations to modify it. In particular, French courts have been faced, although not fully resolved, with the growing problem of what to do with obsolete laws manifestly unsuitable for current conditions. Until at least 1985, French courts have ruled on almost all tort cases under laws drafted in pre-industrial and pre-automobile times. Their performance is a tribute to what the judges can do. The French legislator never intervened in 1804, the date of the codification of the French Civil Code, to modify the common law regime of tort liability. This is not to say that the common law of French extracontractual liability has remained unchanged. In France, this right is essentially jurisprudential. The French legislator, by the March 2017 reform bill, however, takes up this task. Many are the change to come and are instead of arguing in French law, situate here that the big ones: disappearance of the liability attributable to buildings, disappearance of liability for fire, absorption of liability for animals by liability for acts of things. It is therefore interesting to see, at a time when we are considering reforms to the law of obligations in France, what other countries are doing in this area, such as Kuwait, in order to be able to put forward the most interesting system. Kuwaiti civil liability law, of recent codification, therefore presents some fairly innovative thinking
Althafiri, Meshal. "La protection juridique des majeurs : étude comparative entre les droits français, égyptien et koweïtien." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2025.
Full textThe law of protected persons is presented today in France, as a topical subject of current events by occupying a considerable space in the round tables of French lecturers, researchers and jurists. The subject of protected person law has always been a hot topic in Kuwait. The peculiarity of the legislative system of this country, declaring in its constitution as a Muslim country whose Islamic law is one of the main sources of its legislation, comes from the combination, often problematic, between the latter and the two other major sources that are 'Common Law' and Germanic civil / Roman law. The evolution of Kuwaiti laws in force is an omnipresent necessity which is imposed every time the legislator faces the evolution of society. Among the Gulf countries, Kuwait was one of the first has always expressed its desire to follow social and economic developments on an international scale, drawing inspiration from the Western example of which France constitutes one of the most interesting figures. , especially at the legislative level.The title of such work could be 'Legal protection of adults.' This thesis aims to compare French, Egyptian and Kuwaiti laws. Especially since the three rights do not provide the same guarantees, despite their claim to guarantee this protection.With regard to French law, with its multiple sources: internal, community and international law, it has established a solid and rich system, endowed with real means and a series of public and private institutions ensuring legal protection adults. However, the system is far from perfect. Efforts are still being made at all levels to fill the remaining gaps. Kuwaiti law and Egyptian law, for their part, have fairly recent systems, the sources of which come mainly from Muslim law, the civil code and international conventions.It will be interesting to compare how the Kuwaiti, Egyptian and French systems provide and guarantee legal protection for adults. What guarantees are provided by the three legislators ? What are the problems experienced by the three societies despite the particularity of each, in particular the Kuwaiti whose two thirds of the population are foreigners ?
Books on the topic "Koweïtien"
Jomaa, Mounir. Organisation temporelle acoustique et articulatoire de la quantité en arabe tunisien: Comparaisons avec l'arabe standard et l'arabe koweïtien. 1991.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Koweïtien"
Nasrallah, Ahmad. "L’amélioration de l’efficience et de la performance par une intervention socio-économique : cas d’un hôpital privé koweïtien." In Menaces et opportunités du télétravail, 299–303. EMS Editions, 2022.
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