Books on the topic 'Kosmas Politis'
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Mageirou, Martha. Symbolism and the representation of the female in the early fiction of Kosmas Politis. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 1998.
Find full textMētropoulos, Vas. Ho kosmos se skitsa. Athēna: Gutenberg, 1991.
Find full textSommer, Stefan. Das Ephorat: Garant des spartanischen Kosmos. St. Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae Verlag, 2001.
Find full textTasos Leivaditēs: Ho kosmos tēs poiēsēs tou. Athēna: Kedros, 2008.
Find full textNoutsos, Panagiōtēs Chr. Tasos Leivaditēs: Ho kosmos tēs poiēsēs tou. Athēna: Kedros, 2008.
Find full textStefan, Link. Der Kosmos Sparta: Recht und Sitte in klassischer Zeit. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1994.
Find full textGianoulopoulos, Giannēs N. Ho metapolemikos kosmos: Hellēnikē kai Eurōpaïkē historia, 1945-1963. Athēna: Ekdoseis Papazēsē, 1992.
Find full textEvert, Miltiadēs. Ho kosmos pou erchetai: Ho rolos tēs Helladas sto diethnes perivallon. Athēna: I. Siderēs, 1997.
Find full texteditor, D̲alēs Sōtērēs, Mankliveras Kōnstantinos editor, and Sakkas, Giannēs D., 1965- editor, eds. Hē Mesogeios, hē Hellada kai ho kosmos: Chthes kai sēmera. Athēna: Ekdoseis Papazēsē, 2014.
Find full textNochnoĭ koshmar s Nikolaem Svanidze. Moskva: Algoritm, 2005.
Find full textRozos, Euangelos G. Ho Venizelos kai hē epochē tou: Ho Venizelikos kosmos, 1889-1936 : historikē meletē. Athēna: Drymos, 1996.
Find full textLymperatos, Michalēs P., 1965- editor and Papastratis Procopis 1945 editor, eds. Aristera kai astikos politikos kosmos, 1940-1960: 17-20 Apriliou 2013, Praktika Synedriou. [Athens]: Ekdoseis Vivliorama, 2014.
Find full textWald, Piñe. Pesadillas =: Koshmar : crónica de las persecuciones antisemitas en Buenos Aires 1919. Buenos Aires: Ediciones S.J.L., 1987.
Find full textHengstermann, Christian. Der Mensch: Endzweck von Geschichte und Kosmos: Immanuel Kants Begründung der Würde des Menschen als Anspruch an Ethik, Politik und Theologie. Münster: Lit, 2005.
Find full textSta prothyra tou Emphyliou Polemou: Koinōnikē polōsē, aristera kai astikos kosmos stē metapolemikē Hellada : apo ta Dekemvriana stis ekloges tou 1946. Athēna: Vivliorama, 2006.
Find full textSatraki, Anna. Kyprioi vasileis apo ton Kosmaso mechri ton Nikokreonta: Hē politeiakē organōsē tēs archaias Kyprou apo tēn Hysterē Epochē tou Chalkou mechri to telos tēs Kyproklasikēs periodou me vasē ta archaiologika dedomena. Athēna: Periodiko Archaiognōsia, 2012.
Find full textAutorität und Macht in Nahua-Haushalten: Indigene Strukturen in Mexiko Zwischen Lokaler Politik, Globaler Wirtschaft und Kosmos. Transcript Verlag, 2016.
Find full textRybnikova, Irma, Anna Soulsby, and Susanne Blazejewski, eds. Women in Management in Central and Eastern European Countries. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2020.
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