Academic literature on the topic 'Kosmas Politis'
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Journal articles on the topic "Kosmas Politis"
Mackridge, Peter. "Kosmas Politis and the literature of exile." Bulletin of the Centre for Asia Minor Studies 9 (January 1, 1992): 223.
Full textSmith, Tony. "On Werner Bonefeld and Kosmas Psychopedis's The Politics of Change: Globalization, Ideology and Critique." Historical Materialism 10, no. 4 (2002): 363–69.
Full textLadegaard, Jakob. "Tilbage til kosmos. Den sovjetiske rumfartsmytologi i litteratur, film og kunst efter kommunismens fald." K&K - Kultur og Klasse 40, no. 114 (December 20, 2012): 93–108.
Full textΧ., Σ. "Kostas A. Lavdas, The Europeanization of Greece: Interest Politics and the Crises of Integration." Επιστήμη και Κοινωνία: Επιθεώρηση Πολιτικής και Ηθικής Θεωρίας 1 (September 24, 2015): 185.
Full textKershaw, Ian. "Social Life, Local Politics, and Nazism: Marburg, 1880-1935. Rudy Koshar." Journal of Modern History 61, no. 1 (March 1989): 195–97.
Full textKim, Jin-Young. "For exchange compared Korea-china-animation industry support policy - government support policies Focuse on since 2000 -." Cartoon and Animation Studies 33 (December 31, 2013): 203–21.
Full textHofman, Iwona. "Book Review: Marceli Kosman, “United Germany and the Process of European Integration (1990–2002)”. Adam Marszałek Publishing House, Toruń 2004, pp. 205." Polish Political Science Yearbook 35, no. 1 (March 31, 2006): 183–85.
Full textHofman, Iwona. "Book review: Michał Kosman, “United Germany and the Process of European Integration (1990–2002)”, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2004, pp. 205." Polish Political Science Yearbook 36, no. 1 (March 31, 2007): 300–302.
Full textHabiburrahman, Lalu. "Strategi dan Fungsi Linguistik Kekuasaan dalam Naskah Babad Lombok." MABASAN 5, no. 2 (February 14, 2019): 35–47.
Full textStalla, Bernhard Josef. "Das Zusammenwirken von »Wissen – Handeln – Glauben« als Grundlage für die Verbesserung der Welt in der »Pansophia Humana« von Jan Amos Komenskỳ." Siedleckie Zeszyty Komeniologiczne, seria PEDAGOGIKA VI (December 22, 2019): 189–208.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Kosmas Politis"
Marché, Claire. "Mémoire des arts et art de la mémoire dans les romans d'après-guerre de Kosmas Politis." Thesis, Paris, INALCO, 2021.
Full textWe intend to analyze how the act of remembering is a central element in the post-war works of Kosmas Politis (1888-1974), as well as it already underlied Eroica’s narration, his most famous novel published in 1938. We thus study the way that Politis introduces in Yiri, In Hatzifrango and Terminus the plots of popular novels such as the social novel or the sentimental novel. These can arouse an impression of familiarity in the reader reinforced by the influence of readings or translations of Politis himself. Moreover, the narrations through intertextual quotes or allusions to theatrical plays and operas, already known to the reader, also become dramatic. The reader, having a spectator’s role, is forced to contemplate the precariousness of existence, time and territory. The societies which have disappeared are at last described by narrator-witnesses who face the fragility of their memories. However, the musical art they use allows these pictures of the past to survive. Therefore, bearing the trace of novels and plays of bygone eras, the post-war stories of Politis are composed according to a new melody. The author’s own music moves away from the major key of Eroica, adopting oriental influences from amanes and mixing with other European musical forms, to become less homogeneous and more dissonant. More than the visual arts, it is musical art that shapes Politis’ postwar novels as it expresses the fleetingness of time without excluding its possible resurrection
Paparoúsī, Maríta. "Structures et unité dans l'oeuvre romanesque de Cosmas Politis : "Bois de citronniers" et "Hécate"." Paris 4, 1992.
Full textIt is the purpose of this thesis to explore the narrative structure of "Lemonodassos" (1930) and "Hekate" (1933), two novels by Cosmas Politis. We examine the various representational aspects of each of these two novels in order to discover the elements that offer and maintain their unity and, consequently, all that characterize the first "period" of the author
Dreyer-Plum, Domenica [Verfasser]. "Kosmo-polis EU : Eine kosmopolitische Untersuchung europäischer Grenz- und Asylpolitik / Domenica Dreyer-Plum." Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2017.
Full textKreitmeyr-Koska, Nadine [Verfasser], and Oliver [Akademischer Betreuer] Schlumberger. "Neoliberal Networks & Authoritarian Renewal. A Diverse Case Study of Egypt, Jordan & Morocco / Nadine Kreitmeyr-Koska ; Betreuer: Oliver Schlumberger." Tübingen : Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, 2016.
Full textDescheneaux, Audrée. "Idées, espoir et grande illusion : quand le compositeur s'engage." Thèse, 2011.
Full textCette étude porte sur la musique de film des années 1930 en France, durant la décennie qui a vu naître et évoluer le cinéma parlant. Le cinéma de cette période y est appréhendé à travers son statut artistique et son rôle dans la transmission des idées. Dans le contexte de la crise économique et des bouleversements politiques et internationaux qui sévissent, les années 1930 offrent aux artistes, écrivains et compositeurs français, une opportunité de redéfinir leur rôle dans la cité, en intervenant à travers un médium nouveau. Ces circonstances, propices à la définition d’un nouvel engagement en arts, guident le choix de trois films à partir desquels sont analysées les contributions musicales et la démarche du compositeur en lien avec ses motivations et ses attentes face au cinéma. En se penchant sur l’aspect musical de ces films, l’auteure cherche à dégager le rôle de la musique au sein des processus de communication artistiques, dans le but de comprendre les moyens avec lesquels le compositeur défend ses idées tout en collaborant à celles du réalisateur. À quel point l’engagement du compositeur s’arrime-t-il à la réalité de l’industrie cinématographique? À quel point la musique permet-elle l’expression des idées au sein d’un art dont elle n’est qu’une composante? C’est à ces questionnements que cette recherche a voulu donner voix, tout en faisant une place privilégiée à la musique elle-même.
The subject of the present study is film soundtracks from the 1930s in France. The music under examination originated during a decade which saw the birth and early development of talking films. French cinematographic productions from this period are examined on the basis of their artistic status and their role in the transmission of ideas. The pandemic economic crisis, combined with international political upheavals, were actual incentives for artists, writers, and composers to redefine their societal role through an innovative artistic medium, and to give voice to new types of artistic engagement. The choice of the three cinematographic works in this study is based on these conditions; their soundtracks are analyzed in relation to composers’ motivations and expectations of what cinema had to offer them. By closely examining the musical components of these films, the author also aims to define the ways in which music, among other artistic communication processes, was a vehicle for composers to defend their own ideas while endorsing those of a film’s director and/or producer. At what point does the composer’s personal engagement coincide with the requirements of the film industry during the period under examination? What are the limitations of the musical expression of ideas, in the context of an art form in which music was only a component part? These questions are at the heart of this study, with the music itself as the primary focus of research.
Books on the topic "Kosmas Politis"
Mageirou, Martha. Symbolism and the representation of the female in the early fiction of Kosmas Politis. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 1998.
Find full textMētropoulos, Vas. Ho kosmos se skitsa. Athēna: Gutenberg, 1991.
Find full textSommer, Stefan. Das Ephorat: Garant des spartanischen Kosmos. St. Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae Verlag, 2001.
Find full textTasos Leivaditēs: Ho kosmos tēs poiēsēs tou. Athēna: Kedros, 2008.
Find full textNoutsos, Panagiōtēs Chr. Tasos Leivaditēs: Ho kosmos tēs poiēsēs tou. Athēna: Kedros, 2008.
Find full textStefan, Link. Der Kosmos Sparta: Recht und Sitte in klassischer Zeit. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1994.
Find full textGianoulopoulos, Giannēs N. Ho metapolemikos kosmos: Hellēnikē kai Eurōpaïkē historia, 1945-1963. Athēna: Ekdoseis Papazēsē, 1992.
Find full textEvert, Miltiadēs. Ho kosmos pou erchetai: Ho rolos tēs Helladas sto diethnes perivallon. Athēna: I. Siderēs, 1997.
Find full texteditor, D̲alēs Sōtērēs, Mankliveras Kōnstantinos editor, and Sakkas, Giannēs D., 1965- editor, eds. Hē Mesogeios, hē Hellada kai ho kosmos: Chthes kai sēmera. Athēna: Ekdoseis Papazēsē, 2014.
Find full textNochnoĭ koshmar s Nikolaem Svanidze. Moskva: Algoritm, 2005.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Kosmas Politis"
"III. Kosmo-biologische Grundlage." In Zenons Politeia, 42–95. BRILL, 2011.
Full text"IV. Kosmo-Biologische Lebensform." In Zenons Politeia, 96–206. BRILL, 2011.
Full textDreyer-Plum, Domenica. "Titelei/Inhaltsverzeichnis." In Kosmo-polis EU, 1–20. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2017.
Full textDreyer-Plum, Domenica. "C. Die EU als Kosmo-polis." In Kosmo-polis EU, 109–70. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2017.
Full textDreyer-Plum, Domenica. "D. Recht, Diskurs und Praxis in der europäischen Grenz- und Asylpolitik." In Kosmo-polis EU, 171–512. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2017.
Full textDreyer-Plum, Domenica. "A. Einleitung." In Kosmo-polis EU, 21–44. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2017.
Full textDreyer-Plum, Domenica. "B. Theorien des Kosmopolitismus." In Kosmo-polis EU, 45–108. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2017.
Full textDreyer-Plum, Domenica. "E. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick." In Kosmo-polis EU, 513–30. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2017.
Full textDreyer-Plum, Domenica. "Anhang I." In Kosmo-polis EU, 531–32. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2017.
Full textDreyer-Plum, Domenica. "Anhang II." In Kosmo-polis EU, 533–34. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Kosmas Politis"
Strauta, Lūcija. "Sapnis par kosmosa bagātībām – vai kosmosa resursu ieguve ir likumīga?" In LU Studentu zinātniskā konference "Mundus et". LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2021.
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