Journal articles on the topic 'Korean arbitration law'
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Kyung Kim, Min. "Damages for Breach of an Arbitration Agreement: A Korean Law Perspective." Asian International Arbitration Journal 18, Issue 1 (May 1, 2022): 1–20.
Full textDo, Son Pan, and Tran Minh Quy. "Analysis of the Recent Commercial Arbitration Development Plan of the Korean Government – Some Suggestions for Vietnam’s Arbitration Law and Policy." Vietnamese Journal of Legal Sciences 4, no. 1 (June 1, 2021): 65–87.
Full textZhu, Weidong. "The Recognition and Enforcement of the Foreign Arbitral Awards with No Foreign Element in China." Journal of International Arbitration 32, Issue 3 (May 1, 2015): 351–59.
Full textMacArthur, David, and John Bang. "Korean Arbitration Act Amended to Adopt Key Features of 2006 Model Law Amendments." Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 3 (July 1, 2017): 567–83.
Full textLee, Byung-Mun, and Eunok Park. "A study on separability and validity of arbitration agreement in international business contracts-with advices and suggestions for Korean merchants." Journal of Korea Trade 20, no. 2 (June 6, 2016): 149–66.
Full textClaxton, James M. "Litigating, Arbitrating and Mediating Japan–Korea Trade and Investment Tensions." Journal of World Trade 54, Issue 4 (August 1, 2020): 591–614.
Full textPRISLAN, Vid. "Challenging Domestic Judgments Through Investment Arbitration: Implications for the Forced Labour Litigation in Korea?" Asian Journal of International Law 11, no. 1 (January 2021): 89–117.
Full textCho, Inyoung. "Anti-Suit Injunction and Anti-Arbitration Injunction under Revised Korean Arbitration Law and Recent Supreme Court Cases." Justice 178 (June 30, 2020): 281–327.
Full textLee, Gyooho. "Restitution of stolen cultural properties: Lessons and challenges from recent Korean cases." Pravovedenie 64, no. 1 (2020): 164–75.
Full textJalal El Ahdab. "Revising the Korean Arbitration Act From a Civil Law Jurisdiction Perspective: The Example of the French Arbitration Reform." JOURNAL OF ARBITRATION STUDIES 24, no. 3 (September 2014): 125–69.
Full textSukchul Kim. "A Study on the Efficiency of the North Korean Foreign Economy Arbitration Law." JOURNAL OF ARBITRATION STUDIES 18, no. 1 (March 2008): 167–84.
Full textPark, Eunok. "Court’s intervention on arbitral tribunal’s jurisdiction." Journal of Korea Trade 22, no. 4 (December 3, 2018): 322–32.
Full textNowak, Krzysztof, and Innhwa Kwon. "Prescription Trap? Continuation of Freezing the Legal Prescription in International Arbitration in Korean, Austrian, German and Swiss Context." ASA Bulletin 35, Issue 1 (March 1, 2017): 84–94.
Full text전정원. "Ex Parte Preliminary Orders in the Revised UNCITRAL Model Law and the Proposed Amendments to the Korean Arbitration Act." Seoul Law Review 23, no. 1 (May 2015): 455–90.
Full textHuang, Jie (Jeanne), and Dan Xie. "Data Protection Law in Investment Arbitration: Applicable or Not?" Arbitration International 37, no. 1 (February 22, 2021): 167–96.
Full textHanotiau, Bernard. "Non-signatories, Groups of Companies and Groups of Contracts in Selected Asian Countries: A Case Law Analysis." Journal of International Arbitration 32, Issue 6 (December 1, 2015): 571–619.
Full textIvanova, Tatyana N. "IMMUNITY OF THE STATE IN THE INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE TRANSPORT LAW: COMPARATIVE LEGAL STUDY." Public international and private international law 6 (October 29, 2020): 23–26.
Full textLEE, Seokwoo, and Leonardo BERNARD. "South China Sea Arbitration and its Application to Dokdo." Asian Journal of International Law 8, no. 1 (January 2018): 24–35.
Full textGaletin, Milena, and Anica Milovanović. "Law and software analysis: A step closer to resolving investment disputes through artificial intelligence?" Pravo i privreda 59, no. 2 (2021): 123–40.
Full textLestari, Anggun. "Pembatalan Akta Perjanjian Pembiayaan Rekening Koran Musyarakah Yang Dibuat Di Hadapan Notaris." Jurnal Officium Notarium 1, no. 3 (December 1, 2021): 519–25.
Full textKattan, Victor. "Self-Determination during the Cold War: UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (1960), the Prohibition of Partition, and the Establishment of the British Indian Ocean Territory (1965)." Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law Online 19, no. 1 (May 30, 2016): 419–68.
Full textStarshinova, Olga. "Is the MPIA a Solution to the WTO Appellate Body Crisis?" Journal of World Trade 55, Issue 5 (September 1, 2021): 787–803.
Full textSastrowiyono, Akhmad Al-Farouqi. "The Pro’s And Con’s Of Arbitration: A Study Of International Arbitration With Perspective Of Indonesian And Korean Law." Jurnal Lex Renaissance 4, no. 2 (July 1, 2019).
Full textاسد, حسن كاظم. "أسس تفسير النص القرآني عند السيد السبزواري في ضوء تفسيره مواهب الرحمن في نفسير القرآن." Journal of Kufa Studies Center 1, no. 25 (February 16, 2012).
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