Academic literature on the topic 'Korean arbitration law'
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Journal articles on the topic "Korean arbitration law"
Kyung Kim, Min. "Damages for Breach of an Arbitration Agreement: A Korean Law Perspective." Asian International Arbitration Journal 18, Issue 1 (May 1, 2022): 1–20.
Full textDo, Son Pan, and Tran Minh Quy. "Analysis of the Recent Commercial Arbitration Development Plan of the Korean Government – Some Suggestions for Vietnam’s Arbitration Law and Policy." Vietnamese Journal of Legal Sciences 4, no. 1 (June 1, 2021): 65–87.
Full textZhu, Weidong. "The Recognition and Enforcement of the Foreign Arbitral Awards with No Foreign Element in China." Journal of International Arbitration 32, Issue 3 (May 1, 2015): 351–59.
Full textMacArthur, David, and John Bang. "Korean Arbitration Act Amended to Adopt Key Features of 2006 Model Law Amendments." Journal of International Arbitration 34, Issue 3 (July 1, 2017): 567–83.
Full textLee, Byung-Mun, and Eunok Park. "A study on separability and validity of arbitration agreement in international business contracts-with advices and suggestions for Korean merchants." Journal of Korea Trade 20, no. 2 (June 6, 2016): 149–66.
Full textClaxton, James M. "Litigating, Arbitrating and Mediating Japan–Korea Trade and Investment Tensions." Journal of World Trade 54, Issue 4 (August 1, 2020): 591–614.
Full textPRISLAN, Vid. "Challenging Domestic Judgments Through Investment Arbitration: Implications for the Forced Labour Litigation in Korea?" Asian Journal of International Law 11, no. 1 (January 2021): 89–117.
Full textCho, Inyoung. "Anti-Suit Injunction and Anti-Arbitration Injunction under Revised Korean Arbitration Law and Recent Supreme Court Cases." Justice 178 (June 30, 2020): 281–327.
Full textLee, Gyooho. "Restitution of stolen cultural properties: Lessons and challenges from recent Korean cases." Pravovedenie 64, no. 1 (2020): 164–75.
Full textJalal El Ahdab. "Revising the Korean Arbitration Act From a Civil Law Jurisdiction Perspective: The Example of the French Arbitration Reform." JOURNAL OF ARBITRATION STUDIES 24, no. 3 (September 2014): 125–69.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Korean arbitration law"
Kim, Doowon. "Etude comparée du régime de la sentence arbitrale en droit coréen et en droit français." Thesis, Paris 2, 2021.
Full textAn in-depth comparative study of arbitration between Korean and French law has never been considered in France. From the Korean comparative point of view, French arbitration law is of particular interest for the next possible directions of Korean arbitration law. For this reason, since the 1999 reform, even after the 2016 revision, Korean jurists have been paying attention to foreign arbitration regulations, especially with regard to the international influence of the French arbitration system. Therefore, it seems relevant to present the evolution of the two arbitration laws by focusing on several reforms that provide solutions to the problems raised by the application of the previous rules. Thus, the question is whether the current Korean legislation is sufficient to meet the requirements of the international community and to promote the Korean commercial arbitration system internationally. If not, should French law be used as an inspiration to define new directions for arbitration practices and laws ? In this respect, it seems interesting to compare in particular the regime of the arbitral award in Korean law and in French law. This comparative analysis will therefore seek to explain the reasons of the differences in the solutions provided by these two laws, on a legislative and jurisdictional level, in order to guide the Korean doctrine and legislator and to highlight developments likely to reassure foreign parties considering arbitration in South Korea
Kim, Younsik. "Challenges and opportunities for the national constitutional system in dealing with the global investment regime : a case study of the indirect expropriation doctrine and investor-state arbitration under the free trade agreement between the Republic of Korea and the United States of America." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2012.
Full textBooks on the topic "Korean arbitration law"
Symposium, on International Arbitration between Korea China and Japan (1993 Sŏul Korea). Han-Chung-Il Kukche Chungjae Simpʻojium =: Symposium on International Arbitration between Korea, China, and Japan. Sŏul-si: Taehan Sangsa Chungjaewŏn, 1993.
Find full textJoongi, Kim. International Arbitration in Korea. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textJoongi, Kim. 11 Other Forms of Arbitration and the Future of Arbitration in Korea. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textJoongi, Kim. 4 The Arbitral Tribunal. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textJoongi, Kim. 7 The Role of Courts and Law Regarding Counsel. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textJoongi, Kim. 1 Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textJoongi, Kim. 2 The Arbitration Agreement. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textKim, Joongi. International Arbitration in Korea. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Find full textJoongi, Kim. 5 Applicable Law. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textLLC, Bae, and Kim and Lee. Arbitration Law of Korea: Practice and Procedure. JurisNet, LLC, 2012.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Korean arbitration law"
Kwang, Hyun Suk. "Part 2 National and Regional Reports, Part 2.2 Asia: Coordinated by Yuko Nishitani and Béligh Elbalti, 37 South Korea: South Korean Perspectives on the Hague Principles." In Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full textLee, Gyooho. "The Korean Foreign Investment Law and Investor-State Dispute Settlement." In Foreign Investment and Investment Arbitration in Asia, 139–78. Intersentia, 2019.
Full text"Caught in the Middle: South Korea and the South China Sea Arbitration Decision." In Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 21 (2015), 96–120. Brill | Nijhoff, 2017.
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