Journal articles on the topic 'Knowledge city in Morroco'
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Hui, Stanley Sai Chuen, and James R. Morrow. "Level of Participation and Knowledge of Physical Activity in Hong Kong Chinese Adults and Their Association with Age." Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 9, no. 4 (October 2001): 372–85.
Full textHammoumi, Dalila, Chakib El Bekkali, Mohammed Karim, Mohammed Taoussi, Najib El Ouanjli, and Badre Bossoufi. "Direct controls for wind turbine with PMSG used on the real wind profile of Essaouira-Morocco city." Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 16, no. 3 (December 1, 2019): 1229.
Full textMoufid, Ismail, Soukaina Naciri, Hassan EL Moussaoui, Tijani Lamhamdi, and Hassane El Markhi. "Power Loss Minimization Using The Integration of DGs And Reconfiguration of Distribution System: Applied on Real Distribution Feeder of Urbain Areas of Kenitra City in Morroco." Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal 5, no. 5 (2020): 74–79.
Full textManirakiza, Evariste, Jean Paul Ngoboka, Jean Paul Roger Rurangangabo, Vedaste Ndizera, Jean Bosco Kinanira Harerimana, and Eric Rwasamanzi. "Promoting Shared Responsibilities in Developing Children’s Early Literacy and Reading Culture in Rwanda." African Journal of Empirical Research 5, no. 3 (July 26, 2024): 393–407.
Full textHeurkens, Erwin, Tom Daamen, and Alexandra den Heijer. "City Tour Delft: The Making of a Knowledge City." disP - The Planning Review 51, no. 2 (April 3, 2015): 6–15.
Full textVAN WINDEN, WILLEM. "KNOWLEDGE AND THE EUROPEAN CITY." Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 101, no. 1 (February 2010): 100–106.
Full textWhite, Gwendolen B. "Let Knowledge Serve the City." Sustainability: The Journal of Record 10, no. 4 (August 2017): 253–55.
Full textMonnavarian, Abbas, Mohammad Mosakhani, and Mahdie Akbari. "Is Tehran a knowledge city?" Journal of Place Management and Development 5, no. 2 (July 20, 2012): 158–73.
Full textYigitcanlar, Tan. "Moving Towards a Knowledge City?" International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations 1, no. 3 (July 2011): 22–38.
Full textSimmie, James, and William F. Lever. "Introduction: The Knowledge-based City." Urban Studies 39, no. 5-6 (May 2002): 855–57.
Full textO'Connor, Justin. "‘A Special Kind of City Knowledge’: Innovative Clusters, Tacit Knowledge and the ‘Creative City’." Media International Australia 112, no. 1 (August 2004): 131–49.
Full textNewell, K. David, W. Lynn Watney, Don W. Steeples, Ralph W. Knapp, and Stephen W. L. Cheng. "Suitability of high-resolution seismic method to identifying petroleum reservoirs in Kansas--a geological perspective." Bulletin (Kansas Geological Survey), no. 226 (April 16, 2024): 9–29.
Full textLopez-Cantero, Pilar, and Catherine M. Robb. "How to Know a City: The Epistemic Value of City Tours." Philosophy of the City Journal 1, no. 1 (October 2, 2023): 31–41.
Full textHall, Peter. "Creativity, Culture, Knowledge and the City." Built Environment 30, no. 3 (September 1, 2004): 256–58.
Full textD’Aniello, Giuseppe, Matteo Gaeta, Francesco Orciuoli, Giuseppe Sansonetti, and Francesca Sorgente. "Knowledge-Based Smart City Service System." Electronics 9, no. 6 (June 9, 2020): 965.
Full textMuirhead, Robbie. "THE OFFER OF A KNOWLEDGE CITY." Regions Magazine 269, no. 1 (March 2008): 22.
Full textHuston, Simon, and Clive Warren. "Knowledge city and urban economic resilience." Journal of Property Investment & Finance 31, no. 1 (February 2013): 78–88.
Full textMartini, Lenny. "Knowledge Sharing in a Creative City." Procedia Computer Science 99 (2016): 79–90.
Full textYigitcanlar, Tan. "Empirical approaches in knowledge city research." Expert Systems with Applications 41, no. 12 (September 2014): 5547–48.
Full textMCFARLANE, COLIN. "The Comparative City: Knowledge, Learning, Urbanism." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 34, no. 4 (December 2010): 725–42.
Full textPechlát, Jakub. "Prague as a Knowledge City-Region." Teorie vědy / Theory of Science 31, no. 2 (November 11, 2009): 243–62.
Full textMoon, Tae Heon, and Sun Young Heo. "Public knowledge based online participation system for ubiquitous-city (U-city)." International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 4, no. 2 (2013): 126.
Full textConstantinescu, Teodora Iulia, Oswald Devisch, and Georgi Kostov. "City Makers." International Journal of E-Planning Research 6, no. 4 (October 2017): 32–57.
Full textCywiński, Marcin. "„SMART CITY” CONCEPT IN CITY DEVELOPMENT." Globalization, the State and the Individual 22, no. 2 (June 15, 2019): 17–28.
Full textIlgen, Silvana, Frans Sengers, and Arjan Wardekker. "City-To-City Learning for Urban Resilience: The Case of Water Squares in Rotterdam and Mexico City." Water 11, no. 5 (May 10, 2019): 983.
Full textLee, Yangwon (Agustin). "Seoul: World Class Convention City." Revista Digital Mundo Asia Pacífico 2, no. 2 (January 15, 2013): 18–31.
Full textFerreira, Cássia De Castro Martins, Franciele De Oliveira Pimentel, and Yan Carlos Gomes Vianna. "Proposta Metodológica Aplicada ao Estudo de Clima Urbano." Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 12, no. 6 (December 16, 2019): 2023.
Full textAditama, Refry Amanah. "Management Rubbish in Bengkulu City." Journal of Social Science 4, no. 5 (November 3, 2023): 2231–41.
Full textBontje, Marco, Sako Musterd, Zoltan Kovács, and Alan Murie. "Pathways Toward European Creative-Knowledge City-Regions." Urban Geography 32, no. 1 (January 2011): 80–104.
Full textEbrahimian, Mojtaba. "City of Knowledge in Twentieth Century Iran." American Journal of Islam and Society 31, no. 1 (January 1, 2014): 107–10.
Full textZeidan, Muna Abdul Kadhum, and Shatha Ahmed. "Rubella knowledge among students in Baghdad city." Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 13, no. 10 (2020): 4791.
Full textStreib, Greg, and Mark Rivera. "Assessing the Ethical Knowledge of City Managers." Public Integrity 12, no. 1 (December 1, 2009): 9–24.
Full textScheel, Carlos, and Nathalíe Galeano. "Assembling Industrial Ecosystems for a Knowledge City." International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development 4, no. 3 (July 2012): 38–51.
Full textPopov, Evgeniy Vasil'evich, and Maxim Vladislavovich Vlasov. "TYPOLOGY OF SMART CITY KNOWLEDGE GENERATION INSTITUTES." Вестник Пермского университета Серия «Экономика» = Perm University Herald ECONOMY 14, no. 2 (2019): 218–31.
Full textMorris, R. J., Graeme Morton, and Trevor Griffiths. "Power, Knowledge, and Society in the City." Journal of Urban History 32, no. 1 (November 2005): 3–7.
Full textLubman, I. "The Safety City Program: knowledge is power." Injury Prevention 5, no. 3 (September 1, 1999): 226–30.
Full textEmmerich, Mike, John Holden, and Rupert Greenhalgh. "BUSINESS AND THE KNOWLEDGE-BASED CITY REGION." Regions Magazine 269, no. 1 (March 2008): 20–22.
Full textGunn, Simon. "Knowledge, power and the city since 1700." Social History 27, no. 1 (January 2002): 59–63.
Full textRydin, Yvonne. "Joined-up Knowledge for the Sustainable City?" Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 38, no. 6 (June 2006): 1005–7.
Full textGribat, Nina. "Learning the City: Knowledge and Translocal Assemblage." International Planning Studies 17, no. 4 (November 2012): 425–27.
Full textVeltz, Pierre. "City and university in the knowledge age." European Journal of Engineering Education 26, no. 1 (March 2001): 53–62.
Full textHealey, Patsy. "Learning the city: Knowledge and translocal assemblage." Planning Theory & Practice 14, no. 2 (June 2013): 283–85.
Full textSadikin, Pipin Noviati, and Erie Hermawan Atmawidjaya. "TOURISM KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN BOGOR SMART CITY." Bogor Hospitality Journal 7, no. 2 (December 29, 2023): 125–40.
Full textGonzalez, Martín Alberto. ""Let Knowledge Serve the City": *Restrictions Apply." American Studies 62, no. 1-2 (March 2023): 105–9.
Full textPrzysucha, Łukasz. "Knowledge Management processes in Smart City - Electronic Tools Supporting the Exchange of Information and Knowledge among City Residents." International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology 10, no. 4 (2019): 155–60.
Full textEspinoza-Arias, Paola, María Jesús Fernández-Ruiz, Victor Morlán-Plo, Rubén Notivol-Bezares, and Oscar Corcho. "The Zaragoza’s Knowledge Graph: Open Data to Harness the City Knowledge." Information 11, no. 3 (February 26, 2020): 129.
Full textMetaxiotis, Kostas, and Kostas Ergazakis. "Exploring stakeholder knowledge partnerships in a knowledge city: a conceptual model." Journal of Knowledge Management 12, no. 5 (September 12, 2008): 137–50.
Full textLimaye, Tejas Y., Sonali S. Wagle, Kalyanaraman Kumaran, Charudatta V. Joglekar, Arun Nanivadekar, and Chittaranjan S. Yajnik. "Lack of knowledge about diabetes in Pune—the city of knowledge!" International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries 36, no. 3 (June 6, 2015): 263–70.
Full textProvotar, Nataliia, Khrystyna Shchuryk, and Kostyantyn Mezentsev. "Knowledge-based urban development: opportunities for Lviv as a knowledge city." Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series Geology. Geography. Ecology, no. 61 (December 1, 2024): 242–58.
Full textAlfaray, Ricky Indra, Lionardy Yodianto, Astri Dewayani, Kartika Afrida Fauzia, Dwiki Noni Armyta, Yudith Annisa Ayu Rezkitha, Reny I'tishom, and Muhammad Miftahussurur. "CORRELATION BETWEEN KNOWLEDGE OF CITY OF RESIDENCE AND COVID19 IN SURABAYA YOUTH GENERATION." Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services) 5, no. 1 (May 31, 2021): 116.
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