Academic literature on the topic 'KINGFISHER BEER'

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Journal articles on the topic "KINGFISHER BEER"


Rishi, Bikramjit, and Archit Kacker. "Kingfisher: Ultra Max re-positioning hurdle." Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies 11, no. 2 (May 21, 2021): 1–19.

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Learning outcomes To appraise the product positioning in an emerging market. To recognize and discuss a positioning plan for a new product. To apply, describe the Kapferer brand identity prism along with different competition levels for Kingfisher Ultra Max. To deliberate the marketing mix for improving the sales of Kingfisher Ultra Max. Case overview/synopsis United Breweries Limited (UBL) was part of UB Group, which was a business conglomerate. United Breweries Holdings Limited or UB Group was headquartered at UB City, Bangalore, India. It dealt in many businesses, out of which UBL was one of them. Kingfisher Ultra Max was Kingfisher’s newest addition to the super-premium strong beer segment. It was a larger-based beer with 8% alcohol by volume content and was stronger in terms of alcohol content than Kingfisher Ultra, which was also from the super-premium segment. This brands positioning was such that it targeted the premium segment. The top management was considering a change in positioning for their Ultra Max brand. A research report submitted by a premier business school also recommended a change in positioning. The officials in the meeting are contemplating the two options for the shift in positioning; one is to make the change of positioning across India and the other is to make the change specific to some states. Complexity academic level The case is targeted at students of post-graduation and under-graduation programs in business administration, specializing in marketing management, brand management or marketing strategy. Also, the case study can be included as part of courses related to strategic management and competitive analysis. Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes. Subject code CSS 8: Marketing. Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only.
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Jazdzewska, Katarzyna. "‘Like a Married Woman’." Mnemosyne 68, no. 3 (April 24, 2015): 424–36.

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This contribution examines Plutarch’s depiction of the kingfisher in De sollertia animalium 982e-983e and argues that it presents the bird as embodiment of three uxorial virtues: love for husband, love for offspring, and care for household. While Plutarch clearly draws from the abundant store of Greek kingfisher-lore, his account explicates the moralizing potential of the kingfisher-exemplum in a manner unparalleled in extant earlier tradition. In his composition of the passage, Plutarch might have been inspired by the pseudo-Platonic dialogue Halcyon with which the kingfisher-passage in De sollertia animalium shares numerous remarkable resemblances.
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Agung Santosa, Rizki, Sugeng P. Harianto, and Nuning Nurcahyani. "Perbandingan Populasi Burung Cekakak (Halcyonidae) Di Lahan Basah Desa Sungai Luar Dan Lahan Basah Desa Kibang Pacing Kecamatan Menggala Timur Kabupaten Tulang Bawang." Jurnal Sylva Lestari 4, no. 2 (May 23, 2016): 79.

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Wetland as one of natural habitat for wild animals in Indonesia have been changed a lot. Wetland at Sungai Luar and Kibang Pacing are the nature habitat for settler birds diversity and place to stop over for migratory birds. The purpose of this research is to know, the population of kingfisher (Halcyonidae) and population ratio at two research location. Method used in this research arethe IPA method (Indicates Pountuele d’Abudance – Abudance Index On the Point) and the distributing model. This observation was done by staying at the point count and making a note for every founded birds. For each community has three point count witheach 18 days observation. To calculate population ratio of the kingfisher (Halcyonidae) birds at two research locations ware used the formula of Yuniar (2007), that is P= X ± Se.t. The result showed that from the two locations have been founded just one species from Halcyonidae that is the white-throated kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis). The population have been founded in Sungai Luaras many 18 birds. The population in Kibang Pacingwetland as many 12 birds. Population ratio of White-throated kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensi) in Sungai Luar and Kibang Pacing wetland are1.5:1 bird (60% :40%). Distribution model of the bird at two locations research is systematic. Keywords: halcyonidae, population, wetland, sungai luar, Kibang Pacing
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VAN DER VLIET, ROLAND E., ALICE CIBOIS, ANITA GAMAUF, and JUSTIN J. F. J. JANSEN. "Origins, identification and type status of two early specimens of Society Kingfisher Todiramphus veneratus (J. F. Gmelin, 1788) (Aves: Coraciiformes, Alcedinidae)." Zootaxa 4691, no. 3 (October 31, 2019): 250–60.

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We re-examined the putative type specimen of Society Kingfisher Todiramphus veneratus (J. F. Gmelin, 1788) in the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NMW 50.633) and conclude based on plumage that it represents the taxon from Moorea, T. veneratus youngi Sharpe, 1892, rather than nominate T. veneratus veneratus from Tahiti. X-rays reveal that it was prepared using techniques common in the late 18th century, and that its preparation style matches that of other specimens collected during Cook’s three voyages. NMW 50.633 has been assumed to be the one, or one of a number of, specimen(s) used by Latham to describe and illustrate his ‘Venerated Kingfisher’ (present-day Society Kingfisher), which was the basis of the later valid introduction of the name Alcedo venerata by J. F. Gmelin. However, whereas the description and an unpublished illustration in Latham’s archives agree closely with veneratus from Tahiti, NMW 50.633 appears to represent Moorea youngi. While this finding does not compromise the definition of Society Kingfisher veneratus, it leaves it without a safely identified type specimen. We also examined a Moorea specimen in the National Museums Liverpool (LIVCM D2366) that is almost as old as NMW 50.633, but which X-rays suggest had a different origin than NMW 50.633.
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Spence, Samantha, and Helge Kreutz. "The Kingfisher Field, Block 16/8a, UK North Sea." Geological Society, London, Memoirs 20, no. 1 (2003): 305–14.

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AbstractThe Kingfisher Field is located in the South Viking Graben, Block 16/8a, with a minor extension into Block 16/8c. Block 16/8 was initially awarded in June 1970 to Shell and Esso, with the Kingfisher discovery well 16/8-1 spudded in 1972. The well tested high H2S oil at marginal rates from Upper Jurassic Brae Formation sandstones. Subsequent appraisal well 16/8a-4 (1984) tested gas/condensate from better quality Brae Formation sandstone reservoirs. This well also discovered the deeper Middle Jurassic Heather Formation sandstone gas/condensate accumulation at near-HPHT conditions. The Brae and Heather Formation sandstones contain stacked hydrocarbon accumulations in separate combinations of stratigraphic and structural traps. Production by natural aquifer drive commenced from a sub-sea satellite to Marathon's Brae B platform in 1997, initially from the Brae reservoirs. To date, three production wells have been completed and a fourth well is planned to be on stream in 2000. The Brae Formation sandstones at Kingfisher are interpreted as distal deposits of the Brae/Miller fan-apron system and range in quality from excellent to very poor across the field. The Heather Formation reservoir consists of medium quality sands deposited within a submarine incised valley. The most recent volumetric estimate (1998) for the total field predicts an ultimate recovery of 41.2 MMBBL of pipeline liquids and 280 BCF of dry export gas. Regional reservoir architecture and connectivity as well as hydrocarbon composition are key to understanding the production performance of the critical gas/condensate below dewpoint. Advances in sub-sea and horizontal drilling technology have enabled field development.
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The West Kingfish Field in the Gippsland Basin, offshore Victoria, has been developed from the West King-fish platform by Esso Australia Ltd (operator) and BHP Petroleum.The structure is an essentially separate, largely stratigraphic accumulation that forms the western flank of the Kingfish feature. A total of 19 development wells were drilled from the West Kingfish platform between October 1982 and May 1984. Information provided by these wells was used in a West Kingfish post-development geologic study and a reservoir simulation study.As a result of these studies the estimated recoverable oil volume has been increased 55 per cent to 27.0 stock tank gigalitres (170 million stock tank barrels). The studies also formed the technical basis for obtaining new oil classification of the P-1.1 reservoir which is the only sand body that has been found in the Gurnard Formation in the Kingfish area.The simulation study was accomplished with an extremely high level of efficiency due to the extensive and effective use of computer graphics technology in model construction, history matching and predictions.Computer graphics technology has also been used very effectively in presenting the simulation study results in an understandable way to audiences with various backgrounds. A portable microcomputer has been used to store hundreds of graphic displays which are projected with a large screen video projector.Presentations using this new display technology have been well received and have been very successful in conveying the results of a complex reservoir simulation study and in identifying future field development opportunities to audiences with various backgrounds.
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Clarke, TM, SK Whitmarsh, RG Dwyer, V. Udyawer, H. Pederson, and C. Huveneers. "Effects of shark tourism on the daily residency and movements of a non-focal pelagic teleost." Marine Ecology Progress Series 687 (April 7, 2022): 133–46.

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Marine wildlife tourism is increasing in popularity, with operations targeting a wide range of taxa globally. While previous studies have mostly focused on assessing the effects of provisioning from tourism on focal species, non-focal species that unintentionally feed on supplemental food sources have largely been overlooked. This study improves our understanding of the effects of shark-cage-diving tourism on the movements and behaviours of a non-focal pelagic fish. We used acoustic tracking to determine the effects of shark-cage-diving tourism on the residency and space use of 17 yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi at the Neptune Islands, South Australia. We revealed that while cage-diving did not affect the overall or weekly residency and space use of kingfish, daily time spent at the islands and location of kingfish was influenced by the presence of operators. Acoustic attractant did not affect kingfish behaviours, but operators using food-based attractants increased the average time spent at the Neptune Islands by ~27% (from 230.6 ± 6.8 to 293.8 ± 5.5 min). Kingfish were also observed closer to operators using food-based attractants (217 ± 4.82 m from vessel) compared to an acoustic attractant (412 ± 29.5 m from vessel). Our findings identify changes in the daily behaviour of kingfish at the Neptune Islands as a result of food-based attractants from shark-cage-diving, which demonstrates that non-focal large pelagic species can be affected by shark-diving tourism. These effects may lead to long-term effects on the physiological condition and energetic responses of these individuals.
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Abas, Mohd Firdaus Bin, Balbir Singh, Kamarul Arifin Ahmad, Eddie Yin Kwee Ng, Tabrej Khan, and Tamer A. Sebaey. "Dwarf Kingfisher-Inspired Bionic Flapping Wing and Its Aerodynamic Performance at Lowest Flight Speed." Biomimetics 7, no. 3 (August 29, 2022): 123.

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This paper aims to understand the aerodynamic performance of a bio-inspired flapping-wing model using the dwarf Kingfisher wing as the bionic reference. The paper demonstrates the numerical investigation of the Kingfisher-inspired flapping-wing followed by experimental validation to comprehend the results fully and examine the aerodynamic characteristics at a flight velocity of 4.4 m/s, with wingbeat frequencies of 11 Hz, 16 Hz, and 21 Hz, at various angles of rotation ranging from 0° to 20° for each stroke cycle. The motivation to study the performance at low speed is based on lift generation as a challenge at low speed as per quasi-steady theory. The temporal evolution of the mean force coefficients has been plotted for various angles of rotation. The results show amplification of the maximum value for the cycle average lift and drag coefficient as the rotation angle increases. The history of vertical force and the flow patterns around the wing is captured in a full cycle with asymmetric lift development in a single stroke cycle. It is observed from the results that the downstroke generates more lift force in magnitude compared to the upstroke. In addition to the rotation angle, lift asymmetry is also affected by wing–wake interaction. Experimental results reveal that there is a stable leading-edge vortex developed in the downstroke, which sheds during the upstroke. An optimum lift and thrust flapping flight can be achieved, with a lift coefficient of 3.45 at 12°. The experimental and parametric study results also reveal the importance of passive rotation in wings for aerodynamic performance and wing flexibility as an important factor for lift generation.
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Makhov, Alexander. "STOICISM AND ITS METAPHORS IN EARLY MODERN EMBLEM BOOKS." Odysseus. Man in History 29, no. 1 (September 20, 2021): 145–76.

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The moral and social doctrine of Stoicism, well known among Early Modern humanists, was popularized in the emblem books of the time. The tool of this popularization was the visual metaphor capable of conveying abstract ideas through concrete images. The main stoic notions (such as virtue, apatheia as a complete freedom from passions, constancy, patience, etc.) have found extremely diverse metaphorical equivalents in the visual language of emblems, where inanimate objects (e.g. rock, flint, anvil, tongs, cube, scales) as well as living creatures (kingfisher, turtledove, bear) could equally function as metaphors. Emblematics, being a kind of ars inveniendi, acted as a mechanism for inventing new metaphors to express old meanings. However, some traditional metaphors dating back to antiquity (for example, Plato’s comparison of the human soul to a chariot pulled by two horses – “reason” and “emotion”) were also rethought in the spirit of the Stoic doctrine.
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SKORACKI, MACIEJ, MARTIN HROMADA, and BOZENA SIKORA. "Quill mites of the family Syringophilidae (Acariformes: Prostigmata) parasitizing coraciiform birds (Aves: Coraciiformes)." Zootaxa 4802, no. 1 (June 22, 2020): 169–81.

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Three new species of the family Syringophilidae associated with birds of the pantropically distributed order Coraciiformes are described: two new species of the subfamily Picobiinae—Rafapicobia momoti sp. nov. ex the Rufous-capped Motmot Baryphthengus ruficapillus (Vieillot) (Momotidae) from Brazil, Rafapicobia brachypteraci sp. nov. ex the Rufous-headed Ground-Roller Atelornis crossleyi Sharpe (Brachypteraciidae) from Madagascar, and one new species of the subfamily Syringophilinae—Peristerophila coraciidus sp. nov. ex the Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis (Linnaeus) (Coraciidae) from Papua New Guinea. Additionally, the Collared Kingfisher, Todiramphus chloris (Boddaert) (Alcedinidae), is recorded as a new host for Peristerophila meropis Skoracki et al., 2017. In all these host families, syringophilids are recorded for the first time. Moreover, our findings represent the first records of picobiines from coraciiform birds. Currently, the fauna of quill mites associated with coraciiforms includes six species grouped in the three genera: Rafapicobia Skoracki, 2011, Peristerophila Kethley, 1970, and Syringophilopsis Kethley, 1970. All these genera seem to be typically telluravian and have been also recorded from passeriform birds.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "KINGFISHER BEER"



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Marketing concept starts with consumers’ needs and their behavior in meeting their needs. In order to satisfy their needs consumers make many buying decisions every day. And marketers need to study these consumer purchase decisions in order to find answers to questions about what, why, where and how much they buy and align their marketing program to that effect. For making a successful marketing program it is necessary for marketers to study the consumer behavior so that they would know the psychology of consumers. Consumer psychology has various components such as perceptions, knowledge, attitude, intention, motive and the like. This research paper is done particularly on the two components of consumer psychology namely perception and attitude. The purpose of this study is to survey the perception and attitude of NCR consumers towards Kingfisher Beer. Kingfisher Beer is the pioneer and still the dominant beer brand worldwide. And in recent days the Brand’s market share has significantly increased and it is becoming a synonym of beer across the globe. This wide acceptance and dominance in India’s beer industry, indirectly signifies a positive consumer attitude towards the brand. But the actual attitude of beer consumers towards Kingfisher beer, the reason behind the attitude and its implication on the behavior or consumption of the beer is the rationale of this research. The study based itself on the information collected from primary source by taking a sample of 80 beer consumers from bars and restaurants around Delhi NCR and distributing self-administered questionnaires. Secondary sources such as books, journals and research papers written on similar topic are also reviewed. Appropriate statistical analysis such as frequency, correlation analysis are used according to respective objective and descriptors. Based on the findings of this research, it can be concluded that most beer consumers have positive attitude towards the beer Kingfisher and this is resulted due to its product quality and promotional activities. The Kingfisher Beer’s taste, aroma, foam and thirst quenching attributes are found to be very satisfactory. And the advertisements are also different from the other competing beer brands in a way that they are creative, seasonal, cultural and entertaining. With regard to other promotional mix, the public relation efforts such as participating and sponsoring sports and supporting other programs and festivals are positively perceived by the respondents which in turn contribute to the increase in sales volume and market share of the Brand. One important point pointed out is the intention to switch, even though most of the respondents like and consume Kingfisher, still 50% of them want to switch to other brand only half of them are loyal, and this is an assignment for Kingfisher because it requires it more work not only to attract but also maintain its consumers. In other words it should catch the hearts of its consumers and create loyalty.
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Books on the topic "KINGFISHER BEER"


Kathie, Fry, ed. Kingfishers, bee-eaters & rollers. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1999.

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Fry, C. H. Kingfishers, bee-eaters & rollers: A handbook. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1992.

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Harris, Alan, C. Hilary Fry, and Kathie Fry. Kingfishers, Bee-Eaters and Rollers. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2010.

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Harris, Alan, C. Hilary Fry, and Kathie Fry. Kingfishers, Bee-Eaters and Rollers. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2010.

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Fry, C. Hilary, and Kathie Fry. Kingfishers, Bee-Eaters, & Rollers: A Handbook. Princeton University Press, 2000.

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Book chapters on the topic "KINGFISHER BEER"


"A Kingfisher named Bear." In Ripping down half the trees, 51. McGill-Queen's University Press, 2021.

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