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Journal articles on the topic "Kahlil Gibran"


Sarah, Rima. "AN ANALYSIS OF THE SYMBOLS OF LOVE, LIFE, AND DEATH IN KAHLIL GIBRAN'S POEMS." Jurnal Adabiya 23, no. 2 (August 28, 2021): 154.

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Kahlil Gibran is a Lebanese-American artist, writer, and poet. He is no stranger to literary lovers and connoisseurs. His phenomenal works made Kahlil Gibran famous. His life experience also adds its unique value to his works. The various meanings hidden behind each of his works deserve further analysis. Some of them are typical poems from Kahlil Gibran. He has his way of expressing the true meaning of life through his poems. Therefore, this study will show the symbolic meaning of these poems by using the hermeneutical analysis method from Paul Ricoeur. This method explains the meaning of the symbol in real life. A symbol is a form that gives meaning to every word or sentence contained in a literary work. The result of this analysis is the discovery of various kinds of symbols contained in the poems by Kahlil Gibran, including symbols of love, life, and death. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that love, life, and death are some of the symbols found in Kahlil Gibran's poems.
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Anhar, Anhar. "Pergeseran Ideologi Agama dalam Puisi Almustafa Karya Kahlil Gibran." Bahasa: Jurnal Keilmuan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 4, no. 2 (December 27, 2022): 97–106.

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The purpose of this research; (1) describe, explore, and analyze the shift in religious ideology in Kahlil Gibran's poem Almustafa, (2) describe, explore, and analyze the construction of the reality of religious values in Kahlil Gibran's Almustaf poem. This type of research is classified as a qualitative descriptive research. The approach used is a critical literacy approach, which is to analyze the use of language aspects that experience a shift in religious values. The object of this research is the poem Almustafa by Kahlil Gibran. Data collection techniques used library techniques, namely reading, understanding, and analyzing the poem Almustafa by Kahlil Gibran. The data analysis technique uses library techniques, namely by reading, understanding, and analyzing the poem Almustafa by Kahlil Gibran through a critical literacy approach. The results showed that; (1) there is a shift in religious values in some parts of the poem. In poetry, Kahlil Gibran's views on religious values contain controversy between the title which is illustrated as a form of reflection of Islamic figures and the illustration presented. The shift in religious values occurs due to errors in the use of language aspects, namely concrete words, idioms, and figurative language used that are not in accordance with the context. The language aspect is fragments of poetry in the form of words, clauses, or sentences, (2) the shifts that occur, both in nature and in scope are different, this is due to differences in religious values conveyed by the construction of reality in the text. The shift is in the form of syncretism of several religious values, namely Islam, Hinduism, Christianity so that the benchmark for the value of truth in a message and the meaning of poetry becomes abstract. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk, (1) mendeskripsikan, mengeksplorasi, dan menganalisis pergeseran ideologi agama dalam puisi Almustafa karya Kahlil Gibran, (2) mendeskripsikan, mengeksplorasi, dan menganalisis konstruksi realitas nilai agama dalam puisi Almustaf karya Kahlil Gibran. Jenis penelitian ini tergolong penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah ancangan literasi kritis, yaitu menganalisis penggunaan aspek bahasa yang mengalami pergeseran nilai-nilai agama. Objek penelitian ini adalah puisi Almustafa karya Kahlil Gibran. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik pustaka, yaitu membaca, memahami, dan menganalisis puisi Almustafa karya Kahlil Gibran. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik pustaka, yaitu dengan membaca, memahami, dan menganalisis puisi Almustafa karya Kahlil Gibran melalui ancangan literasi kritis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; (1) terjadi pergeseran nilai-nilai agama dalam beberapa bagian puisi. Dalam puisi, pandangan-pandangan Kahlil Gibran tentang nilai-nilai agama mengandung kontroversi antara judul yang diilustrasikan sebagai bentuk refleksi tokoh Islam dengan ilustrasi yang disampaikan. Pergeseran nilai-nilai agama terjadi akibat kesalahan penggunaan aspek bahasa, yaitu kata konkret, idiom, dan bahasa figuratif yang digunakan tidak sesuai dengan konteksnya. Aspek bahasa tersebut merupakan penggalan-penggalan puisi berupa kata, klausa, atau kalimat, (2) pergeseran yang terjadi, baik sifat maupun cakupannya berbeda-beda, hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya perbedaan nilai-nilai agama yang disampaikan dengan konstruksi realitas yang ada dalam teks. Pergeseran tersebut berupa sinkretisme beberapa nilai agama, yaitu Islam, Hindu, Nasrani, dan Yahudi sehingga tolok ukur nilai kebenaran dalam sebuah pesan dan makna puisi menjadi abstrak.
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Fitria, Tira Nur. "Figurative Language in the Broken Wings by Kahlil Gibran: An Analysis of Language Style as Stylistic Effect." NOTION: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture 4, no. 2 (November 9, 2022): 104–16.

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The objective of this research is to find out the figurative languages in the Broken Wings by Kahlil Gibran. This research is descriptive qualitative. The data was taken from Kahlil Gibran’s novel entitled “The Broken Wings”. The researcher analyzes the data based on Abrams’s theory (1999) about figurative language. The result analysis shows that Based on table 9 above, shows there are several types of figurative language in “The Broken Wings” by Kahlil Gibran. 292 data contains figurative language in 8 types of figurative language including simile, personification, metaphor, synecdoche, hyperbole, paradox, symbol, and proverb. In a simile, there are 128 data (43.8 %). In personification, there are 34 data (11.6 %). In metaphor, there are 33 data (11.3 %). In synecdoche, there are 30 data (10.3 %). In hyperbole, there are 25 data (8.6 %). In a paradox, there are 22 data (7.5 %). In symbol, there are 13 data (4.5 %). In the proverb, there are 7 data (2.4 %). It shows that the most dominant type of figurative language in “The Broken Wings” by Kahlil Gibran is simile as 128 data or 43.8 %. The novel Broken Wings by Kahlil Gibran is a romantic literary novel that tells the fate of Gibran's love story for a Lebanese girl named Selma Karamy. The writing of this novel is very light and easy to read and the way he writes it makes us immersed in the situation of the love story. The style of language used by the author in this novel is very distinctive. The author provides proof that his love story wrapped in romance is written in beautiful and interesting language to the readers.
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Ulfa, Rusdiyana, Syukur Ghazali, and Anang Santoso. "Sarana Kohesi Dalam Kumpulan Puisi Cinta Karya Kahlil Gibran“Melancholic Gibran Karya-Karya Syahdu Penggugah Jiwa“." Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan 5, no. 5 (May 30, 2020): 637.

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<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This study aims to describe and explain the means of cohesion in the formation of the wholeness of discourse in a collection of love poems by Kahlil Gibran entitled "Melancholocic Gibran Works by Soul-Raising Syahdu". The approach used in this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach and this type of research uses the type of discourse analysis research. The data in this research are in the form of excerpts from poetry that can describe cohesion and coherence in a collection of love poems by Kahlil Gibran. The data source of this research is a collection of love poems by Kahlil Gibran entitled "Melancholocic Gibran Works by Soul-Saving Souls". The results of this research are grammatical cohesion tools used by a collection of love poems by Kahlil Gibran entitled "Melancholocic Gibran by Soul-Enhancing Syahdu Works" are exophoric references, anaphoric references, wordfora references, nominal substitution, elliptical clauses, additive and conjunctive coordinating conjunctions, are exophoric references, anaphoric references, wordaphoric references, nominal substitution, elliptical clauses, additive and conjunctive coordinating conjunctions, are exophoric references, anaphoric references, wordaphoric references, nominal substitution, elliptical clauses, additive and conjunctive coordinating conjunctions. resistance, attribute subordinative conjunction, and subordinative conjunction time.</p><strong>Abstrak: </strong>Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan sarana kohesi dalam pembentukan keutuhan wacana pada kumpulan puisi cinta karya Kahlil Gibran yang berjudul “<em>Melancholocic Gibran Karya-karya Syahdu Penggugah Jiwa</em>”. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan jenis penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian analisis wacana. Data dalam penelitan ini berupa kutipan larik puisi yang bisa menggambarkan kohesi dan koherensi dalam kumpulan puisi cinta karya Kahlil Gibran. Sumber data penelitian ini ialah kumpulan puisi cinta karya Kahlil Gibran yang berjudul “<em>Melancholocic Gibran Karya-karya Syahdu Penggugah Jiwa</em>”. Hasil dari penelitan ini sarana kohesi gramatikal yang digunakan kumpulan puisi cinta karya Kahlil Gibran yang berjudul “<em>Melancholocic Gibran Karya-karya Syahdu Penggugah Jiwa</em>” adalah referensi eksofora, referensi anafora, referensi katafora, substitusi nomina, elipsis klausa, konjungsi koordinatif penambahan <em>dan, </em>konjungsi koordinatif perlawanan, konjungsi subordinatif atributit, dan konjungsi subordinatif waktu.
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Altabaa, Homam, Waleed Fekry Faris, and Adham Hamawiya. "A Review of Kahlil Gibran’s Major Creative Works (Ulasan Hasil Karya Kreatif Utama Kahlil Gibran)." Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077) 18, no. 3 (December 31, 2021): 231–53.

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Kahlil Gibran is one of the most important writers of modern Arabic literature and one of the most successful poets of English in the twentieth century. He is undoubtedly a pioneer among Arab poets and novelists writing in English and the most important figure in the Émigré literary movement. His world-wide popularity is due in large part to his universal spiritual message of love and compassion. This study, focusing on both his Arabic and English works, seeks to explore the various contextual aspects that affect all of Gibran’s works since his birth in Mount Lebanon. It also presents a critical overview of all his works for readers and critics that seek a deeper appreciation and a more comprehensive understanding of this literary genius. The study highlights the spiritual element which serves as the link that unifies his Arabic and English works and propels them to enduring literary and popular success across cultures. Keywords: Kahlil Gibran, Āmigré Literature, Diaspora Writers, Spirituality, Perennialism. Abstrak Kahlil Gibran merupakan salah seorang penulis yang tersohor dalam kesusasteraan Arab moden dan salah seorang penyair Inggeris yang berjaya pada abad kedua puluh. Kredibiliti beliau tidak diragukan kerana beliau merupakan perintis dalam kalangan penyair dan novelis Arab yang menulis dalam bahasa Inggeris dan tokoh terpenting dalam gerakan sastera Émigré. Sebahagian besar popularitinya di seluruh dunia adalah disebabkan oleh mesej rohani universal cinta dan belas kasihannya. Kajian ini difokuskan kepada kedua-dua karya Arab dan Inggerisnya untuk meneroka pelbagai aspek kontekstual yang mempengaruhi semua karya Gibran sejak kelahirannya di Gunung Lubnan. Kajian ini juga memberikan gambaran keseluruhan yang kritis mengenai semua karya beliau kepada pembaca dan pengkritik yang mencari penghayatan yang lebih mendalam dan pemahaman yang lebih komprehensif tentang kehebatan sastera ini. Kajian ini juga mengenengahkan unsur kerohanian yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung yang menyatukan hasil karya Arab dan Inggerisnya dan mendorong mereka kepada kejayaan sastera dan popular yang berkekalan di seluruh budaya. Kata Kunci: Kahlil Gibran, Sastera Āmigré, Penulis Diaspora, Kerohanian, Perenialisme.
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Fitria, Tira Nur. "ANALYSIS OF LOVE IN “THE BROKEN WINGS” BY KAHLIL GIBRAN." ISLLAC : Journal of Intensive Studies on Language, Literature, Art, and Culture 6, no. 1 (June 24, 2022): 140.

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Love is a priceless gift and without it, life feels empty. Therefore, keep love with loyalty, honesty, and be able to keep our heart from being stained just for self-satisfaction which will regret in the end. This expression may as the basis for the writing of the novel "Broken Wings" by Khalil Gibran, a poet, philosopher, and painter from Lebanon. This work is considered very beautiful and tells the story of the fate that broke the wings of Gibran's love for a Lebanese girl named Selma Karamy. The objective of this research is to describe the meaning of love found in “The Broken Wings” by Kahlil Gibran. Love is the main theme in this story. The love in it is not only for Gibran to Selma Karamy, but also Selma Karamy's affection for his father is a form of love. Selma Karamy, who is starting to grow up, feels restless about her father. He realized that she was a woman. "Indeed, the tears of an old man are more meaningful than the tears of youth”. Love is not only for lovers, a child can give love to his parents. But, in the novel Wings of Broken, the love of a couple is highlighted. With his extraordinary sensitivity, Kahlil Gibran weaves a love story about a beautiful and passionate couple. The strength of this novel lies in its poetic lyrics which are full of meaning and the criticism it conveys. Love is interpreted as an attempt to love, do not have to have a loved one. Because in the end all will be returned to God, the Owner of Love. In this case, Gibran sees Selma as a ray of light that leads him to understand the meaning of life. Selma led Gibran to enter willingly into the paradise of pure love and truth with her sweetness and love. In The Broken Wings, Gibran uses the story of Adam and Eve to illustrate his story. When the love has died (or forced to die), what remains is only a row of sorrow that resides on the tomb. Leaving sweet dreams and painful memories behind. Just like a broken wing, unable to flap anymore.
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Suraiya, Suraiya. "KRITIK SASTRA FEMINIS DALAM KARYA SASTRA KAHLIL GIBRAN." Jurnal Adabiya 18, no. 2 (March 13, 2017): 48.

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Sejarah panjang tentang perempuan dipanggung peradaban telah ditulis dalam berbagai karya. Termasuk karya sastra juga telah banyak melukiskan gambaran kedudukan perempuan, bahkan tentang ketidakadilan perempuan. sehingga perempuan mulai bangkit mempertanyakan dan menggugat dominasi dan ketidakadilan yang terjadi dalam sistem patriakhi, perempuan selama ini telah banyak mengalami subordinasi, represi, dan marjinalisasi dalam berbagai bidang. Kritik sastra feminis merupakan studi sastra yang mengarahkan fokus analisanya pada perempuan yang menginginkan adanya keadilan dalam memandang eksistensi perempuan, serta berusaha memahami ketertindasan terhadap perempuan dan mencari upaya bagaimana mengatasi ketertindasan tersebut. Sastrawan Gibran Khalil Gibran mencoba mengkritisi fenomena ketidakadilan terhadap perempuan khususnya yang tercermin dalam karya-karyanya baik syair maupun prosa. Permasalahan ini terangkum dalam pertanyaan bagaimana konsep kritik sastra feminis dalam sastra Gibran Kahlil Gibran, serta melihat bagaimana ungkapan-ungkapan kritik feminis dalam sastra Kahlil Gibran. Penelitian ini akan dianalisa dengan metode deskriptif untuk dapat menggambarkan dan mendeskripsikan fenomena dan kejadian yang ada. sehingga pada akhirnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa ketidakadilan gender yang dialami oleh perempuan dan wujud gambaran perempuan Arab yang terekspresikan dalam berbagai ungkapan perempuan bahwa perempuan menginginkan kebebasan dari ketidakadilan yang mengukungnya.
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Febriyanto, Dedi, Mulyanto Widodo, and Eka Putri Rahayu. "Penggunaan Deiksis dalam Kisah Negeri Lain Karya Kahlil Gibran." SUAR BETANG 17, no. 1 (June 13, 2022): 13–23.

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The Use of Deixis in Kisah Negeri Lain by Kahlil GibranThis study aims to describe the form and function of deixis in Kisah Negeri Lain by Kahlil Gibran. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The study data was collected through a reading-note technique. The data analysis was carried out using an interactive model which included, (1) data reduction (2) data presentation (3) temporary conclusion drawing, and (4)verification. The results showed that in Kisah Negeri Lain by Kahlil Gibran, various forms and functions of deixis were found. The forms of deixis in question include, (1) personal deixis consisting of the first person, second person, and third person, (2) place deixis, (3) time deixis consisting of past, present, and future times, (4) deixis discourse consisting of anaphora and cataphora, (4) social deixis. The deixis functions in question include, (1) expressive functions, (2) conative functions, (3) referential functions, and (4) phatic functions.AbstrakKajian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bentuk dan fungsi deiksis dalam Kisah Negeri Lain karya Kahlil Gibran. Metode yang digunakan bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Data kajian dikumpulkan melalui teknik baca-catat. Adapun analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan model interaktif yang meliputi, (1) pereduksian data (2) penyajian data (3) penarikan simpulan sementara, dan (4) verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam Kisah Negeri Lain karya Kahlil Gibran ditemukan bentuk dan fungsi deiksis yang beragam. Bentuk deiksis yang dimaksud meliputi, (1) deiksis persona yang terdiri dari persona pertama, persona kedua, dan persona ketiga, (2) deiksis tempat, (3) deiksis waktu yang terdiri dari waktu lampau, sekarang, dan mendatang, (4) deiksis wacana yang terdiri dari anafora dan katafora, (4) deiksis sosial. Adapun fungsi deiksis yang dimaksud meliputi, (1) fungsi ekspresif, (2) fungsi konatif, (3) fungsi referensial, dan (4) fungsi fatis.
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Majdoubeh, Ahmad. "GIBRAN'S THE PROCESSION IN THE TRANSCENDENTALIST CONTEXT." Arabica 49, no. 4 (2002): 477–93.

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AbstractThe aim of this article is to examine Gibran Kahlil Gibran's ideas, as articulated in The Procession (Al-Mawākib), in the context of New England Transcendentalism, in particular Emerson's and Thoreau's. Even though critics recognize Ralph Waldo Emerson (and less frequently Henry David Thoreau) as an influence on Gibran, the precise nature of the influence has not been spelled out clearly. In this study, I shall attempt to do so. To the end of establishing the New England Transcendentalist influence on Gibran more firmly and coherently, I locate, explain, and highlight some of the striking echoes, similarities, and analogies (linguistic, philosophic, as well as structural) in Gibran's The Procession, on the one hand, and Emerson's essays and Thoreau's Walden, on the other hand. Such an examination of the relationship will certainly enrich the meanings of Gibran's poem, shed a new light on his ideas, and suggest an angle from which his philosophy is best viewed.
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هلمانيتا, كرلينا. "جبران خليل جبران في تطوير الأدب العربي الحديث." Buletin Al-Turas 20, no. 1 (January 29, 2020): 83–98.

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Abstrak Jubran Khalil Jubran (1883-1931) adalah seorang tokoh sastra Arab Modern. Namun karena ia tinggal di perantauan Amerika, akulturasi budaya dirinya pun terjadi, sesuai tradisinya di Barat, ia hanya menggunakan dua suku kata yaitu Khalil Jubran. Akan tetapi orang Amerika kesulitan melafalkan huruf kha ( خ) dari nama Khalil ( خليل ), maka lafalnya kemudian menjadi Kahlil. Transliterasi ini keliru dan tidak ada nama Arab yang ditulis sebagai Kahlil ) كهليل ). Namun Khalil menggunakannya untuk memberi kemudahan masyarakat menyebut namanya tanpa kesulitan. Sedangkan perubahan nama Jubran menjadi Gibran terjadi karena proses peralihan dialek. Diantara kontribusi sastra Arab yang sempat ia berikan adalah memperkaya keragaman sastra dengan puisi dan prosa liriknya, menyebarkan aliran simbolik dan mengangkat suara-suara kemanusiaan yang terzhalimi. Melalui karya itulah ia menyuarakan rasa cinta dan kerinduannya akan keadilan sejati sampai akhir hayatnya---Jubran Khalil Jubran(1883-1931)was a prominent figure in modern Arabic literature. According to the West tradition, he only uses two syllables, namely Khalil Jubran. Bu tthe Americans difficulty pronouncing the letter kha ( خ) of the name Khalil ( خليل ), then the pronunciation then becomes Kahlil. Actually, transliteration is wrong and there are no Arabic names are written as Kahlil ( كهليل ). But Khalil used it to ease the public naming him without any difficulties. Meanwhile, the name of Jubran changes to Gibran because of transitioning dialect. Among his contributions to the Arabic literary are enrich the diversity of literature with poetry and prose lyrics, spreading flow of symbolic and voicing of oppressed people. Through his work, he voiced a sense of love and longing for true justice until his death.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Kahlil Gibran"


Lopes, Jose Aparecido Ferreira. "O sagrado em Gibran Khalil Gibran." Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 2011.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-18T18:44:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 4 Jose Aparecido Ferreira Lopes_Parte1.pdf: 4184748 bytes, checksum: ef6135c06707b4b0266e2f1f65cf62de (MD5) Jose Aparecido Ferreira Lopes_Parte2.pdf: 3989808 bytes, checksum: 7be9dafbea3fd6536ffc113000fad081 (MD5) Jose Aparecido Ferreira Lopes_Parte3.pdf: 3888856 bytes, checksum: b0da6bd8bd3f9e58c1cae7b4a5690bd2 (MD5) Jose Aparecido Ferreira Lopes_Parte4.pdf: 3993085 bytes, checksum: 4e49917519bf00d3860fb4fb2ed28888 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-19
Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa
The research, literary and philosophical perspective, historical and sociological analysis in the sacred Gibran Khalil Gibran Arabic cultural context, from the original work in English and best-selling book The Prophet. The goal is to identify and highlight the sacred and its various aspects and manifestations at the thought of Gibran Khalil Gibran. The study aims to contribute to the academy and the Brazilian society and take the first steps through the knowledge of the Arabic legacy of mission life and works of the philosopher, artist, poet and mystic. The analysis is relevant to the text, so the context of produce from experiences from the study of Arabic language and acting as Protestant missionary in the Kingdom of Morocco and Egypt in the years 1992 to 2001. From Rudolf Otto and Mircea Eliade, As theoretical references, the researcher worked literature literary method.
A pesquisa, numa perspectiva literário-filosófica e histórico-sociológica, analisa o Sagrado em Gibran Khalil, Gibran no contexto cultural árabe, a partir da obra original em inglês e best-seller The Prophet, O Profeta. O objetivo é identificar e destacar o Sagrado e seus diversos aspectos e manifestações no pensamento de Gibran Khail, Gibran. O estudo visa contribuir com a Academia e a sociedade brasileira e dar os primeiros passos no conhecimento do legado árabe, através da missão de vida e nas obras do filósofo, artista, poeta e místico. As análises são pertinentes ao texto, portanto, contexto do produzir a partir de vivências provenientes do estudo da língua árabe e atuação como missionário protestante, no reino do Marrocos e Egito, nos anos de 1992 a 2001. A partir de Rudolf Otto, e Mircea Eliade como referenciais teóricos. O pesquisador trabalhou através do método de pesquisa bibliográfica literária.
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HADDADEEN, SAMI. "Gibran Kahlil Gibran : un pionnier du mouvement moderniste dans la littérature arabe et "le Blake du vingtième siècle"." Dijon, 1988.

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Les affinités entre Gibran Khalil Gibran et William Blake se manifestent incontestablement par leur personnalité et leurs idées. En effet, de nombreux extraits de leurs œuvres nous ont montré qu'il y a beaucoup de ressemblances dans leurs idées. Ils développent la même conception du poète en tant que prophète. Ils font les mêmes réflexions concernant la nature qui est le reflet de la réalité divine. De plus, Gibran rejoint Blake dans sa révolte contre l'église et le clergé ainsi que contre les valeurs fondamentales et les éthiques conventionnelles. Beaucoup de caractéristiques de la pensée de Blake telles que l'amour de la beauté et la libre recherche de la beauté se retrouvent également dans l'œuvre de Gibran. Gibran Khalil Gibran a joué un rôle important dans la modernisation de la littérature arabe. Il s'est révolté contre les genres et les thèmes poétiques classiques. Il a adopté la strophe, suivi un rythme léger et a inventé "la prose poétique". Il a renouvelé la poésie et la prose arabes par ses thèmes nouveaux, ses images et mots hautement lyriques
The affinities between Kahlil Gibran and William Blake manifest themselves undeniably with regards to personality and thought. The two men share many of their personal qualities. Besides, comparison between numerous passages of the two poets ‘writings have shown us that there are many resemblances in their ideas: they developed the same conception of the poet as being a prophet; they made the same reflexion concerning nature's being a mirror of the divine reality. Moreover, Gibran joined Blake in his revolt against the church and the clergy; against common values and conventional views of ethics. All the Blakian characteristics: love of beauty and freedom of range in quest of it, are also to be found in Gibran’s writings. Gibran Kahlil Gibran played an important role in the modernization of Arabic literature. He rejected the classical poetical forms and themes. He followed rhythm, wrote stanza poetry, and invented the "poetical prose". The new themes and the highly lyrical images and words he introduced have revitalized Arabic poetry and prose
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Haddadeen, Sami Jiryes. "Gibran Kahlil Gibran un pionnier du mouvement moderniste dans la littérature arabe et "Le Blake du vingtième siècle /." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1992.

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Mcharek, Sana Carroll Pamela S. "Kahlil Gibran and other Arab American prophets." Diss., 2006.

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Thesis (M.S.)--Florida State University, 2006.
Advisor: Pamela Sissi Carroll, Florida State University, College of Education, Dept. of Middle and Secondary Education. Title and description from dissertation home page (viewed June 7, 2006). Document formatted into pages; contains viii, 64 pages. Includes bibliographical references.
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WANG, TZU-YING, and 王姿穎. "A Comparative Study of Taiwanese and Chinese Translation Versions of The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran." Thesis, 2019.

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This thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is introduction. The second chapter is literature review, which describes the author of The Prophet and his works as well as the two translators of The Prophet and their translations and other works. The third chapter discusses the translation strategies of the two Chinese translations from the aspects of accuracy, word order, omission, and amplification by using Lawrence Venuti’s domesticating and foreignization as important theories. The fourth discusses the differences between the two Chinese translations from the perspective of semantics, with emphasis on fluency, word choice, religious specific references, and Eugene A. Nida’s equivalent theory. The fifth chapter compares the two Chinese translations from the perspective of rhetoric and syntax, and focuses on the four-character Chinese idiom, antithesis, metaphor, and the presentation of the true meaning of pronouns. It is hoped that those who are interested in Gibran, The Prophet, and its English-to-Chinese translations can benefit from reading this thesis.
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"To Melt into the Sun: The Mystery of Light." Master's thesis, 2020.

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abstract: “The Mystery of Light” is the first movement of a yet to be completed larger work titled melt into the sun for chamber choir and percussion quartet. The text of the work is an excerpt from Kahlil Gibran’s masterpiece, The Prophet. This book tells the story of a prophet-like man, Almustafa, who, before embarking on the journey back to his native land, stops in the city of Orphalese, where the townspeople, having known him for many years, entreat him to share his wisdom before he departs. The seeress, Almitra, urges him, “speak to us and give us of your truth.” Almustafa proceeds to philosophize on a range of topics including love, laws, pain, friendship, children, time, beauty, and self-knowledge. Just before his farewell to the people of Orphalese, he speaks of death, saying that it is not something to be feared, but rather, embraced as a necessary and beautiful part of life. This interconnectedness of the life and death process, of which Almustafa speaks, is the subject of “The Mystery of Light.” Almitra’s aforementioned request returns directly and indirectly throughout the movement as a reference to humanity’s undying desire to understand the great mysteries of our own mortal condition. The choir shifts throughout the movement between the three following perspectives: 1) that of people who live in fear, whose anxious whispers grow into shouts of horror as they are faced with the threat of death, 2) that of people who share Almitra’s inquisitiveness and are inspired with wonder by the secret of death and 3) that of the prophet, as he speaks words of comfort and wisdom to those who look, either in terror or wonder, upon the face of death. My hope with this music is to share the comforting words which Gibran has spoken through the character, Almustafa, so that, as they have done for me, these words may provide comfort to those who will stand trembling in the presence of life’s most inevitable consequence.
Masters Thesis Music 2020
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"What are the characteristics and driving forces behind the creativity and vision of successful Lebanese immigrants?" University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Education, 2003.

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Creative visualization is an essential attribute to be possessed by an artist to achieve success in any art endeavour. To reach its purpose in all its fields, art is made manifest and is expressed through real genuine passion. This research study acknowledges Gibran Kahlil Gibran, as a distinguished immigrant artist, with a vision. A comparison is then made of six other artists, including the researcher, who have all had similar ordeals in the successful attainment of their vision. This biographical, neo-narrative research design methodology was recorded through extensive readings and lengthy interviews, which consisted of proposing specific questions to each of the participants in order to extract valid and comparable findings. As a consequence, the art researcher was able to observe, reflect and draw some relevant conclusions towards the creative vision of Lebanese immigrants, which led to their success despite hardships, expatriation, ambition and hope. This study has provided the researcher with real insight into the characteristics of these artists and what constitutes a successful immigrant. It has confirmed her pre-conceived perceptions that success takes time and personal effort. It highlights the importance for the existence of tolerance between people, which in turn will enable the realisation of empathy.
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"What are the characteristics and driving forces behind the creativity and vision of successful Lebanese immigrants?" Thesis, University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Education, 2003.

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University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Education.
Creative visualization is an essential attribute to be possessed by an artist to achieve success in any art endeavour. To reach its purpose in all its fields, art is made manifest and is expressed through real genuine passion. This research study acknowledges Gibran Kahlil Gibran, as a distinguished immigrant artist, with a vision. A comparison is then made of six other artists, including the researcher, who have all had similar ordeals in the successful attainment of their vision. This biographical, neo-narrative research design methodology was recorded through extensive readings and lengthy interviews, which consisted of proposing specific questions to each of the participants in order to extract valid and comparable findings. As a consequence, the art researcher was able to observe, reflect and draw some relevant conclusions towards the creative vision of Lebanese immigrants, which led to their success despite hardships, expatriation, ambition and hope. This study has provided the researcher with real insight into the characteristics of these artists and what constitutes a successful immigrant. It has confirmed her pre-conceived perceptions that success takes time and personal effort. It highlights the importance for the existence of tolerance between people, which in turn will enable the realisation of empathy.
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LIN, YU-CHUN, and 林俞均. "A Comparative Study between Two English-to-Chinese Versions of Kahlil Gibran's " The Prophet"." Thesis, 2018.

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This study aims at discussing two Chinese translators’ versions of The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. This thesis is divided into five chapters: The first chapter indicates the motivation and purpose of this study, and the value of The Prophet. The second chapter is about Gibran’s background, as well as his accomplishments in literature and his writing style. The chapter also includes the background of the two translators. Chapter three compares the translations of the two translators, exploring how their translating skills and their understanding of the book impact their respective translating styles. Chapter four discusses the target language and the use of domestication and foreignizaion, paraphrase, and other translation skills, in order to investigate how these skills help creat the translation style. The fifth chapter is the conclusion. After analyzing the words and sentence orders, comparing a direct translation with a liberal translation, etc., the author finds that these factors impact the each translation’s style and difficulty. At the same time, the researcher also investigates how well the translators precisely express the meaning of the source text to the reader. The author also discovers that a professional translator should be adept at mixing multiple translating skills, in order to express the context of the source in simple words and sentences, making the text accessible to readers of different ages. The author hopes that the study will be helpful for those who are interested in English-to- Chinese translation, and encourage new ideas in the translation field.
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Books on the topic "Kahlil Gibran"


Nuʻaymah, Mīkhāʼīl. Kahlil Gibran: A biography. New York: Philosophical Library, 1985.

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Budianta, Eka. Kahlil Gibran di Indonesia. Depok: Badan Pelestarian Pusaka Indonesia, 2010.

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Helou, Joseph Habib. Kahlil Gibran: A nonpareil artist. Beirut, Lebanon: [Joseph Habib Helou], 2002.

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Kahlil, Gibran. The prophet: By Kahlil Gibran. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1989.

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Gibran, Kahlil. Kahlil Gibran de mahan vichar. Amritsar: Kulbir Singh Suri, 1999.

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Kahlil, Gibran. A second treasury of Kahlil Gibran. London: Mandarin, 1992.

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Kahlil, Gibran. The spiritual sayings of Kahlil Gibran. U.S.A: Citadel Press, 1988.

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Kahlil, Gibran. Kahlil Gibran: Paintings & drawings, 1905-1930. New York: Vrej Baghoomian, 1989.

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Gibran, Jean. Kahlil Gibran: His life and world. Edinburgh: Canongate Press, 1992.

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Kahlil, Gibran. The Kahlil Gibran reader: Inspirational writings. Secaucus, N.J: Carol Pub. Group, 1995.

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Book chapters on the topic "Kahlil Gibran"


Arslane, Ghazouane. "Arabic, American and/or World Literature: Kahlil Gibran’s Bilingualism and the Problem of Reception." In Universal Localities, 73–95. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2022.

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"A Rebel Syrian: Gibran Kahlil Gibran: Adel Beshara." In The Origins of Syrian Nationhood, 151–70. Routledge, 2012.

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HARTMAN, MICHELLE. "Grandmothers, Grape Leaves, and Kahlil Gibran." In Sajjilu Arab American, 92–102. Syracuse University Press, 2022.

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Salameh, Franck. "Lebanon." In The Other Middle East. Yale University Press, 2018.

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This chapter features Lebanese authors spanning the period of the “pioneers” of modern Lebanese literature. Kahlil Gibran (1883–1931), Nadia Tuéni (1935–83), Charles Corm (1894–1963), and Anis Freyha (1903–93), whose works spanned the first century of Lebanon's modern history, wrote tirelessly, extolling the glory of ancient Lebanon, recalling the “golden age” of its Phoenician ancestors and the era spanning “classical antiquity,” expressing both hope and concern for the future of a nascent political entity gushing out of a region torn by conflict, irredentism, and resentful nationalisms. Their works reflect elements and profiles of Lebanese life, Lebanese history, and Lebanese landscapes unfolding with both precision and symbolism.
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