Academic literature on the topic 'Juvenile Agriculture'
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Journal articles on the topic "Juvenile Agriculture"
Lancaster, Melanie L., Michael G. Gardner, Alison J. Fitch, Talat H. Ansari, and Anita K. Smyth. "A direct benefit of native saltbush revegetation for an endemic lizard (Tiliqua rugosa) in southern Australia." Australian Journal of Zoology 60, no. 3 (2012): 192.
Full textGörlach, Bruno Maximilian, Jon Niklas Henningsen, Jens Torsten Mackens, and Karl Hermann Mühling. "Evaluation of Maize Growth Following Early Season Foliar P Supply of Various Fertilizer Formulations and in Relation to Nutritional Status." Agronomy 11, no. 4 (April 9, 2021): 727.
Full textPing, Li, Bingyong Xu, Qian Zhou, Yawen Hong, Qingmei Sun, Jincheng Wang, and Difeng Zhu. "Comparative Pharmacokinetic Study of Forchlorfenuron in Adult and Juvenile Rats." Molecules 26, no. 14 (July 14, 2021): 4276.
Full textBuikstra, Jane E., Lyle W. Konigsberg, and Jill Bullington. "Fertility and the Development of Agriculture in the Prehistoric Midwest." American Antiquity 51, no. 3 (July 1986): 528–46.
Full textPianezzola, E., S. Roth, and B. A. Hatteland. "Predation by carabid beetles on the invasive slug Arion vulgaris in an agricultural semi-field experiment." Bulletin of Entomological Research 103, no. 2 (November 13, 2012): 225–32.
Full textTriyanto, Triyanto, Tarsim Tarsim, and Deny Sapto Chondro Utomo. "INFLUENCES OF LAMP IRRADIATION EXPOSURE ON GROWTH AND SURVIVAL OF JUVENILE SNEAKHEAD FISH Channa striata (Bloch, 1793)." e-Jurnal Rekayasa dan Teknologi Budidaya Perairan 8, no. 2 (February 21, 2020): 1029.
Full textAlonso, Valentina, Shyon Nasrolahi, and Adler Dillman. "Host-Specific Activation of Entomopathogenic Nematode Infective Juveniles." Insects 9, no. 2 (June 2, 2018): 59.
Full textHolmes, Eric J., Parsa Saffarinia, Andrew L. Rypel, Miranda N. Bell-Tilcock, Jacob V. Katz, and Carson A. Jeffres. "Reconciling fish and farms: Methods for managing California rice fields as salmon habitat." PLOS ONE 16, no. 2 (February 24, 2021): e0237686.
Full textHafez, S. L., P. Sundararaj, Z. A. Handoo, A. M. Skantar, L. K. Carta, and D. J. Chitwood. "First Report of the Pale Cyst Nematode, Globodera pallida, in the United States." Plant Disease 91, no. 3 (March 2007): 325.
Full textGibson, Neil, Colin Yates, Margaret Byrne, Margaret Langley, and Rujiporn Thavornkanlapachai. "The importance of recruitment patterns versus reproductive output in the persistence of a short-range endemic shrub in a highly fragmented landscape of south-western Australia." Australian Journal of Botany 60, no. 7 (2012): 643.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Juvenile Agriculture"
Snow, Richard. "Life history of juvenile alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula) in Oklahoma." Thesis, Oklahoma State University, 2014.
Full textDaily ring formation has been validated for a variety of fish species, but there is little known information or data on ageing young of year Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula). Artificially spawned Alligator Gar fry with a known spawn date, hatch date, and swim-up date were stocked into two ponds at Tishomingo National Fish Hatchery and reared from 9 to 91 days post-hatch. Up to 10 individuals were sampled each week, and age in days was estimated from counts of presumptive daily rings in the otoliths (sagittae, lapilli, and astericsi). Mean daily ring count and known age were closely related to swim-up (sagitta r2 = 0.98, lapillus r2 = 0.99, asteriscus r2 = 0.93) indicating that daily ring deposition occurred in the otoliths of Alligator Gar 2 days after swim-up. Daily increment counts were accurate through 73 (sagitta), 86 (lapillus), however accuracy for asteriscus was very low throughout 86 days from swim-up. Age-bias plot for the lapillus visually showed no bias between readers. The resulting regression of ring counts against known age (age = -0.96 + 1.03*estimated age) was applied to wild caught Alligator Gar collected in the summer of 2013 from Lake Texoma, Oklahoma, to estimate spawn dates. Spawn dates seem to coincide with rising pool elevation of Lake Texoma and water pulses of tributaries.
Weisheimer, Nilson. "A situação juvenil na agricultura familiar." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2009.
Full textO objetivo geral do estudo foi identificar os traços distintivos da situação juvenil na agricultura familiar e explicar a construção de seus projetos profissionais. Para isto, realizouse uma pesquisa representativa do universo de jovens ocupados na agricultura familiar no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Realizaram-se entrevistas estruturadas com base em questionário padronizado junto a 681 jovens de 15 a 29 anos de ambos os sexos. Como contribuição metodológica, foi proposto um modelo descritivo da situação juvenil com quatro dimensões analíticas: dos recursos materiais, dos processos de socialização, das representações sociais e dos projetos juvenis. Os jovens agricultores familiares são uma categoria social que surge da socialização no processo de trabalho familiar agrícola, sendo a situação juvenil na agricultura familiar caracterizada por uma baixa autonomia material; por uma intensa socialização no processo de trabalho familiar agrícola e pelo predomínio de representações positivas sobre esta atividade. As evidências permitem concluir que os seus projetos profissionais derivam da própria situação juvenil na agricultura familiar, com suas diferenciações sexuais e etárias, que estão presentes na estrutura das práticas do trabalho e na incorporação das disposições necessárias a sua reprodução. Com base nisto, explicam-se porque mesmo em condições de baixa autonomia material predominam entre a maioria dos entrevistados projetos profissionais agrícolas e a recusa por parte das mulheres jovens adolescentes de permanecer nesta atividade.
The main goal of this work is to identify the distinctive characteristics of young people in family farming and their professional projects. For this, we carried out a research representative of the world of the young who work in family farming in Rio Grande do Sul. We carried out interviews based on a standardized questionnaire with 681 people from 15 to 29 years old, of both genders. As a methodological contribution, we proposed a descriptive model of the juvenile situation with four analytics dimensions: resources, socialization processes, social representations, and juvenile projects. The young family farmers are a social category that is rising from the socialization of family farm work, characterized by a low material autonomy and the supremacy of positive representations of the activity. The evidences allow us to conclude that their professional projects derive from their situation in family farming, with its gender and age-based differentiations, which are present in the work practices structure and in the incorporation of the dispositions needed for its replication. Based on this, we can explain why, even with restricted material conditions, amongst most of the interviewed subjects agricultural professional projects and the refuse of staying in this activity are predominant.
Freedman, Ryan. "Assessing the functional recovery and connectivity potential of restored estuaries in southern California using juvenile predator fish movements." Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2014.
Full textLimited information exists on how southern Californian restored estuaries affect fish habitat use. I used the movements of five predatory fishes in two guilds (ambush and roving predators) to assess juvenile habitat use within estuaries and across landscapes at two spatial scales. Translocating fishes between two discrete estuaries located approximately I 0 km apart revealed that connectivity potential between sites differed between foraging guilds. Despite habitat design differences, fishes did not appear to prefer one site over the other. However on a smaller scale (e.g., within a single estuary), differences in microhabitat conditions affected the habitat use by California Halibut (Paralichthys californicus). Individuals selected habitat based on water flow velocity, temperature and eelgrass coverage, but utilized habitat conditions in a size-segregated manner. Since restoration habitat design influences available microhabitat conditions, differences in design likely alters space use within restored estuaries although perhaps not estuary selection itself.
West, Molly E. J. "Stacked Bt Proteins Exacerbate Negative Growth Effects of Juvenile (F. rusticus) Crayfish Fed Corn Diet." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2019.
Full textHardy, Robert F. "Assessments of Surface-Pelagic Drift Communities and Behavior of Early Juvenile Sea Turtles in the Northern Gulf of Mexico." Thesis, University of South Florida, 2014.
Full textKnowledge of species distribution and habitat associations are essential for conservation measures. Such information is lacking for many marine species due to their occupancy of broad and ephemeral habitats that are difficult to access for study. Sea turtles, specifically the surface−pelagic juvenile stage of some species, are a group for which significant knowledge gaps remain surrounding their distribution and habitat use. Recent research has confirmed the long−standing hypothesis that the surface−pelagic juvenile stage occurs within surface−pelagic drift communities (SPDC). Within the North Atlantic and surrounding basins, the holopelagic macroalgae Sargassum spp. dominates SPDC and serves as a remotely−detectable indicator of SPDC. The present study focuses on surface−pelagic habitats of four sea turtle species and addresses knowledge gaps using two approaches: habitat mapping and behavioral examination. Remote sensing techniques were used to identify SPDC, and satellite telemetry to examine behavior. This work was conducted in three parts and is presented in three chapters.
Imagery collected from the Landsat satellites (5 and 7) was used to quantify the area of SPDC (km2). Approximately 1,800 Landsat images collected from 2003–2011 were examined for SPDC. The first chapter discusses the abundance, seasonality, and distribution of SPDC within the eastern Gulf of Mexico waters where surface−pelagic green, hawksbill, Kemp’s ridley, and loggerhead turtles are known to occur. SPDC was found year−round within the eastern Gulf of Mexico, and the amount of habitat peaked during summer months. The amount of SPDC within the eastern Gulf of Mexico varied annually with peaks in 2005, 2009, and 2011. High concentrations of SPDC were discovered within offshore waters of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico and southern West Florida Shelf.
Within the second chapter, the behavior of 10 surface−pelagic juvenile Kemp’s ridleys was examined using satellite telemetry. Using remotely−sensed imagery, the sea surface habitats used by tracked turtles were examined. Surface−pelagic juveniles are hypothesized to be principally passive drifters. The behavior of tracked turtles was examined to determine if they exhibited periods of active and passive behavior, which may indicate periods of swim and drift. The proximity of tracked turtles to remotely−detected SPDC was examined when coincident Landsat imagery was available (within one day of the turtle’s position). Turtles were tracked for 36.5 days (mean) and exhibited primarily passive behavior during the tracking period. The satellite transmitters messaged frequently and reported temperatures significantly higher than sea surface temperatures. Landsat imagery was available coincident to the tracks of nine individuals. SPDC was present within 74% of images, and the mean distance between tracked turtles and SPDC was 54 km. Close associations between tracked turtles and SPDC were documented for four individuals. Results suggest that the tracked turtles spent a majority of the time drifting within SPDC.
The final chapter discusses the density of SPDC within northern and western Gulf of Mexico waters from 2009–2011. Seasonal abundance peaks occurred throughout the study area, but the timing varied. SPDC peaked earlier (late spring) within the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Moving eastward, the timing of seasonal peaks shifted progressively later during the year. Within the western portions of the study area, SPDC was found to be significantly higher than in the eastern Gulf of Mexico.
The eastern Gulf of Mexico may provide critical developmental habitats for several North Atlantic sea turtle species. Additional study is necessary to determine if portions of the western Gulf of Mexico could serve in a similar capacity. SPDC is extremely vulnerable to anthropogenic impacts, specifically oil spills and the occurrence of persistent marine debris. Conservation of SPDC may be challenged by its ephemeral nature; however, the results presented herein could advise conservation efforts (e.g., delineation of critical habitat). The present study described spatial patterns of SPDC occurrence, regions of high abundance, and seasonality. The description of the behavior surface−pelagic sea turtles offers refinements to the spatial distribution of this life stage. These results, coupled with information on circulation patterns and the distribution of sea turtle nesting beaches, can be used to better predict when and where sea turtles and SPDC may be found. For example, the year−round persistence of SPDC within the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the location of major nesting beaches located upstream support the area’s designation as critical habitat for surface−pelagic green, hawksbill, Kemp’s ridley, and loggerhead turtles.
Corbin, Alice Elizabeth. "Evaluation of a Juvenile Driver Intervention Program: Analysis of Ohio Carteens." The Ohio State University, 1999.
Full textCzesny, Sergiusz J. "Biochemical, physiological and behavioral evaluation of the quality of pure bred and hybrid Walleye (Stizostedion Vitreum) eggs, larvae, and juveniles /." The Ohio State University, 2000.
Full textCoradini, Lucas. "Projetos profissionais juvenis e a perspectiva de reprodução social na agricultura familiar." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2011.
Full textThis study examines how the youth’s professional projects in new generation of family farmers are prepared and the perspective of reproduction of the familiar mode of production. The sociological task is to specify the distinctive features of the situation of the youth in family farming, seeking to identify the elements considered in the preparation of their professional projects. The purposes of this study were: 1) to analyze the perspectives of the familiar mode of production starting the youth professional projects; 2) to identify the professional projects of young people associated in agricultural activities in family production units; 3) to identify the aspects considered by young people to assemble their professional projects including their attributed degree of importance; 4) to examine the impressions of young people about the agricultural work and the perspective of permanence in family farming. The conception of this study is initially based on the analysis of secondary data regarding family farming in Brazil, highlighting the studies that consider young farmers as unit of analysis. Subsequent qualitative data were produced by a case study of young farmers who lives in the city of Faxinal do Soturno, a municipality belonging to the fourth colony of Italian immigration in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We performed 36 interviews, consisting of open questions, adopting a semi-structured script, which were examined by the method of content analysis. Among the results were observed a context marked by professional projects that breaks with the succession of the family farm work, converging to occupations that offers higher incomes and an elevated social status. The practice areas of these professions are concentrated in the urban labor market. Regarding the evaluations and representations present in the discourses of the youth, we identify contradictions related to preferences for residential location in relation to the desired location of professional practice. The negative ratings on agricultural work stand out, particularly on issues related to health, salubrity of work and conditions of aging in rural areas. Family and emotional issues, and also specific aspects of the juvenile condition, marked by the pursuit of autonomy and emancipation, permeate the professional projects in development and show a complex analytical framework, which amplify the explanatory factors of migration of youth.
Hatcher, Hunter R. "Establishing and Evaluating Agricultural Plantings and Supplemental Cover on Reservoir Mudflats as a Means to Increase Juvenile Game Fish Abundance and Growth." Thesis, Mississippi State University, 2019.
Full textReservoirs throughout the country exhibit degraded shorelines and simplified littoral habitats because of aging. This study evaluated the establishment of agricultural plantings on reservoir mudflats and the effectiveness of supplemental brush pile structures in providing recruitment habitat for juvenile fish. The mudflats of Enid Reservoir, Mississippi were seeded during the winter drawdown in October of 2016 and 2017 with agricultural plantings. Monitoring of plantings found grasses performed best in terms of establishment and providing potential fish habitat. During Summer 2017 brush piles and control sites, without brush, were sampled in Enid Reservoir using rotenone to evaluate juvenile fish use. Juvenile fish exhibited greater abundances and larger sizes, on average, in brush pile sites. Larger brush piles placed in shallower water provided the greatest benefit to juvenile fish.
José, Neto Joaquim. "JOVENS DA AGRICULTURA FAMILIAR DE RUBIATABA-GO: PROCESSOS EDUCATIVOS E PERSPECTIVAS DE REPRODUÇÃO SOCIAL." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, 2011. http://localhost:8080/tede/handle/tede/679.
Full textThis study on young people in family farming in Rubiataba, Goiás, and the educational processes and perspectives of social reproduction, is a doctoral thesis in the field of research into Education, Society and Culture of the Post-graduate studies in Education Program at the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás. It set out to analyze the conditions and environment of the children of family farmers in the region of Baixa Verde, municipality of Rubiataba, Goiás, in order to understand young people at the heart of the mechanisms of reproduction of the social group to which they belong. To do so, it investigated their feelings about their way of being young people, the way of life and work of their parents, the formal education system, the contribution of formation institutions and leisure time and how they organize their projects for professional fulfillment. Questionnaires were distributed to collect data and other techniques, such as semistructured interviews and asystematic observation, were also used. The adolescent children of family farmers constitutes a social category which arises out of the socialization of the process of family farming whose projects are affected by the expansion of capitalism in the countryside which disregards the wishes and designs of the young, to stay on and earn their living there. They participate in family units of agricultural production in which management, work, property, the institution of knowledge, norms and the values of the family universe predominate. Their families participated in the migration process of the 1940s and 1960s, the so-called March to the West, have settled in the region until today consolidating their projects of creating, maintaining and reproducing the agricultural model called family farming, but who are witnessing a decline in their children s hopes of remaining on in the countryside and, consequently, the future of their properties and cultural heritage. Participating in a school education, subordinated to the capitalist system, young people are turning their interests and projects towards opportunities for study and work in the towns and cities. Soil degradation and the fact that the small farms provide no room for expansion limit the possibilities for young people to take over farming from their parents, and are obstacles in the way of the social reproduction of family farming.
O presente trabalho Jovens da agricultura familiar de Rubiataba-GO: processos educativos e perspectivas de reprodução social é uma tese de doutorado que faz parte da linha de pesquisa Educação, Sociedade e Cultura do Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Educação (PPGE) da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (PUC Goiás). O seu propósito foi investigar a condição e a situação juvenil dos filhos de agricultores familiares da região de Baixa Verde, município de Rubiataba-GO, buscando apreender os jovens no bojo dos mecanismos de reprodução do grupo social a que pertencem. Com esse intuito, buscaram-se os sentidos que elaboram em relação ao modo de ser jovem, ao modo de vida e trabalho dos pais, ao sistema formal de educação, à contribuição das instituições formadoras e dos momentos de lazer e como organizam seus projetos de realização profissional. No processo de investigação, utilizaram-se, para a coleta de dados, a aplicação de questionários, a técnica de entrevista semiestruturada e a observação assistemática. Os jovens filhos de agricultores familiares são uma categoria social que surge da socialização no processo de trabalho familiar agrícola, sendo atingidos, em seus projetos, pela expansão do capitalismo no campo, que desconsidera os anseios e os projetos dos próprios jovens, de permanência e sobrevivência na agricultura familiar. Eles participam de unidades familiares de produção agrícola, em que predominam a gestão, o trabalho, a propriedade, a instituição de saberes, normas e valores do universo da família. Suas famílias participaram do processo migratório das décadas de 1940 e 1960, a chamada Marcha para o Oeste, e se instalaram na região até os dias atuais, consolidando seus projetos de criação, manutenção e reprodução do modelo agrícola denominado agricultura familiar, mas estão vendo diminuírem as expectativas de permanência dos filhos no campo e, consequentemente, de futuro para suas propriedades e seu patrimônio cultural. Participando da educação escolar, subjugada pelo sistema capitalista, os jovens estão migrando seus interesses e projetos para as oportunidades de estudo e trabalho na cidade. O desgaste do solo, as propriedades pequenas e sem espaço para ampliação, limitam as possibilidades de os jovens sucederem os pais na atividade agrícola, são obstáculos para protagonizarem a reprodução social da agricultura familiar.
Books on the topic "Juvenile Agriculture"
Zobel, Bruce J. Juvenile Wood in Forest Trees. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1998.
Find full textWoods, Michael. Ancient agriculture: From foraging to farming. Minneapolis: Runestone Press, 2000.
Find full text(Firm), Sally Ride Science, ed. George Washington Carver: Agriculture pioneer. Huntington Beach, CA: Teacher Created Materials, 2008.
Find full textGeorge Washington Carver: Agriculture pioneer. Minneapolis, Minn: Compass Point Books, 2010.
Find full textJoAnne, Buggey, ed. Corn in the story of agriculture. Halifax, N.S: Northwest Arm Press, 2011.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Juvenile Agriculture"
"Challenges for Diadromous Fishes in a Dynamic Global Environment." In Challenges for Diadromous Fishes in a Dynamic Global Environment, edited by Mohammad Abdul Latif Siddique. American Fisheries Society, 2009.
Full text"Early Life History of Fishes in the San Francisco Estuary and Watershed." In Early Life History of Fishes in the San Francisco Estuary and Watershed, edited by Kathryn M. Kuivila and G. Edward Moon. American Fisheries Society, 2004.
Full textSoares Da Rocha, Alysson, Camila Rodrigues Santo, Felipe Divino Alves Monteiro, Hugo Gabriel Guedes De Oliveira, Thiago Fontolan Tardivo, and Clauber Rosanova. "EFEITO DA EXPOSIÇÃO DO TRICLORFON EM JUVENIS DETAMBAQUI (COLOSSOMA MACROPOMUM, CURVIER 1881):." In Extensão Rural em Foco: Apoio à Agricultura Familiar, Empreendedorismo e Inovação - Volume 1, 263–66. Editora Científica Digital, 2020.
Full text"Burbot: Ecology, Management, and Culture." In Burbot: Ecology, Management, and Culture, edited by Wayne A. Hubert, David Dufek, Joseph Deromedi, Kevin Johnson, Scott Roth, and David Skates. American Fisheries Society, 2008.
Full textBastos, Argemiro, Jô Lima, and Marcos Tavares-dias. "EFEITOS DO AUMENTO DA TEMPERATURA NA SOBREVIVÊNCIAE DESEMPENHO DE CRESCIMENTO DE JUVENIS DEMACROBRACHIUM AMAZONICUM (PALAEMONIDAE):." In Extensão Rural em Foco: Apoio à Agricultura Familiar, Empreendedorismo e Inovação - Volume 1, 267–75. Editora Científica Digital, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Juvenile Agriculture"
Triwati, Ani. "The Best Interest of the Juvenile in the Diversion Agreement within Juvenile Criminal Justice System." In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education, Humanities, Health and Agriculture, ICEHHA 2021, 3-4 June 2021, Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia. EAI, 2021.
Full textReports on the topic "Juvenile Agriculture"
Rajarajan, Kunasekaran, Alka Bharati, Hirdayesh Anuragi, Arun Kumar Handa, Kishor Gaikwad, Nagendra Kumar Singh, Kamal Prasad Mohapatra, et al. Status of perennial tree germplasm resources in India and their utilization in the context of global genome sequencing efforts. World Agroforestry, 2020.
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