Books on the topic 'Justice and reconciliation in Africa'
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1937-, Shenk David W., ed. Justice, reconciliation, and peace in Africa. Nairobi: Uzima Press, 1997.
Find full textdu Bois, François, and Antje du Bois-Pedain, eds. Justice and Reconciliation in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Full textFrançois, Du Bois, ed. Justice and reconciliation in post-apartheid South Africa. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Find full textOrobator, A. E. Reconciliation, justice, and peace. Nairobi, Kenya: Acton Publishers, 2011.
Find full textPeace versus justice?: The dilemma of transitional justice in Africa. Oxford: James Currey, 2010.
Find full textCharles, Villa-Vicencio, and Doxtader Erik, eds. The provocations of amnesty: Memory, justice, and impunity. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2003.
Find full textCentre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation., ed. Making ends meet: Reconciliation and reconstruction in South Africa. Braamfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa: The Centre, 1994.
Find full textAlex, Boraine, Levy Janet, Scheffer Ronel, and Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa., eds. Dealing with the past: Truth and reconciliation in South Africa. Cape Town: IDASA, 1994.
Find full textTjønneland, Elling Njål. Rainbow justice and peace building: South Africa 1994-2001. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute, 2001.
Find full textPeace versus justice?: The dilemma of transitional justice in Africa. Scottsville, South Africa: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2009.
Find full textSouth Africa. Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa report. [Cape Town]: Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 1999.
Find full textSouth Africa. Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa report. Cape Town: The Commission, 1998.
Find full textReconciliation, justice, and peace: The Second African Synod. Maryknoll, N.Y: Orbis Books, 2011.
Find full textLeman-Langlois, Stéphane. Constructing post-conflict justice: The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission as an ongoing invention of reconciliation and truth. [Toronto]: S. Leman-Lanaglois, 2000.
Find full textGhana Center for Democratic Development., ed. National reconciliation & transitional justice processes in West Africa: A report of proceedings of a Conference on "National Reconciliation & Transitional Justice Processes in West Africa" held in Accra on October 2-3, 2003. Accra: Ghana Center for Democratic Development, 2004.
Find full textInstitute for Justice and Reconciliation (South Africa), ed. Critical lessons in post-conflict security in Africa: The case of Liberia's Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Wynberg: Institute for Justice and Reconciliation, 2010.
Find full textPractising reconciliation, doing justice, building peace: Conversations on Catholic theological ethics in Africa. Nairobi, Kenya: Paulines Publications of Africa, 2013.
Find full textBois-Pedain, Antje Du. Transitional amnesty in South Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Find full textThe impossible machine: A genealogy of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2013.
Find full textWerle, Gerhard. Justice in transition - prosecution and amnesty in Germany and South Africa. Berlin: BWV, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2006.
Find full textOkello, Moses Chrispus. Where law meets reality: Forging African transitional justice. Oxford: Pambazuka Press, 2012.
Find full text1937-, Huyse Lucien, and Salter Mark 1961-, eds. Traditional justice and reconciliation after violent conflict: Learning from African experiences. Stockholm: International Idea, 2008.
Find full textNyambi, Jomo. Mofokeng and Mokoena: What a long walk! West Coast Village: Lotsha Publications, 2011.
Find full textThe era of transitional justice: The aftermath of the truth and reconciliation commission in South Africa and beyond. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2011.
Find full textInterracial justice: Conflict and reconciliation in post-civil rights America. New York: New York University Press, 1999.
Find full textI, Rotberg Robert, and Thompson Dennis, eds. Truth v. justice: The morality of truth commissions. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 2000.
Find full textKistner, Wolfram. The legacy of the past in the new South Africa. [Bellville, South Africa: Ecumenical Foundation of Southern Africa, 1994.
Find full textThe church in service to reconciliation, justice and peace: Preparing for the Second African Synod. Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe: African Forum for Catholic Social Teaching, 2009.
Find full textRakate, Phenyo Keiseng. International criminal justice and reconciliation: Lessons from the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Braamfontein, South Africa: Institute for Global Dialogue, 1999.
Find full text(Editor), Robert I. Rotberg, and Dennis Thompson (Editor), eds. Truth v. Justice. Princeton University Press, 2000.
Find full textBois, François du du, and Antje du du Bois-Pedain. Justice and Reconciliation in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Find full textBois-Pedain, Antje du, and François du Bois. Justice and Reconciliation in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Find full textBois-Pedain, Antje du, and François du Bois. Justice and Reconciliation in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Find full textBois-Pedain, Antje Du, and François Du Bois. Justice and Reconciliation in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Find full textBois, Franc¸ois Du, and Antje Du Bois-Pedain. Justice and Reconciliation in Post-apartheid South Africa. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Find full textBois-Pedain, Antje du, and François du Bois. Justice and Reconciliation in Post-Apartheid South Africa South African Edition. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Find full textThe Provocations of Amnesty: Memory, Justice, and Impunity. Africa World Press, 2003.
Find full text(Editor), Erik Doxtader, and Charles Villa-Vicencio (Editor), eds. The Provocations of Amnesty: Memory, Justice, and Impunity. Africa World Press, 2003.
Find full textDiscourse on African Philosophy: A New Perspective on Ubuntu and Transitional Justice in South Africa. Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2017.
Find full textMalu, Linus Nnabuike. Transitional Justice in West Africa. Taylor & Francis Group, 2022.
Find full textMalu, Linus Nnabuike. Transitional Justice in West Africa. Taylor & Francis Group, 2022.
Find full textClark, Phil. Gacaca Courts, Post-Genocide Justice and Reconciliation in Rwanda: Justice Without Lawyers. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Find full textClark, Phil. Gacaca Courts, Post-Genocide Justice and Reconciliation in Rwanda: Justice Without Lawyers. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Find full textClark, Phil. Gacaca Courts, Post-Genocide Justice and Reconciliation in Rwanda: Justice Without Lawyers. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Find full textClark, Phil. Gacaca Courts, Post-Genocide Justice and Reconciliation in Rwanda: Justice Without Lawyers. Cambridge University Press, 2011.
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