Academic literature on the topic 'Justice'

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Journal articles on the topic "Justice"


KASTNER, PHILIPP. "Transitional Justice + Cyberjustice = Justice2?" Leiden Journal of International Law 30, no. 3 (April 3, 2017): 753–69.

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AbstractThe increased use of information and communication technologies arguably represents important opportunities for the field of transitional justice, notably with respect to the optimization of existing mechanisms and the development of new ones. This article focuses on state-based and typically very formal mechanisms, namely international, internationalized and national criminal tribunals as well as truth and reconciliation commissions. These institutions often apply and engage with international law and operate with the involvement or under the close scrutiny of the international community. Moreover, they can be expected to be the first ones to embrace insights from the field of cyberjustice to a significant extent.Enhancing access to and participation in such mechanisms, rendering them more cost-efficient and facilitating information-sharing would correspond to generally accepted norms relating to both international human rights and justice. However, cyberjustice initiatives may also entrench an already common ‘toolkit approach’ in the field of transitional justice. This article builds on recent critiques of the dominant legalistic and normatively driven transitional justice paradigm and argues that transitional justice + cyberjustice hence risks furthering a technocratic top-down approach that unduly limits creative solutions. By adopting a critical legal-pluralistic approach that conceives individuals as law-creative actors and that is cognizant of the close relationship between means and ends, the article imagines ways of benefiting from the promises of transitional justice + cyberjustice.
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Holden, Richard, Michael Keane, and Matthew Lilley. "Peer effects on the United States Supreme Court." Quantitative Economics 12, no. 3 (2021): 981–1019.

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Using data on essentially every U.S. Supreme Court decision since 1946, we estimate a model of peer effects on the Court. We estimate the impact of justice ideology and justice votes on the votes of their peers. To identify the peer effects, we use two instruments that generate plausibly exogenous variation in the peer group itself, or in the votes of peers. The first instrument utilizes the fact that the composition of the Court varies from case to case due to recusals or absences for health reasons. The second utilizes the fact that many justices previously sat on Federal Circuit Courts, and justices are generally much less likely to overturn decisions in cases sourced from their former “home” court. We find large peer effects. For example, we can use our model to predict the impact of replacing Justice Ginsburg with Justice Barrett. Under the the assumption that Justice Barrett's ideological position aligns closely with Justice Scalia, for whom she clerked, we predict that her influence on the Court will increase the Conservative vote propensity of the other justices by 4.7 percentage points. That translates into 0.38 extra conservative votes per case on top of the impact of her own vote. In general, we find indirect effects are large relative to the direct mechanical effect of a justice's own vote.
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Machmudin, Dudu Duswara. "Mengembalikan Kewibawaan Mahkamah Agung Sebagai Peradilan Yang Agung." Jurnal Konstitusi 10, no. 1 (May 20, 2016): 33.

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Authority, protection, legal certainty and justice are absolute requirements for a country which is based on law. All judges should endeavor to harmonize justice based on the provisions of law (legal justice), justice based on morality (moral justice) and justice based on the will of the people (social justice). Supreme Court as the highest of all courts in the country should be filled with Justices who act as the reformer of law to realize clean court. The great authorities and duties the justices have require a high degree of responsibility in order that the decisions issued are for the sake of justice and in the Name of God Almighty. This denotes that law enforcement, truth and justice must be accounted for either to human or God. Supreme Court Justices are expected to integrate the three concept of justices in order that harmonization of legal responsibility and social satisfaction which is built on morality based on goodness and badness as the standard can be realized. As the Reformer of law, Supreme Court Justice should be able and have the courage to make breakthrough which is not against the law and social justice and the morality itself.
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Aguiar González, Fernando. "Justicia distributiva : Distributive Justice." EUNOMÍA. Revista en Cultura de la Legalidad, no. 17 (September 27, 2019): 207.

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Resumen: En este artículo se realiza un breve recorrido por las teorías de la justicia distributiva más influyentes, partiendo de John Rawls y terminando con los principios propuestos por Martha Nussbaum para el desarrollo de una justicia global. En ese recorrido veremos cómo responden esas teorías a tres preguntas: qué se distribuye, cómo se distribuye y entre quiénes se distribuye. Esto nos permitirá comparar sus fundamentos y sus principios de distribución justa, así como comprender mejor sus límites. Palabras clave: bienes primarios, capacidades, comunidad, igualdad, justicia global, principio de diferencia, renta básica, suerte, utilitarismo. Abstract: This article offers a brief overview of the most influential theories of distributive justice, starting with John Rawls and ending up with Martha Nussbaum´s principles for a global justice. Along this way we will see how they answer these three questions: what to distribute, how it is distributed and among whom it is distributed. This will allow us to compare its foundations and principles of fair distribution, as well as to better understand its limits. Keywords: basic income, capabilities, community, difference principle, equality, global justice, luck, primary goods, utilitarianism.
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Montalván Zambrano, Digno José. "Justicia ecológica = Ecological justice." EUNOMÍA. Revista en Cultura de la Legalidad, no. 18 (April 1, 2020): 179.

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Resumen: El presente artículo desarrolla el concepto de justicia ecológica dando cuenta de sus características y diferencias respecto de los modelos de justicia ambiental y justicia con los animales. Con dicho objetivo, delimita el contenido de cada uno de estos modelos de justicia a partir su puesta en relación con los enfoques antropocéntrico, biocéntrico y ecocéntrico. Con ello, se busca presentar una clasificación de las principales propuestas que se han elaborado desde la filosofía política sobre la relación del ser humano con la naturaleza, que, a su vez, precise y explique sus traducciones en el mundo del derecho. Finalmente, desde el estudio comparado, el artículo defiende la hipótesis de que la justicia ecológica se constituye como complementaria y necesaria en la urgente labor de la preservación de la Naturaleza.Palabras clave :Justicia ambiental, justicia para los animales, justicia ecológica, antropocentrismo, biocentrismo; ecocentrismo, derecho a un medio ambiente sano, derechos de los animales, derechos de la Naturaleza.Abstract: This article develops the concept of ecological justice explaining its characteristics and main differences from the environmental justice and justice with animals. With this aim, the paper delimits the scope and content of each model of justice taking as reference their relations with the anthropocentric, biocentric and ecocentric approaches. From this, the work seeks to present a classification of the main proposals that the political philosophy has elaborated on the relationship of the human being and nature, including its translations in the world of law. Finally, from the comparative study, the article defends the hypothesis that ecological justice needs to be articulated, alongside the environmental justice, as a necessary complement in the urgent work of Nature preservation. Keywords :Environmental justice, justice for animals, ecological justice, anthropocentrism, biocentrism, ecocentrism, right to a healthy environment, animal rights, rights of nature
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Vinogradova, Elena V. "Justice for justice M.I. Kleandrov. Justice and justice." Gosudarstvo i pravo, no. 8 (2022): 190.

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The reviewed book is devoted to understanding the meaning of justice in the context of justice. These concepts are studied in detail in the monograph. In addition, the norms of various branches of law are analyzed, ways of improving them are proposed to direct them towards a person and achieve justice, reasonableness, honesty
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Fokov, Anatoly P. "Justice and justice M.I. Kleandrov. Justice and justice." Gosudarstvo i pravo, no. 4 (2022): 179.

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Monographic work of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences M.I. Kleandrov is a fully meaningful and critical analysis of the previous experience of judicial activity in the system of arbitration courts and, finally, in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation, scientific activity as a chief researcher at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, necessary to develop a new understanding of what new forms of fair justice should be. The solution of this problem, the author believes, is necessary in conditions of uncertainty of legal norms, within the framework of judicial discretion, with judicial law-making and rulemaking, the problems of evidence in court proceedings and in extreme situations (pandemics), solving problems related to the imposition of death sentences and the rapid introduction of artificial intelligence into judicial activity.
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Lane, Robert E. "Market Justice, Political Justice." American Political Science Review 80, no. 2 (June 1986): 383–402.

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The defense of capitalism in America is rooted in a preference for the market's justice of earned deserts over the justices of equality and need associated with the polity. These preferences have structural roots in the way governments and markets serve different values and purposes, satisfy wants, focus on fairness or justice, enlist causal attributions, distribute or redistribute income, are limited by rights, and seem to offer either harmony or conflict of interest. Some of these “structural” differences, however, are themselves perceptual, and corrected by changed perceptions of the productivity of government and of our historic predecessors, and by a community point of view involving changed accounting systems, as well as by policies of full employment rather than guaranteed incomes. With few institutional changes, these altered perceptions may partially restore political justice to favor.
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Wahyuni, Ni Luh Eka, Gde Herry Sugiarto Asana, and Laras Oktaviani. "PENGARUH KEADILAN DISTRIBUTIF, INTERAKSIONAL DAN PROSEDURAL TERHADAP BUDGETARY SLACK HOTEL BINTANG LIMA DI BADUNG." Journal of Applied Management and Accounting Science 5, no. 2 (May 28, 2024): 169–81.

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Based on the profit and loss report for Hotel The report also shows that budgeted expenses are higher than income, this can also trigger budgetary slack. There are several factors that influence budgetary slack, one of which is the dimension of justicei which consistss of idistributive ijustice, interactonal justice, procedur justice where if this dimension of justice is implemented well and appropriately it will reduces the occurrences of budgetary slack. The aim of this research is to determin and analyse: (1) the influence of distributive justice on budgetary slack; (2) the influence of interactional justice on budgetary slack; (3) the influence of procedural justice on budgetary slack. The sort of examination is quantitative exploration. 158 employees participated in this study's survey. Primari data are the kind of data used. The questionnaires is used for data collection. Multiple linear regression is the method used in the data analysis. The results of the research conclude that distributive justice, interactional justice n procedural justice have a significant effect on budgetary slack in five star hotels in Badung. Based on the regression coefficient value obtained, it is negative, indicating that there is a negative influence between the variables of distributive justice, interactional justice n proceduraly justicei on budgetarys slack in five star hotels in Badung. The extent of the influence of the variables distributive justice, interactional justice, and procedural justice on Budgetary Slack is 25.5%, and 74.5% is influencei by factorss outsidei of this studys.
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Anip Bustaman1, Hasnun, and Abdul Malek A. Tambi. "Organizational Justice from the Perspective of Potential Applicants." International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, no. 4.34 (December 13, 2018): 153.

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This paper reviews the recent advancement of organizational justice influencing the people from outside organizations, which has been gaining keen attention from scholars lately. Precisely, this paper aims to construe organizational justice with a greater emphasis on the potential applicant attraction. The discussion involved the elementary of four justices encompassing procedural justice, distributive justice, interpersonal justice and informational justice in the eye of potential applicant. Finally, this paper enlarged the conceptuality of study by providing some arguments of appropriate methodology for empirical testing.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Justice"


Gutfreund, Shawna. "Doing justice justice : distinguishing social justice from distributive justice and the implications for bioethics." Thesis, McGill University, 2006. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=98926.

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Justice is a key guiding ethical principle in bioethics. When justice is addressed in bioethics the focus is primarily on the fair distribution of resources, that is, distributive justice. In this thesis, I argue that a distributive conception of justice is unable to adequately address many of the relevant issues of justice within bioethics. These issues are better understood and addressed using a social conception of justice. Social justice is concerned with ensuring that the norms and rules of social structures are fair and equitable. I argue that social and distributive justice are not only compatible, but also complementary. As a result, both conceptions of justice need to be applied to bioethical issues if we are to achieve a truly just outcome. As a case study, I apply this analysis to the controversial issue of the inclusion of pregnant women in clinical research trial.
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Bernardinis, Christophe de. "Justice administrative, justice répressive par." Metz, 2002.

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La mission voire la nature de la justice administrative connaît, dans le cadre général de l'évolution contemporaine du droit administratif à travers l'ensemble du droit interne français et du droit européen, une mutation essentielle. L'avénement du pluralisme juridique et l'émergence de plusieurs types de concurrence ont laissé entrevoir, sur le fondement d'une mission de répression, un repositionnement avantageux de la justice administrative prise dans toutes. Au-delà de la mission traditionnelle du juge administratif qui vise soit à réparer l'atteinte à la règle de droit (juge de légalité) soit à rétablir la sécurité des situations ou des droits méconnus (juge de la responsabilité), la justice administrative devient aussi une justice répressive.
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Bernardinis, Christophe de Cattoir-Jonville Vincent. "Justice administrative, justice répressive par." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2002.

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Jaynes, Natalie. "Conceptualising Restorative Justice within Transitional Justice Framework." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2010.

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The concept of 'restorative justice' has in recent years been widely invoked in the transitional justice literature. The term is however often used loosely, inconsistently and in apparently different senses. This minor dissertation addresses this dilemma by bringing together three influential bodies of work on restorative justice and exploring what each body of work means by the term 'restorative justice'. The three bodies of work are that of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, criminal justice theorists and accounts of African Traditional Justice Mechanisms. With a clearer picture of what these respective sources mean when referring to restorative justice, the discussion then turns to the potential relevance and significance of these conceptions of restorative justice for transitional justice. The three bodies of work on restorative justice, while distinct in their own right, are brought into conversation through applying a uniform methodology. This methodology draws on John Rawls' distinction between concept and conception. Given that restorative justice is not concerned with the rules of ordinary language usage a conceptual analysis is not possible. What is possible is to follow a route of enquiry that explores the different conceptions of restorative justice reflected in each body of work. These conceptions are discussed against the backdrop of a transitional justice framework. This minor dissertation does not make any claims regarding the concept of restorative justice. Rather what are delivered are some findings about the conceptions of restorative justice that feature within the three bodies of work under discussion. The conceptions of 3 restorative justice differ in certain respects but also overlap in others. The crucial point of overlap concerns a sociological or relational approach to crime and wrongdoing which requires that all parties to a conflict are involved in its resolution. Herein lies the chief contribution of restorative justice to transitional justice, namely that restorative justice embodies what Jon Elster deems to be the task of transitional justice - that a society judge itself.
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Dekker, Teun. "Reconciling justice as equality and justice as desert." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2006.

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Peyrat, Sébastien. "La Justice et la justice dans les cités." Paris 8, 2002.

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Cette thèse porte sur les thèmes de la Justice (en tant que concept), de la justice institutionnelle des mineurs dans notre pays et des cités urbaines de nos banlieues. La méthodologie principale employée pour mener à bien cette recherche a été de passer plusieurs années avec des jeunes des cités. Elle a aussi porté sur le fonctionnement de la justice des mineurs dans l'enceinte du Tribunal pour enfants. Les êtres humains, dès lors qu'ils décident de vivre ensemble, se donnent des règles. La vie en société impose le respect d'un code de conduite par chacun des membres du groupe. Notre société est régie par un droit, celui-ci est inscrit dans les lois. La cité est régie par un droit particulier qui est celui des règles de la cité. Ce droit est fondé sur une règle essentielle qui est celle de la mutualité de la cité (c'est-à-dire une protection réciproque et inconditionnelle des membres de la cité par eux-mêmes). Les jeunes des cités suivent des règles dont le fondement n'est pas différent de celui qui préside à la rédaction de nos lois. L'origine du droit est, au sein de notre société comme dans le groupe des jeunes des cités, liée au concept de Justice. . .
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Merle, Jean-Christophe. "Justice et progrès. Droit naturel et justice sociale." Paris 4, 1996.

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Malgré l'actualité de la question du droit, la philosophie contemporaine néglige de fonder normativement les droits économiques et sociaux. La réflexion menée par le droit naturel classique offre les bases d'une telle tentative. Depuis Cicéron, le droit naturel définit l'acquisition de la propriété sans référence à la justice communautaire. Il reconnait toutefois aux non-propriétaires certains droits, tels que le droit de nécessité ou le droit d'usage innocent, puis, avec Leibniz, l'impératif d'équité de coopérer, et, avec le jeune Kant de 1764, un rejet radical du servage et du salariat. La justice jusnaturaliste exige aussi la création d'hospices pour les pauvres. Il n'empêche : dans le droit naturel, la distribution de la propriété a lieu en dehors de tout critère de justice, alors même que le dominium terrae confère à chaque homme un droit originaire d'utiliser la terre. Dans l'absolu, ce droit semble certes se contredire car il est impossible que tous en jouissent pleinement en même temps. Mais le droit kantien et fichtéen, fondé, en matière de propriété, sur une loi permissive, permet de concevoir un système de la propriété qui permette la coexistence des libertés de tous, en les restreignant mutuellement, autant que nécessaire, mais de manière égale pour tous. Le système fichtéen reconnait à tous le droit à une propriété de moyens de production qui permette d'assurer sa subsistance, son agrément et ses loisirs en travaillent. Pour autant, Fichte évite les écueils qui accompagnent trop souvent la planification économique qu'il est amené à préconiser. Son modèle économique et social laisse réellement place à l'initiative et à l'entreprise individuelles, ainsi qu'au libre choix de son mode de vie. Il permet également de penser comment, dans ce même cadre de justice, peut avoir lieu le progrès économique, qui exige l'investissement, une division du travail croissante, l'adaptation de la production et du travail au marché, etc
Despite the problem's currency, contemporary philosophy continues to neglect the need normatively to ground social and economic rights. Classical natural law theory offers reflections that can form the basis for an attempt to do so. Since Cicero, natural law has been thought to establish rules of acquisition without referring to community-based justice. Still, it attributes certain rights to non-owners, such as the defense of necessity or the right of adversarial possession and later, with Leibniz, the obligation in equity to cooperate. The young Kant of 1764 radically rejected both serfdom and wage-labor. Natural justice also demanded the creation of poorhouses. Nonetheless, though natural law distributes ownership without reference to any criteria of justice, the dominum terrae confers the innate right of each man to use the earth. Taken out of context, this seems self-contradictory, since this right cannot be enjoyed at once by all. But Kantian and Fichtean property rights rest on a permissive law which structures ownership to allow for the same freedoms to coexist for all, mutually restricted as necessary but in the same way for all. The Fichtean system recognizes the right to own the productive means to work for his personal subsistence, pleasure and leisure. But Fichte avoids the pitfalls that so often accompany the economic planning he advocates. His social and economic model leaves a genuine place for individual initiative and enterprise, as well as freedom to choose one's own life style. More, it allows for the consideration of how economic progress - which demands investment, a growing division of labor, the adaptation of production and work to the market, and so on - can take place within this same framework of justice
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Santos, Gabriela Jorge dos. "Fatores antecedentes do uso da internet no local de trabalho." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2013.

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Mestrado em Gestão de Recursos Humanos
O tema deste trabalho encerra duas temáticas fundamentais no contexto organizacional, o cyberloafing, isto é o uso indevido da internet no local de trabalho e a justiça organizacional. A presente investigação tem como propósito identificar as diferentes atividades de cyberloafing e analisar de que forma as perceções de justiça organizacional podem estar relacionadas com a prática de cyberloafing. Optou-se pelo modelo tetra-dimensional de justiça organizacional que integra: justiça distributiva, justiça procedimental, justiça interpessoal e justiça informacional. Para o efeito, foi aplicado um inquérito por questionário electrónico a uma amostra constituída por 194 indivíduos com acesso à internet no local de trabalho. Como resultados finais, considerou-se que as perceções de justiça não estão relacionadas com a frequência nem com a duração da utilização da internet para fins pessoais, mas com atividades específicas de cyberloafing.
The subject of this work involves two fundamental themes of the organizational context cyberloafing, misuse of internet in the workplace and organizational justice. This investigation has the purpose of identifying the different activities of cyberloafing and analyze on which way the organizational justice perceptions may be related with the practice of cyberloafing. It was chosen the tetra-dimensional model of organizational justice which includes: distributive justice, procedural justice, interpersonal justice and informational justice. For this purpose it was applied an electronic questionnaire to a sample of 194 individuals with internet access at work. As final results it was considered the justice perceptions are not related to the frequency, nor to the time spent using the internet, but are related to specific activities of cyberloafing.
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Deratany, Jay Paul. "Justice Square." Thesis, University of California, Riverside, 2013.

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A young American woman who lost her mother in 9/11 needs a heart transplant and discovers that her only hope is to pay a small fortune for her Muslim doctor to escort her to Iran for the operation. Reluctantly putting her mistrust aside, she agrees to the bargain but once in Iran her doctor's mysterious behavior and the terrible social injustice she finds propel her to become enmeshed in the tragic case of two young boys framed and threatened with execution for homosexuality. Her doctor finally reveals what her behavior is endangering, a secret clinic he runs to aid those abused by the system. He wants her to ignore the plight of the boys but she refuses. Her discovery of the heart that had been buried under the scar tissue of 9/11 nearly destroys them both, but in the end their passion for justice saves them and brings two opposing cultures a bit closer.

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Devereux, Peter. "Vigilante justice." Thesis, Bangor University, 1998.

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Books on the topic "Justice"


A, Desai Ashok. Taxmann's Justice versus justices. New Delhi: Taxmann Allied Services Pvt. Ltd., 1994.

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1972-, Tuesta Sonaly, ed. Buscando justicia =: Search for justice. Lima: Movimiento Manuela Ramos, 2000.

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Larivière, Daniel Soulez. Justice pour la justice. Paris: Seuil, 1990.

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Giri, N. B. Justice to justice: Bhutan. [Nepal]: Rosy Giri, 2014.

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Heffernan, William C. Social Justice/Criminal Justice. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.

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Heller, Agnes. Beyond justice. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987.

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Watson, Larry. Justice. Thorndike, Me: G.K. Hall, 1996.

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Johnson, Joan. Justice. New York: F. Watts, 1985.

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Rodriguez, Kenneth. Justice. Calabasas, CA: Center for Civic Education, 2001.

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Campbell, Tom. Justice. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2010.

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Book chapters on the topic "Justice"


Sparenborg, Lukas. "Justice: Climate Justice." In Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, 1641–47. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2023.

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Peluso Neder Meyer, Emilio. "Justice: Transitional Justice." In Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, 1685–88. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2023.

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Lee, Li Way, and Aaron Keathley. "Justice: Capuchin Justice." In 45 Conversations About Behavioral Economics, 177–79. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Wewer, Göttrik, and Nicolai Dose. "Elektronische Justiz (E-Justice)." In Handbuch Digitalisierung in Staat und Verwaltung, 1–12. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2022.

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Terré, Dominique. "Justice sociale, justice globale." In Philosophy of Justice, 337–57. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2014.

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Wilson, Brian, and Kees Van Haperen. "Justice, Ministry of Justice." In Soft Systems Thinking, Methodology and the Management of Change, 218–61. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2015.

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ten Have, Henk, and Maria do Céu Patrão Neves. "Global Justice (See Justice)." In Dictionary of Global Bioethics, 579–80. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Kim, Claire Jean. "Racial Justice, Animal Justice." In The Routledge Companion to Gender and Animals, 640–50. London: Routledge, 2024.

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de Jasay, Anthony. "Justice." In The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law, 1058–67. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2002.

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Tugendhat, Ernst. "Justice." In Norms, Values, and Society, 1–12. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1994.

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Conference papers on the topic "Justice"


Osborn, James, and Leon Sterling. "JUSTICE." In the seventh international conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 1999.

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Gagaev, Andrey, and Pavel Gagaev. "ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN THE SYSTEM OF JUSTICE." In Globalistics-2020: Global issues and the future of humankind. Interregional Social Organization for Assistance of Studying and Promotion the Scientific Heritage of N.D. Kondratieff / ISOASPSH of N.D. Kondratieff, 2020.

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Environmental justice is a part of the system of natural, ethnic, geographic-ecological, restorative and international justice and a system of solutions in the field of global issues. Environmental justice includes compatibility, hatchability and sequence, equality, freedom, truth, responsibility of all forms of life on the planet and in space in their habitats, not claiming for the habitats of other living forms. Therefore, for example, the United States are their habitat only and nowhere else in the world, like any other nation, while the exit of ethnic groups beyond their habitats means aggression and violence. The article also presents the subject of environmental justice. It is the world economic systems. Environmental justice includes also procedural principles of fairness, maintaining natural evolution and self-organization of habitats in space and time; common property of mankind; teleology of alignment and perfection of races and ethnic groups, evolutionary diversity; maintaining the natural cyclicity of life forms; a system of non-violence and solutions to global issues.
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Bulatović, Aleksandra, and Aleksandar Fatić. "The Vagaries of Restorative Justice: Borders Between Restorative Justice and Justice as Punishment." In International Scientific Conference “LIFE IN PRISON: Criminological, Penological, Psychological, Sociological, Legal, Security and Medical Issues”, 85–91. Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, Belgrade, Serbia, 2024.

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This paper explores the complex interplay between restorative justice and traditional punitive justice systems. While proportional and rationalistic justice focuses on establishing some kind of disturbed equilibrium between crime and a normal state of affairs in society, or on preventing future crimes by increasing the costs of committing it for the offender, restorative justice focuses on the actual restoration of the type of social capital that has been degraded by time. Restorative justice thus works on healing and reconciliation, and tends to contrast sharply with punitive justice, which emphasizes retribution and deterrence. One of the main obstacles to a broad implementation of restorative justice is connected with community expectations. Most communities have been habituated to expect punitive justice and have internalized these expectations as their psychological way to achieve “closure” after a crime has victimized some members of the community or, indirectly, the community as a whole. Thus one of the challenges of modern restorative justice in practice is how to integrate it with more traditional views on punitive justice, which is the preoccupation of this brief paper.
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Hall, Chevelle, Willis Walter, and Aaron Livingston. "EDUCATIONAL JUSTICE." In 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. IATED, 2020.

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Bissett-Scott, J., Delle Odeleye, and Ian Frame. "Spatial Justice." In CIKM'15: 24th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2015.

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Bombelli, Giovanni. "Aristotle on Justice and Law: Koinonia, Justice and Politeia." In XXVI World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Initia Via, 2015.

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Roberts, Bryony, Lindsay Harkema, and Lori Brown. "Spatializing Reproductive Justice." In 112th ACSA Annual Meeting. ACSA Press, 2024.

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Coined in 1994 by a caucus of Black women activists, reproductive justice is the “human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities”.1 After the overturn of Roe v. Wade, access to reproductive healthcare is radically restricted across the U.S., compounding systemic race, gender, and class-based inequities that have always made healthcare inaccessible for many. The landmark Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision in 2022 rolled back nearly 50 years of reproductive rights protections and unleashed a plethora of laws that make it more difficult to access reproductive health care, riskier to assist those seeking care, and precarious to teach about issues of race, gender, and sexuality. As stated in the dissenting opinion by Justices Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan, “Whatever the exact scope of the coming laws, one result of today’s decision is certain: the curtailment of women’s rights, and of their status as free and equal citizens.”2 In the U.S. today, bodily autonomy and academic freedom are geographically situated. Within this context of curtailed freedoms, architects and educators must confront the spatial realities of these restrictions. New dialogues must emerge at architecture’s intersectional edges – between designers, activists, social justice advocates, legal experts, public health practitioners, and students – to explore how the built environment can better support human lives.
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Bellini, Rosanna, Debora de Castro Leal, Hazel Anneke Dixon, Sarah E. Fox, and Angelika Strohmayer. "“There is no justice, just us”: Making mosaics of justice in social justice Human-Computer Interaction." In CHI '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2022.

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Vielmo Moura, Rodrigo. "SPATIAL JUSTICE IN FRAGILE PERIPHERAL AREAS." In International Urban Planning Research Seminar. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Grup de Recerca en Urbanisme, 2025.

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Spatial (in)justice is a multidisciplinary topic commonly associated with environmental and territorial justice. Considering the existence of Italy's territorial inequalities, the advent of the National Strategy for Inner Areas and the chances to reverse existing imbalances due to EU instruments, tools, and funds, this paper aims to verify how spatial justice and territorial inequalities have been addressed into the national framework and check what are the strategies and approaches to overcome the existing fragility and build a more just and equitable environment in Italy. The inner area's inhabitants are deprived of citizenship rights and suffer from the absence and distance of suitable essential services. These factors unquestionably reduce the residents' opportunities and choices and corroborate the existence of spatial injustice and socioeconomic disparities. A content analysis review details innovative strategies and approaches and explains how healthcare, mobility, and education services will overcome complex issues in fragile peripheral areas. La (in)justicia espacial es un tema multidisciplinar comúnmente asociado a la justicia medioambiental y territorial. Teniendo en cuenta la existencia de desigualdades territoriales en Italia, la llegada de la National Strategy for Inner Areas y las posibilidades de invertir los desequilibrios existentes gracias a los instrumentos, herramientas y fondos de la UE, este documento pretende verificar cómo se han abordado la justicia espacial y las desigualdades territoriales en el marco nacional y comprobar cuáles son las estrategias y enfoques para superar la fragilidad existente y construir un entorno más justo y equitativo en Italia. Los habitantes de las zonas interiores se ven privados de derechos de ciudadanía y sufren la ausencia y la lejanía de servicios esenciales adecuados. Estos factores reducen indudablemente las oportunidades y opciones de los residentes y corroboran la existencia de injusticia espacial y disparidades socioeconómicas. Una revisión de análisis de contenido detalla estrategias y enfoques innovadores y explica cómo los servicios de salud, movilidad y educación superarán los complejos problemas de las frágiles zonas periféricas.
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Hahn, Kim HongYoun. "Weaving for Justice." In Pivoting for the Pandemic. Iowa State University Digital Press, 2020.

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Reports on the topic "Justice"


Rajagopal, Rangaswamy, and David Osterberg. Environmental Justice. Iowa City, Iowa: University of Iowa, September 1995.

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McAdams, Jasmine. State Energy Justice Roundtable Series: Energy Justice Metrics. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2023.

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Terzyan, Aram. Instrumentalizing Justice: Forms and Impacts of Criminal Justice Abuse in Russia. Eurasia Institutes, December 2024.

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The abuse of criminal justice as a tool for repression is a hallmark of authoritarian regimes, with Russia serving as a compelling case study. This paper explores the evolution of criminal justice abuse in Russia, focusing on key mechanisms such as selective law enforcement, the erosion of judicial independence, and the strategic use of ambiguous legal provisions. High-profile cases, including those of Sergei Magnitsky and Alexei Navalny, highlight the regime's deliberate use of the judiciary to silence dissent, instill fear, and consolidate state power. The discussion extends to broader societal impacts, such as the fragmentation of civil society, suppression of independent media, and marginalization of minority groups. By leveraging criminal justice systems as instruments of control, the Kremlin has institutionalized authoritarian governance, leaving profound consequences for societal cohesion and human rights.
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Caldera, Louis. Legal Services: Military Justice. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, August 1999.

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NAVAL JUSTICE SCHOOL NEWPORT RI. Military Justice Study Guide. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, July 1990.

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(LOGIC), Living Off-Grid Food and Infrastructure Collaboration. Food and Infrastructure Justice. Institute of Development Studies, October 2024.

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Unreliable access to water, transport and electricity impact diets and wider wellbeing, with marginalised communities bearing the brunt. The LOGIC project studied the social and material systems that drive food and infrastructure access across five African and Asian cities. This document shares the project's key messages.
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NAVAL JUSTICE SCHOOL NEWPORT RI. Military Justice Study Guide. Revision. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 1992.

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Vogt, B. M., J. H. Sorensen, and H. Hardee. Environmental assessment and social justice. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 1995.

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Harris, M. Environmental Baseline File: Environmental Justice. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 1999.

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Benjaminsen, Tor A., Hanne Svarstad, and Iselin Shaw of Tordarroch. Recognising Recognition in Climate Justice. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), October 2021.

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We argue that in order to achieve climate justice, recognition needs to be given more attention in climate research, discourse, and policies. Through the analysis of three examples, we identify formal and discursive recognition as central types of recognition in climate issues, and we show how powerful actors exercise their power in ways that cause climate injustice through formal and discursive misrecognition of poor and vulnerable groups. The three examples discussed are climate mitigation through forest conservation (REDD), the Great Green Wall project in Sahel, and the narrative about climate change as a contributing factor to the Syrian war.
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