Academic literature on the topic 'Juridical Diet'

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Journal articles on the topic "Juridical Diet"


Khairutdinov, A. G. "‘MA’IDA’: THE LITTLE-KNOWN THEOLOGICAL AND LEGAL TREATISE OF MUSA BIGEEV." Islam in the modern world 14, no. 4 (January 7, 2019): 125–30.

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The article is devoted to the description and introduction of the translation into Russian of one of the little-known theological and juridical works ‘Ma’ida’ (‘The Meal’) which was written by the prominent Tatar religious thinker Musa Jarullah Bigeev. The book published in 1914 is devoted to the identifi cation, analysis and solution of the Shari‘a problems in determining, what is permitted and what is forbidden in the Muslim diet. The work of the Tatar theologian is a good example of evolution of the Islamic fi qh and the actualization of Shari‘a in the conditions of Russian society on the eve of the great upheavals. It was written as a review on a number of social processes that took place in 1913–1914. In particular, the work is a response of Islamic traditional scientist to the legislative initiative of right-wing parties regarding the ritual slaughtering, submitted to the Duma in November 1913, which indicated a strong activity of M. Bigeev in the integration of the mechanisms of Islamic law in state institutions of the Russian Empire.
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Gilbert, Claire. "Morisco Catechisms: Religious Incorporation and Differentiation in Early Modern Spain." Religions 15, no. 4 (March 28, 2024): 420.

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In the debate over the theory and practice of the Spanish empire at the beginning of the sixteenth century, political, religious, and legal discourses differentiated conquered peoples and recent converts to Christianity from so-called “old Christians”, thereby creating distinct categories of Spanish subjects. In Spain itself, cultural markers like language, dress, and diet became the foundations of fiscal and legal differences, while normative codes were promulgated and negotiated across a range of documents, e.g., legal instruments, civic and ecclesiastical records, university debates, and juridical theory. Concomitant with this process, a set of Christian catechisms was produced in Spain, both before and after the promulgation of Tridentine reforms, that were directed especially at the converted morisco populations in Granada and Valencia. These catechisms were produced in Iberian Arabic and Romance languages and included instructions about how new converts from Islam should behave, as well as what they should believe in order to participate in liturgical activities and to be recognized as full members of the Christian community. This article examines the morisco catechisms produced in Spain between 1496 and 1566, as these documents are representative of a unique period in both the history of Latin Christianity and the burgeoning Spanish empire. Through the emergence of this corpus and against the backdrop of targeted legislation and new policies aimed at Arabic-speaking moriscos, first in Granada and later in Valencia, the ideological foundations constraining the morisco experience were forged.
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Munir, Muhammad Ahmad. "Islamic Juridical Discourse on Death." Islamic Studies 57, no. 3-4 (December 31, 2018): 187–209.

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This paper engages with a highly sensitive issue of biomedical ethics where a patient—whose heart is still beating—may or may not be declared dead. To be more precise, the study outlines some of the controversies associated with the issue of brain death debated and argued by contemporary Muslim juridical scholars and medical scientists, with illustration of the legal and medical reasoning behind them. The study will explore the question of removing a patient from life support machines once scientifically declared brain dead by medical experts and practitioners. It is demonstrated that the discussion on brain death has evolved into plurality of opinions and hence the issues involved in it have been subject to disagreement, which lends flexibility to the Islamic jurisprudence and allows implementation of Islamic injunctions in the best interest of the person in question and his/her family. The discussion is directly related to the question, “when does legal personality end?” The end of legal personality entails determining—if the patient is a man—(a) should his wife be treated as a widow?; (b) should his wife undergo ‘iddah period and be allowed to marry another man?; (c) should his children be treated as orphans; (d) should his property/assets be divided among his heirs?; (e) while in such a condition (i.e., brain dead) should he inherit if a relative dies?; (f) can he be given any gift while in such a state? These are some of the legal questions this discussion will help answer them.
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Soniaji, Mohamad Zanuar, and Siti Rodhiyah Dwi Istinah. "Juridical Analysis of Heirs Negligence of a Notary in Submission of a Notary Protocol who Dies." Sultan Agung Notary Law Review 3, no. 4 (December 15, 2021): 1261.

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The author in this paper takes the title above because he wants to know about the negligence of the Notary's heirs in the delivery of the Notary's protocol that has died, how is the responsibility of the heirs in the submission of the Notary's protocol that has died and is there legal protection for the community if the Notary protocol has not been submitted to another Notary or the recipient of the Notary protocol. This study uses a normative juridical approach and the data used are primary and secondary data obtained through interviews and literature study, data analysis is descriptive analytic. The responsibility of the heirs in the submission of the protocol of a notary who dies is to notify the notary's death to the Notary Supervisory Council (MPD) no later than 7 (seven) working days, and submit the protocol of the notary to another notary or the Regional Supervisory Council (MPD). The responsibility of the heirs is not related to the contents of the deed made by the notary, the responsibility for the deed of a notary who dies cannot be passed on to his heirs or to the notary who holds the notary protocol. Legal protection for the public if the Notary protocol has not been submitted to another Notary or the recipient of the Notary protocol, namely the Notary Protocol as a state archive if it is not immediately submitted to the competent authority, namely the Regional Supervisory Council or the Notary appointed as the Protocol Recipient exceeding the period determined by law, feared that it could be damaged, or even lost. Taking the Notary protocol that has not been handed over to the heirs is a form of legal protection to the community. The purpose of storing this Notary protocol is also a form of legal protection to the public. Notary protocol storage as a vital archive and must be stored and maintained properly as an anticipatory measure for conflicts by the parties in the future.
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Jamaludin, Ahmad. "Problems of Determining Suspect Against a Deceased Person In The Investigation Process." Journal of Law, Politic and Humanities 4, no. 4 (June 14, 2024): 810–19.

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Bringing judicial proceedings against the body or memory of a deceased defendant was once possible, but this is no longer possible in today’s world, as criminal actions must be stopped even before a deceased complainant is named as a suspect. This research aims to examine the criminal justice system in Indonesia regulating the status of cases against the determination of a suspect in a person as a witness/reported person who has first died. The research method used in this study is normative juridical. According to the findings of the study, the current Criminal Procedure Code cannot provide an adequate answer regarding the validity of the determination of a suspect against a deceased person, because it only states that the investigation must be stopped if the suspect dies, which implies that the suspect should have been determined during the investigation process. Therefore, lawmakers should make rules regarding the mechanism for investigations when the reported or suspected guilty person dies. Because in fact, the death of a person as a reported person suspected of committing a criminal offense requires the termination of the criminal case because the legal subject who should be held accountable for the criminal offense has died.
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Hutagalung, Yuni Mifta Afida, Nurhimmi Falahiyati, and Akiruddin Ahmad. "Juridical Review of Replacement Certificates of Land Rights Due to Loss at the Medan City Land Office." Jurnal Smart Hukum (JSH) 2, no. 3 (May 5, 2024): 87–96.

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An application for a replacement certificate can only be made by the party whose name appears as the right holder in the land book at the local land office. An application for a replacement certificate cannot be made if the name of the party is different from the name of the right holder in the land book. If the right holder listed in the land book has died, the application can be made by his heirs. The application must be accompanied by valid supporting documents, such as a Certificate of Death from the right holder and a Certificate of Heirs and Heirs. The formulation of the problem in this research is How is the Procedure for the Implementation of the Issuance of Land Rights Substitute Certificates at the Medan City Land Office. How are the obstacles and efforts faced by the Medan City Land Office in the Implementation of the Issuance of Replacement Certificates of Land Rights that are lost. The type of research used in this research is juridical-empirical. Juridical-empirical research is legal research on the enactment or implementation of normative legal provisions directly on each specific legal event that occurs in society. An application for a replacement certificate due to loss can only be submitted by the party whose name is listed as the right holder in the relevant land book or another party who is the recipient of the right based on a PPAT deed or an excerpt of minutes of auction, deed, letter and power of attorney. If the right holder or beneficiary has died, an application for a replacement certificate can be submitted by his heirs by submitting a letter of proof as an heir.
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ABSTRAK Tujuan Penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui bahwa Dalam proses persidangan, tidak jarang menemui berbagai hambatan, salah satunya apabila salah satu pihak yang berperkara meninggal dunia. Mengenai penggugat meninggal dunia dan diputus gugur oleh Hakim, terdapat beberapa analisis yuridis yang bisa mengkoreksinya. Juga bagi ahli waris atau para ahli waris terdapat upaya hukum yang ditempuh apabila putusan dinyatakan gugur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif, bersifat deskriptif dan berbentuk perspektif. Putusan gugur yang dijatuhkan oleh Hakim bertentangan dengan yurisprudensi Putusan Mahkamah Agung Reg. No. 5 K/Sip/1957. Berdasarkan yurisprudensi tersebut seharusnya Hakim memberikan kesempatan kepada ahli waris atau ahli waris untuk memilih antara meneruskan gugatan atau tidak meneruskan gugatan tersebut. Pertimbangan Hakim yang digunakan harus beralasan yang yuridis meskipun di dalam hukum positif Indonesia belum mengatur ketentuan dalam kondisi tersebut. Bagi ahli waris atau ahli waris yang mendapati putusan gugur, dapat mengajukan gugatan baru dengan didahului mendapatkan penetapan ahli waris melalui surat permohonan yang diajukan kepada Pengadilan Agama di wilayah pemohon. Kata Kunci : Putusan, Gugatan, Gugur, Penggugat, Meninggal. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to find out that in the trial process, it is not uncommon to encounter various obstacles, one of which is when one of the litigants dies. Regarding the plaintiff's death and was dismissed by the judge, there are several juridical analyzes that can correct it. Also for the heirs or heirs there are legal remedies taken if the decision is declared invalid. The research method used in this research is normative juridical, descriptive and in the form of perspective. The decision that was passed down by the judge contradicted the jurisprudence of the Decision of the Supreme Court Reg. No. 5 K/Sip/1957. Based on this jurisprudence, the judge should have given the heirs the opportunity to choose between continuing the lawsuit or not continuing the lawsuit. The judge's considerations used must have juridical reasons even though Indonesia's positive law has not regulated the provisions in these conditions. For heirs or heirs who find the verdict invalid, they can file a new lawsuit preceded by obtaining a determination of the heir through a letter of application submitted to the Religious Court in the applicant's territory. Keywords: Decision, Lawsuit, Dismissed, Plaintiff, Died.
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Wulansari, Esti Putri, Renny Supriyatni, and Hazar Kusmayanti. "CASE STUDY SURABAYA RELIGIOUS COURT JUDGEMENT ABOUT GRANDCHILDREN AS SUBSTITUTE HEIRS WHO CONTROL INHERITANCE JUDGING FROM ISLAMIC LAW." Jurnal Poros Hukum Padjadjaran 5, no. 1 (November 30, 2023): 20–34.

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Inheritance is an important part of one legal event, namely death. The legal consequences that arise are the management and continuation of the rights and obligations of someone who has died. This paper examines the juridical aspect of inheritance distribution to grandchildren as substitute heirs who control the inheritance. The research method used is a normative juridical approach with analytical descriptive specifications. The purpose of this study is to determine the position of the substitute heir who controls the inheritance in obtaining a share of the inheritance. Grandchildren as substitute heirs according to Islamic Law are not entitled to control and obtain inheritance. However, in KHI, grandchildren as heirs have the right to inherit no more than the other heirs, which is only 1/3 of the share.
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Ridwan, Muhammad. "Penundaan Pembagian Warisan: Tradisi Menjaga Keharmonisan Keluarga Ditinjau Dari Sosiologi Hukum Islam Muhammad Artho' Mudzhar." Jurnal EL-QANUNIY: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Kesyariahan dan Pranata Sosial 10, no. 1 (June 8, 2024): 72–85.

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This study aims to examine the delay in the distribution of heritage assets to the people of Padangsidimpuan. Interestingly, some people in Padangsidimpuan City want to divide the inheritance when both heirs have died, all heirs have been married, and the most share (portion) for the oldest child. Therefore, there are often delays in the distribution of inheritance because they do not find agreement between families. This type of research is normative juridical legal research, while the data collection technique used is an interview with people who postpone the distribution of inheritance, namely the people of Padangsidimpuan. The results of this study show that the people of Padangsidimpuan City postponed the distribution of inheritance because they maintain the benefit of the family. This tradition has been valid for a long time, because the majority of the population adheres to the customary system (dalihan na tolu) which upholds the value of togetherness (ahwal). In addition, the fundamental reasons for delaying its implementation are that the heirs are not yet mature, no one has finished school, there is a biased assumption from the community when distributing inheritance (an heir dies) because they are considered greedy for inheritance.
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Handayani, Noor, and Akhmad Khisni. "Juridical Implementation of Distribution Assets for the Inheritance to Adopted by Islamic Law Compilation." Jurnal Akta 6, no. 4 (February 10, 2020): 763.

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The purpose of this study was to: 1) analyze the position adopted child's inheritance rights in Islamic Law Compilation (KHI). 2) to analyze the implementation of the division of property as inheritance to an adopted child Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI). 3) Analyze the legal consequences of the implementation of the division of property as inheritance to an adopted child Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI).This study was prepared using the type of normative juridical research, the research focused on reviewing the application of the rules or norms of positive law. This study uses the approach of legislation (statute approach) And the approach of the case (case approach). The data collection was obtained by interview and literature. Analysis of data using qualitative descriptive.The research results are: 1) Position Adopted in the Compilation of Islamic Law that adopted children may not be recognized to be the basis and cause of inherited, because the basic principle in Islamic inheritance law is their blood relations / nasab / descent. So as the solution according to Islamic law compilation is by jalam Award "was borrowed" on condition should not be more than 1/3 (one third). 2) The division of property as inheritance to an adopted child Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) must meet two requirements that are required to accept the will not the beneficiary, the person who died both the grandfather and the grandmother has not provided to the child that must be made a will, the amount with other roads, such as grants for example, and if he has less than the sum was borrowed, then it should enhanced the will. 3) The role of the Notary in deed was borrowed for a foster child is doing what desired heir and explain all that heir to all the heirs, it is intended to provide clarity and legal certainty for all heirs of things execution of wills which heir to all his heirs.Keywords: Inheritance, Adopted, Compilation of Islamic Law.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Juridical Diet"


Guindo, Ismael. "Essai critique sur le droit de rétention : plaidoyer pour une réforme en droit OHADA." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.

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Dans une vision d’attractivité et de compétitivité dans la vie des affaires, le droit OHADA se veut être un instrument de sécurité juridique afin d’attirer les investisseurs étrangers et permettre un dynamisme des investissements nationaux. Cependant, les espoirs suscités par ce système juridique sont loin d’être consolidés. Le bilan de l’OHADA reste mitigé après plus de 30 ans d’existence. Au vu de ce constat et par le prisme du droit des sûretés, il nous est loisible de poser des interrogations sur la capacité du droit OHADA à apporter les garanties suffisantes dans les rapports entre créancier et débiteur. Le cas particulier du droit de rétention dont l’efficacité est compromise du fait de son approche inadéquate est un indicateur sur la nécessité d’une approche nouvelle du droit des sûretés dans sa globalité. Ne faudrait-il pas repenser l’ossature et la structuration du droit des sûretés en droit africain ? La présente étude propose une approche qui priorise les réalités de l’environnement juridique de l’OHADA afin de parvenir à une refonte profonde qui redonnera au droit OHADA la place qu’il se doit de tenir face aux défis économiques de son espace
In a vision of attractiveness and competitiveness in the life of affairs, the ohada’s law wants to be a tool of juridical security so that to attract foreign investors and permit a dynamism of national investments. However, the aroused hopes by this juridical system are far to be consolidated. The results of the OHADA remain unclear after more than thirty (30) years of existence. From this remark and by the prism of the law of sureties, we are free to ask questions on the capacity of the OHADA’s law to bring sufficient guaranties in the relationship between the creditor and the debtor. The particular case of the retention law which effectiveness is compromised for its inadequate appproach, is an indicator on the necessity of a new approach of the law of sureties in its enirety. Shouldn’t we rethink the skeleton and the structuration of the law of sureties in african law ? This current study suggests an approach which priorises the realities of the juridical environnment of the OHADA so that to find a deep reshape which will give back to the OHADA law its real position that it must hold face to the economic challenges of its space
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Books on the topic "Juridical Diet"


Bleckmann, Lex. Verstaatlichung und Entschädigung in Österreich. Verlag Österreich, 2021.

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Umfassende Aufarbeitung des österreichischen Enteignungsrechts anhand der Causa Bleckmann Die Verstaatlichung von Unternehmen spielte in der Zweiten Republik eine bedeutende Rolle. In den Jahren 1946 und 1947 wurden zahlreiche Großbetriebe, unter anderem die Schoeller-Bleckmann Stahlwerke AG, per Gesetz verstaatlicht - und ab 1993 wieder privatisiert. Damit ging ein denkwürdiges Kapitel österreichischer Industriegeschichte zu Ende. Die Brisanz dieses kontroversen Themas hierzulande besteht aber fort. Stets ist es dabei um Geld, Macht und Einfluss gegangen. Und auch heute - 75 Jahre später - ist die Aufarbeitung der Verstaatlichung in Österreich noch nicht abgeschlossen. Welche juristische Dimension damit verbunden ist, beleuchtet die vorliegende Monografie. The nationalization of enterprises played an important role in the Austrian 2nd Republic. In the years 1946 and 1947 numerous large enterprises, Schoeller-Bleckman Stahlwerke AG among others were nationalized per law - and from 1993 again privatized. With it ended a memorable chapter of Austrian industry. The explosive force of this controversial topic in Austria continues until today. It has always been about money, power and influence. Until today – 75 years later – the reappraisal of nationalization in Austria has still not been closed. Which juridical dimension is linked therewith is highlighted in the submitted monography.
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Laing, Malcolm. Disputatio Juridica, Ad Tit. I. Lib. XLV. Digest. de Verborum Obligationibus. Quam, ... Pro Advocati Munere Consequendo, Publicae Disquisitioni ... ... Ad Diem 9. Julii ... Gale Ecco, Print Editions, 2018.

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Book chapters on the topic "Juridical Diet"


Griffin, Roger. "Sergio Panunzio, The New State Born of Syndicalism and Statism." In Fascism, 46–47. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1995.

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Abstract The State, which seemed, especially after the strenuous exertions of Hegelian dialectic and German academic journals, a monumentum aere perennius,” is in a which lives eternally and never dies, the symbol and expression of the juridic need for social unity, living incarnation of the social idea, the only thing that, while Kingdoms, Republics, and Empires dissolve, never dies or fades away.
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"Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät (Juridicum)." In Die Bauten der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 1818–2018, 121–22. Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2020.

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