Academic literature on the topic 'Johann Walter'

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Journal articles on the topic "Johann Walter"


Braun, Hartmut, Walter Blankenburg, and Friedhelm Brusniak. "Johann Walter. Leben und Werk." Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung 38 (1993): 170.

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Johnston, Gregory S., Walter Blankenburg, and Friedhelm Brusniak. "Johann Walter: Leben und Werk." Notes 50, no. 1 (September 1993): 110.

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Leaver, Robin A. "Johann Walter Werke Verzeichnis [JWWV]." Fontes Artis Musicae 66, no. 1 (2019): 1–25.

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Küster, Konrad. "»Mein Schall aufs Ewig weist«: Das Jenseits und die Kirchenmusik in der lutherischen Orthodoxie." Schütz-Jahrbuch 33 (June 26, 2017): 75–90.

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Ausgehend von Heinrich Schütz‘ Trauergedicht auf Heinrich Posthumus von Reuß und Johann Walters Gedicht Lob und Preis der löblichen Kunst Musica (1538) wird der Eindruck vermittelt, dass in der Lebenswelt des 17. Jahrhunderts die Vision vorherrschte, dass alle Christen nach ihrem Ableben im Jenseits zu Mittätigen im musikalischen Lobpreis Gottes würden. Anhand zeitgenössischer Dokumente der praktischen Theologie, also vor allem Predigten, mit denen eine eschatologische Idee an eine Gemeinde vermittelt wird, und kirchlichen Bildern wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie lange diese bei Walter aufscheinende Idee fortwirkte.
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Maia, João Cândido Cartocci. "Traduzindo uma história de Hebel." Cadernos de Literatura em Tradução, no. 23 (July 12, 2021): 149–61.

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Pretende-se comentar as soluções adotadas para a tradução de uma pequena narrativa de Johann Peter Hebel (1760-1826), “Reencontro inesperado” (“Unverhofftes Wiedersehen”), de 1811. As soluções de tradução dependeram de uma interpretação da história a ser traduzida, que foi fortemente inspirada na leitura feita por Walter Benjamin (1892-1940). Faremos referência, sobretudo, às considerações feitas pelo crítico no célebre ensaio sobre “O narrador” e na conferência de rádio proferida em 1929, intitulada “Johann Peter Hebel”.
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Braun, Werner. "Ein unbekanntes Orgelbau-Attestat von Johann Sebastian Bach." Bach-Jahrbuch 85 (March 8, 2018): 19–33.

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Aus dem reichen Aktenbestand in Laucha ergab sich 1961 ein Hinweis auf ein unbekanntes positives Gutachten Johann Sebastian Bachs für Conrad Wilhelm Schäfer zu dessen neuer Orgel in Weißensee. Der Test des Instruments am 1737 füllte die Lücke zwischen den analogen Zeugnissen von 1717 und 1743. Die gute Arbeit in Weißensee und die Verschwägerung des Lauchaer Diakons mit Schäfer führten zu dessen Beauftragung auch in Laucha, wo der Orgelneubau jedoch konfliktreich und langwierig (1738-42) verlief. (Autor, Quelle: Bibliographie des Musikschrifttums online) Vergleiche auch: Wolf Hobohm, Ein unbekanntes Gutachten Johann Sebastian Bachs (BJ 1977, S. 135-138) Walter Börner, Karl H. Schubert: Zu Johann Sebastian Bachs Aufenthalt in Weißensee (Thüringen) (BJ 2005, S. 287-290)
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Küster, Konrad. "Meininger Kantatentexte um Johann Ludwig Bach." Bach-Jahrbuch 73 (May 9, 2018): 159–64.

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Der 1977 von Walter Blankenburg beschriebene Zyklus von geistlichen Kantatenlibretti, der in einem Nachdruck von 1726 erhalten blieb, entstand - entgegen vorherigen Überlegungen - nicht in den Jahren nach 1710. Stattdessen müssen diese Texte bereits zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt existiert haben: Georg Caspar Schürmann, der Meininger Hofkapellmeister, hatte bekanntlich im Mai 1705 mehrere Kantaten auf Texte aus dieser Sammlung in Musik gesetzt. Die Texte dieses Zyklus' vermischen eigene Dichtung (Rezitative, Arien) mit biblischen Texten und Choralstrophen; bisher wurde angenommen, dass die frühesten bekannten Texte dieser Art von 1711 stammen, von Erdmann Neumeister. (Übertragung des englischen Resümees am Ende des Bandes)
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Wolff, Christoph. "Johann Sebastian Bachs Regeln für den fünfstimmigen Satz." Bach-Jahrbuch 90 (March 28, 2018): 87–99.

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Im Artikel wird zu Beginn auf den belegbaren Bestand an musiktheoretischen Ausführungen J. S. Bachs eingegangen. Genauer wird eine Passage aus Johann Philipp Kirnbergers Kunst des reinen Satzes (Berlin 1779) betrachtet, die die Regula Ioh. Seb. Bachii (Regeln Joh. Seb. Bachs) für den fünfstimmigen Satz wiedergibt. Diese werden anhand einer neu aufgefundenen Quelle von der Hand des Bach-Schülers Johann Friedrich Agricola, die im Wesentlichen selben Inhalts ist, in ihrer Authentizität bestätigt. Der Artikel erläutert einige Beispiele der dortigen, vor allem die Stimmverdopplung betreffenden Regeln am Beispiel fünfstimmiger Werke Bachs. Erwähnte Aufsätze: Walter Werbeck: Bach und der Kontrapunkt. Neue Manuskript-Funde, BJ 2003, S. 67-95.
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Hobohm, Wolf. "Kantatentextsammlungen der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts - Texte zur Musik?" Bach-Jahrbuch 83 (March 13, 2018): 185–92.

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Der Beitrag ist bemüht, dem vorschnellen Schluss zu wehren, ein überlieferter Jahrgang von Kantatentexten des 18. Jahrhunderts lege zwingend nahe, diese seien auch vertont worden bzw. das Vertonen des Textes sei zwingend immer erst nach dessen Veröffentlichung im Druck erfolgt. Entsprechend sind auch die Datierung von Kirchenmusiken anhand solcher Textsammlungen mit Vorsicht vorzunehmen. Einige Beispiele sollen als Beleg dieser Beobachtung dienen. Erwähnte Artikel: Elisabeth Noack: Georg Christian Lehms, ein Textdichter Johann Sebastian Bachs. BJ 1970, S. 7-18 Walter Blankenburg: Eine neue Textquelle zu sieben Kantaten Johann Sebastian Bachs und achtzehn Kantaten Johann Ludwig Bachs. BJ 1977, S. 7-25 Klaus Hofmann: Neue Überlegungen zu Bachs Weimarer Kantaten-Kalender. BJ 1993, S. 9-29 Vergleiche auch: Wolf Hobohm: Neue "Texte zur Leipziger Kirchen-Music". BJ 1973, S. 5-32 Tatjana Schabalina: "Texte zur Music" in Sankt Petersburg. Neue Quellen zur Leipziger Musikgeschichte sowie zur Kompositions- und Aufführungstätigkeit Johann Sebastian Bachs. BJ 2008, S. 33-98 Tatjana Schabalina: "Texte zur Music" in Sankt Petersburg - Weitere Funde. BJ 2009, S. 11-48
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Medňanský, Karol. "4. Passion in the Work of Johann Sebastian Bach." Review of Artistic Education 11, no. 1 (March 1, 2016): 30–41.

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Abstract Passions are exceptionally important in the works of Johann Sebastian Bach. His passion compositions are based particularly on Luther’s reformation, chiefly on developmental tendency which is based on the works of Johann Walter, Hans Leo Hassler and Michael Praetorius. The most significant forerunner of J. S. Bach was Heinrich Schütz. J. S. Bach’s textual aspect is aimed at the model of passion oratorio the main representative of which was a librettist Heinrich Brockes who worked in Hamburg. The interesting fact is that before the arrival of J. S. Bach, in 1723, there was no long tradition of passions in Leipzig. They were performed there in 1721 for the first time. J. S. Bach is demonstrably the author of the two passions: St Matthew Passion BWV 244 and St John Passion BWV 245. The authorship of Johann Sebastian Bach in St. Lukas Passion BWV 246 is strongly called into question and from St Mark Passion BWV 24 only the text was preserved.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Johann Walter"


Sander, Katherine Joan. "Johann Walter and Martin Luther, theology and music in the early lutheran church." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.

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Kammergruber, Walter Christian [Verfasser], Johann [Akademischer Betreuer] Schlichter, and Florian [Akademischer Betreuer] Matthes. "A Framework for Working with Cross-Application Social Tagging Data / Walter Christian Kammergruber. Gutachter: Johann Schlichter ; Florian Matthes. Betreuer: Johann Schlichter." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2015.

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Gerdes, Erin Marie. "Instruments of Praise: Sixteenth-Century Pedagogy, Lutheranism, and the 26 Fugae of Johann Walter." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2011.

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Balthrop, Sharon. "Twenty-Six Two- and Three-Voiced Canons by Johann Walter Transcribed for French Horn." Thesis, North Texas State University, 1988.

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This thesis provides modern transcriptions for horn of twenty-six two- and three-voiced canons by Johann Walter, thereby adding to the literature available from the sixteenth century for that instrument. This project specifically attempts to introduce the high school and college student hornist to modal music in strict fugal form; the transcriptions appear as an appendix. The topics discussed in the body of this thesis include the canon, Johann Walter's life and significant contributions, sixteenth-century instrumental music, musicians' guilds, the zink, and the horn. This work is not intended to offer a comprehensive history of any of these areas, but to aid the teacher and student in the preparation and performance of these transcriptions.
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López, Gallucci Natacha Muriel 1973. "Walter Benjamin, Johann George Hamann : considerações sobre a origem e a essencia espiritual da linguagem." [s.n.], 2003.

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Orientador: Jeanne Marie Gagnebin
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T02:05:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LopezGallucci_NatachaMuriel_M.pdf: 8238986 bytes, checksum: 19cc229a9ac35ae1c299faa43ae45ff8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003
Resumo: A presente pesquisa parte do interesse de Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) em redor do problema da origem e da essência espiritual da linguagem no período de sua juventude. Em 1916, Benjamin escreve o ensaio 'Sobre a linguagem em geral e sobre a linguagem humana', fonte principal deste estudo. Mostraremos que, uma referência de crucial importância para a compreensão desse controvertido ensaio, é a figura do escritor préromântico Johann Georg Hamann (1730-1788). A menção benjaminiana de Hamann opera, neste sentido, como ponto de apoio provocador e imprescindível para nossa análise. Em seus próprios contextos históricos, Benjamin e Hamann, fazem uma forte crítica aos conceitos de conhecimento e de experiência sustentados pela Aufkliirung e condensados por Kant. Na crítica dirigida por Benjamin e Hamann ao primado do fenômeno processual kantiano, tomam relevância as 'Idéias das Teologia' e a 'experiência mágica da Revelação', formando parte de um percurso extremamente provocador para a Füosofia Contemporânea. A abordagem benjaminiana da linguagem, em confluência explícita e implícita com Hamann, possibilita o desenvolvimento do presente estudo filosófico de ambos autores. Porém, para uma melhor compreensão do ensaio benjaminiano Sobre a linguagem, levaremos especialmente em conta dois textos bamannianos citados por Benjamin: 'Estética in nuce. Rapsódia em prosa cabalística' (1762) e 'O cavalheiro rosacruz, última opinião sobre a origem divina e humana da linguagem' (1772)
Mestre em Filosofia
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Maierhofer-Lischka, Margarethe. "Ignaz Walter - der Komponist der ersten Faust-Oper?" Master's thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2012.

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Weit vor den Faust-Opern der romantischen Ära schrieb Johann Ignaz Walter seine Oper "Fausts Wanderungen und Höllenfahrt". Kann dieses Werk, später unter neuem Titel überarbeitet, als "erste Faust-Oper" gelten? Diese Arbeit erschließt vorhandene Quellen zu Walters Leben und seinem Opernwerk. Der Waltersche Faust wird inhaltlich und überlieferungsgeschichtlich vorgestellt. So ergibt sich eine Perspektive auf ein Opernwerk, das eine durchaus lohnende Wiederentdeckung für das heutige Opernrepertoire darstellt.
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Stehling, Walter Artur [Verfasser], Johann [Akademischer Betreuer] Förstl, and Janine S. J. [Akademischer Betreuer] Diehl-Schmid. "Funktion und Darstellung psychischer Erkrankungen in Spielfilmen und ihre Bedeutung in der Stigmaforschung / Walter Artur Stehling. Gutachter: Johann Förstl ; Janine S. J. Diehl-Schmid. Betreuer: Johann Förstl." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2014.

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Schwalbe, Ulf [Verfasser], Jürgen [Akademischer Betreuer] Petzold, Johann Walter [Akademischer Betreuer] Kolar, and Gerald [Akademischer Betreuer] Deboy. "Vergleichende Untersuchungen dreistufiger Schaltnetzteiltopologien im Ausgangsleistungsbereich bis 3 kW / Ulf-Mario Schwalbe. Jürgen Petzold. Johann Walter Kolar. Gerald Deboy." Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek Ilmenau, 2009.

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Huber, Thomas Johann [Verfasser], and Walter A. [Akademischer Betreuer] Wohlgemuth. "Primary stent angioplasty of the inferior vena cava after liver transplantation and liver resection / Thomas Johann Huber ; Betreuer: Walter A. Wohlgemuth." Regensburg : Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg, 2018.

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Keil, Johanna Verfasser], and Walter [Akademischer Betreuer] [Klockenbusch. "Farbkodierte Gewebedopplersonographie (Color- TDI) am fetalen Herzen / Johanna Keil. Betreuer: Walter Klockenbusch." Münster : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität, 2011.

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Books on the topic "Johann Walter"


Blankenburg, Walter. Johann Walter: Leben und Werk. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1991.

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G̦. Eliasa Jelgavas Vēstures un mākslas muzejs, ed. Zwischen Baltikum und Berlin: Der Maler Johann Walter-Kurau : 1869-1932 : als Künstler und Lehrer. Halle (Saale): Mitteldeutscher, 2009.

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Kiermeier-Debre, Joseph. Kunst kommt von Prestel: Das Künstlerehepaar Johann Gottlieb und Maria Katharina Prestel, Frankfurt, London : die Sammlung Dr. Walter Prestel, Schwelm. Köln: Böhlau, 2008.

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1957-, Vogel Fritz Franz, Prestel Johann Gottlieb 1739-1808, Prestel Maria Katharina 1747-1794, and MEWO Kunsthalle (Memmingen Germany), eds. Kunst kommt von Prestel: Das Künstlerehepaar Johann Gottlieb und Maria Katharina Prestel, Frankfurt, London : die Sammlung Dr. Walter Prestel, Schwelm. Köln: Böhlau, 2008.

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Nef, Andreas. Bucher, Pioniere im Maschinen- und Fahrzeugbau, 1807-2007: Johann Bucher-Manz (1843-1919), Jean Bucher-Guyer (1875-1961), Walter Hauser-Bucher (1904-1967). Zürich: Verein für wirtschaftshistorische Studien, 2006.

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Goethe's Elective affinities and the critics. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2001.

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Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Goethe's Faust: The original German and a new translation and introduction by Walter Kaufmann. New York: Anchor Books, 1989.

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Rögl, Heinz. Johann Strauss, der Walzerkönig. Wien: Echo Verlag, 1999.

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Aspekte zum Werden der deutschen Liedsätze in Johann Walters "Geistlichem Gesangbüchlein" (1524-1551). Baden-Baden: V. Koerner, 1985.

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Logis in einem Landhaus: Über Gottfried Keller, Johann Peter Hebel, Robert Walser und andere. Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 2000.

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Book chapters on the topic "Johann Walter"


Schabram, Kai Marius. "Die Ernestiner und der protestantische »Urkantor« Johann Walter." In Die Welt der Ernestiner, 64–71. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 2016.

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Gischler, Eberhard. "Walther, Johannes (1860–1937)." In Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs, 1143–44. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2011.

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Gerlach, Walther. "Johannes Kepler zum 400. Geburtstag." In Walther Gerlach (1889–1979), 181–202. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1989.

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Jorgensen, C. Gregg. "Reason and Rhetorical Questions: Walter Feinberg." In Discovering John Dewey in the Twenty-First Century, 145–56. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2017.

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Evangelista, Stefano. "Platonic Dons, Adolescent Bodies: Benjamin Jowett, John Addington Symonds, Walter Pater." In Children and Sexuality, 206–36. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2007.

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Macke, Peter. "Die Entdeckung des Gewissens im Rechtsdenken des 16. Jahrhunderts Das Werk des Johannes Oldendorp als Beispiel." In Festschrift für Walter Odersky zum 65. Geburtstag am 17. Juli 1996, edited by Reinhard Böttcher, Götz Hueck, and Burkhard Jähnke, 39–60. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 1996.

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"A Problem from Johann Walter." In From Erdős to Kiev, 119–22. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society, 1996.

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Lee, Adam. "Strange Beauty and the Platonic Narrative as History in The Renaissance." In The Platonism of Walter Pater, 21–55. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Pater removed the word ‘history’ from the original title of The Renaissance (1873) for its second edition, and this chapter explores what Pater means by history. Although Pater was conversant with the historic method then popular at Oxford, which sought to contextualize its subject, he reveals a strong preference for depicting the individual genius of Michelangelo, Pico della Mirandola, and other Renaissance artists, beyond their historical conditions. Expanding his definition of the Renaissance beyond fifteenth-century Italy, Pater views it as a Platonic temper shared even by Johann Winckelmann as revealed in biographical narratives of ascension that are modelled on Plato’s Phaedrus and Symposium. The pattern of ascension is even evident in the charm and mystery of Pater’s style that refines from seen to unseen beauty.
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Finger, Stanley. "Scientific Journey through Germany and Denmark." In Franz Joseph Gall, 221–50. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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Berlin was the first stop on Gall’s scientific journey, which began in March 1805, during the Napoleonic Wars that led to the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire. He arrived there with Spurzheim, a wax modeler, and at last one servant, and gave a series of lectures and anatomical demonstrations, while also examining prisoners and psychiatric patients in local institutions. His lectures attracted large audiences that were mostly positive toward him, though he did battle with Professor of Anatomy Johann Gottlieb Walter, whose turf he invaded. After Berlin he headed to nearby Potsdam, where he had been invited to lecture by royalty. Leipzig, Dresden, and Halle followed, and then Weimar and Jena, again with considerable support but also some critics. Next was Göttingen, where he spent time with fellow skull collector and anthropologist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, who was less than impressed. He continued on to Hamburg and Kiel, and into Denmark, where he lectured to a mixed audience of 200 men and women. Returning to the German states, he met with an appreciative King Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden, who, like many others, rewarded him for his stop. Bremen and Münster were next on his agenda, ending this largely successful part of his scientific journey and positioning him to cross over to the Netherlands.
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Regier, Alexander. "Introduction." In Exorbitant Enlightenment, 1–30. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The Introduction to the book lays out the aims of the project, formulates its major contributions, and explains its structure. It introduces the category of the ‘exorbitant’ as an important new way of a multilingual way of studying the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries allows us to reconceptualize the Enlightenment, Romanticism, and modernity. It also discusses why the book chapters function as ‘constellations’, rather than sequentially, a methodological background that is inspired by Walter Benjamin. This chapter gives two concentrated examples of the main contributions of the book. It shows the need for our recovery of a rich yet unknown Anglo-German context in pre-1790 Britain by offering a new reading of Robinson Crusoe in this light (Crusoe’s original name is ‘Kreutznaer’; he is a second-generation German immigrant). Correspondingly, it introduces some of the main historical and theoretical affinities between William Blake and Johann Georg Hamann.
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Conference papers on the topic "Johann Walter"


CAMPBELL, CHARLES E. "A TRIBUTE TO JOHN WALTER CLARK ON HIS 70th BIRTHDAY." In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2006.

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Teixeira, Maria Cristina Villefort, Marieta Cardoso Maciel, and Staël Alvarenga Pereira Costa. "The role of the plot in engendering environmental quality: from unplanned favelas to the planned subdivisions of new blocks." In 24th ISUF 2017 - City and Territory in the Globalization Age. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.

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This work discusses the importance of the site in the morphological structuring of urban centres. Studies on the implantation of the city of Belo Horizonte, located in the state of Minas Gerais Brazil, show that the occupation of the city occurred initially in the valleys. This was due to the favourable conditions of the topography, which allowed an orthogonal layout in the central area. In spite of this, since the city’s foundation, the most rugged areas have been occupied by favelas, whose layout differed from the dominant pattern. As flat areas became scarce, the hilly regions, possessing long strips of land, were also subdivided and exploited due to their substantially lower land prices. Although the favelas sprung up spontaneously and the new settlements were planned, both had similarities in the layout of the streets which were adjusted to the steep contours and the geological conditions of the terrain. At the same time, the plot defined another configuration in the subdivisions, in which the building was occupied by only a single family and, in most cases, the building was separated from the street by high walls. As a consequence, the relationship between public and private space became severely compromised. In the case of the favelas, the formal inexistence of the plot is demonstrated in the juxtaposition of the dwellings, in which each residence is constructed above another in extremely confined space. The relationship with the street also differs in these places, since the first floor often freely connects to the street, integrating the dwelling with the public space and thus contributing to the social life of the community. This is furthermore in contrast to the previously noted walled environments characterising planned areas. The analysis of these parameters could profitably be utilised in new designs that appropriate some of the popular solutions better suited to the environment, and in turn, integrate them into public policy.References: FERREIRA, M. G.(1997) O sítio e a formação da paisagem urbana: um estudo do município de Belo Horizonte. 1997. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia). Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. MASUO, K. (2015). An organic method of village rehabilitation through a reconstruction archetype based on vernacular architecture. International Seminar on Urban Form, ISUF 2015, Rome. McHARG, Ian L. (1992). Design with nature. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Washington.
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Ettema, Roelof, Goran Gumze, Katja Heikkinen, and Kirsty Marshall. "European Integrated Care Horizon 2020: increase societal participation; reduce care demands and costs." In CARPE Conference 2019: Horizon Europe and beyond. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2019.

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BackgroundCare recipients in care and welfare are increasingly presenting themselves with complex needs (Huber et al., 2016). An answer to this is the integrated organization of care and welfare in a way that personalized care is the measure (Topol, 2016). The reality, however, is that care and welfare are still mainly offered in a standardized, specialized and fragmented way. This imbalance between the need for care and the supply of care not only leads to under-treatment and over-treatment and thus to less (experienced) quality, but also entails the risk of mis-treatment, which means that patient safety is at stake (Berwick, 2005). It also leads to a reduction in the functioning of citizens and unnecessary healthcare cost (Olsson et al, 2009).Integrated CareIntegrated care is the by fellow human beings experienced smooth process of effective help, care and service provided by various disciplines in the zero line, the first line, the second line and the third line in healthcare and welfare, as close as possible (Ettema et al, 2018; Goodwin et al, 2015). Integrated care starts with an extensive assessment with the care recipient. Then the required care and services in the zero line, the first line, the second line and / or the third line are coordinated between different care providers. The care is then delivered to the person (fellow human) at home or as close as possible (Bruce and Parry, 2015; Evers and Paulus, 2015; Lewis, 2015; Spicer, 2015; Cringles, 2002).AimSupport societal participation, quality of live and reduce care demand and costs in people with complex care demands, through integration of healthcare and welfare servicesMethods (overview)1. Create best healthcare and welfare practices in Slovenia, Poland, Austria, Norway, UK, Finland, The Netherlands: three integrated best care practices per involved country 2. Get insight in working mechanisms of favourable outcomes (by studying the contexts, mechanisms and outcomes) to enable personalised integrated care for meeting the complex care demand of people focussed on societal participation in all integrated care best practices.3. Disclose program design features and requirements regarding finance, governance, accountability and management for European policymakers, national policy makers, regional policymakers, national umbrella organisations for healthcare and welfare, funding organisations, and managers of healthcare and welfare organisations.4. Identify needs of healthcare and welfare deliverers for creating and supporting dynamic partnerships for integrating these care services for meeting complex care demands in a personalised way for the client.5. Studying desired behaviours of healthcare and welfare professionals, managers of healthcare and welfare organisations, members of involved funding organisations and national umbrella organisations for healthcare and welfare, regional policymakers, national policy makers and European policymakersInvolved partiesAlma Mater Europaea Maribor Slovenia, Jagiellonian University Krakow Poland, University Graz Austria, Kristiania University Oslo Norway, Salford University Manchester UK, University of Applied Sciences Turku Finland, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht The Netherlands (secretary), Rotterdam Stroke Service The Netherlands, Vilans National Centre of Expertise for Long-term Care The Netherlands, NIVEL Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, International Foundation of Integrated Care IFIC.References1. Berwick DM. The John Eisenberg Lecture: Health Services Research as a Citizen in Improvement. Health Serv Res. 2005 Apr; 40(2): 317–336.2. Bruce D, Parry B. 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Reports on the topic "Johann Walter"


Merrifield, Andrew. The congressional decision to build the Panama Canal: the influence of Senators John Tyler Morgan, Marcus Alonzo Hanna and others, and the role of the Walker report. Portland State University Library, January 2000.

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Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - One Year Lease, Sir John Wylde to George John Rogers - 14 August 1832. Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2021.

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Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Power of Attorney, John Wylde to John Stephen and others - 9 February 1825. Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2021.

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Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Land Release, John Austin to Thomas Wylde - 2 September 1824. Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2021.

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Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Appointment & Release, George Miller to John Fairbairn - 20 September 1845. Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2021.

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Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Land Release, George John Rogers to Samuel Augustus Perry - 22 October 1835. Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2021.

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Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - Mortgage and Surrender, Samuel Augustus Perry to George John Rogers - 23 October 1835. Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2021.

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Savings Bank of New South Wales - Sydney (Head Office) - Mortgage (Investment) Department - Legal Documents - One Year Lease, George John Rogers to Samuel Augustus Perry - 21 October 1835. Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2021.

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