Books on the topic 'Java Est'
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Franck, Manuelle. Quand la rizière rencontre l'asphalte--: Semis urbain et processus d'urbanisation à Java-est, Indonésie. Paris: Editions de l'Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, 1993.
Find full textL'archipel Kangean: Sumenep, Java Est, Indonésie : recherches appliquées pour le développement, géographie, géophysique, biologie marine, économie, éducation, anthropologie, ethnolinguistique, histoire. Paris: Les Indes savantes, 2013.
Find full text(Indonesia), Jawa Timur, ed. Welcome to East Java. [Surabaya]: East Java Provincial Govt., 1996.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Penanaman Modal. East Java investing guide. [Surabaya]: East Java Board of Investment, 2008.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Penanaman Modal., ed. Investing into East Java, Indonesia. Surabaya: East Java Investment Board, 2008.
Find full text(Indonesia), Jawa Timur, ed. East Java the glorious century. [Surabaya]: Regional Government of East Java, 1991.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Daerah., ed. Investment infrastructure in East Java. Surabaya, Indonesia: East Java Regional Investment Coordinating Board, 1996.
Find full textEric, Oey, ed. Java: Garden of the East. Lincolnwood, Ill. USA: Passport Books, 1991.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Penanaman Model., ed. Investment profile in East Java. Surabaya: East Java Investment Board, 2000.
Find full textKallupa, Bahru. Central and East Java prehistoric sites. [Ujung Pandang]: Suaka Peninggalan Sejarah dan Purbakala Sulawesi Selatan dan Tenggara, 1990.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Daerah., ed. Statistic on investment in East Java. Surabaya, Indonesia: Board of Investment, East Java Province, 2001.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Dinas Pariwisata Daerah., ed. East Java, Madura Island of charm. Surabaya: Government Tourism Service, Regional Government of East Java, 1992.
Find full textBullough, Nigel. Historic East Java: Remains in stone. [Jakarta?]: N. Bullough, 1995.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Daerah., ed. Investment information in East Java Province. Surabaya: Board of Investment, East Java Province, 2001.
Find full textHospital, Dr Soetomo, ed. East Java safe motherhood study, Probolinggo District, East Java, Indonesia, August 1992-July 1993: Final project report. [Surabaya: Dr. Soetomo Hospital, 1993.
Find full textAssociates, Eriako, and Sampoerna Group of Companies, eds. Trade investment and tourism in East Java. Surabaya, Indonesia: Sampoerna Group of Companies, 1992.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Penanaman Modal. East Java goethermal power plant investment opportunity. Surabaya, Indonesia: East Java Investment Board, 2009.
Find full textAstrid, Sulistomo, ed. Assessment of CIDA-funded safe motherhood program in Central Java, East Java & South Sulawesi. [Jakarta]: University of Indonesia, 2000.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Penanaman Modal. Profile investment of cassava flour in East Java. Surabaya: East Java Investment Board, 2008.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Daerah., ed. Economic potential and investment opportunities in East Java. Surabaya, Indonesia: Board of Investment, East Java Province, 2001.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Daerah., ed. Investing to East Java: A guide for investors. [Surabaya, Indonesia: East Java Regional Investment Coordination Board, 1991.
Find full textHoward, Dick, Fox James J, and Mackie James Austin Copland, eds. Balanced development: East Java in the new order. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Find full textTaylor, M. Craig. Integrated resource plan Brantas river region, East Java. [Jakarta]: Integrated Regional Environmental Development Program, EMDI/LH/Bappeda, Province of East Java, 1993.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Biro Humas. Profile Jawa Timur: The great of East Java. Surabaya: Biro Humas dan Protokol, Setdaprov Jatim, 2010.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Daerah., ed. Industrial estate and industrial zone in East Java. Surabaya, Indonesia: Board of Investment, East Java Province, 2001.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Daerah., ed. Group C mining materials in East Java Province. 2nd ed. Surabaya, Indonesia: Board of Investment, East Java Province, 2001.
Find full textW, Dick H., Fox James J. 1940, and Mackie J. A. C, eds. Balanced development: East Java in the new order. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Daerah., ed. The prime export commodity of East Java: Plantation sector. Surabaya, Indonesia: East Java Regional Investment Coordination Board, 1990.
Find full textSahala, Pandjaitan, ed. Integrated programs in family planning: The East Java experience. Jakarta: National Family Planning Coordinating Board, 1991.
Find full textVictoria M. Clara van Groenendael. Jaranan: The horse dance and trance in East Java. Leiden: KITLV Press, 2008.
Find full textDaerah, Jawa Timur (Indonesia) Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal. Economic potential and investment opportunities: Regency/city in East Java. Surabaya, Indonesia: Board of Investment, East Java Province, 2002.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Penanaman Modal. Investment opportunity in East Java Province, Indonesia: Potential and attractiveness. Surabaya: East Java Provincial Government Investment Board, 2012.
Find full textAchjadi, Judi. Tenun gedhog: The hand-loomed fabrics of Tuban, East Java. Jakarta]: Media Indonesia Publishing, 2010.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal Daerah., ed. Investment opportunity of the second level regency southern East Java. Surabaya, Indonesia: East Java Regional Investment Coordinating Board, 1997.
Find full textLtd, SAGRIC International Pty, ed. Capability statement for East Java and Bali urban development project. Adelaide, S. Aust: SAGRIC International, 1991.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Penanaman Modal. Investment profile: Investment opportunity on fish processing in East Java. Surabaya, Indonesia: East Java Investment Board, 2009.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Penanaman Modal. Investment profile: Investment opportunity on corn processing in East Java. Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia: East Java Investment Board, 2009.
Find full textIndonesia's Lamongan network: How East Java, Poso, and Syria are linked. [Jakarta]: Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict, 2015.
Find full textAlcano, Matteo Carlo. Masculine Identities and Male Sex Work between East Java and Bali. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2016.
Full textPurwacarita, Sarib. Released from Kala's Grip: A wayang exorcism performance from East Java. Jakarta: Lontar Foundation, 1998.
Find full textM, Holzner Brigitte, Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Instituut voor Culturele Antropologie en Sociologie der Niet-Westerse Volken., and Universitas Brawijaya. Center for the Development of Social Sciences., eds. Steps towards growth: Rural industrialization and socioeconomic change in East Java. Leiden, The Netherlands: DSWO Press, Leiden University, 1995.
Find full textYonekura, Hitoshi. Farmers and traders in a changing maize market in East Java. Bogor, Indonesia: Regional Co-ordination Centre for Research and Development of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tuber Crops in the Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific, 1996.
Find full textJawa Timur (Indonesia). Badan Penanaman Modal. Investment profile: Investment opportunity on industrial salt processing in East Java. Surabaya, Indonesia: East Java Investment Board, 2009.
Find full text(Indonesia), Jawa Timur, ed. Profil investasi Jawa Timur, 2005 =: Investment profile of East Java, 2005. [Surabaya]: Pemerintah Propinsi Jawa Timur, 2005.
Find full textSpaan, Ernst. Labour circulation and socioeconomic transformation: The case of East Java, Indonesia. The Hague: Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, 1999.
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