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Salaudeen, Jubril A. "SUKUK: POTENTIALS FOR INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA." Advanced International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance 3, no. 7 (June 15, 2021): 104–13.

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The growth of any economy in the world will happen on the back of the needed infrastructural facilities. And to build the needed infrastructures for national development requires a lot of money and time. There have been incessant concerns of the citizenry on the present level of infrastructural neglect and decay in Nigeria. The infrastructural decay in Nigeria ranks very high when compared to the national resources to the availability and quality of the needed infrastructure. The availability of needed infrastructures will enhance ingenuity, novelty, employment, self-confidence, wealth creation, and social security. However, it is wretched to note that the dire infrastructure in Nigeria is in a bad state thereby creating an evolving crisis. The inability of the government of Nigeria to maintain and endure her perilous infrastructure such as; road rails and pipelines network, the micro small and medium enterprises will require developed and scalable transportation infrastructure ( Land, Air, and Water), Electricity energy ( power for industrial and domestic use), Educational infrastructure ( Schools, Research and instructional materials), Health infrastructure ( Hospital, trained personnel, and Equipment), Security infrastructure ( Police, Military and Para-military). This study aims to explicate the potential of Sukuk as an alternative and sustainable financial vehicle for financing infrastructural development in Nigeria. The study is library-based and analytical and evaluation approaches are used to explore related library-based data on the causes and effects of infrastructural development in Nigeria. The study investigates and describes how the Nigerian government can utilize the potentials of Sukuk investment for infrastructural development across the nation.
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Tebbells, Diane R. "Building the Digital Library Infrastructure." Journal of Library Administration 26, no. 3-4 (January 25, 1999): 5–23.

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Gostick, Paul. "The missing link IT infrastructure library." ITNOW 49, no. 1 (January 1, 2007): 14–15.

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Anderson, Sheila, and Tobias Blanke. "Infrastructure as intermeditation – from archives to research infrastructures." Journal of Documentation 71, no. 6 (October 12, 2015): 1183–202.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse the steps taken to produce new kinds of integrated documentation on the Holocaust in the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure project. The authors present the user investigation methodology as well as the novel data design to support this complex field. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is based on the scholarly primitives framework. From here, it proceeds with two empirical studies of Holocaust archival research and the implementation steps taken. The paper employs key insights from large technology studies in how to organise such work. In particular, it uses the concepts of social-technical assemblages and intermediation. Findings – The paper offers a number of findings. First from the empirical studies, it presents how Holocaust researchers and archivist perceive the way they currently do research in archives. It then presents how the intermediation and digital transformation of such research can be enabled without violating its foundations. The second major insight is the technical research into how to use graph databases to integrate heterogeneous research collections and the analysis opportunities behind. Originality/value – The paper is based on existing work by the authors but takes this work forward into the world of real-life existing historical research on archives. It demonstrates how the theoretical foundations of primitives are fit for purpose. The paper presents a completely new approach on how to (re)organise archives as research infrastructures and offers a flexible way of implementing this. Next to these major insights, a range of new solutions are presented how to arrange the socio-technical assemblages of research infrastructures.
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Sutcliffe, Geoff. "The TPTP Problem Library and Associated Infrastructure." Journal of Automated Reasoning 43, no. 4 (July 22, 2009): 337–62.

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Sutcliffe, Geoff. "The TPTP Problem Library and Associated Infrastructure." Journal of Automated Reasoning 59, no. 4 (February 17, 2017): 483–502.

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Setiyawan, Hendrik Anandra. "Implementasi Standar Nasional Perpustakaan (SNP 007:2012) Pada Standar Koleksi dan Standar Sarana Prasarana di Perpustakaan SDN Wiyung I / 453 Surabaya." Tibanndaru : Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi 5, no. 1 (July 15, 2021): 107.

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This study discusses the Implementation of National Library Standards (SNP 007:2012) on Collection Standards and Infrastructure Standards in the Library of SDN Wiyung I/453 Surabaya regarding collection standards and infrastructure. The purpose of this study is to describe how the implementation of collection standards and infrastructure facilities in the library of SDN Wiyung I/453 Surabaya. The research method used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Based on the results of research that has been researched by the author, it can be concluded that the Library of SDN Wiyung I/453 Surabaya in the collection standard has met the National Library Standard (SNP 007:2012). As for the standard of facilities and infrastructure, some do not meet the National Library Standard (SNP 007:2012) especially for the area of the building/library space which is still 64 m2 but for the facilities, area, and location it is following the National Library Standard (SNP 007:2012). Keywords: Implementation; national library standards; collections; facilities, and infrastructure
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Paneva-Marinova, Desislava, Maxim Goynov, Detelin Luchev, Yanislav Zhelev, Mariya Monova-Zheleva, Radoslav Pavlov, Lubomir Zlatkov, Nikolay Noev, and Lilia Pavlova. "Information Day: Research Infrastructure Services in the Humanities and Social Sciences." Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage 12 (September 7, 2022): 319–24.

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During the information day, the results of the work of the IMI-BAS team on the project CLaDA-BG, the Bulgarian National Interdisciplinary Research e-Infrastructure for Resources and Technologies in Favor of the Bulgarian Language and Cultural Heritage, Part of the EU Infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH, will be presented: the development of the Humanities and Social Sciences Data Storage, Retrieval and Curation Environment (CHCS-DSRCE) and its implementation in the Digital Library "Virtual Encyclopedia of Bulgarian Iconography" and for the needs of the "Ivan Vazov" Regional Library in Plovdiv and “Peyo Yavorov” Regional Library - Burgas.
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Asnita, Asnita, Armiati Armiati, and Efni Cerya. "ANALISIS PEMELIHARAAN SARANA DAN PRASARANA SEKOLAH DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEJURUAN (SMK) NEGERI 3 PADANG." Jurnal Ecogen 1, no. 4 (March 20, 2019): 719.

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This study purposing to determine the process of maintenance of school facilities and infrastructure in Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Negeri 3 Padang.This research is categorized as qualitative descriptive with data sources coming from interviews, direct observation to the object of research and documentation. The validity of the data was tested using Source Triangulation. The results showed that overall maintenance activities had not been carried out optimally. This is caused by: 1) difficulty in disbursing funds used for maintenance activities, 2) inadequate library space, 3) lack of bookshelves in the library room, 4) the school does not use control cards as proof of liability answer. Maintenance activities are carried out by means of periodic, continuous and preventive maintenance. Meanwhile, the solutive action taken is to repair itself if there are damaged facilities or infrastructures, striving to create and increase the number of bookshelves in the library room. By carrying out optimal maintenance activities, it can extend the economic value and maximize the utilization of the facilities and infrastructure in the school. Keywords: Analysis, Maintenance, Facilities and Infrastructure.
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Montoya, Robert D. "Advocating for Sustainability: Scaling-Down Library Digital Infrastructure." Journal of Library Administration 56, no. 5 (July 3, 2016): 603–20.

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Lundquist, Mitch, Steven C. Daggett, Mark McClung, and Peter C. Gorman. "Section 4: Technical infrastructure of the electronic library." Library Hi Tech 16, no. 3/4 (December 1998): 110–24.

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Henshaw, Christy. "The Wellcome Digital Library: building a sustainable infrastructure." Library Hi Tech News 28, no. 1 (March 8, 2011): 18–21.

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Horstmann, Wolfram. "Library Technology – Between Local Tools and Global Solutions." Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis 46, no. 2 (July 1, 2022): 261–70.

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Abstract Digital information infrastructures such as Google or Wikipedia are often compared to libraries. As traditional libraries, they support the circulation of knowledge resources. However, they are neither operated by nor designed for library institutions. In order to describe the contribution of libraries to the digital infrastructures of the 21st century more precisely, the term Library Technology is applied in this text. Library Technology will be demarcated from terms such as Digital Libraries, a frequently used concept in Computer Science and colloquial language. The focus lies on present and future developments of infrastructures in science, such as the European Science Cloud (EOSC). It is suggested that the original contribution of libraries to current and future data infrastructure is present but not explicitly visible or referenced in communications. This rather hidden, implicit role is interpreted to be detrimental to the library identity in the 21st century. It is recommended to reference the role of the library more explicitly.
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Zucca, Joe. "Business Intelligence Infrastructure for Academic Libraries." Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 8, no. 2 (June 11, 2013): 172.

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Objective – To describe the rationale for and development of MetriDoc, an information technology infrastructure that facilitates the collection, transport, and use of library activity data. Methods – With the help of the Institute for Museum and Library Services, the University of Pennsylvania Libraries have been working on creating a decision support system for library activity data. MetriDoc is a means of “lighting up” an array of data sources to build a comprehensive repository of quantitative information about services and user behavior. A data source can be a database, text file, Extensible Markup Language (XML), or any binary object that contains data and has business value. MetriDoc provides simple tools to extract useful information from various data sources; transform, resolve, and consolidate that data; and finally store them in a repository. Results – The Penn Libraries completed five reference projects to prove basic concepts of the MetriDoc framework and make available a set of applications that other institutions could test in a deployment of the MetriDoc core. These reference projects are written as configurable plugins to the core framework and can be used to parse and store EZ-Proxy log data, COUNTER data, interlibrary loan transactional data from ILLIAD, fund expenditure data from the Voyager integrated library system, and transactional data from the Relais platform, which supports the BorrowDirect and EZBorrow resource sharing consortiums. The MetriDoc framework is currently undergoing test implementations at the University of Chicago and North Carolina State University, and the Kuali-OLE project is actively considering it as the basis of an analytics module. Conclusion – If libraries decide that a business intelligence infrastructure is strategically important, deep collaboration will be essential to progress, given the costs and complexity of the challenge.
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Montoya, Robert D. "A Classification of Digital Emergence: A Critical Approach to the Production of Digital Objects in Special Collections." Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship 1 (January 28, 2016): 42–59.

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This paper examines the infrastructure of digital libraries and teases out the subtle ways their formation and construction is a digital extension and representation of the social, political, and institutional circumstances by which they are created. Building off lessons learned from UCLA Library Special Collections as a case study site, this paper proposes a classification of digital emergence that provides more transparency about how digital surrogates come to exist in digital libraries and how we can use this information to better contextualize the importance of these surrogates within academic library services. The discussion then situates digital libraries as medial interfacing infrastructures that are fundamentally non-neutral social apparatuses that disappear in the course of daily use. Marcuse’s notion of technological rationality is incorporated to illustrate the extent to which technological infrastructures influence and reformulate the way we understand the research process using special collections and archives, and how these infrastructures can function as a mechanism for information control. Finally, Bowker and Star’s text, Sorting Things Out: Classification and Its Consequences, briefly illustrates how librarians can contextualize the emergence of digital objects, and how this context, and the concomitant technological biases, can be methodologically brought to light using infrastructural inversion.
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Kaur, Kulveen, and Kiran Kathuria. "Assessment of Students Faculty Satisfaction A Case Study of Punjab Agricultural University Library Facilities." DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology 42, no. 4 (July 19, 2022): 246–52.

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Libraries must provide supportive environments and unhindered services to their users to support their academic well-being. A survey of 202 Punjab Agricultural University Library users was conducted to determine users’ satisfaction with the library webpage, library resources, infrastructure facilities, and library services. The study found differences in the satisfaction level and awareness of library services and facilities among the undergraduate, graduate, research scholars and faculty users. A compulsory credit-based course exists for postgraduate students only, leaving the other users uninformed about the services and facilities offered by the library. It was discovered that a robust ICT infrastructure is required since most of the users assessed the ICT infrastructure as ‘average’. Data collected was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).
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Showers, Ben. "Data-driven library infrastructure: towards a new information ecology." Insights: the UKSG journal 25, no. 2 (July 1, 2012): 150–54.

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Soomro. "Role of Information Technology Infrastructure Library in Data Warehouses." American Journal of Applied Sciences 8, no. 12 (December 1, 2011): 1284–87.

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Soomro. "Role of Information Technology Infrastructure Library in Data Warehouses." American Journal of Applied Sciences 8, no. 12 (December 1, 2011): 1384–87.

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Nurdina. "Role of Information Technology Infrastructure Library in E-Government." Journal of Computer Science 8, no. 3 (October 1, 2012): 323–28.

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Hills, Corrinne. "The quality infrastructure: Measuring, analyzing, and improving library services." Australian Library Journal 64, no. 1 (January 2, 2015): 69–70.

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Gërvalla, Muhamet, Naim Preniqi, and Peter Kopacek. "IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework approach to IT Governance." IFAC-PapersOnLine 51, no. 30 (2018): 181–85.

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Green, Andrew. "Digital Library, Open Library: Developments in the National Library of Wales." Alexandria: The Journal of National and International Library and Information Issues 14, no. 3 (December 2002): 161–70.

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The National Library of Wales is passing through a period of major strategic change, prompted partly by its new political context, following the establishment of the National Assembly for Wales in 1999, and partly by the need to respond to professional and public pressure to extend its range of users and uses. While retaining its strength as Wales's leading research resource, the library aims to reach new audiences by attracting many more people to its Aberystwyth building through the new visitor centre, and by building a range of digital, Internet-based services, including digitized material from the collections. Another strategic priority has been working in partnership, especially with other Welsh bodies, on objectives that would be difficult to achieve independently in a small country. The strategy has been underpinned by efforts to improve the library's infrastructure: its organizational structure and staffing, its ICT provision, and promotion and marketing.
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Kahn, Robert. "National Information Infrastructure Components." Serials Review 18, no. 1-2 (March 1, 1992): 85–87.

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OLAFSSON, SVEINN. "Iceland's National Information Infrastructure." International Information & Library Review 31, no. 4 (December 1999): 181–96.

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Carter, Daniel. "Infrastructure and the experience of documents." Journal of Documentation 72, no. 1 (January 11, 2016): 65–80.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to contribute to understandings of how documents are experienced by looking to work in reception studies for methodological examples. Based on a review of research from literary studies, communication studies and museum studies, it identifies existing approaches and challenges. Specifically, it draws attention to problems cited in relation to small-scale user studies and suggests an alternative approach that focusses on how infrastructures influence experience. Design/methodology/approach – This paper presents data collected from over a year of ethnographic work at a cultural archive and exhibition space and analyses the implications of infrastructural features such as institutional organization, database structures and the organization of physical space for making available certain modes of reception. Findings – This research suggests that infrastructure provides a useful perspective on how experiences of documents are influenced by larger systems. Research limitations/implications – This research was conducted to explore the implications of an alternative research methodology. Based on the ethnographic study presented, it suggests that this approach produces results that warrant further work. However, as it is intended only to be a test case, its scope is limited, and future research following the approach discussed here should more fully engage with specific findings in relation to the experience of documents. Originality/value – This paper presents an alternative approach to studying the experience of documents that responds to limitations in previous work. The research presented suggests that infrastructures can reveal ways that the experience is shared across contexts, shifting discussions from individuals and objects to technical systems, institutions and social structures.
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Dai, Longji, Ling Chen, and Hongyang Zhang. "China Academic Library and Information System: An Academic Library Consortium in China." Information Technology and Libraries 19, no. 2 (September 17, 2017): 66–70.

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Since its inception in 1998, China Academic Library and Information System (CALIS) has become the most important academic library consortium in China. CALIS is centrally funded and organized in a tiered structure. It currently consists of thirteen management or information centers and seventy member libraries' 700,000 students. After more than a year of development in information infrastructure, a CALIS resource-sharing network is gradually taking shape.
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Pakpahan, Poetri Leharia, and Wiji Hidayati. "IMPLEMENTATION OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN FACILITIES TO IMPROVE INSTITUTION QUALITY SCHOOL." MANAGERIA: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam 6, no. 1 (June 20, 2021): 97–124.

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One of the improvements in the quality of education is the fulfillment of the needs for facilities and adequate, quality, and ready-to-use educational infrastructure. So as for the impact of the lack of proper infrastructure of school institutions, namely that it can reduce student achievement in learning activities, especially in class. Therefore, to improve the quality of education in schools, management of facilities and infrastructure is needed to meet the needs of the student learning process at school. This study aims to determine the implementation of total quality management in improving the quality of infrastructure in schools. This research using library research with analytical study methods (library research), namely research carried out using a library alias literature, either in the form of notes, books, journals, or reports of previous research results. The analytical study used is content analytical and analytical descriptions of total quality management to improve infrastructure at school. The results of this study indicate that the facilities and infrastructure at the school are inadequate standards. Therefore, the use of infrastructure in the learning process must also be improved, as an increase in service quality continuously meets the reality and expectations for customers.
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Ranagattimath, Anand, and Ramesh R. Naik. "Capacity Building for Library Professionals: A Study." International Journal of Emerging Research in Management and Technology 6, no. 8 (June 25, 2018): 146.

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The present study aims to find out need for capacity building which includes requirement of skills, support of electronic infrastructure (hardware/software related content) and relevant training programmes in the university setup. The study also concentrates on the attitudes of library professionals towards ICT applications and capacity building. The outcome of the study shows that capacity building programme is very much needed in the university libraries as the existing skills of the library professionals is deprived. The libraries have got minimum basic infrastructure, majority of the training programmes are undergone by the professionals or after the completion of the education and got the jobbut having positive attitude towards ICT applications.
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Novalska, Tetiana. "Evolution of the Library Space and Information and Communication Infrastructure of the KNUCaA Scientific Library." Ukrainian Journal on Library and Information Science, no. 5 (June 19, 2020): 150–53.

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Bartlett, Jennifer A. "Sources: The Quality Infrastructure: Measuring, Analyzing, and Improving Library Services." Reference & User Services Quarterly 54, no. 1 (September 1, 2014): 57–58.

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S. "Supporting Best Practices and Standards for Information Technology Infrastructure Library." Journal of Computer Science 8, no. 2 (October 1, 2012): 272–76.

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Bagge, Anya Helene. "Managing facts and resources with the Pica IDE infrastructure library." Science of Computer Programming 134 (February 2017): 100–111.

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Cardoso, Abílio, Fernando Moreira, and David Fonseca Escudero. "Information Technology Infrastructure Library and the migration to cloud computing." Universal Access in the Information Society 17, no. 3 (July 5, 2017): 503–15.

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Levin, Rona F. "Developing the Infrastructure to Support EBP: It Takes a Library." Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 21, no. 2 (June 2007): 77–79.

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Hannah, Matthew, Erla P. Heyns, and Rikk Mulligan. "Inclusive Infrastructure: Digital Scholarship Centers and the Academic Library Liaison." portal: Libraries and the Academy 20, no. 4 (2020): 693–714.

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Rehman, Sajjadur. "National infrastructure of library and information services in Arab countries." International Library Review 21, no. 4 (October 1989): 445–61.

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Chahal, Hardeep, and Pinkey Devi. "Consumer attitude towards service failure and recovery in higher education." Quality Assurance in Education 23, no. 1 (February 2, 2015): 67–85.

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Purpose – This paper aims to explore consumer attitude towards service failure and recovery in the higher education in general and with respect to teaching, examination, library, computer lab, administration and infrastructure in particular. Design/methodology/approach – The data are collected from 120 students of three undergraduate colleges of University of Jammu using purposive sampling. Findings – The findings reveal that all recovery efforts pertaining to teaching, examination, library, computer lab, administration and infrastructure are significant in overcoming the respective service failures. Research limitations/implications – The present study is limited to address service failure and service recovery relationship with respect to teaching, examination, library, computer lab, administration and infrastructure and limited to three undergraduate colleges operating in Jammu city only. The sample of the study is small which needs to be considered before generalizing the results. Originality/value – This study makes a maiden attempt to identify service failure issues with respect to teaching, examination, library, computer lab, administration and infrastructure using quantitative methodology in higher education and role of service recovery strategies in monitoring and reducing service failure.
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Putri, Oza Rahmadita, and Malta Nelisa. "Pengelolaan Perpustakaan Berbasis Teknologi di Perpustakaan Sma Negeri 1 Padang (Studi Kasus: Pada Perpustakaan Sma Negeri 1 Padang)." Ilmu Informasi Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan 8, no. 1 (October 29, 2019): 517.

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AbstractThe writing of this paper aims to describe how to process tecnologi digital-based collections, to describe how to manage information technology-based technology services, describing what are the facilities and infrastructure of technology library-based management at the Padang 1 Public High School Library. Data was collected through observation and interviews with librarians and visitors at the Padang 1 Public High School Library. Data analysis was carried out descriptively. Based on the discussion described above, it can be concluded that First, digital-based collection processing is processing physical collections in the form of systematic collection of collections ranging from checking library materials to compiling books on a shelf, processing book collections into digital collections using SLiMS applications, processing physical data collection of digital-based books by transferring media collections of books to digital-based collections by using a scanner machine. Second, the management of technology-based information services, namely the creation of membership cards, on the membership card library has information about member identities, member names, identity numbers, addresses and telephone numbers of users, information search services, application of corner literacy services. Third, library-based infrastructure management tools, namely infrastructure literacy corner bookshelves provided by schools, the application of barcode scanners, library building infrastructure that is quite extensive as a forum for educational information services in libraries, television facilities as learning media for students in Padang 1 Public High School and internet-connected computer facilities.Keywords: management; processing; technology
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Anafo, P., S. Akpah, and Y. Ofori. "The Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure on University of Mines and Technology Campus and Its Impact on Library e-Resource Accessibility." Ghana Mining Journal 20, no. 1 (July 7, 2020): 75–83.

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Abstract The University of Mines and Technology (UMaT), Tarkwa, Ghana has a Local Area Network (LAN) infrastructure whose primary purpose is to facilitate research; teaching and learning; and information dissemination. The LAN infrastructure spans a maximum distance of 1.39 square-kilometers with an upload and download speed of 115 Mb/s and interconnects the administration block, faculties, library and halls of residence with high-speed ethernet links operating over a dedicated fiber optic backbone. The LAN infrastructure with connectivity to the internet impact operations in various sections of the University, notably, the University Library. The main purpose of the library is to interact with different information networks to make available e-resource materials to students, academic and non-academic staff. This can only be achieved over a dedicated LAN infrastructure. The introduction of Library Management Systems (Koha), Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) and the UMaT Space has improved library services such as document delivery, circulation and borrowing, amongst others. However, there exist a major challenge associated with library e-resources accessibility. This paper sought to investigate the factors hindering library e-resource accessibility for the purposes of improving research. Questionnaire was administered to respondents to solicit primary information while secondary information was obtained from published literature. 537 out of 855 participants responded to the questionnaire administered. 351 (65.36%) represented undergraduate students, 73 (13.60%) represented postgraduate students, 87 (16.20%), 21 (3.91%), 5 (0.93%) represented teaching, non-teaching and library staff respectively. The responses were analysed using simple tables and pie charts. Results from the study showed inadequate access points to enable users access these e-resource materials and lack of knowledge about the existence of these resources. The investigation further revealed the need for the library to embark on an information literacy drive for both students and academic staff. Various ways of improving e-resource accessibility was suggested. Keywords: Local Area Network, ICT Infrastructure, Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), E-Resources
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Mazhitova, Yelena, Nikita Balashov, Aleksandr Baranov, Nikolay Kutovskiy, Roman Semenov, and Boris Potapchuk. "Cloud infrastructure of INP’S Astana branch - PE “NULITS” and its integration with distributed JINR cloud infrastructure." EPJ Web of Conferences 201 (2019): 05003.

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The article describes the Institute of Nuclear Physics’ (INP) Astana branch - private establishments “Nazarbayev University Library and IT services” (PE NULITS) cloud and its integration with the distributed cloud infrastructure consisting of the Laboratory of Information Technologies of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) cloud as well as clouds of some JINR Member State organizations. It explains a motivation of that work, an approach it is based on, working plan of the integration.
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Larsson, Anthony, Carl Savage, Mats Brommels, and Pauline Mattsson. "Structuring a research infrastructure: A study of the rise and fall of a large-scale distributed biobank facility." Social Science Information 57, no. 2 (March 10, 2018): 196–222.

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This study analyses the perceived key interests, importance, influences and participation of different actors in harmonizing the processes and mechanisms of a distributed research infrastructure. It investigates the EU-funded initiative, BioBanking and Molecular Resource Infrastructure in Sweden (, which seeks to harmonize the biobanking standards. The study interviews multiple actors involved throughout the development process. Their responses are analysed via a framework based on the IIED Stakeholder Power Analysis Tool. The formation was facilitated by two parallel processes, with domestic and European/foreign origin, with leading scientists becoming ‘National Champions’. The respondents joined the organization under the premise that it would be a collaborative endeavour, but they were disappointed to learn the deliberative elements were more prevalent. In conclusion, the resulting autonomous structure caused disarray, while also fuelling interpersonal differences, ultimately leading to the closure of the infrastructure. Hence, it is necessary to clearly identify potential collaborative and deliberative elements already at the outset while also securing wider forms of communication between the participating actors, when establishing distributed research infrastructures. Moreover, while prior literature suggests that research infrastructures counteracts fragmentation, these results illustrate that this is not the case for this distributed research infrastructure.
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Tuck, Bill. "Telecommunications Infrastructure: problems and solutions." Serials: The Journal for the Serials Community 6, no. 3 (November 1, 1993): 51–57.

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Russell, Rosemary, and Greg Newton‐Ingham. "Agora: Building the technological infrastructure." New Review of Academic Librarianship 4, no. 1 (January 1998): 25–29.

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Selvi, Sahaya Jenitha, and Sivanesh. "FX Infrastructure Complaint Management System." International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics 10, no. 2 (May 31, 2021): 91–102.

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The FX Infrastructure Complaint Management System is a web application which focuses on an activity or function, which is based on management of infrastructure of institutions. In this web application user select faulty accessories and report it to the admin with particular complaint. It maintains a database of all the information that are recorded and received. It helps the college to maintain all the accessories safely. The admin get this information, Admin can perform quick action to repair infrastructure of college. Also according to students and teachers complaint he quickly know the location of accessories as classroom, cantine, library, bathroom etc. This web application is mainly focus on the maintenance of college infrastructure management.
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Sathish Naik, H., and S. Padmamma. "Availability of E-Resources and ICT Infrastructure in Medical College Libraries of Deemed Universities in Karnataka." Indian Journal of Information Sources and Services 9, no. 1 (February 5, 2019): 139–46.

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This study examines the availability of E-Resources and ICT infrastructure in medical college libraries of deemed universities in Karnataka. Further the study highlights Adequacy of print and E-resources, Library budget, the methods of library user education programmes, the efficiency of library staff in handling E-Resources and Services and the barriers in development of collection of E-Resources in medical college libraries of deemed universities.The result of the study shows that all the medical colleges have good ICT infrastructure. The BLDE University library has subscribed to the highest number of e-books and SDU has subscribed to the highest number of e-journals.
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Targowski, Andrew. "How to Transform the Information Infrastructure of Enterprise into Sustainable, Global-Oriented and to Monitor and Predict the Sustainability of Civilization." Information Resources Management Journal 23, no. 3 (July 2010): 1–10.

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In this paper, the author defines the evolution of the Classic Enterprise Information Infrastructure into Sustainability and Global Enterprise Information Infrastructure. However, this is not the end of evolution. Since Enterprise Systems operate within larger entities, such as Local, National, Global Information Infrastructures and these create the Civilization Information Infrastructure. The latter is the foundation for modern civilizations and the emerging Global Civilization, with repercussions for lower level infrastructures as well as World Civilization. If such civilizations want to survive, they must be able to monitor and predict sustainability in relationship with enterprises. In this paper, the author then gives recommendations for pathways to a sustainable future.
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Akanbi Bola Mulikat, Raji Ayodele Kamaldeen, Bolaji-Adetoro David Funsho, and Yusuf Ishola Tajudeen. "Planning, Designing, and Implementing a Local Area Digital Library Network." Scientific Inquiry and Review 2, no. 2 (April 30, 2018): 33–47.

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The advancement in the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) engendered by the invention of internet and related telecommunication infrastructure is impacting virtually all spheres of human endeavour. Computers usually top the list of equipments used in various research fields such as science, engineering and humanities has also fundamentally altered the ways libraries accomplish their traditional missions of selecting, organizing, preserving, and providing access to information. This research work mainly focuses on planning, designing, implementing and management of the digital library. It covers mission and scope, time frame, evaluation, assessment and infrastructures required. The paper also discusses the need for the digital library, basic facilities to keep the technology functioning and enhancement of user awareness. A Local Area Network (LAN) setup is proposed for Department of Computer Science, Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin. Cost of hardware, software and other requirements have been estimated.
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Wahyuni, Sri. "Peran Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Aceh dalam Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstrusi Pembangunan Perpustakaan Pasca Tsunami Aceh." Jurnal Adabiya 22, no. 1 (July 16, 2020): 80.

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At the end of the year, December 26, 2004, the world was shocked by a tectonic earthquake and tsunami wave in Aceh province with 8.9 magnitude on the Richter Scale. It destroyed almost all of aspects, including psychological, social, cultural, economic, and infrastructure. The Archives and Library Agency of Aceh were also devastated by the tsunami tantrums, even though the library was not badly damaged. There is a lot of infrastructure reconstruction in Aceh, including the agency of the Archives and Library which carries out reconstruction and rehabilitation actions. It is hoped that the Aceh National Archives and Library Board will be able to get up and running as usual after the tsunami, although it takes time to realize these desires. This was clearly supported by the government through the reconstruction regulation of the Aceh Library building. This study aims to examine the extent of the role of National Archives and Library to carry out initial library revitalization to support the recovery effort. Although this study only provides an initial estimate of damage which is a natural indication. Indications are generally serious effects like an impact on the recovery of various sectors. The result from Interviews conducted by researchers was found that the development of library and maintenance infrastructure cannot be done alone, but they must build the cooperation each institutions, both by government agencies (central and regional), NGOs (local and abroad), as well as international organizations and other countries.
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