Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Isolement social – Aspect économique – France'
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Mazureau-Pajot, Laurence. "Analyse économique de l'isolement." Nantes, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002NANT4006.
Full textThe isolation of people comprises both deeply demographic and long term changes, the economic and social significance of which has only been perceived for one decade. This phenomenon is not a specific French problem because most of the developed countries are experiencing the same developments, albeit with différences according to age groups. The objective of this work is threefold. First of all, we airn to redefine the contexts surrounding the situations involving isolation by taking into account the dynamics of contemporary social changes. Secondly, we will endeavor to présent the éléments of microeconomic theory likely to describe this phenomenon. Finally, we will attempt to provide an empirical explanation and to interpret the population growth of isolated people
Louizi, Khalid. "Analyse économique de l'entrepreneuriat social." Littoral, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000DUNK0033.
Full textOrivel, Estelle. "Légitimité de l'intervention de l'Etat dans le domaine des arts : Rationalité des acteurs et optimum social." Dijon, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997DIJOE011.
Full textThe legitimacy of state intervention must be analysed through its capacity to bring the point of market equilibrium nearer from that of social optimum. The first ambition of this thesis is to focus on the dependency of the analysis on 1) rationality hypotheses concerning economic and political agents'behavior and 2) value judgements hidden behind criteria of social optimum. While rationality hypotheses of economic agents lead to the determination of market equilibrium, that is to the point reached concerning the consumption and production of arts, criteria of social optimum define the point to be reached. The gap between the two constitutes the failure of the market. The existence of market failures does not suffice however to demonstrate the legitimacy of state intervention. Indeed, the functionning of the state can, it too, be the subject of other kinds of failures. One must thus analyse, rather than the ideal functionning of the state, its actual functionning, whose characterisation depends, just like that of the market, on rationality hypotheses concerning the behavior of political agents. Finally, apart from the focus placed on the dependence of the analysis on rationality hypotheses and criteria of social optimum, a second original innovation consists in the implementation of a survey on a random sample of 987 french individuals. Its objectives are of two kinds: first of all, test some of the hypotheses concerning the characterisation of works of arts; second of all, establish the excess or insufficiency of the financial effort made by the state concerning the arts
Teste, Thierry. "Les modèles de durée : application pour un traitement micro-économique des durées de chômage." Dijon, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996DIJOE012.
Full textMade from the survey entitled "suivi des chômeurs", this thesis suggests an econometric analysis of unemployment duration in France. This analysis follows a reduced form and rests essentially on the theory of duration models. It uses the most recent techniques. Thus, it is possible to integrate into models the different exits met after unemployment: regular job, marginal job or inactivity. Most of all, it is possible to take into account the stock sampling from the survey, whose importance and influence are underlined. The main objective of this thesis is to be a logical continuation to the numerous studies undertaken until now. That's why this study resumes known and tested buildings. It also uses proportional hazard models and a model of accelerated life. This thesis also shows how this method could be extended to correct the length biased sampling on the model referred to. Moreover, by analyzing the effects of unemployment benefits, it also suggests a modelisation integrating temporal variables
Uhalde, Marc. "Crise sociale et transformation des entreprises." Paris 9, 2004. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2004PAO90066.
Full textThe research in "Social Crisis and Enterprise Transformation" focuses on organizational crisis that arises when companies modernize their internal management mechanisms. Built around four specific case studies, this research indicates that this "organizational crisis" can become endemic and long-term as individuals struggle to maintain their organizational identity throughout the change process. In addition, "Social Crisis and Enterprise Transformation" shows that the degree of an "organizational crisis" has a direct relation to current company work mechanisms, particular styles of Change Management, and an organization's unique tradition and culture
Slimani, Hassen. "La professionnalisation du football français : un modèle de dénégation." Nantes, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000NANT3018.
Full textDuhem, Sophie. "Sablières sculptées de Bretagne : images, ouvriers du bois et culture paroissiale au temps de la prospérite bretonne (XVe-XVIIe s.)." Rennes 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997REN20022.
Full textThis research offers an original aspect of the Breton artistic creation: the production of carved beams' frames, designed between the XVth and the XVIIth century. The composed iconographical catalogue-free from any large scale investigation until now - offers, for us to study, several thousands of images and one subject that allows us to start on the problems raised by the inventory's methodology and the questions debated on within the historical research. This study shows the difficulties linked to a patrimony's inventory and sets out the methods used during the serial inquiry accomplished in the field. The interest in a photographic background, the usefulness of the data computerization, the management of a large iconographical catalogue, and finally, the image processing, are the main points treated prior to the carved beams' historical and iconographical study. The study of the order's context as well as the people involved - clerks, manufactures and craftsmen - but also the one of the iconographical choices and the circulating patterns allow us to understand better the native of this production and to go back to the usual use of the expression "popular art". More widely, this research fits in with the study of the Bretons' cultural environment: mediaeval and reviving pictures chosen by the woodcarvers give precious indications of the interests and artistic culture of men between the XVth and the XVIIth century. This iconography also enriches our knowledge of the parish life and the religious behaviours of the Bretons in the "ancien regime". The chronological extent of the catalogue notably provides the opportunity to understand the cultural changes occuring in the catholic reform's wake
Le, Lann Yann. "Les frontières comptables du social : la protection sociale et le salaire dans la comptabilité nationale (1944-2010)." Paris 10, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA100100.
Full textThe accounting standards of social protection have been confronted to a reform that deeply changes the economical meaning of social benefits. On the one hand, the ©NU’s standards of national accounting recognize pension as the patrimonial element of labor remuneration, on the other hand, Eurostat’s social protection accounts tend to integrate individual insurance inside the social sphere. Those evolutions, in their own way, put into crisis the definition of social protection based on the distinction of wage and social benefits. Built during the Keynesian hegemony on national accounting standards, this representation of social protection as an institution designed for income redistribution has been supplanted by a reinterpretation of social flux in the direction of commodification. In this context the separation of social benefits and wage has become more and more unclear. In order to understand the meaning of this contemporary reform of statistics, l aim in this PHD to bring out the crossover history of wage and social benefits standards. My research is based on archives of the institution which was responsible for the publication of national accounting since l944, on the analysis of handbooks of accounting standards and on scientific publications concerning social protection standards. Starting from the evolution of national and social accounts, I try to understand the rise, the management and the crisis of accounting boundaries between economic and social flux
Monfort-Bernuit, Karine. "Le discours conflictuel dans le milieu socio-économique : étude de linguistique comparée (allemand-français)." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004STR20029.
Full textClose to socio-anthropology, the field of pragma-linguistics provides a concrete and fructuous way of developing interdisciplinarian approaches which can seriously contribute to a better understanding between German and French in specific domains of continous interactions such as organizations and business corporations. The interlingual comparison, focused on german and French, is based on different types of economic and juridical texts which have been described under functional and intentional aspects. The comparative study tends to determinate a relation of causality between the extra-linguistic factors and the micro-linguistic features which can be observed in the selected discourses of controversy. The first study purpose consists in categorizing and identifying the objects of struggle in the environmental conditions in which they occur. The detection and description of the functional, textual and structural characteristics are the result of a systemical and hierarchical approach of organizational oppositions in the industrial world. Conflictive actions or processes (series of actions) appear to be functional units that are divided and interdependent at the same time. They also depend on the strong dynamical nature of the oppositional context. After being categorized in acts and microacts, the microlinguistical features have been analysed semantic, morphologic and syntagmatic levels, and organized as well as classified in a bilingual glossary. The functional and onomasiological qualities of the glossary contribute to emphasize the recurrent german and French behaviours in the most common speech acts that aim at dealing with socio-economic discrepancies
Carribon, Carole. "Du thermalisme mondain au thermalisme social ? : les villes d'eaux françaises dans l'Entre-deux-guerres (1919-1939)." Bordeaux 3, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001BOR30039.
Full textDuring the interwar period French spas were no longer the gathering places for high class socialites they were in the 19th century, but had not yet acquired the status of medical centres for the masses they were to reach after the Second World War. Lacking the glamour of the first period, and rat ional organisation of an already gone-by age. Yet, the crise it was confronted to give these twenty years their own identity
Pandolfini, Hervé. "Analyse des effets territoriaux de La Poste." Saint-Etienne, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001STETT061.
Full textLeturcq, Marion. "Pacs et mariages en France : une analyse économique." Phd thesis, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), 2011. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00704073.
Full textDesmichel, Pascal. "Réalité économique et perception sociale du tourisme en milieu rural fragile : analyse à partir de territoires du grand Sud-Ouest français." Limoges, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000LIMO2007.
Full textLessoua, Albert. "Impacts distributifs de la pollution atmosphérique et bénéfices des politiques environnementales : une application à la Haute-Normandie." Rouen, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008ROUED002.
Full textThe purpose of this research is to analyse the distributive impacts of air pollution and to assess the monetary value of environmental policies benefits in Haute-Normandie. The hypothesis to be tested is that the exposure to air pollution is regressive across income groups in this region. The results reveal that households by income and households by socioeconomic status are disproportionately exposed to local air pollution, indicating that the distribution of air pollution reduction in Rouen and Le Havre are estimated at € 8,085 million per year and €5,62 million per year respectively. These benefits enable the implementation of social policy in order to reduce the negative distributive effects due to air pollution externalities
Guyot, Jacques. "Publicité et modernité technologique : critique de la prégnance des paradigmes publicitaires dans le secteur audiovisuel (1968-1990)." Rennes 2, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991REN20003.
Full textTisserant, Pascal. "L'identité interculturelle dans l'organisation de salariés lorrains d'une multinationale sud-coréenne : contextualisation représentationnelle des relations intergroupes." Metz, 1999. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/UPV-M/Theses/1999/Tisserant.Pascal.LMZ9901_1.pdf.
Full textThis research analyses the effect of intranational and international cultural diversity on the identity of local employees in the plant of a South Korean multinational company settled in Lorraine. The framework unifies the method of representational contextualization (Zavalloni et Louis-Guerin, 1984; Durand-Delvigne, 1992) and current theories on intergroup relationships (Tajfel, 1972; Turner et col. , 1987; Doise, 1984; Lorenzi-Cioldi, 1988). Applied to subjects of this study, it heads up three principle hypotheses: 1) the threat to the identity of local employees, 2) the differentiation in the treatment of hierarchical and cultural categories of the same individuals within the organization, 3) the most noticable domination concerning the perception of intranational groups of persons of foreign origin. This work is divided into three parts: 1) a theoretical review justifying the pertinence of the representational contextualization of intergroup relations - with regard to a synthesis of work taking into account the notion of culture in the domain of work and of organization, 2) the analysis of the terrain justifies the interview guide, 3) the interpretation of results of cross-referenced classification statistics, multidimensional scaling and factorial analyses of the connections effected through SPAD-T verify the hypotheses. The results shows that the threat to identity of local employees, due to Korean characteristics grafted onto the social environment at work, can be compensated by the impression which the subjects have of those persons who are of foreign origin. In addition, compared with those of French origin, those subjects of foreign origin would appear to have a more open self-concept towards cultural heterogeneity in the enterprise and would appear to thereby gain greater self-esteem. This research thus proves that intranational cultural diversity can contribute to limiting the negative effects of an international encounter
Musset, Benoît. "Le vignoble de Champagne, de la naissance des vins mousseux à celle des maisons de champagne (1650-1830) : les transformations d'un univers vinicole, social et commercial." Reims, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006REIML006.
Full textIn the 1660’s, sparkling wines appear in the Champagne province. Encouraged by aristocratic customers, this production keeps expanding from the 1720’s on, growing from a few thousands bottles to 300 000 in the early 1780’s, and finally reaching 3 000 000 in the late 1820’s. This growth in production slowly changes the economical social and viticultural structures of the vineyard : vinicultural techniques, land organisation, state regulations. In 1789, the old structures are still very much there. In fact, two main viticultural systems coexist during the 18th century. The first one is based on the selling of red wines in Paris, the Flanders and the regional market. Flourishing until the 1820’s, it relies on a rather stable wine-growing society : small landowners, well-tended vineyards, quick method wine growing, commercial uses in the hands of the brokers working for foreign merchants. The second one, if it does not change them improves the methods of the first one, thus engendering a tissue of great bourgeois wine properties, initiating new viticultural methods, requiring a more and more sophistcated machinery in the second half of the century. It also creates a deep change in the trade sphere, when in the 1760’s 70’s there appears a powerful business world dealing with the production, imposing an always stronger watch over the big landowners and winegrowers. In the late 1820’s, at the time when the viticultural system of red wines slowly gives way, the trade of bottled wines now well organized in the Epernay region, begins to offer an unexpected and promising opening to the Montagne de Reims
Caussé, Nadège. "La valeur juridique des chartes d'entreprise au regard du droit du travail français : contribution à l'étude de l'aspect social et éthique de l'activité des entreprises." Aix-Marseille 3, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999AIX32047.
Full textKang, Namjin. "L'influence des trains à grande vitesse sur l'organisation de l'espace français : L'exemple des lignes Sud-est et Atlantique." Rouen, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996ROUEL256.
Full textThe analysis of the influence of high speed trains on the organization of the geographical space is a particularly complex problem. The impacts are numerous and very closely intertwined with human activities, and are thus very difficult to distinguish. At the same time, research which attempts to describe the decision processes involved is often unclear because these processes are indistinguishable or hidden. Research into the stakes in terms of the train network requires a good explanation. For this research, the french experience provides a very interesting basic study. Firstly it is interesting to study the poles which have been recently linked to the TGV, the stations concerned and then the sphere of influence in order to determine the precise impacts. Among the chosen towns, three (Lyon, Le Creusot and Mâcon) are on the first TGV line (1981), which allows an analysis of their evolution over fifteen years and three others (Tours, Le Mans and Vendôme) are on the more recent TGV line (1990), allowing analysis of their immediate effects. Then in order to assess the influence of the TGV in a wider context an overview of medium and large sized towns was under taken. The " TGV effect" (speed, frequency and suitable timetables) appear to be very polarized. It is dual branching of the rail network which has produced ruptures in geographical space and time. A wider vision of networks at all levels (regional, national and european) and of all natures (political, economic, technical and human) is essential and a coherent strategy must be established
Mathieu, Sévérine. "Edition et best-sellers: tentative d'explication du fonctionnement du champ éditorial romanesque français contemporain." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1995. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/212527.
Full textUgo, Christine. "Maîtrise des dépenses publiques et réformes du prélèvement social : réflexion sur le cas français." Nice, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985NICE0011.
Full textHenry-Wittmann, Marie-Véronique. "Fécondité et transferts sociaux : une analyse théorique et empirique." Nancy 2, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991NAN20006.
Full textThis study deals with the effect of family policy on fertility. A theoretical approach, based on a microeconomic model, first determines the necessary conditions for parents to accept an additional child. The empirical verification was realized from a sample including 733 households. It uses two methods: the first one tests an econometric model estimating the probability of having an additional child; the second one tries to assess, household by household, the influence of family benefits on fertility. In this method, an assumption is that there exists an income under which parents could refuse an additional child because of economic constraints. The results show that government benefits for families have a positive effect on fertility. This effect is nevertheless limited and highly correlated with the income and number of children
Briole, Simon. "Essays on the determinants of student achievement in France and the US : teacher evaluation, teaching practices and social interactions in middle school." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PSLEH006.
Full textThe Human Capital Theory developed by Gary Becker in the 60's substantially widened the area of investigation of economics. Over the last two decades, many studies in the economics of education intended to identify the characteristics of an educational system which enable individuals to acquire as much skills, knowledge and information as possible. This thesis contribute to this literature by studying two aspects of the educational environment that has particularly attracted economists' attention over recent years: teacher productivity and peer effects in the classroom. The first chapter of this thesis investigate to what extent teaching practices implemented by math teachers in the US relate to their students' math performance. First, it shows that every single hour spent in the classroom studying mathematics generate a significant improvement in students' math performance. Second, it shows that the productivity of instructional time strongly relates to the implementation of interactive teaching practices, which require student active participation in the lesson. More precisely, each hour spent with a teacher putting a high weight on this kind of practices is 2 to 3 times more productive than an hour spent with a teacher putting a higher weight on traditional practices, such a teacher lecture. The second chapter of this thesis studies the impact of a public policy aimed at improving teachers' practices, namely the individual teacher evaluation system in French secondary education. In this chapter, we show that students' performance at the end-of-middle school national exam significantly improve after the evaluation of their math teacher, not only for students taught by an evaluated teacher the year of the evaluation, but also for students taught by the same teacher on subsequent years, suggesting a long-lasting improvement in teacher pedagogical skills. These positive effects persist over time for students, who not only perform better at the end-of-middle school exam but also choose more often and graduate more often from the science track in high school. In addition, the positive effects of teacher evaluation are particularly salient in education priority schools, in contexts where teaching is often very challenging.The third chapter of this thesis investigates the effect of school peers' gender on students' performance and educational careers in French middle schools. First, it shows that the proportion of female peers' in middle school has persistent effects on students' educational careers as it not only affects students' test score at the end-of-9th-grade national examination, but also influences their track choices and high school graduation rates several years later. Second, it shows that a larger share of girls in the classroom has positive effects for girls and negative effects for boys. More specifically, it reduces girls' dropout rates and increases their probability to graduate from an academic track in high school, especially in the scientific track, while it increases boys' probability to attend a vocational school after 9th grade and decreases their high school graduation rate
Vernet, Antoine. "L'ombre et la lumière. Sociologie économique de l'activité cinématographique : travail et carrière chez les techniciens de la lumière." Thesis, Paris 10, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA100217/document.
Full textThis dissertation deals with issues of labor market organization in the motion-picture industry, especially for the labor market of technicians. Three workteams are studied: the camera crew, electric crew and grip crew. As a whole, they constitute what is sometimes referred to as the “image department”. We explore the link between work and career in a context of fluid employment relations. Drawing from interviews, observations and a database allowing us to reconstruct collaboration networks, we explore what a career means for those technicians. The international comparison allows us to put into perspective the weight of national regulations on the form of careers and on the individual strategies of actors. The first part of the dissertation shows how the structure of collaborations sustains a social world in which individuals share conventions and norms, and, at the team level, routines. We show how activity and relations between people on set evolve in the larger context of careers. The second part of the dissertation deals with the question of entering the labor market, showing the role of social networks. The means used to recruit people, especially team leaders, structures opportunities for people. The third part of the dissertation focus on the french case to study the struggle of cinematographers to see their work recognized. In particular, we study the role of professionnal associations and of a new intermediary on the labor market
Darriet, Elisa. "Science économique et sens commun : études des représentations sociales de la crise économique et de l'euro." Thesis, Paris 2, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA020034.
Full textIn this thesis we focus on the relationship between economics and social representations, between science and common sense. First in a theoretical chapter, we discuss how social representations of lay individuals can potentially play a role in economic modeling and in the implementation of economic policies. Secondly, in an empirical chapter, we firstly describe the social representation of the 2008 economic crisis in France and link it to the perception of personal financial threats. We then proceed to demonstrate that this difference can lead to different types of actions in order to cope (or not) with the economic crisis. The third chapter investigates empirically the possibility of a cognitive fit between lay representations of economic theories that explain economic crises and economic theories themselves. The influence of sociodemographic and psychological differences (such as political opinions, and Belief in a Just World) over these economic theories is also studied. The final chapter examines the social representations of the euro and approaches the notion of monetary illusion as well as the perception of European monetary policies among the French population
Larique, Bertrand. "L'économie du tourisme en France des années 1890 à la veille de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale : organisation et développement d'un secteur socio-économique." Bordeaux 3, 2006. https://extranet.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/memoires/diffusion.php?nnt=2006BOR30051.
Full textFrom the 1890’s to the beginning of the Second World War, tourism in France is deeply transformed by its industrialization and its organization as an independent social-economic sector with increased value. It is involved in an “organisational revolution” which gives rise to the construction of a touristic system and an economy of tourism, in the sense of a well-managed productive activity. These transformations contribute first to the development of what we can call a “meta-web” of actors linked to the growth of tourism. Secondly, they help the process of recognition of this activity which is transferred during this half-century from the fringe to the hearth of the french economic system. This thesis focuses on how active tourism was organised, through associations, and how receptive tourism was taken care of by institutions such as tourist offices. It also deals with the different ways in which the State supports this activity, from the creation of official structures to the development of popular tourism. Our aim is to stress the attempts towards integration and coordination led by the actors of the global touristic economy. Finally, we want to highlight the specificity of the french touristic model, which developped relationships of mutual influence with other international models
Choumert, Johanna. "Analyse économique d'un bien public local : les espaces verts." Phd thesis, Université d'Angers, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00477749.
Full textLequien, Laurent. "Essais d'évaluation de politique publique dans les champs de l'éducation, de la santé et des politiques d'emploi." Phd thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2011. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00705944.
Full textSoulabaille, Annaïg. "L'évolution économique et sociale de Guingamp aux seizième, dix-septième et dix-huitième siècles." Rennes 2, 1997. http://books.openedition.org/pur/8901.
Full textHow is it that over a period of three centuries (from the end of the fifteenth to the end of the eighteenth century), the population of Guingamp hardly developed (having between three thousand and four thousand inhabitants), whereas the city enjoyed a sight, economic activities and institutions that were on the whole favorable to its own development? The answer must probably be sought in its demographic structures (relatively late wedding age, high infant and juvenile mortality), as well as in a peculiar social basis (large number of clerics, and especially numerous religious communities, rather few members of the nobility, and a "third estate" made of many low wage earners), which could barely be helpful so far as the expansion of the town was concerned. One may also allow for the lack of spirit of individual enterprise among its inhabitants who - like the main tradesmen from the middle-class - could have afforded (mostly from a financial point of view) to change, or at least to shift, the way things went, but appear not to have been very enterprising people, as they were quite satisfied with their own business. The example of Jacques Le Brun in the seventeenth century is most appropriated. Prosperous as his business was, he would rather invest his wealth, accumulated through wine trading, in buying land or "stone" (buildings) than in commercial activity. So he managed very quickly to become an ally of some famous families belonging to Breton aristocracy, before becoming himself a member of the nobility, as he assumed the title of squire
Wahl, Elodie. "Le travail, la production, l'emploi : généalogie compréhensive des dimensions anthropologique, économique et sociale du travail : étude appliquée au cas français." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2007. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2007/WAHL_Elodie_2007.pdf.
Full textWe illustrate three dimensions which come under the notion of work and draw up a genealogy of each one. The anthropological dimension of work deals with the technical act upon nature, creator of social worlds. The economic dimension of work is concerned with the production of goods. The social dimension of work deals with the legal status of workers and the rights which come from employment. First at all we study the philosophy of work by looking at works by Marx and Simone Weil, and we consider in what ways the French working-class movement is suited to this. Secondly, we consider the French economic evolution from 1945 to the present day. We demonstrate the ways in which the society of production has transformed and diversified the different paid activities that exist. Finally, we question the emergence of the notion of social links. This notion denotes partly, the interdependence of workers (employees, management, independent workers) thanks to Social Security, and also, the sociability (meetings, dialogues, communication). If employment today – the work relationship – allows the realisation of these two sides to the social link, it means that it integrates elements which deal with neither the act of work, nor the product of work. But it acts in such a way as to import a dimension of production to the sociability, to reduce the latter to a means to an end: the preservation of a society of employment
Goujon, Daniel. "Mutations technologiques, économie distributive et revenu minimum : des fondements théoriques à la politique économique du revenu minimum d'insertion." Dijon, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993DIJOE003.
Full textThe reappearance of poverty in rich countries at the end of the twentieth century proves that the need of thinking about what is or what should be a fair society does not spontaneously come to a stand still with the development of productive capacities and the growth of available wealth. On the contrary, thanks to the increasing automation of the way of producing, the technological transformation has allowed our society to enter an era of abundance and renews the persistent theme of justice which should be apprehended through the crisis of the values for integration and the development of social dualisme. The system wich had to deal with the scarcity of goods has now to deal with the scarcity of employment ; what kind of method do we have to favour in order to hope getting over the actual exclusion and poverty in an affluent system ? Is it enough to alter social policies implemented within the context of the welfare state or is it necessary to reform the salarial system of the income's distribution. By retaining the basic income as the central theme of the analysis, this thesis intends to answer this type of question. In the light of the historical debate about the setting up of such an income in england at the time of the industrial revolution and the numerous theories on the basic income in the present context of deep social crisis, we shall study the innovative nature and the effeciency of the "rmi's" policy - "revenu minimum d'insertion" : french version of the income support
Trachman, Mathieu. "Des hétérosexuels professionnels : genre, sexualité et division du travail dans la pornographie française (1975-2010)." Paris, EHESS, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011EHES0052.
Full textThis study aims at uncovering the gender and sexuality logics underlying pornographic work in France since 1975. Focusing on heterosexual pornography, the author shows how these logics result in a sex and sexuality-based division of labor. Operating as entrepreneurs on a fantasies market, « professional » pornographers distance themselves from « amateurs » and undertake to capture male desires into moving pictures. However, a strictly business approach to pornographic work tends to eclipse its sexual economy. Focusing on the latter, the study shows that the pornographer's profession is about accumulating sexual as much as economic capital and that actresses are the goods exchanged by pornographers. Furthermore, while pornography is defined as male and heterosexual, the study shows that actresses develop and claim an expertise in the direction of porn movies and that pornographers are ambivalent about male homosexuality. Finally, pornographic work exposes the contradictions of heterosexuality as a mode of categorization that implies an ordering of men and women sex roles and does not prevent the expression of homosocial desire
Magis, Christophe. "La musique de publicité, entre droit d'auteur et conseil en communication : Propositions d'analyse socio-économique et musicale des mutations conjointes de l'industrie de la musique enregistrée et de l'industrie publicitaire (1990-2010)." Paris 8, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA083763.
Full textAlthough it takes more and more pregnancy in the everyday life of individuals to the point of almost gaining a status of musical genre, « advertising music » has nonetheless been scarcely studied by francophone academic research and, amongst this latter, by the theories of cultural industries approaches. Then, this work intends to question the place of advertising music between the recording industry and the advertising industry, especially considering the linked changes these industries have known toghether at the turn of the 21th century. Firmly attached to the field of Information and Communication Science, our perspective also aims to articulate two sets of problematics that are rarely thought toghether in the cultural industries researches : the connection between the confrontation of the different actors' socio-economic strategies and the aesthetical reality of the produced texts. First, we aim to define the organization of the different social actors involved in the creation of advertising music through the analysis of a corpus of semi-guided interviews. These different actors often come from the advertising or recording industry and tend to adjust their strategies according to the usual logics of their activity of origin. Once the socio-economic reality of the advertising music production sector is defined, a second part of our work aim to elaborate categories of analysis for advertising music and highlights to what extent these productions musically wear marks of the various tensions between the different logics that characterize the sector
Puissant, Emmanuelle. "La relation associative d'aide à domicile : spécificités, remises en cause, résistances." Grenoble, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010GRENE006.
Full textThis PHD thesis analyses the personal care aid, especially as developed in non-profit organizations. The aim of the first part is to build the research object. The first chapter recounts the slow development of personal care aid as an activity sector. The second chapter shows the difficult conditions of` care work. The third chapter analyses why the law to develop home care services, changed the whole sector of personal care aid. The second part develops some "conceptual tools" to enlighten the problems shown in the first part. In chapter 4, three types of relationships that exist in this sector are conceptualized-like a triangle: the service relationship, the employment relationship, and the work p relationship. The relationships that appear in this triangle in the context of non-profitmaking organizations are analyzed in chapter 5, considering that they are part of` a system. The goal of the third part is to analyze the stakes and the development of the sector of` non-profitmaking organizations, taking into account the three identified relationships. The chapter 6 shows why the work and employment relationships are inseparable. The chapter 7 analyzes how specific the work and service relationships are in the non-profit organizations in the field of personal aid care. In a moving context, chapter 8 deals with the necessary balance between the different relationships
Jolivet, Patrick. "Représentation économique du comportement écologique des consommateurs : le cas des déchets ménagers." Phd thesis, Université de Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines, 2001. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00003288.
Full textLa problématique centrale de cette thèse est donc la suivante : peut-on représenter économiquement le phénomène ‘déchet' dans l'acte individuel de consommation ? Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous proposons de représenter la sensibilité des consommateurs vis-à-vis de l'environnement, en général, et des déchets en particulier. Le postulat est que les individus peuvent intégrer la variable ‘environnement' dans leurs choix de consommation, dès l'achat de produits sur le marché : ceci définit ce que nous proposons d'appeler la rationalité environnementale continue des agents économiques.
Dans une seconde partie, nous caractérisons le comportement d'un individu qui choisit de trier ses déchets. A partir d'une enquête qualitative que nous avons réalisée, nous recherchons dans les discours et les pratiques des agents à définir ce qu'est le comportement du consommateur-producteur (-trieur) de déchets. Il apparaît, lors de cette enquête, que la sensibilité écologique des agents économiques, lorsqu'elle existe, ne se traduit pas prioritairement dans leurs choix de consommation. Les préoccupations vis-à-vis des déchets ménagers, postérieures aux décisions d'achat de biens, définissent une rationalité environnementale discontinue et nous conduisent à élargir le cadre d'analyse traditionnel du consommateur.
Butlen, Max. "L'offre publique de lecture : évolution des politiques en France, concurrence et complémentarité entre les acteurs de 1980 à 2000." Paris 5, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA05H041.
Full textObject : analyse and understand the public offers of reading policies evolutions, in France from 1980 to 2000. An initial inventory of fixtures shows the proliferation of offered objects, places, actions, actors, and the consensus range around the offer of reading. The study of interactions between announced policies and their implementations done by the main actors underlines competition, complementarity and limits of the consensus. It appears that book militants and some professionals have built the offer insufficiency as a society problem. The decision makers considered the claimsmakers' systems of reference. The offer of reading got rationalised, professionalized and institutionalised. It structures demand, improves visibility and profitability, sometimes to the detriment of an ethics of conviction. The reading crisis isn't at all exhausted. Successes and limits of offer lead to others mutations in the offerings
Lagneau-Ymonet, Paul. "Entre le marché et l'Etat, les agents de change : une socio-histoire économique de l'intermédiation officielle à la bourse de Paris." Paris, EHESS, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009EHES0110.
Full textBetween the Market and the State: the Agents de Change. A Historical Economic-Sociology of the Official Stockbrokers at the Paris Stock Exchange. The doctoral dissertation offers a historical economic-sociology of the official stockbrokers at the Paris stock exchange -the agents de change, until their disappearance in 1988. This study gives us a revealing insight of the relations between the State and the market. Where the State still has major interests in monitoring financial intermediation, through legal or informal delegation of powers ; where private actors already thrive in exploiting de jure or de facto monopolistic positions. The first part of the dissertation analyses the constitution into a guild ("une corporation") of the official stockbrokers' group during the nineteenth century. The second part examines the results of this corporative organisation on the way the agents de change ran their businesses in the nineteen-sixties and nineteen-seventies. In so doing, the study reveals the prerequisite for entrepreneurship. The third part describes the international and macroeconomic dynamics which contributed in the new rise of transnational financial activities as early as the nineteen-sixties. At the dawn of the nineteen-eighties, in France, this combination of international as well as national trends lead, to the renewal of the Paris stock exchange as a crucial institution of French capitalism. The fourth part shows the effects of the financial deregulation on the agents de change and their guild. The fifth and last part documents the disappearance of the agents'guild 10 the late runeteen-eighties. By the end of the dissertation, it appears that deregulated financial markets have not reduced the very ambiguities of financial activities. Indeed financial activities still involve general interest too much for the State to abandon them to private agents. But deregulation and privatizations have dispossessed the State from its traditional means to monitor financial activities and their professionals
Delaunay, Isabelle. "Le veuvage précoce et ses conséquences juridiques, économiques et sociales." Paris, EHESS, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013EHES0081.
Full textThis doctoral thesis involves the early widowhood that of persons of less than 55 years understood in the broad sense that is the widowhood of married, unmarried or remarried persons, usually not considered as widowers in the sens of the civil status. It opens on a more global reflection on the sociodemographic categories and on the necessity of modernizing the category "widowhood" to take into consideration the family's and conjugality's transformations. This thesis studies the precocity of a widowhood in the sense of the social law and of the age level of 55 years, which operates a distinction between the young widowers and the old widowers. Within the early widowhood, we distinguish the young widowers - less than 55 years - and early widowers - the widowers which, whatever is their age, lived their widowhood before being themselves 55 years old. The results of three surveys are presented: the survey "EHF99" of the National Institute of Demographic Studies; an exploitation of the file of the beneficiaries of the National Family Allowance Office; a quantitative study with a set of young widows’ beneficiaries of the Minimum guaranteed income. These surveys show the necessity of redefining the sociodemographic category "widowhood" and of distinguishing the early widowhood. These studies show that one of five of the widowers and a third of the young widowers are usually erased by the statistics; the early widowhood generates situations of poverty; and the meaning of the early widowhood in the single-parents families
Savy, Nicolas. "La défense des villes et des bourgs du haut Quercy pendant la guerre de Cent ans : aspects militaires, politiques et socio-économiques." Besançon, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007BESA1022.
Full textTowns and small towns of the High Quercy are a good subject for a general study about urban defences during the Hundred Year’s War : their archives and the studies concerning them are rather numerous to be effectively used in connection with the most recent works of urban history and military history. Facing a mobile and rather well organized enemy, consulates defined important programs of fortification, but they had to take into account strong political and financial constraints to implement them ; the protection of the back-countries was even more difficult to realize. Within this framework, the choices made by the municipalities mainly explain the way in which the royal capacity considered the defence of the province, and finally happened to expel the enemy troops of it. The setting in defence had for first consequence an unprecedented reinforcement of the legal and tax powers of consulates, but it is through the management of the watch that the consular world took powerful ascending on the population. The guard was also at the origin of important economic losses, but, for these societies which had largely integrated the war, it was there only one of the multiple consequences of defence. The municipalities tried despite everything to fight against the perverse effects of the calamities, but they could not prevent important social changes from occurring. During the conflict, the consular elites used their political positions to maintain their situations privileged compared to the remainder of the population ; on the strategic level, the economic and military roles of the strengthened city were specified
Guerrero, David. "Les aires d'influence des ports de la France : entre réseau et gravitation." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00549266.
Full textMachado, Pinheiro Felipe. "Évaluation de l’utilité sociale des organisations de l’économie sociale et solidaire : quelle prise en compte de ce qui compte ? Analyse socio-économique à partir du cas de l’UCPA." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019REN1G005.
Full textLa présente thèse porte sur les enjeux de l’évaluation sociale des organisations de l’économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) en France. « Utilité sociale » et « impact social » sont les deux termes actuellement utilisés dans les débats socio-politiques et académiques en France pour se référer à la valeur sociale ou à la contribution sociale des organisations de l’ESS. Si dans la discussion ces deux termes sont souvent utilisés de manière confuse ou indistincte, cette thèse soutient qu’il s’agit de deux approches évaluatives hétérogènes et qui répondent à des enjeux différents. Sur la base d’une étude de terrain monographique - une démarche de recherche-action - menée à l’UCPA, l’objectif principal de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre la spécificité de l’approche évaluative de l’utilité sociale en abordant la relation entre évaluation, création de valeur et contribution au bien commun. Au sein du champ de la socio-économie, cette thèse s’inscrit dans une approche épistémologique constructiviste inspirée du pragmatisme et de l’institutionnalisme, et s’intéresse particulièrement à trois éléments du processus évaluatif : la définition de ce qui a de la valeur ou de « ce qui compte » ; les modalités d’évaluation ou de « prise en compte » ; et la mise en forme des résultats de l’évaluation ou la « reddition de comptes ». Dans un contexte où prédomine une vision utilitariste de l’évaluation, la thèse affirme l’importance des enjeux identitaires, sociaux et moraux de tout processus évaluatif, et montre que la spécificité de l’approche évaluative de l’utilité sociale est la prise en compte de la dimension constitutive et relationnelle de l’activité économique. La thèse propose également une façon nouvelle d’articuler les processus de qualification de l’utilité sociale et de mesure de l’impact social des organisations de l’ESS.This thesis deals with the issues of social evaluation of social and solidarity-based economy (SSE) organizations in France. "Social utility" and "social impact" are the two terms currently used in socio-political and academic debates in France to refer to the social value or social contribution of SSE organizations. In the discussion these two terms are often used in a confused or indistinct manner. This thesis argues that they are two heterogeneous evaluative approaches that respond to different issues. On the basis of a monographic field study - a action-research approach - conducted at UCPA, the principal objective of this thesis is to better understand the specificity of the evaluative approach to social utility by addressing the relationship between evaluation, value creation and contribution to the common good. Within the field of socio-economics, this thesis is part of a constructivist epistemological approach inspired by pragmatism and institutionalism, and focuses on three elements of the evaluative process: defining what is valuable or "what counts"; the methods of evaluation or "taking into account"; and formatting evaluation results or "accountability". In a context dominated by a utilitarian vision of evaluation, the thesis affirms the importance of identity, social, and moral issues of any evaluative process, and demonstrates that the specificity of the evaluative approach to social utility lies in taking into account the constitutive and relational dimension of economic activity. The thesis also proposes a new way of articulating the processes of the qualification of social utility and the measurement of social impact of SSE organizations
Dubois, Sébastien. "Un monde en archipels : socio-économie de la poésie contemporaine." Paris, EHESS, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006EHES0055.
Full textContemporary poetry is a marginal sector of the book market, and its confidentiality is commonplace. This sector of activity, being amongst the most prestigious, shows itself to be very active : the number of books published , actors or institutions, is growing. Poetry relies upon the density of the relationships between actors in order to make the works known, building a "world of art" ; a process of institutionalization supports all the actors. Identifying the conventions at work in contemporary poetry is not easy, due to the diversity of the creations recognized as poetry. This diversity drives poetry towards social forms that we could name archipelagos, as well as towards discussion and cooperation between the actors. The production as well as the distribution of works rests upon these structures. We see the emergence of a non-literary economy in poetry through the development of lectures and performances, creating a new market and an important source of income for poets, as very few make a living from their writing. The poets' trajectories, their singularity, come within the scope of the collective frame, from the discovery of poetry to its consecration. Poets have occupied the new space opened up by the Internet to distribute poetry and to create new kinds of works. The example of poetry illustrates how cultural sectors can do quite well, even if commercial success does not fit in with their cultural legitimacy
Viger, Estelle. "Les effets de la démocratisation de l'enseignement en France : Une étude empirique." Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00187032.
Full textEn tenant compte de ces différents facteurs, le taux de rendement du baccalauréat a largement chuté sur la période pour être désormais négatif autour de -1% alors que ceux des années post-bac ont convergé vers 10%, la licence demeurant toujours plus rentable que le master. D'autre part, le problème du déclassement du bac général s'accroît.
L'utilisation d'enquêtes plus riches en informations individuelles et relatives au passé familial montre qu'elles conditionnent aussi la réussite scolaire. La question de la poursuite ou de l'arrêt des études est soulevée. De nombreux élèves ont poursuivi leurs études alors qu'ils n'auraient, à priori, pas dû continuer et vice versa. Les sensibilités et le goût des études ont un fort impact sur ce choix mais sont des variables qualitatives typiquement non mesurables qui échappent à l'économétrie.
Vari-Lavoisier, Ilka. "La circulation des significations sociales de l'argent : Transferts économiques, sociaux et politiques entre le Sénégal et la France." Thesis, Paris, Ecole normale supérieure, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ENSU0015.
Full textHow do monetary flows and flows of ideas interrelate as they circulate between new York, Dakar, and Paris ? This thesis shows how economic sociology can encompass and further conclusions relevant to the migration-development nexus. An economic sociological approach reveals that migrants' financial remittances perform a transnational relational work (Zelizer 2005) crtical to the maintenance of reciprocal exchanges across continents. Bringing together studies of economic and social remittances, this project shed light on the mechanisms through which migrants' transfers occur and affect political institutions in home countries. I combine two transnational datasets collected in France, Senegal, and the United States (in 2011-2012) to propose a structural model an inclusive epistemological framework to account for the channels through which the mobility of real and ideational assets affects sending societies
Egasse, Benjamin. "L'État, la fortification et le littoral lorientais : pouvoirs, économie et environnement d'un système défensif au XVIIIe siècle." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lorient, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LORIL549.
Full textBetween 1695 and 1815, the harbor of Lorient located on the southern coast of Brittany hosts within it strategic economic and military activities of the kingdom of France. The tensions and Franco-British conflicts that enameled the eighteenth century make it necessary to secure this space. By successive campaigns, the Lorient coastline is endowed with a complete mesh of fortifications intended to protect the interests of the kingdom of France. The study of the construction of the defensive system of the Lorient coastline makes it possible to understand under which conditions the construction of the whole of this device is carried out and what are the effects of the implantation and the exploitation of the latter, by analyzing the political, technical, economic, military, social and environmental data of coastal development in the past. This development requires significant financial resources raised through the Tax. On the ground, the realization of the royal will is in the hands of the “engineers of the king” who in turn rely on the experience of building entrepreneurs who have been awarded the "king's business" in defense matters. This duo must work under tension in a tight financial, diplomatic and military context
Sajus, Jean-Philippe. "L'hôpital à l'épreuve de l'obésité : éléments pour une sociologie économique de la prise en charge d'une pathologie chronique." Phd thesis, Université Toulouse le Mirail - Toulouse II, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00830366.
Full textDanielo, Julien. "Les ports d'Auray et de Vannes aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles : ville, architecture et identité portuaire sous l'Ancient Régime." Rennes 2, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00354721/fr/.
Full textCity, Architecture and Port Identity during the Ancien Régime One of the most striking images of Brittany is the one of its ports and their maritime vocation. Under the Ancient Régime, the people living in ports, like those living in Nantes, St Malo or Lorient, were different. First, they had jobs linked with the maritime business and shipbuilding. Secondly, they were characterized as open-minded people who enjoyed travelling, the maritime culture and exoticism. And finally, they were open to the new visions of the XVIIIth century (le Siècle des Lumières). As far as the urban planning is concerned, the people living there developed their maritime space by building roads, quays, bridges and locks. The improvements gave to these districts an urban character, especially thanks to the political initiative of the negotiating group and the know-how of the engineers. The City appropriated the maritime space by implanting residences there intended to accommodate these port people; the negotiating group being the elite of this society. The architecture and the inside of the houses revealed social behaviours. Vannes and Auray are not port cities but they possess port districts. In these small cities of South Brittany, the characteristics were different from their models: Nantes, St Malo or Lorient. The instability of the policy, the unfavourable economy based on the grain trade, and the society dominated by the trade group but penalized by its culture and its education, set up a space and an architecture appropriated to the Breton cities, of ancient origin and from the bottom of the estuary. Today, these two cities,Vannes and Auray are trying to revalue their port district
Gabarro, Céline. "L’attribution de l’aide médicale d’Etat (AME) par les agents de l’Assurance maladie : entre soupçon de fraude, figures de l’étranger et injonctions gestionnaires." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCC167/document.
Full textIn this dissertation, we address the issue of healthcare access for undocumented immigrants through the study of State Medical Aid (referred to as AME – Aide Médicale d’Etat) – a healthcare coverage specifically dedicated to them. Based on an ethnographic study carried out on both sides of the counter at Health Insurance Offices (referred to as CPAM - caisses primaires d’Assurance maladie), we question the impact of an increasingly managerial approach to healthcare and of CPAM occupational mutations on AME attribution. We show how a rhetoric of suspicion developed in this administration, towards foreigners in particular. Event though this rhetoric is institutionalized, we shall see how it can also be individually reappropriated, in a context where the meaning of labor is strongly called into question, and where professional identities are undermined. While all agents share a common discourse on the fight against social fraud, they nevertheless use this logic in different ways. As a result, agents may distinctively promote a managerial expertise, a social expertise, or a system gatekeeper expertise. Finally, this dissertation shows how the use of a suspicion rhetoric does not necessarily produce a rigorist reading of AME, even if the latter dominates. On the contrary, it may also call on a social or managerial perspective – given the specificity of AME and its separate processing – that may facilitate healthcare access for undocumented immigrants
Perona, Mathieu. "Trois Essais sur les politiques publiques des industries culturelles." Phd thesis, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00539075.
Full textSokhna, Ndeye Penda. "Impacts économiques de l'immigration en France : finances publiques et consommation." Thesis, Paris 10, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA100161/document.
Full textThe issue of immigration, in host economies, is today at the center of political, economic and social concerns. Immigration is perceived as a problem rather than an opportunity for host countries in general and France in particular. The results of the Transatlantic Trends survey between 2008 and 2013 show that in France, public opinion on immigration has deteriorated significantly. Do you perceive immigration as a problem rather than an opportunity? 50% of French respondents answered yes in 2013. This percentage was only 39% in 2008. At the same time, demographic projections show a population ageing and immigration could be a solution to this problem. The thesis aims to analyze, in this context of population ageing, the economic effects of immigration by focusing on its impact on public finances and consumption in France. It contributes to the literature on costs and benefits of immigration in the host countries. It helps to shed light on the economic consequences of a political decision on immigration, by testing the effects of changes in migration policies on public finances or the effects of rising income on the consumption of native and immigrant households in France. The thesis focuses on two main parts: the first focuses on the fiscal impact of immigration, with a first chapter on accounting evaluation and a second chapter on dynamic evaluation using a general equilibrium model. The second part of the thesis focuses on the consumption of immigrants in France. Again, there are two chapters: the first measures the contribution of immigrants to final demand and the second analyzes the consumption behavior of native and immigrant households in France