Academic literature on the topic 'Isolement social – Aspect économique – France'
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Journal articles on the topic "Isolement social – Aspect économique – France"
Giordano, Christian. "Nation." Anthropen, 2017.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Isolement social – Aspect économique – France"
Mazureau-Pajot, Laurence. "Analyse économique de l'isolement." Nantes, 2002.
Full textThe isolation of people comprises both deeply demographic and long term changes, the economic and social significance of which has only been perceived for one decade. This phenomenon is not a specific French problem because most of the developed countries are experiencing the same developments, albeit with différences according to age groups. The objective of this work is threefold. First of all, we airn to redefine the contexts surrounding the situations involving isolation by taking into account the dynamics of contemporary social changes. Secondly, we will endeavor to présent the éléments of microeconomic theory likely to describe this phenomenon. Finally, we will attempt to provide an empirical explanation and to interpret the population growth of isolated people
Louizi, Khalid. "Analyse économique de l'entrepreneuriat social." Littoral, 2000.
Full textOrivel, Estelle. "Légitimité de l'intervention de l'Etat dans le domaine des arts : Rationalité des acteurs et optimum social." Dijon, 1997.
Full textThe legitimacy of state intervention must be analysed through its capacity to bring the point of market equilibrium nearer from that of social optimum. The first ambition of this thesis is to focus on the dependency of the analysis on 1) rationality hypotheses concerning economic and political agents'behavior and 2) value judgements hidden behind criteria of social optimum. While rationality hypotheses of economic agents lead to the determination of market equilibrium, that is to the point reached concerning the consumption and production of arts, criteria of social optimum define the point to be reached. The gap between the two constitutes the failure of the market. The existence of market failures does not suffice however to demonstrate the legitimacy of state intervention. Indeed, the functionning of the state can, it too, be the subject of other kinds of failures. One must thus analyse, rather than the ideal functionning of the state, its actual functionning, whose characterisation depends, just like that of the market, on rationality hypotheses concerning the behavior of political agents. Finally, apart from the focus placed on the dependence of the analysis on rationality hypotheses and criteria of social optimum, a second original innovation consists in the implementation of a survey on a random sample of 987 french individuals. Its objectives are of two kinds: first of all, test some of the hypotheses concerning the characterisation of works of arts; second of all, establish the excess or insufficiency of the financial effort made by the state concerning the arts
Teste, Thierry. "Les modèles de durée : application pour un traitement micro-économique des durées de chômage." Dijon, 1996.
Full textMade from the survey entitled "suivi des chômeurs", this thesis suggests an econometric analysis of unemployment duration in France. This analysis follows a reduced form and rests essentially on the theory of duration models. It uses the most recent techniques. Thus, it is possible to integrate into models the different exits met after unemployment: regular job, marginal job or inactivity. Most of all, it is possible to take into account the stock sampling from the survey, whose importance and influence are underlined. The main objective of this thesis is to be a logical continuation to the numerous studies undertaken until now. That's why this study resumes known and tested buildings. It also uses proportional hazard models and a model of accelerated life. This thesis also shows how this method could be extended to correct the length biased sampling on the model referred to. Moreover, by analyzing the effects of unemployment benefits, it also suggests a modelisation integrating temporal variables
Uhalde, Marc. "Crise sociale et transformation des entreprises." Paris 9, 2004.
Full textThe research in "Social Crisis and Enterprise Transformation" focuses on organizational crisis that arises when companies modernize their internal management mechanisms. Built around four specific case studies, this research indicates that this "organizational crisis" can become endemic and long-term as individuals struggle to maintain their organizational identity throughout the change process. In addition, "Social Crisis and Enterprise Transformation" shows that the degree of an "organizational crisis" has a direct relation to current company work mechanisms, particular styles of Change Management, and an organization's unique tradition and culture
Slimani, Hassen. "La professionnalisation du football français : un modèle de dénégation." Nantes, 2000.
Full textDuhem, Sophie. "Sablières sculptées de Bretagne : images, ouvriers du bois et culture paroissiale au temps de la prospérite bretonne (XVe-XVIIe s.)." Rennes 2, 1997.
Full textThis research offers an original aspect of the Breton artistic creation: the production of carved beams' frames, designed between the XVth and the XVIIth century. The composed iconographical catalogue-free from any large scale investigation until now - offers, for us to study, several thousands of images and one subject that allows us to start on the problems raised by the inventory's methodology and the questions debated on within the historical research. This study shows the difficulties linked to a patrimony's inventory and sets out the methods used during the serial inquiry accomplished in the field. The interest in a photographic background, the usefulness of the data computerization, the management of a large iconographical catalogue, and finally, the image processing, are the main points treated prior to the carved beams' historical and iconographical study. The study of the order's context as well as the people involved - clerks, manufactures and craftsmen - but also the one of the iconographical choices and the circulating patterns allow us to understand better the native of this production and to go back to the usual use of the expression "popular art". More widely, this research fits in with the study of the Bretons' cultural environment: mediaeval and reviving pictures chosen by the woodcarvers give precious indications of the interests and artistic culture of men between the XVth and the XVIIth century. This iconography also enriches our knowledge of the parish life and the religious behaviours of the Bretons in the "ancien regime". The chronological extent of the catalogue notably provides the opportunity to understand the cultural changes occuring in the catholic reform's wake
Le, Lann Yann. "Les frontières comptables du social : la protection sociale et le salaire dans la comptabilité nationale (1944-2010)." Paris 10, 2013.
Full textThe accounting standards of social protection have been confronted to a reform that deeply changes the economical meaning of social benefits. On the one hand, the ©NU’s standards of national accounting recognize pension as the patrimonial element of labor remuneration, on the other hand, Eurostat’s social protection accounts tend to integrate individual insurance inside the social sphere. Those evolutions, in their own way, put into crisis the definition of social protection based on the distinction of wage and social benefits. Built during the Keynesian hegemony on national accounting standards, this representation of social protection as an institution designed for income redistribution has been supplanted by a reinterpretation of social flux in the direction of commodification. In this context the separation of social benefits and wage has become more and more unclear. In order to understand the meaning of this contemporary reform of statistics, l aim in this PHD to bring out the crossover history of wage and social benefits standards. My research is based on archives of the institution which was responsible for the publication of national accounting since l944, on the analysis of handbooks of accounting standards and on scientific publications concerning social protection standards. Starting from the evolution of national and social accounts, I try to understand the rise, the management and the crisis of accounting boundaries between economic and social flux
Monfort-Bernuit, Karine. "Le discours conflictuel dans le milieu socio-économique : étude de linguistique comparée (allemand-français)." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2004.
Full textClose to socio-anthropology, the field of pragma-linguistics provides a concrete and fructuous way of developing interdisciplinarian approaches which can seriously contribute to a better understanding between German and French in specific domains of continous interactions such as organizations and business corporations. The interlingual comparison, focused on german and French, is based on different types of economic and juridical texts which have been described under functional and intentional aspects. The comparative study tends to determinate a relation of causality between the extra-linguistic factors and the micro-linguistic features which can be observed in the selected discourses of controversy. The first study purpose consists in categorizing and identifying the objects of struggle in the environmental conditions in which they occur. The detection and description of the functional, textual and structural characteristics are the result of a systemical and hierarchical approach of organizational oppositions in the industrial world. Conflictive actions or processes (series of actions) appear to be functional units that are divided and interdependent at the same time. They also depend on the strong dynamical nature of the oppositional context. After being categorized in acts and microacts, the microlinguistical features have been analysed semantic, morphologic and syntagmatic levels, and organized as well as classified in a bilingual glossary. The functional and onomasiological qualities of the glossary contribute to emphasize the recurrent german and French behaviours in the most common speech acts that aim at dealing with socio-economic discrepancies
Carribon, Carole. "Du thermalisme mondain au thermalisme social ? : les villes d'eaux françaises dans l'Entre-deux-guerres (1919-1939)." Bordeaux 3, 2001.
Full textDuring the interwar period French spas were no longer the gathering places for high class socialites they were in the 19th century, but had not yet acquired the status of medical centres for the masses they were to reach after the Second World War. Lacking the glamour of the first period, and rat ional organisation of an already gone-by age. Yet, the crise it was confronted to give these twenty years their own identity
Books on the topic "Isolement social – Aspect économique – France"
L' Ordinateur et après: 16 thématiques sur l'informatisation de la société. Montréal, Qué: Morin, 1988.
Find full textLes mutations techniques et industrielles: Choix économiques, choix sociaux. Lyon: Chronique sociale, 1986.
Find full textMerckling, Odile. Immigration et marché du travail: Le développement de la flexibilité en France. Paris: CIEMI, 1998.
Find full textRudé, George F. E. The crowd in the French Revolution. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1986.
Find full textTilly, Louise A., and Louise Tilly. Women, work, and family. London: Routledge, 1989.
Find full textL' Ordinateur et après: 16 thématiques sur l'informatisation de la société. Boucherville, P.Q: Gaëtan Morin, 1988.
Find full textVitalis, Carrier, Hoffsaes Colette, Hudon Rémy, Blanchet Martin, Assié Suzanne, and Vitalis André, eds. L' ordinateur et après: 16 thématiques sur l'informatisation de la société = L'ordinateur et après. Montréal: Gaetan Morin éditeur, 1988.
Find full textWomen, Work and Family. Routledge, 2016.
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