Books on the topic 'IRM structurale'
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Paz, Mario. Microcomputer-aided engineering: Structural dynamics. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1986.
Find full textCorporation, International Business Machines, ed. IBM Hanʼguk pogosŏ: IBM Korea report. Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Hanʼguk Kyŏngje Sinmun, 2007.
Find full textPaz, Mario. Microcomputer-aided engineering: Structural dynamics. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1986.
Find full textFleming, John F. Structural engineering analysis on personal computers: With working programs for the IBM PC and compatible systems. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1986.
Find full textUnited States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., ed. Milestone 4: Thrust structure concepts & IHM screening graphite composite primary structure (GCPS). [Downey, Calif.]: Rockwell Aerospace, Space Systems Division, 1994.
Find full textUnited States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., ed. Milestone 4: Thrust structure concepts & IHM screening graphite composite primary structure (GCPS). [Downey, Calif.]: Rockwell Aerospace, Space Systems Division, 1994.
Find full textSchulz, Fred T. Inside IBM: Technology directions and new organizational structure. Holtsville, N.Y., U.S.A: Computer Technology Research Corp., 1989.
Find full textGoedecker, S. Scalable parallel electronic structure calculations on the IBM SP2. Ithaca, N.Y: Cornell Theory Center, Cornell University, 1996.
Find full textHenkel, James G. Molecular graphics on the IBM PC microcomputer. Orlando: Academic Press, 1985.
Find full textA, Ushakov S., and Moskovskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. Muzeĭ zemlevedenii͡a︡., eds. Zhiznʹ Zemli: Tektonika plit i zemlevedenie : sbornik Muzei͡a︡ zemlevedenii͡a︡ MGU. Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1985.
Find full textAlekseenko, S. N. (Svetlana Nikolaevna) and Institut tektoniki i geofiziki im. I͡U. A. Kosygina, eds. Bibliograficheskiĭ ukazatelʹ publikat͡sii sotrudnikov ITiG DVO RAN (1994-2004 gg.). Khabarovsk: ITiG DVO RAN, 2005.
Find full textUllman, David G. Mechanical design failure analysis: With failure analysis system software for the IBM PC. New York: M. Dekker, 1987.
Find full textMelerski, Edmund S. Design analysis of beams, circular plates and cylindrical tanks on elastic foundations: With IBM-compatible software. Rotterdam: Balkema, 2000.
Find full textNikolaevich, Guzʹ Aleksandr, Chernyshenko Ivan Semenovich, and Rushchit︠s︡kiĭ I︠A︡ I︠A︡, eds. Institut mekhaniki im. S.P. Timoshenko: Istorii︠a︡, struktura, informat︠s︡ionnye aspekty = S.P. Timoshenko Institute of Mechanics : history, structure, informational aspects. Kiev: Litera, 2008.
Find full textMays, Ira Dale. Ira Dale Mays: Stories of a second-generation ironworker from Iowa. Berkeley, Calif: Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California, 1992.
Find full textCameroon. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research., ed. An Analysis of structure and management of the Institute of Agricultural Research (IRA) and the Institute of Animal Research (IRZ) of Cameroon. The Hague, Netherlands: International Service for National Agricultural Research, 1988.
Find full textKikō, Genshiryoku Anzen Kiban. Fukuzatsu keijōbu kiki haikan kenzensei jisshō (IAF) jigyō: Ōryoku kakudai keisu hyōka dēta-shū : yōki kantsūbu ICM haujingu no hyōmen kiretsu = Project of integrity assessment of flawed components with structural discontinuity (IAF) : data book for estimation stress intensity factor : surface crack on ICM housing for penetration in reactor vessel. Tōkyō-to Minato-ku: Genshiryoku Anzen Kiban Kikō, 2012.
Find full textCameroon. Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique. and International Service for National Agricultural Research., eds. An Analysis of structure and management of the Institute of Agricultural Research (IRA) and the Institute of Animal Research (IRZ) of Cameroon: Report to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Republic of Cameroon. The Hague: ISNAR, 1988.
Find full textBenucci, Antonella, Giulia I. Grosso, and Viola Monaci. Linguistica Educativa e contesti migratori. Venice: Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari, 2021.
Full textstro, moha. Structural Engineer I'm Not Arguing I'm Just Explaining Why I'm Right: Gifts for Structural Engineer. Structural Engineer Notebook,Structural Engineer Funny Gifts. Independently Published, 2020.
Find full text*STRUCTURA, PEAS. Peas Structural Analysis Demo IBM PC. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1985.
Find full textstro, moha. I'm a Structural Engineer to Save Time Let's Just Assume I'm Always Right: Gifts for Structural Engineer. Structural Engineer Notebook,Structural Engineer Funny Gifts. Independently Published, 2020.
Find full textstro, moha. I'm a Structural Engineer to Save Time Let's Just Assume That I'm Never Wrong: Gifts for Structural Engineer. Structural Engineer Notebook,Structural Engineer Funny Gifts. Independently Published, 2020.
Find full textStructural engineering analysis on personal computers: With working programs for the IBM PC and compatible systems. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1986.
Find full textBlunch, Niels. Structural Equation Modeling Using IBM SPSS Statistics and EQS. SAGE Publications, Limited, 2015.
Find full textBlunch, Niels. Structural Equation Modeling Using IBM SPSS Statistics and EQS. SAGE Publications, Limited, 2015.
Find full textBradley. Testpak/'IBM 3.5/Visual Basic Using Modular Structure. Mcgraw-Hill (Tx), 1996.
Find full textSui, Yunkang, and Xirong Peng. Modelling, Solving and Application for Topology Optimization of Continuum Structures: ICM Method Based on Step Function. Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 2017.
Find full textSui, Yunkang, and Xirong Peng. Modeling, Solving and Application for Topology Optimization of Continuum Structures: ICM Method Based on Step Function. Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 2017.
Find full textstro, moha. I'm a Structural Engineer I Solve Problems You Don't Know You Have in Ways You Can't Understand: Notebook for Structural Engineer. Structural Engineer Journal,Structural Engineer Funny Notebook. Independently Published, 2021.
Find full textstro, moha. I'm a Structural Engineer I Solve Problems You Don't Know You Have in Ways You Can't Understand: Gifts for Structural Engineer. Structural Engineer Notebook,Structural Engineer Funny Gifts. Independently Published, 2020.
Find full textWeiner, Richard. Generic Sata Structure Components in Modal 2: IBM Version. John Wiley & Sons, 1986.
Find full textBlunch, Niels. Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling Using IBM SPSS Statistics and Amos. SAGE Publications, Limited, 2012.
Find full textBlunch, Niels J. Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling Using IBM SPSS Statistics and Amos. SAGE Publications, Limited, 2012.
Find full textBlunch, Niels J. Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling Using IBM SPSS Statistics and Amos. SAGE Publications, Limited, 2012.
Find full textBlunch, Niels J. Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling Using IBM SPSS Statistics and EQS. SAGE Publications, Limited, 2015.
Find full textIntroduction to Structural Equation Modeling Using IBM SPSS Statistics and Amos. SAGE Publications, Limited, 2012.
Find full textIntroduction to Structural Equation Modeling Using IBM SPSS Statistics and EQS. SAGE Publications, Limited, 2015.
Find full textIntroduction to Structural Equation Modeling using IBM SPSS Statistics and AMOS. 2013.
Find full textYoshimura, Mark Ian. Studies of the molecular requirements for IgM structure and function. 1986.
Find full textBrady, James E. General Chemistry - Principles & Structure 5e - Computerised Test Bank IBM D5. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1992.
Find full textClark, James F., and William O. Drum. Structured Basic/IBM Version. 3rd ed. Thomson South-Western, 1993.
Find full textTest plans, GCPS task 7, subtask 7.1, IHM development. [Downey, Calif.]: Rockwell Aerospace, Space Systems Division, 1994.
Find full textNotebooks, Structural Engineer Personali. I'm a Structural Engineer What's Your Superpower ? Unique Customized Gift for Structural Engineer Profession - Journal with Beautiful Colors, 120 Page, Thoughtful Cool Present for Structural Engineer: Graduation Gift for En. Independently Published, 2019.
Find full textBehmer, Markus, and Vera Katzenberger, eds. Vielfalt vor Ort. Die Entwicklung des privaten Rundfunks in Bayern. University of Bamberg Press, 2021.
Full textBuzan, Barry, and George Lawson. The English School: History and Primary Institutions as Empirical IR Theory? Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textDavis, Ann Catherine. Use of mutants to study the structure and function of mouse polymeric IgM. 1988.
Find full textWidmaier, Wesley W. International Organizations and Economic Governance. Oxford University Press, 2017.
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