Academic literature on the topic 'Interprétations physiques'
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Journal articles on the topic "Interprétations physiques"
Watkins, Michael. "Colours and Causes: A Reply to Jackson and Pargetter." Dialogue 36, no. 2 (1997): 281–86.
Full textNICOLAS, B., Ph PAULE, N. Ch ROCHE, L. PAPILLAULT DES CHARBONNERIES, and J. C. DEHARO. "Interprétation de l'électrocardiogramme du sujet asymptomatique par le médecin généraliste militaire: une évaluation des pratiques professionnelles." Revue Médecine et Armées, Volume 42, Numéro 1 (February 1, 2014): 59–70.
Full textCazelles, B., and D. Fontvieille. "Modélisation d'un écosystème lotique pollué par une charge organique : prise en compte de l'hydrodynamique et des mécanismes de transport." Revue des sciences de l'eau 2, no. 2 (April 12, 2005): 183–209.
Full textBeraldi, Adriano. "A Inquietude da vida Fática." Sofia 12, no. 2 (August 16, 2023): e12241590.
Full textBeven, K., A. Musy, and C. Higy. "Tribune Libre : L'unicité de lieu, d'action et de temps." Revue des sciences de l'eau 14, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 525–33.
Full textGibeault, Alain. "Théorie de la connaissance et théorie du fonctionnement mental. Réflexions sur la fécondation réciproque entre philosophie et psychanalyse." Revue française de psychanalyse Vol. 88, no. 2 (April 30, 2024): 149–59.
Full textMarchildon, Louis. "À propos du lien entre la théorie quantique et les probabilités." Revue des questions scientifiques 192, no. 1-2 (January 1, 2021): 93–115.
Full textTantaros, Spyridon, and Konstantinos Ravanis. "De la représentation du monde aux modèles précurseurs de la physique : fantômes dans la zone DP des enfants de 5-6 ans." Les dossiers des sciences de l'éducation 21, no. 1 (2009): 115–25.
Full textHÉBERT, Louis. "DES ZONES ANTHROPIQUES AUX NIVEAUX ANTHROPIQUES." Acta Semiótica et Lingvistica 27, no. 2 (July 14, 2022): 76–85.
Full textSeidel, Asher. "Searle's New Argument." Dialogue 36, no. 3 (1997): 575–82.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Interprétations physiques"
Baillères, Henri. "Précontraintes de croissance et propriétés mécano-physiques de clones d'eucalyptus (Pointe-Noire, Congo) : hétérogénéités, corrélations et interprétations histologiques." Bordeaux 1, 1994.
Full textThe study contributes to the determination of technological characterisation protocols for eucalyptus wood planting. To this end the following clear wood properties are analysed: longitudinal elastic modulus, fracture energy in RL plane, tangential and longitudinal shrinkages, and longitudinal residual strains of maturation. The latter, measured at the stem periphery, leads to growth stresses. The vegetable material of the study is composed of hybrid clones of eucalyptus (Congo, Africa) Spatiotemporal variations of properties were studied, as well as the correlations between these properties. The three main causes of heterogeneity within tree are: the transition from the juvenile wood to the mature wood, the tension wood formation and the proximity of green branches. For the five studied properties some significant differences between the distributions or the means of the measured values for the various clones examined were noticed. The analysis of the chemical (content and monomeric composition of liginins) or ultrastructural (microfibril angle) variations of wood allows to interpret the observed coreelations. Finally, at time of the crosscutting, end splits occurs; their proportion is correlated to the mean of the longitudinal residual strains of maturation measured in the vicinity of the end face. This proportion depends also on the material fissility and would seem to be different from a clone another
Hbiriq, Abderrahmane. "Interprétation des objectifs pédagogiques généraux de l'éducation physique et opérationnalisation de ces objectifs par des éducateurs physiques de Casablanca." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 1988.
Full textFawaz, Ahmad. "Optimisation topologique basée sur la méthode de densité des échangeurs de chaleur à plaques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Nantes Université, 2024.
Full textHeat exchangers (HXs) play a critical role in various energy systems, which can largely influence their overall efficiency. Most recently, the interest in the topology optimization (TO) for heat transfer problems is growing rapidly, which can derive innovative thermal designs. Therefore, the present thesis investigates the utility of the density-based TO for dual-flow HX unit with narrow design domain, along with CFD (computational fluid dynamics) and experimental verifications. A convergent-divergent (C-D) design of fins is acquired using a topology generator (TG), of which efficacy can be proven by the CFD simulations, despite an identified deficiency in the velocity field of the TG-derived topology. Furthermore, upon the resolution of this deficiency, a new topology has been acquired by allocating the generated solids in proximity to the adiabatic boundaries for maximizing the thermo-hydraulic performance of the HX unit with moderate conductive material. High fidelity numerical approaches are employed to examine the efficacy of this new design through a comparative analysis with a benchmark case, and experiments are conducted to validate the numerical results. Both numerical and experimental approaches demonstrate that the TO-derived HX unit has the best thermohydraulic performance, reflecting its feasibility in practice. Furthermore, detailed physical interpretations are delivered to analyze the underlying physics behind the obtained topologies
Spaak, Claude Vishnu. "Interprétations phénoménologiques de la Physique d'Aristote chez Heidegger et Patočka." Thesis, Paris 4, 2014.
Full textThis thesis confronts the Heideggerian and Patočkian interpretations of the fundamental concepts of Aristotelian Physics. Both interpretations share a point in common: according to Heidegger and Patočka, Aristotle conceives movement as a fundamental ontological determination of Being. Indeed, movement (κίνησις/μεταβολή) is conceived by Aristotle as a process of unconcealment, of coming into presence of entities in the openness of manifest being. Nevertheless, Heidegger and Patočka disagree on the way that one should understand the meaning of this ontological movement at the core of nature (φύσις). This thesis is entirely dedicated to examining these differences. Our aim is to show, through Heidegger’s and Patočka’s interpretations of Aristotle, that there are two distinct and by all means opposed conceptions of the meaning and status of phenomenological ontology itself. This thesis concludes both to Heidegger’s philosophical idealism, and to Patočka’s contrary attempt to build a cosmological realism that challenges to a certain extent the identity between Being and meaning. In the working out of this thesis, a very particular focus is drawn on the concept that concentrates the entire charge of the tension, i.e. the concept of matter (ὕλη)
Le, Noxaïc Armand. "L'idée de vide de l'antiquité à nos jours : histoire et interprétations." Paris 1, 1999.
Full textNugues, Pierre. "Interprétation de gels d'électrophorèses bidimensionnelles." Nancy 1, 1989.
Full textKeita, Boubacar. "Production et interprétation de dessins en perspective dans l'enseignement de la physique au premier cycle universitaire." Paris 7, 1990.
Full textRobles, Alfredo. "La vidéo comme support didactique en physique : interprétation microscopique d'un phénomène macroscopique : la propagation du son." Lyon 1, 1997.
Full textPoan, Dazangwendé Emmanuel. "Documentation et interprétation physique de la variabilité intrasaisonnière de la mousson africaine; application à la prévision." Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2013.
Full textThe West African monsoon rainfall experiences a large spatial and temporal variability. In this thesis, a focus has been given on the synoptic to intra-seasonal scales which can lead to dramatic socio-economic consequences over Sahelian areas. The main goal is, on the one hand, to document and hence to better understand the physics associated with such scales of variability, and on the other hand, to provide some useful tools to improve short to medium ranges forecast skill over Africa. Over the Sahel, the supply of humidity is a key feature in the rainfall distribution and mostly a limiting factor to the initiation of deep convection. Therefore, the current study is based on the total column integrated specific humidity, also called precipitable water, to disentangle the important physics involved in the monsoon intra-seasonal variability and more specifically on the synoptic scale. African Easterly Waves (AEW), also known as the main synoptic scale disturbances of the Western African atmosphere during the boreal summer, have been detected and characterized from this "moist" perspective. This study then provides a new approach for studying the coupling between AEW and convection. A joint assessment of both dynamic and diabatic contributions to the AEW growth has been undertaken. Dynamics is, through the baroclinic and barotropic energy transport, a precursor and a predominant mechanism in the layer below the African easterly jet. However, since convection is enhancing, diabatic processes become accounting for a crucial role in the atmospheric circulation through the release of heat as well as the humidity sink. Meanwhile, subgrid convective scale eddies transport a large part of the horizontal momentum, from the surface to the mid-levels. This enhances the midtroposheric cyclonic/anticyclonic circulation of the AEW. Finally, this process-based analysis of the coupling between dynamics and convection provides some useful tools for model assessment and improvement over Africa
Bernes, Alain. "Transitions et relaxations diélectriques dans le polystyrène amorphe : interprétation microstructurale." Toulouse 3, 1993.
Full textBooks on the topic "Interprétations physiques"
Spaak, Claude Vishnu. Interprétations phénoménologiques de la 'Physique' d’Aristote chez Heidegger et Patočka. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textBouquiaux, Laurence. L' harmonie et le chaos: Le rationalisme leibnizien et la "nouvelle science". Louvain-la-Neuve: Editions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie, 1994.
Find full textSpaak, Claude Vishnu. Interprétations Phénoménologiques de la 'Physique' d'Aristote Chez Heidegger et PatočKa. Springer International Publishing AG, 2018.
Find full textMoncayo, Raul, and Magdalena Romanowicz. Real Jouissance of Uncountable Numbers: The Philosophy of Science Within Lacanian Psychoanalysis. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
Find full textReal Jouissance of Uncountable Numbers: The Philosophy of Science Within Lacanian Psychoanalysis. Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.
Find full textMoncayo, Raul, and Magdalena Romanowicz. Real Jouissance of Uncountable Numbers: The Philosophy of Science Within Lacanian Psychoanalysis. Karnac Books, 2015.
Find full textMoncayo, Raul, and Magdalena Romanowicz. Real Jouissance of Uncountable Numbers: The Philosophy of Science Within Lacanian Psychoanalysis. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
Find full textMoncayo, Raul, and Magdalena Romanowicz. Real Jouissance of Uncountable Numbers: The Philosophy of Science Within Lacanian Psychoanalysis. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Find full textReal Jouissance of Uncountable Numbers: The Philosophy of Science Within Lacanian Psychoanalysis. Karnac Books, 2015.
Find full textReal Jouissance of Uncountable Numbers. Karnac Books, 2015.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Interprétations physiques"
Ferraris, Maurizio. "Métaphysique du seuil." In D'un seuil à l'autre, 93–103. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Interprétations physiques"
Rabourdin, Sabine. "La subjectivité culturelle dans l’interprétation de la physique quantique. Une comparaison des physiciens indiens et français." In Journées d'étude "Les multiples dimensions de l'Homme et de la connaissance : questions épistémologiques, éducatives et culturelles. MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, Université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Full textKerlouégan, François. "Le corps romantique : tentatives d’exploration d’une physique de l’illisible." In Séminaire "Signe, déchiffrement, et interprétation". Fabula, 2008.
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