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Meiller, Yannick. "La sécurité de l’information devrait être plus présente dans les programmes des écoles de management." Sécurité et stratégie 32, no. 4 (March 19, 2024): 12–16.

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Titulaire d’un doctorat en Informatique et Intelligence artificielle (systèmes industriels), obtenu à ISAE-Supaéro, Yannick Meiller est professeur à ESCP Europe . Ses travaux de recherche et ses enseignements portent pour l’essentiel sur le numérique et les domaines associés (traitements de l’information, Internet des objets, protection des données à caractère personnel, sécurité, systèmes d’information…), ainsi que sur le management de projets innovants . Il nous explique ici pourquoi la sécurité de l’information est un sujet à enseigner dans les écoles de management .
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Pigenet, Michel, and Noelle Gerome. "Archives sensibles. Images et objets du monde industriel et ouvrier." Le Mouvement social, no. 184 (July 1998): 121.

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Philibert, Jean-Marc. "Erakor ou la lente consommation d'un capital collectif imaginaire." Anthropologie et Sociétés 18, no. 3 (September 10, 2003): 75–89.

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Résumé Erakor ou la lente consommation d'un capital collectif imaginaire Quand les membres d'une société du Tiers-Monde consomment des objets/signes en provenance de l'Occident, ils empruntent ipso facto les idées et perceptions qui sont responsables initialement de la production de tels objets. La consommation de ces objets est donc aussi la consommation de signes/idées associés au capitalisme industriel. Les sociétés du Tiers-Monde peuvent-elles résister à une telle pénétration idéologique? Ont-elles les moyens de neutraliser ces systèmes d'idées qui s'étendent des vêtements jusqu'aux modes de communication en passant par l'habitat et les systèmes de santé ? Le résultat doit-il être nécessairement l'assujettissement consommatoire et la recolonisation? Cet article tente d'offrir des éléments de réponse à ces questions au moyen d'une analyse des comportements consommatoires en milieu rural et urbain au Vanuatu, analyse qui met l'accent sur les rapports entre formes de consommation, construction identitaire et reproduction idéologique.
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The opinion of "Industrial Internet" was first suggested by General Electric. As a modern infrastructure of the 4 -th industrial revolution, Industrial Internet has become a substantial mechanism to actualiza digital revision of industrial economy. The Industrial Internet platform is a system formulated on huge data gathering, accumulation and analysis, which is based to the necessity of digitalization, networking and philosophizing of manufacturing industry. In order to settle the problems of actual rearward industrial data, improve the capacity of data acquisition and deal with the industrial interconnection platform, the industrial intelligent optimization system generates the product services needed by industrial enterprises and realizes the object of industrial optimization. Key words: Industrial Internet; industrial intelligence; industrial mechanism
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Digital technologies are penetrating deeper into all areas of society and economic entities. Industrial enterprises are moving towards the concept of "Industry 4.0", which includes smart manufacturing, digital twins, big data analysis, machine learning and parametric process optimization. But is digital transformation affecting sales and customer relationships into industrial enterprises? The main digital channels of interaction with customers are the websites of firms, online stores, e-mail, social networks, and digital platforms. In this work, we focus on the analysis of interaction with customers through Internet sites. The purpose of this work is to study the attendance and development trends of Internet sites of industrial enterprises in Russia. The study period is 2017-2021. The objects of study are firms in the three leading sectors of the Russian economy: pharmaceutical, chemical and oil and gas industries. Research method: analysis of variance in the context of industries and time periods. Results. Industrial enterprises of the studied sectors are characterized by rather high rates of attendance of their Internet sites. They are inferior to retailers in terms of Internet traffic, but comparable to consumer-oriented service companies. It has been established that the digitalization of customer relations has intensified in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. Industrial companies are making active efforts to develop their digital capital and promote their Internet sites in the new environment. However, they practically do not use paid advertising promotion of Internet sites. The development of paid traffic is a reserve that can be used by industrial enterprises in the future to attract additional customers to their Internet sites.
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Arora, Jyoti, Pooja Kherwa, and Meena Tushir. "A comprehensive survey on the significance of industrial Internet of Things, energy management and big data analytics." Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences 45, no. 2 (2024): 247–56.

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The adaptive worldwide network architecture made up of web-enabled, objects connected through internet generally defines the concept of Internet of Things (IoT). In today’s world, IoT is contributing towards the transformation of the traditional industries to the smart industries by integrating the concept of IoT based energy management system into the analytics-based information system of the industries. Manufacturing businesses have concluded that by providing a digital identity to their tangible resources through IoT-based solutions, they can gain higher clarity into their processes and massively improve them. To estimate and analyze the developments in this field, this paper conducts an in-depth survey on the significance of big data analytics and energy management in shaping the progress of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). It briefs the components related to the building blocks of the IoT, its application in various domains, benefits and the major challenges faced for building IoT technologies. This review present cutting-edge research on how IoT technology adoption might propel the transformation of industrial companies that are energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable.
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Prima, Wandynata, and Yo Ceng Giap. "Object Detection Radar Prototype with Ultrasonic Sensor Using Iot-Based Arduino." bit-Tech 3, no. 2 (April 18, 2021): 81–88.

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Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that aims to expand the benefits of connected internet connectivity. Internet of Things (IoT) refers to objects that are uniquely identified as virtual reservations in an internet-based structure. At this time, the limitation of surveillance control in observing objects as negligence of the limitation of view, light conditions or obstructions becomes a problem in application and monitoring. The use of radar is one solution to overcome this condition. Radar stands for radio detection and range is a device whose function is to determine the distance, direction, or speed of a moving and fixed object. Radar can be used in mapping applications and exploration of objects in unknown space. The use of radar can also help navigate moving objects. In this study, a radar prototype with ultrasonic sensors and a simcard module was made that can provide notification via SMS if an object is near the radar. It is hoped that this radar prototype can be used to identify the location of the presence of obstructive objects in rooms with limited access or in dangerous areas
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Priya George, Anu, and X. Felix Joseph. "Designing a Portable Camera Image Acquisition System Operating Within an Indoor Wi-Fi Network and Optimized for A Robotic Vehicle." International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, no. 3.27 (August 15, 2018): 132.

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Nowadays people working in industrial sectors face lot of problem like placing a valuable objects or things in some place unknowingly and searching it. To overcome this problem we are moving into the field of Object searching and identify which assist industrial sectors and research labs. Object searching mechanism is a challenging task. Real time object search poses many difficulties in recognizing objects. We are tending to do real time image capturing as well as recognizing techniques and it will forward data through Wi-Fi used in embedded device. The proposed system makes use of computer vision techniques based on real time image processing and recognizing the object and send via internet to PC.
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Madugula, Lavanya. "Applications of IoT in Manufacturing: Issues and Challenges." Journal of Advanced Research in Embedded System 8, no. 1&2 (July 29, 2021): 3–7.

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is the global network of inter-related physical devices such as sensors, objects, computing devices, mechanical instruments, smart applications and human resources that are becoming an essential part of the internet. These devices are the sources of data which provide abundant information in manufacturing processes. In an industrial environment, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) plays a pivotal role in manufacturing. IIoT is the transformation of manufacturing process by making the industries more efficient, productive, and smarter. In order to survive, withstand in the market place and gain competitive advantage, the manufacturers are initiating to leverage IIoT technologies and data analytics. With globalization, global competitive pressures are challenging industries and manufacturing companies to manage the gaps in the workforce skills, drive out inefficiencies from the existing systems and enhance their business opportunities. The world is plunging into an era of data inter-connectivity and companies are able to enhance their production after adapting new technologies. In this context, this paper provides an understanding of the concept of IIoT and smart manufacturing. Further, the paper discusses in detail the issues concerning different applications of IoT in the industrial sector; and presents the challenges encountered in an IoT-based Industrial Data Management System (IDMS), which can manage the huge industrial data, support online monitoring and control smart manufacturing.
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Sandri, Eva. "Quelles utilisations des images de l’exposition sur les sites Internet de musées ? Congruence et incohérence entre objets et images numériques." Article cinq 7, no. 2 (May 7, 2015): 95–109.

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Dans cet article, l’auteure observe la relation entre les objets d’une collection muséale tels qu’ils sont disposés dans l’exposition et tels qu’ils sont valorisés sur les sites Internet des institutions muséales. L’objectif étant d’évaluer le degré de congruence entre ces deux lieux, il s’agira de comparer les deux médias que sont l’exposition et le site Internet afin de mettre au jour la relation qui les unit et de comprendre s’il y a un rapport de subordination ou de complémentarité entre les deux. Cette analyse sera menée à l’aide des outils descriptifs du webdesign avec les exemples de trois institutions muséales visitées en mai 2013 : Boréalis Centre d’histoire de l’industrie papetière de Trois-Rivières, le Centre d’histoire de Montréal et le musée Grévin de Montréal. À travers l’analyse de la place des substituts numériques de ces objets sur les sites Internet de ces institutions se dessine une typologie de ces sites : ceux qui expliquent l’image et ceux qui donnent simplement à voir le lieu d’exposition. On observera que la majorité des sites Internet étudiés n’accordent pas une place centrale à leurs objets de collection. Le contenu des sites semble davantage focalisé sur l’évocation du lieu et les informations pratiques. Il y aurait donc un décalage dans la façon dont les objets de musée (notamment des musées d’histoire et d’ethnographie) sont exposés dans les deux médias. En outre, cette circulation de l’objet de collection entre le statut d’expôt, de document, de source et d’oeuvre, complexifie la mise en place d’un site Internet qui distingue clairement ce qui relève de la collection et ce qui relève de la description de la collection. À l’heure où le document et l’archive tendent à faire partie des collections, les sites Internet observés rendent compte de cette indécision. En observant le parti pris de ces sites, on remarque que les images numériques montrent les lieux de l’exposition (notamment l’organisation spatiale de l’espace) plus que leurs objets.
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C. Sailaja. "Industrial Internet of Things – An Overview." December 2022 4, no. 4 (December 30, 2022): 257–71.

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Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of intelligent objects (smart sensors) that are connected and accessible to the Internet through devices such as routers to exchange data. Many useful applications can be developed using IoT. IoT has brought a change in such a way that everything around us can be turned into smart devices e.g., smart cars, smart homes, smart parking, smart cities etc., thereby connecting human, machine & things seamlessly. The advent of cheaper processing power, communication cost and some marketing have created the IoT of today. When the principles of IoT are applied to Industries, it is termed as Industrial IoT. Smart sensors and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are modern tools which drive Industry 4.0. The use of smart sensors and IIoT have a positive impact in enhancing the quality & value of products and improve efficiency. The combination of smart sensors with its processing & networking capabilities help in transferring the process data to the centralized database for further analysis. Thus, digitalization has helped industry to reimage the business with the transformation brought about by IIoT. This paper discusses some of the applications of IIoT such as Remote Monitoring & Service, AI & ML based predictive analysis and Closed loop Digital twin using IoT sensors.
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Han, Tian, Shi, Huang, and Li. "Low-Power Distributed Data Flow Anomaly-Monitoring Technology for Industrial Internet of Things." Sensors 19, no. 12 (June 22, 2019): 2804.

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. In recent years, the industrial use of the internet of things (IoT) has been constantly growing and is now widespread. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a fundamental technology that has enabled such prevalent adoption of IoT in industry. WSNs can connect IoT sensors and monitor the working conditions of such sensors and of the overall environment, as well as detect unexpected system events in a timely and accurate manner. Monitoring large amounts of unstructured data generated by IoT devices and collected by the big-data analytics systems is a challenging task. Furthermore, detecting anomalies within the vast amount of data collected in real time by a centralized monitoring system is an even bigger challenge. In the context of the industrial use of the IoT, solutions for monitoring anomalies in distributed data flow need to be explored. In this paper, a low-power distributed data flow anomaly-monitoring model (LP-DDAM) is proposed to mitigate the communication overhead problem. As the data flow monitoring system is only interested in anomalies, which are rare, and the relationship among objects in terms of the size of their attribute values remains stable within any specific period of time, LP-DDAM integrates multiple objects as a complete set for processing, makes full use of the relationship among the objects, selects only one “representative” object for continuous monitoring, establishes certain constraints to ensure correctness, and reduces communication overheads by maintaining the overheads of constraints in exchange for a reduction in the number of monitored objects. Experiments on real data sets show that LP-DDAM can reduce communication overheads by approximately 70% when compared to an equivalent method that continuously monitors all objects under the same conditions.
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Mr. Dharmesh Dhabliya, Ms. Ritika Dhabalia. "Object Detection and Sorting using IoT." International Journal of New Practices in Management and Engineering 3, no. 04 (December 31, 2014): 01–04.

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Color based object sorting has a significant impact in food and processing Industries. Hand picking process in sorting the huge number of objects in industry is very common and laborious task, and time consuming as well, which needs many labors and this conventional method is prone to error. The proposed work aims to replace the hand-picking process by Industrial Internet of Things. The goal of the technique is to sort and count the objects in to different bins accord to their color. A Color sensor, TCS 230 will identify the object and with the help of motors they are made to drop into different bins. The identification of the object is made with the help of frequency concept. As it known that different colors have different wave lengths, so are the different frequencies (f=c/λ). For each frequency, the motor rotates to different angles and thus container is attached to motor is also made to rotate to a certain angle, and the object is made to drop into the bin by a jerk. This action details regarding number of objects manufactured are sent to the IoT server, where the vendor and customer will know the details remotely. This proposed work finds a wide range of usage in fruit industry (to pick the unripen fruit), in candy industry, in grain industry (to remove the black stones from the grains), in recycling industry.
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Le Roch, Yann, and Éric Ballot. "Internet(s) des objets logistiques et modèles d'affaires." Annales des Mines - Réalités industrielles Mai 2013, no. 2 (2013): 97.

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Kumar, Anurag, and Sheo Kumar. "The Technologies of IOT with Security and Application Areas." Journal of Futuristic Sciences and Applications 5, no. 2 (2022): 72–80.

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From small wearable devices to big industrial systems, The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing modern’s life drastically. The IoT requires facilities and services that constituted ubiquity, dependability, high performance, efficiency, and scalability. In coming future, more organization and resale data will be needed to complete this attribution. Some Internet of Things (IoT) apps help automate procedures and enable inanimate physical objects to work without human intervention. In this paper, several threats numerous technologies are discussed, along with their benefits and many applications of IoT, such as IoT in healthcare, industries, smart cities, and many more.
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Kilani, R., A. Zouinkhi, E. Bajic, and M. N. Abdelkrim. "Socialization of Smart Communicative Objects in Industrial Internet of Things." IFAC-PapersOnLine 55, no. 10 (2022): 1924–29.

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Lampropoulos, Georgios, Kerstin Siakas, and Theofylaktos Anastasiadis. "Internet of Things in the Context of Industry 4.0: An Overview." International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge 7, no. 1 (June 1, 2019): 4–19.

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Abstract Due to successive technological advancements, developments and innovations, the global industrial landscape has drastically transformed over the last years. The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) aims at transforming traditional industries into intelligent ones by incorporating innovative technologies. Industry 4.0 enables physical assets to be integrated into intertwined digital and physical processes thus creating smart factories and intelligent manufacturing environments. Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly growing technology that has drastically contributed to the Industry 4.0 realization. IoT pursues to pervade our everyday environment and its objects, linking the physical to the digital world and allowing people and “things” to be connected anytime, anywhere, with anything and anyone ideally using any network and service. IoT is regarded as a dynamic and global network of interconnected “things” uniquely addressable, based on standard and interoperable communication protocols and with self-configuring capabilities. Despite still being at an early development, adoption and implementation stage, Industry 4.0 and IoT can provide a multitude of contemporary solutions, applications and services. Hence, they can improve life quality and yield significant personal, professional and economic opportunities and benefits in the near future. This study scrutinizes IoT in the Industry 4.0 context. More specifically, it presents related studies, describes the IoT concept and explores some of the numerous IoT application domains. Moreover, it presents and analyzes the concept of Industry 4.0 and the benefits it offers as well as the relevant key technologies (e.g. industrial internet of things (IIoT), cyber-physical systems (CPSs), cloud computing, big data and advanced data analytics). Furthermore, it describes the concept of intelligent manufacturing and highlights the main IoT and Industry 4.0 challenges and open research issues. Finally, the need for innovation in the industrial domain and the impact and benefits that IoT and Industry 4.0 provide to everyday life and industries is described.
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Gumerov, Emil A., and Evgeniya E. Jukova. "Systematic Analysis of the Organization of Marketing Activities in a Competitive Environment." Journal of Modern Competition 16, no. 5 (October 31, 2022): 84–98.

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The Industrial Internet of Things is irreversibly transforming the economy. New strategic opportunities derived from the high-speed streams of Big Data of the Industrial Internet of Things are changing the boundaries of industries, creating opportunities for new strategic decisions, including in marketing. The use of Industrial Internet of Things technologies in marketing is of interest. The continuous interaction of devices and programs connected to the Internet and controlled by their own intelligent systems gives the marketing system the ability to automatically manage the effectiveness of marketing processes, increases the stability of the system, warns of possible threats from the Internet or new opportunities for the system. The purpose of the article is to improve the IIoT system of enterprise marketing through a systematic analysis of the positive synergistic interactions of its subsystems, determine the feedback of subsystems, and increase the functionality of the system. In the system of organizing marketing activities, a synergistic effect arises from the interaction of subsystems associated with intensive information exchange between distributed devices and business objects of the Industrial Internet of Things, each of which independently manages its own area, determined by its competencies. In the process of work, the tasks of studying the contribution to the effectiveness of marketing of functional subsystems were solved: information technology, intellectual, Internet marketing and information security subsystem. Classical system analysis was used as a research method. The scientific novelty of the work lies in a systematic analysis of the effectiveness of marketing based on the Industrial Internet of Things. The conditions under which marketing is most effective are determined. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the basis for the development of an effective marketing system based on the Industrial Internet of Things is proposed.
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Kilani, Rim, Ahmed Zouinkhi, Eddy Bajic, and Mohamed Naceur Abdelkrim. "A Socio-Inspired Methodology and Model for Advanced and Opportunistic Interactions between Industrial IoT Objects." Electronics 11, no. 8 (April 18, 2022): 1281.

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The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) is widely discussed. IoT is one of the emerging technologies that have caught the attention of many researchers. The increase in the number of exchanges of services between heterogeneous or homogeneous connected objects with the integration of social networking concepts gives rise to the concept of the Social Internet of Things (SIoT). The SIoT concept contributes to the evolution of interactions between industrial objects by improving deterministic mechanisms towards intelligent interactions. The integration of the SIoT concept into the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) gives rise to the Social Internet of Industrial Things (SIoIT) and plays an important role in improving system performance in Industry 4.0. In this article, we propose an innovative methodology and a model of socio-inspired interaction between industrial communicating objects inspired by sociological approaches. Thanks to this model, socialized industrial communicating objects form a community of objects, autonomously and dynamically, by exchanging messages to know each other perfectly, and service requests between objects are executed adaptively according to the principles of social interaction governed by socio-inspired strategies and conditions. The model is implemented, tested and validated in a Netlogo multi-agent system simulation environment.
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Park, Jong. "Advances in Future Internet and the Industrial Internet of Things." Symmetry 11, no. 2 (February 16, 2019): 244.

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After the emergence of the Internet and mobile communication networks, the IoT has been considered as the third wave of information technology. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in manufacturing. IIoT incorporates machine learning and big data technology, sensor data, and machine-to-machine (M2M) communications that have existed in industrial areas for years. In the future, people and objects will be connected at any time, any place, with anything and anyone and will utilize any network and services. IIoT is creating a new world in which people and businesses can manage their assets in more informed ways and can make more opportune and better-informed decisions. Many advanced IIoT and 5G technologies have been successfully applied in everyday life, but there are still many practical problems tackled by traditional methods which are generally difficult to experimentally solve in the advanced Industrial Internet of Things. Therefore, in this special issue, we accepted five articles in three different dimensions: communication networks, optimized resource provisioning and data forwarding, privacy and security.
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Begić, H. "IoT and 5G enabled construction detection model." IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1209, no. 1 (December 1, 2021): 012009.

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Abstract The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) introduced positive changes to some industries, while for most construction industries it is still enthusiastically anticipated. The 4IR focusing on the construction industry in literature is known as Construction 4.0. The Construction 4.0 concept is invoked to transform the current ways the construction industry operates while ensuring benefits, such as reduced overall construction projects’ costs and duration, improved quality and work safety, etc. Due to the increasing web usage, it is anticipated that the 4IR technologies will achieve full potentials by the uprising of the fifth generation technology standard for broadband cellular networks (i.e. 5G). One of the most important 4IR technologies is found to be the Internet of Things (IoT). In this perspective, a construction monitoring approach, more precisely a model for construction detection and object spatial/time positioning, is presented in this paper. While still in its initial phase, the model was tested and verified in the laboratory environment for small-scale object detection. It was found that the quality of the model will be significantly improved with the use of the 5G network, while the objects’ pool, as big data required for the model’s deep learning, is highly dependent on the IoT.
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Linhart, Danièle. "Une fumée sans feu." II. Transformations du travail et de ses approches, no. 25 (November 5, 2015): 169–73.

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À la demande des responsables de ce numéro, l’auteure prend comme point de départ de sa réflexion les analyses présentées dans les articles qui précèdent. Elle se demande s’il est juste de parler de modifications radicales du travail industriel et de la transformation parallèle des objets de recherche de la sociologie du travail. Elle constate que si les chercheurs se passionnent de plus en plus pour l’étude des changements dans l’entreprise, ils délaissent peu à peu les études sur le travail, où les choses évoluent fort peu. Elle montre combien il est réducteur de considérer la sociologie du travail comme une discipline accompagnatrice de la période taylorienne. C’est ce qu’auraient fait à tort bon nombre de sociologues du travail, dont la portée de l’analyse critique se trouverait ainsi affaiblie.
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Băjenescu, Titu-Marius I. "INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) CONQUERS THE WHOLE GLOBE." Journal of Social Sciences IV, no. 2 (May 2021): 107–16.

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The article examines the market for connected objects, which is gradually taking its place in the global economy. Autonomous cars, smartphones, video surveillance, connected objects are already present in our daily lives. However, it is in industry that the Internet of Things has developed the most. The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a concept defining the extension of the Internet to physical objects. This includes not only the connected objects, but also the sensors, software and network through which these objects operate. All connected objects are powered by software, which collects data - that are then processed in the cloud. They are, therefore, programmed and programmable objects that can interact via a WiFi, Bluetooth or 4G connection. Connected objects can be found in two main applications: an industrial application and an everyday application. In the industrial sector, connected objects are very well established in various sectors of activity: automotive, aeronautics, agriculture, health, commerce, public sector, logistics, etc. Everyday applications, known as consumer applications, are struggling to develop despite the announced Eldorado. Even though many connected everyday objects exist (toothbrushes, hoovers, watches, home automation, etc.), the business model is having trouble being set up and connected objects are having trouble proving their usefulness in everyday life. There needs to be consistency and logic in the range of connected products on offer and not just a range of independent products.
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Ali, H., M. I. Zainur, M. Elshaikh, and AH Mohd Aman. "Development of Vision Based Smart Gripper for Material Handling Using Internet of Things." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2312, no. 1 (August 1, 2022): 012040.

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Abstract Robotic grippers have becoming an emerging trend due to their boundless applications in industrial automation. Nowadays, the deployment of vision based smart gripper for material handling in industrial applications remains challenging and ongoing research. As the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes more commercialized, the various concept of IoT have been integrated with the gripper due to efficient usage. Therefore, this project proposes the development of vision-based sensor of smart gripper for material handling in industrial applications that integrates with the IoT. The rationale of integrating IoT to vision based smart gripper is that it allows authenticated users to log in from any device, anywhere, and view video or images from vision based smart gripper in real-time for critical material handling. This system incorporates a vision sensor camera that acts as an “eye” to automatically detect and recognize the object with different weights and shapes and send the information to the robot for the next task. This smart gripper adopts a force sensor mounted into the fingertip to control the force applied when working with a wide range of objects with different weights. As for the electronic system, power module, communication and control module, sensor and actuator as well as user interface module have been adopted and integrated into the system. In the software development system, user interface configuration was developed through mobile application in which it communicates with Raspberry Pi B+ camera to serve as IoT platform. A series of experiments shows that the vision based gripper using IoT able to detect and recognize the objects and then send the information/command directly to the robot to execute grasping and lifting phase of the object to the desired location that has been assigned.
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Hillaire, Norbert. "L’art et la culture au risque du design relationnel." Figures de l'Art. Revue d'études esthétiques 25, no. 1 (2013): 319–32.

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Après le design des objets et des produits, qui correspond à l’âge du capitalisme industriel, se développe, avec les industries de services et l’essor du « capitalisme culturel » , un « design relationnel » , qui se caractérise par une convergence, favorisée par l’essor des technologies numériques entre urbanisme, technologies numériques, industries culturelles et loisirs de masse. Ce design s’applique en particulier aux territoires, dont l’économie, vue d’en haut, offre l’image d’une terre policée, artificialisée et esthétisée, plus encore qu’arraisonnée par les pouvoirs de la technique et de l’économie. Mais il n’épargne pas non plus l’art et l’artiste, qui trouvent désormais leur modèle dans la figure de l’entrepreneur, reléguant aux oubliettes de l’histoire les vieilles inquiétudes de la création, à travers lesquelles se rejoignaient voici peu encore l’artiste et l’artisan, dans la perspective d’un ajustement démocratique des signes et des choses, du plaisir et du travail.
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Shaev, Associate Prof Yury, and PhD student Elena Samoylova. "Industrial and Consumer Internet of Things: Ontological Basis." European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies 5, no. 1 (May 19, 2017): 482.

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The Internet of Things is beginning to play an increasingly important role in information technologies, in industrial production and in everyday life and in. The Internet of things is a concept of a network of objects that involves the exchange of data between devices - "things". Such data exchange doesnt often involve human participation, or it is minimized. The person acts as a process designer or a user. An important task for the humanities is the rethinking of Internet of things phenomenon. The Internet of things is an interesting ontological phenomenon, within which takes place the transformation of the being of modern man. On the one hand, a person releases time and energy for his own development in directions related to creativity and doesnt care about "things" - objects and devices that lead an autonomous "life". On the other hand, to some extent, the person himself, being involved in the technological and information universe, becomes a "thing" and loses many dimensions of his ontological potencies. The modern man lives in conditions of multi-layered existence. Modern information technologies, and, in particular, the Internet of things, symptomatically fix the split of human existence on the one hand, and its diversity on the other. One of the important tasks of modern philosophy is to develop approaches to the analysis of the man’s ontological foundations in modern informational and technological world.
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Watiasih, Richa, and Junior Risqy Cosabagus. "Decision-Making in Gripper Control Systems Using Fuzzy Logic Method and Telegram Application." JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences) 9, no. 1 (June 30, 2024): 69–78.

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The application of the gripper in the industrial world has facilitated human work in the sorting process but has the disadvantage of not being able to sort objects based on the object's color. Conditions like these can affect the production quality factor when sorting objects. This research resulted in a gripper end effector system using the fuzzy method and the telegram application as a control, which has a function to distinguish the color of objects gripped by the gripper, thereby minimizing errors in sorting objects based on color. Telegram is used because the application is relatively light and can be accessed anywhere as long as it is connected to an internet connection. This study uses the fuzzy logic method as a decision-making process. The fuzzy method is used because it is very flexible and has a tolerance value in the existing data. The telegram function in this study is the main control to give orders to the gripper. The TCS3200 color sensor, in this study, is used to detect object color. The TCS3200 sensor converts the light intensity value to 8 bits so that the microcontroller can read it for each color in the test. The colors red, green, and blue were chosen as a reference because they are the primary or basic colors of all colors. From the results of testing the entire system in this study, 90% success was obtained in moving objects precisely based on the object's color. This result is enough to prove that the system can work properly.
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Kavamahanga, Lambert, Theodette Uwimbabazi, and Damascene Uwizeyemungu. "Low-Latency and Ultra-Reliable Communication for Industrial 5G." Journal of Current Trends in Computer Science Research 3, no. 4 (July 18, 2024): 01–05.

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The Internet of Things(IoT) is a planned Internet extension in which everyday objects are outfitted with circuitry, software, sensors, and internet connectivity is required so that data can be received and sent over the Internet. Emerging applications like factory automation and au- tonomous driving necessitate affordable, dependable, and low- latency communication making wireless architecture It’s more convoluted than before. The study’s goal is to understand existing study issues and solutions in connection with 5G-enabled Industrial IoT based on both sectors’ original goals and commitments. The fifty generation mobile technologies naturally provide these (These are naturally provided by 5G mobile technologies.), making it a strong choice for enabling scenarios for Industrial IoT(IIoT). This article discusses Low Latency and Ultra-Reliable, one of the pillar elements of 5G wireless systems introduced by 3GPP in release 15 and beyond. It focuses on how to allow Low-Latency and Ultra-Reliable by combining metadata and data encoding approaches. Aside from evaluating, current issues and solutions, the study intends to get to a decision about the current research gaps by providing comparisons that are applicable to any of these subjects (in- relation to fifty-generation enabled-IIoT). Finally, it analyzes URLLC difficulties by assessing packet transmission reliability based on the packet time frame and the reliability impairment impacting communication dependability
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Zhukova, Liudmila V. "Express-Evaluation of Industrial Enterprises Operations in Moscow with Universal Composite Indicator." Economics of Contemporary Russia, no. 4 (December 29, 2021): 89–97.

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Recent years were a transformation period of the analytic systems to support management decision-making on continuously available open data away from official periodic reports. In this regard, the system of control and supervision of management objects by the state controlling bodies is changing, new sources of information are included; monitoring of the external environment and media space is introduced. The author proposes an approach to the formation of a generalized key indicator for rapid assessment of the object of management (on the example of an industrial enterprise) on the basis of open data from the Internet. The object of the research is developing universal comprehensive indicator for rapid assessment of the compliance of the economic object of management on the part of regulators or relevant services on the basis of structured and unstructured data from the Internet. Scientific novelty of the study is to propose the concept of building a universal comprehensive indicator (UCI) based on a logical function that uses an extended set of arguments, including both continuous and discrete variables. Transformation into the values of the indicator is proposed using the logical rules, given the requirements for the control object from the regulators. Main results of the work: the concept of constructing universal comprehensive indicator allowing to get an express assessment of the state of the object in control was developed. The algorithm was tested to assess the need and feasibility for the state authorities in the financial assistance of the Moscow industrial enterprise. The approach in this research is applicable to current monitoring of the situation due to official reporting at the tactical level of management.
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Boutillier, Sophie. "Révolution industrielle, industrie 4.0 et idéologie." Marché et organisations Pub. anticipées (December 31, 2024): I108—XXX.

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Après la machine à vapeur, le Taylorisme et le Toyotisme, les robots, les ordinateurs… l’ère est aujourd’hui celle de la digitalisation de l’industrie (ou industrie 4.0, voire d’une quatrième révolution industrielle), de l’intelligence artificielle, de l’internet des objets… La question à laquelle nous allons tenter de répondre dans le cadre de cet article est double, en revenant d’une part sur la genèse du concept de révolution industrielle, d’autre part en appliquant ce cadre théorique pour analyser la quatrième révolution industrielle, qui serait en train de se développer. Nous montrerons ainsi le caractère idéologique du concept de révolution industrielle, pour l’appliquer au cas de la quatrième révolution industrielle, pour discuter si les transformations techniques actuelles s’inscrivent dans la continuité du modèle industriel précédent, ou s’il s’agit d’une véritable rupture technique et comment les États et les industriels, par le biais de mesures de politique publique, agissent pour soutenir cette évolution, pour le bénéfice des industriels.
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Boutillier, Sophie. "Révolution industrielle, industrie 4.0 et idéologie." Marché et organisations N° 51, no. 3 (July 31, 2024): 13–42.

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Après la machine à vapeur, le Taylorisme et le Toyotisme, les robots, les ordinateurs… l’ère est aujourd’hui celle de la digitalisation de l’industrie (ou industrie 4.0, voire d’une quatrième révolution industrielle), de l’intelligence artificielle, de l’internet des objets… La question à laquelle nous allons tenter de répondre dans le cadre de cet article est double, en revenant d’une part sur la genèse du concept de révolution industrielle, d’autre part en appliquant ce cadre théorique pour analyser la quatrième révolution industrielle, qui serait en train de se développer. Nous montrerons ainsi le caractère idéologique du concept de révolution industrielle, pour l’appliquer au cas de la quatrième révolution industrielle, pour discuter si les transformations techniques actuelles s’inscrivent dans la continuité du modèle industriel précédent, ou s’il s’agit d’une véritable rupture technique et comment les États et les industriels, par le biais de mesures de politique publique, agissent pour soutenir cette évolution, pour le bénéfice des industriels.
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The IoT Color-Based Product Sorting Machine is a cutting-edge automated system designed to revolutionize the manufacturing and packaging industries. This innovative solution employs Internet of Things (IoT) technology to enable efficient and precise sorting of products based on their color attributes. The system integrates advanced image recognition algorithms, sensor networks, and cloud computing to streamline the sorting process. Color Based Object Sorting has a wide usage in fruit sorting as well as candy sorting industries. This system puts forward a mechanism to detect color and sort items through image processing. Once identified a mechanism is used to sort the candies into particular bins baskets. We here demonstrate this mechanism using a camera with electronic circuitry along with sorting mechanism using 3 bins. The system uses raspberry pi connected to a controller circuit to achieve this task. The controller circuit consists of a camera attached to it that detects color of a small object in front of it. A motor is used to feed an object to the camera chamber. As soon is the color is detected a signal is sent to the sorter mechanism which uses a motor to position the sorting tube towards respective section. A feeder is then used to push the object towards the tubs so that it gets sorted and next object is pulled in by the feeder. The action details are sent to the IOT server using iotgecko platform to keep track of the number of objects sorted in each section. Thus we achieve a completely automated IOT based sorting system.Color based product sorting has a wide usagein fruits sorting as well as candy sorting industries. Now a day’s industrial area requires demand for automation. Due to automation human efforts are goes on decreasing day-byday. Since last decade .This system puts forward mechanism to detect color and sort item through image processing. This mechanism is used to sort the candies into particular bins or baskets Key Words: IoT, colour sensor, servo motor, node MCU,,
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Sim, Sungho, and Hanyong Choi. "A study on the service discovery support method in the IoT environments." International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education 57, no. 1 (December 5, 2018): 85–96.

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The fourth Industrial Revolution is rapidly growing due to the development of ICT and the need for organic linkage in the industry. The Internet of Things (IoT), in which objects and objects from active relationships such as sensing, networking and mutual cooperation without human intervention is the core technology of the fourth Industrial Revolution, which can be linked to various industrial fields. As the IoT environment spreads, IoT devices are continuously increasing in various industries. IoT devices connected to the Internet are as different as each application environment. Many information is derived from the interaction between an IoT device and a device or between a human and an IoT device, as well as devices that provide simple data such as sensing. This paper proposes a support method to enable extended service search when users search for services using information generated in IoT environment. The existing service discovery method focuses on the method by which the user selects the service based on the simple service information disclosed by the service provider. In order to solve the problem of existing service discovery method, this study proposed a support method that enables users to search service discovery flexibly even when using existing methods in service discovery in IoT environment. The proposed method provides a user-centered service search environment construction through a search method using user IoT information which was not considered in the existing service search. This makes up for the problem of service availability and provider-oriented service discovery through the establishment of a user service discovery environment.
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Shukalov, A. V., D. A. Zakoldaev, I. O. Zharinov, and O. O. Zharinov. "Control, computing and communication in industrial cyberphysical systems with feedback." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2094, no. 4 (November 1, 2021): 042036.

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Abstract The cyber-physical production base technologies are control, computing and connection being applied altogether in the industrial object technological processes automatic regulation systems. They use control technologies in multi-loops and multi-channel regulation systems forming a hierarchy structure. Automatics functional elements unite in the intermediary regulation scheme stabilizing hierarchy control objects, which states are detected with sensors. Computing technologies are used in the cyber-physical production imitation virtual environment and provide processes simulation based on control models and cyber-physical systems digital twins structured in hierarchy levels. The regulation accuracy increase is provided with physical and model processes results comparison detecting non-definition factors acting production processes accuracy. The communication technology is used for the cyber-physical systems net information exchange given with the Internet of Things parameters. The cyber-physical systems continuous work in the non-ideal communication net regulation interval is provided with preventive control signals compensating operation and information delay of automatic conveyor lines. There is a scheme given of multi-loop and multi-channel automatic cyber-physical production using control objects hierarchy based on cyber-physical systems hierarchy and item manufacturing technological tasks.
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Durairaj, M., and K. Muthuramalingam. "A New Authentication Scheme with Elliptical Curve Cryptography for Internet of Things (IoT) Environments." International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, no. 2.26 (May 7, 2018): 119.

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Internet of Things (IoT) consists of a large number of connected objects that are communicating with each other. To support trusted communication between IoT objects, the authentication procedures should be used and applied to the communicating entities. Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology, which makes the remote sensing and control across the heterogeneous network a reality, and has good prospects in industrial applications. As an essential infrastructure, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) play a crucial role in industrial IoT. Due to the resource-constrained feature of sensor nodes, the design of security and efficiency balanced authentication scheme for WSNs becomes a significant challenge in IoT applications. In this paper, an anonymous authentication scheme for WSNs in an Internet of Things environments.
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Nofrialdi, Reski, Ebit Bimas Saputra, and Farhan Saputra. "Pengaruh Internet of Things: Analisis Efektivitas Kerja, Perilaku Individu dan Supply Chain." Jurnal Manajemen dan Pemasaran Digital 1, no. 1 (January 1, 2023): 1–13.

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Abstract: The Internet of Things is developing in many sectors, especially in the industrial and household sectors. Internet of Things is expected to be a new solution in carrying out daily activities, especially those that are closely related to objects or machines. The concept of the Internet of Things itself is developing smart technology into an object, with the goal of innovation that makes activities more effective and efficient. Examples of the application of the Internet of Things in the industrial and household sectors are: 1) automatic curtain closing, 2) automatic water taps, 3) automatic folding umbrellas, 4) and also automatic parking scan sensors. The research method at this time is a descriptive qualitative method, by obtaining data based on relevant previous research and developing according to the researchers' thoughts. The results of this study are: 1) Work Effectiveness is influenced by the Internet of Things; 2) Individual Behavior is influenced by the Internet of Things; and 3) Supply Chain is affected by the Internet of Things. Abstrak: Internet of Things berkembang di banyak sektor, terutama di sektor industri dan rumah tangga. Internet of Things diharapkan menjadi solusi baru dalam menjalankan aktivitas sehari-hari terutama yang berkaitan erat dengan benda atau mesin. Konsep Internet of Things sendiri yaitu mengembangkan teknologi pintar kedalam sebuah benda, dengan tujuan inovasi yang menjadikan kegiatan lebih efektif dan efisien. Contoh penerapan Internet of Things di sektor industri dan rumah tangga yaitu: 1) Penutup gorden otomatis, 2) keran air otomatis, 3) payung lipat otomatis, 4) dan juga sensor scan parkir otomatis. Metode Penelitian pada kali ini yaitu metode kualitatif deskriptif, dengan memperoleh data berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu yang relevan dan mengembangkan sesuai pemikiran peneliti. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu: 1) Efektivitas Kerja dipengaruhi oleh Internet of Things; 2) Perilaku Individu dipengaruhi oleh Internet of Things; dan 3) Supply Chain dipengaruhi oleh Internet of Things.
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Teixeira, Luciana Francisca da Quadra, and Júlio Afonso Alves Dutra. "Internet das coisas: aplicabilidades e perspectivas no setor industrial." Brazilian Journal of Development 8, no. 11 (November 14, 2022): 73186–201.

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O setor industrial é responsável pelo processo produtivo de diferentes objetos de uso cotidiano de qualquer sociedade, além de ser considerado essencial para a economia de qualquer país. A evolução das tecnologias no decorrer dos anos, vem constantemente transformando os processos produtivos, que objetivam a eficiência produtiva em tempo e custos, produzindo produtos com qualidade para atender o mercado. O potencial trazido pela internet acabou também sendo aplicado ao processamento dos equipamentos envolvidos no processo produtivo industrial, sendo esta tecnologia definida como Internet das Coisas – IoT. O presente artigo objetivou discutir esta tecnologia avaliando seu funcionamento e aplicabilidade na indústria desenvolvendo-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica acerca do tema. Visualizou-se que potencial proporcionado pela adoção da IoT corrobora com os objetivos das indústrias, que visam estabelecer processos padronizados, reduzindo as perdas com a alta qualidade dos produtos desenvolvidos, mas que os gestores responsáveis pela adoção da IoT em suas indústrias precisam ter a ciência da complexibilidade que envolve este processo.
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Licite-Kurbe, Lasma, and Athul Chandramohan. "Characteristics and Challenges of the Internet of Things in Entrepreneurship." Rural Sustainability Research 43, no. 338 (August 1, 2020): 27–34.

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AbstractThe Internet of Things (IoT) is a computing concept that describes the idea of everyday physical objects being connected to the Internet and being able to identify themselves to other devices, and day by day it becomes popular in everyday life as well as in entrepreneurship. The IoT covers broad areas, including manufacturing, the health sector, agriculture, smart cities, security and emergencies among many others. The market for the industrial IoT is estimated to surpass 107 billion euros by 2021 and reach a compound annual growth rate of 7.3% as of 2020. The IoT makes an impact on all industries and provides benefits for various areas of business; however, business may be faced with some risks as well. The research aim is to analyse the benefits and risks of the IoT in entrepreneurship. The descriptive method, analysis and synthesis, the induction and deduction methods were used to achieve the aim. The research has revealed that the IoT can provide several opportunities for business in all fields of operations – marketing, logistics, accounting and human resource management. However, businesses may be faced with some challenges related to privacy and security, processing, analysis and management of data, as well as monitoring and sensing.
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Milash, V. S. "OBJECTS OF INTERNET LEGAL RELATIONS IN CONDITIONS DIGITALIZATION OF ECONOMY." Economics and Law, no. 2 (September 9, 2021): 16–24.

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The main trend of modern economic turnover and development is the global digitalization of all spheres and industries of the economy. For this reason new types of economic relations arise within their boundaries. The article examines the current situation and prospects for the development of legal regulation of Internet relations in the context of economic development. A number of problematic issues of the legal nature of individual objects of the economic rights that exist in a virtual (digital) format are analyzed. The issues of legal regulation of relations in the structure of which there is the so-called virtual element in a particular digital / virtual object are specifically analyzed. Special attention is paid to virtual assets, computer programs and software, artificial intelligence and the concept of the “Internet of Things”, etc. Emphasis is placed on the need for legislative consolidation of the concepts of virtual property and virtual objects, as well as objects with hybrid cyber-physical nature and their subsequent inclusion in the list of property in the economy of the business sector. Basic approaches to legal regulation of robotics based on artificial intelligence have been established. It is determined that the possibility of achieving a synergistic effect in the legal regulation of relations with virtual objects makes it necessary to make appropriate additions to the provisions of the Economic and Civil codes of Ukraine, as well as modernization of legislation in the field of intellectual property and innovation activities, investment legislation, legislation on property and property rights assessment, e-commerce, foreign economic activity on the Internet, protection of consumer rights of digital goods, etc. When adding and formulating these provisions into national legislation it should be taken into consideration the basis for international legal regulation of these issues submitted by acts of soft law, which are of a recommendatory nature. (These are the recommendations on artificial intelligence developed by the ETO-T Y.2060 (06/2012) Economic Telecommunication Organization “Overview of the Internet of things”).
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Qian, Haizhong. "Research on RFID Anticollision Algorithms in Industrial Internet of Things." Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2021 (December 14, 2021): 1–10.

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As a perception enabling technology of the Internet of Things, RFID can quickly identify target objects. The tag-to-tag collision problem seriously affects the identification performance of the RFID system, which causes the reader to be unable to accurately identify any tag within the specific time. The mainstream anticollision algorithms are limited by the performance bottleneck under the standard framework. In this paper, we analyze the features and merits of three kinds of algorithms in detail and propose a new algorithm architecture for RFID anticollision. Through the extensive experimental results comparison, we prove that the new architecture is effective to improve the performance of DFSA algorithms. Finally, we summarize the future research trends in the RFID anticollision algorithms.
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Colombo, Jamires Fátima, and João De Lucca Filho. "INTERNET DAS COISAS (IOT) E INDÚSTRIA 4.0." Revista Interface Tecnológica 15, no. 2 (December 30, 2018): 72–85.

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A Internet das Coisas (do inglês Internet of Things, IoT), é uma infraestrutura de comunicação que permite conectar o mundo real e o virtual, criando um “novo mundo” mais inteligente nos diversos segmentos da sociedade moderna. A IoT é utilizada para designar a conectividade entre vários objetos do mundo físico, sensíveis à internet, por exemplo, eletrodomésticos, carros e ainda máquinas e equipamentos industriais através de sensores, que são capazes de capturar eventos do mundo real e enviá-los às plataformas de comunicação e interconexão que recebem dados e informações, permitindo a manipulação de forma inteligente e construindo uma rede de objetos interconectados. A IoT aliada a tecnologia do Big Data, transforma o setor industrial e seus processos decisórios, tendo grande importância para indústria 4.0 sendo este um novo paradigma de processos de produção. O presente artigo foi elaborado de demostrar os impactos desses novos paradigmas no mundo dos negócios e tem como objetivo estudar e explorar os conceitos da IoT, abordar aspectos de segurança, além de aprofundar sua relação com a indústria 4.0 e demonstrar suas aplicações principalmente no setor industrial. Ao final da elaboração deste trabalho, observou-se que o tema escolhido é de grande importância, principalmente no ambiente empresarial devido a comunicação entre as máquinas, gerando mais eficiência porque aumentam as possibilidades de análise das informações que são a base para a tomada de decisão.
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George, AnuPriya, and X. Felix Joseph. "Implementation of Internet Connected Industrial Robot Using Hog Algorithm based Object Recognition." IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 590 (October 15, 2019): 012055.

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Raimundo, Ricardo Jorge, and Albérico Travassos Rosário. "Cybersecurity in the Internet of Things in Industrial Management." Applied Sciences 12, no. 3 (February 2, 2022): 1598.

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Nowadays, people live amidst the smart home domain, while there are business opportunities in industrial smart cities and healthcare. However, there are concerns about security. Security is central for IoT systems to protect sensitive data and infrastructure, whilst security issues have become increasingly expensive, in particular in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) domains. Nonetheless, there are some key challenges for dealing with those security issues in IoT domains: Applications operate in distributed environments such as Blockchain, varied smart objects are used, and sensors are limited, as far as machine resources are concerned. In this way, traditional security does not fit in IoT systems. The issue of cybersecurity has become paramount to the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) in mitigating cybersecurity risk for organizations and end users. New cybersecurity technologies/applications present improvements for IoT security management. Nevertheless, there is a gap in the effectiveness of IoT cyber risk solutions. This review article discusses the literature trends around opportunities and threats in cybersecurity for IIoT, by reviewing 70 key articles discovered from a profound Scopus literature survey. It aims to present the current debate around the issue of IIoT rather than suggesting any particular technical solutions to solve network security problems.
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Punitha, Mahadevappa, and Puranic Math Rekha. "Potential applications of internet of things: A comprehensive analysis." System research and information technologies, no. 1 (March 29, 2024): 7–25.

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Internet of Things (IoT) is the amalgamation of hardware, like sensors and trackers, which monitor several parameters of the environment or physical objects, and software that processes all the data gathered by hardware. Globally, the IoT market is anticipated to reach 53.8 billion USD by 2025. This enhancing demand is due to its innate ability to automate, which drives several industries to adopt IoT. In addition, minimum memory cost, processing, and storage with an increase in Big Data (BD), cloud, and conjunction of industrial networks and the internet are the added factors for the increase in IoT development. Due to this significance, IoT has applications in numerous areas like medical management, farming, wearable technology, smart energy meters, smart cities, etc. The applications are not limited to the examples mentioned above. Considering this, existing studies have considered different applications and attempted to execute them. As different applications have been focused on by these studies, the present review intends to provide a compilation of potential applications of IoT as considered by conventional research between 2018 and 2022. The study also intends to explore the advantages and disadvantages of different IoT applications (deliberated by conventional studies) through tabular analysis. Further, this review emphasizes IoT’s major key challenges and countermeasures to resolve its security issues. Finally, the study affords recommendations that will assist all IoT experts in bringing IoT products with enhanced security into the market.
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Lestari, Ninik Sri, Andrew Ghea Mahardika, Sukirno, Herawati, and Hermawaty. "Internet of Things Implementation for Development of Smart Agriculture Applications." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2394, no. 1 (December 1, 2022): 012035.

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Abstract The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is an era that puts forward the concept that puts forward the Internet of Things (IoT). This concept changes from object-oriented to smart objects and makes connections not limited by time and space. The agricultural sector is one sector that adapts to the direction of automation and data processing with the development of a smart agriculture system. The purpose of this research is to change the pattern of agricultural land management from conventional concepts to become much more productive and efficient. The utilization of internet of things technology is carried out through a control and monitoring system. Manager agricultural land can regulate and predict crop yields so that agricultural productivity is more optimal. Some of the supporting devices for the agriculture system are the ESP microcontroller 8266, soil moisture sensor, temperature sensor, humidity sensor DHT-11, and jet pump mini. Sketch Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) as a programming application and interface for the ESP 8266 device. The development of this smart agriculture application uses the method Design Science Research Method (DSRM). The testing phase is carried out with function and performance tests by using the ThingView mobile device.
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Rakshitha Kiran P, Et al. "Improvising Safety and Energy Efficiency of IoT based Networks Data Routing." International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication 11, no. 10 (November 2, 2023): 831–37.

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The Internet of Things is also referred to as IoT, outlines the physical object networking which is comprised of sensors, software and other associated technologies and technical tools in order to connect and exchange data over the internet with other devices and systems. The IoT devices range from household to industrial tools. Over the years, one of the most emerging technologies of the 21st century is IoT as it plays a huge role in sophisticated industries to smart application such as cars, household appliances and many more. With the implementation of IoT, people can take an advantage of seamless communication between other people, processes as well as things. Without human intervention, data having key information can be gathered by different means such as computing, cloud, big data, and associated mobile technologies. This paper focuses on making an IOT based network’s data routine safer and more energy efficient.
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Shen, Jiayang. "Survey and Research on Financial Support for Internet Development of Anhui Workers." International Journal of Global Economics and Management 4, no. 1 (August 27, 2024): 462–73.

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In the era of digital economy, the development of industrial Internet cannot be separated from financial support. The purpose of this paper is to take Anhui Province as the object of investigation and research, through the digital transformation data of various types of enterprises in Anhui Province in recent years, as well as the implementation of financial support related services and the construction of financial digital service platforms, to explore the results and far-reaching impact of financial support on the development of the industrial Internet in Anhui Province, and to find out the innovative value of the deep-seated source of motivation and the shortcomings of the development of industrial Internet in Anhui Province, and provide suggestions and stages of financial support for the development of the industrial Internet in Anhui Province. Provide suggestions and stage summaries for the development of Anhui Industrial Internet, and at the same time provide optimization solutions and future ideas.
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Gomboeva, Yanzhina Z. "China’s Creative Industries." Humanitarian Vector 19, no. 1 (April 2024): 63–72.

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The article presents the results of describing the general state of China’s creative industries. The paper describes the main types of economic activities included in the list of cultural industries of China as objects of multi-level administration, reveals the prospects for the development of certain types of economic activities, especially important for the development of culture and the creative economy of the country.The content of the article and the results of the study are of practical importance. The exchange of experience and knowledge in the field of creative industries development between our countries can significantly enrich existing Russian domestic practices and ultimately lead to a synergistic effect. We prove that the development of China’s creative sector s considered as a continuation of China’s global implementation of the national strategy “One Belt, One Road”, as a tool for implementing the policy of “soft power” and this experience is the weakest force that is needed in connection with modern world events.The problem of the prospects for the development of China’s creative industries in the global market is revealed. Creative industries on digital platforms face the need to enter new markets in the global creative services industry. Traditional state-subsidized cultural heritage has shown its weak competitiveness compared to digital content. Digital culture is commercialized, customer-centric and focuses on the needs of individuals and specific communities, it has had a strong positive impact on the image and economy of modern China.The Chinese government’s action plan for the implementation of the Internet Plus program aims to integrate mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data and Internet of Sales with industrial sectors to promote economic restructuring, improve service for people’s lives, including government functions. This plan is at an early stage of fine-tuning integration to the principles of the ecosystem, as a set of open and customizable platforms. The developers of the program are refining the functions to the possibility of application not only in production, but also in finance, trade, transport, healthcare and education.
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Zhong, Dongbo, Zhiyong Cui, and Yufei Xie. "Performance Limit: Fuzzy Logic Based Anti-Collision Algorithm for Industrial Internet of Things Applications." International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 32, no. 04 (June 2024): 625–48.

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Passive RFID has the advantages of rapid identification of multi-target objects and low implementation cost. It is the most critical technology in the Industrial Internet of Things information-gathering layer and is extensively applied in various industries, such as smart production, asset management, and monitoring. The signal collision caused by the communication between the reader/writer and tags sharing the same wireless channel has caused a series of problems, such as the reduction of the identification efficiency of the reader/writer and the increment of the missed reading rate, thus restricting the further development of RFID. At present, many hybrid anti-collision algorithms integrate the advantages of Aloha and TS algorithms to optimize RFID system performance, but these solutions also suffer from performance bottlenecks. In order to break through such performance bottleneck, based on the ISE-BS algorithm, we combined the sub-frame observation mechanism and the Q value adjustment strategy and proposed two hybrid anti-collision algorithms. The experimental results show that the two algorithms proposed in this paper have obvious advantages in system throughput, time efficiency and other metrics, surpassing existing UHF RFID anti-collision algorithms.
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Koteswara Rao, N., and Gandharba Swain. "A systematic Study of Security Challenges and Infrastructures for Internet of Things." International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, no. 4.36 (December 9, 2018): 700.

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The proliferation of smart objects with capability of sensing, processing and communication has grown in recent years. In this scenario, the Internet of Things (IoT) connects these objects to the Internet and provides communication with users and devices. IoT enables a huge amount of new applications, with which academics and industries can benefit, such as smart cities, health care and automation. In this environment, compose of constrained devices, the widespread adoption of this paradigm depends of security requirements like secure communication between devices, privacy and anonymity of its users. This paper presents the main security challenges and solutions to provide authentication and authorization on the Internet of Things.
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