Academic literature on the topic 'Interfaces forêt'
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Journal articles on the topic "Interfaces forêt"
Lampin, Corinne, Marielle Jappiot, Laurent Borgniet, and Marlène Long. "Cartographie des interfaces habitat-forêt. Une approche spatiale pour estimer le risque d'incendie de forêt." Revue internationale de géomatique 16, no. 3-4 (December 30, 2006): 321–40.
Full textBelkaid, H., and P. Carrega. "Interface habitat / forêt : enjeu et facteur de risque incendie." SHS Web of Conferences 3 (2012): 01003.
Full textRosset, Jean. "Entre la société et la forêt: voyage sur une interface (essai)." Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen 165, no. 8 (August 1, 2014): 216–19.
Full textVirole, Benoît. "Autisme et mondes virtuels. De l’aide des mondes virtuels à la stabilité du soi autistique." psychologie clinique, no. 49 (2020): 83–89.
Full textWalchak, Shelley B. "Electronic Reserves at Fort Lewis College Using Innovative Interfaces, Millennium Integrated Library System." Journal of Interlibrary Loan,Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve 17, no. 1-2 (June 26, 2007): 165–81.
Full textBriggs, K. B., Dajun Tang, and K. L. Williams. "Characterization of interface roughness of rippled sand off Fort Walton Beach, Florida." IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 27, no. 3 (July 2002): 505–14.
Full textGOTO, Satoshi, Hiroshi KAWAMURA, and Katsutoshi MOTEGI. "CT Study on bony interface after Le Fort I osteotomy. Examination of bony interface in maxillary advancement and impaction." Japanese Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 40, no. 4 (1994): 483–89.
Full textArnau, A., J. V. García, Y. Jimenez, V. Ferrari, and M. Ferrari. "Improved electronic interfaces forAT-cut quartz crystal microbalance sensors under variable damping and parallel capacitance conditions." Review of Scientific Instruments 79, no. 7 (July 2008): 075110.
Full textLi, Wanshan, Yile Zhang, Yau Shu Wong, and Dong Liang. "ADI-FDTD Method for Two-Dimensional Transient Electromagnetic Problems." Communications in Computational Physics 19, no. 1 (January 2016): 94–123.
Full textHaines, Seth S., and Karl J. Ellefsen. "Shear-wave seismic reflection studies of unconsolidated sediments in the near surface." GEOPHYSICS 75, no. 2 (March 2010): B59—B66.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Interfaces forêt"
Pugnet, Lilian. "Vulnérabilité des interfaces habitat-forêt à l'aléa incendie de forêt. : Évaluation couplant dires d’experts et simulation physique d’exposition." Thesis, Nice, 2015.
Full textVulnerability is not a well-known component of forest fire risk. It is usually assessed through experts’ opinions. It can be assessed more objectively after a disaster par measuring damages, if the attributes of the disaster are known. We propose a model for vulnerability assessment formulated with a multi-criteria analysis of experts’ opinions. This one is validated by using a physical model for exposure assessment. Its inputs are provided by a fire propagation model. The system is calibrated based on the analysis of damages induced by a real wildfire. Results demonstrate the consistency of a vulnerability model based on spatial variables
Burst, Maxime. "Les communautés végétales des interfaces forêt-prairie et leur environnement face aux cas d'afforestation et de déforestation." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2017.
Full textIn temperate Europe, landscapes are dominated by a mosaic of forests, grasslands and crops since several centuries. This long period of time allowed the specialization of species within the habitats and their interfaces thanks to strong environmental contrasts. However, there have been frequent land-use changes in the past, which have accelerated in recent decades, challenging the stability of plant communities and their environment. The afforestation of former grasslands and the extension of grasslands by deforestation, mostly resulting from the progression and regression of the edges, have been poorly studied. In the forest-grassland interfaces, in addition to an edge effect induced in each habitat by the proximity to the adjacent habitat, a history effect can be added in recent habitats, i.e. an environmental and/or floristic legacy (extinction debt, colonization credit). In the recent habitat edges, an interaction between edge effect and history effect can also be encountered. In this thesis, the objectives were to evaluate the relative abundance of the edge effect and the history effect along forest-grassland interfaces stable, from afforestation process and from deforestation process, by studying (i) environmental conditions, (ii) the richness and floristic composition of plant communities, and (iii) trait values within communities. Our results showed increasing gradients of light intensity and soil nutrients ranging from grassland edges to grassland cores. In response to these gradients, a strong edge effect on the composition of plant communities was found in grasslands. These floristic differences between grassland edges and grassland cores are explained by the presence of a large number of transgressive species among the forest specialist species, which have trait values favoring their transgression in grasslands. Besides this, an extinction debt of grassland specialist species has been found in recent forests, which is responsible for a higher vegetative height compared to ancient forests. These results can be explained by the fact that light intensity remained higher in recent forests, even after several decades. An extinction debt of forest specialist species has also been demonstrated in the recent grassland edges, which is the result of an interaction between edge effect and history effect. In recent grasslands, the edge effect favors the maintenance of forest species. According to our findings, forest and grassland edges, most of which have been displaced over the past two centuries, are home to many plant species that are habitat specialists, sometimes in extinction debt. A re-evaluation of the distribution of species within forest and grassland plant communities then seems necessary, taking into account the history of habitats. In a context of increasing forests and grasslands instability, the identification of species in extinction debt represents an opportunity for the conservation and restoration of plant biodiversity
Meerpoel-Pietri, Karina. "Prédiction de la vulnérabilité des constructions lors des incendies à l’interface milieu naturel/constructions." Thesis, Corte, 2021.
Full text“The Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI)”, area where houses meet wildland vegetation, rises serious problems in fire risk management due to an increase in ignition sources and the vulnerability of infrastructure. The aim was to study the vulnerability of constructions in order to define recommendations for development in surronding dwellings. Firstly, flammability of two kinds of decking slabs, by focussing on radiant exposure and firebrand attack, was studied. Radiant experiments were performed with two experimental devices. At product scale, fire performance properties highlighted that the shape of the slabs influence their ignitability. The thermpolascitcs slabs were more combustible and emitted more smoke than the wood slabs. The conditions leading to the ignition of decking slabs by firebrands were performed with wood chips with different sizes and shapes. Flaming or glowing firebrands were placed in contact with the slabs at different positions. Our study showed that glowing firebrands did not lead to slab ignition. However, slabs ignition occurred in several positions with critical mass of flaming firebrands of 0.31 g for the wooden slabs and 0.28 g for the thermoplastic ones. Secondly, the thermal stresses generated by the combustion of a hedge and its impact on the degradation of construction materials was studied with a multi-scale approach. At the laboratory scale, hedge using branches of cistus was reconstrcuted. The heat release rate, the mass loss and total and radiant heat flux were measured at 1.15 m from the hedge. The burning of the hedge exhibits a high fire growth rate (FIGRA) and a high heat released rate (HRR) showing that the hedge could significantly participate in the development of a fire at WUI. In order to get closer to actual conditions, hedge burning with a surface of (6 × 1 m²) was studied at field scale for two hedge heights (1 and 2 m). Radiative and total flux heat flux were positioned 3 m from the hedge. It has been shown that the heat flux density generated by the 2 m hedge is approximately 1.6 times greater than for the 1 m hedge. A WUI configuration was also reproduced. For this, a hedge (6 × 1 × 1 m³) was placed at the edge of a terrace made of wooden slabs and at 3 m from different types of windows (PVC and aluminum). Experiments highlighted that the heat flux density generated by the hedge was sufficient to damage the openings and the wooden terrace slabs. Finaly, WFDS code (3D CFD) was used to simulate the burning hedge at laboratory scale. Experimental results were compared with simulations. The predicted HRR, mass loss and fire front geometry were very close to the experimentale results
Lampin-Maillet, Corinne. "Caractérisation de la relation entre organisation spatiale d'un territoire et risque d'incendie : le cas des interfaces habitat-forêt du sud de la France." Aix-Marseille 1, 2009.
Full textMobaied, Samira. "La dynamique spatiotemporelle de la végétation et l'organisation de la biodiversité des interfaces lande-forêt tempérée : implication pour la gestion conservatoire des réserves naturelles." Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2011.
Full textEuropean heathlands were maintained by traditional agro-pastoral practices over the last 3000 years. Since 1950s, these traditional land uses have almost completely disappeared. As a result, heathland areas have been drastically reduced and have been overrun by grasses and woody species. Heathlands conservation requires consistent and permanent management action to control the natural succession. The ‘Trois Pignons’ forest (Fontainebleau, France) consists of a mosaic of heathlands and forests which are integrated into the Managed Biological Reserves (RBD). Since 1992, the managers of this RBD aim to maintain heathlands. In this context, we study in a first part, heathland vegetation dynamics at different spatial and temporal scales. Results show a gradual change from Ericaceae species in pure stand to a mosaic of grasses and Ericaceae, despite the application of measures to maintain this habitat in managed heathland. The development of grasses is correlated with thinness of the spatial variability of soil properties and the spatial variability of reforestation. In a second part, we assess changes in forest cover between 1946 and 2003. Results show the loss of 60% of heathlands during 1946–2003 associated to a similar increase in forest areas and the persistence of C. Vulgaris in coniferous stands and young mixed stand. We also study relationship between landscape spatio-temporal heterogeneity and biodiversity in mosaic-landscapes. The results indicate that in the areas of high spatio-temporal heterogeneity, a general increase is observed in species richness, in particular for vascular plants, bryophytes and carabids. The study demonstrates how spatial methods can contribute to the design of reliable management methods of habitats such as the heathlands, and enable us to offer recommendations as to how to better manage heathland semi-natural habitats of the Fontainebleau forest and elsewhere in Europe
Tayoub, Mahmoud. "Structure des peuplements de Diptères Dolichopodidae au niveau d'une interface étang-forêt : Aspects statistiques et méthodologiques." Lille 1, 1989.
Full textDelaporte, Alice. "Vers une compréhension fonctionnelle des dépérissements forestiers : étude du cas du hêtre (Fagus sylvatica L.) en forêt de Fontainebleau." Thesis, Paris 11, 2015.
Full textThe cases of forest decline reported in the literature have strongly increased during the last decade. This increase seems at least in part attributable to global change. However, the ecophysiological mechanisms underlying tree declines remain poorly understood. Two main hypotheses initially emerged from the recent literature: a deficit of carbon reserve compounds, or a failure of the hydraulic system of the tree. These hypotheses are not mutually exclusive, nor exhaustive: multiple couplings exist between the carbon and hydraulic functionings, and the internal nitrogen cycle of the trees could also be involved in tree decline. The main objective of this work was to document the ecophysiological mechanisms underlying a case of mature beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) drought-related decline in the Fontainebleau state forest. The decline was studied under non extreme climatic conditions. Therefore, we documented maily after-effects of past stresses. In this thesis, we developed an approach integrating the hydraulic, carbon and nitrogen aspects of functioning of the tree-soil system. The transfer of carbon compounds from tree roots to soil via the rhizodeposition process was also taken into account. Under non-stressful conditions, the functioning of healthy and declining trees is similar at the organ level, apart from a decreased stem radial growth in declining trees. In the trunk, radial growth thus appears to be the “adjustment variable” of declining trees in response to a lower whole-tree carbon assimilation due to their severely thinned crowns. Our results show that after a moderate hydric constraint, declining trees show a carbon reserve deficit in some organs compared to healthy trees. This deficit is compensated after a favourable year. A high resilience of carbon reserve concentrations could explain the ability of declining trees to survive for several years with a strongly reduced whole-tree leaf area. Healthy and declining trees presented different parenchyma ray proportions and structures in the stem xylem. Therefore, it could be interesting to study functional anatomical features in the future. Besides, tree rings characteristics could offer an insightful retrospective view of the history of this decline. Furthermore, an ongoing study on the structure of the microbial communities in the rhizosphere of healthy and declining trees will improve our knowledge about the impact of tree decline on the tree-soil interactions
Bayle-Guillemaud, Pascale. "Etude par microscopie électronique à haute résolution de multicouches métalliques à fort désaccord paramétrique : systèmes Au/Ni, Ag/Ni et Au/Co." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1994.
Full textFavier, Charly. "Hommes, Savanes, Forêts : modélisation de systèmes dynamiques liant l'homme à son environnement." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2003.
Full textBisgambiglia, Paul-Antoine. "Approche de modélisation approximative pour des systèmes à événements discrets : Application à l'étude de propagation de feux de forêt." Phd thesis, Université Pascal Paoli, 2008.
Full textBooks on the topic "Interfaces forêt"
Elsner, Steffen, Charlotte Höcker, Susan Winter, Oliver Decker, and Christoph Türcke, eds. Enhancement. Psychosozial-Verlag, 2021.
Full textElsner, Steffen, Charlotte Höcker, Susan Winter, Oliver Decker, and Christoph Türcke, eds. Enhancement. Psychosozial-Verlag, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Interfaces forêt"
Moura Chateaubriand, Marina, Camila Maria da Silva, rhyan dinoá ibiapina medeiros, and Martinho Dinoá Medeiros Júnior. "Tratamento de Fratura Le Fort I em paciente vítima de acidente de trânsito: Relato de caso." In II Congresso Internacional de Saúde Única ( Interface Mundial). ,: Even3, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Interfaces forêt"
Daniels, Timothy. Fort Leavenworth Improved Kellner (FLIK) Graphics Interface: General Overview. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, October 1988.
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