Academic literature on the topic 'Interactive Fiction in Cinematic Virtual Reality'
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Journal articles on the topic "Interactive Fiction in Cinematic Virtual Reality"
Reyes, María Cecilia, and Giuliana Dettori. "Developing a Media Hybridization based on Interactive Narrative and Cinematic Virtual Reality." Ekphrasis. Images, Cinema, Theory, Media 22, no. 2 (November 27, 2019): 131–51.
Full textGrmusa, Lovorka Gruic. "“Cinematic” Gravity’s Rainbow: Indiscernibility of the Actual and the Virtual." Open Cultural Studies 1, no. 1 (November 27, 2017): 257–69.
Full textAdams, Don. "The Creativity that Drives the World." Process Studies 48, no. 2 (2019): 219–38.
Full textAdams, Don. "The Creativity that Drives the World: Prophetic Realism." Process Studies 48, no. 2 (October 1, 2019): 219–38.
Full textCorbella, Maurizio, and Anna Katharina Windisch. "Sound Synthesis, Representation and Narrative Cinema in the Transition to Sound (1926-1935)." Cinémas 24, no. 1 (February 26, 2014): 59–81.
Full textGeslin, Erik, Olivier Olivier Bartheye, Colin Schmidt, Katy Tcha Tokey, Teerawat Kulsuwan, Salah Keziz, and Tanguy Belouin. "Bernardo Autonomous Emotional Agents Increase Perception of VR Stimuli." Network and Communication Technologies 5, no. 1 (January 6, 2020): 11.
Full textDowling, David O. "Documentary games for social change: Recasting violence in the latest generation of i-docs." Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies 12, no. 2 (October 1, 2020): 287–99.
Full textDouglas, J. Yellowlees. "Where the Senses Become a Stage and Reading Is Direction: Performing the Texts of Virtual Reality and Interactive Fiction." TDR (1988-) 37, no. 4 (1993): 18.
Full textMosselaer, Nele Van de. "How Can We Be Moved to Shoot Zombies? A Paradox of Fictional Emotions and Actions in Interactive Fiction." Journal of Literary Theory 12, no. 2 (September 3, 2018): 279–99.
Full textKalawsky, Roy, and Graeme Simpkin. "Automating the Display of Third Person/Stealth Views of Virtual Environments." Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 15, no. 6 (December 1, 2006): 717–39.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Interactive Fiction in Cinematic Virtual Reality"
Wu, Hui-Yin. "Cinematic discourse for interactive 3D storytelling." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2016.
Full textThis thesis concerns the discourse properties of cinematographic storytelling around three axes: time, story, and visual presentation. We address the question of how to analyse and gain knowledge from data, and automatically generate temporal arrangements of story and their visual content. We work with actual film data to understand the good practices of visual storytelling. The techniques in this thesis target applications to automatic camera planning problems in 3D environments, and also open perspectives for cognitive analysis of film and visual storytelling
Tsakoumi, Aliki. "Extended Experiences : Film and Performance Practices in VR/AR." Thesis, Stockholms konstnärliga högskola, Institutionen för film och media, 2020.
Full textThis is the written part of the research and is supplementing the exposition in Research Catalogue.
Platero, Vázquez Carmen. "Objetos mágicos: los objetos como transformadores de la Subjetividad virtual en la creación de aventuras interactivas en sistemas de realidad mixta." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2016.
Full textWithin the context of interactive systems that generate stimuli in real time, we are searching for new forms of communication in adventure fiction that may improve user experience. To this end, we have taken from Narratology, archetypal objects that one may identify as “magic”, the uses and properties of which often provide powers and potential to the protagonists of stories to evolve into heroes and open a door to the world of adventure. These everyday objects, taken from stories and converted into tangible objects, allow the user, within an interactive experience, to have a “natural” interaction that encourages discovering new potential through action, while guiding and involving her in the adventure and transforming her into the protagonist of the fiction experience. The Virtual Subjectiveness, as an interaction design model, provides the user with coherent point of view that is transformed along the journey by the use of these special objects. This conforms an original view on everyday objects as narrative engines within real time generated experiences. A guide for interaction design and a renewed model of interaction based on specifications of the medium provide designers and authors with analytic and production tools for creating interactive experiences into the same framework.
Andrade, Tânia Esteves de. ""Tell a Tail": the design of an interactive cinematic VR for an animal welfare transmedia." Master's thesis, 2020.
Full textTell a Tail 360 é um documentário em realidade virtual (RV), parte de um projeto transmedia cujo tema é o bem-estar dos animais na ilha da Madeira. Tem como objetivos educar, consciencializar e espalhar o amor pelos animais em público adolescente. Com base na revisão da literatura e nas pesquisas feitas, concluiu-se que o público mais jovem tem maior probabilidade para mudar os seus comportamentos do que os adultos e de que apesar da maioria das pessoas mostrar interesse pelo assunto abordado, nem sempre tem perceção da sua complexidade (ex.: a falta de responsabilidade dos donos ou a falta de educação sobre o tratamento adequado a dar aos animais). Durante vários meses, foram recolhidos vídeos em 360º através da cooperação com entidades que trabalham em prol da causa animal, mostrando diferentes perspetivas deste problema social. Posteriormente, esses vídeos foram usados para criar um documentário interativo que destaca as condições dos canis, o trabalho de campo das organizações não governamentais e a importância de prover os cuidados básicos aos animais de estimação. A experiência do utilizador foi projetada para que este pudesse explorar a história através de diferentes medias dentro do mundo virtual, tais como publicações retiradas de redes sociais, fotografias e som. Estas características interativas provêm ao utilizador a oportunidade de descobrir a história através das suas escolhas, promovendo a exploração e contemplação do assunto, aumentando o envolvimento e a ação do público na experiência. Através de testes de utilizador A/B conduzidos com dois grupos de adolescentes, em que um grupo testou uma versão não RV do documentário e o outro grupo a versão RV, concluiu-se que a versão imersiva originou um maior interesse e envolvimento no problema abordado. O projeto desta tese contribuiu com novas ideias sobre como usar conteúdo interativo e imersivo pode envolver o público adolescente e consciencializar para o bem-estar animal bem como outros problemas sociais.
Candusso, Damian. "Dislocations in sound design for 3-d films: sound design and the 3-d cinematic experience." Phd thesis, 2015.
Full textSilva, Maria Rui Gomes Livramento. "Tendências do Documentário Interativo: Fronteiras entre a Ficção e a Realidade." Master's thesis, 2019.
Full textInteractive documentaries are one of the new formats emerging in journalism. New approaches to lure the spectator to the new subjects through immersion, the being there sensation, are frequently used, and journalism has been using technology as a dynamic tool to engage the subject to today’s issues. Documentary, influenced by cinema, and interactivity are two fields that merge to create a new journalistic method. The current essay intends to develop the editorial and ethic features in i-docs in the journalistic context, through an investigation based on the classic documentary in cinema and journalism, and the interactivity imposed to the documental genre. The basic investigation questions are “What are the editorial characteristics in i-docs applied to journalism?”; “ How is the narrative built?”; “What are the ethical limits referring to truth and its manipulation?”. In conclusion, we agreed that we can define features in documentary, in interactive documentary and in documentary applied to journalism, however these are not rules that define a genre and the characteristics are adjustable, depending on the project.
Books on the topic "Interactive Fiction in Cinematic Virtual Reality"
Les fictions hypermédiatiques: Mondes fictionnels et espaces ludiques : des arts de mémoire au cyberespace. Montréal: Le Quartanier, 2010.
Find full textReyes, Maria Cecilia. Interactive Fiction in Cinematic Virtual Reality: Towards the Immersive Interactive Movie. Mimesis Edizioni, 2021.
Find full text(Editor), Kurt Lancaster, and Thomas J. Mikotowicz (Editor), eds. Performing the Force: Essays on Immersion into Science-Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Environments. McFarland & Company, 2001.
Find full textGlassner, Andrew. Interactive Storytelling: Techniques for 21st Century Fiction. CRC Press LLC, 2017.
Find full textGlassner, Andrew. Interactive Storytelling: Techniques for 21st Century Fiction. CRC Press LLC, 2017.
Find full textInteractive Storytelling: Techniques for 21st Century Fiction. CRC Press LLC, 2017.
Find full textChris Crawford on Interactive Storytelling (New Riders Games). New Riders Games, 2004.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Interactive Fiction in Cinematic Virtual Reality"
Reyes, Maria Cecilia. "Measuring User Experience on Interactive Fiction in Cinematic Virtual Reality." In Interactive Storytelling, 295–307. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textRothe, Sylvia, and Heinrich Hussmann. "Spaceline: A Concept for Interaction in Cinematic Virtual Reality." In Interactive Storytelling, 115–19. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textRothe, Sylvia, Mario Montagud, Christian Mai, Daniel Buschek, and Heinrich Hußmann. "Social Viewing in Cinematic Virtual Reality: Challenges and Opportunities." In Interactive Storytelling, 338–42. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textKo, Dong-uk, Hokyoung Ryu, and Jieun Kim. "Making New Narrative Structures with Actor’s Eye-Contact in Cinematic Virtual Reality (CVR)." In Interactive Storytelling, 343–47. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textGhuloum, Husain, and Zuwainah Al-lamki. "The Interactive Applications (IAs) in Academic Libraries: Challenges and Opportunities." In Digital Libraries [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2021.
Full text"conservatism 105; referendum 103, tactility 7, 40, 104, 121–22; haptic space 106; separation 99; sovereignty 49, 110–11; interactive 10; association 105–6; speech of de interface 8; telephasis 89, 94 Gaulle 100; see also gaps in television 2, 7, 41, 54, 56–7, 63, 67, historical experience 87, 92, 122; écriture télévisuelle 43; tv object 93; in France 45–7; signals racism 108–9 48; primal time 53; Société nationale Régie française de publicité (RFP) 46 de télévision de la première chaîne reification 112–15; and contemplative (TF1) 44; tele-vision 87 attitude 115 theatre 83, 120; electric 101 reversibility 94–5 transinteractivity 11–12 Rome 4, 13 translation 118–20; and table of conversions 25–6 tribalism 4, 19, 41, 102; Africa 93, 108; schizophrenia 49, 112; and Afro-Americans 108–9; as archaic postmodernity 65 thought 107; like the Beatles 5, 103; science fiction 79, 121 different 106; drum 107–8; ear 107; semioclasty 75 exotic 106–7; electric 116; French semiologue 75 Canadian 5, 92; good savage 110; semiotrophy 76 and hippies 100, 106; liberalism 103; semiurgy 8, 64, 69–73, 76, 81, 86; and Native Americans 108–9; New Age artistic strategy 36, 74; as 109; retribalize 4, 116; savages 100; manipulation of signs 66; and territorialization 105 massage 8, 64, 68–9, 72; and metallurgy 71; pan-sémie 73; radical 65–8; media 68; -urgies/-logies 74 University of Nottingham 40 silent majorities 3 University of Toronto 8, 16, 34; simulacra 67, 85, 99, 112; simulacrum McLuhan Program in Culture and 3, 91; hyperreality 67, 70, 100; Technology 9, 11 orders 90–1, 112–13, 115 Situationist 83, 114 Virtual Reality Artists’ Access Program space studies 110–11; acoustic space (VRAAP) 10 7, 40, 51 virtual technology 71; and tactility 11 spectacle 12, 83 structuralism 18–20, 22, 25–6, 31, 25, war 3–4, 16–17, 26, 101; speed and 75; McLuhan as amateur implosion 95–7 structuralist 22; poststructuralism 38, 48 style 22–5 x-ray 26; see also figure and ground surfing 9 surrealism 58 year 2000 99, 103; see also pataphysics symbolic exchange 78–80, 85–6, York University 40 109–10, 112." In McLuhan and Baudrillard, 150. Routledge, 2002.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Interactive Fiction in Cinematic Virtual Reality"
Reyes, María Cecilia, and Giuliana Dettori. "Combining Interactive Fiction with Cinematic Virtual Reality." In ARTECH 2019: 9th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2019.
Full textTavares, Tatiana. "Paradoxical saints: Polyvocality in an interactive AR digital narrative." In LINK 2021. Tuwhera Open Access, 2021.
Full textRothe, Sylvia, Boris Kegeles, and Heinrich Hussmann. "Camera Heights in Cinematic Virtual Reality." In TVX '19: ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2019.
Full textRothe, Sylvia, Kim Tran, and Heinrich Hußmann. "Dynamic Subtitles in Cinematic Virtual Reality." In TVX '18: ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2018.
Full textProbst, Pia Carola, Sylvia Rothe, and Heinrich Hussmann. "Camera Distances and Shot Sizes in Cinematic Virtual Reality." In IMX '21: ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2021.
Full textBevan, Chris, and David Green. "A Mediography of Virtual Reality Non-Fiction." In TVX '18: ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2018.
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