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Klein, Michel. "Une contribution a la compréhension et a l’explication d’un facteur de réussite commerciale des vendeurs : le travail émotionnel." Thesis, Montpellier, 2021.

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Wu, Yongqin. "La négociation commerciale : analyse des interactions verbales." Rouen, 2004.

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Notre recherche est inscrite dans le champ des études sur le fonctionnement langagier des échanges verbaux de commerce. Cette étude permet de voir de près le fonctionnement des interactions verbales dans la négociation commerciale, et notamment au regard de l'exploitation des divers éléments linguistiques et stratégiques mis en œuvre par les participants dans les quatre séances d'un corpus chinois et français. L'analyse interactionnelle du corpus a permis de travailler dans différentes dimensions : linguistique, commerciale et culturelle. Les recherches interculturelles ont permis de mettre en évidence les différentes manières dans la pratique des stratégies de l'argumentation et de la politesse. Basées sur des études croisées de l'interaction verbale et de la négociation commerciale, des propositions didactiques sont ébauchées dans la perspective de l'enseignement du cours de "négociation commerciale" du FLE en Chine
Our research is embedded into the scope of studies on the linguistics of verbal exchanges in business. This research allows us to fully understand the functioning of verbal exchanges in business negotiations and particulary in terms of the use of various linguistic and strategic elements used by the participants in the four sessions of a Chinese and French corpus. The interaction analysis of the corpus allowed us to work in different dimensions : linguistic, business and cultural. The inter-cultural researches permitted us to show the differences in behavior between Chinese and French businessmen : the different ways of using strategic argumentation as well as the politeness. Bases on crossed studies of the verbal interactions and the business negotiation, some didactic conclusions are raised. These are incorporated into the course of the FLE in China, entitled : "business negotiations"
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Myrick, Kimberly A. "Inside commercial interaction, audience research in interactive media." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.

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Zitouna, Mohamed Habib. "Libéralisation commerciale et interactions stratégiques des firmes multinationales : analyses théoriques et empiriques." Paris 1, 2004.

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Les deux dernières décennies ont été marquées par un accroissement significatif de l'activité des firmes multinationales. Cet accroissement a coi͏̈ncidé avec un approfondissement, multilatéral et bilatéral de la libéralisation des échanges. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse vise à analyser, en termes théoriques et empiriques, les stratégies des firmes multinationales dans un environnement caractérisé par une libéralisation des échanges internationaux de biens. La première partie s'attache à étudier les choix des investisseurs : celui d'une organisation interne et d'une localisation adaptées à leurs objectifs. Le premier chapitre discrimine entre les différentes formes de multinationalisation des entreprises. Partant du constat qu'il existe une diversité des stratégies des firmes, nous proposons une typologie de ces stratégies que nous appliquons aux filiales étrangères en France. Le deuxième chapitre analyse, au moyen d'un modèle théorique, les déterminants du commerce intra-firme de biens intermédiaires. Le chapitre 3 aborde le choix de localisation des firmes multinationales, pour un mode d'entrée particulier : les fusions et acquisitions transfrontalières. La deuxième partie de la thèse examine le lien entre libéralisation des échanges et stratégies des firmes. Le modèle théorique développé dans le chapitre 4 met en exergue le rôle des ces entreprises dans les restructurations industrielles induites par l'ouverture commerciale. En effet, les fusions et acquisitions peuvent constituer une alternative à la sortie des entreprises. Ensuite, le chapitre 5 analyse le caractère discriminatoire que peuvent avoir les accords régionaux nord-sud. Les entreprises internes et externes à la zone peuvent interagir afin de s'évincer du marché constitué. Les intuitions issues de ce chapitre théorique sont par la suite appliquées aux conséquences de la formation de l'accord de Libre Échange Nord- Américain sur l'industrie automobile au Mexique (chapitre 6).
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Keil, Kerstin Sabine. "Psychological factors in the commercial use of computerised information systems." Thesis, University of Exeter, 1989.

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Jain, Rakhi. "Biological interactions of fibroblasts with smooth microtextured commercially-pure titanium thin films /." The Ohio State University, 2002.

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Taghi, Nazari Alireza. "Interaction between thermal comfort and HVAC energy consumption in commercial buildings." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2008.

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The primary purpose of the current research was to implement a numerical model to investigate the interactions between the energy consumption in Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems and occupants’ thermal comfort in commercial buildings. A numerical model was developed to perform a thermal analysis of a single zone and simultaneously investigate its occupants’ thermal sensations as a non-linear function of the thermal environmental (i.e. temperature, thermal radiation, humidity, and air speed) and personal factors (i.e. activity and clothing). The zone thermal analyses and thermal comfort calculations were carried out by applying the heat balance method and current thermal comfort standard (ASHRAE STANDARD 55-2004) respectively. The model was then validated and applied on a single generic zone, representing the perimeter office spaces of the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS), to investigate the impacts of variation in occupants’ behaviors, building’s envelope, HVAC system, and climate on both energy consumption and thermal comfort. Regarding the large number of parameters involved, the initial summer and winter screening analyses were carried out to determine the measures that their impacts on the energy and/or thermal comfort were most significant. These analyses showed that, without any incremental cost, the energy consumption in both new and existing buildings may significantly be reduced with a broader range of setpoints, adaptive clothing for the occupants, and higher air exchange rate over the cooling season. The effects of these measures as well as their combination on the zone thermal performance were then studied in more detail with the whole year analyses. These analyses suggest that with the modest increase in the averaged occupants’ thermal dissatisfaction, the combination scenario can notably reduce the total annual energy consumption of the baseline zone. Considering the global warming and the life of a building, the impacts of climate change on the whole year modeling results were also investigated for the year 2050. According to these analyses, global warming reduced the energy consumption for both the baseline and combination scenario, thanks to the moderate and cold climate of Vancouver.
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Cledy, Jean-Luc. "L'impact de l'utilisation des applicatifs informatiques sur le travail et les performances commerciales du conseiller clientèle." Nantes, 2000.

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L'objet de la thèse est l'étude des incidences de l'utilisation des applicatifs informatiques sur le travail et les performances commerciales du conseiller clientèle. Alors que la pérennité et la performance des banques reposent largement sur le personnel en contact avec la clientèle, de nombreux témoignages de praticiens suggèrent que les logiciels ou progiciels mis a leur disposition améliorent le travail effectue et en corollaire leurs performances commerciales. Au-delà de ces effets, il convient de s'interroger sur les incidences du contexte de travail et des conditions de l'utilisation des applicatifs. La recherche soulève la question des effets de l'utilisation des applicatifs informatiques d'une part sur la manière de travailler du conseiller et sa qualité de vie au travail, et d'autre part, sur l'efficacité et l'efficience. L'impact de quatre variables modératrices est étudie : l'expérience du conseiller clientèle, la difficulté du contexte de travail, la satisfaction vis a vis des applicatifs, et la satisfaction vis a vis du management. Les résultats d'une étude portant sur les perceptions de 145 conseillers clientèles sont présentés. Ils permettent de conclure à un effet favorable de l'utilisation des applicatifs informatiques d'abord sur la préparation et le suivi du client, et en troisième lieu lors de l'entretien. Les seules relations significatives entre l'utilisation des applicatifs et les effets sur l'activité concernent la phase d'entretien proprement dite. Même si plusieurs des hypothèses de recherche ont pu être validées, les résultats doivent être nuances selon l'expérience du conseiller et sa satisfaction vis a vis de l'information et de la formation initiée en interne.
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Guo, Yi. "The interactions between slip band, deformation twins and grain boundaries in commercial purity titanium." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015.

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This thesis apply High Resolution Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (HR-EBSD) technique to a variety of microstructure features and their interactions in pure h.c.p polycrystals. By correlating high quality Kikuchi patterns with a reference pattern, the relative state and distribution of strain, stress, and geometrically necessary dislocation (GND) density can be obtained with high strain sensitivity (10-4) and angular resolution (10 radian). This technique is companied by a further investigation of subsurface features using Differential Aperture X-ray Micro-diffraction (DAXM) technique. The two technique have shown excellent agreement in capturing the magnitude and distribution of stress and GND. Stress field and GND distribution induced by slip band and grain boundary interactions, including blocked slip band with no observable slip transfer in SEM and slip transfer, were characterised. It was found that some blocked slip bands lead to high and localised stress concentration in the neighbouring grain while others did not, and no stress concentration were correlated with transferred slip bands. These three categories of interactions were rationalised using a slip transfer criteria (called LRB criteria) by investigating the geometric alignments between the impinging slip system and all possible slip systems in the neighbouring grain. The level of stress concentration were quantified into a stress intensity factor K, following the Frank, Eshelby, and Nabarro (FEN) model. It was found that the level of stress intensity correlates well with the number of dislocations within the pile up plane. The slip band and grain boundary interaction case that led to the highest magnitude of stress intensity factor was further investigated using DAXM experiments. The 3D data set informed us additional information hidden below the sample surface. The distribution of stress concentration in 3D is a ribbon conforming to the line of intersection between slip plane and grain boundary. Stress intensity factor calculation along this ribbon have shown large variations which led to a concern that sometimes 2D results might not be conclusive. For example, if damage is observed in sample surface, there is a possibility that large populations of damage already exist below sample surface as a result of the stress fluctuations. The level of stress concentration and distribution measured by both HR-EBSD and DAXM agree with each other and 3D lattice rotation gradient used in DAXM GND calculation was found to affect the range of GND distribution and how fast it decays away from grain boundary. Twinning is a deformation mechanism in HCP metal that is equally important as dislocation slip. The stress concentrations associated with twin propagation, approaching grain boundary, and thickening were characterised using HR-EBSD, from which the calculated stress tensor were used to generate a local Schmid factor (LSF) map. It was found that during twin propagation, local positive shear provides a favourable LSF condition that promote twin tip extension while supress it from thicken. When twin tip is approaching the grain boundary, the positive shear stress field no longer favour twin propagation, a narrow positive LSF field still exist at the tip of twin, promoting it to grow thick. During propagation and thickening process, the LSF seem to only affect the tip of twins and therefore these processes are possibly tip controlled.
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au, A. Wegner@murdoch edu, and Agathe Wegner. "Relationships with many facets: unpacking the interactions between protected area managers and commercial tour operators." Murdoch University, 2007.

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For protected areas worldwide, commercial tour operators are increasingly providing the services and products desired and needed by visitors to these areas. Given the engagement of both protected area managers and tour operators in protected areas, and inevitably with each other, it is critical that their relationship and its complexities are clearly understood. As such, the interests of managers and operators overlap insofar as that they work in the same locales, share some of the burden of service provision, and aim to offer a quality product. However, this study shows that they diverge in other ways, particularly given the commercial imperative that necessarily strongly influences the activities of their business, irrespective of its location. This thesis seeks to unpack the complexities of a relationship that is critically important both in terms of the quality of the tourism experiences offered by protected areas, and the conservation of such areas in the longer term. In order to obtain an understanding of the complexity of the interactions between protected area managers and tour operators, qualitative research methods were used, in which in-depth interviews provided a rich picture of the important diverse aspects and facets impacting on their relationships. This study found that both managers and operators considered the purpose of protected areas to be the conservation of biodiversity and their recreational use and enjoyment. Surprisingly, their similar values were unknown to them. A major influence on their relationships was their perceptions of power, with ‘dominant’ power largely based on legislative and regulatory mandates, perceived to rest with the protected area managers. In contrast, this study also found evidence of ‘resistant’ power. This form of Foucauldian power was held particularly by operators in one geographic locale, and was associated with the concepts of cultural groupings and groupthink. The underlying public policy context influenced the effectiveness of the collaborative efforts of managers and operators. Interwoven with these differences were variable expectations regarding the nature and purpose of communication and what collaboration might ‘mean’. These findings importantly suggest several future directions for both practice and research. First, managers and operators share values and hold both similar and different expectations and perceptions, similarities and differences which are significant. Secondly, understanding the importance of power and how it is exercised is critical if successful relationships between managers and operators are to be fostered. Finally, further unpackaging of the meaning of communication and collaboration for managers and operators, a process initiated in this study, is essential if relationships between these groups involved in conservation and recreation in protected areas are to be improved. Therefore, this study suggests that their collaboration can be enhanced at individual, organisational/locale and policy levels, by adopting and implementing an action research framework.
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Wegner, Agathe. "Relationships with many facets : unpacking the interactions between protected area managers and commercial tour operators /." Wegner, Agathe (2007) Relationships with many facets: unpacking the interactions between protected area managers and commercial tour operators. PhD thesis, Murdoch University, 2007.

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For protected areas worldwide, commercial tour operators are increasingly providing the services and products desired and needed by visitors to these areas. Given the engagement of both protected area managers and tour operators in protected areas, and inevitably with each other, it is critical that their relationship and its complexities are clearly understood. As such, the interests of managers and operators overlap insofar as that they work in the same locales, share some of the burden of service provision, and aim to offer a quality product. However, this study shows that they diverge in other ways, particularly given the commercial imperative that necessarily strongly influences the activities of their business, irrespective of its location. This thesis seeks to unpack the complexities of a relationship that is critically important both in terms of the quality of the tourism experiences offered by protected areas, and the conservation of such areas in the longer term. In order to obtain an understanding of the complexity of the interactions between protected area managers and tour operators, qualitative research methods were used, in which in-depth interviews provided a rich picture of the important diverse aspects and facets impacting on their relationships. This study found that both managers and operators considered the purpose of protected areas to be the conservation of biodiversity and their recreational use and enjoyment. Surprisingly, their similar values were unknown to them. A major influence on their relationships was their perceptions of power, with 'dominant' power largely based on legislative and regulatory mandates, perceived to rest with the protected area managers. In contrast, this study also found evidence of 'resistant' power. This form of Foucauldian power was held particularly by operators in one geographic locale, and was associated with the concepts of cultural groupings and groupthink. The underlying public policy context influenced the effectiveness of the collaborative efforts of managers and operators. Interwoven with these differences were variable expectations regarding the nature and purpose of communication and what collaboration might 'mean'. These findings importantly suggest several future directions for both practice and research. First, managers and operators share values and hold both similar and different expectations and perceptions, similarities and differences which are significant. Secondly, understanding the importance of power and how it is exercised is critical if successful relationships between managers and operators are to be fostered. Finally, further unpackaging of the meaning of communication and collaboration for managers and operators, a process initiated in this study, is essential if relationships between these groups involved in conservation and recreation in protected areas are to be improved. Therefore, this study suggests that their collaboration can be enhanced at individual, organisational/locale and policy levels, by adopting and implementing an action research framework.
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Riipinen, Toni. "The interaction of environmental and trade policies /." Helsinki : Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, 2003.

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Este trabalho se propõe a estudar a mídia televisiva a partir de um mecanismo estratégico utilizado pela Rede Globo de Televisão, que pretende criar uma interação permanente entre a audiência e o conteúdo de suas novelas. A pesquisa estuda as relações que, através desse mecanismo, a emissora de televisão pretende estabelecer com seus telespectadores. Além de estudar as repercussões dessa estratégia massiva e permanente nos ambientes culturais da contemporaneidade, esse trabalho desvenda de que forma a mídia de chamadas de programação de uma telenovela é confeccionada, mostrando os instrumentos usados pela Rede Globo para alcançar seu objetivo de agendamento de seus temas junto à audiência. Investiga também, de que maneira essa mídia de chamada de programação pretende incorporar o conteúdo da telenovela nos discursos interpessoais.
This work intends to study television media starting from a strategic mechanism used by Rede Globo de Televisão (Globo TV Network) that pretends to create a permanent interaction between the viewers and the contents of its soapoperas. The research will study the relations pretended to be established by the network with its audience through this mechanism. Aside of studying the repercussions of this massive and permanent strategy in cultural environment, this work will unmask how the commercial break calls media of a soap-opera is made, showing the instruments used by Globo Network to reach the aims of scheduling its themes next to the audience. It will investigate too by which means this media of commercial break calls intends to incorporate the soapopera s content in interpersonal speech.
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Filareto, Marie-Christine. "Décision de crédit-bail-emprunt bancaire et risque moral : étude des interactions offre et demande de financement." Lille 2, 2001.

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Cette recherche traite d'une double problématique. Il s'agit d'une part, d'analyser les déterminants de la décision de crédit-bail du point de vue du crédit-bailleur et de la firme, et d'autre part de fournir une compréhension des choix de financement externe des entreprises en considérant l'influence des coûts d'agence du crédit-bail. La revue des travaux antérieurs, de même qu'une analyse qualitative basée sur des entretiens semi-directifs permettent de mettre en évidence le rôle central du droit de propriété comme déterminant de la politique d'octroi du financement par le crédit-bailleur. Elle sera basée sur le risque "matériel" et le risque de signature du crédit-preneur. De fait, ces deux sources de risque entrent dans la tarification de l'opération, comme en témoigne l'étude empirique sur données contractuelles. .
This research compares banking debt and financial leasing and deals with two areas. First, we analyse the determinants of leasing policy for the lessor and the lessee and then the external financing structures of firms. We consider the consequences of a leasing decision for the unsecured creditor. The literature background and a qualitative analysis with interviews show the main role of the property right for the lessor. It exters an influence on financing supply. The lessor considers both firm quality and asset quality. So the interest rate will depend on these two factors. The influence on the two kinds of risks has been confirmed in an empirical study on contrac027740781tual data. For firms, advantages of leasing and its availability explain the choice of financing. .
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Yang, Jia Lih. "Interactions professionnelles en contexte commercial dans une perspective comparative : les réunions d’entreprise en France à Taïwan." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2020.

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Cette thèse socio-pragmatique repose sur un ensemble de six sous-corpus d’entreprise issus d’interactions en face à face entre des professionnels en France et à Taïwan. À partir de ces données linguistiques authentiques, nous employons la méthode comparative pour analyser deux types d’interactions naturelles – la réunion d’équipe et la réunion client/fournisseur dans un contexte commercial – en français et en chinois. Dans un premier temps, ces données acoustiques sont sélectionnées et transcrites en corpus, dans l’objectif de « comparer les normes et comportements communicatifs attestés dans deux sociétés » (Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 2005 : 289). Puis, les rapports de pouvoir – hiérarchique ou "partenarial" – entre les interactants sont analysés dans ces deux types de réunion sous les aspects des références personnelles, des séquences ritualisées, des règles conversationnelles, des actes de langage, ainsi que des interventions exercées par un rôle spécifique, les « taxèmes » et « relationèmes » se révélant au cours de l’interaction. Dans la relation verticale, le supérieur se caractérise par ses « actes directifs » et le subordonné par ses « actes de demande ». Dans la réunion client/fournisseur, où les partenaires ont des intérêts opposés, nous étudions les comportements langagiers des deux rôles lors de l’accord, du désaccord, de la réponse non-préférée, du glissement thématique, ainsi que lors de la « demande » concernant les informations sensibles. Nous constatons que dans ces deux sociétés les manières de mener la « négociation conversationnelle » sont opposées : explicite pour la française, implicite pour la chinoise. Ensuite, les activités professionnelles – les points communs de la réunion dans les deux langues – sont illustrées avec des cas authentiques. Notre thèse permet ainsi d’éclairer l’action conduite de façon collective en fonction du rôle et de l’ethos communicatif des locuteurs au sein d’une entreprise et dans une rencontre professionnelle. Pour finir, nous réexaminons les « valeurs culturelles » présentées par Hall (1976, 1990), Hofstede (1983, 2010) et Schwartz (1994, 2006) en référence avec nos résultats pragmatiques linguistiques dans lesquels certains postulats proposés par ces chercheurs sont consolidés, approfondis et critiqués
My thesis aims to develop two sections: A)The comparison of discursive behaviors in business negotiations between two parties: One is within the same culture and the other is in intercultural context. The data I present are all authentic transcriptions including of six business face-to-face negotiations: 2 negotiations spoken by native speakers in Mandarin Chinese, 2 negotiations spoken by native speakers in French and two negotiations spoken by native French, Chinese or Taiwanesein English as a language of communication. The corpus involve three languages and two cultures (Chinese and French). My first question is to see the impact of the usage of different languages during the process of negotiation. In continuation of the tradition of Sapir hypothesis - Whorf (Sapir 1949 and Whorf 1956) and the pragmatic analysis of verbal exchanges (Wierrzbicka, 1991; Peeters, 2009; Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 1994), presented how the language reflects the culture. With an analysis of certain linguistic characteristics, I analyze verbal interactions such as the constructions of speech turns (Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson, 1974), speech acts in connection with the theory of face (Goffman, 1993; Brown and Levinson 1978) and the interpersonal relationship (Kerbrat-Orecchioni 1994,2001,2002). My questions are: Does the negotiation interaction (Kerbrat-Orecchioni 1990, 1992.1994) differ from one language (L1) to another( L2) (L1: Chinese or French and L2: English) between two cultures? Do the negotiators use another type of ritual politeness (Béal, 2010) in L2 than in their mother tongue? Mono-cultural and inter-cultural comparison allows us to confirm these questions and also help determine to what extent of connections with their own culture by using L1 and L2 for the negotiators. B)More specifically, I’d like to establish the analytical model of offers in the business negotiation in two cultures (French and Chinese). The progress, results and decision-making in negotiation, are the important moments which allow us to see the two interlocutors if they reach their consensus or fail the cooperation. In this study, I take the assumption is that the result or final decision of the negotiation is related to proposal of interactional offers. . Although some researchers present the negotiation strategies (eg, Hammer and Yukl 1977, Roth and Murnighan 1982; Maynard 1984; Tutzauer 1992), there were few empirical studies related to the negotiation offers in conversation analysis including speech acts such as promises and commitments. My study is to fill up this gap. In business negotiations, the acts of deals between buyer and seller represent an exchange of economic value with a product or service. The acts of offer s have strong sense of performatives ( assertives and commissives) (Searle, 1972). My questions are: Does it exist another form of commitment instead of exchange of the economic value? For example: a promise for future cooperation or building up interpersonal relationship? This research deals with certain verbal features such turn-takings, the motivation of overlaps or interruptions during the exchange. A major objective of this study is to develop an analytical model that can be used to describe the nature of offers in business negotiations at different levels of discourse between the two cultures. Based on the authentic corpus, I try to light on the strateg(ies)of offers in business negotiation. The study is essentially analyzed with the method of linguistic pragmatics and also adopts a quantitative and qualitative comparative approach. The theory of speech acts plays a major role in the definition of “offers” identifying implementation strategies. At the same time, this research is interdisciplinary which relates to the economy, international trade, intercultural management, and sociology
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Cocker, Stephen. "ASSISTing the analyst : towards better utilisation of stakeholder information within the commercial realities of software development." Thesis, Cranfield University, 1998.

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Dimachki, Loubna. "L'analyse des interactions de commerce en France et au Liban : une perspective comparative interculturelle." Lyon 2, 2004.

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Cette recherche se fonde sur les outils théoriques et méthodologiques de l'analyse du discours en interaction. Le travail propose de décrire le fonctionnement local et global des interactions verbales se déroulant dans quatre différents commerces (pharmacies et épiceries en France et au Liban). Cette démarche, fondamentalement descriptive et comparative, conduit notamment à dégager des scripts. Dans le même temps, l'approche adoptée permet de cerner les types et les variations des relations interpersonnelles selon les cultures impliquées. L'étude se focalise notamment sur la description des trois séquences principales de l'interaction dans les commerces (l'ouverture, la transaction et la clôture). En s'arrêtant en détail sur les termes d'adresse, les salutations, l'analyse est largement confrontée à la question des liens entre actes de langage, langues et cultures. L'analyse des interactions se déroulant au Liban comprend l'étude d'un comportement langagier spécifique, celui du "code-switching".
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Fudge, J. D. "The German Hanse and England : Commercial and political interaction at the close of the Middle Ages." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1988.

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Al-Shayji, Khawla Abdul Mohsen. "Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of large-Scale Commercial Desalination Plants." Diss., Virginia Tech, 1998.

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This dissertation introduces desalination processes in general and multistage flash (MSF) and reverse osmosis (RO) in particular. It presents the fundamental and practical aspects of neural networks and provides an overview of their structures, topology, strengths, and limitations. This study includes the neural network applications to prediction problems of large-scale commercial MSF and RO desalination plants in conjunction with statistical techniques to identify the major independent variables to optimize the process performance. In contrast to several recent studies, this work utilizes actual operating data (not simulated) from a large-scale commercial MSF desalination plant (48 million gallonsper day capacity, MGPD) and RO plant (15 MGPD) located in Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, respectively. We apply Neural Works Professional II/Plus (NeuralWare, 1993) and SAS (SAS Institute Inc., 1996) software to accomplish this task. This dissertation demonstrates how to apply modular and equation-solving approaches for steady-state and dynamic simulations of large-scale commercial MSF desalination plants using ASPEN PLUS (Advanced System for Process Engineering PLUS) and SPEEDUP (Simulation Program for Evaluation and Evolutionary Design of Unsteady Processes) marketed by Aspen Technology, Cambridge, MA. This work illustrates the development of an optimal operating envelope for achieving a stable operation of a commercial MSF desalination plant using the SPEEDUP model. We then discuss model linearization around nominal operating conditions and arrive at pairing schemes for manipulated and controlled variables by interaction analysis. Finally, this dissertation describes our experience in applying a commercial software, DynaPLUS, for combined steady-state and dynamic simulations of a commercial MSF desalination plant. This dissertation is unique and significant in that it reports the first comprehensive study of predictive modeling, simulation, and optimization of large-scale commercial desalination plants. It is the first detailed and comparative study of commercial desalination plants using both artificial intelligence and computer-aided design techniques. The resulting models are able to reproduce accurately the actual operating data and to predict the optimal operating conditions of commercial desalination plants.
Ph. D.
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Roberts, Anthony J. "Winter Waterbird Ecology on the Great Salt Lake, Utah, and Interactions with Commercial Harvest of Brine Shrimp Cysts." DigitalCommons@USU, 2013.

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Interactions among commercial fisheries and birds have been studied in open ocean ecosystems and at aquaculture facilities. On the Great Salt Lake (GSL), Utah, USA, a commercial harvest of brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana) eggs (i.e. cysts) occurs annually during fall and winter. Coinciding with commercial harvest is the use of the GSL by millions of waterbirds which has the potential to result in conflict among industry and birds. The objectives of my research were to examine fall and winter ecology of birds using the GSL and interactions with the brine shrimp cyst harvest. I examined the influence of temperature and food availability on the number and distribution of waterfowl and eared grebes (Podiceps nigricollis). I also assessed the diets of the same species to see how much cyst biomass is being consumed by birds compared to removal by commercial harvest. A mass die-off (i.e. downing) of migrating eared grebes occurred during my research, so I assessed differences among birds that died and those that did not to better explain this phenomenon. Finally, I assessed the breeding origin of northern shovelers (Anas clypeata) wintering on the GSL using stable isotopeand banding data.I found that commercial harvest boats did not influence duck population numbersor distribution; rather temperature and food availability most influenced abundance and distribution, though this influence varied by species. Compared to commercial harvest, northern shovelers, green-winged teal (Anas crecca), and eared grebes removed a small fraction of the total amount of cysts that were removed from the GSL. Waterfowl diets were mainly wetland plant seeds during fall and spring, but when freshwater marshes were frozen in winter, ducks ate mostly brine shrimp cysts and brine fly (Ephydra spp.) larvae. Eared grebes are highly associated with saltwater habitats and they consumed adult brine shrimp most of the fall. Eared grebes that perished during the downing had mercury and selenium concentrations above levels seen in pre- and post-downing birds and higher than observed concentration that impact bird species, providing a potential ultimate cause of death during snowstorms that accompany most downings. Stable isotope analysis indicated northern shovelers that winter on the GSL had breeding origins throughout the specie’s range, but most came from local or southern Prairie Pothole Region breeding populations.
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Hmed, Neijete. "Analyse comparative des interactions : le cas de trois commerces : français, tunisien et franco-maghrébin." Lyon 2, 2003.

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Se fondant sur les outils théoriques et méthodologiques de l'Analyse du Discours en interaction, cette recherche propose de décrire le fonctionnement local et global des interactions verbales se déroulant dans trois commerces (français, tunisien et franco-maghrébin). Cette démarche, fondamentalement descriptive et comparative, conduit notamment à dégager des structures comportementales (ou scripts) et contribue ainsi à dresser les invariants de ce type particulier d'ineractions. Dans le même temps, l'approche adoptée permet de cerner les types et les variations des relations interpersonnelles selon les cultures impliquées. L'étude se focalise notamment sur la description des trois séquences principales de l'interaction dans les commerces (l'ouverture, la transaction et la clôture). En s'arrêtant en détail sur la requête, les salutations et les remerciements, l'analyse est largement confrontée à la question des liens entre actes de langage, langues et cultures. Cette question sous-jacente marque plus particulièrement la partie consacrée à l'analyse des interactions se déroulant dans le commerce franco-maghrébin qui dresse, par ailleurs, un tableau des différentes manifestations du code-switching repérables, et soulève les questions théoriques et méthodologiques liées à l'interprétation des phénomènes observés dans le corpus.
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Ehrensberger, Mark T. "The in-vitro biological and electrochemical interactions of electrically polarized commercially pure titanium used for orthopedic and dental applications." Related electronic resource: Current Research at SU : database of SU dissertations, recent titles available, full text:, 2008.

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Hariri, Nizar. "Une approche critique du capital social : "travail" et "interaction" dans la théorie sociale." Aix-Marseille 1, 2007.

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Comment les membres d'un groupe peuvent-ils aboutir, à travers un processus décentralisé de décision, à un accord normatif sur l'action collective ? Le problème sociologique des normes trouve son équivalent en économie dans l'échec de l'offre des biens publics. Notre thèse présente une reconstruction des liens entre l'économie et la sociologie en s'appuyant sur le concept de "capital social". En plus de l'intérêt matériel, le langage ordinaire se révèle comme "medium" des interactions sociales. Nous confrontons l'approche instrumentale de J. S. Coleman et la sociologie critique de J. Habermas aux problèmes de coordination dans le milieu du travail. A l'aide d'une enquête sur le recouvrement des créances bancaires, nous apportons une réponse ergologique à la question de la régulation sociale. En passant du langage ordinaire au langage professionnel, nous posons l'acitivité "industrieuse" et l'activité "discursive" comme cadres pertinents pour l'analyse pluridisciplinaire de l'action collective.
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Palisse, Stéphanie. "Analyse interactionnelle et comparative des interactions téléphoniques de travail dans les très petites, petites et moyennes entreprises." Lyon 2, 2004.

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L'objet de cette recherche réside dans l'étude d'interactions en situation de travail, se déroulant au téléphone, précisément au sein d'entreprises de tailles différentes (très petites, petites et moyennes) et vendant différents types de biens (assurances, transports, matériaux pour le bâtiment). Le cadre théorique de l'Analyse du Discours en Interaction, enrichi notamment des apports de la psychologie et la sociologie du travail nous a permis de faire une description et une analyse d'interactions inscrites dans un contexte tel que l'entreprise. La méthode comparative fut adoptée afin de déterminer les facteurs pouvant intervenir sur le déroulement de l'interaction à un niveau global (script, organisation séquentielle) et plus local (actes de langage, négociations). Nous avions supposé que les récurrences et les variations entre les interactions étaient dues à la nature des biens vendus dans l'entreprise. Or, l'analyse comparative nous a permis de mettre en relation des éléments internes à l'interaction (script, actes de langage) avec des éléments externes à l'interaction (espaces de travail, genre, rôles et statuts des participants, fréquence des rencontres entre eux, etc. ). Cette étude démontre que le bien ou le service échangé n'a finalement que peu d'importance dans le déroulement des interactions entre secrétaires et client-e-s, entre secrétaires et patrons, le "gender" étant un facteur de variation, tout comme le cadre spatial, l'état d'esprit des participants ou l'image que chacun a de l'autre.
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Mossberg, Tommy. "Personas and Ethnography within a commercial context." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för arbetsvetenskap och medieteknik, 2001.

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Abstract: ***************************************************** There are several challenges to bridge when designing useable software for mobile devices. The information devices of tomorrow are going to be used in constantly changing contexts and they are going to be designed to enable a mass market for mobile communication. In the software industry the "time to market" factor, which sets firm deadlines for developers, is also important. In such a landscape of complexities is it very important to have design methods that afford the work in an effective way without giving up the impact of potential user. This thesis is the outcome of twenty weeks? research in the field of mobile computational artefacts in relation to developing design methods that will help designers focus on real world use situations. I will examine the opportunity to use the Personas concept [Cooper, A. 1999] in relation to ethnography as a method to afford the design process. I point at how long term work with background field studies in various ways can afford the design process in specific projects and how the traditionally usability work mostly built up around scenario based tests can be helped of the same. I will base my analyses on empirical data from my research site, Symbian. The primary method in my research is participation and observations in the daily work within a design team consisting of eight people. I will show how they work with design today and which methodological directions I think should develop their design work in the future. My research question is, put simply, how background fieldwork and Personas can afford design work. I hope readers of this thesis will gain useful insights and ideas concerning developing design methods in a commercial context for wireless information devices.
Hur kan personas kopplas till etnografi för att göra designarbete mer kopplat till riktiga personer och situationer i verkliga livet.
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Mamedova, Ilana. "An Analysis Of Trade Wars In Relation To The Product Cycle Theory:the Case Of American And Japanese Commercial Interaction." Master's thesis, METU, 2003.

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This thesis analyzes the inherent significance of trade wars in a practical as well as in a theoretical sense. The preliminary intention of the present research is to provide three different understandings of the trade war concept. Firstly, a general understanding of trade wars is introduced, primarily focusing on the technical aspects of the issue and its political and economic dimensions. Secondly, trade wars are viewed in a specific case study context: the Japanese-American commercial relations and their bilateral trade disputes that escalated into trade wars are investigated, focusing on semiconductor and biotechnology industries. Thirdly, the trade wars concept is correlated to Raymond Vernon&
s Product Cycle theory, introducing the theoretical understanding of trade wars. The combination of these research themes endeavors to establish whether trade wars are primarily fought between successful industrial states over leading strategic core industries, those that are knowledge-intensive, and produce high-value-added products.
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Sennoune, Souad. "Interactions entre medicaments antiepileptiques : etude d'un antiepileptique majeur (la carbamazepine), d'un antiepileptique d'appoint (le clobazam) et d'un antiepileptique nouvellement commercialise (le gamma vinyl gaba)." Aix-Marseille 2, 1993.

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Wang, Linxi. "Behind the Chatbot : Investigate the Design Process of Commercial Conversational Experience." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2019.

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The messaging-based conversational interfaces, commonly called Chatbots, have seen massive growth lately. With the proliferation of Chatbots, there is a growing demand for a better understanding of the design practices behind conversational user experience. This thesis looked into the design process of a Chatbot-based project built on the RCS business messaging platform, and the workflow was investigated through contextual inquiry and critical incident interview techniques. The challenges experienced by practitioners from different disciplines are detailed, with a focus on their respective work tasks and practices.
De meddelandebaserade konversationsgränssnitten, vanligtvis kallade Chatbots, har sett en enorm tillväxt den senaste tiden. Med spridningen av Chatbots finns det en växande efterfrågan på en bättre förståelse för designmetoderna bakom konversationsanvändarupplevelse. Denna avhandling tittade på designprocessen för ett Chatbot-baserat projekt byggt på RCS-affärsmeddelandeplattformen, och arbetsflödet undersöktes genom kontextuell undersökning och tekniker för intervjuad kritisk incident. Utmaningarna som utövarna från olika discipliner upplever är detaljerade med fokus på sina respektive arbetsuppgifter och arbetsmetoder.
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Supapa, Rattapong. "The protection of upstream energy contracts under investment treaty arbitration : a study of the interaction between contract and treaty instruments." Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2014.

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This thesis analyses how and to what extent the contractual and treaty instruments interact in protecting upstream energy contracts against political interference by the host state. The study considers whether the interaction between the upstream contracts and international investment treaties provide effective protection for the upstream investors and whether the interaction between them prevents the host state from exercising its regulatory rights. By examining both jurisdictional and substantive aspects of the interaction between these two instruments, the study found that political risks in the upstream industry are not effectively mitigated and managed. The study therefore calls for a higher degree of interaction between these two instruments. This can be achieved by drafting the relevant upstream contracts and investment treaties in a more interactive manner so that they would together provide maximum protection for the upstream investors.
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Bellinger, Nathan H. 1982. "Globalization and neoliberalism in Ecuador: The expansion and effects of the commercial tuna fishing industry." Thesis, University of Oregon, 2011.

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xi, 129 p. : col. ill.
Between the 1980s and early 2000s, Ecuador's commercial tuna fishing industry evolved from an insignificant player in the global marketplace to the third largest tuna fishery in the world. The reasons behind this dramatic expansion are integrally linked to economic globalization and more specifically, the proliferation of neoliberal economic policies throughout Latin America and Ecuador. In this thesis, I link neoliberal reforms, such as increased capital mobility, free trade agreements, and export-led development, to the rapid growth of Ecuador's tuna fishery, centrally located in Manta. I then explore the place-based effects of these reforms by elucidating the social and environmental impacts of the tuna industry. I argue that while there have been some benefits, such as economic growth and job creation, expansion of Manta's tuna fishery has exacerbated local inequalities, created serious environmental problems, and led to new workplace challenges for employees in the industry.
Committee in charge: Dr. Derrick Hindery, Chairperson; Dr. Lise Nelson, Member
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Gestsson, Magnus. "Commercial galleries in Copenhagen, London and Reykjavík : a comparative study of the formations, contexts and interactions of galleries founded between 1985 and 2002." Thesis, University of Leicester, 2009.

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This study situates the commercial gallery operator, or ‘gallerist’, in the context of art world conceptions. Specifically it examines the contexts and activities of gallerists in Copenhagen, London’s East End and in Reykjavik in the era of the Young British Artists and the revitalised art market that phenomenon engendered. Drawing upon interviews with gallerists and studies of urban culture and environments, this thesis reveals that gallerists are driven by creativity and artistic vision, often at the expense of market awareness. The London and Copenhagen gallerists saw themselves as pioneers who through their actions not only established new art businesses but developed new cultural quarters in these cities. The tiny capital city of Reykjavík exposed the significance of scale and position; its new galleries remained within the comfort zone of established art institutions in the city centre. They were small and internationally isolated, and appeared much like those found in provincial cities in larger countries. Copenhagen also lacked the world city status of London and its gallerists sought recognition and buyers through international art fairs. In contrast, London found itself at the heart of an international art world. Galleries were established in such numbers in the East End as to produce an art world momentum of its own. Gallerists in the more cosmopolitan settings of London and Copenhagen possessed a greater sense of community; those in constrained markets of Reykjavik retained a small-town competitiveness. The creative desires of gallerists were also reflected in their proactive pursuit of artists; it was they who decided what to show and who to patronise. While the majority of gallerists favoured art with a conceptual edge, all denied that they were specialising in this work. They emphasised the diversity of the works on sale. The London and Copenhagen markets were mature markets but those in Reykjavík appeared more regulated. Within these cities it was possible by these means to detect distinctive art worlds as products of, and woven into, the cities they inhabited.
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Von, Lengeling Volkher Heinrich Christoph. "The nexilitas factor: host-guest relationships in small owner managed commercial accommodation facilities in contemporary South Africa." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2011.

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The commercialization of hospitality established arguably the oldest profession. Historically small commercial hospitality establishments, known as inns in the western world, were of ill repute. Perhaps connected to their reputation, this category of accommodation facility has been seriously neglected as an area of academic inquiry, particularly from the perspective of the host. While there has been a huge growth in the interdisciplinary field of tourism studies in recent decades, little attention has been paid to the role of the host in the host-guest relationship at whatever level of analysis. This thesis seeks to redress the balance. Hospitality is a basic form of social bonding. This type of bonding, where a hierarchy between strangers is implicit (as with hosts and guests), may be termed ‘nexilitas’; nexilitas is a form of social bonding in liminal circumstances. To that extent it is comparable to ‘communitas’ which describes social bonding between equals in certain liminal circumstances. The difference is that nexilitas is a form of bonding between individuals in a complex power relationship. The host controls the hospitality space, but custom also empowers the guest with certain expectations, especially in the commercial context. The thesis identifies the various forms of hospitality – traditional ‘true’ or ‘pure’ hospitality, social hospitality, cultural hospitality and commercial hospitality – and discusses these critically in their historical and cross-cultural contexts, with emphasis on the perspective of the host. The passage of hospitality is then traced through the three phases of preliminality, liminality and post-liminality and discussed along the themes anticipation, arrival and accommodation and finally departure of the guest. While the historical and ethnographic review is mainly based on written histories and the experiences of other anthropologists as guests as well as ethnographers, the passage of hospitality draws on the multi-sited auto-anthropological experiences of the author, both as host and as ethnographer of contemporary South African hosts in small owner-managed commercial hospitality establishments.
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Cherfouh, Souad. "Essais sur l’économie et la finance de l’immobilier commercial." Thesis, Paris 1, 2015.

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Cette thèse qui porte sur les marchés de bureaux se présente sous la forme de trois articles. Le premier a pour objectif d'identifier les déterminants persistants et transitoires de l'évolution des loyers de bureaux franciliens, à partir d'analyses de propriétés de co-intégration et de ruptures structurelles. Le second article porte sur l'étude des interactions entre les dynamiques des cinq sous-marchés qui composent le marché des bureaux de Central Paris. Plus précisément, la méthodologie adoptée permet de définir la nature des interactions en termes de substituabilité, complémentarité ou indépendance entre sous-marchés. Le troisième article contribue à l'étude du marché de l'immobilier d'un point de vue financier en analysant le' déterminants du taux de rendement du marché des bureaux au Royaume-Uni. Un modèle non ­linéaire à changement de régime permet de mesurer l'impact relatif de ces déterminants sur le taux de rendement en fonction de l'environnement monétaire et financier
This thesis which focuses on office markets is composed of three papers. The first one aims at identifying the long-run and short-run determinants of the Greater Paris office market, combining cointegration and structural break approaches. The second paper focuses on the interactions between the dynamics of the five submarkets of the Central Paris area. The methodology used allows determining precisely the nature of the interrelations between the submarkets in terms of complementary, substitutability or independence. Finally, the third article contributes to financial analysis of the real estate field by investigating the determinants of yield in the UK office market. A nonlinear regime switching mode! permits to assess the relative impact of these determinants on yields depending on the overall monetary and financial conditions and notably liquidity conditions
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Ben, Mimoun Mohamed Slim. "L'accès à l'offre sur un site web commercial : stratégies, performance et déterminants." Lille 1, 2007.

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Le problème de l'accès à l'offre sur un site Web commercial constitue selon plus d'un auteur une des entraves majeures au développement du nombre de transactions en ligne. Dans ce cadre, le premier objectif de cette thèse a été de comprendre quelles stratégies adoptent les consommateurs pour accéder à l'offre sur un site Web commercial et pourquoi. Le second objectif a été d'évaluer la performance des individus lors de leur accès à l'offre et d'identifier les déterminants de cette performance. La première étape vers la réalisation de ces objectifs a été de cerner la question de l'accès à l'offre et d'en identifier les principales facettes. La seconde étape a consisté en l'identification des différentes relations qui existent entre les divers intervenants lors de l'accès à l'offre (le type de stratégie adoptée, le type de tâche effectuée, le design du site et les caractéristiques de l'individu). Ceci nous a permis de mettre en place le modèle de recherche et d'émettre nos hypothèses. La vérification de ces hypothèses s'est réalisée à partir d'une expérimentation en laboratoire avec un plan factoriel complet de 2x2x2 dont la principale particularité est de manipuler en même temps des éléments du design du site et la tâche à exécuter par le consommateur. La vérification des hypothèses a conforté l'idée que la complexité des sites Web constitue la première entrave à leur succès et a souligné l'importance de concevoir les sites Web selon une approche « centrée sur l'utilisation ». Plus précisément nous avons mis en évidence l'importance de considérer la relation entre l'utilisateur, le design du site et la tâche exécutée.
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Marlet, Hélène. "Organisation internationale de marche et politique commerciale : interactions, enjeux et limites a travers l'evolution comparee sur longue periode des echanges internationaux de mais et du complexe mais americain." Montpellier, ENSA, 1995.

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Les modeles traditionnels d'analyse des marches internationaux ont pour principal defaut d'exclure l'etat comme une composante endogene de leur fonctionnement et de reduire ses objectifs a des notions statiques de bien-etre ou de profit. Ils definissent des organisations internationales de marche prevalant a un instant donne mais n'en expliquent les causes ni d'emergence ni de rupture. Pour y suppleer, je me place dans l'hypothese de l'existence de discontinuites dans les dynamiques et structures internes de croissance qui poussent l'etat a intervenir aux frontieres ou directement sur les marches internationaux afin d'ajuster la tendance et les conditions externes de l'echange aux exigences de la croissance. Afin de reveler de telles discontinuites, de trouver les liens entre croissance et echange et d'interpreter la politique commerciale comme un moyen de les rendre compatibles, je me situe dans une analyse sur le long terme des echanges internationaux de mais dont j'envisage a la fois, selon une approche neoclassique elargie, les organisations de marche qui se sont succedees et la place preponderante qu'y tiennent les etats-unis, et, selon une approche plutot meso-economique, les divers stades evolutifs de developpement du complexe agro-industriel dont le mais est le siege au sein du marche americain
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Fischer, Manfred M., and Martin Reismann. "A methodology for neural spatial interaction modeling." Wiley-Blackwell, 2002.

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This paper attempts to develop a mathematically rigid and unified framework for neural spatial interaction modeling. Families of classical neural network models, but also less classical ones such as product unit neural network ones are considered for the cases of unconstrained and singly constrained spatial interaction flows. Current practice appears to suffer from least squares and normality assumptions that ignore the true integer nature of the flows and approximate a discrete-valued process by an almost certainly misrepresentative continuous distribution. To overcome this deficiency we suggest a more suitable estimation approach, maximum likelihood estimation under more realistic distributional assumptions of Poisson processes, and utilize a global search procedure, called Alopex, to solve the maximum likelihood estimation problem. To identify the transition from underfitting to overfitting we split the data into training, internal validation and test sets. The bootstrapping pairs approach with replacement is adopted to combine the purity of data splitting with the power of a resampling procedure to overcome the generally neglected issue of fixed data splitting and the problem of scarce data. In addition, the approach has power to provide a better statistical picture of the prediction variability, Finally, a benchmark comparison against the classical gravity models illustrates the superiority of both, the unconstrained and the origin constrained neural network model versions in terms of generalization performance measured by Kullback and Leibler's information criterion.
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Martins, Ana Isabel Gonçalves. "Contributo para o estudo da cidade romana de Ossonoba: a terra sigillata da Rua Infante D. Henrique nº 58-60." Master's thesis, Universidade de Évora, 2019.

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Apresentam-se, nesta dissertação, os resultados do estudo da terra sigillata da Rua Infante D. Henrique nº 58-60, Faro. Estes materiais foram exumados aquando da escavação arqueológica levada a cabo no local, no âmbito de um acompanhamento de obra numa unidade hoteleira. O contexto no qual estes materiais surgem encontra-se enquadrado numa zona mais recente da cidade romana. Esta poderá ter sido uma área residencial, ou ainda, em parte, industrial. Fruto do crescimento que a cidade teve, consequência de um momento de prosperidade ligado à estabilidade que se fez sentir no Império após as campanhas de Cláudio e a conquista da Britânia, ou seja, ainda durante a primeira metade do séc. I d.C. Porém, esta área terá sido habitada apenas até ao primeiro terço/metade do séc. V. Identificaram-se dois picos de importações de terra sigillata, um entre os meados do séc. I d. C. e inícios do II, e outro entre a segunda metade do séc. III e a primeira metade do séc. IV. Este é um novo contributo para o conhecimento das importações cerâmicas e do dinamismo económico da cidade de Ossonoba; Abstract: Contribute to the study of the Roman city of Ossonoba: The terra sigillata from Rua Infante D. Henrique nº 58-60 In this dissertation, the results of the study of the terra sigillata from Rua Infante D. Henrique nº 58-60, Faro, are presented. These materials were recovered during the archaeological excavation carried out at the site during archaeological investigation in a hotel. These materials were recovered from the later phases of the Roman city of Ossonoba. The sector-use of the area is unclear, it may have comprised a residential or industrial zone, buoyed by the prosperity of the Julio-Claudian period, linked to the period of economic stability after the conquest of Britannia in the 1st century AD. The area was inhabited continuously until the first half or middle of the 5th century. Two peaks of terra sigillata imports were identified, the first dating between the middle of 1st century AD and the beginning of the 2nd century and the second from the second half of the 3rd century into the first half of the 4th. This is a new contribution to the understanding played by ceramic imports in the economy of the city of Ossonoba.
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Hörding, Olga. "A comparative study between user research in academia and user research in commercially driven companies." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Avdelningen för visuell information och interaktion, 2015.

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The following degree project is written within the department of Information Technology at Uppsala University. The subject studied is the difference between academic user research and such user research performed by professionals at commercially driven companies. Academic’s and professional’s agendas, interests and approaches seem to differ and consequently a gap emerges. To perform a comparison between academically defined and practically defined user research a case study and a literature study were conducted. During the literature study three main academic approaches to perform user research were studied and summarized in a unified view. The case study was performed over 4 months at Spotify in the User Research team to gain insights into how user research is conducted in a commercially driven company. The degree project shows that academics and professionals can benefit from each other. For example, academics can integrate various mix methods to better understand design and concepts and base assumptions on more reliable data. Professionals can benefit from academics by adapting a similar systematic approach to perform user research and have a larger impact on the development.
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Kerr, Bradley Gray. "Sustaining and rapid response engineering in the reservoir sampling and pressure group of the commercial products and support organization at Schlumberger Sugar Land Technology Center." Texas A&M University, 2006.

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This record of study investigates twelve months of engineering industry experience, a required internship of the Doctor of Engineering degree program at Texas A&M University. The internship company was Schlumberger Limited. The record of study begins with a brief introduction to the company. Three projects undertaken by the intern during the internship are discussed. The projects show how a wide variety of knowledge, both technical and practical, is required to solve engineering problems. Issues facing newly graduated engineers in industry are discussed. Issues facing newly graduated engineers exposed to industry for the first time are quite different than a traditional engineering curriculum has prepared them to encounter. Industry today is demanding a well-educated engineer capable of tackling technical problems in several areas as well as engineers with the ability to easily communicate and interact with others and develop leadership potential. Academia, industry, and society all have a highly influential role in developing engineers. The engineer must consider the interaction of technology and society when searching for a solution to optimize the benefit to all. The study further investigates academic challenges as well as the declining number of engineers, international competition, industry responsibility, and observations made during the internship period. Research has shown that in the next few year as the Baby Boomer generation of approximately 77 million people begin to retire, the next generation of approximately 44 million will have difficulty keeping up with technical and scientific demands. Industry demand for science and engineering graduates is beginning to overwhelm academia’s ability to respond and produce. Few U.S. undergraduates are continuing education in graduate schools. This leaves a large student population base to be filled by international students. U.S. citizens accounted for only 35-percent of the total number of doctoral degree recipients in science and engineering during the 2005 academic year. Observations made during the internship period will be used to make recommendations to both industry and academia to help align industry demands and academic abilities in order to produce engineering graduates that are ready to accept the vastly different challenges encountered in industry.
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Denner, Willemien. "The possible interaction between competition and anti-dumping policy suitable for the Southern African Customs Union (SACU)." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013.

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Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Recently countries have become more aware of the potential anti-competitive effects of anti-dumping measures. This is mostly due to the view that anti-dumping measures, as trade policy instruments, are at odds with the objectives of competition policy. According to many economic writers the only rational economic justification for anti-dumping measures is predatory dumping as an extreme form of price discrimination. Apart from the dramatic change in the economic justification for the use of anti-dumping measures over the last decades, there has also been a significant change in the countries that implement these measures. Since the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations there has been a shift from developed countries to developing countries being the main users of these policy tools. In the last couple of years the member countries of the Southern African Customs Union have been under increased pressure by private firms to enable the use of anti-dumping measures on intra-regional goods trade. However, the appropriateness of utilising these measures on intra-regional trade in the context of a custom union has been a contentious issue in recent economic debate. These measures erect trade barriers among the member states which are against the basic premise of a customs union. This has resulted in most economists calling for the prohibition and replacement of anti-dumping measure with either coordinated domestic or harmonised regional competition policies. In developing the regional and national policies on anti-dumping the SACU member states can follow two main stream approaches. The first is the incorporation of various competition principles into anti-dumping rules to limit the negative welfare and anti-competitive effects of utilising anti-dumping measures, while the second is the abolition of anti-dumping measures in the region which is then replaced by competition policy. The option best suited for SACU depends on the differing viewpoints on implementing anti-dumping measures in a customs union. However, irrespective of which policy combination is chosen, regional and national polices and authorities will have to be created, adapted and/or amended in order to have an effective interaction between anti-dumping and competition policies applicable to intra-regional trade.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Lande het ontlangs meer bewus geword van die moontlike negatiewe uitwerking wat maatreëls teen storting van goedere in markte kan hê op plaaslike en internasionale mededinging. Dit is hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die siening dat teen-stortingsmaatreëls, as instrumente van handelsbeleid, se doelwitte teenstrydig is met die van mededingingsbeleid. Volgens vele ekonomiese skrywers is die enigste rasionele ekonomiese regverdiging vir teen-stortingsmaatreëls predatoriese storting as ‘n uiterse vorm van prysdiskriminasie. Afgesien van die dramatiese verandering in die ekonomiese regverdiging vir die gebruik van teen-storingsmaatreëls oor die laaste dekades, het daar ook ‘n beduidende verandering plaasgevind in die lande wat hierdie maatreëls om goedere handel implementeer. Sedert die Uruguay Rondte van Multi-laterale Handelsooreenkomste het daar ‘n verskuiwing plaasgevind van ontwikkelde lande na ontwikkellende lande as die belangrikste gebruikers van hierdie beleidsinstrumente. In die laaste paar jaar het private firmas die lidlande van die Suider-Afrikaanse Doeane-Unie onder toenemede druk begin plaas vir die gebruik van teen-storingsmaatreëls op invoere vanaf die res van die streek. Alhoewel, huidiglik is die toepaslikehid van die gebruik van hierdie maatreëls op handel, in die konteks van ‘n doeane-unie, steeds ‘n omstrede kwessie binne ekonomiese dabatte. Hierdie maatreëls rig handelsversperrings tussen lidlande op wat teen die basiese veronderstelling van ‘n doeane-unie is. As gevolg hiervan is die meeste ekonome van die opinie dat teen-storingsmaatreëls vervang moet word met óf gekoördineerde binnelandse of geharmoniseerde streeks- mededingingsbeleid. Die SADU-lidlande kan twee benaderings volg in die ontwikkeling van streeks- en nasionale beleid oor teen-storingsmaatreëls. Die eerste is the insluiting van verskillende mededingingsbeginsels in bepalings wat handel oor teen-storingsmaatreëls om sodoende die moontlike negatiewe gevolge van hierdie maatreëls te beperk. Die tweede opsie is om teen-storingsmaatreëls op streeks-invoere met bededingingsbeleid te vervang. Die mees gepasde opsie sal af hang van die verskillende standpunte rondom die toepaslikheid van teen-stortingsmaatreëls in ‘n doeane-unie. Alhoewel, ongeag die beleidskombinasie wat gekies word sal nasionale en streeks-beleid en owerhede geskep, aangepas en/of gewysig moet word ten einde ‘n effektiewe interaksie tussen teen-storingsmaatreëls en mededingingsbeleid binne SADU te verseker.
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Ashraf, Shamaila. "Studies on infectious bursal disease virus." Connect to resource, 2005.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2005.
Title from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages; contains xvi, 216 p.; also includes graphics (some col.). Includes bibliographical references (p. 180-216). Available online via OhioLINK's ETD Center
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Zhou, Mowei. "Incorporation of Surface Induced Dissociation into a Commercial Ion Mobility - Tandem Mass Spectrometer and Application of Mass Spectrometry Methods for Structural Analysis of Non-covalent Protein Complexes." The Ohio State University, 2013.

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Girardin, Raphaël. "Ecosystem and fishers’ behaviour modelling : two crucial and interacting approaches to support ecosystem based fisheries management in the eastern english channel." Thesis, Lille 1, 2015.

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La mise en place de l’approche écosystémique des pêches (AEP) requiert une amélioration de nos connaissances sur la complexité des écosystèmes. Comprendre la réaction de l’écosystème à des mesures de gestion est essentiel pour atteindre les objectifs de conservation. La modélisation écosystémique a amélioré nos connaissances sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes et leurs interactions avec les usages du domaine maritime; et est de plus en plus utilisée pour évaluer l’impact de mesures de gestion. Le comportement de pêche des flottilles démersales françaises en Manche Orientale a été analysé. Les résultats montrent que les pêcheurs conservent leurs habitudes de pêches et que le trafic maritime peut impacter leurs décisions. Une analyse globale des résultats d’études menées au cours des trente dernières années démontre l’influence des habitudes et des espèces ciblées sur le comportement de pêche. L’exploration de la dynamique de l’écosystème a nécessité l’utilisation du modèle Atlantis, en focalisant sur deux espèces commerciales, la sole (Solea solea) et la plie (Pleuronectes platessa). L’importance des zones estuariennes est révélée, ainsi que le rôle joué par les rejets et par deux espèces clés, la morue (Gadus morhua) et le merlan (Merlangius merlangius). La sole et la plie ont peu d’influence sur le réseau trophique excepté sur la dynamique des invertébrés benthiques. Nous évaluons les conséquences de l’application de fermeture de zones et d’une réduction d’effort sur le comportement de pêche et l’écosystème et mettons en évidence un bénéfice de l’application combinée de ces mesures sur la biomasse des espèces commerciales et sur la valeur débarquée par unité d’effort
The implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM) requires an enhancement of our knowledge of ecosystem complexity. Understanding the ecosystem reaction to management regulation is a key to achieve conservation objectives. Ecosystem modelling improves our knowledge on ecosystem functioning in interaction with human activities, and it is now widely used to evaluate management strategies. The fishers’ behaviour of the French demersal fisheries in the Eastern English Channel (EEC) has been investigated. Results showed that fishers tended to adhere to past annual fishing practices and maritime traffic may impact on fishing decision. A global analysis of the fisheries science literature during the last three decades evidenced the influence of tradition and species targeting in fishers’ behaviour. The exploration of ecosystem dynamics required the use of the ecosystem model Atlantis with a focus on two commercial flatfish species, sole (Solea solea) and plaice (Pleuronectes platessa). The importance of estuary areas and of nutrient inputs has been revealed as well as the role of discards and of two key species, cod (Gadus morhua) and whiting (Merlangius merlangius). Sole and plaice did not have a strong influence on the trophic network excepted on the benthic invertebrates’ dynamics. Finally, we investigated the consequences of area closure and effort reduction on fishers’ behaviour and the ecosystem impacted. We observed a noticeable benefit of combining area closure and effort reduction on the biomass of most commercial species and on the total value landed per unit effort
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Al, Sheik Salem Omar F. A. "Critical Analysis and Evaluation of Interactive and Customised Applications on Mobile Television. Interactive and Customised Mobile Television Applications are Evaluated Using the Views of Consumers, Advertisers, and Telecommunications Operators with Regard to Services and Also Assessing the Usability of Mobile Devices." Thesis, University of Bradford, 2011.

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The shift of media from traditional forms to new digital ones has raised the possibility of new kinds of media services, including mobile television. In today¿s communications market, mobile phones are of increasing importance to users and, since mobile devices are connected most of the time, they have a high degree of location independence. The availability of 3G technology and the mobile devices needed to implement mobile television are now established and available. Mobile television is expected to be an important new service that could penetrate the market place and provide new applications, as well as create a market for new players and new investments, if the appropriate price, content and philosophy for content design are found. This research explores the many potential application areas for mobile TV, with a particular focus on advertising. Various organisations that seek success in this market can utilise the potential for advertising on mobile TV. Ultimately, mobile device users are able to use mobile TV for entertainment and information sourcing. However, a number of challenging issues remain to be addressed. The features that appealed to the consumers were studied in this research. Surveys were conducted to obtain an understanding of consumers¿ opinions and needs regarding the mobile TV experience. Many users clearly do like to interact with video content on mobile devices. Interactive mobile TV advertising can benefit users who will be able to use an essentially ¿free¿ mobile TV service, funded by an advertising model. This research proposes an environment for interactive advertising on mobile TV and discussion of an implementation of the proposed designs.
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Bolivar, Thiago. "A forma voce em interações comerciais em Porto Alegre, RS." [s.n.], 2008.

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Orientador: Anna Christina Bentes da Silva
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T08:25:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bolivar_Thiago_M.pdf: 1232769 bytes, checksum: 7ebc022a0afc37b0e014116a3a40c8e5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008
Resumo: Este é um trabalho de investigação sociolingüística sobre o uso de formas de tratamento em interações comerciais em Porto Alegre, RS. O corpo principal de dados foi obtido com a realização de uma pesquisa rápida e anônima, tal como descrita por Milroy & Gordon (2003). Pesquisamos três ambientes na capital gaúcha, delimitados de acordo com caracterizações locais de prestígio social: o Iguatemi (um shopping center mais freqüentado pela elite), o Praia de Belas (um shopping center mais freqüentado pela classe média e camadas populares) e o Centro (o comércio, ambulante ou não, do centro da cidade). Foi analisado o uso de formas de tratamento por parte de sujeitos-vendedores, no atendimento a clientes, sendo que demos especial atenção para a forma você ao verificarmos que, quanto mais alto o prestígio social do ambiente, maior a freqüência de uso dessa forma. O trabalho também apontou um comportamento diferenciado entre homens e mulheres nessa situação, sendo a freqüência de você entre as últimas bastante superior à mesma freqüência entre os primeiros.
Abstract: This is a sociolinguistic research on address form usage within commercial interactions in Porto Alegre, RS (the capital of Brazil's southernmost State). The bulk of our data were collected by means of a rapid and anonymous survey, such as described by Milroy & Gordon (2003). Three locations in the aforementioned city, all delimited and characterised according to their local social prestige, were surveyed: Iguatemi (a shopping mall which is usually frequented by the higher classes), Praia de Belas (a shopping mall which is usually frequented by the middle and working classes), and The City (the commerce in the streets and shops of downtown Porto Alegre). The use of address forms by the subjects (i.e., salespersons, when addressing their customers), was analysed, with a special focus on the form você, since it was observed that, the higher the location's social prestige, the higher its frequency. The study also indicated differences in the behaviour of men and women in the same situation, namely, a far higher frequency of você among female speakers than among male speakers.
Mestre em Linguística
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Al, Sheik Salem Omar fuad abed al whab. "Critical analysis and evaluation of interactive and customised applications on mobile television : interactive and customised mobile television applications are evaluated using the views of consumers, advertisers, and telecommunications operators with regard to services and also assessing the usability of mobile devices." Thesis, University of Bradford, 2011.

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The shift of media from traditional forms to new digital ones has raised the possibility of new kinds of media services, including mobile television. In today's communications market, mobile phones are of increasing importance to users and, since mobile devices are connected most of the time, they have a high degree of location independence. The availability of 3G technology and the mobile devices needed to implement mobile television are now established and available. Mobile television is expected to be an important new service that could penetrate the market place and provide new applications, as well as create a market for new players and new investments, if the appropriate price, content and philosophy for content design are found. This research explores the many potential application areas for mobile TV, with a particular focus on advertising. Various organisations that seek success in this market can utilise the potential for advertising on mobile TV. Ultimately, mobile device users are able to use mobile TV for entertainment and information sourcing. However, a number of challenging issues remain to be addressed. The features that appealed to the consumers were studied in this research. Surveys were conducted to obtain an understanding of consumers' opinions and needs regarding the mobile TV experience. Many users clearly do like to interact with video content on mobile devices. Interactive mobile TV advertising can benefit users who will be able to use an essentially 'free' mobile TV service, funded by an advertising model. This research proposes an environment for interactive advertising on mobile TV and discussion of an implementation of the proposed designs.
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Huma, Bogdana. "The interactional organisation of initial business-to-business sales calls with prospective clients." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2018.

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The aim of this thesis is to break new ground by investigating the interactional organisation of real events that comprise live business-to-business cold calls. Despite being a ubiquitous part of everyday life, we know very little about how cold calls are initiated, progressed, and completed. Cold calls are unsolicited telephone encounters, initiated by salespeople aiming to get prospective clients ( prospects ) interested in their services, with the distal goal of turning them into clients and the proximal goal of getting them to agree to an initial meeting. Cold calls are often treated as a nuisance by call-takers, and salespeople must deal with reluctant gatekeepers, recurrent sales resistance, and the occasional hang-up. The training they receive often draws on outdated theories of communication and is rarely supported by empirical evidence. Thus, this study not only addresses an important domain for interactional research, but also fulfils a practical necessity for empirical research that will inform sales training and improve callers and call-takers experiences. The data comprise 150 recorded calls supplied by three British companies that sell, service, and lease office equipment. The data were collected, transcribed, and analysed within an ethnomethodological framework using conversation analysis and discursive psychology. The first analytic chapter outlines the overall structural organisation of cold calling. It documents the constituent activities within the opening, the business of the call, and the closing. It identifies and describes two types of cold calls. Freezing calls are initiated by salespeople who are contacting a prospect for the very first time. Lukewarm calls feature salespeople who claim to have been in contact with the prospect s organisation in the past. The second chapter excavates the initial turns of lukewarm calls in which salespeople ask to speak to another person within the company, with whom they indicate to be acquainted. The analysis revealed that this third-party acquaintanceship was crucial for establishing the legitimacy of the switchboard request and for improving the chances of getting it granted. The third chapter focused on appointment-making sequences in both freezing and lukewarm calls, showing that they comprise two components: a preamble and a meeting request sequence. I also highlight how salespeople exploit sequential and turn-taking mechanisms to secure meetings with prospects without giving the latter the opportunity to refuse. The final chapter examines two practices for enacting resistance in cold calls blocks and stalls and documents the range of methods salespeople employ for dealing with each type of resistance. Sales blocks expose the salesperson s commercial agenda, attempt to stop the prospecting activity, and move towards call pre-closure. In response, salespeople can challenge, counter, or circumvent blocks as well as redo their initiating actions. Stalls slow down the progress of the sales process by delaying the next phase of the sale or by proposing less commitment-implicative alternatives. Salespeople deal with stalls by either justifying their initial proposal or by spontaneously introducing new action plans, both being more conducive to the progress of the sale. The thesis contributes to a growing body of interactional research on commercial encounters by shedding empirical light on a previously unexamined setting, business-to-business cold calls. It also moves forward discursive psychology s project of respecifying psychological phenomena by documenting the communicative practices associated with persuasion and resistance. Finally, it expands the extant conversation analytic toolkit by examining new practices (such as appointment-making) and by providing new insights into key conversation analytic topics (such as requests, pre-sequences, and accounts for calling). Overall, the findings presented in this thesis challenge existing conceptions of prospecting through cold calling that are prevalent in the sales literature. The thesis puts forward a strong argument for opening the black box of cold calls to better understand these interactions and to identify good practices as the basis for communication training. Research presented in this thesis has already been used in the development of CARM (Conversation Analytic Role-play Method) training for salespeople, who reported having doubled their appointment rates. Based on the findings in this thesis, I plan to develop further training not only for salespeople but also for prospective customers, thus improving the overall outcome of cold call encounters.
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Sirven, Nicolas. "Capital social et développement : concept, théories et éléments empiriques issus du milieu rural de Madagascar." Bordeaux 4, 2004.

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Depuis le milieu des années 1990, la notion de capital social semble jouir d'une certaine popularité dans la littérature économique. A l'origine, il s'agit d'un concept développé par le sociologue P. Bourdieu, mais, très vite, la conception du capital social va s'élargir jusqu'à faire référence à l'ensemble des interactions sociales au sein d'une société. Une des conséquences de cette dérive amène à considérer que les institutions sont une forme de capital, ce qui va entraîner un regain d'intérêt envers les modèles de croissance endogène. Parmi les nombreuses limites de cette démarche, le principal problème réside dans l'abondance et l'imprécision des définitions du capital social ; si bien que ce dernier apparaît comme un concept fourre-tout. Afin de palier cette difficulté, la présente étude propose de réinterpréter la définition de Bourdieu dans une perspective micro-économique. Ainsi le capital social est défini comme l'ensemble des droits qu'un individu possède sur les ressources de son réseau social. Cette définition fait du capital social un actif que les ménages peuvent utiliser en cas de besoin.
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Donkin, Hazel. "Surrealism, photography and the periodical press : an investigation into the use of photography in surrealist publications (1924-1969) with specific reference to themes of sexuality and their interaction with commercial photographic images of the period." Thesis, Northumbria University, 2010.

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This thesis examines the use of photographs in surrealist publications in Paris between 1924 and 1969, analysing how images functioned both in relation to surrealism and a wider cultural, social and political context. The thesis contends that developments in the illustrated press had a substantial impact on surrealist publications and that commercial photographic practices were both exploited and subverted by the group. I defend this assertion by demonstrating how photographers associated with the surrealist movement in its formative years, were closely involved in the process by which the photographic image became a major means of communication. I argue that the surrealists were conscious that photography was central to the circulation of ideas and developed a radical notion of the illustration of text. The thesis examines how photographs used in surrealist publications were integrated into the complex surrealist project and how due to the currency in images in society, the medium offered opportunities for disruption. In each of the five chapters I examine the surrealist deployment of photographic images to articulate cultural and political radicalism. The thesis argues that the photographs published by the surrealists made an important contribution to contemporary discourse on sexuality This thesis makes an original contribution to knowledge as it expands the understanding of photographs published by the surrealist group by exploring their relationship to contemporary commercial images circulating in the press. It analyses works that have been marginalised, many of the images in the first two journals in the inter war period, the images in the illustrated books 1929, Banalité, Le septième face du dé and the images in the post war journals have been neglected as subjects of study.
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Truchet, Stéphanie. "Analyse économique du développement territorial du tourisme : prise en compte des aménités et des interactions spatiales marchandes et non marchandes." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2011.

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La thèse aborde la question des déterminants du développement territorial du tourisme et propose un cadre d'analyse des mécanismes jouant sur localisation des firmes touristiques. D'un point de vue théorique, elle mobilise principalement le champ de l'économie spatiale mais aussi celui de l'économie du tourisme et les théories du capital social. La thèse est constituée de deux parties, mêlant chacune approche théorique et empirique. La première partie est centrée sur l'influence des aménités. Après avoir clarifié les contours de cette notion, elle analyse, à l'aide de modèles micro-économiques, l'influence de leur répartition spatiale sur le développement touristique. Les résultats de ces modèles sont ensuite testés à travers une analyse économétrique. La deuxième partie porte sur l'influence du tissu d'entreprises touristiques et sur le jeu des interactions spatiales. Elle propose une grille de lecture des mécanismes marchands et non marchands à travers lesquels les entreprises touristiques proches interagissent et analyse d'une part les déterminants de ces interactions et d'autre part leurs effets en termes de développement touristique. Méthode économétrique et études de cas sont ensuite mobilisées pour valider l'analyse théorique. La thèse conclut à l'importance de la répartition spatiale des aménités au sein des territoires. En effet, celle-ci conditionne l'attractivité touristique mais aussi l'émergence d'interactions spatiales entre entreprises touristiques qui, jusqu'à un certain seuil, ont pour effet de renforcer le développement touristique.
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