Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Interaction avec l'ARN'
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Spiluttini, Béatrice. "Interaction du snARN U1 de l'épissage avec l'ARN polymérase II." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00814598.
Full textFiset, Stéphan. "Interaction de hnRNP A1/UP1 avec les séquences télomériques humaines et l'ARN de la télomérase." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape2/PQDD_0017/MQ56900.pdf.
Full textFiset, Stephan. "Interaction de hnRNP A1/UP1 avec les séquences télomériques humaines et l'ARN de la télomérase." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2000. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/3182.
Full textAPONTE, CARLOS. "La proteine nonstructurale (nsp2) du rotavirus : interaction avec l'arn et implication dans une activite replicase." Paris 11, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA112087.
Full textKLINGER, CORINNE. "Etude de l'architecture quaternaire de l'arn polymerase i de s. Cerevisiae et de son interaction avec l'adn par microscopie electronique et analyse d'images." Strasbourg 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997STR13145.
Full textPaillart, Jean-Christophe. "La région 5' non traduite de l'ARN génomique du VIH-1 : structures, fonctions et interactions avec des ligands." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg I, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00271207.
Full textEn 1997-1998, j'ai effectué un stage post-doctoral dans le laboratoire du Dr. Heinrich Gottlinger (DFCI, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA). Mon travail était de comprendre le mécanisme de régulation qui permettrait aux précurseurs protéiques viraux de se fixer à la membrane plasmique, lieu d'assemblage des virions. J'ai ainsi confirmé l'existence d'un switch conformationnel de l'acide myristique localisé en N-terminal de la protéine de Matrice du VIH 13.
Depuis mon retour à Strasbourg en 1999 dans l'équipe du Dr. Roland Marquet, je me suis intéressé de nouveau au monde de l'ARN et plus précisément au repliement de l'ARN génomique du VIH-1. Ainsi, après avoir mis en évidence un motif de structure tertiaire dans la région 5'-terminale de cet ARN 14, nous avons, en collaboration avec Markus Dettenhofer (Baltimore, MD, USA), caractérisé pour la première fois la structure secondaire de cet ARN dans les cellules infectées et les particules virales 15; 16. Cette avancée technologique nous a permis par la suite (1) d'analyser avec Valérie Goldschmidt (doctorante) les variabilités structurales existantes au sein du complexe d'initiation de la rétrotranscription 17 et (2) de montrer, en collaboration avec l'équipe de Philippe Dumas (UPR 9002), que des antibiotiques de la famille des aminoglycosides se fixent spécifiquement dans la boucle du DIS de l'ARN génomique du VIH-1 non seulement dans un système in vitro 18 mais également en culture cellulaire 19.
Récemment, nous avons initié un nouveau projet sur le rôle de la protéine virale Vif dans la réplication virale du VIH-1 et sa relation avec l'ARN génomique (travail de thèse de Simon Henriet). Outre ses activités sur la synthèse de l'ADN proviral, la stabilité du core viral ou encore l'intégration du provirus, nous avons montré que la protéine Vif se fixe de façon spécifique et de manière coopérative aux régions localisées dans la région 5'-terminale du génome rétroviral 20. En particulier, la tige-boucle TAR (région 1-57) est un point de nucléation nécessaire à la propagation de la fixation de Vif à l'ARN (de 5‘ vers 3') mais semble insuffisante pour stabiliser ces interactions.
De nombreuses perspectives découlent directement de ces travaux. Nous souhaiterions étudier la dimérisation de l'ARN génomique du VIH-1 directement dans la cellule et ainsi répondre à plusieurs questions fondamentales : où se forme le dimère d'ARN génomique ? Le DIS, ou la dimérisation, sont-ils nécessaires au transport et à l'encapsidation de l'ARN génomique ? La maturation du dimère d'ARN dans les particules virales est-elle liée à un remaniement conformationnel au niveau du DIS ? Des résultats préliminaires obtenus en collaboration avec par l'équipe de M. Mougel (UMR 5121, Montpellier) indiquent que le DIS pourrait effectivement être un signal positif pour le transport nucléo-cytoplasmique. Ces résultats nous encouragent ainsi à poursuivre le développement de nouveaux agents antiviraux dérivés des aminoglycosides dirigés contre le DIS (collaboration avec P. Dumas, UPR 9002 et P. Pale, UMR 7123-ULP).
Dans les perspectives liées à la compréhension du rôle de Vif dans la réplication virale, nous étudierons en particulier son action sur l'initiation de la rétrotranscription et sur la régulation de l'expression des protéines APOBEC-3G/3F. Les protéines APOBEC sont des cytidines désaminases qui ont été identifiées dernièrement et dont l'action hypermutatrice lors de la synthèse du brin (-) de l'ADN proviral est létale pour le virus. Ces protéines, exprimées exclusivement dans les cellules non permissives, sont exclues des particules virales en présence de Vif et dirigées vers la voie du protéasome. Nous étudierons entre autre la régulation de la traduction des protéines APOBEC par Vif (identification des régions de l'ARNm nécessaires) et analyserons les changements conformationnels éventuels au niveau de la région 5' non traduite de l'ARNm induits par la fixation de Vif.
L'ensemble de ces travaux devrait nous permettre de contribuer à la compréhension des mécanismes qui régulent la structure tridimensionnelle de la région 5' non traduite de l'ARN génomique du VIH-1, et à plus long terme d'identifier des molécules capables d'interagir avec les différents domaines structuraux de cette région.
Bourdon, Sebastien. "Régulation des ARN G-Quadruplexes par les protéines de liaison à l'ARN et leur interaction avec les N6-Méthyladénosines dans les cellules du cancer." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Toulouse (2023-....), 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024TLSES129.
Full textCancer development and response to treatments are associated to post-transcriptional rewiring which in turn modifies the cancer proteome qualitatively and/or quantitatively. Post-transcriptional regulation involves RNA binding proteins (RBP) interacting with cis-acting elements like RNA sequences, modifications or structures. Among the cis-regulators, non-canonical structures, called RNA G-Quadruplexes (RG4), and N6-methyladenosines modifications (m6A), play a critical role in shaping post-transcriptional expression of cancer genes and their targeting is currently investigated in pre-clinical studies. One major challenge in the field lies in understanding the mechanisms controlling selectivity in m6A deposition, reading and removal, as well as deciphering RG4 folding and regulators. Whether m6A and RG4 colocalize and regulate each other remains to be fully investigated. Another key challenge is to link RG4-protein interactions in transcripts to cancer-relevant biological functions by leveraging predictions of RG4 structuration and experimental data on RG4 and RBP.My thesis project tackled these two challenges centered on the cis- and trans- regulation of RG4s, using multidisciplinary approaches including bioinformatics, molecular and cellular biology. To globally map and characterize RG4 trans-acting regulators, we developed QUADRatlas (https://rg4db.cibio.unitn.it), a database of experimentally-derived and computationally predicted RG4 in the human transcriptome, linked with their biological function and disease associations (Bourdon et al, NAR, 2023). This work provides a broad access to a manually curated catalogue of known RG4-binding proteins, complemented with an extensive RBP binding sites dataset to discover new potential RG4-RBP interactions. Our study on the interplay between RG4 and m6A revealed their colocalization in the human coding transcriptome. We demonstrated in vitro that RG4 stability was not inhibited by m6A presence. However, we showed that the stabilisation of RG4 decreased global m6A level in cancer cell lines. To explain this effect, we studied the ability of RBP to bind RG4, m6A or RG4 containing m6A (RG4(m6A)) and found that RG4 could act as a platform for m6A binding proteins and thus regulate their presence on transcripts. This work provides insights on the co-regulation of two major mRNA cis-acting elements by RBP. Future analyses will then be needed to unravel the effect of RG4(m6A) colocalization on cancer gene expression
Perard, Julien. "Etudes structurales et fonctionnelles de l'IRES du VHC en association avec le motif de reconnaissance à l'ARN de la sous-unité b du facteur eIF3." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00436687.
Full textSarkis, Pascale. "Conformational dynamics and interactions of eIF4B IDR and its phosphomimetic mutants." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024BORD0353.
Full textThe structure-function paradigm defines that protein function is determined by its structure, and detailed structural knowledge provides critical insights into its functional mechanisms. This paradigm has been challenged with the intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) that lack a stable structure, yet they are functional under physiological conditions. Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4B (eIF4B) is an IDP involved in the regulation of translation initiation in eukaryotes. As an essential co-factor of RNA helicase eIF4A, eIF4B is particularly important for translation of mRNAs with long and structured 5' untranslated regions. It contains several defined functional domains/regions, including the structured N-terminal RNA recognition motif (RRM) domain, the disordered DRYG region, enriched with aspartate, arginine, tyrosine and glycine and the disordered C-terminal arginine-rich motif (ARM) region. While the RRM and ARM domains mediate RNA binding, the DRYG region is essential for eIF4B self-association. eIF4B is overexpressed in cancer cells, and may influence stress granule formation. The cellular activity of eIF4B is regulated by phosphorylation, notably at Ser406 and Ser422 residues.Despite its importance, only the well-structured RRM domain has been characterized at atomic level. The molecular details of its large intrinsically disordered region (IDR) are still unknown, as proteins of this nature are difficult to characterize due to their conformational heterogeneity and dynamic behavior. During my PhD work I had four objectives:i) structural characterization of eIF4B IDR in its monomeric state;ii) characterization of conformational dynamics and interactions of eIF4B IDR on the molecular level upon oligomerization and upon condensation on the mesoscopic scale;iii) investigation of conformational dynamics of eIF4B IDR upon RNA interactions;iv) analysis of the impact of key phosphomimetic mutations on eIF4B protein - protein interactions, eIF4B condensation and eIF4B - RNA interactions.Using single-molecule Förster resonance energy Transfer spectroscopy (smFRET) I studied the eIF4B IDR as a monomer, demonstrating its non-uniform conformational behavior and flexibility, with different regions showing varying degrees of compactness and dynamics. Although the DRYG region is disordered, it is surprisingly compact, whereas the CTR is more expanded and flexible. These characteristics are largely dictated by the specific sequence composition of each subregion. smFRET also enabled probing eIF4B oligomerization behavior and associated protein conformational changes. Increasing the protein concentration above certain thresholds lead to eIF4B phase separation, which was studied by dedicated phase separation assays. Altogether, these experiments enabled mapping of the self-association landscape of eIF4B, which represents a complex transition from monomers to oligomers to condensed droplets. Interestingly, phosphomimetic mutations, such as S406E and S422E minimally affect eIF4B oligomerization, but considerably reduce the phase separation propensity.Finally, I used a combination of smFRET and NMR experiments to investigate eIF4B - RNA interactions, confirming that binding primarily involves the 332 to 457 region (overlapping with previously identified ARM region), which undergoes compaction upon RNA binding. The binding is ionic strength dependent, suggesting that electrostatic interactions are the main driving force, while sequence specificity towards guanosine-containing RNAs, indicates additional π-π stacking interactions. Importantly, the Ser406 and Ser422 phosphomimetic mutations within the RNA binding region significantly affect eIF4B-RNA binding affinity.Altogether, this work provides a detailed molecular understanding of conformational behavior of eIF4B and mechanisms of its interactions
Bouillier, Camille. "L'analyse de l'interactome du facteur de transcription M2-1 du Virus Respiratoire Syncytial révèle une interaction avec PABPC1 (polyA-binding protein cytoplasmic 1)." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLV010/document.
Full textAlthough the Respiratory Syncytial Virus, responsible of bronchiolitis in infants, represents a major public health problem, there are currently no vaccine or curative antiviral directed against it. The lack of information on key steps of its viral cycle and on virus-cell interactions hinders the development of new antiviral molecules.We chose to study the interactome of two viral proteins: the polymerase L and the transcription factor M2-1. To do so, we developed a screen based on interactomic and functional criteria.The first step consisted in identifying potential binding partners of M2-1 and L by co-immunoprecipitations coupled to quantitative proteomics. For better relevance, this screen was realised on infected cells, thanks to recombinant viruses produced by reverse genetics. 45 and 137 potential binding partners of M2-1 and L respectively were thus identified. A systematic study of the inhibition of 15 potential partners of M2-1 and its impact on viral multiplication enabled the selection of three candidates: ILF2, PABPN1 and PABPC1.We chose to concentrate on PABPC1. The inhibition of PABPC1’s expression reduces viral multiplication, but no specific effect on viral transcription or translation was brought to light. Its interaction with M2-1 was confirmed, and the MLLE domain of PABPC1 was identified as the M2-1 binding site. The interaction between M2-1 and PABPC1 was observed both in the cytoplasm and in IBAGs, substructures of viral inclusion bodies where viral mRNA accumulate. We formulated the hypothesis that M2-1, with PABPC1, stays with viral mRNA after leaving inclusion bodies and during their translation. This suggests a role for M2-1 in the fate of viral mRNA downstream of transcription
Franchet-Beuzit, Jenny. "Etude de la radiolyse de l'adn : interactions avec les proteines." Orléans, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993ORLE2005.
Full textPlouvier, Bertrand. "Analogues thiazoliques de la nétropsine : interaction avec l'ADN et pouvoir cytotoxique." Lille 1, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991LIL10119.
Full textMeliani, Valérie. "INTERACTIONS AVEC L'ART NUMÉRIQUE. Analyses qualitatives des interactions des publics de l'art numérique avec des installations numériques et des sites web de type net art." Phd thesis, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00817632.
Full textMéliani, Valérie. "Interactions avec l'art numérique : analyses qualitatives des interactions des publics de l'art numérique avec des installations numériques et des sites web de type net art." Montpellier 3, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009MON30050.
Full textOur thesis deals with the domain of the digital art from the point of view of the "reception", that is in the space where the meeting between the work and the public takes place. More exactly, we conceive the activity of the public as an interaction with the digital work, so we try to understand how the public co-build the sense together with the work. Our investigations come from two types of ground. In the first one, we meet public-visitors of exhibitions and in the latter of the public-Internet users of net art sites. We consider the digital installation and the net art work as possibles which reveal themselves in the interaction with the public. We implement a qualitative methodology, completely anchored in the comprehensive approach of human phenomena, to analyze the interactions of the public with the works. After a collection of ethnographical type data, we apply two methods of analysis: situational semiotics, by Alex Mucchielli, and the grounded theory by Pierre Paillé. The present research then allows to make intelligible the way publics participate in the device of the work. This understanding in situation of "reception" inevitably gives axes to rethink the ways to make in situation of "conception", the interactions of the public with the work participating in feedback loops of in the creations of the artists and in their mediatization
Bouffier, Laurent. "Synthèse d'hétérocycles azotes dérivés d'acridine et étude de leur interaction avec l'ADN." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005GRE10182.
Full textWe have prepared new pyridoacridines, analogues of natural alcaloids and evaluate their properties (physico-chemical and biological). Firstly, we have prepared conjugates between the pyridoacridone moiety and amines by Michael addition onto a quinone function. Conjugates between pyridoacridine chromophore and sugars have also been prepared using oxime bond formation. Secondly, a new octacyclic structure has been made and the key step is the condensation of ortho-diamines with the bis-electrophile phendione. The same condensation has been used to prepared a new family of amino functionalized heptacycles. The properties of the products have been investigated : Cytotoxicity of pyridoacridines (ones) with an IC50 in the micromolar scale for the most active compounds. Further more, pyridoacridones electroactivity has been used to build a biosensor (DNA hybridisation detection). Finally, two Ru (II) complexes have been prepared and characterized. The heptacyclic ligand has a strong influence on the emission behaviour of the complexes. Its interact strongly with double strand DNA et are responsible of photocleavage under illumination
Véry, Thibaut. "Simulation de propriétés photophysiques de complexes de ruthénium en interaction avec l'ADN." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LORR0232/document.
Full textMolecules are rarely isolated and a modelisation of their environment must be carried out when computing their physical or chimical properties. Quantum chemistry offers various ways to take into account this environment. For instance, polarizable continuum model is available for more than 30 years. This model is able to reproduce the influence of a solvent upon a solute but while the environment is becoming less isotropic, serious limitations are found for the model. In order to represent such environments, methods coupling quantum mechanics, for the treatment of the physically or chemically interesting part, and molecular mechanics for the environment have been developped. This thesis is dedicated to the study of ruthenium complexes in interaction with DNA. Moreover, their emission spectra are strongly modified by this interaction. We show that the photophysical properties calculated must take into account the environment. Eventually, we used a methodology able to include effects linked to the electronic response of the surroundings when computing vertical transitions. Triplets of these complexes intercalated between 2 DNA base pairs are also studied. Indeed, emission properties are linked to the nature of these and it is necessary to modelize correctly the double-strand to better understand mecanisms involved. The light-switch effect is then elucidated
Toukifimpa, Rémy. "L'ARNr 5S du chloroplaste d'épinard structure et interaction avec les protéines ribosomiques." Grenoble : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37593844m.
Full textImbert, Emmanuelle. "Interactions de dérivés phosphoryles du polystyrène avec les facteurs de transcription de l'ARN polymérase II." Paris 13, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA132003.
Full textPoulat, Francis. "Le facteur de détermination testiculaire humain : son interaction avec l'ADN, sa localisation nucléaire." Montpellier 1, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994MON1T035.
Full textJourdan, Muriel. "Les lésions abasiques de l'ADN : étude par RMN et interaction avec des drogues." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble ; 1971-2015), 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998GRE10255.
Full textCastaing, Bertrand. "La formamidopyrimidine-ADN glycosylase, un enzyme de reparation de l'ADN chez E. Coli : étude de son interaction avec l'ADN." Aix-Marseille 2, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993AIX22035.
Full textPasco, Morgane. "Synthèse asymétrique de diamines cyclopentaniques polyfonctionnelles : des outils pour l'étude d'interactions avec l'ARN." Paris 5, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA05P626.
Full textIn the laboratory, functionalized 1,3-cyclopentanic diamines have been developped to design new RNA ligands by mimicking the central framework of aminoglycosides. These diamines are easily obtained after functionalization of bicyclic hydrazines and cleavage of the N-N bond. Different synthetic routes has been explored to allow a regio-, diastereo- and in some cases enantioselective introduction of a fluorine atom on these polynitrogenated compounds. Binding experiments using 19F NMR highlighted a supramolecular chiral recognition phenomenon between the fluorinated diamines and RNA. This led to a split of the signal correlated with the location of the fluorine nucleus and the structure of the RNA. Fluorinated diaminocyclopentanes could then serve as useful probes for the study of ligand-RNA interactions. The desymmetrisation of meso 1,3- cyclopentanic diamines using allylic substitution reactions has been studied as well. With the use of iridium catalysis, the efficiency of the resolution of the two amines proved to be very low, and only stereochemistry of the allylic position has been fully controlled. However, the linear monoallylated product could been obtained with an enantiomeric exces up to 61 % using palladium catalysis
He, Yunfei. "Étude sur les propriétés interfaciales de tensioactifs et de leurs interactions avec l'ADN." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00852186.
Full textBENCHOKROUN, YOUSSEF. "Interactions des composes polyanioniques avec l'adn topoisomerase ii. Implications dans la thematique anticancereuse." Paris 6, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA066031.
Full textTARNAUD, ERIC. "Synthese de nouvelles porphyrines tricationiques caracterisation et etude de leurs interactions avec l'adn." Paris 11, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA112338.
Full textBoissieras, Joseph. "Étude des interactions de ligands et d'anticorps avec les i-motifs de l'ADN." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPASF080.
Full textI-Motifs are tetrameric DNA structures constituted by mutually intercalated CH+:C base pairs that can form in cytosine-rich DNA sequences under slightly acidic conditions (pH ≈ 6.0) where some of cytosines are protonated. They have been known for over thirty years, but due to their strong pH dependence, these structures were long considered to exist only in vitro. Quite recently, in 2018, studies renewed interest in the i-motif suggesting its presence at the cellular level, especially due to the development of the iMab antibody, raised against i-motifs. Numerous sequences capable of forming i-motifs have been identified in active regions of the genome, such as at telomeres or oncogene promoters, suggesting potentially important biological roles for this structure. To determine these effects, tools complementary to antibodies need to be developed to control i-motif formation and stability. These chemical compounds capable of stabilizing the structure and thus controlling its formation are called ligands. Many compounds have been described over the years, but none has yet been unanimously accepted as a ligand for DNA motifs. This absence of a reference ligand is partly explained by the methods used so far to observe small-molecule interactions with the i-motif structure. Indeed, the techniques employed were inherited from studies of other DNA structures, and many biases introduced by them have been identified, calling previous observations into question. To clarify the subject and conclude on the various effects of compounds, we proposed a specific method for studying i-motifs that allows the evaluation of ligands' effects on these structures. Toward this end, a potentiometric titration method, based on circular dichroism studies at different pH, was developed and validated for the i-motif. This technique allows the observation of DNA conformation without labelling at different pH, thereby detecting stabilization caused by a ligand by measuring the transition pH between folded and unfolded DNA, in isothermal conditions. This method was then coupled with thermal studies, and both were used to test different compounds previously described in the literature and observe their effects on the i-motif's stability in relation to pH. The results show that among all the tested compounds, none were capable of stabilizing native i-motifs. While three compounds (TMPyP4, BRACO-19, and Mitoxantrone) did indeed show a destabilizing effect on the structure, only the complex [Ru(phen)2dppz]2+ demonstrated some stabilizing capacity. However, this stabilization was only observed with a specific sequence with long loops, suggesting that this interaction occurs through interactions with DNA loops. The effects of other compounds on these loops were also studied, suggesting that the effects previously observed in the literature resulted from secondary, non-specific interactions with the i-motif loops. In the second part of this thesis, the selectivity of the iMab antibody was also assessed, and the results show that this antibody targets cytosine-rich DNA sequences rather than the i-motif specifically. Other results even indicate that this antibody can unfold the i-motif, further suggesting that it binds to unfolded C-rich sequences rather than to i-motifs. Overall, the results presented in this study show that none of the tested compounds could stabilize the i-motif by directly interacting with it, highlighting the difficulties of targeting this DNA structure. Additionally, the results concerning the iMab antibody call into question the interpretation of nuclear foci observed in other studies, which currently represent the only evidence of native i-motifs at the cellular level
Bessiere, Damien. "Le domaine THAP de THAP1 : structure par RMN en solution et interaction avec l'ADN." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00257781.
Full textHuambachano, Calderon Orlando Sandro. "PARP-1 : interaction du domaine de liaison à l'adn avec des oligonucléotides simple brin." Thesis, Université Laval, 2010. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2010/27398/27398.pdf.
Full textBessière, Damien. "Le domaine THAP de THAP1 : structure par RMN en solution et interaction avec l'ADN." Toulouse 3, 2008. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/175/.
Full textThe THAP proteins family is characterised by the presence of a protein motif, designed the THAP domain, conserved during evolution and found in a thousand of human and model animal organism proteins. Human THAP1 protein is a regulator of the cell cycle through pRB/E2F pathway. The THAP domain of THAP1 is a C-X2-4-C-X35-50-C-X2-H type of zinc binding module with sequence specific DNA-binding properties. We solved the three-dimensional structure of the THAP domain of THAP1 by solution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. This atypical zinc finger of ~ 80 residues is distinguished by the presence of a long beta\alpha\beta motif between the two pairs of the C2CH zinc coordinating residues. We studied the DNA-binding of the THAP domain of THAP1 by the determination of a specific dissociation constant with Surface Plasmon Resonance studies and by performing chemical shift mapping in order to identify DNA-binding affected residues. Combining the chemical shift perturbation data with mutagenesis data allowed us to map the DNA-binding interface of the domain to a highly positively charged area and to build a DNA-protein interaction model showing an original way of recognition
D'Augustin, de Bourguisson Ostiane. "Caractérisation de la dynamique de l'ADN-glycosylase OGG1 et de résidus responsables de son interaction avec l'ADN en cellules vivantes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Rennes 1, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022REN1B060.
Full textDNA is constantly subjected to various stress, threatening its integrity, and consequently, the proper functioning of the cell. In order to preserve the genomic integrity, the cell can activate a large set of repair pathways. One of the most common genomic alteration is the base modification 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), an oxidized form of guanine. It is highly mutagenic, due to its tendency to pair with adenine instead of cytosine during replication. Thus, it needs to be detected and repaired on time to avoid G:C to T:A transversions. 8-oxoG paired with cytosine is recognized and excised by the 8-oxoguanine DNA-glycosylase (OGG1), which initiates the base excision repair pathway. Although OGG1 has been widely studied in vitro and many structural data are available, many questions remain concerning the dynamics of the protein within the cell nucleus. Hence, the goal of my PhD project was to characterize the dynamics of OGG1 searching for 8-oxoG and get new insights about the residues or functions of OGG1 that regulate these dynamics. I was able to show that the interaction between OGG1 and DNA is crucial for the efficient search of 8-oxoG, and that mutating the residues involved in such interaction impairs OGG1 dynamics and its ability to detect and excise 8-oxoG. Similarly, 8-oxoG detection, but also that of the facing cytosine, both play an important role in the function of the DNA-glycosylase and in its ability to accumulate at the sites of damage. Finally, the NNN motif, which is highly conserved but very poorly characterized, seems to be essential to the specific association with 8-oxoG, but not for the nuclear exploration by OGG1
Tremblay, Annick. "Caractérisation des interactions de l'ARN hY5 avec les autoanticorps anti-ARN hY5 ainsi qu'avec les protéines cellulaires." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ35711.pdf.
Full textTremblay, Annick. "Caractérisation des interactions de l'ARN hY5 avec les autoanticorps anti-ARN hY5 ainsi qu'avec les protéines cellulaires." Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 1998.
Find full textLEGER, JEAN-FRANCOIS. "L'adn : une flexibilite structurale adaptee aux interactions avec les autres macromolecules de son environnement." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999STR13094.
Full textElqaidi, Samir. "Etude de la spécificité d'interaction des protéines homologues Mlc et NagC avec l'ADN." Paris 6, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA066434.
Full textPaillusson, Fabien. "Contribution de la physique des colloïdes à la modélisation de l'interaction de nanoparticules avec l'ADN." Paris 6, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA066651.
Full textBoitte-Haddou, Nezha. "Synthèse de dérivés anthraquinoniques : étude de leurs propriétés physicochimiques, biologiques et d'interaction avec l'ADN." Lille 1, 1996. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/1996/50376-1996-91.pdf.
Full textCouppez, Maurice. "Les histones H2A, H2B, H3 et H4 : préparation, fragments, structure secondaire, immunologie, interaction avec l'ADN, acétylation." Lille 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996LIL12034.
Full textLefrançois, Marc. "Interaction des sites abasiques de l'ADN avec des effecteurs modèles : dosage, étude enzymatique et application pharmacologique." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991ECAP0197.
Full textChartier, François. "La protéine chromosomale MC1 isolée d'archaebactéries de la famille des Methanosarcinaceae : Structure primaire et interaction avec l'ADN." Lille 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989LIL10064.
Full textMARX-LARRAZABAL, MAITE. "Synthese de derives de l'ellipticine : relation entre cytotoxicite et pouvoir antitumoral et interaction avec l'adn topoisomerase ii." Toulouse 3, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989TOU30148.
Full textPIARD, KARINE. "Le pcna (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) de schizosaccharomyces pombe : interaction avec l'adn polymerase et relations structure / fonction." Paris 7, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA077271.
Full textDIMOVA, DILIANA. "La proteine regulatrice argr de bacteries hyperthermophiles du genre thermotoga : clonage, thermostabilite et interactions avec l'adn." Nantes, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000NANT2027.
Full textKOCISOVA, EVA. "Activites antivirales et anticancereuses de l'hypericine et de l'hypocrelline : etudes des interactions avec l'adn et l'albumine." Paris 6, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA066666.
Full textHURSTEL, SERGE. "Le represseur lexa du systeme sos d'escherichia coli : purification des fragments d'autoclivage, interactions avec l'adn, cristallisation." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989STR13137.
Full textThiebaut, Frédéric. "Photomarquage d'affinité couplé à la spectrométrie de masse pour l'identification de protéines interagissant avec des modifications épigénétiques de l'ADN." Thesis, Paris 6, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA066490/document.
Full textOver the past few decades, DNA methylation at the 5-position of cytosine has emerged as an important epigenetic modification that plays essential roles in the specific control of gene expression. However, the mechanisms involved in the regulation of DNA methylation remain unclear. Recent studies have shown that oxidase proteins, called TETs, can catalyze the oxidation of 5-methylcytosine (5 mC) and generate oxidized derivatives thereof, raising the question of the biological role of the oxidized forms of 5mC. The identification and characterization of proteins interacting with these oxidized forms should allow for a better understanding of the function of these DNA modifications and the regulation of DNA methylation.In this project, we develop DNA-based photoactivatable probes to capture, isolate and characterize the proteins associated with these epigenetic DNA modifications. First, we designed and evaluated the properties of different photoactivatable oligonucleotide probes. We then carried out a methodological study in order to characterize at the molecular level the obtained photoadducts by MALDI-TOF. Finally, we developed a pull-down method coupled to photolabelling and associated with proteomic analysis by mass spectrometry to identify proteins with specific affinity for these epigenetic changes
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Full textSari, Marie-Agnès. "Syntheses de porphyrines cationiques solubles dans l'eau et etude de leurs interactions avec l'adn de thymus de veau." Paris 6, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA066528.
Full textCaspar, Régis. "Etude des interactions de complexes de ruthénium optiquement purs avec l'ADN : reconnaissance chirale à l'échelle moléculaire et supramoléculaire." Paris 6, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA066038.
Full textSari, Marie-Agnès. "Synthèses de porphyrines cationiques solubles dans l'eau et étude de leurs interactions avec l'ADN de thymus de veau." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37618446x.
Full textCisse, Cheickna. "Etude structurale des aptamères peptidiques anti-Fur et de leur interaction avec leur cible." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00846781.
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