Academic literature on the topic 'INTER-CONNECTED POWER SYSTEM'

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Journal articles on the topic "INTER-CONNECTED POWER SYSTEM"


Inyanda, A. K., G. A. Bakare, and M. Kunduli. "Differential Evolution Based Optimal Tuning of Load Frequency Controller." Advanced Materials Research 62-64 (February 2009): 82–88.

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Load Frequency Controllers (LFC) are required to maintain constant power and frequency in inter-connected power generating systems. Differential Evolution (DE) based optimal tuning of load frequency controller of two area inter-connected power system is presented in this paper. The proposed method optimizes the parameter of Integral controller by selecting the optimal gain which drives the change in frequency in the two areas and change in tie-line power flow to zero within the shortest time span. Simulation results on two networks revealed that the proposed controller dampened the frequency oscillations and restores the system frequency and tie-line power to set value after a step load disturbance.
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Srinivas, R. S., and P. V. Ramana Rao. "Enhancement of Power System Transient Stability By Fractional Order Controlled STATCOM Tuned By PSO." International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, no. 4.24 (November 27, 2018): 163.

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This paper discusses the application of Fractional order PI controlled Static synchronous compensator for improvement rotor angle stability of inter connected power system. FACTS Controllers plays important role in enhancing the power system stability.Besides improving the stability margin of the power system it also aids the damping of inter area power oscillations. In the present work STATCOM is connected in multimachine power system .The dynamic response of the STATCOM is controlled by using fractional order controllers.The controller gains of the fractional controller are tuned by using PSO algorithm.It gives acceptable solutions to continuous non-linear systems with less computational effort. The performance of the proposed controller has been compared with integer order PI controllers at different locations of fault. In this paper a 3 machine 9 bus WSSC test power system is considered and simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK.
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S, Rout, and Panda K. "AGC Tuning of an Inter-Connected Power System after Deregulation Using PSO." IJIREEICE 3, no. 8 (August 15, 2015): 44–48.

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Tsebia, M., and H. Bentarzi. "Reduce Frequency Oscillation Using Energy Storage System and Phasor Measurement Units Technology." WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS 17 (July 18, 2022): 218–23.

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Inter-Area oscillations result from system events coupled with a poorly damped electric power system. The oscillations are observed in the large system with groups of generators, or generating plants connected by relatively weak tie lines. The frequency oscillation is the major problem for interconnected power systems; hence, the stability of these oscillations is an important condition. The inter-area oscillation, equipment such as Static Var Compensator and various Flexible AC Transmission System devices, are being increasingly used. Although Power System Stabilizers exist on many generators, there effect is only on the local area and do not effectively damp out inter-area oscillations. The injection of a stable electrical energy into disturbed power system decreases the oscillations; in our research we proposed the use of an electric energy storage system to reduce the frequency oscillations by using phasor measurement unit. This technique is applied in the Algerian interconnection power.
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Dash, Pabitra Mohan, Asini Baliarsingh, and Sangram Keshori Mohaptra. "Application hybrid GSAPSO Technique for AGC in Inter Connected Power System with Generation Rate Constant." WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS 20 (January 3, 2022): 271–88.

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An attempt has been taken in this work to effectively implement the combination of GSA and PSO (hGSA-PSO) technique towards AGC in two-area inter-connected power systems with generation rate constraint (GRC) is considered. For the design and analysis, a initial attempt has been taken to optimize parameters of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller in two area non-reheat thermal power system employing GSA and hGSA-PSO algorithm with ITAE objective function. A sensitivity studies carried out for the robustness of the system by changing the operating condition and variation of the parameter and generation rate constant (GRC= ±0.05 and ±0.025) is considered. The performances of the proposed controller has been evaluated with those of some previously published optimization techniques such as GA and BOFA based optimized controller parameters for the same power system. This study of the present work is extended to two area multi sources power system to test the robustness analysis of the system by comparing the hGSA-PSO optimized to PI controller with same structure of system by selecting with and without GRC for showing the dynamic performance analysis of the system in term of settling time and overshoot.
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K, Nagendra, Karthik J, Keerthi Rao, and Kumar Raja Pemmadi. "MODELING SIMULATION AND PERFORMANCE STUDY OF GRID-CONNECTED PHOTOVOLTAIC ENERGY SYSTEM." International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH 5, no. 4RACEEE (April 30, 2017): 36–41.

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This paper presents Modeling Simulation of grid connected Photovoltaic Energy System and performance study using MATLAB/Simulink. The Photovoltaic energy system is considered in three main parts PV Model, Power conditioning System and Grid interface. The Photovoltaic Model is inter-connected with grid through full scale power electronic devices. The simulation is conducted on the PV energy system at normal temperature and at constant load by using MATLAB.
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Kamel, Omar Makram, Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, and Ahmed A. Zaki Diab. "Damping Oscillation Techniques for Wind Farm DFIG Integrated into Inter-Connected Power System." Electric Power Components and Systems 48, no. 14-15 (September 13, 2020): 1551–70.

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Kuchibhatla, Samanthaka Mani, D. Padmavathi, and R. Srinivasa Rao. "Effect of Carrier Frequency in Grid Inter Connected Wind System With SSFC Controller." International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) 9, no. 3 (September 1, 2018): 1349.

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<p>In this paper a grid interconnected system with wind energy source linked with a FACTs based SSFC device ( Static switched filter compensator ) at load for enhancing power quality is considered .Analysis is done for the proposed system by varying Carrier frequency over a wide range and observed system performance at all 3 busses wise Grid bus, Generator Bus and Load Bus. Two regulators are used to organize the FACTS SSFC-device, these are based on a tri-loop dynamic error obsessed inter-coupled input to VSC controller. Investigation is made in MATLAB/SIMULINK Environment for the proposed system ,it is observed that system performance in terms of percentage Total harmonic Distortion is satisfactory along with the Enhanced Power Quality.</p>
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Kamis, Zalina, Mohd Ruddin Ab. Ghani, Muhammad Nizam Kamaruddin, and Hairol Nizam Mohd Shah. "Fuzzy controlled SVC for power system damping." Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 18, no. 3 (June 1, 2020): 1673.

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<p>This paper presents the ability of the fuzzy logic-based stabilizer used to generate the supplementary voltage control signal of the SVC to improve the damping of the inter-area mode oscillation in the power system. The base system is symmetrical, consisting of two identical areas connected by a relatively weak tie line. The SVC is chosen to be installed at the tie line midpoint. The active power of the local line will be used as an input signal for the stabilizer. The additional signal is calculated using fuzzy membership function to determine the quantity of reactive power supplied absorbed by SVC. The system oscillation is indicated by a 3-phase-to-ground short circuit occurring at 0.2s of the simulation and subsequently clearing after 100ms. Simulation with the sample power system shows that when subjected to a disturbance, fuzzy logic-based SVC stabilizer provides good damping in inter-area mode oscillation for the system. The effectiveness of the stabilizer applied with and without PSS will also be investigated.</p>
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Razzaq, Syed Abdul, and Vairavasamy Jayasankar. "Inter-connected AC/DC HMGS power management with 3-phase and 1-phase ILC." International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) 14, no. 1 (March 1, 2023): 311.

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In AC/DC hybrid micro grid system (HMGS) power converters are always tested for is performance in distribution, its ability to provide accurate power sharing, transient stability and load dynamics. The existing control methods either complex or limited to achieve optimal power flow. This paper proposes a modified decentralized droop control scheme for interlinking converter (ILC) connected to interconnected AC and DC grids. A three coordinated model is proposed where AC frequency, ILC power and DC voltage are corresponding axis. The power sharing through the ILC is dependent on the AC frequency droop and DC voltage droop which occurs due to overloading. The control scheme is designed for single and three phases ILC. The obtained results are compared with double loop control method which shows less frequency deviations, accurate power sharing. The ILC performs autonomously and transfer power bidirectional under islanded mode. The simulation is carried in MATLAB/Simulink.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "INTER-CONNECTED POWER SYSTEM"


Majumder, Rajat. "Design and laboratory implementation of robust FACTS controller for inter-connected power systems." Thesis, Imperial College London, 2005.

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The demand of the electrical energy is ever increasing and it is desired to use the existing transmission network to its thermal stability limits. The transmission capacity can be increased by the compensation at appropriate locations. The reactive power compensation plays an important role in the planning of power system. This ensures a satisfactory voltage profile and a reduction in power and energy losses within the system. Reactive power also maximizes the real power transmission capability of transmission lines, while minimizing the cost of compensation. In this thesis, the reactive compensation of power system is attempted using the STATCOM. The effect of these devices on power flows and bus voltage profile has been studied by placing at random location. STATCOM is used to compensate reactive power and thus to maintain voltage magnitude at 1 p.u. Reactive power compensation is an important issue in powers system. The purpose of reactive power compensation is mainly to improve the voltage profile in the system and to minimize the power loss. This thesis contains load flow in 5-bus, IEEE-14 bus and IEEE-30 bus test system with and without using the STATCOM. Load flow in all the three test systems is done using Newton -Raphson Method. Data for the load flow analysis of five bus system and STATCOM data have been taken from “FACTS Modelling and Simulation in Power Networks” by Enrique Acha. For Load Flow analysis of IEEE-14 bus system data have been taken from online resources of Washington University. For Load Flow analysis of IEEE-30 bus system data have been taken from “Power System Analysis” by Hadi Saadat. Software used: MATLAB 7.6.0
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Book chapters on the topic "INTER-CONNECTED POWER SYSTEM"


Gondesi, Dr Anand, and Dr Varaha Narasimha Raja Ch. "Fuzzy System Based Load Frequency Control of Hydro-Thermal -Thermal Interconnected Power System." In Holistic Research Perspectives Vol.5, 146–57. Centivens Institute of Innovative Research, 2020.

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Today, in power systems the Load Frequency Control (LFC) problem plays a vital role in an interconnected power system, wherein it maintains the system frequency and tie line flow at their scheduled values during normal period. It is due to frequency of power system, which changes over time with respect to continuous load variation. The present chapter proposes a new methodology to study the Load Frequency Control (LFC) problem of a three area inter-connected system using R Fuzzy system (FS) approach. Moreover, this technique is applied to control the systems which include three areas considering a non-linearity Generation Rate constraint (GRC) having two steam turbines and one hydro-turbine tied together. The main advantage of this controller is its high insensitivity to large load changes and plant parameter variations even in the presence of non-linearity. Furthermore, it is tested on a three-area power system to illustrate its robust performance. The results obtained by using Rule Based Fuzzy PID controller explicitly show that the performance of this proposed controller is superior to conventional controller in terms of several parameters like overshoot, settling time and robustness.
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Tae (Steve) Kim, Jung. "Analyses of Open Security Issues for Smart Home and Sensor Network Based on Internet of Things." In IoT Applications Computing. IntechOpen, 2022.

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A lot of communication are developed and advanced with different and heterogeneous communication techniques by integration of wireless and wire connection. Conventional technology is mainly focus on information technology based on computer techniques in the field of industry, manufacture and automation fields. It consists of individual skill and technique. As new technologies are developed and enhanced with conventional techniques, a lot of new application is emerged and merged with previous mechanism and skills. The representative application is internet of things services and applications. Internet of things is breakthrough technologies and one of the innovation industries which are called 4 generation industry revolution. Many different types of object and devices are embedded in sensor node. They are inter-connected with optimized open system interconnection protocol over internet, wireless and wire medium. Most of communication is fully inter-connected with conventional techniques at point to point and end to application in general. Most of information in internet of things is weak against attack. This may induce vulnerable features to unauthorized and outside attacker over internet protocol, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and so forth. As high and low efficient equipment are merged into heterogeneous infrastructure, IoT communication surroundings has become more complex, Due to limited resources in IoT such as small memory, low power and computing power, IoT devices are vulnerable and disclosed with security problems. In this chapter, we analyzed security challenges and threats based on smart home network under IoT service.
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Moutsopoulou, Christina Antonia, and Afroditi Mallouchou. "Mitigation of Juvenile Delinquency Risk Through a Person-Centered Approach." In Research Anthology on Interventions in Student Behavior and Misconduct, 583–95. IGI Global, 2022.

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This article contends that juvenile delinquency may be viewed from a developmental perspective and as such be connected to its penal treatment, of which the purpose is mainly educational. The emergence of antisocial and/or delinquent behavior of minors is characterized as a form of rebellion and resistance to power. The mitigation of juvenile delinquency risk can be achieved through a humanitarian approach. Minor offenders need to be approached in a special manner and treated in a way tailored to suit their needs according to age. The present article outlines the profile of the minor offender and his/her family background, as well as the institutional role of Juvenile Probation Officers as practitioners in the Greek penal system. Counseling of minors and parents and advocacy to minors are described as two distinct inter-related practices that help children reintegrate into society and achieve their social education.
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Maltsev, Alexander, Alexander Shikov, Andrey Pudeev, Seonwook Kim, and Suckchel Yang. "A Method for Power Amplifier Distortions Compensation at the RX Side for the 5G NR Communication Systems." In Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press, 2022.

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For the past years, the Internet of Things (IoT) supported by 5G technology, has been expanding rapidly across a wide range of services, enabling inter-object connectivity for the automotive industry, consumer electronics, transportation, logistics sectors, and manufacturing. With the increasing ubiquitous usage of various small-sized sensors, manufacturing cost of each element taken remains a critical aspect. Relatively low price of individual elements is the key for enabling tightly connected environment, but may severely affect RF chains quality as well as overall performance. With 5G expansion to the sub-THz bands, power amplifier nonlinearity may significantly limit system performance even in high- grade devices, due to power amplifier design limitations. Multiple studies were done to mitigate nonlinearity impact, both at the transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) sides. Many solutions propose for evaluation and further compensation of the PA nonlinearity effects, via decision-directed feedback, training or even statistical processing of the received signal. However, with knowledge of the PA nonlinearity function at the receiver side, the processing may be simplified by the application of the reverse function to the equivalent signal in the time domain. In this paper we propose a method for PA nonlinear distortion compensation at the RX side, which can be adjusted for several signal waveforms adopted in 5G NR (New Radio) standard, such as CP-OFDM, DFT-S-OFDM, and others. The simulation results presented demonstrate performance improvement both for the sub-THz PA models and models for the 30–70 GHz band.
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Tsakatika, Myrto. "Greece: From Coalitions as a ‘State of Exception’ to the New Normal?" In Coalition Governance in Western Europe, 284–323. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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Coalition government has been exceptional in Greece since the consolidation of democracy in 1974 but in the aftermath of the global financial crisis its occurrence has become more frequent. Most Greek government coalitions are surplus connected coalitions assembled to address an economic or national crisis and do not involve formal coalition agreements. Their formation takes place after a brief bargaining phase strictly circumscribed by precise constitutional rules under the aegis of the president of the republic. Greek coalitions are governed primarily by ad hoc fora of party leaders that make key decisions and resolve inter-coalitional conflict. The prime minister and key ministers dominate policy arguments, albeit taking into account the wishes of party leaders. The termination of coalitions is by and large due to party leaders’ strategic considerations, though the importance of policy disagreement among the partners is becoming a more significant consideration. While the post-crisis overhaul of the Greek party system has not greatly affected the main characteristics of the coalition life cycle, there is evidence that greater experience with coalition government may be leading to some tentative institutionalization of power-sharing practices and greater acceptance of such practices among political elites.
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Yiğit, Faruk. "ROKETSAN’s Technological Journey from Past to Present and its Place in Türkiye’s Future." In National Technology Initiative: Social Reflections and Türkiye's Future, 454–65. Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Yayınları, 2022.

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The trade wars and technological conflicts between countries that have emerged because of the globalization today play a key role in determining the balances in the world. In order to understand Roketsan’s place and its direct and indirect contributions, it is essential to know the history and development process of the company in the National Technology Initiative, which was initiated with the vision of ensuring the technological and economic independence of our country and becoming a global power. In the first years of the Turkish Republic, a technology and industry move were initiated in Türkiye, but it could not be sustained. In the following years, technological dependence on foreign countries increased and its negative effects were clearly seen in the problems experienced in Cyprus in the 1960s and 1970s. After the Cyprus Peace Operation, necessary decisions were taken to establish an independent and national defense industry. Founded in 1988 to meet the rocket and missile needs of our country, Roketsan is one of the important fruits of these decisions. The understanding of catching up with the competitors who had started the technology race long ago, the nationalization of rocket and missile technologies controlled by international restrictions, as well as the development of innovative technologies has been an important part of Roketsan’s corporate genes from the very beginning. In the light of the National Technology Initiative initiated for the technological and economic independence of our country at the beginning of the 2000s, Roketsan’s development journey has also accelerated, and innovative technologies and successful products have been introduced as a result of these investments in technological infrastructure, knowledge and qualified human resources. With the effect of globalization, countries’ becoming connected to each other in many dimensions has started a great change and transformation process in the world. However, the economic turmoil and inter-country trade wars triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic indicate that the world is entering a new era. Especially the bottlenecks in natural resources, the search for alternatives to hydrocarbon-based energy resources and the change in usage strategies, the risks of access to water and food resources, as well as the shrinkage or monopolization of critical raw material resources used in industries such as microelectronics industry, as global warming becomes more evident, causes tensions and conflicts in the global context, and can even lead to wars. In the future, in order to be ready for the effects that may arise in the event of the realization of these risks, and to manage the process effectively, Türkiye needs to create the necessary strategies and develop reflexes together with all its institutions. Roketsan, which is of critical importance for the security of our country’s future, continues its studies on the technologies and systems of the future, whilst developing flexible and adaptable corporate processes and systematic reflexes that will increase its resilience against unexpected crises and events. We believe that these strategies and activities put forward by Roketsan are of critical importance in our country’s technology move, both in military and civilian terms, will be of great benefit to many sectors, and beyond that, they will contribute to the social sense by increasing the self-confidence and technological awareness of our society.
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Conference papers on the topic "INTER-CONNECTED POWER SYSTEM"


Singh, Akhilesh, B. P. Joshi, and B. K. Singh. "Linear Quadratic Control Scheme for Isolatedand Inter-connected Power System." In 2023 3rd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE). IEEE, 2023.

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Pardeshi, Suraj D., M. Ramamoorty, and R. B. Kelkar. "Power measurement and measures to increase safety margin in an inter-connected power system." In Exposition. IEEE, 2008.

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Tang, Yufei, and Haibo He. "Inter-connected power system frequency stability with wind penetration by using Fuzzy-GrHDP." In 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). IEEE, 2017.

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Redoy, Mohammad Sulaiman, and Ruma. "Load Frequency Control of an Inter Connected Power System Using PSO Based PID Controller." In 2022 International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICAEEE). IEEE, 2022.

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Tian, Nianfeng, Qinglai Guo, Hongbin Sun, and Jianye Huang. "A Synchronous Iterative Method of Power Flow in Inter-Connected Power Grids Considering Privacy Preservation: A CPS Perspective." In 2020 IEEE 4th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2). IEEE, 2020.

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Rui, Zhi, Jie Dang, Ying Wang, Fan Shi, and Zheng Yan. "Supplementary Damping Control of PSS and HVDC-SDC for Low-Frequency Oscillation Suppression in AC/DC Inter-connected System." In 2022 Power System and Green Energy Conference (PSGEC). IEEE, 2022.

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Kushwaha, Varsha, Kamlesh Pandey, Sumeet Sehrawat, and Devashish Sharma. "Adaptive neuro-fuzzy based load frequency controller for three area inter-connected hydro-thermal power system." In 2016 Second International Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH). IEEE, 2016.

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Sharma, Devashish, Kamlesh Pandey, Varsha Kushwaha, and Sumeet Sehrawat. "Load frequency control of four-area hydro-thermal inter-connected power system through ANFIS based hybrid neuro-fuzzy approach." In 2016 Second International Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on Humanity (CIPECH). IEEE, 2016.

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Wang, Longfei, Wen Hua, Ying Yang, Bowen Wang, and Chuangxin Guo. "Multi-time Interval Optimization Scheduling Method for Inter-connected Power Systems Considering Operation Risk and Flexible Adjustment of HVDC Tie-lines." In 2022 IEEE/IAS Industrial and Commercial Power System Asia (I&CPS Asia). IEEE, 2022.

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Sun, Zongjian, Tomasz Jannson, Joe Ingold, and Joe Oleksa. "Inter-LAN WDM single-fiber bridge for multimedia communication." In OSA Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1991.

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We propose a novel inter-Lan communication architecture based on multi-mode fiber optics and wavelength division multiplexers (WDMs), in the form of an inter-Lan WDM single-fiber bridge for multi-media communication. The new passive fiber optic system consists of a pair of multi-mode WDMs connected through (1–10 km) multi-mode (62.5/125 µm) single fiber with multiwavelength (3–6) multi-longitudinal mode (MLM) and single-longitudinal mode (SLM) laser diodes (LDs), and avalanche photodiode (APD) receivers. It has been demonstrated that the speed of the MLM-LD 780 nm channel is limited only by the fiber’s multi-mode dispersion (~500 MHz • 1 km). Thus, it can be used for RGB-video transmission. For example, while the SLM-LD channels (750 nm, 810 nm, 840 nm) are used for voice, computer data, and sensor-reporting systems, respectively, because of the APD receivers, the power margin is extended by at least 10 dB. This provides a higher bandwidth and longer distance communication than currently available fiber optic multi-mode links. In this communication, we present experimental results demonstrating transmission capabilities of the WDM system. An inter-Lan medium distance (1–10 km) WDM (wavelength division multiplexing) multimode (62.5/125 µm) (RGB-video, voice, computer-data. sensor-data) single-fiber bridge multimedia communication system is presented.
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