Academic literature on the topic 'Intelligence artificielle – Mesures de sécurité'
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Journal articles on the topic "Intelligence artificielle – Mesures de sécurité"
Meiller, Yannick. "Intelligence artificielle, sécurité et sûreté." Sécurité et stratégie 28, no. 4 (2017): 75.
Full textFoucart, Jean-Michel, Augustin Chavanne, and Jérôme Bourriau. "Intelligence artificielle : le futur de l’Orthodontie ?" Revue d'Orthopédie Dento-Faciale 53, no. 3 (September 2019): 281–94.
Full textQuéméner, Myriam. "Entreprises et intelligence artificielle : quels apports, quels risques ?" Sécurité et stratégie 31, no. 3 (March 19, 2024): 54–58.
Full textMeiller, Yannick. "La sécurité de l’information devrait être plus présente dans les programmes des écoles de management." Sécurité et stratégie 32, no. 4 (March 19, 2024): 12–16.
Full textGrin, Latifa, Zouhir Tafar, and Ahmed Bousahmine. "Defense Economic Intelligence and its importance in the organization with reference to the Algerian Telecom Corporation." Finance and Business Economies Review 3, no. 3 (October 31, 2019): 692–712.
Full textZIDAOUI, I., C. JOANNIS, J. WERTEL, S. ISEL, C. WEMMERT, J. VAZQUEZ, and M. DUFRESNE. "Utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle pour la validation des mesures en continu de la pollution des eaux usées." Techniques Sciences Méthodes 11 (November 21, 2022): 39–51.
Full textLalaurette, François. "Brève histoire de la météorologie opérationnelle." La Météorologie, no. 126 (2024): 028.
Full textMarcoux, Audrey, Marie-Hélène Tessier, Frédéric Grondin, Laetitia Reduron, and Philip L. Jackson. "Perspectives fondamentale, clinique et sociétale de l’utilisation des personnages virtuels en santé mentale." Santé mentale au Québec 46, no. 1 (September 21, 2021): 35–70.
Full textVallée, Linda Nanan, and Jean-Brice Aka. "Intelligence artificielle et entrepreneuriat." Communication, technologies et développement 16 (2024).
Full textMcKelvey, Fenwick Robert, and Maggie Macdonald. "Artificial Intelligence Policy Innovations at the Canadian Federal Government." Canadian Journal of Communication 44, no. 2 (June 27, 2019).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Intelligence artificielle – Mesures de sécurité"
Hemmer, Adrien. "Méthodes de détection pour la sécurité des systèmes IoT hétérogènes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2023.
Full textThis thesis concerns new detection methods for the security of heterogenous IoT systems, and fits within the framework of the SecureIoT European project. We have first proposed a solution exploiting the process mining together with pre-treatment techniques, in order to build behavioral models, and identifying anomalies from heterogenous systems. We have then evaluated this solution from datasets coming from different application domains : connected cars, industry 4.0, and assistance robots.. This solution enables to build models that are more easily understandable. It provides better detection results than other common methods, but may generate a longer detection time. In order to reduce this time without degrading detection performances, we have then extended our method with an ensemble approach, which combines the results from several detection methods that are used simultaneously. In particular, we have compared different score aggregation strategies, as well as evaluated a feedback mechanism for dynamically adjusting the sensitivity of the detection. Finally, we have implemented the solution as a prototype, that has been integrated into a security platform developed in collaboration with other European industrial partners
Doniat, Christophe. "Contribution à l'élaboration d'une méthodologie d'analyse systématique des vols centrée facteur humain : le système S-ethos." Aix-Marseille 3, 1999.
Full textDuchene, Fabien. "Detection of web vulnerabilities via model inference assisted evolutionary fuzzing." Thesis, Grenoble, 2014.
Full textTesting is a viable approach for detecting implementation bugs which have a security impact, a.k.a. vulnerabilities. When the source code is not available, it is necessary to use black-box testing techniques. We address the problem of automatically detecting a certain class of vulnerabilities (Cross Site Scripting a.k.a. XSS) in web applications in a black-box test context. We propose an approach for inferring models of web applications and fuzzing from such models and an attack grammar. We infer control plus taint flow automata, from which we produce slices, which narrow the fuzzing search space. Genetic algorithms are then used to schedule the malicious inputs which are sent to the application. We incorporate a test verdict by performing a double taint inference on the browser parse tree and combining this with taint aware vulnerability patterns. Our implementations LigRE and KameleonFuzz outperform current open-source black-box scanners. We discovered 0-day XSS (i.e., previously unknown vulnerabilities) in web applications used by millions of users
Le, Coz Adrien. "Characterization of a Reliability Domain for Image Classifiers." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Full textDeep neural networks have revolutionized the field of computer vision. These models learn a prediction task from examples. Image classification involves identifying the main object present in the image. Despite the very good performance of neural networks on this task, they often fail unexpectedly. This limitation prevents them from being used in many applications. The goal of this thesis is to explore methods for defining a reliability domain that would clarify the conditions under which a model is trustworthy. Three aspects have been considered. The first is qualitative: generating synthetic extreme examples helps illustrate the limits of a classifier and better understand what causes it to fail. The second aspect is quantitative: selective classification allows the model to abstain in cases of high uncertainty, and calibration helps better quantify prediction uncertainty. Finally, the third aspect involves semantics: multimodal models that associate images and text are used to provide textual descriptions of images likely to lead to incorrect or, conversely, to correct predictions
Smache, Meriem. "La sécurité des réseaux déterministes de l’Internet des objets industriels (IIoT)." Thesis, Lyon, 2019.
Full textTime synchronization is a crucial requirement for the IEEE802.15.4e based Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). It is provided by the application of the Time-Slotted Channel-Hopping (TSCH) mode of the IEEE802.15.4e. TSCH synchronization allows reaching low-power and high-reliability wireless networking. However, TSCH synchronization resources are an evident target for cyber-attacks. They can be manipulated by attackers to paralyze the whole network communications. In this thesis, we aim to provide a vulnerability analysis of the TSCH asset synchronization. We propose novel detection metrics based on the internal process of the TSCH state machine of every node without requiring any additional communications or capture or analysis of the packet traces. Then, we design and implement novel self-detection and self-defence techniques embedded in every node to take into account the intelligence and learning ability of the attacker, the legitimate node and the real-time industrial network interactions. The experiment results show that the proposed mechanisms can protect against synchronization attacks
Chbib, Fadlallah. "Enhanced Cross Layer and Secure Architecture for Connected Vehicles." Thesis, Troyes, 2021.
Full textVehicular Ad hoc NETworks, known as VANETs, are deployed to minimize the risk of road accidents as well as to improve passengers comfort. This thesis deals with the problem of dropping and delaying packets in VANETs by reducing the time of exchanging data, improving the packet delivery ratio, as well as securing the vehicular architecture. First, we propose a novel method to avoid the congestion on the control channel in order to guarantee the real time transfer and the reliability of urgent safety messages. In addition, we extend the proposed method by using a neural network with various parameters such as priority of the message, sensitivity of road, type of vehicle and buffer state to reduce the time of exchanging safety data. Second, we propose two routing protocols based on signal to interference ratio (SIR). Our target in both is to maximize the overall SIR between source and destination with the aim to select the optimal path. In the first one, we evaluate the SIR level, while in the second, we use a Markov chain model to predict the SIR level. Finally, we protect these protocols from various attacks through three anti-attack algorithms. In the first algorithm, we create a key-value variable to detect the fabrication of the source address at the intermediate node. In the second one, we create a buffer and check it periodically in order to catch out the malicious node occurring at the destination field. In the last one, we discover the attack at the SIR level
Ben, Saad Sabra. "Security architectures for network slice management for 5G and beyond." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Full textNetwork slicing architecture, enabled by new technologies such as Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN), is one of the main pillars of Fifth-generation and Beyond (B5G). In B5G settings, the number of coexisting slices with varying degrees of complexity and very diverse lifespans, resource requirements, and performance targets is expected to explode. This creates significant challenges towards zero-touch slice management and orchestration, including security, fault management, and trust. In addition, network slicing opens the business market to new stakeholders, namely the vertical or tenant, the network slice provider, and the infrastructure provider. In this context, there is a need to ensure not only a secure interaction between these actors, but also that each actor delivers the expected service to meet the network slice requirements. Therefore, new trust architectures should be designed, which are able to identify/detect the new forms of slicing-related attacks in real-time, while securely and automatically managing Service Level Agreements (SLA) among the involved actors. In this thesis, we devise new security architectures tailored to network slicing ready networks (B5G), heavily relying on blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enable secure and trust network slicing management
Bertin, Bruno. "Système d'acquisition et de traitement des signaux pour la surveillance et le diagnostic de système complexe." Compiègne, 1986.
Full textPicot, Marine. "Protecting Deep Learning Systems Against Attack : Enhancing Adversarial Robustness and Detection." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2023.
Full textOver the last decade, Deep Learning has been the source of breakthroughs in many different fields, such as Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and Speech Recognition. However, Deep Learning-based models have now been recognized to be extremely sensitive to perturbations, especially when the perturbation is well-designed and generated by a malicious agent. This weakness of Deep Neural Networks tends to prevent their use in critical applications, where sensitive information is available, or when the system interacts directly with people's everyday life. In this thesis, we focus on protecting Deep Neural Networks against malicious agents in two main ways. The first method aims at protecting a model from attacks by increasing its robustness, i.e., the ability of the model to predict the right class even under threats. We observe that the output of a Deep Neural Network forms a statistical manifold and that the decision is taken on this manifold. We leverage this knowledge by using the Fisher-Rao measure, which computes the geodesic distance between two probability distributions on the statistical manifold to which they belong. We exploit the Fisher-Rao measure to regularize the training loss to increase the model robustness. We then adapt this method to another critical application: the Smart Grids, which, due to monitoring and various service needs, rely on cyber components, such as a state estimator, making them sensitive to attacks. We, therefore, build robust state estimators using Variational AutoEncoders and the extension of our proposed method to the regression case. The second method we focus on that intends to protect Deep-Learning-based models is the detection of adversarial samples. By augmenting the model with a detector, it is possible to increase the reliability of decisions made by Deep Neural Networks. Multiple detection methods are available nowadays but often rely on heavy training and ad-hoc heuristics. In our work, we make use of a simple statistical tool called the data-depth to build efficient supervised (i.e., attacks are provided during training) and unsupervised (i.e., training can only rely on clean samples) detection methods
Ajayi, Idowu Iseoluwa. "Enhanced Physical Layer Security through Frequency and Spatial Diversity." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Full textPhysical layer security (PLS) is an emerging paradigm that focuses on using the properties of wireless communication, such as noise, fading, dispersion, interference, diversity, etc., to provide security between legitimate users in the presence of an eavesdropper. Since PLS uses signal processing and coding techniques, it takes place at the physical layer and hence can guarantee secrecy irrespective of the computational power of the eavesdropper. This makes it an interesting approach to complement legacy cryptography whose security premise is based on the computational hardness of the encryption algorithm that cannot be easily broken by an eavesdropper. The advancements in quantum computing has however shown that attackers have access to super computers and relying on only encryption will not be enough. In addition, the recent rapid advancement in wireless communication technologies has seen the emergence and adoption of technologies such as Internet of Things, Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communication, massive Machine-Type Communication, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, etc. Most of these technologies are decentralized, limited in computational and power resources, and delay sensitive. This makes PLS a very interesting alternative to provide security in such technologies. To this end, in this thesis, we study the limitations to the practical implementation of PLS and propose solutions to address these challenges. First, we investigate the energy efficiency challenge of PLS by artificial noise (AN) injection in massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) context. The large precoding matrix in massive MIMO also contributes to a transmit signal with high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR). This motivated us to proposed a novel algorithm , referred to as PAPR-Aware-Secure-mMIMO. In this scheme, instantaneous Channel State Information (CSI) is used to design a PAPR-aware AN that simultaneously provides security while reducing the PAPR. This leads to energy efficient secure massive MIMO. The performance is measured in terms of secrecy capacity, Symbol Error Rate (SER), PAPR, and Secrecy Energy Efficiency (SEE). Next, we consider PLS by channel adaptation. These PLS schemes depend on the accuracy of the instantaneous CSI and are ineffective when the CSI is inaccurate. However, CSI could be inaccurate in practice due to such factors as noisy CSI feedback, outdated CSI, etc. To address this, we commence by proposing a PLS scheme that uses precoding and diversity to provide PLS. We then study the impact of imperfect CSI on the PLS performance and conclude with a proposal of a low-complexity autoencoder neural network to denoise the imperfect CSI and give optimal PLS performance. The proposed autoencoder models are referred to as DenoiseSecNet and HybDenoiseSecNet respectively. The performance is measured in terms of secrecy capacity and Bit Error Rate (BER). Finally, we study the performance of PLS under finite-alphabet signaling. Many works model performance assuming that the channel inputs are Gaussian distributed. However, Gaussian signals have high detection complexity because they take a continuum of values and have unbounded amplitudes. In practice, discrete channel inputs are used because they help to maintain moderate peak transmission power and receiver complexity. However, they introduce constraints that significantly affect PLS performance, hence, the related contribution in this thesis. We propose the use of dynamic keys to partition modulation spaces in such a way that it benefits a legitimate receiver and not the eavesdropper. This keys are based on the independent main channel and using them to partition leads to larger decision regions for the intended receiver but smaller ones for the Eavesdropper. The scheme is referred to as Index Partitioned Modulation (IPM). The performance is measured in terms of secrecy capacity, mutual information and BER
Books on the topic "Intelligence artificielle – Mesures de sécurité"
Eltaher, Hassan M. Aviation & maritime security intelligence. Ottawa: E&W Communications, 2012.
Find full textCanada. Dept. of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Defence : agreement between the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for the security of information (with annexes), Brussels, March 6, 1997, signed by Canada June 17, 1998, ratified by Canada July 17, 1998, in force August 16, 1998 =: Défense : accord sur la sécurité des informations entre les parties au Traité de l'Atlantique Nord (avec annexes), Bruxelles, le 6 mars 1997, signé par le Canada le 17 juin 1998, ratification du Canada le 17 juillet 1998, en vigueur le 16 août 1998. Ottawa, Ont: Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada = Ministre des travaux publics et services gouvernementaux Canada, 1998.
Find full textYampolskiy, Roman V. Artificial Superintelligence: A Futuristic Approach. Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.
Find full textYampolskiy, Roman V. Artificial Superintelligence: A Futuristic Approach. Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.
Find full textChristian, Brian. Alignment Problem: How Can Artificial Intelligence Learn Human Values? Atlantic Books, Limited, 2021.
Find full textChristian, Brian. The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values. W. W. Norton & Company, 2020.
Find full textChristian, Brian. Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values. Norton & Company, Incorporated, W. W., 2020.
Find full textChristian, Brian. The Alignment Problem: How Can Machines Learn Human Values? Atlantic Books, 2021.
Find full textChristian, Brian. Alignment Problem: How Can Machines Learn Human Values? Atlantic Books, Limited, 2021.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Intelligence artificielle – Mesures de sécurité"
AYMEN CHALOUF, Mohamed, Hana MEJRI, and Omessaad HAMDI. "Intelligence artificielle pour la sécurité en e-santé." In Gestion de la sécurité en e-santé, 213–35. ISTE Group, 2024.
Full textSalvi del Pero, Angelica, and Annelore Verhagen. "Assurer une intelligence artificielle digne de confiance en entreprise : les mesures mises en œuvre par les pays." In Perspectives de l’emploi de l’OCDE 2023. OECD, 2023.
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