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Journal articles on the topic "Intégration économique internationale – Études comparatives"
d’Adesky, Jacques. "Les études brésiliennes sur les relations raciales aux États‑Unis." Anthropologie et Sociétés 33, no. 2 (February 23, 2010): 223–35.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Intégration économique internationale – Études comparatives"
Sarr, Isabelle Thérèse. "L'intégration économique régionale dans l'Union européenne (UE) et la Communauté économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO) : les limites d'une analyse juridique comparée." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris Cité, 2022.
Full textThe comparative legal analysis of regional economic integration in the EU and in the ECOWAS, reveals epistemological convergences, because of the mimetism of the European model by its epigones, such as the former colonies of West Africa. As a result, the economic, methodological, and political foundations of regional integration are common to both regional blocks. The economic foundations draw from the neoclassical economic theory of the potential benefits of international exchange, while the methodological basis allow the identification of a decision-making and normative method that is at least supranational, in view of the effectiveness of the benefits of integration. Finally, the political foundations accompany the liberalization of trade of a policy of competitive regulation, promising both the effectiveness and potentially the efficiency of economic foundations of regional integration. The differences, or divergences between European and West African regional economic integration projects are therefore hardly at the basis of their theoretical and conceptual justifications. The difference between the ambition of economic integration in the EU and ECOWAS is not so much at the level of material rules, nor the institutional organization which frame and accompany the process of integration, and this whatever the level of integration considered. These preliminary considerations therefore justify, at first glance, an analysis of the epistemological convergences between the regional economic integration projects of the EU and ECOWAS. The differentiation that may unlight the limits of a comparative legal analysis between EU and ECOWAS lays in the legal practice of integration. These differences highlight a differentiated approach in the EU and ECOWAS of the link between the commercial liberalization and the competition policy. Moreover, since regional economic integration is likely to bring about a legal pluralism, to be defined as a polymorphic typology of pluralism, the divergences are only deeper. Anthropological, these divergences justify an analysis in terms of "system" or "non-systemic" economic integration in one and the other of the regional economic spaces considered within the framework of this thesis. This systemic analysis should allow an improvement for economic integration in the West African region, and that beyond the single consideration of the ECOWAS project
Goncalves, Wilfrid Eric. "La garantie personnelle d'emprunt des états au sein de la société économique internationale : exemples de quelques pays : France, Côte d'Ivoire, Bénin." Paris 1, 2000.
Full textMascolo, Gil Tenile. "La place des droits de l'Homme dans le Mercosur à la lumière de l'expérience européenne : les enjeux au regard du système interaméricain de protection des droits de l'Homme." Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2013.
Full textSalami, Adam Obatoki. "Intégration, information et communication de l'Union Africaine : une analyse comparative et critique avec l'Union Européenne." Paris 13, 2009.
Full textThe thesis explores the strategies of information and communication of the African Union (UA). The AU gave itself panafricanism, as its political line, to achieve the political and economic integration of African, to create United States of Africa. While studying these strategies, mainly on the basis of its strategic plan 2004-2007, and its global lived, research reveals that information and communication strategies and actions are not at the height of the ambitions that the institution set. The AU commission and African States don’t use an optimal manner all information tools existing. It also comes out again that the requirements that the integration requires, notably a good political communication and intercultural strategy and the emergence in the public sphere (i. E. To the sense of Habermas) of integration issue are not fulfilled. A comparative analysis on the basis of a theory approach developed by Gérard Bouchard in “Genèse des nations et cultures du nouveau monde” with the situation lived by the European Union, has been led in the thesis. This comparative approach allowed us to underline that the AU, who accomplished a lot of positive actions, should strengthen its communication and information policies, reinforce the role and contribution of the medias and the civil society for a collective appropriation of the integration project
Yamamoto, Yumiko. "L'aide internationale, au-delà des questions techniques : les politiques d’aide au développement, à destination de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, de trois pays asiatiques : Chine, Inde, Japon (1997-2010)." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2012.
Full textAt the crossroads of research on development conditions, development aid and comparative policies, this dissertation explores the comparative dimension of development aid policies towards West Africa taking the case of China, India and Japan between 1997 and 2010. Indeed, although these three countries belong to the same geographical zone, they are very different as regards to economic resources, political situation, national concerns and historical context. Based on the forty-eight reports of ministries and governmental agencies of China, India and Japan, almost eight hundred literatures, 73 interviews with researchers, experts in administrations and industries in five countries, the dissertation analyzes the observable differences in development aid policies carried out by these countries. The research seeks to understand whether each country’ specificities determine their development aid strategy. Beyond the technical issues (organisational system, delivery system, aid destination) specific to the three policies, the research compares motivations which encourage to offer development assistance to West Africa. The research marks the very first comparison of Asian aid policies
Jeanne, Aimée. "L'intégration négative des marchés aux Etats-Unis et dans l'Union Européenne." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013.
Full textThe establishment of an internal market results, in legal terms, from a dual mechanism: a mechanism of negative integration and a mechanism of positive integration. Negative integration refers to the prohibition addressed to the States and their local authorities, ta impede interstate movement of goods, persons, service and capital. The U.S. Constitution and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union contain provision allowing the integration of state markets. The Supreme Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union have played, in this context, a major role in specifying the meaning ta be given ta these provisions. They have in this regard, developed a similar framework to identify measures that are likely to restrict freedom of movement and ta examine whether such measures could be justified by a legitimate interest of the States. They way left to the States differs, however, substantially since the goals of negative integration are only partially identical. American case law is, indeed, essentially based on the anti-protectionist doctrine while F.U case law is based on a more dynamic principle of market liberalization. This difference is indicative of different approaches regarding the purposes of each Union and the roIe of the judge. The U .S. judge ensures, above all, that the division of competences, as provided by the Constitution, is enforced whereas the role of the ECJ is essentially to guarantee market integration
Vaneecloo, Clément. "Économie politique de la solidarité européenne : l'influence des facteurs politiques, institutionnels et organisationnels sur la politique de cohésion et son efficacité." Lille 1, 2005.
Full textLhéritier, Elise. "Les objectifs du droit de la faillite en droit comparé : France, Etats-Unis, Angleterre, Espagne." Thesis, Paris 2, 2014.
Full textThe objectives of bankruptcy law are varied and evolve over time and situation. Eradicating and punishing bad debtors and guaranteeing payment to creditors are traditional goals. Ensuring the survival of the company and preventing difficulties are modern goals. This diversity leads to a hierarchy of objectives. A comparative study contrasts pro-debtor and pro-creditor systems according to the priority of their identified objectives. It shows that the objective of legislations tends towards the salvaging of companies. Federal US law, founded on the principle of fresh start, inspires laws in Europe. Economic analysis of law reiterates the question of the objectives of bankruptcy law from the perspective of an efficient legal standard, explaining this tendency. The search for procedural and substantial efficiency guides the European Commission in the promotion of a single market. Therefore, consensus on the objective of salvaging the company makes harmonization of the substantive rules at the European level possible. The revision of Regulation (EC) N°1346/2000 on insolvency proceedings confirms the general acceptance of the idea of a second chance. The opposition between pro-debtor and pro-creditor systems diminishes, giving way to a mixed system. Each law attempts to move towards the reconciliation of conflicting interests, leading to the displacement of the value of respect for the word towards the concept, more difficult to define, but which founds binding obligation: trust
Beil, Lydia. "Personale Differenzierung im Kaufrecht : Rechtsvergleichende Studie unter Einbeziehung nationaler Regelungen (Deutschland, Frankreich) und internationaler Regelwerke (CISG, UNIDROIT PICC, CESL, CFR)." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2017.
Full textIn sales law, there are many provisions that have limited personal scope of application, for instance special rules for so-called B2C (Business-to-Consumer) or B2B (Business-to-Business) contracts. Those personal differentiations, that make the application for judges, contracting parties as well as legal practitioners very complicated, are often due to historical reasons (for example the transposition of European Directives in the field of consumer law), but not justified by substantial arguments like differences between those personal categories.The present comparative study aims at finding out where these differentiations are useful and justified by substantial reasons and at what point it is preferable to provide a uniform rule for all personal configurations. In order to answer this question, this work examines the German and French sales law as well as European and international regulations and principles of soft law (CISG, CESL, UNIDROIT Principles, CFR) and analysis the rules using, apart from legal argumentation, the functional method of comparative law as well as the law and economics approach
Insbesondere im Kaufrecht findet man immer wieder einzelne Vorschriften, Gesetzesabschnitte oder ganze Gesetzbücher mit eingeschränkten personalen Anwendungsbereichen (z.B. beschränkt auf Business to Consumer Verträge, B2C, oder auch auf B2B-Verträge. Jedoch scheint dieses komplizierte Netz aus personalen Differenzierungen keiner bestimmten Logik zu folgen und basiert häufig auf rein historischen Gründen (z.B. der Umsetzung von europäischen Verbraucherrichtlinien) oder auf beschränkter legislativer Kompetenz.Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht daher, an welcher Stelle derartige personal differenzierende Vorschriften tatsächlich durch materielle Gründe gerechtfertigt sind und wo es besser wäre, die Differenzierung zu beseitigen, um das Kaufrecht zu vereinfachen und für dessen Adressaten und Anwender zugänglicher zu machen. Somit richtet sich die Arbeit nicht nur an die Gesetzgeber, um die existierenden Regelungen zu vereinfachen, sondern auch an die Rechtsprechung und die Praxis. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen untersucht die Arbeit das deutsche und französische Kaufrecht sowie internationale und europäische Regelwerke (CISG, CESL, UNIDROIT-Principles, CFR). Dabei werden außer der juristischen Argumentation die funktionale Methode der Rechtsvergleichung und die Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts verwendet
Books on the topic "Intégration économique internationale – Études comparatives"
Sübidey, Togan, Hoekman Bernard M. 1959-, World Bank, and Centre for Economic Policy Research (Great Britain), eds. Turkey: Economic reform and accession to the European Union. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2005.
Find full textPatrick, Imbert, ed. L' interculturel et l'économie à l'oeuvre: Les marges de la mondialisation. Ottawa, Ont: Éditions David, 2004.
Find full textInstitution, Brookings, ed. Regionalism, multilateralism, and deeper integration. Washington, D.C: Brookings Institution, 1996.
Find full textHowells, Jeremy. The globalisation of production and technology. London: Belhaven Press, 1993.
Find full textBrennan, Louis, and Philomena Murray. Drivers of Integration and Regionalism in Europe and Asia: Comparative Perspectives. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
Find full textDrivers of Integration and Regionalism in Europe and Asia: Comparative Perspectives. Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.
Find full textMody, Ashoka. Foreign Direct Investment and the World Economy. Taylor & Francis Group, 2007.
Find full textMody, Ashoka. Foreign Direct Investment and the World Economy. Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.
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