Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Integrated healthcare systems'
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Cai, Yi. "INTEGRATED WEARABLE SENSING AND SMART COMPUTING FOR MOBILE PARKINSONIAN HEALTHCARE." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2021. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1617620318291192.
Full textMemon, Ally Raza. "Management in collaborative and integrated healthcare service systems : concept and practice." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/21998.
Full textCarney, Philip Sheridan. "Managed healthcare and integrated delivery systems: A model for getting ahead of the change curve." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2002. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/2103.
Full textCheng, Chih-Wen. "Development of integrated informatics analytics for improved evidence-based, personalized, and predictive health." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/54872.
Full textIngabire, Paula. "Convergence of eco-system technologies : potential for hybrid electronic health record (EHR) systems combining distributed ledgers and the Internet of Medical Things towards delivering value-based Healthcare." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/118548.
Full textCataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 64-66).
The Healthcare industry, just like any industry, is constantly racing to stay abreast with pace of technological innovations, especially at such a time where the industry is experiencing a strain on the global healthcare infrastructure. Specifically, the evolution of record management systems in the healthcare system has taken a slow and gradual transformation with each stage of transformation carrying over certain aspects and functions of previous stages. A survey of record management practices reveals that record management begun with paper-based records that have since partially been replaced with centralized Electronic Health Records (EHR). With the advent of Electronic Health Records enabled by distributed ledgers, we continue to see the inclusion of traditional paper-based functions beyond centralized EHR functions. Electronic data sharing in the healthcare ecosystem is constrained by interoperability challenges with different providers choosing to implement systems that respond to increasing their productivity. Prioritizing a patient-focused strategy during implementation of EHRs forces providers to implement systems that are more interoperable. A system engineering approach was adopted to guide the development and valuation of candidate architectures from Stakeholder analysis to concept generation and enumeration. Nine (9) key design decisions were selected with their combinations yielding 512 feasible hybrid architectures. In this paper, we proposed a hybrid EHR solution combining distributed ledger technologies and Internet of Medical Things, which contributes towards providing value-based healthcare. Leveraging properties of distributed ledgers and IoMT, the hybrid solution interconnects various data sources for health records to provide real-time record creation and monitoring whilst enabling data sharing and management in a secure manner.
by Paula Ingabire.
S.M. in Engineering and Management
Gautier, Sylvain. "La structuration territoriale des soins primaires à l'épreuve de l'épidémie de COVID-19 : quelle réponse de la médecine de ville aux situations sanitaires exceptionnelles ?" Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPASR031.
Full textThe territorial structuring of primary care can be defined as an evolving and strategic transformation process aimed at reorganising and strengthening the organisation of first-line healthcare services. This process involves moving from a traditional model of isolated practice to a more integrated and cooperative territorial organisation among professionals, leading the primary care sector to address territorial public health challenges. The management of exceptional health situations is one of these challenges. The main objective of this thesis is to study the relationship between the territorial structuring of primary care and the sector's capacity to respond to exceptional health situations, using the COVID-19 epidemic as an example.The first part of the thesis presents a mixed-methods study designed to better understand the concept of territorial structuring of primary care and to propose a typology for mainland France at the level of life-health territories. The qualitative component, conducted in seven territories, helped identify key factors of this structuring. Based on these factors, the quantitative component used a hierarchical clustering on principal components approach to define four types of life-health territories: territories that are poorly or not structured, territories with potential for structuring, territories in the process of structuring, and fully structured territories hosting a health territorial and professional community (HTPC).The second part of the thesis used this typology in a cross-sectional epidemiological study focused on changes in the activity of general practitioners during the first wave of COVID-19 in 2020. This study showed that well-structured territories allowed physicians to better adapt to the pandemic, notably through increased use of teleconsultation. The results highlighted a significant link between the level of territorial structuring of primary care and the adaptability of general practitioners.The third part focused on nursing homes and their adaptation to the crisis based on the territorial structuring of primary care. By evaluating several categories of nursing homes, the study demonstrated that those located in areas with well-structured primary care exhibited a better capacity to respond to the crisis, with fewer hospital admissions and lower mortality. This underscores the importance of cooperation between primary care and the medico-social sector to enhance territorial resilience.The territorial structuring of primary care appears to be an important lever for improving responses to health crises. This work has shown that territories with structured primary care organisations were better able to maintain continuity of care and collaborate with other health sectors. Future perspectives include strengthening this structuring, which serves as a catalyst for population-level responsibility among stakeholders, to better prepare the French healthcare system for future crises
Elahi, Behin. "Integrated Optimization Models and Strategies for Green Supply Chain Planning." University of Toledo / OhioLINK, 2016. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=toledo1467266039.
Full textGazana, Odwa. "The role of telehealth in enhancing access to healthcare services in an under-resourced setting: A case of Mantunzeleni in Eastern Cape Province." Thesis, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11838/2399.
Full textThe delivery of healthcare services should be of a high standard for everyone. For people in the location of Mantunzeleni this is not the case as there are still challenges that they go through in order to gain access to sufficient healthcare services. The location consists of four villages and the other nine which surround the four, in total this makes thirteen villages that are served by one clinic. These villages are divided by forest, rivers and mountains, people have to cross these and walk long distances to get to the clinic. Gaining access to basic healthcare services in rural areas has never been easy, hence this study seeks to understand the role telehealth could play to help improve the situation. It has been reported in the literature that telehealth has potential to address some of the problems experienced by healthcare service providers located in the rural areas. Research questions were posed to address the problem of limited access to healthcare services of under-served communities in rural areas. The study adopted an interpretive approach to understand how the people using healthcare services in the setting attach meaning to their experiences of the healthcare service. The study therefore seeks to understand how telehealth could improve healthcare service delivery through the participants’ views, perceptions and experiences. The research strategy for this study is a single case study without attempting to generalise the findings. Qualitative data was gathered using unstructured interviews, observations and co-design methods. The current state of telehealth and challenges of healthcare services in rural under-served communities was established through a review of relevant literature. It was important to actively involve the respondents in the research process for them to feel a sense of ownership. Data was analysed using a thematic analysis. The findings revealed the challenges currently hampering the delivery of healthcare in the research setting include poor infrastructure, high cost, the shortage of medical professionals, travelling distance, time management and lack of communication about the services. It was also revealed the role telehealth could play a role to improve access to healthcare and the findings indicate that the nurses feel that extending the healthcare service to include alternative access methods to health information, education and expertise could lead to a sense of appreciation, knowledge gain, dealing with distance problems and improved referrals, cost saving to improve healthcare service delivery.
Tyali, Sinovuyo. "An integrated management system for quality and information security in healthcare." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1006670.
Full textBacke, Anton. "Users’ intention to systematically integrate healthcare information technology in a mandated context : A continuance perspective." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för informatik och media, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-324945.
Full textCunha, Marília Claudino Moreira. "Implementation model of an integrated blockchain and IOT system to healthcare ecosystem." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/21926.
Full textNo cenário de transformação digital em que estão inseridos todos os setores de atividade, para melhorar a eficiência, a produtividade e reduzir o tempo e os custos, é necessário investir em novas tecnologias. Novas tecnologias como Internet of Things (IoT) e Blockchain são desenvolvidas para melhorar a eficiência de processamento, a criação de oportunidades de negócios, a regulamentação de requisitos, a segurança e transparência e descentralização de informações, e provavelmente serão as próximas tecnologias disruptivas que transformaram os diversos setores de atividade. Por sua vez, o setor saúde tem enfrentado dificuldades com o surgimento de novas doenças e precisa se transformar e se reinventar para manter sua legitimidade e continuar cumprindo suas obrigações para com os cidadãos. A implementação de novas tecnologias acaba sendo uma das abordagens mais eficazes para aumentar a eficiência, segurança, gerenciamento, análise de big data e performance dos dados. Devido a isso, este projeto propõe um modelo de framework Blockchain e IOT aplicada a saúde. A implementação engloba a criação de um aplicativo (i.e., pacientes) e um site (i.e., médicos, hospitais, farmácias, saúde publica), os dados partilhados pelos usuários são armazenados no blockchain conectado ao aplicativo e o acesso ao Blockchain é liberado por smartcontracts. O objetivo do modelo proposto é que os dados sejam descentralizados e possibilita o acesso a todos os conectados ao blockchain. E para não infringir a proteção dos dados pessoais dos pacientes, foi tomado o cuidado de que o usuário paciente seja o “proprietário” de todos os seus dados e compartilhe-os com qualquer entidade de saúde que deseja. Para atingir os objetivos mencionados, foi definida uma metodologia de validação por conceito do modelo proposto. A validação do conceito do modelo foi dividida em cinco etapas, seguida da análise qualitativa das entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com pacientes, médicos e gestores de saúde. Como resultado da validação por conceito foi observado que a opinião de todos os entrevistados é que a implementação do modelo proposto é vantajosa e poderá contribuir com avanços no setor saúde. Portanto, uma vez que médicos e hospitais tenham acesso a mais dados de saúde dos pacientes, esses dados podem colaborar para um diagnóstico mais preciso e o ecossistema da saúde obtém avanços tecnológicos que contribuem para uma melhor gestão dos dados e combate as novas doenças.
In the digital transformation scenario in which all sectors of activity are inserted, to improve efficiency, productivity and reduce time and costs, it is necessary to invest in new technologies. New technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain are being developed to improve processing efficiency, the creation of business opportunities, requirements regulation, security and transparency and information decentralization, and are likely to be the next disruptive technologies that have transformed the various sectors of activity. In turn, the health sector has confronted difficulties with the emergence of new diseases and needs to transform and reinvent itself in order to maintain its legitimacy and continue to fulfill its obligations to citizens. The implementation of new technologies is one of the most effective approaches to increase efficiency, security, management, big data analysis and data performance. Because of this, this project proposes a Blockchain and IOT framework model applied to health. The implementation includes the creation of an application (ie, patients) and a website (ie, doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, public health), the data shared by users is stored on the blockchain connected to the application and access to the Blockchain is released by smart contracts. The aim of the suggested model is that the data is decentralized and allows access to all those connected to the blockchain. And in order not to infringe on the protection of patients' personal data, care has been taken that the patient user is the “owner” of all his data and shares it with any health entity he wishes. To achieve the objectives was applied a validation methodology by concept of the proposed model. The validation of the model concept was divided into five stages, followed by a qualitative analysis of the semi-structured interviews conducted with patients, doctors and health managers. As a result of the concept validation, it was observed that the opinion of all interviewees is that the implementation of the proposed model is advantageous and may contribute to advances in the health ecosystem. Therefore, once doctors and hospitals have access to more patients health data, these data can collaborate for a more accurate diagnosis and the health ecosystem obtains technological advances that contribute to better data management and to fight new diseases.
Abd, Ghani M. K. "An integrated and distributed framework for a Malaysian telemedicine system (MYtel)." Thesis, Coventry University, 2010. http://curve.coventry.ac.uk/open/items/8e8803f4-d520-a0d2-ef84-3ab94f82fdc4/1.
Full textNohria, Kanishka. "Transformation of the US healthcare system with the advent of wireless sensing technologies." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/118533.
Full textCataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 45-47).
The US healthcare system is looked at from the point of view of various stakeholders and how its current structure has emerged over the years. With the shifting demographics, change in disease mix, ICT revolution and other factors at play, the system is in a state of flux. Sensor technology on the other hand has also progressed over the years to reach a point where low-cost mass-produced smart sensors are becoming omnipresent. A variety of such sensors are now available, and new ones are being developed for specific needs, like for continuous health monitoring systems. New wireless sensing technologies are redefining the care services, processes and customer expectations. This is especially true for chronic disease management and eldercare. We develop a view point to understand at a broad level how the US healthcare system is currently evolving and what role could new technologies, like wireless sensing, play in shaping its near future. These new technologies are slowly gaining foothold in the market and could possibly reach a point of inflection soon where the population starts to adopt them in masses. By creating a new mental model of how various parts in the system interact with each other, we try and develop an understanding of which factors might affect the speed of adoption of these new technologies into the system.
by Kanishka Nohria.
S.M. in Engineering and Management
Chahal, Kirandeep. "A generic framework for hybrid simulation in healthcare." Thesis, Brunel University, 2010. http://bura.brunel.ac.uk/handle/2438/4711.
Full textJonsson, Hanna, and Luyolo Mazomba. "Revenue Generation in Data-driven Healthcare : An exploratory study of how big data solutions can be integrated into the Swedish healthcare system." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Företagsekonomi, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-161384.
Full textAlharbi, Mohammed Senitan. "The referral system for non-communicable diseases in Saudi Arabia: Identifying strategies for better healthcare coordination." Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2020. https://hdl.handle.net/2123/21931.
Full textNumerous Research paper suggests that being physically active promotes a positive impact of on health and wellbeing in older age. Plentiful of authors agree that systematic physical exercises are capable of positively impact healthy ageing, attenuating declines in health, exerting positive cognitive and psychological effects, on the top of physical ones.The transition from hospital to home-care is known to be a time of high discontinuity in assistance due to poor adherence and patient motivation, poor understanding of benefits of rehabilitation care, poor predisposition to change in lifestyle.Effective Rehabilitation interventions deployed in a home-based scenario could provide effective therapy for elderly population, consequently leading to system improvements including decreased costs, more appropriate resource use, and avoidance of institutional placements.Although promising, the management of chronicity with innovative information and communication technologies (ICT) has not yet reached a sufficient level of specialization, quality, and robustness. Furthermore, ICT solutions are often seen as "isolated elements" in patient management rather than being primarily supportive interventions change, in the organization and in the paradigms of care.The regional project in which the PhD is inserted, has the aim to connect the bridge of ICT and home rehabilitation.The project intends to respond to this need by creating an integrated platform involving patients, healthcare professionals, caregivers, and ICT technologies, to plan and carry out individualized and remotely controlled home treatments. The goal of the work presented in this dissertation is to design and implement an interoperable, Decision Support System (DSS) that can support the physician in the process of prescribing an elder patient a home-care rehabilitation treatment.The desired outcome requires the system to present personalized recommendations based on patients’ data to make a tailored prescription on patient current condition and desired outcomes.The recommendation delivered by the DSS must be coming from the most recent Evidence Based Medicine and needs to be fully machine-interpretable in order to support automatic analysis of patient data, thus eliminating any repetitive manual data entry to the DSS by the physician. The goal has been achieved by different propaedeutic phases. A thorough literature analysis, to identify the state of the art.In addition, the laws and regulations that need to be followed to treat a patient with ICT solutions are briefly analyzed. The research activity progress by identifying functional requirements. Special attention is paid to the choice of adhering to the most recent but stable healthcare standards at different levels: data modeling level: HL7 FHIR R4; communication paradigm: CDS Hooks Version 1.0.0;knowledge base formalization: HL7 CQL Version 1.3, FHIR clinical guidelines. The dissertation presents thorough detailing of the technical design that guided the development of the DSS, stressing importance of adhering to international standard drives the discussion, with a specific focus on how to build an interoperable system that can be easily integrated in a real setting.Key points of the implementation of the DSS that represent the original contribution of this work are provided and, when possible, a reference to an open source repository code or a code snippet is supplied. In addition, a plugin is outlined, which enhances navigation of the free text of a guideline using knowledge graphs. Finally, the discussion presents the validation methodology that will be applied in the experimental phase. The validation is presented from different points of view: technical, functional and usability. Future developments of this work include a service to automatic solicit the revision of a home-care treatment by analyzing the data coming from remote monitoring sensors.
Ibrahim, Abdul Razak. "An integrated performance measurement system of healthcare services : an empirical study of public and private hospitals in Malaysia." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 2002. http://oleg.lib.strath.ac.uk:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=23752.
Full textSasane, Rahul Madhukar. "Assessment of the effectiveness of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) algorithm in an integrated healthcare system /." Digital version accessible at:, 1998. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/utexas/main.
Full textSami, Mohammed Abdul Sami. "Amalgamation-Segregation Analysis of Complex Integrated Multi facility Perioperative System through Discrete event simulation using Opt quest & KN method." University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2018. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=akron1509846748595876.
Full textJohnson, Sarah Elizabeth. "Pragmatic Implementation Trials: Understanding the Integrated Research-Practice Partnership Approach to Lifestyle Obesity Management Across a Transforming Health System." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/74239.
Full textPh. D.
Mitchell, Therese. "The sustainability of donor funded projects in the health sector / T. Mitchell." Thesis, North-West University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/10173.
Full textMCom (Management Accountancy), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013
Andersson, Catarina, and Camilla Lindström. "Åtgärder som kan förbättra röntgensjuksköterskans följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner med fokus på handhygien : En integrativ litteraturöversikt." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Medicinsk vetenskap, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-77225.
Full textThe radiology department has a mixed flow of patients which means that it has the potential to become a site for infection transmission. In order to reduce the risk of infection spreading it is important that the basic hand hygiene routines are followed. However, studies show that the compliance with the basic hand hygiene routines is low. Aim: The aim was to examine how the radiographer's adherence to hand hygiene practices can be improved. Method: An integrative literature review where scientific articles were searched in the PubMed and CINAHL databases. 15 articles have been quality reviewed, categorized, analyzed and finally the result has been compiled and a synthesis written. Result: Different types of interventions, such as education, information, automated observation systems and multimodal interventions, can be helpful in improving compliance with hand hygiene routines. Conclusion: Practical and theoretical education, dedicated management and a responsible climate combined with good access to hand hygiene products and reminders to perform hand hygiene are important parts of the work to improve compliance with hand hygiene routines.
Dei, Svaldi Jacqueline Sallete. "Rede ecossistêmica de pesquisa em enfermagem/saúde no SUS: possibilidades de delineamento nos hospitais universitários federais." reponame:Repositório Institucional da FURG, 2011. http://repositorio.furg.br/handle/1/2941.
Full textSubmitted by eloisa silva (eloisa1_silva@yahoo.com.br) on 2012-12-03T16:12:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 jacqueline.pdf: 1036624 bytes, checksum: a7d2e7237f00e5039bd15d8e62718327 (MD5)
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A presente pesquisa teve por objetivos: compreender, quanto à fundamentação teóricofilosófica e organizativa, como os Documentos do MS tratam a pesquisa em saúde no Brasil; delinear, a partir da fundamentação teórico-filosófica e organizativa, presente no conjunto de documentos oficiais do MS que trata da pesquisa para a saúde no Brasil, uma Rede Ecossistêmica de Pesquisa em Enfermagem/Saúde nos HUs Federais, para auxiliar na consolidação do SUS. Traçou-se a seguinte TESE: É possível delinear, a partir da fundamentação teórico-filosófica e organizativa, presente no conjunto de documentos oficiais do MS que trata da pesquisa para a saúde no Brasil, uma Rede Ecossistêmica de Pesquisa em Enfermagem/Saúde nos HUs Federais, para auxiliar na consolidação do SUS. Para sustentar a referida tese, procurou-se, no referencial contextual e teórico, os temas: Sistema Único de Saúde – SUS; Hospitais Universitários Federais na perspectiva ecossistêmica; Pensamento Sistêmico, numa Abordagem Ecossistêmica; Interfaces da Pesquisa Ecossistêmica nos HUs Federais e a Pesquisa Ecossistêmica em rede na enfermagem/saúde. Ele mostrou-se coerente, consistente e ancorador em relação à análise e à interpretação dos dados e permitiu aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a temática. O caminho metodológico caracterizou-se como exploratório, descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa. Para capturar os dados, utilizou-se um instrumento de pesquisa documental, estruturado em três pilares básicos, que contemplaram os aspectos capazes de abranger o escopo da proposta. Contemplando objetivo, questão de pesquisa e tese foram desenvolvidos, com base nos dados capturados, três artigos: SUS e a Pesquisa Ecossistêmica em Enfermagem/Saúde: estratégia de inovação na produção de ciência, tecnologia e assistência em saúde; Rede Ecossistêmica de Pesquisa em Enfermagem/Saúde nos HUs Federais e Rede Ecossistêmica de Pesquisa em Enfermagem/Saúde nos Hospitais Universitários Federais: uma possibilidade para a Pesquisa em Enfermagem/Saúde. Os resultados do primeiro artigo mostraram que, ao promover a Pesquisa Ecossistêmica em Enfermagem/Saúde nos HUs Federais, existem possibilidades de produzir inovação no pensar e fazer e, assim, alcançar resultados mais positivos na assistência, induzindo à sustentabilidade ao Sistema. O segundo enfatiza que as ações de pensar e fazer, balizadas pelo princípio sistêmico integrador, expresso em rede, podem aumentar as interfaces entre pesquisadores de diversas áreas investigativas e suas concepções metodológicas e, assim, alavancar ciência e tecnologia e capacitação científica ao trabalhador de enfermagem/saúde e inserir ganho na prestação da assistência/saúde. O terceiro demonstra que, por meio de um modelo mental ancorado em referencial ecossistêmico, é possível delinear uma Rede Ecossistêmica de Pesquisa em Enfermagem/Saúde em HUs Federais. Considera-se que o SUS necessita ser constantemente repensado, a fim de buscar e obter soluções pertinentes; precisa inovar, evoluir, especialmente na pesquisa, e promover qualidade no ensino, na assistência à saúde e no ambiente, até mesmo, para a sua própria manutenção como sistema de saúde.
The objective of this research was to outline an Ecosystemic Net of Research in Nursing/Health in Federal University Hospitals in order to help consolidate the Integrated Healthcare System, based on the theoretical-philosophical and organizational basis which is found in official documents issued by the Ministry of Health about research in health in Brazil. The following THESIS was analyzed: In order to help the consolidation of the Integrated Healthcare System, it is possible to outline an Ecosystemic Net of Research in Nursing/Health in Federal University Hospitals, based on the theoretical-philosophical and organizational basis which is found in official documents issued by the Ministry of Health about research in health in Brazil. In order to support this thesis, the theoretical section of this study involved these themes: the Integrated Healthcare System, Ecosystemic Research in the Integrated Healthcare System and Federal University Hospitals from the perspective of Ecosystemic Research. It was coherent, consistent and primordial regarding the analysis and the interpretation of data and enabled to deepen knowledge of the theme. The methodology was characterized as exploratory and descriptive in a qualitative approach. In order to collect data, a specially designed documentary research tool was used; its structure has three basic pillars which comprised the fundamental aspects and some secondary ones that were able to embrace the whole scope of the proposal. Regarding the objective, the question and the thesis, three papers, based on the data collected in the official documents issued by the Ministry of Health, were written: “The Integrated Healthcare System and Ecosystemic Research in Nursing/Health: an innovation strategy in the production of science, technology and healthcare”; “An Ecosystemic Net of Research in Nursing/Health in Federal University Hospitals”; and “ An Ecosystemic Net of Research in Nursing/Health in Federal University Hospitals: a possibility of research in Nursing/Health”. The results of the first paper showed that, when Ecosystemic Research in Nursing/Health is promoted in Federal University Hospitals, it is possible to bring innovation to thoughts and actions which aim at getting more positive results in healthcare and to make the Integrated Healthcare System more sustainable. The second paper highlights that actions and thoughts that are mediated by an integrative systemic principle, expressed in a net, may strengthen the interfaces among researchers from different areas and their methodological conceptions. Consequently, science and technology will be enhanced, workers in Nursing/health will get more scientific knowledge and healthcare will be considerably enriched. The third one shows that, based on a mental model attached to ecosystemic references, an Ecosystemic Net of Research in Nursing/Health may be outlined in Federal University Hospitals. The Integrated Healthcare System needs to be constantly reviewed so that it may look for and find adequate solutions, innovate, evolve - mainly in research - and improve the quality of teaching, of healthcare and of the environment in order to be maintained as an integrated healthcare system.
La presente investigación tuvo los seguientes objetivos: comprehender, cuanto la fundamentación teórica-filosófica y organizativa, como los documentos del MS tratan la investigación en salud en Brasil; delinear, partiendo de la fundamentación teórico-filosóficas y organizativa, presente en el conjunto de documentos oficiales del MS que trata de la investigación para la salud en Brasil, una Red Ecosistémica de Investigación en Enfermería/Salud en los HUs federales para la consolidación del SUS. Fue elaborada la siguiente TESIS: Es posible delinear, partiendo de la fundamentación teórico-filosófica y organizativa, presente en el actual conjunto de los documentos oficiales del MS que proviene de la Investigación de la Salud en el Brasil, una Red Ecosistémica de Investigación de Enfermería / Salud en los HUs Federal, para ayudar a la consolidación del SUS. Para sostener la referida tesis, fue buscado en el referencial contextual y teórico, los temas: Sistema Unificado de Salud – SUS; Hospitales Universitarios Federales en el enfoque ecosistémico; Pensamiento sistémico, un enfoque ecosistémico; Interfaces de Investigación de Ecosistémica en los HUs Federales y la Investigación Ecosistémica en red en la enfermería/salud. Él resultó ser coherente, consistente y anclado en relación al análisis y la interpretación de datos y permitió profundizar conocimientos sobre el tema. El enfoque metodológico es caracterizado como exploratorio, descriptivo, con enfoque cualitativo. Para capturar los datos, se utilizó la herramienta de investigación documental, estructurado en tres pilares básicos, que contemplan aspectos capaces de cubrir el alcance de la propuesta. Contemplando objetivo, la cuestión de investigación y tesis han desarrollado, sobre la base de los datos capturados, tres artículos: SUS y la Investigación Ecosistémica en Enfermería/Salud: Estrategia la innovación en la producción de ciencia, tecnología y cuidados de salud; Red Ecosistémica de Investigación en Enfermería /Salud en los Hospitales Federales y Red Ecosistémica de Investigación en Enfermería/Salud en los Hospitales Universitarios Federales: una oportunidad para la Investigación Enfermería/Salud. Los resultados del primer artículo mostraron que, mediante la promoción de la investigación ecosistémica de Enfermería / Salud en los HUs Federales, existe la posibilidad para producir la innovación en el pensamiento y la acción y así lograr resultados más positivos en la asistencia, induciendo la sostenibilidad del Sistema. El segundo enfatiza las acciones de pensar y hacer, impulsado por el principio sistémico integrador, expresado en red, pueden aumentar las interfaces entre los investigadores de diferentes áreas de investigación y sus puntos de vista metodológico y por lo tanto, dar importancia a la ciencia, la tecnología y la formación científica del trabajador de la Enfermería/Salud y inserir puntos positivos a la prestación de atención/salud. El tercero muestra que a través de un modelo mental anclado en un referencial ecosistémico, es posible delinear una Red Ecosistémica de Investigación en Enfermería/Salud en HUs Federales. Se considera que el SUS tiene que ser constantemente repensado a fin de solicitar y obtener las soluciones adecuadas; para innovar, desarrollar, especialmente en la investigación y promover la calidad en la enseñanza, en la asistencia a la salud y el ambiente, incluso para su propio mantenimiento como sistema de salud.
Lucas, D. Pulane. "Disruptive Transformations in Health Care: Technological Innovation and the Acute Care General Hospital." VCU Scholars Compass, 2013. http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/2996.
Full textCampean, I. Felician, Daniel Neagu, Aleksandr Doikin, Morteza Soleimani, Thomas J. Byrne, and A. Sherratt. "Automotive IVHM: Towards Intelligent Personalised Systems Healthcare." 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10454/17013.
Full textUnderpinned by a contemporary view of automotive systems as cyber-physical systems, characterised by progressively open architectures increasingly defined by their interaction with the users and the smart environment, this paper provides a critical and up-to-date review of automotive Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) systems. The paper discusses the challenges with prognostics and intelligent health management of automotive systems, and proposes a high-level framework, referred to as the Automotive Healthcare Analytic Factory, to systematically collect and process heterogeneous data from across the product lifecycle, towards actionable insight for personalised healthcare of systems.
Jaguar Land Rover funded research “Intelligent Personalised Powertrain Healthcare” 2016-2019
Ho, Chia Lung, and 何佳隆. "The Study of the Construction of Ubiquitous Healthcare Management Information System by Using the Integrated Technologies of Advanced Wireless Communication and Intelligence Systems." Thesis, 2009. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/47386699663820913893.
Full text輔仁大學
As the population structure gradually reaches to aging society as well as the economical structure, lifestyle, and the levels of medical technology are developing with the aging population structure, longevity making the incidence of chronic diseases increased. One of these issues of chronic diseases can’t be ignored in an aging society. Two critical problems are derived from chronic diseases, one of problems for patients who have heavy pressures on physiology and psychology because of suffering from chronic diseases. Another problem is the long-term care becoming a heavy burden to patients and their families. The medical services are not enough at-home or outdoor activities. In view of this, we hope to develop a healthcare system to help caregivers to provide the care to the cared people who are in the community and outdoors by taking the advantage of the healthcare system integrates wireless communication technology, wireless sensor technology, and radio frequency identification technology. It combines with a series of vital sign sensors, RFID tag, and various handheld devices. these technologies are used to constantly monitor, in the meanwhile to transport patients’ vital sign such as blood sugar, blood pressure, and body temperature to the healthcare management system of the healthcare institution so that the cared people can obtain the most real-time and proper care from caregivers. We use fuzzy expert system to analyze data collected and orientate the location of care-receivers through GPS positioning in emergency time. This study hopes to help doctors to quickly obtain the status of all care-receivers.
Kiess, Christopher. "Errors and adverse consequences as a result of information technology use in healthcare : an integrated review of the literature." Thesis, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/1805/3750.
Full textHealth Information Technology (HIT) has become an integral component of healthcare today. The HITECH Act (2009) and Meaningful Use objectives stand to bring wide-sweeping adoption and implementations of HIT in small, medium and large sized healthcare organizations across the country. Though recent literature has provided evidence for the benefits of HIT in the profession, there have also been a growing number of reports exploring the adverse effects of HIT. There has not, however, yet been a systematic account of the adverse effects of HIT in the healthcare system. The current push for HIT coupled with a lack of critical appraisal of the potential risks of implementation and deployment within the medical literature has led to a general unquestioning and unregulated acceptance of the implementation of technology in medicine and healthcare as a positive addition with little or no risk. While the benefits of HIT are clear, a review of the existing studies in the literature would provide a holistic vision of the adverse effects of HIT as well as the types and impact within the nation’s health care system to inform future HIT development and implementation. The development of a general understanding of these adverse effects can serve as a review and summary for the use of informatics professionals and clinicians implementing HIT as well as providing future direction for the industry in HIT implementations. Additionally, this study has value for moving forward in informatics to develop frameworks for implementation and guidelines and standards for development and regulation of HIT at a federal level. This study involves the use of an integrative literature review to identify and classify the adverse effects of HIT as reported in the literature. The purpose of this study is to perform an integrative review of the literature to 1) identify and classify the adverse effects of HIT; 2) determine the impact and prevalence of these effects; 3) identify the recommended actions and best practices to address the negative effects of HIT. This study analyzed 18 articles for HIT-induced error and adverse consequences. In the process, 228 errors and/or adverse consequences were identified, classified and represented in an operational taxonomic schema. The taxonomic representation consisted of 8 master categories and 30 subcategories. Additionally, the prevalence and impact of these errors were evaluated as well as recommendations and best practices in future systems design. This study builds on previous work in the medical literature pertaining to HIT-induced errors and adverse consequences and offers a unique perspective in analyzing existing studies in the literature using the integrative review model of research. It is the first work in combining studies across healthcare technologies and analyzing the adverse consequences across 18 studies to form a cohesive classification of these events in healthcare technology.
Coelho, Mariana Amaral Guerra Neto. "Portuguese perception towards ehealth technology for information exchange and weight management within integrated healthcare systems: increasing patient empowerment in portugal health facilities: exploratory study." Master's thesis, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/16620.
Full textYang, Yi-Jung, and 楊宜鈞. "An Integrated Teleconsultation Healthcare System." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/40574281878351510353.
Full text中原大學
The concept of Tele-medicine has emerged since (for example late 1950) and it has been evolving into a real-world application nowadays. Nevertheless, Tele-medicine is still facing a number of challenges on multiple fronts. In major society, patient-doctor direct consultation is still considered as the best health treatment method. Tele-medicine development is also hindered by a lack of regulation standards in medical area. Communication technology, as backbone for Tele-medicine was not as sophisticated as recent time. Those three factors are perceived to constraint the development and implementation of Tele-medicine system. Tele-consultation system, as one of the supporting elements of Tele-medicine has been designed and implemented to demonstrate the basic, general purpose Tele-medicine system. There are two functions integrated in the system. The first function is remote real-time ECG monitor. The second function is the bi-directional audio and video transmission. The implementation of the framework is based on the Microsoft DirectShow environment. The MIT ECG database is utilized to simulate ECG signal on the patient-side. The system can transfer the bi-directional video through Ethernet 10/100 Mbps network with 320 x 240 pixel resolution without particular coding algorithm. The frame rate can be up to 25 fps. The audio is transmitted using 44.1 kHz sample rate with 16 bit resolution per sample. The remote side can monitor the ECG signal at 360 Hz rate and 11 bit resolution synchronously. The system can provide the basic form of the bi-directional video transmission and general remote bio-signal monitor as foundation for Tele-healthcare and Tele-consultation applications.
Liang, Che-Wei, and 梁哲瑋. "Cardiovascular Evaluation System Integrate Remote Healthcare Internet." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/20458841199040413342.
Full text南台科技大學
Cardiovascular diseases are major causes of death recently according to the ten causes of death, which was analyzed statistically by Department of Health. And arterial illnesses are the most major causes. Nevertheless, health monitor services of home- and community-care are developed in many countries when the ageing society is coming. The clinician can get the information of patients through Internet, regular monitor the physiological parameters and provide remote health care. Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) was used as a parameter for evaluating arteriosclerosis condition recently. The goal of the study is to design a cardiovascular evaluation system, which is based on the algorithmic techniques. The multi-function measurement can be selected to calculate PWV from the signals includes electrocardiogram, heart sounds, photoplethysmography and pressure waveforms. The several analyses of PWV can be getting immediately after the record signals are uploaded to the server. The clinician can also monitor the conditions of the patients by monitoring both of the waveforms and the parameters. The evaluation of the clinician can transmit to the server through Internet, and then the patient gets the evaluation and suggestions of health condition at home. Consequently, the evaluations of PWV and the monitor of clinician can used to assess the disorder condition of cardiovascular system and establish remote home care.
Hsiao, Chung-shu, and 蕭崇樹. "A Case Study of Integrated Healthcare Information System for Regional Veteran Hospitals." Thesis, 2003. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/57266480169121229803.
Full text國立陽明大學
The heath care industry in Taiwan has been blooming since the implementation of National Health Insurance (NHI) System on 1995. To keep pace with the rapidly changed claim system for reimbursement of NIH, Most of the hospitals in Taiwan have already set up the Healthcare Information systems. To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the hospital management, and to integrate all the information, to set up a HIS (Healthcare Information System) in Hospital is essential. The maturity of information technology helps upgrade the HIS. How to invest effectively on HIS and integrate all the information systems in the health care delivery system, and to support the CEO to do better decision making, is an important issue. Therefore, in face of the highly changeable environment, how to take the advantages of information technology, is this case study aimed for. The build-up for all the regional Veterans Hospitals in Taiwan has went into the second stages of the whole island-wide Veterans Hospitals Healthcare Information Network. This case study also tries to build a set-up model for the 12 Regional Veterans Hospitals by VAC in Taiwan. The model of Shared Health Information System mentioned in this study shows that through integrated development and mass purchasing, the hospitals will reduce the implementation cost, standardize the health information system, unify the operation and take the advantages of shared Information.
Lee, Shing-Li, and 李幸利. "A Feasibility Study For Integrated inquiry Of Healthcare Information In Aboriginal Area -A Preliminary System In A-Li Shan." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/56582645259295863462.
Full text臺北醫學大學
Since 1996, government had practiced ’Integrated Health Care Delivery System Project (IDS Project)’ in aboriginal area in order to obtain enough medical care service for residents of aboriginal area. This project solved the problem of inadequate resources, but it made new problems that repeated investment of medical resources due to lack of information integration between the responsible hospitals and public clinics of aboriginal area. Therefore, building a system to integrate the medical information will help using resources effectively. In this study, we have built a web-based system to integrate health records of residents in aboriginal area. The prototype has been established in A-Li-Shan area. To evaluate this system we constructed the questionnaire based on Information System Success Model (ISSM). The result showed that users satisfied this system and this system indeed is useful for sharing medical information. This work will provide reference for the other aboriginal area in Taiwan.
Lin, Jin-Hung, and 林錦泓. "Integrate Lean Management and Stochastic Programming Model to Improve Healthcare System: A Case Study of Physical Examination Center." Thesis, 2019. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/f52278.
Full textBARNA, Alexander. "Traumatologická pripravenosť zdravotníckej záchrannej služby v Českej republike a v Slovenskej republike." Master's thesis, 2019. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-395606.
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