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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Instrumentalisation of public procurement'

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Charouli, Angeliki. "Les considérations sociales et environnementales dans la passation des marchés publics." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 1, 2013.

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Moteur incontournable de l’économie publique, les marchés publics ont toujours fait l’objet de revendications diverses, voire opposées. L’efficacité de la gestion budgétaire et la transparence de la vie publique, s’agissant des ordres juridiques nationaux, la libre concurrence et le libre accès de tous les opérateurs économiques facilitant les échanges intracommunautaires, s’agissant du droit européen : tous ont tenté de monopoliser le droit de la commande publique, afin de se réaliser. Dans le même temps, la perspective de l’instrumentalisation de ce droit au service d’objectifs politiques qui ne lui sont pas directement attribués a suscité des intérêts très variés. Or, la question de la conciliation des politiques sociales et environnementales avec les prescriptions de nature principalement économique du droit des marchés publics s’inscrit dans une logique de valorisation de cet instrument juridique et financier. Ces politiques, répondant à la fois à des finalités d’intérêt général et à des objectifs prioritaires du droit communautaire, sont à la recherche de leur rôle et de leurs instruments en matière de marchés publics. Dans un contexte politique mouvant, la superposition des systèmes juridiques résultant des interventions réglementaires des États, en quête de leur pouvoir discrétionnaire dans la planification des leurs politiques, comme des interventions du droit communautaire dans le cadre de sa propre œuvre d’harmonisation des procédures de passation, vient redéfinir le rôle des politiques sociales et environnementales, tant au sein des objectifs endogènes du droit des marchés publics qu’en dehors de son cadre réglementaire, appelé dans ce cas à servir de levier
As a fundamental driving force of public economy, public procurement has traditionally been an area of diverse and often competing interests. Such contradictory interests are the efficiency of budgetary management and transparency in public life within national legal systems, free competition and open access of financial stakeholders in award procedures within the European regulatory framework. At the same time, the instrumentalisation of public procurement in order to serve political goals not directly linked to it has triggered considerable debate. The attempt of conciliation of social and environmental considerations with the financial requirements of public procurement law aims at enhancing this legal and financial instrument. The role and the legal means for the integration of social and environmental considerations in public procurement, which serve general interest purposes and overriding European law objectives, have not yet been clarified. The regulatory interventions of the Member States, on the one hand, and the harmonization attempts of the European Union, on the other, create a constantly changing political climate. In that context, the role of social and environmental policies is redefined both within the framework of primary objectives of public procurement law, as well as outside this regulatory framework which is used as a policy tool in this context
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Charouli, Angeliki. "Les considérations sociales et environnementales dans la passation des marchés publics." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013.

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Moteur incontournable de l'économie publique, les marchés publics ont toujours fait l'objet de revendications diverses, voire opposées. L'efficacité de la gestion budgétaire et la transparence de la vie publique, s'agissant des ordres juridiques nationaux, la libre concurrence et le libre accès de tous les opérateurs économiques facilitant les échanges intracommunautaires, s'agissant du droit européen: tous ont tenté de monopoliser le droit de la commande publique, afin de se réaliser. Dans le même temps, la perspective de l'instrumentalisation de ce droit au service d'objectifs politiques qui ne lui sont pas directement attribués a suscité des intérêts très variés. Or, la question de la conciliation des politiques sociales et environnementales avec les prescriptions de nature principalement économique du droit des marchés publics s'inscrit dans une logique de valorisation de cet instrument juridique et financier. Ces politiques, répondant à la fois à des finalités d'intérêt général et à des objectifs prioritaires du droit communautaire, sont à la recherche de leur rôle et de leurs instruments en matière de marchés publics. Dans un contexte politique mouvant, la superposition des systèmes juridiques résultant des interventions réglementaires des États, en quête de leur pouvoir discrétionnaire dans la planification des leurs politiques, comme des interventions du droit communautaire dans le cadre de sa propre œuvre d'harmonisation des procédures de passation, vient redéfinir le rôle des politiques sociales et environnementales, tant au sein des objectifs endogènes du droit des marchés publics qu'en dehors de son cadre réglementaire, appelé dans ce cas à servir de levier.
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Delpiazzo, Rodríguez Carlos Enrique. "Public Procurement and Sustainability." Derecho & Sociedad, 2015.

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Currently, we can say that the environment is one of the most important topics, being that its incidence is increasingly valued by society.In that sense, in this article we study the figure of sustainable procurement. In this regard, the author believes that it would imply a due balance between wealth creation and social welfare. Therefore, the figure study goes beyond the change of words, but involves a change inperspective that should be analyzed in the light of the principles governing the law.
Actualmente, podemos afirmar que el medio ambiente es uno de los temas más importantes a tratar, siendo que su incidencia es cada vez más valorada por la sociedad. En ese sentido, en el presente artículo se aborda el concepto y función que cumpliría en nuestra sociedad la figura de la contratación sostenible. Al respecto, el autor considera que la misma implicaría un debido balance entre la generación de riqueza y el bienestar social. Por lo tanto, la figura estudiada va más allá de la variación de palabras, sino que implica un cambio en la perspectiva que debe ser analizada a la luz de los principios que rigen el derecho.
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Smith, Matthew. "Représentation et instrumentalisation du sujet narratif : "character" chez Jane Austen." Nancy 2, 2002.

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Partant du problème théorique du personnage romanesque, l'étude se confronte à l'épistémè d'une autre époque, et à l'œuvre de Jane Austen. L'inventaire de l'analyse stucturaliste du personnage est dressé. Si certaines notions restent valables, la sémiotique reste dans l'en-deça du sens, et l'outil analytique de l'épreuve n'est opératoire qu'en connaissant les contrats axiologiques, culturels, et politiques qui cadrent le personnage. Ceux-ci sont explorés en détail, faisant apparaître les épreuves et les luttes qui construisent les personnages d'Austen. Sa distance ironique s'avère complémentaire au didactisme plutôt que subversif. Le personnage austénien est également codifié par le genre comique et par ses rapoorts avec la cohésion sociale et avec les paradigmes caractérologiques. Un classement exhaustif des occurrences du terme " character " dans l'œuvre révèle un auteur lucide quant aux aspects narratifs, sociaux et politiques du concept, mais essentiellement conservateur modéré
From the theoritical problem of character in the novel, this study moves on to the world view of a different era and the works of Jane Austen. Structuralist approaches to character are reassesses. Certain concepts remain useful, but semiotics only deals with the internal functioning of meaning, and the analytical tool of the test or ordeal yields nothing if the axiological, cultural and political contracts framing characters are unknown. These contracts are explored in detail, revealing the ordeals and struggles which enable characterisation in Austen's novels. Her irony comes over as complementary to didacticism rather than subversive. Austen's characterisation also works within the comic genre and its relationship with social cohesion and character paradigms. An exhaustive classification of the occurrences of the term " character " in the novels shows the author's lucidity concerning its narrative, social, and political aspects, but also confirms her moderate conservatism
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Szerman, Dimitri. "Public procurement auctions in Brazil." Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 2012.

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This thesis provides an empirical analysis of data generated by ComprasNet, the online procurement bidding platform developed and used by the Brazilian federal government. ComprasNet is a large bidding platform used since 2001 by more than 2200 public purchasing units who list around one million lots each year. Over 70,000 unique bidders have participated in these auctions. In 2010, 46 percent of all procurement for the federal government was conducted through ComprasNet, totaling R$ 27 billion, or 0.7 percent of Brazil’s GDP. In short, these auctions represent a large share of federal tenders and a substantial amount is contracted through them each year. Chapter 1 provides an overview of ComprasNet. After reviewing the literature on various topics which this dissertation contributes to, I describe the institutional background surrounding ComprasNet. I then present the baseline data used throughout the remainder of this dissertation. Chapter 2 addresses one important aspect of designing an online ascending auction, namely how to end the auction. ComprasNet varied its ending rules over time, providing an unique opportunity to test theories of bidder behaviour, as well as assessing the impact of ending rules on auction outcomes. Chapter 3 analyses a two-stage auction format which ComprasNet uses. Two-stage designs have long been proposed by the theoretical literature, but there are virtually no empirical works apart from experimental studies. Finally, chapter 4 analyses a bid preference programme targeted at small and micro enterprises (SMEs). The programme consists of setting aside eligible lots for SMEs. We first use eligibility rules as a source of exogenous variation in the treatment assignment to estimate the effects of the programme on auction outcomes. We then set up an open auction model with endogenous entry and asymmetric bidders and estimate the model’s primitives. In particular, we estimate entry costs, which we interpret as red tape costs.
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Carlsson, Axel, and Eric Oxelbark. "Public Procurement - Pitfalls and Possibilities." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Kommunikations- och transportsystem, 2015.

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Syftet med denna studie är att den ska lyfta fram problematiken byggföretagen upplever samt fungera som en fingervisning om i vilken riktigt eventuella förändringar i upphandlandets genomförande kan göras. Målet är att ta reda på vad branschen tycker om LOU och hur företagen förhåller sig till lagen. Vilka är dess problemområden som orsakar misstro och överklaganden? Undersökningens frågeställning: •Vad tycker entreprenörerna om tillvägagångssättet? •Vilken förändring skulle entreprenörerna vilja se?
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Guzmán-Barrón, Sobrevilla César, and Maravi Rigoberto Zúñiga. "Institutional Arbitration in Public Procurement." Derecho & Sociedad, 2015.

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In the present article, the authors give us an overview about the advantages of institutional arbitration over ad hoc arbitration, on public procurement matter. Thus, starting by describing the present situation of arbitration on that field, they describe the advantages of institutional arbitration, in favor of reaching a more efficient and transparent arbitration system, which is the desired goal.
En el presente artículo, los autores nos dan un panorama de las ventajas del arbitraje institucional sobre el arbitraje ad hoc, en materia de contratación pública. Así, partiendo del panorama actual del arbitraje en dicha materia, describen las ventajas del arbitraje institucional, en aras de tener un sistema más eficiente, transparente, que es el objetivo deseado.
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Carpio, Ramírez Carlos. "Public Procurement and Precautionary Measures." Derecho & Sociedad, 2015.

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In the present paper, the author analyses some problems that he considers relevant on the field of the public procurement on Peru and Latin America. Parting from the problems on the application of the Public Procurement Law in Peru, he proposes the installation of a new instance that watches for the right behavior of supervisor entities of public procurement.
En la presente ponencia, el autor analiza algunos de los problemas que considera más relevantes en la situación actual de la contratación pública en el Perú y en Latinoamérica. A partir de los defectos que presenta la aplicación de Ley de Contrataciones del Estado en el Perú, propone la creación de una nueva instancia que vigile el correcto actuar de las entidades supervisoras de dichas contrataciones.
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Schindler, Sven. "Public Electronic Procurement kommunaler Einkaufsgemeinschaften." Chemnitz GUC - Verl. der Ges. für Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling, 2008.

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Stiti, Karim, and Shih Jung Yape. "Bid Forecasting in Public Procurement." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2019.

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Public procurement amounts to a significant part of Sweden's GDP. Nevertheless, it is an overlooked sector characterized by low digitization and inefficient competition where bids are not submitted based on proper mathematical tools. This Thesis seeks to create a structured approach to bidding in cleaning services by determining factors affecting the participation and pricing decision of potential buyers. Furthermore, we assess price prediction by comparing multiple linear regression models (MLR) to support vector regression (SVR). In line with previous research in the construction sector, we find significance for several factors such as project duration, location and type of contract on the participation decision in the cleaning sector. One notable deviant is that we do not find contract size to have an impact on the pricing decision. Surprisingly, the performance of MLR are comparable to more advanced SVR models. Stochastic dominance tests on price performance concludes that experienced bidders perform better than their inexperienced counterparts and companies place more competitive bids in lowest price tenders compared to economically most advantageous tenders (EMAT) indicating that EMAT tenders are regarded as unstructured. However, no significance is found for larger actors performing better in bidding than smaller companies.
Offentliga upphandlingar utgör en signifikant del av Sveriges BNP. Trots detta är det en förbisedd sektor som karakteriseras av låg digitalisering och ineffektiv konkurrens där bud läggs baserat på intuition snarare än matematiska modeller. Denna avhandling ämnar skapa ett strukturerat tillvägagångssätt för budgivning inom städsektorn genom att bestämma faktorer som påverkar deltagande och prissättning. Vidare undersöker vi prisprediktionsmodeller genom att jämföra multipel linjära regressionsmodeller med en maskininlärningsmetod benämnd support vector regression. I enlighet med tidigare forskning i byggindustrin finner vi att flera faktorer som typ av kontrakt, projekttid och kontraktsplats har en statistisk signifikant påverkan på deltagande i kontrakt i städindustrin. En anmärkningsvärd skillnad är att kontraktsvärdet inte påverkar prissättning som tidigare forskning visat i andra områden. För prisprediktionen är det överraskande att den enklare linjära regressionsmodellen presterar jämlikt till den mer avancerade maskininlärningsmodellen. Stokastisk dominanstest visar att erfarna företag har en bättre precision i sin budgivning än mindre erfarna företag. Därtill lägger företag överlag mer konkurrenskraftiga bud i kontrakt där kvalitetsaspekter tas i beaktning utöver priset. Vilket kan indikera att budgivare upplever dessa kontrakt som mindre strukturerade. Däremot finner vi ingen signifikant skillnad mellan större och mindre företag i denna bemärkning.
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Chiappinelli, Olga. "Interdisciplinary essays on public procurement." Thesis, IMT Alti Studi Lucca, 2015.

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Accounting for about 15-20% of GDP in developed economies, public procurement is both a paramount economic phenomenon and a leading activity of governments. Sound procurement policies and practices are therefore essential not only to achieve best value for money when purchasing goods and services of public utility, but also to pursue strategic objectives of crucial importance (e.g., sustainable growth and innovation) and to optimize spending in an era where public money has a high opportunity cost. This dissertation contributes to the research on public procurement by providing original investigations and results in an interdisciplinary fashion. The three essays presented adopt different methodologies to analyze relevant issues in public procurement which have been so far neglected by the literature. The first essay provides an auction-theoretical analysis of “Precommercial Procurement” (PCP), which is an innovative stepwise practice recently introduced in the EU for the public procurement of R&D. In particular, PCP is modeled as a multistage elimination contest with budget-constrained players and non-sunk bids. The non-sunk feature constitutes a novelty in the modelization of elimination contests and relies on the consideration that when budget-constrained contestants initially strategize on how much to bid in each stage, they do not regard bids spent in earlier stages as strategically irrelevant. This is due to the fact that contestants face a trade-off when allocating scarce resources over stages: the more they spend earlier the less they have to spend later, and vice versa. In a simple two-stage all-pay framework with complete information and asymmetric players, it is found that, notwithstanding the trade-off, the ex-ante strongest player is always able to deter other players from submitting a positive bid in the first stage, guaranteeing herself shortlisting with the smallest outlay, and saving most resources for the second stage. This is shown to imply that the two-stage all-pay contest has a lower performance, in terms of expected revenue, than the single-stage one. On the basis of these results, PCP does not seem to be a very advantageous practice for the procurement of R&D. The second essay provides a contract-theoretical framework to explain the occurrence of embezzlement of public money in the execution of public contracts. It is argued that at the core of the phenomenon is an agency problem where the room for the contracting firm’s moral hazard is created by the opportunism of its principal - a corruptible top-tier politician. It is considered that often corruption interests the execution stage of a contract (rather than only the award stage) and has a political nature (rather than only bureaucratic): top-level politicians may as well have to gain from large-scale corruption. In particular, the model allows for the political principal to be partially selfish and for both the auditing technology and the stakes of corruption to be endogenous and dependent on the selfishness of the politician. The model shows that while a moderately opportunist politician prevents the firm from embezzling money, an enough opportunist politician creates an incentive for embezzlement in optimal contracts, in order to ask for a share of the money conditional upon detection. The third essay investigates empirically the relationship between the degree of centralization in a procurement system and its performance. Despite its centrality, this issue has been only marginally considered by the literature, and without conclusive findings. The essay exploits the TED dataset to provide a preliminary investigation of the issue for Italy. The Italian case is appropriate in this context since all levels of government plus a number of other public institutions are involved in procurement, and are largely subjected to the same rules. Using winning rebate as a measure of procurement performance, and controlling for other determinants of rebate, it is found that small decentralized units (i.e., municipalities and public enterprises) are less efficient than (more) central purchasers, despite they currently award most procurement contracts. It is argued that at the basis of this performance gap is the fact that small decentralized purchasing units lack the specialized and competent human resources which are needed to efficiently administrate the procurement process. It is therefore concluded that the Italian procurement system is probably too much decentralized and that some reorganization on a more centralized basis could improve on the general performance gap.
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Keränen, O. (Outi). "Developing public-private partnerships in centralized public procurement." Doctoral thesis, Oulun yliopisto, 2019.

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Abstract This thesis increases the understanding of public-private partnerships (PPPs) by examining their development in a centralized public procurement context. The thesis discusses on how the actors in centralized public procurement participate in the development of PPPs and what drives and challenges the actors to transit from traditional transactional arm’s length tendering to partnership thinking in public procurement. The PPP research is integrated into the research stream of Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) and the interaction approach to recognize PPPs as socially constructed during the public procurement process. The triadic approach is applied to regard PPP development as dynamic and examine the relationship dynamics between the three actors of centralized public procurement. The empirical setting of the thesis rests on a qualitative case study design using two cases. It analyzes PPP development in a standardized product procurement of food and a more diversified service procurement of home nursing. The empirical data is primarily acquired through qualitative interviews, which are supported by information from written documents and seminars on procurement regulations and procedures. The thesis shows that the development of PPPs in the context of centralized public procurement is an ongoing and dynamic process, in which the three actors actively participate by initiating, building, and facilitating the development process. The thesis further finds that cooperative interaction contributes to PPP development by increasing knowledge exchange and promoting the transition from transactional procurement logic to partnering in public procurement. The procurement type and the network in which the PPP is embedded influence the process by reflecting the actors’ ways of participating in the process and how trust is built between them. The thesis further shows how relationship dynamics influence the process in the triadic setting; that is, the procurement logic of a single actor or the logic underlying the relationship of two actors engender and intensify the problems or promote the partnership thinking in the triad. The findings of this thesis aid managers to identify how they can proactively foster the development of PPPs in centralized public procurement, and identify the influence of relationship dynamics on the process
Tiivistelmä Tässä väitöskirjassa keskitytään julkisten ja yksityisten organisaatioiden välisten kumppanuussuhteiden kehittämiseen keskitetyssä julkisessa hankintakontekstissa. Tutkimus tarkastelee sitä, kuinka keskitetyn hankintakontekstin kolme eri toimijaa osallistuvat suhteen kehittämiseen ja sitä, mikä edistää ja haittaa heidän siirtymistä perinteisestä transaktionaalisesta kilpailutuksesta kohti kumppanuutta. Tutkimus yhdistää julkisten ja yksityisten organisaatioiden välistä kumppanuutta käsittelevää kirjallisuutta teollisen markkinoinnin ja ostamisen tutkimukseen sekä erityisesti vuorovaikutusnäkökulmaan, koska kumppanuus ymmärretään työssä sosiaalisena ja vuorovaikutteisena prosessina, joka kehittyy hankintaprosessissa. Työ hyödyntää myös triadia näkökulmaa kolmen toimijan välisen kumppanuuden dynamiikkojen tutkimiseksi. Tutkimuksessa toteutettiin laadullinen kahden tapauksen tapaustutkimus, jossa kumppanuuden kehittämistä analysoitiin standardoidussa ruokatuotehankinnassa ja kotihoidon palveluhankinnassa. Työn aineisto on kerätty haastatteluiden kautta, ja sitä on tuettu kirjallisten dokumenttien ja julkisen hankinnan seminaarien kautta kerätyn tiedon kautta. Tutkimuksessa esitetään, että julkisten ja yksityisten organisaatioiden välisten kumppanuussuhteiden kehittäminen keskitetyssä hankintaprosessissa on jatkuva ja dynaaminen prosessi, johon kolme toimijaa osallistuvat aktiivisesti käynnistämällä, luomalla tai tukemalla prosessia. Työssä tunnistetaan myös, että yhteistyöllinen vuorovaikutus edistää kumppanuutta lisäämällä tiedon vaihdantaa ja tukemalla toimijoiden siirtymistä perinteisestä transaktionaalisesta hankinta-logiikasta kohti kumppanuutta. Hankintatyyppi ja laajempi verkosto, johon suhde on kytkeytynyt, vaikuttavat siihen, kuinka toimijat osallistuvat kumppanuuden kehittämiseen ja kuinka luottamus siinä syntyy. Tutkimus havainnollistaa myös kumppanuuden kehittämisen dynamiikkaa triadissa suhteessa. Yhden toimijan tai kahden toimijan välisten ongelmien huomattiin synnyttävän ja voimistavan ongelmien kehittymistä kaikkien kolmen toimijan välillä ja toisin päin; yhden toimijan tai kahden toimijan välinen kumppanuus vahvistaa kumppanuutta triadissa. Tutkimus tarjoaa yritysjohdolle tietoa siitä, kuinka kumppanuutta voi vahvistaa keskitetyssä julkisessa hankinnassa ja siitä, kuinka tunnistaa prosessiin vaikuttavia dynamiikkoja
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Yuksek, Murat. "Legal Framework Comparison Of Public Procurement Law With State Procurement Law." Master's thesis, METU, 2005.

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This thesis makes the comparison of legal frameworks of the two Procurement Laws, the New Public Procurement Law (4734) and the Ex-State Procurement Law (2886) respectively. As a result of this comparison, it is seen that a lot of provisions starting from tender notice time limits to the awarding of contracts, have been changed substantially by the introduction of Turkish Public Procurement Law. Besides this comparison, the related procurement directive on construction works in European Community, namely EEC 93/37 is analyzed through the topics pertinent to the New Public Procurement Law, from which it is observed that there are both similar and different application regarding tender process in this directive when compared with the provisions of Turkish Public Procurement Law on construction works. This thesis study also aims to put forward the conception of Turkish contractors about the New Public Procurement Law by means of a questionnaire containing 15 questions. From the results of questionnaire, it is seen that majority of the contracting companies have a positive attitude towards the New Public Procurement Law although some provisions of the Law do not meet the expectations of the companies.
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Karahan, Turan Hamide. "A Web-based Public Procurement System." Master's thesis, METU, 2004.

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This study focuses on developing and implementing a web-based public procurement system. As one innovative way of enhancing public procurement, an attempt to develop and implement electronic tendering system is to be made. In designing the system, not only technological aspects but also issues related to public procurement process improvement are considered. As an analysis and design approach, object oriented methodology was chosen and UML was used. Java as a development language was preferred because the resulting system is expected to be portable. This study also puts forward propositions as to how the government should perform direct purchases to ensure that both public and private sector benefit from e-Procurement to achieve full value.
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Sancak, Emirhan. "Green public procurement and thermal insulation." Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Sektionen för ekonomi och teknik (SET), 2012.

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Klevensparr, Johan. "Public Procurement: A performance management perspective." Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Centre of Logistics and Supply Chain Management (CeLS), 2016.

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Purpose - The purpose of this thesis is to explore what performance indicators that exist within public procurement in defence sector context and how such performance indicators can be categorized.   Methodology - For the purpose of this thesis, an abductive approach was applied. This thesis is characterized as an exploratory multimethod qualitative research, which emphasize a single case study and a comprehensive research literature review. The empirical data was collected using semi-structured interviews, observations and documentary. The empirical data was analyzed using a data display and analysis, whereas a descriptive and content analysis was used for the research literature review.     Findings - Initially, a comparison between the conducted research literature review and the empirical study resulted in 117 performance indicators were abled to be identified. Furthermore, with support from the research literature review, the empirical study and the frame of reference, categorizations of performance indicators were possible. Through research literature review, the author were able to identify eight dimensions cost, quality, time, flexibility, sustainability, innovation, risk and compliance, all of which can be aligned to public procurement. Through the empirical study, seven elements were identified as categories. These elements include business strategy and development, operations management, category management, supplier management, customer management, procurement and expert and system support, all of which with aligned performance indicators.  Through the frame of reference, three decision-levels were used as categorization of performance indicators. The decision-levels could either be strategic, tactical or operational. Finally, a merger of decision-making levels and elements resulted in a conceptual model, visualizing how elements with aligning performance indicators within public procurement could be organized and structured.    Research limitations - At first, this thesis uses only one database for the research literature review, limiting the search result of publications concerning the research topic of this thesis. Secondly, single cases study within the defece sector, which limits the amount of information and may prevent transferability possibilities for other public procurement organizations.   Future research - From the result of this thesis, several potential research opportunities has been discovered. First, following-up and measure PIs in public procurement in order to justify the “real” compliance to rules and regulation. Another one is possible challenges with implementing PIs in public procurement organizations. Lastly, measuring process maturity in public organization would allow benchmarking possibilities among public organizations and defece sector procurement.
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Nekeman, Iris, Roy Straver, and Francisco Tobón. "Strategic Leadership towards Sustainable Public Procurement." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för strategisk hållbar utveckling, 2018.

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The understanding of the role of the contracting authority in public procurement is important to understand the underused potential of public procurement to contribute to the sustainable development of society. In particular, the concept of public-private cooperation was suggested to increase this potential, but not enough is known about how the interaction has to take place in order to address the behavioural factors that cause the barriers to sustainable public procurement. The results of this research showed that the leading role of the contracting authority could facilitate sustainable procurement by increasing engagement, interaction and collaboration. A strategic planning approach to support the public-private cooperation in the procurement process is needed. Based on the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development, a support for the contracting authority was designed to guide the strategic planning of the procurement process. The suggested design of Support for Strategic Sustainable Procurement was evaluated and found likely to support the contracting authority in strategically leading the public procurement process to leverage the potential of public procurement on the transition towards a sustainable society.
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Hernández, Diez Sandro Piero. "Notes on the Public Procurement Reform." Derecho & Sociedad, 2015.

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The present article, the author treats some of the most relevant modifications on the new public procurement law.On that basis, he will explain us the vision that inspires this reform and the vision that this reform tries to implement on the entities that are in charge of this matter.
En el presente artículo, el autor aborda algunas de las modificaciones más relevantes en la nueva normativa de contrataciones del Estado. A partir de ello, nos explica la visión a la que apunta esta reforma y la visión que se procura implementar en las entidades encargadas de dicho rol.
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Distinto, Isabella. "Legal Ontologies for Public Procurement Management." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2013.

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The thesis explores ways to formalize the legal knowledge concerning the public procurement domain by means of ontological patterns suitable, on one hand, to support awarding authorities in conducting procurement procedures and, on the other hand, to help citizens and economic operators in accessing procurement's notices and data. Such an investigation on the making up of conceptual models for the public procurement domain, in turn, inspires and motivates a reflection on the role of legal ontologies nowadays, as in the past, retracing the steps of the ``ontological legal thinking'' from Roman Law up to now. I try, at the same time, to forecast the impact, in terms of benefits, challenges and critical issues, of the application of computational models of Law in future e-Governance scenarios.
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Distinto, Isabella. "Legal Ontologies for Public Procurement Management." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2013.

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The thesis explores ways to formalize the legal knowledge concerning the public procurement domain by means of ontological patterns suitable, on one hand, to support awarding authorities in conducting procurement procedures and, on the other hand, to help citizens and economic operators in accessing procurement's notices and data. Such an investigation on the making up of conceptual models for the public procurement domain, in turn, inspires and motivates a reflection on the role of legal ontologies nowadays, as in the past, retracing the steps of the ``ontological legal thinking'' from Roman Law up to now. I try, at the same time, to forecast the impact, in terms of benefits, challenges and critical issues, of the application of computational models of Law in future e-Governance scenarios.
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Knutsen-Öy, Karolin. "Transparency in public procurement processes : a case study of a Swedish public procurement process in the consultancy market." Thesis, KTH, Entreprenörskap och Innovation, 2015.

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This thesis explores the transparency in public procurement processes in Sweden. The purpose of the thesis is to evaluate the procurement process in the case of framework agreements on consultancy services and the focus is on exploring perceptions on the procurement process from both suppliers and procurers. The thesis contributes with findings to a research area that is not well studied, and where there is a need for more research. Previous research has focused on evaluating the regulations rather than the process. The results suggest that the specific procurement process studied is perceived to work well and being transparent. There might be information asymmetries present in the process which could potentially threaten the transparency. To further improve the procurement process both suppliers and procures would like to see more room for dialogue and less focus on following the regulations to the letter.
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Johansson, Lars. "Offentligupphandling av samverkansentreprenad : Public procurement of partnering." Thesis, Karlstad University, Division for Engineering Sciences, Physics and Mathematics, 2006.

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For several years there have been lots of structural changes in the construction process, discussions on how to find new ways to collaborate have been developed to avoid problems, with lack of trust, high prices, environment and quality problems.

Partnering is not a new form of contracting, only a new way for contractor, owner and designer to work together. The main benefits of this new thinking have been to change from transaction- to relationship businesses. The customer and the project are always in focus. To achieve these results there has to be total sincerity and openness from all of the project participants. Common goals with trust, reliance and openness are the main factors in making this partnership functional.

With the introduction of this new form of collaboration, discussions have been made on how partnering will be affected by public procurement. The purpose with this study is to increase my knowledge about partnering and to acquire knowledge on how partnering should be publically procured. The objective of this study is to investigate how partnering should be publically procured accordingly to the Public Procurement Act (LOU).

To achieve this goal, information retrieval and research has been done at the University library. A draft was made of already accomplished local partnering procurements, and where handed out to two owners and contractors. It was later followed up with dialogues och interviews. The owners and contractors were united in the opinion on how the drafts should be made, but there was a difference of opinion on how the draft was to be made applicable to public procurement.

The study showed that the draft was based on soft criterias, which could allow an influenced subjective judgement from the owner. The public offices have to prove open competition, fair judgement and none discrimination. Before choosing partnering as a collaboration form, the public buyer has to have a proper organisation and must be prepared for the hard work that will follow. Reference objects should be studied so that the Public Procurement Act will be followed.

Under många år har byggbranschen varit i stora strukturella förändringar och i diskussioner har det framkommit behov av att hitta nya samarbetsformer för att komma från problem med höga kostnader, brist på förtroende och andra kvalitets- och miljöproblem.

Partnering är ingen ny entreprenadform utan ett nytt sätt att samarbeta för beställare, entreprenörer och konsulter. Den stora skillnaden som partnering medför är nytänkandet som frångår de traditionella transaktionsaffär och övergår till relationsaffär med kunden med projektet i fokus. För att ett partneringsamarbete skall fungera måste samtliga aktörer tänka på ett helt nytt sätt. Detta uppnås bland annat genom att samtliga parter tillsammans arbetar fram gemensamma mål och arbetar med total öppenhet kring ekonomi, teknik, kvalitet, miljö och konflikter. Samarbetet skall vara baserat på öppenhet, förtroende och tillit. Genom att diskutera fram de bästa lösningarna för projektet skall kompetensen från samtliga aktörer lyftas fram och förhoppningsvis kommer detta att leda till en bättre produkt. Arbetssättet stimulerar alla inblandade parter och det ges utrymme för nya innovativa idéer.

Vid införandet av den nya samarbetsformen har diskussioner uppkommit om hur dessa projekt upphandlas vid offentlig upphandling. Syftet med arbetet är att ge större kännedom om hur offentlig upphandling av partnering bör genomföras. Målet med examensarbetet är att utreda hur en samverkansentreprenad bör upphandlas enligt lagen om offentlig upphandling.

För att utreda om offentlig upphandling av partnering går att tillämpa av offentliga beställare gjordes först en litteraturstudie där byggprocessen och tidigare genomförda samverkansentreprenader studerades. Utifrån den ökade kunskapsnivån kunde en anbudsförfrågan utarbetas och prövas i det lokala näringslivet genom samtal och intervjuer. Anbudsförfrågan har tagits fram utifrån referensobjekt som lokala offentliga beställare använt vid upphandling av partnering. Åsikterna från näringslivet om hur anbudsförfrågan skall vara utformad var relativt enhetliga. Däremot skiljde sig åsikterna i om förfrågan går att tillämpa vid offentlig upphandling.

Studien visar att anbudsförfrågan baseras på mjuka kriterier, vilket kan medge stor inverkan av subjektiv bedömning från beställaren. Den offentliga beställaren skall visa på sund konkurrens, rättvis bedömning samt kunna påvisa icke-diskriminering, likabehandling och proportionalitet. Innan en offentlig beställare väljer att upphandla ett partneringsamarbete bör organisationen vara väl utvecklad för ett samarbete som kräver mycket av beställaren. Referensobjekt av samma typ bör studeras och vidare utveckla bedömningsverktyg som följer LOU:s regelverk klart och tydligt.

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Strömbäck, Elon. "Policy by Public Procurement : Opportunities and Pitfalls." Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Nationalekonomi, 2015.

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In Paper [I], we theoretically assess green public procurement (GPP) as an environmental policy instrument and its ability to lead to the achievement of environmental objectives. Central to our analysis is the extent to which polluting firms choose to adapt to the public sector's environmental requirements and to invest in greener technologies. Our main finding is that the potential of GPP to function as an objective-effective instrument of environmental policy is limited and can actually be counterproductive. From an environmental policy point of view, it is crucial that GPP aims for environmental standards beyond just the technology of the polluting firms and that it is designed with reference to defined environmental objectives. In Paper [II], we use data on Swedish public procurement auctions for internal regular cleaning service contracts to provide novel empirical evidence regarding GPP and its effect on the potential suppliers' decision to submit a bid and their probability of being qualified for supplier selection. We find only a weak effect on supplier behavior, and this suggests that GPP, as used in practice, does not live up to its political expectations. However, several environmental criteria appear to be associated with increased complexity, as indicated by the reduced probability of a bid being qualified in the post-qualification process. As such, GPP appears to have limited or no potential to function as an environmental policy instrument. In Paper [III], I examine how GPP is organized in Sweden and how the potential suppliers respond to varying buyer market shares using data on Swedish public procurement auctions for internal regular cleaning service contracts. The level of GPP stringency is found to vary systematically across authority types, buyer market share, and political coalition in the relevant council or in Parliament. The results also indicate quite a substantial dispersion in GPP stringency, suggesting a low degree of coordination among contracting authorities when implementing the policy. After controlling for GPP stringency and other covariates, increased buyer market share is associated with a significant increase in the probability of potential suppliers submitting a bid. The European Commission encourages public authorities to split procurement contracts into multiple contracts in order to increase the competiveness of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). In Paper [IV], I use data from Swedish public procurement auctions for internal regular cleaning service contracts to study the effect of contract size and number of contracts on SME participation and probability of winning. The results indicate that SME participation is negatively related to both contract size and the number of contracts in the procurement. A possible interpretation is that reduced contract size in order to stimulate SME participation is counteracted by reduced incentives for them to enter into procurements with multiple contracts. Medium-sized firms are also more successful when bidding for smaller contracts relative to large firms. Nevertheless, the results indicate that the award rate for SMEs is positively correlated with the number of contracts in the procurement.
Green Public Procurement: An Efficient Environmental Policy Tool?
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He, Chusu. "Public procurement : award mechanisms and implementation process." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2018.

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This thesis investigates the choice of award mechanism and the process of implementing the award of contracts in public procurement. Public procurement is an activity conducted by the public sector to purchase goods and services. Government spending on public procurement accounts for 10% to 25% of GDP in each country (World Bank Group, 2017). Because of its large sharing in government expenditure, public procurement can shed light on important practical policy issues, including those as investigated here: the choice of award mechanism (i.e. the process for selecting contractors); the possibility of costly delays in awarding contracts; and the concern that corruption may lead to inefficient outcomes. This thesis uses public procurement data for the UK and other EU countries plus Iceland and Norway. These countries adopt the same benchmark award mechanisms (the EU benchmark award mechanisms). The EU benchmark award mechanisms are implementations of the award mechanisms defined by the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA), which influences the award mechanism arrangement in 88 countries. There are four EU benchmark award mechanisms: the open procedure, the restricted procedure, the negotiated procedure and the competitive dialogue. Few empirical studies have investigated these EU benchmark award mechanisms. This thesis contains three independent and interrelated studies. The first study examines the choice of award mechanism in the UK, using the logit model. The results show that UK public buyers choose award mechanisms that are consistent with the theoretical suggestions. When a contract is complex, a UK public buyer is likely to employ an award mechanism that allows for greater discretion of selection. It also provides evidence that public buyer's experience is an important factor in award mechanism choice. Also based on UK data, the second study compares the decision speed of awarding a contract, using the logit model and survival analysis. It uncovers that delay in contract award is a serious issue for public procurement, as almost half of the contracts in our sample experienced delays in contract awards. The empirical results show that the negotiated procedure (which contains negotiations) is likely to be associated with a more rapid decision speed and a lower probability of delay than the restricted procedure (which does not contain negotiations). Therefore, this study casts doubt on the general expectation of practitioners that negotiation causes delays. The third study explores the relationship between discretion, corruption and competition in public procurement. Based on the revenue equivalence theorem and extensive form game, it proposes a game theory model showing that discretion fosters corruption, which in turn depresses the number of bidders and softens price competition. This is a mechanism that the procurement literature agrees but few formal models exist. The OLS estimates show a negative correlation between corruption and the number of bidders and suggest that procuring agents may disguise the impact of corruption by inflating the estimated contract value.
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Ridzuan, Kushairi Mohd Ramli. "An organisational approach to sustainable public procurement." Thesis, University of Bath, 2014.

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Purpose – The study aim to investigate the adoption of social and environmental objectives in public procurement. Design/ methodology/ approach – This study undertook an exploratory case study research based on the theory of bureaucracy and the theory of organisational configuration. A semi structured interview and a survey was conducted among public procurement professionals at five Ministries in Malaysia. Findings – The public procurement system were found to contain two organisational structures – The Machine Organisation and the Innovative Organisation. These structures were based on the analysis that there were two approaches to public procurement – the Compliant Approach and the Sustainable Objective Adoption Approach that respectively contained organisational structures of its own in managing public procurement. Mutual adjustment with the stakeholders was seen as a key driver in implementing sustainable objectives successfully in public procurement. Research limitations/ implications – Case studies have been viewed as controversial for the generalizability of knowledge and philosophical approaches to academia due to the low number of respondents. An in-depth study was the key direction of this study in investigating the organisation structure and relationships with the public procurement system that contained the system of administration and governance, people of the organisation, and the hierarchy of the organisation. Practical Implications – This research adds volume to practitioners and policy makers in designing public procurement policies and regulations by identifying the key areas of sustainable adoption in public procurement. Originality/ Value – The in-depth nature of this study provides a perspective into the intricacies of the public procurement system where the procurement officers were found to consolidate working with the regulations, the components of the organisation, and the hierarchies to achieve organisational objectives.
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Piechucka, Joanna. "Essays in competition policy and public procurement." Thesis, Paris 1, 2018.

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Cette thèse de doctorat étudie trois questions de recherche en matière de marchés publics et de politique de la concurrence. Le premier chapitre se concentre sur une analyse microéconométrique des relations stratégiques entre d’une part l’entreprise choisie pour l’attribution d’un marché public et d’autre part l’autorité publique chargée de la régulation d’un service public. Il exploite des données sur le transport public urbain en France pour étudier les déterminants de choix réglementaires qui impactent à leur tour la rentabilité des opérateurs de transport. Le deuxième chapitre explore une évaluation ex-post d’une fusion qui a eu lieu entre deux grands groupes de transport en France (Veolia Transport et Transdev), en se concentrant sur l’existence éventuelle de gains d’efficacité dans les fusions. Enfin, le troisième chapitre donne un aperçu de l’impact d’une fusion lorsque les entreprises se font concurrence pour la qualité et repositionnent leurs services en analysant l’industrie hospitalière française
This PhD dissertation studies three research questions in public procurement and competition policy presented in the respective chapters and preceded by a general introduction. The first chapter focuses on a microeconometric analysis of the strategic relationships between a firm awarded a public contract and the public authority responsible for regulating a public service. It exploits data on the French urban public transport industry to study the determinants of regulatory contract choices which in turn impact the cost efficiency of transport operators. The second chapter explores an ex-post assessment of a merger which took place between two major transport groups in France (Veolia Transport and Transdev), focusing on the possible existence of merger efficiency gains. Finally, the third chapter provides insight on the impact of merger when firms compete in quality and reposition their services by analyzing the French hospital industry
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Beaudoin, Pascal. "Public procurement interaction model for IT services." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2020.

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Cette recherche est une étude de cas qui examine la relation et les attributs entre les différentes entités impliquées dans le processus d’appel d’offre publique au gouvernement du Québec. Il se concentre spécifiquement sur les services professionnels informatiques qui constituent une catégorie de dépenses élevées dans les marchés publics. En utilisant le résultat de plusieurs entretiens avec des société informatique, notre recherche nous a permis de proposer un modèle d'interaction entre les différentes entités de l'écosystème d’appel d'offres publique qui peut être utilisé pour avoir une vue holistique de l'environnement et également comme un tremplin pour des études plus approfondie de la discipline.
This paper is a case study that examines the relationship and attributes between the different entities involved in Québec’s Government public procurement process. It is focused specifically on the IT professional services which is a high spending category in public procurement. Using result from multiple interview with IT firm, our finding allowed us to propose an entity interaction model for the call for tender ecosystem that can be used to have an holistic view of the environment and also as a stepping stone for further study of the field.
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Dolva, Christiane. "Green Public Procurement (GPP) : How widespread is Green Public Procurement in Norway, and what factors are seen as drivers and barriers to a greener procurement practice?" Thesis, Stockholm University, Stockholm Resilience Centre, 2008.

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The public sector in Norway purchases products and services for more then 300 billion NOK per year.

This purchasing power can play an important role in leveraging the market share of environmentally

sound products by increasing the level of environmental requirements in public contracts.

Environmental considerations in public procurement have been on the international agenda since

the 1992 conference in Rio, and the OECD, the EU and the Nordic Council of Ministers have also

placed Green Public Procurement (GPP) on their agendas. Together with statements from the 2002

World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, they all underline GPP as a tool for

making a shift to more sustainable production and consumption practices.

In Norway, the Government launched a Norwegian Action Plan on Environmental and Social

Responsibility in Public Procurement in 2007. The aim of the plan was to encourage the public sector

to demand environmentally sound products and services. However, several previous studies that

have assessed the status of GPP show that, despite efforts to promote environmental considerations,

there is a long way to go before these are fully integrated into public procurement practice

The aim of this study was to produce information about how widespread the use of environmental

criteria are in Norway, and to identify what drivers and barriers are seen to influence the GPP status.

Based on experiences from other studies, the method design chosen was an analysis of tender

documents complemented by case studies with interviews. Using both methods provided a way of

balancing the results so as to get the most objective status scores on GPP together with more

detailed answers on perceived drivers and barriers.

The results revealed that almost 60% of all tender documents included some kind of environmental

criteria, but 1/3 of these were so unclear that it was doubtful as to whether or not they would result

in any green procurement. Of the product groups that were in focus, the one that included paper and

print was by far the “greenest” of the groups, with the others both containing less GPP and more

unclear criteria. Compared to other studies this puts Norway at the same level as Sweden, and shows

a slight improvement in total GPP compared to previous assessments. Still, taking the high amount of

unclear criteria into account may lower the overall GPP score.

The interview results indicated that lack of knowledge, focus on economic considerations and

product functionality, lack of support and management focus and work pressure were the five main

barriers preventing GPP. Increased co-operation, increased focus from management, simplification of

criteria and more available products with environmental labels were identified as drivers. The drivers

and barriers identified correspond to those of previous studies, with some new finding such as

identifying the lack of product specific knowledge, where previous studies have focused more on lack

of procurement knowledge.

The findings are all important when it comes to working out a strategy to follow up the Norwegian

Action Plan. They give information about the needs identified by the procurement officers

themselves, thus giving an indication of what initiatives to prioritise.

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Leal, Pedro Manuel Mariano. "Evolution in public procurement and the impact of e-procurement platforms: a case study." Master's thesis, NSBE - UNL, 2010.

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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
The aim of this project is to understand the evolution that occurred in the public procurement due to the new Public Contracts Code that changed the procurement procedures and forced public entities to use electronic procurement platforms. This work is a contribution to the understanding of the main procurement changes with this new code as well to understand the impact and functioning of electronic procurement platforms. Moreover, a case study is presented, using the Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, to assess the impacts of these changes and the inevitable adjustments needed.
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Krautter, Nicolai. "PEP - Public Electronic Procurement : Innovation im öffentlichen Beschaffungswesen /." Hamburg : Kovač, 2008.

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Maci, Marsela. "Bid rigging in the EU public procurement markets." Thesis, Queen Mary, University of London, 2010.

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Sribranets, Y. "Specific features of economic transformations in public procurement." Thesis, Sumy State University, 2019.

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Today, the volume of public procurement ranges from 8% to 21% of the gross domestic product in most developed countries of the world. In Ukraine, one of the successful examples of innovative solutions on the path to European integration is the introduction of an electronic procurement system. The motivation for such innovation was, first of all, the prevention of corruption in public procurement and the development of fair competition in this area. It should be noted that in the EU countries, electronic purchases are aimed at solving other problems, such as reducing operating costs of customers and suppliers, easier management of procurement through the introduction of automation.
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Nakabayashi, Jun. "Empirical and Theoretical Analysis of Public Procurement Auctions." The Ohio State University, 2009.

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Gihozo, Diane. "Adoption of e-procurement in Rwandan Public institutions." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för ekonomistyrning och logistik (ELO), 2020.

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In the modern competitive business environment, government institutions need to embrace information communications technology to remain competitive. Procurement has been recognized as a priority government agenda by many public sector agencies worldwide. In the same line the Government of Rwanda has taken several initiatives to streamline its public procurement system to bring it into line with the fundamental principles of transparency, competition, economy, efficiency, fairness, and accountability. Seminega the director of Rwanda public procurement authority stated that e-procurement can help the Government of Rwanda to reach to the above-mentioned principles .E-procurement can be described as an electronic way of procuring goods and services as well as other procurement process activities with the help of internet and other information and communication technologies systems. Before the adoption of e-procurement in some institutions in Rwanda, all the procurement activities were done traditionally in their institutions and this procurement method has been criticized for having many deficits, that contributed to huge losses in public funds and lacks transparency, accountability, and fair competition. In this regard, the government of Rwanda decided to adopt an e-procurement system in its public institutions. the e-procurement system was launched in August 2016. The pilot stage started with eight public institutions, ministry of finance and economic planning is one of them and it is a case study used in this thesis research. it has been selected by the researcher because it is a cross-cutting ministry in the procurement process. Different forms of e-procurement have been discussed as well as benefits and challenges associated with the adoption of e-procurement. the purpose of this research study is to examine how the e-procurement system is used and explore the benefits and challenges associated with its adoption in Rwanda’s public institution. Qualitative research was chosen, and a case study was conducted in the ministry of finance and Economic planning. The source of data for the empirical is from personal interviews and second data. The findings of the present study demonstrate that the adoption of the e-procurement system brought several benefits to MINECOFIN but also it presents challenges associated with the adoption of e-procurement
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Krautter, Nicolai. "PEP - public electronic procurement: Innovation im öffentlichen Beschaffungswesen." Hamburg Kovač, 2007.

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Pustan, Daniel. "Government favoritism in public procurement : Evidence from Romania." Thesis, KTH, Industriell ekonomi och organisation (Inst.), 2019.

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In Romania, the consideration that politicians use their influence to control the public procurement market is axiomatic. It is no surprise that the country ranks high in perceptionbased surveys or the low participation of firms on the procurement market. The more difficult task is to demonstrate the existence of restrictions to procurement contracts in order to benefit preferred companies. That is, to measure the extent to which the market is captured by favored companies. Employing data on all public procurement contracts in Romania for the period 2009 – 2015, this paper examines government favoritism in public procurement exerted by political parties. Using a dynamic panel data approach (Dávid-Barrett and Fazekas 2019), the companies are classified based on their winning pattern with respect to government change. Favoritism is observed if winning companies within the government period are also associated with a higher risk of corruption measured by two alternative approaches. The findings confirm that procurement market is captured in a low to moderate proportion (24%) and that the market display patterns of systematic favoritism. This may signal certain progress registered by Romania to combat political corruption. Arguably, the insensitivity of perception indicators with respect to this progress is, at least partly, due to media coverage of the on-going corruption investigations related to the past.
I Rumänien, finns det en allmän uppfattning om att politiker använder sitt inflytande för att kontrollera den offentliga upphandlingsmarknaden. Det är ingen överraskning att landet rankas högt i perceptionsbaserade undersökningar rörande korruption eller att företags deltagande inom upphandlingsmarknaden är lågt. Ett svårare uppdrag är dock att påvisa och bevisa förekomsten av begränsningar kring upphandlingskontrakt med syfte att gynna vissa företag. Med andra ord så föreligger en utmaning att, genom mätning, påvisa i vilken utsträckning marknaden inkluderar favoriserade företag kontra hur den exkluderar övriga företag. Med hjälp av uppgifter om samtliga kontrakt gällande offentlig upphandling i Rumänien under åren 2009 – 2015, undersöker denna avhandling regeringens och dess politiska partiers favorisering. Företagen i upphandlingarna klassificeras med hjälp av dynamiskpaneldata (Dávid-Barrett och Fazekas 2019), baserat på des vinnande mönster kopplat till regeringsbyte. Favorisering kan observeras om vinnande företag inom regeringsperioden även är förknippade med en högre risk för korruption som mätts genom två alternativa metoder. Resultaten bekräftar att upphandlingsmarknaden fångas i en låg till måttlig andel (24%) av favoriserade företag och att marknaden visar mönster av systematisk favorisering. Resultaten kan dock signalera om visst framsteg som Rumänien har uppnått för att bekämpa politisk korruption. Det kan argumenteras att perceptionsbaserade indikatorer fångade inte upp dessa framsteg, åtminstone delvis, på grund av mediatäckningen av pågående korruptionsutredningar i Rumänien relaterade till det förflutna.
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ZANELLA, MARCO. "Scripting Corruption in Public Procurement: The Italian Case." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2012.

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La corruzione negli appalti pubblici ha sempre destato particolare interesse. Nondimeno, un’attenta analisi della letteratura di settore dimostra come scarsa attenzione sia stata dedicata allo studio delle scelte strategiche adottate da corrotti e corruttori nel mentre decidono come pagare la tangente, come identificare il partner dell’accordo corruttivo, come contattarlo, come gestire le trattative, come raggiungere i propri obiettivi e come proteggersi da inadempimenti e tradimenti. Questa tesi si propone di studiare tali strategie, applicando per la prima volta in questo settore una particolare metodologia detta della script analysis, al fine di rispondere alle seguenti domande: come avvengono gli accordi corruttivi nel settore degli appalti pubblici? Quali sono le tattiche e i modi operandi adottati da corrotti e corruttori? Quali sono i “passaggi” necessari per la conclusione di accordi corruttivi? Come possono essere spiegati? Quali sono gli elementi che “facilitano” i protagonisti del pactum sceleris? Dopo aver passato in rassegna la letteratura (capitolo 1) ed illustrato la metodologia adottata (capitolo 2), la tesi risponde alle domande della ricerca, individuando i singoli passaggi dell’accordo corruttivo, soffermandosi sulle procedure adottate (capitolo 3) fino a circoscrivere e commentare gli elementi facilitatori (capitolo 4) nell’incontro tra domanda e offerta di utilitas.
Despite the growing concern over corruption in public procurement, there is little knowledge regarding the corruption-commission process. Scant attention has been paid to the event-decisions of corrupt agents in order to explore how an agent decides to pay, how he identifies his partner, how he contacts him, how he negotiates with him, how he manages to achieve his goal, and how he protects himself against “lemons”. The aim of this thesis is to understand the corruption-commission process by using crime script analysis to delve into the event-decisions of corrupt agents. Therefore, within the Italian context, this thesis seeks to answer the following research questions: how do corrupt deals in public procurement take place? What are the tactics, dynamics and the modi operandi of corrupt agents? What are the steps of corruption-commission in the specific area of public procurement? How can these steps be explained? What are the facilitators of corruption-commission? After the relevant literature has been reviewed (Chapter 1) and the methodology has been discussed (chapter 2), the results of the research are presented in chapters 3 and 4, where the procedural aspects and the procedural requirements of the crime are presented and discussed. Some concluding remarks close the thesis.
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ZANELLA, MARCO. "Scripting Corruption in Public Procurement: The Italian Case." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2012.

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La corruzione negli appalti pubblici ha sempre destato particolare interesse. Nondimeno, un’attenta analisi della letteratura di settore dimostra come scarsa attenzione sia stata dedicata allo studio delle scelte strategiche adottate da corrotti e corruttori nel mentre decidono come pagare la tangente, come identificare il partner dell’accordo corruttivo, come contattarlo, come gestire le trattative, come raggiungere i propri obiettivi e come proteggersi da inadempimenti e tradimenti. Questa tesi si propone di studiare tali strategie, applicando per la prima volta in questo settore una particolare metodologia detta della script analysis, al fine di rispondere alle seguenti domande: come avvengono gli accordi corruttivi nel settore degli appalti pubblici? Quali sono le tattiche e i modi operandi adottati da corrotti e corruttori? Quali sono i “passaggi” necessari per la conclusione di accordi corruttivi? Come possono essere spiegati? Quali sono gli elementi che “facilitano” i protagonisti del pactum sceleris? Dopo aver passato in rassegna la letteratura (capitolo 1) ed illustrato la metodologia adottata (capitolo 2), la tesi risponde alle domande della ricerca, individuando i singoli passaggi dell’accordo corruttivo, soffermandosi sulle procedure adottate (capitolo 3) fino a circoscrivere e commentare gli elementi facilitatori (capitolo 4) nell’incontro tra domanda e offerta di utilitas.
Despite the growing concern over corruption in public procurement, there is little knowledge regarding the corruption-commission process. Scant attention has been paid to the event-decisions of corrupt agents in order to explore how an agent decides to pay, how he identifies his partner, how he contacts him, how he negotiates with him, how he manages to achieve his goal, and how he protects himself against “lemons”. The aim of this thesis is to understand the corruption-commission process by using crime script analysis to delve into the event-decisions of corrupt agents. Therefore, within the Italian context, this thesis seeks to answer the following research questions: how do corrupt deals in public procurement take place? What are the tactics, dynamics and the modi operandi of corrupt agents? What are the steps of corruption-commission in the specific area of public procurement? How can these steps be explained? What are the facilitators of corruption-commission? After the relevant literature has been reviewed (Chapter 1) and the methodology has been discussed (chapter 2), the results of the research are presented in chapters 3 and 4, where the procedural aspects and the procedural requirements of the crime are presented and discussed. Some concluding remarks close the thesis.
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Kundmüller, Caminiti Franz. "The Arbitration in Public Procurement: (Dis)trust and Aporia. Brief Comments to the oncoming regulation of the new Public Procurement Law." Derecho & Sociedad, 2015.

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This article doesn’t pretend to be an exhaustive analysis about the proposals contended in the oncoming regulation of the new Public Procurement Peruvian Law.It begins with a reflection about the importance on trust, and it continues by analyzing inherent issues to the principles that characterize arbitration, and that, in a near future, should be used to ‘arbitralize’ arbitration on public procurement matter.
Este artículo no pretende un análisis exhaustivo sobre las propuestas contenidas en el futuro Reglamento de la Nueva Ley de Contrataciones del Estado.Comienza con una reflexión sobre la importancia de la confianza y prosigue con el análisisde diversos aspectos inherentes a los principios que caracterizan al arbitraje y que; en unfuturo cercano, deberían servir para «arbitrabilizar» el arbitraje en materia de contratación pública.
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Winter, Anja, and Anne Bartens. "Translating Sustainability : Sustainable Public Procurement Practices in Swedish and German Public Organizations." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2014.

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The idea of sustainability is widespread, but it often remains unclear how the idea travelled and how it is translated into practice. In this thesis it is analysed how public organizations translate sustainability into action through Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP). First, an overview of translation theory and previous research on SPP is given. Basing on an empirical analysis, two cases of public organizations in Sweden and Germany that integrated SPP in their strategies are described and analysed. It is revealed that translation theory applies to the two cases and that the theory is useful to explain how the concept of sustainability is acted upon. Characteristics of processes of translation can be observed in both cases, indicating that the translation of the same idea can result in different practices and outcomes. It is found that although both public organizations use the same term, the way SPP is implemented and practiced differs highly. The thesis includes reflections on this different outcome and considers the importance of local contexts and actors.
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Shabbir, Aqsa. "Corruption in infrastructure procurement : a study based on procurement of infrastructure projects in Pakistan." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2015.

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The main purpose of this research project is to bridge the existing knowledgegap in the empirical identification and understanding of the most frequentcorrupt actions and the causes behind during procurement of infrastructureprojects in Pakistan, in addition to exploring the ways to enhance institutionalbasedtrust between the participants of the procurement process. Consequentlythe study aims to provide a conceptual framework to control corruption ininfrastructure procurement while proposing the institutional trust-buildingmechanisms. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are utilised in thisstudy to achieve this research aim. Quantitative research data is collected usinga questionnaire survey. A total of 450 questionnaires were sent to variouspeople engaged in procurement of infrastructure projects in Pakistan. Theresponse rate was 36.7% (n=165). The questionnaire comprises of two mainquestions; one is about the most frequent corrupt actions in traditional andPublic Private Partnership (PPP) infrastructure procurement processes whileother question asks about the perceived institutional trust-building mechanismsin context of infrastructure procurement market in Pakistan. Various appropriatestatistical methods, including Mean Ranking and ANOVA were utilised toanalyse the collected data. The questionnaire survey was followed by 15 indepth semi-structured interviews with a variety of stakeholders. Theseinterviews provided information on various causes of corruption and reasons asto why people do not for example report a known incident of corruption. A traditional content analysis approach was used to analyse the data collectedusing interviews. From the analysis a cyclical framework of corruption controlemerged, and this is outlined within the thesis. The goal of this framework is tofacilitate procurement stakeholders (individuals, groups, or organisations), toimprove their anti-corruption plans from project to project. This research studyhas filled the knowledge gap through identifying the top twenty potentialcorrupt practices in traditional and PPP infrastructure procurement processes inPakistan and explored the causes behind their occurrence. The study alsorecommends the solutions to mitigate this problem throughout the life cycle ofprocurement process. In addition, the study proposes the institutional trustbuildingmechanisms in the context of infrastructure procurement market inPakistan to cater for the likely loss in trust due to perceived level of corruptionin this sector. The study has also introduced a conceptual framework to controlcorruption in infrastructure procurement process in general and particularly inPakistan. The framework does not intend to introduce new alternatives butinstead builds on existing practices so that users can more easily adapt to theimprovement. The findings of this research are believed to be useful for allpractitioners who are either considering or currently involved in infrastructureprocurement process in Pakistan and trying to avoid or minimise the influenceof corruption.
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Acosta, Bogran Paola, and Daria Džaja. "How do SMEs engage in Green Public Procurement? : An exploratory study of SMEs' barriers and enablers for Green Public Procurement in Scotland." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Företagsekonomi, 2015.

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Braun, Peter. "The practical impact of E.U. public procurement law on PFI procurement practice in the United Kingdom." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2001.

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The emergence of Private Finance Initiative (PFI) in the 1990s has been described as the largest cultural change for decades in the way the public sector operates. PFI projects distinguish themselves from traditional methods of public purchasing by their commercial complexity and long contractual term. Most of these projects have to be delivered within the regulatory framework of public procurement which has remained largely unchanged since the 1970s. The overall objective of the study has been to gain a complete picture of PFI practice in the light of the apparent divergence between the law and commercial requirements. It was aimed to investigate whether this divergence has brought about a "PFI procurement practice." If so, it was aimed to examine the reasons for the emergence of the practice and whether it deviated from procurement law. To achieve these objectives, PFI practice was approached from an outsider and insider perspective. The perspective of insiders was gained by conducting a qualitative empirical study based on interviewing PFI experts. The outsider perspective was derived from legal analysis backed up by relevant material provided by interviewees. The main conclusion of the study is that legal practitioners have adopted solutions in different PFI projects largely resembling each other. The resemblance justifies referring to them as PFI procurement practice. This, practice was found to be not always in compliance with a literal interpretation of procurement law. Factors driving the divergence between law and practice include the perception of practitioners that strict compliance disproportionately hampers the commercially oriented PFI procurement practice. In addition, H. M. Treasury has increased the divergence by publishing guidance notes on PFI procurement which disregard procurement law in many respects. A further reason for the divergence is that private sector bidders have abstained from enforcing procurement law in the courts. In so doing, they have significantly reduced the risk of challenges for authorities developing PFI procurement practice.
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Widner, Olivia. "SOCIAL HÅLLBARHET I OFFENTLIG UPPHANDLING : En studie om offentlig upphandling som politiskt styrmedel." Thesis, Örebro universitet, Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap, 2017.

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In this essay a quantitative empirical study with qualitative elements is performed. The purposeof the paper is to investigate whether public procurement can be applied as a political instrument. The empirical data consists of a selection of government agencies and how well these government's governing documents have implemented the current government's National Public Procurement Strategy. In order to analyze the degree of implementation, three different implementation theories are applied. The theories applied are implementation from an upside down perspective, implementation from a bottom and up perspective and implementation based on ability, will and understanding. In order to delimit the essay to a reasonable extent, the study aims to focus on how socially responsible public procurement have been included in the governing documents. The question that is aimed to be answered is: to what extent has the objective of socially responsible in public procurement been implemented in the governing documents? The second question is: Is social responsibility more prominent in governing documents that were updated after launching the national public procurement strategy. the third question is: what possible implementation barriers can be identified when implementing the national procurement strategy. The method used in the essay is essentially a quantitative content analysis that is complemented by a qualitative interview survey. The results of the empirical study show shortcomings in the implementation of the selected authorities, which indicates that the national strategy have a weak effect as a political instrument.
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Ludlow, Amy Claire. "Does public procurement deliver? : a prison privatisation case study." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2013.

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Malek, Ramtin. "Lean principles application in public-private partnership project procurement." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2014.

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Abas, Azmi Khairul Saidah. "Public procurement fraud in Malaysia : a political economy approach." Thesis, University of Essex, 2016.

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This study investigates the practice of public procurement fraud in Malaysia. The aim of this research is to understand the nature and extent of the persistence of procurement fraud in the Malaysian public sector. Fraud in public procurement results in large losses of public funds which are needed by the government for delivering public services in order to build public infrastructure and facilities for healthcare and education, poverty eradication, security, defense and economic growth. A primarily qualitative methodology is employed in this study using the political economy approach in order to understand this social phenomenon. First, documentary analysis helps identifying some possible factors for the existence of fraud in public procurement in Malaysia. Then, qualitative data from semi-structured interviews are obtained using the Snowball Sampling Method (SSM). The interviews with 40 stakeholders (regulators, professionals, politicians, academics and media actors) reveal their „hidden‟ voices so as to understand public procurement fraud in Malaysia. Nevertheless, this study does not aim to make generalizations and reach concrete conclusions about this issue, but instead seeks to understand why public procurement fraud persists in Malaysia through an analysis of the subjective narratives of the stakeholders. This research identifies several possible factors explaining why fraud in Malaysian public procurement continues to exist: (1) the prevailing power of political and economic forces, (2) complexities in the check and balance system, (3) deficiencies in procurement practices, (4) constraints on the civil servants, and (5) characteristics of the Malaysian society. The findings contribute to the body of knowledge by focusing on an unexplored area of the institutional arrangements between the state and businesses in Malaysia. The institutional arrangements between state and private sector appear to be legitimate, but they have the potential to conceal fraudulent practices, thus making fraud possible. Given the sensitive nature of the subject matter of this research and the fact that fraud by its nature is often concealed, it is possible that the findings have only revealed the „tip of the iceberg‟ of public procurement fraud in Malaysia.
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Sundelius, Peter. "Beyond the Standards : Appropriate to the subject matter of a public procurement contract." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Juridiska institutionen, 2015.

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Zhang, Xueqing, and 張學淸. "Procurement of privately financed infrastructure projects." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2001.

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SOHLSTRÖM, ELIN. "Is Swedish Public Procurement Ready for Sustainable Product Development? : An Investigation on Barriers in Public Procurement that Prevents the Diffusion of Sustainable Innovations." Thesis, KTH, Hållbarhet och industriell dynamik, 2016.

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The current focus on sustainability entails an extension of companies focus beyond economicobjectives to an approach that also take into account economic, ecological as well as societal performance (Hollos, Blome and Foerstl, 2012). In this context, purchasing and supply has been transformed to have a strategic role in sustainability (Meehan and Bryde, 2011). The European Union point to a rising interest for policies that aim at a reorientation of public procurement to achieve solutions that promotes consideration of social policies and that supports sustainable innovation (European Commission, 2016).Public procurement processes have according to Oruezabala and Rico (2012) only been studied in a few empirical studies. Furthermore, Rolfstam et al. (2011) emphasizes that diffusion is an area that have been neglected in the public procurement of innovation. The need for sustainable innovations makes it relevant to address a gap in the literature, which beyond exposing hinders for sustainable public procurement accounts for their effect on the diffusion of sustainable innovations. Wastewater treatment is important for public procurement due to its significant environmental impact and therefore the wastewater treatment industry is the focus of this thesis. The importance of the study is supported by actors such as AxFlow that supplies the wastewater treatment industry with technical solutions. This company experiences that hinders in public procurement prevents diffusion of sustainable innovations.The purpose with this research is to investigate what barriers for sustainable procurement that prevents the diffusion of sustainable innovations. To fulfill this purpose a case study was conducted where data was collected through interviews with individuals with varying roles and experiences within public procurement to waste water treatment plants. In order to achieve the purpose it was necessary to determine that public procurement play a role in achieving a sustainable development. It was also crucial to find evidence on the existence of barriers for sustainable procurement and what these are. The results indicate that public procurement could play a significant role in promoting sustainable development. However, it is possible to conclude that the actual contribution is significantly small or nonexistent due to the fact that there are several barriers in place that prevents public procurement from having a significant impact. Findings suggests that barriers to sustainable procurement exists and that these relate to all three pillars of sustainable development, which are the economic, social and environmental pillar. By analyzing barriers to sustainable procurement found in the empirical study it was possible to identify which specific barriers that prevents the diffusion of sustainable innovations. It is concluded that the diffusion of sustainable innovations is prevented by the following barriers: 1. Public procurement failing to create economic incentives for sustainable product development. 2. An insufficient base of stake holders involved in the policy formulation process. 3. Policies not being formed on consensus and dialogue. 4. A lack of policy integration over different environmental media. 5. A lack of a strategic plan in public procurement. 6. Procurers given insufficient support and mutual measures necessary for evaluation.
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