Academic literature on the topic 'Innovative susceptibility'
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Journal articles on the topic "Innovative susceptibility"
Ulybyshev, D. N. "Factors of enterprises' innovative susceptibility." BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY. ECONOMY SERIES 99, no. 3 (September 29, 2020): 124–33.
Full textLayko, O. I., and V. S. Ivanchenkov. "METHODICAL ASPECT OF ASSESSMENT OF INNOVATIVE SUSCEPTIBILITY OF CANNING ENTERPRISE." Economic innovations 19, no. 2(64) (July 7, 2017): 176–82.
Full textErlygina, E., and T. Shalimova. "Managing Innovative Adaptation of Agro-industrial Enterprises." Bulletin of Science and Practice 6, no. 5 (May 15, 2020): 233–38.
Full textKarpenko, Elena, and Darya Pavlova. "Essence and factor conditionality of enterprise innovative susceptibility." University Economic Bulletin, no. 45 (May 27, 2020): 66–72.
Full textIsaev, Movladi. "Readiness of a modern computer science teacher for innovation." KANT 36, no. 3 (September 2020): 268–73.
Full textKireyeva, Anel A., and Saken S. Yespayev. "A Study of the Formation of Innovative Clusters As Growth Poles In the Regions of Kazakhstan." International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478) 3, no. 1 (January 15, 2014): 15–34.
Full textKRASNOSTANOVA, Nataliia E., Serhii I. MAIDANIUK, Nataliia V. PRYVALOVA, and Natalia V. AKYMENKO. "Methodological Basis of Assessment of Innovative Potential in the Regional Management System." Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics 9, no. 4 (March 16, 2019): 1317.
Full textDas, Nilangshu K., Sounak Dey, Sarbajit Pal, and P. Barat. "Innovative Instrumentation to Measure Magnetic Susceptibility." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 49, no. 9 (September 2013): 4965–69.
Full textLapitskaya, Larisa, and Yanina Yemelyanchenko. "The economic essence of innovative susceptibility of the organization." University Economic Bulletin, no. 43 (November 20, 2019): 20–27.
Full textSLAVKIN, HAROLD C. "CELL BIOLOGY, DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY AND INNOVATIVE THERAPEUTICS." Journal of the American Dental Association 129, no. 10 (October 1998): 1462–66.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Innovative susceptibility"
Babenko, Vitalina, O. I. Boichenko, Andrii Gusliev, and Yelyzaveta Koniaieva. "Increase of innovative susceptibility of personnel in industrial enterprises." Thesis, Atlantis Press, Netherlands, 2019.
Full textScheuring, Toni. "Implementing Usability Engineering into Development of an Innovative Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing Device." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Industriell teknik, 2019.
Full textBabenko, Vitalina, O. I. Boichenko, and Yelyzaveta Koniaieva. "Efficiency of human resource management in industrial automation enterprises with prospects of innovative susceptibility." Thesis, Atlantis Press, Netherlands, 2019.
Full textБойченко, Олег Ігорович. "Формування організаційно-економічних засобів підвищення інноваційної сприйнятливості персоналу промислових підприємств." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2020.
Full textThe thesis is submitted to obtain a scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy, specialty 073 – Management (07 – Management and administration). – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2019. The work was carried out at the Department of Management of Innovative Entrepreneurship and International Economic Relations of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The dissertation is available at the Library of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" at 61002, Kharkiv, st. Kirpichova str., 2. The object of the research is the latest processes of the formation of innovative potential at industrial enterprises in the field of industrial automation of Ukraine based on increasing the innovative susceptibility of personnel. The subject of the study is a set of theoretical, methodological and practical provisions and developments that affect the innovative susceptibility of the personnel of an industrial enterprise in the field of industrial automation. The dissertation research is devoted to the application of innovations in the structure of personnel management in the industrial automation market and the borrowing of European management experience. The international best practices in the formation of a commercial structure in the industrial automation market are considered. The development trends of the commercial department, the personnel training department, the main areas and methods of personnel management are analyzed. When solving the problems of scientific research, the following methods were applied: analysis methods, a systematic approach, logical, expert assessments, comparative and graphical analysis, an index, scenario approach, graphoanalytic, economic-mathematical and parametric-index modeling. In the introduction, the relevance of the research objectives is substantiated, the relationship of work with scientific programs, plans, topics is shown, the scientific novelty is given, and the practical significance of the results is formulated. The first chapter provides an overview of global trends in innovative development. Submitted and justifiably conceptual apparatus for the formation of organizational and economic means for the development of innovative staff susceptibility. An integrated system of interaction of factors of the organizational and managerial system which has a synergistic effect from ensuring innovative staff receptivity based on the targeted development of interactive measures for this increase. The prevailing conceptual scheme for ensuring the innovative susceptibility of enterprise orientation in innovative markets. The second section presents an analysis of trends and development strategies of advanced foreign and Ukrainian companies in the foreign and Ukrainian industrial automation markets. Analysis of the personnel management system of Ukrainian companies in the field of industrial automation. Its forms, methods for collecting, analyzing and summarizing the results on the presentation of objective values of the influence of subsystems of the personnel management system of enterprises on the level of innovative susceptibility of personnel are proposed. The necessity of the development of innovative information support for the subsystems of the personnel management system based on the development of corporate systems of interactive orientation along the vector of innovative susceptibility is substantiated.The presented prospects for increasing the integration of design, technological and commercial marketing solutions to improve the orientation of the organizational and managerial structure to increase the innovative susceptibility of staff. In the third section, the event on innovation and information support for the development and orientation of the organizational and managerial structure and personnel management system by the vector of innovative susceptibility of personnel is justified. Suggested indices of informativeness. An algorithm of a methodological approach to the orientation of organizational and economic conditions is proposed to increase the innovative susceptibility of the potential of the personnel management system within the framework of the organizational and management system based on the innovative orientation of personnel. The format of the subsystems and functions of the personnel management system at LLC "ME OVEN" has been improved. A comparative analysis of the increase in the level of innovative susceptibility of personnel for Ukrainian enterprises, in particular for the company LLC “ME OVEN”, was carried out. Justified and presented are typical beneficial effects of increasing the innovative susceptibility of the potential of the personnel management system. The prevailing complex index is a parametric model. Proposed indexes meters.The research results allowed to obtain a number of scientific results: - for the first time, an approach to the formation of organizational and economic tools for managing innovative activity of personnel on the basis of the implementation vector of the target complex of the innovative susceptibility of the personnel management system, in contrast to the existing ones, allows systematically and continuously building the potential of the personnel management system based on unidirectional targeted measures, increasing the innovative sensitivity of personnel industrial enterprises in the conditions of ensuring their effectiveness on innovation markets; - a methodological approach to the analysis of the personnel management system, which makes it possible to carry out a system orientation of its subsystems and functions on the basis of the vector of innovative susceptibility, which, unlike the existing ones, contains a system of measuring instruments for their impact on the innovative activity of personnel, and allows developing targeted organizational and managerial measures for diagnosing the condition and increase the efficiency of individual participation of personnel in the innovative activities of the enterprise, taking into account the specifics of the industry automation; - a system for the targeted formation of information and communication corporate networks from the point of view of developing their level of innovative personnel susceptibility, which, unlike the existing ones, stimulates and strengthens the target orientation of the communicative functions of personnel management systems and improves the efficiency of using the innovative information component of their subsystems, helps to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise areas of industrial automation; - the approach to substantiating and systematizing a set of factors affecting the increase in the innovative susceptibility of personnel, taking into account the specifics of the field of industrial automation, allows, in contrast to previous generalizations, to take into account the synergistic effect of ensuring the organizational and managerial component of the personnel’s work based on the targeted development of interactive measures for this increase. received further development: - an approach to increasing the innovative susceptibility of the personnel of the commercial service of an enterprise in the field of industrial automation, which, unlike the existing one, provides a strategy to increase sales efficiency through ready-made solutions of the “finished solution” type without the use of system integrators in the development of innovative markets makes it possible to increase the profit of the enterprise; - a model of interaction of organizational, economic and managerial means of increasing the innovative susceptibility of enterprise personnel in the field of industrial automation on an interactive basis, which allows you to format the composition of the subsystems of the personnel management system taking into account the specifics of the innovative strategy of the enterprise, unlike existing models, it allows you to systematically orient these funds to increase innovative susceptibility personnel and the development of innovative markets for industrial automation.
Dover, Oliver, and Erik Nord. "Market Susceptibility Toward Disruptive Business Model Innovation." Thesis, KTH, Industriell ekonomi och organisation (Inst.), 2015.
Full textDen här studien behandlar de faktorer som indikerar en marknads känslighet för disruptiva innovationer. Dessa disruptiva innovationer kan delas upp i tre olika former; produktdisruption, teknologidisruption och affärsmodellsdisruption. Det finns idag en brist på litteratur som behandlar disruption ur ett affärsmodellsperspektiv. Befintlig litteratur för disruptiva innovationer är baserade på fall kring teknologi- och produktdisruptioner. Denna studie presenterar ett ramverk för att utvärdera känsligheten för affärsmodellsdisruption i en viss marknad. I den här artikeln görs en fallstudie kring två historiska händelser då nya affärsmodeller lanserats på den svenska telekommarknaden. En utav dessa var en väldigt framgångsrik affärsmodellsdisruption, medan den andra inte nått samma framgång. Händelserna är undersökta genom intervjuer av personer som hade strategiska positioner inom telekomindustrin under dessa två händelser. Slutsatser som dras är sedan styrkta av enkätresultat och statistik från marknadsundersökningar gjorda av den svenska post- och telestyrelsen. Marknadsfaktorer som är tillämpade på teknologi- och produktdisruptioner från tidigare teori appliceras på dessa affärsmodellshändelser. Faktorerna testas för att se i vilken utsträckning de kan föras över till teori för disruptiv innovation av affärsmodeller. Studien strävar också efter att hitta nya marknadsfaktorer som inte tidigare inkluderats i teorin. Denna artikel avslutas genom att presentera 10 omkringliggande faktorer som är viktiga för att utvärdera känsligheten för disruptiv affärsmodellsinnovation i en marknad. Artikeln utgår från 11 marknadsfaktorer, främst baserade på tidigare teorier om produkt- eller teknologidisruption. 7 av dessa faktorer kan överföras till affärsmodellsdisruption, vilket innebär att 4 faktorer avfärdas i sin helhet. Dessutom visade empirin att ytterligare 3 faktorer var viktiga för affärsmodellsdisruption. Studien fann att ”ändring av aktörer i värdekedjan” samt ”höga inträdesbarriärer” inte verkade vara så viktiga faktorer för affärmodellsdisruption. De marknadsfaktorer som var viktigast för marknadens känslighet för affärsmodellsdisruption var kopplade till kostnads- och slutkundsberoende, höga marginaler och skalbarhet. Det fanns dock flera faktorer som var viktiga för både affärsmodells- och teknologi/produktdisruption. Dessa marknadsfaktorer berörde marknadsfördelningen, den aktuella produkten, lönsamheten, och den aktuella värdekedjan. Skillnader mellan affärsmodellsdisruption och produkt- eller teknologidisruption utreds i denna studie. Skillnaderna visar sig vara viktiga när man undersöker marknadens känslighet för disruptiva innovationer. De stora skillnaderna som upptäcktes var att affärsmodeller är mer agila, är inte sedda som ett lika stort hot, och är mer ”pull”- än ”push”-baserade.
Дюжев, Віктор Геннадійович. "Теоретико-методичні засади підвищення інноваційної сприйнятливості підприємств до технологій нетрадиційної відновлювальної енергетики." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textTheses for the degree of doctor of economic sciences, specialty 08.00.04 - economy and the company's board (by economic activity). National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkov, 2016. In this paper, the complex concepts of innovation receptivity, including "innovative primary susceptibility", "secondary innovation susceptibility", "innovative multi susceptibility." Formed target innovation-sensitive approach as the institutional concept. Developed the technique and comprehensive assessment of socio-economic and ecological technological efficiency technologies NVE. The mechanism increase enterprise IP-based EMS units enhance innovation and introduction of innovative subsystem mizhblokovoyi susceptibility proposed methodical approach to innovation and a flexible structure susceptible domestic enterprises as a factor increasing its susceptibility to innovative technologies NVE. Presented a comprehensive multi-index parametric model describing the process of awareness, evaluation and implementation of innovative potential NVE in terms of both external and internal factors of its implementation.
Дюжев, Віктор Геннадійович. "Теоретико-методичні засади підвищення інноваційної сприйнятливості підприємств до технологій нетрадиційної відновлювальної енергетики." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textTheses for the degree of doctor of economic sciences, specialty 08.00.04 - economy and the company's board (by economic activity). National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkov, 2016. In this paper, the complex concepts of innovation receptivity, including "innovative primary susceptibility", "secondary innovation susceptibility", "innovative multi susceptibility." Formed target innovation-sensitive approach as the institutional concept. Developed the technique and comprehensive assessment of socio-economic and ecological technological efficiency technologies NVE. The mechanism increase enterprise IP-based EMS units enhance innovation and introduction of innovative subsystem mizhblokovoyi susceptibility proposed methodical approach to innovation and a flexible structure susceptible domestic enterprises as a factor increasing its susceptibility to innovative technologies NVE. Presented a comprehensive multi-index parametric model describing the process of awareness, evaluation and implementation of innovative potential NVE in terms of both external and internal factors of its implementation.
Liu, Jie, and Dongmi Wu. "The Impact of Culture on Consumers' Propensity to Innovate and Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influences." Thesis, Umeå University, Umeå School of Business, 2007.
The increasing globalization of business provides a compelling reason for understanding the cultural context of consumer behaviour. Our thesis investigates the impact of culture on consumers’ propensity to innovate and consumers’ susceptibility to interpersonal influence
that is divided into normative interpersonal influences and informational interpersonal influences.
A lot of research has been studied intentionally to find the factors that influence the acceptation rate of innovation. Culture is considered as one of those factors by some researchers while other researchers find insufficient evidence to support this view, which
means that their findings are inconsistent. Moreover, previous studies about the cultures’ role on consumers’ propensity to innovate between Western and Eastern countries are very limited, which inspires us to make a further study in this area.
An empirical quantitative study was conducted among 360 young people in Sweden and China based on the independent variable factors, ‘propensity to innovate’, ‘propensity to
imitate’, ‘susceptibility to normative interpersonal influence’, and ‘susceptibility to informational interpersonal influence’ by using Hofstede’s (2001) five cultural dimensions.Measurement scales were taken from Baumgartner et al (1996) and Bearden et al (1989). The validity and reliability of factors and scales have been discussed.
The findings are unable to identify culture as a variable that statistical significantly affects innovativeness and consumers’ propensity to imitate. In contrast, the results indicate the
differential sensitivity of consumers in different national cultures to their susceptibility to normative influence and susceptibility to informational influence. Consumers in more collectivistic, large power distance, strong uncertainty avoidances, and long-term orientation cultures are going to be convinced into adopting new products through normative influence and informational influence.
In addition, our research suggests that gender has a significant difference in innovativeness,implying that female have higher innovativeness. Occupation has a significant difference on
‘susceptibility to normative influence’ and ‘susceptibility to informational influence’, while age has no correlation with the four factors.
The major implication is that international markers would be better employ normative and informational interpersonal influences to attract consumers to accept innovations when they make marketing strategies to consumers in more collectivist, larger power distance, stronger uncertainty avoidance, more long-term orientation cultures.
Lewin, William. "The Sound Of Silence : Applying Disruptive Innovation in the Electric Motorcycle Industry." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Industriell teknik, 2021.
Full textLe, Page Stéphanie. "Automatisation de la lecture et de l'interprétation des antibiogrammes." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017.
Full textIn the last few years, automation in clinical microbiology has become very important due to the constant increase of samples but they need to be improved. A review of the literature was performed to expose the new challenges and the new opportunities in the surveillance and the detection of multi-drug resistance bacteria.For that purpose, we conduct a thorough search to test new innovative technological tools for reading earlier AST with high-resolution image scanner: Advencis Bio-System Incubator and the Scan® 1200 and to carry out the automatic seeding of AST with the PREVI® Isola system (bioMérieux, Marcy l’Etoile, France). In a second step, the retrospective analysis of antibiotic resistance and phenotypes observed at La Timone hospital in Marseille was carried out between 2014 and 2016. We have developped a new software for the automatic interpretation of phenotypes based on image recognition protected by a patent: the "ANTI-LOGIC" software. The aim of our third work was to participate on the development of a real-time PCR to detect the mcr-1 gene. We then worked on multi-resistant strains with Gram-negative bacteria, we have tested a large panel of 29-32 antibiotics to see if we are in a therapeutic stalemate. For the detection of colistin resistant strains, a selective culture medium has been developed. In order to finish this part, with the appearance of colistin-resistant strains, we tried to find a therapeutic alternative by studying combinations of old antibiotics (colistin-sulfadiazine) for the treatment and decolonization before faecal transplantation of patients infected or colonized by multi-resistant bacteria
Book chapters on the topic "Innovative susceptibility"
Mohseni, Alaeddin, and Dr Haleh Azari. "An Innovative Concept for Testing Rutting Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixture." In TMS Middle East - Mediterranean Materials Congress on Energy and Infrastructure Systems (MEMA 2015), 65–76. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015.
Full textMohseni, Alaeddin, and Haleh Azari. "An Innovative Concept for Testing Rutting Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixture." In Proceedings of the TMS Middle East — Mediterranean Materials Congress on Energy and Infrastructure Systems (MEMA 2015), 65–76. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Full textReynolds, Alyssa J., and Collin R. Payne. "Understanding the Relationship Between Context Dependence and Susceptibility to Consumption Cues: A Structured Abstract." In Creating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends, 719–23. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textValentini, Renzo, Francesco Aiello, Linda Bacchi, Fabio Biagini, Serena Corsinovi, and Michele Villa. "Characterization of Hydrogen Trapping Systems and HIC Susceptibility of X60 Steel by Traditional and Innovative Methodologies." In Advanced Structured Materials, 179–94. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textBosbach, Kirstin E., Jan F. Tesch, and Uwe C. M. Kirschner. "A Business Model Perspective on Innovation Susceptibility." In Progress in IS, 145–64. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textBandara, Akila, Yashodha Hettiarachchi, Kusal Hettiarachchi, Sidath Munasinghe, Ishara Wijesinghe, and Uthayasanker Thayasivam. "A Generalized Ensemble Machine Learning Approach for Landslide Susceptibility Modeling." In Data Management, Analytics and Innovation, 71–93. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textBerchiche, Razika, and Mohamed Saïd Guettouche. "Landslide Susceptibility Modeling Using GIS and MAUT Combined with Artificial Neural Network Models; Case of Aghribs Watershed (Neogen Basin of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria)." In Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, 55–58. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textAndrieu, Guillaume. "Probabilistic model about the influence of the number of stirring conditions considered during a radiated susceptibility test." In Electromagnetic Reverberation Chambers: Recent advances and innovative applications, 101–22. Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2020.
Full textZhang, Yuhua, Melvin G. McInnis, and Sebastian Zöllner. "Genetic techniques and applications to bipolar disorder." In The Bipolar Brain, 192–99. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Full textEberechi, Patrick, and Shirematee Baboolal. "Laboratory Diagnosis of Latent and Active Tuberculosis Infections in Trinidad & Tobago and Determination of Drug Susceptibility Profile of Tuberculosis Isolates in the Caribbean." In Understanding Tuberculosis - Global Experiences and Innovative Approaches to the Diagnosis. InTech, 2012.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Innovative susceptibility"
Babenko, Vitalina, Oleg Boichenko, Andrii Gusliev, and Yelyzaveta Koniaieva. "Increase of Innovative Susceptibility of Personnel in Industrial Enterprises." In Proceedings of the 2019 7th International Conference on Modeling, Development and Strategic Management of Economic System (MDSMES 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019.
Full textBabenko, Vitalina, Oleg Boichenko, and Yelyzaveta Koniaieva. "Efficiency of Human Resource Management in Industrial Automation Enterprises with Prospects of Innovative Susceptibility." In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Strategies, Models and Technologies of Economic Systems Management (SMTESM 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019.
Full textDay, David, Edwin Kawecki, Joshua R. McNally, and Thomas J. Rosenbarger. "Development and Material Characterization of an Additively Manufactured Nickel Alloy for Turbine Applications." In ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.
Full textZhang, Yangwen, Thomas Schauer, and Achim Bleicher. "Assessment of wind-induced vibration suppression and energy harvesting using facades." In IABSE Congress, New York, New York 2019: The Evolving Metropolis. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2019.
Full textMcDonnell, Shamus, Chukwuma Onuoha, Eric Pozniak, and Vignesh Shankar. "Identifying Stress Concentrations on Buried Steel Pipelines Using Large Standoff Magnetometry Technology." In 2018 12th International Pipeline Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.
Full textDaja, S., Ç. Durmishi, A. Sinojmeri, and S. Nazaj. "Landslides susceptibility in central part of Albanian coast." In Littoral 2010 – Adapting to Global Change at the Coast: Leadership, Innovation, and Investment. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2011.
Full textVolkova, S. A., T. A. Volkova, D. M. Shotylo, M. S. Lutsenko, and O. O. Shendrikova. "Estimation of conditions of digital transformation based on innovation susceptibility of the economy of the region." In DEFIN2020: III International Scientific and Practical Conference. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2020.
Full textMourin, Mahbuba Maliha, Abu Ahmed Ferdaus, and Md Jakir Hossain. "Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Chittagong District of Bangladesh using Support Vector Machine integrated with GIS." In 2018 International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET). IEEE, 2018.
Full textHadjigeorgiou, Katerina, Evdokia Kastanos, and Costas Pitris. "Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy as a tool for rapid and inexpensive diagnosis and antibiotic susceptibility testing for urinary tract infections." In 2016 IEEE Healthcare Innovation Point-Of-Care Technologies Conference (HI-POCT). IEEE, 2016.
Full textPrananda, Yovan, Febri Taufik, Alief R., Fikrianti S., M. Hardian T., and Widodo. "Pollution detected innovation of hazardous and toxic substance disposal by magnetic susceptibility method in Cikijing River, Rancaekek for testing water quality standards." In 1ST INTERNATIONAL GEO-ELECTROMAGNETIC WORKSHOP (GEO-EM 2017): Proceedings of 1st International Geo-Electromagnetic Workshop. Author(s), 2017.
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