Academic literature on the topic 'Innovations juridiques'
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Journal articles on the topic "Innovations juridiques"
Pilliar, Andrew. "EXPLORING A LAW FIRM BUSINESS MODEL TO IMPROVE ACCESS TO JUSTICE." Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 32, no. 1 (February 1, 2015): 1.
Full textBernatchez, Stéphane. "Oh ! le beau droit. La pertinence du jugement esthétique pour le jugement juridique." Les Cahiers de droit 58, no. 1-2 (May 17, 2017): 87–106.
Full textMasse, Claude. "L'Avant-projet de Loi sous l'angle de la responsabilité des fabricants et des vendeurs spécialisés." La réforme du droit des obligations 30, no. 3 (April 12, 2005): 627–46.
Full textAraiza, William D. "Reinventing Regulation/Reinventing Accountability: Judicial Review in New Governance Regimes." Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 28, no. 2 (October 1, 2010): 361.
Full textBernatchez, Stéphane. "Gouverner les religions au Canada par des innovations juridiques made in USA : la réflexivité à l’œuvre dans l’accommodement raisonnable et la liberté de religion." Revue du droit des religions, no. 11 (May 6, 2021): 133–54.
Full textAmri, Nelly. "“Par la médiation de son tombeau”. La visite pieuse (ziyāra) au Maghreb aux XIVe-XVe siècles entre croyance éprouvée et norme mouvante." Studia Islamica 116, no. 2 (November 18, 2021): 269–303.
Full textGazzini, Claudia. "When Jurisprudence Becomes Law: How Italian Colonial Judges in Libya Turned Islamic Law and Customary Practice into Binding Legal Precedent." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 55, no. 4-5 (2012): 746–70.
Full textBelley, Jean-Guy. "Paradigmes et innovation: les professeurs de droit et l'avenir des professions juridiques." Canadian journal of law and society 9, no. 2 (1994): 163–79.
Full textd’Ambrosio, Luca. "Le devoir de vigilance : une innovation juridique entre continuités et ruptures." Droit et société N°106, no. 3 (2020): 633.
Full textFiloche, Geoffroy. "Les connaissances, innovations et pratiques traditionnelles en matière de biodiversité : un kaléidoscope juridique." Droit et société 72, no. 2 (2009): 433.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Innovations juridiques"
Gautier, Clément. "Essai sur les instruments juridiques du nouveau cadre financier de soutien à l'innovation en Europe." Paris 11, 2008.
Full textMecherour, Chahrazed. "Les PME algéro-françaises : aspects juridiques, fiscaux et économiques." Paris 1, 2011.
Full textDelmotte, Alexandre. "Les aspects juridiques de la valorisation de la recherche." Thesis, Grenoble, 2011.
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Boidart, Emeline. "La réglementation des drones civils au niveau international : entre progrès technologiques et problématiques juridiques." Thesis, Lyon, 2019.
Full textToday, unmanned aircrafts are undeniably part of our daily lives. These objects surround us more and more and cross the borders, because it is not only in France that these devices become more and more known, but also in the whole world. Whether they are used for recreational purposes, in the military field or for professional activities, unmanned aircrafts are experiencing strong development, unprecedented growth.This development will consist here of dealing with the subject of civilian commercial UAVs which undoubtedly represent the largest field of unmanned aircraft. Indeed, recreational UAVs, like military ones, have a significant growth, but less than civilian professional unmanned aircrafts.These new technologies have a great potential for many companies which work on service delivery through unmanned aircraft. More and more activities are being developed in many sectors, companies are becoming aware of the work capacity that these devices can represent, and it is important to carry out this promising market.However, it is clear that no activity is really possible without a legal framework. Indeed, in a few years, we have seen the use of UAVs becoming more democratic, especially in France. Current events have shown that this use is sometimes dangerous and careless, with many incidents noted. It is therefore necessary to put in place rules that each user must respect, whether for recreational or professional use.France, and some States in the world, are among the forerunners to work extensively on a regulation. This one is certainly strict, maybe even too much, nevertheless it makes it possible to avoid accidents.However, even today many States have not worked on regulations on the activity of unmanned aircrafts within their territory. This is a serious security problem, since in these States, UAVs activities are carried out whereas no rule has yet been given.Companies are on the front line, they have a real need for regulation to develop their business, working on new technologies. Innovations always need to have a solid legal framework, to know what their scope is.Law goes hand in hand with technological progress, and yet it is often lagging behind innovation. As a result, States are facing ever-increasing growth of UAVs activities on their territory, while no regulation has been introduced. Regulation is therefore necessary for all States, to better regulate the use of unmanned aircraft and to guarantee sufficient security for all.Little by little, States are becoming aware of the importance of putting rules in place, some have done a comprehensive job on the subject, and others are building on them and starting to think about it.Of course, all existing States in the world represent as many regulations, even if some are similar, the right of unmanned aircraft is far from unified. On the contrary, it is multiple and very diverse, which can be a problem in this area.Indeed, it would be necessary to work on a convergence, a harmonization, a consensus between all existing regulations and which are still developing today. It seems obvious that the purpose of this right is to allow full integration of unmanned aircrafts in the world's airspace, among other users of the general air traffic, civilian or military ones.This integration is essential to enable both States and companies to work together on regulatory proposals for a better air traffic management, as well as improved cohabitation of all these new technologies whose activities still have an enormous potential to develop
Poinsot, Lisa. "Contribution à l'étude de la contrainte du temps dans le contrat de travail." Thesis, Université de Lille (2018-2021), 2021.
Full textThe « Contribution to the study of the time constraint in the employment contract » proposes to verify the effects of the representation of time by the Law in the face of the difficulties generated by the evolutions impacting employed labour. Law and time are intrinsically linked: law materialises and objectifies time, while the latter justifies legal innovations. This strong mutual influence of time and law leads us to question the relevance of the legal representation of the employment contract in the face of the massive use of algorithms in salaried work. To answer this question, this study intends to demonstrate the creation of a legal representation of the employment contract due to the perception of time by the Law, as well as the transformation of the perception of salaried work, based on artificial intelligence and digital platforms. An answer is therefore emerging: the legal representation of the employment contract, the result of the action of the Law on time, can serve as a basis for the protection of the worker in the face of the important use of artificial intelligence and digital platforms. The adaptation of the legal representation of the employment contract would make it possible to benefit from the advantages of these technological advances while supervising their use
Monelli, Yvan. "La protection juridique de l'investissement économique." Montpellier 1, 1996.
Full textNew innovations, shall it be products or services, are steadily introduced on the market. Those innovations, called "economic values" by the legal doctrine, may be protected by intellectual property rules. The foresaid intellectual property set of rules, creator of monopolies, is concerned by competition law as the latter leads to the upholding of a workable competition environment. Parallel to the intellectual property set of rules, the "economic values" may be protected by case law, as a result of unfair competition. Therefore, the judge creates monopolies over unprotected "economic values" through intellectual property. The creation of such monopolies makes it then necessary to take into account antitrust law
Panisset, Isabelle. "Émergence d'un pluralisme juridique dans le domaine des innovations biomédicales." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.
Full textCassar, Bertrand. "La transformation numérique du monde du droit." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2020.
Full textOur society’s history is intricately linked to that of legal professionals. They are the connection between the subjects of legal proceedings and the State, giving it the opportunity to implement its sovereign prerogative of serving justice. Each evolution in their activity therefore has repercussions on all citizens. In the past fifty years legal professionals have known profound changes. These mutations affect them in many ways, for instance by the modification of their legal status. They have also changed the way they work by the progressive introduction of new technologies. The recent phenomenon of digital transformation has been accentuated by the apparition of open data which has encouraged new actors, known as LegalTech, to cater digital services to legal circles. Just like legal publishers, these new entities foster the diffusion of new techniques which are then applied by legal professionals. They therefore consolidate their position, acting as intermediaries to legal circles
Guindo, Adama. "Le régime juridique des importations de technologie dans les Etats de la C. E. A. O." Nice, 1985.
Full textDufy, Bertrand Guillaume. "L'économie de l'industrie du disque à l'heure numérique : innovation technique et approche juridique depuis le début des années 1980." Bordeaux 3, 2008.
Full textThe purpose of this work is essentially to bring lighting on the links of three research domains within the framework of the evolution of the phonographic industry since the advent of the CD. These three domains are: the technological innovation applied to the phonographic industry, the study of the industrial structure of the sector, and the evolution of the frame of the intellectual property right and more particularly the copyright or French “droit d’auteur” which is a major feature of the phonographic industry. If the geographical frame of the study is global and thus concerns the world phonographic industry, a more particular attention was brought to the study of the French market. First, the purpose of this work is to study how, since the advent of the compact disk, the industrial structure of the sector evolved. For this we used numerous tools of analysis of industrial and financial economics. The second objective of this work is to understand the evolutions of the legal frame which is the base of the phonographic industry: the rights of intellectual property, in a national frame (copyright and French “droit d’auteur”) or international with the various evolutions of the international frame of the intellectual and artistic protection. Finally, this work suggests studying all these modifications through the prism of the technological innovation. Indeed, this last one is at the origin of most of these modifications and must be thus studied collectively with these first two research subjects. More globally, this thesis study which modifications intervened in the phonographic industry by trying to understand the links and the dynamics which links the domains of the technological innovation, the intellectual property and the industrial structuration of phonographic industry
Books on the topic "Innovations juridiques"
Parlement européen. Commission juridique et des droits des citoyens. Problèmes éthiques et juridiques de la manipulation génétique et de la fécondation humaine artificielle. Luxembourg: Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes, 1990.
Find full textScotchmer, Suzanne. Innovation and incentives. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2006.
Find full textInnovation and incentives. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005.
Find full textInstitut des hautes études de défense nationale (France). L'intelligence juridique: Un nouvel outil stratégique. Paris: Economica, 2004.
Find full textDominicé, Christian. L' ordre juridique international entre tradition et innovation: Recueil d'études. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1997.
Find full textLe commerce international de la technologie: Approche juridique. Paris: Librairies techniques, 1985.
Find full textIntroduction à la Loi concernant le cadre juridique des technologies de l'information. Cowansville, Québec: Éditions Y. Blais, 2012.
Find full textFontana, Vincent. Eclairer le crime. Georg Editeur, 2021.
Full textScotchmer, Suzanne. Innovation and Incentives. The MIT Press, 2004.
Find full textInnovation and Incentives. The MIT Press, 2006.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Innovations juridiques"
Baujard, Corinne. "Conception et utilisation de la formation multimédia : quel dispositif juridique de protection des savoirs ?" In TIC et innovation organisationnelle, 87–97. Presses des Mines, 2012.
Full textADENIYA, Jihane kèmi. "Le numérique à l’ère de la Covid-19 : quelles conséquences pour le monde du droit ?" In Les épidémies au prisme des SHS, 183–90. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
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