Academic literature on the topic 'Innovation municipale'
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Journal articles on the topic "Innovation municipale"
Montambeault, Françoise. "Innovation démocratique ou continuité des pratiques ? Le cas du PRD et des conseils de participation citoyenne à Nezahualcóyotl1." Articles 30, no. 2 (March 12, 2012): 93–122.
Full textBenabdelkrim, Rami. "L’éco-organisme, ou l’innovation organisationnelle face au défi des déchets." Regards croisés sur l'économie 34, no. 1 (October 7, 2024): 212–21.
Full textMarrocchino, Elena, Chiara Telloli, Sara Caraccio, Chiara Guarnieri, and Carmela Vaccaro. "Medieval Glassworks in the City of Ferrara (North Eastern Italy): The Case Study of Piazza Municipale." Heritage 3, no. 3 (July 17, 2020): 819–37.
Full textWhitaker, Stephan David. "Financial innovations in municipal securities markets." Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management 30, no. 3 (September 3, 2018): 286–314.
Full textSørly, Rita, Martin Sollund Krane, Geir Bye, and May-Britt Ellingsen. "“There Is a Lot of Community Spirit Going On.” Middle Managers' Stories of Innovation in Home Care Services." SAGE Open Nursing 5 (January 2019): 237796081984436.
Full textDe Oliveira, Murielly Sallézya Fernandes, Tiago Almeida Silva, and Jefferson Tadeu Pereira. "Conselhos municipais: a representatividade popular do controle social na gestão municipal." Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo 16, no. 1 (January 9, 2024): 512–33.
Full textGierhake, Klaus, and Carlos Maria Fernandez Jardon. "The role of local universities in the dissemination of social innovations: the case of the municipal district of Quito." 26, No1 - 2021, no. 26, No 1 - 2021 (November 22, 2021): 149–68.
Full textHenzler, Kristina, Stephanie D. Maier, Michael Jäger, and Rafael Horn. "SDG-Based Sustainability Assessment Methodology for Innovations in the Field of Urban Surfaces." Sustainability 12, no. 11 (June 1, 2020): 4466.
Full textShava, Elvin, and Shikha Vyas-Doorgapersad. "Fostering digital innovations to accelerate service delivery in South African Local Government." International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478) 11, no. 2 (March 22, 2022): 83–91.
Full textLi, Yang. "Beijing’s Innovations in Social Management: An Interview with Song Guilun (宋贵伦)." China Nonprofit Review 4, no. 2 (2012): 237–57.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Innovation municipale"
Seker, Merdan. "Success factors of municipal innovation : which factors foster and inhibit the innovativeness of the local administration ?" Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024.
Full textThis thesis investigates the factors that influence the emergence of innovations in municipalities, focusing on Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Using a survey with a rich data set of 585 completed questionnaires, the research applies different logistic regression models to analyse the relationship between municipal characteristics and the emergence of innovations. The study shows that factors such as population size, organisational structure, the provision of financial resources and local administrative policies have a significant impact on the emergence of municipal innovations. In addition, the findings reveal a disparity between smaller and larger municipalities in terms of the factors influencing the emergence of innovation, and specific recommendations are made to address these differences. Finally, the research contributes to a deeper understanding of how municipalities can use innovation to address contemporary challenges
Wihlman, Thomas. "Innovation in Municipal Welfare Services." Doctoral thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Hälsa och välfärd, 2014.
Full textSILVESTRI, Francesco. "Municipal Wast Economics in Europe Marker structure, empirical insights, and innovation." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2016.
Full textHaberman, Cory P. "The Adoption of Research and Planning Units by American Municipal Police Departments." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2009.
Full textMagrassi, Marco 1970. "Stories of municipal innovation : implementation of EC policies in Southern Italian cities." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.
Full text"February 1999."
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 94-96).
Policies and programs funded by the European Commission (EC) provide an important development opportunity for less developed European regions. In Southern Italy however, regional and local governments face significant problems in planning and executing EC-funded development programs. Historical and current analyses show that these problems are a result of political, strategic, and technical capacity constraints. This study examines how Southern Italian municipalities are taking advantage of the first EC-funded program initiative specifically targeted for urban areas. The analysis focuses on the municipal capacity to introduce innovation to: 1) expand the scope of municipal tasks to implement economic development projects, and 2) adjust their organizational and bureaucratic practices to comply with the administrative procedures and performance standards required by the EC. The study primarily draws on one case study, a municipality that has successfully managed the program, with additional empirical evidence from three other Southern Italian municipalities. Based on my findings, I argue that the implementation of EC programs can improve municipal efficiency, partially explained by the EC's capacity building processes. What is more central, however, is that developmental outcomes and institutional learning success is a function of a municipality's ability to: a) build the EC-funded program on former municipal development initiatives; b) balance the innovation content within project schemes (e.g. in terms of targeting, integration with other program components, and participatory implementation) with the municipal capacity to implement them; c) comprehensively manage and coordinate the program, limiting sub-contracting of program activities to external consultants; and d) build the necessary political support to actively negotiate with the EC and the Italian national government.
by Marco Magrassi.
Alaiya, Mayowa. "Organizing municipal procurement of civil works and the perceived conditions for promoting innovation." Thesis, KTH, Ledning och organisering i byggande och förvaltning, 2020.
Full textByggrelaterad forskning tyder på att branschen präglas av effektivitets- och produktivitetsproblem som många menar beror på en låg innovationsnivå inom sektorn. Mycket forskning har därför riktats mot förbättringar inom upphandling då man anser att valet av en optimal upphandlingsstrategi kan främja innovation, vilket i sin tur kan resultera i ökar effektivitet och produktivitet inom sektorn. Dessutom, tyder mycket forskning på att offentliga beställare utgör en stor roll i att främja innovation och effektivitet inom sektorn, något som stödjs genom flera politiska direktiv. Detta är dock ett område som behöver förbättras då många offentliga beställare fortfarande tillförlitar sig på traditionella och stelbenta upphandlingsmetoder som hämmar innovationspotentialen. För att främja innovation inom upphandling av anläggningsentreprenader krävs det inter-professionellt samarbete mellan byggprojektledare och upphandlare, något som kan vara svåruppnått då forskning har visat att spänningar kan uppstå dessa två yrkesgrupper emellan. I betraktande av ämnets vikt och relevans är arbetets syfte att studera hur byggförvaltningar och upphandlingsfunktioner i kommuner organiseras vid upphandling av anläggningsentreprenader samt hur projektledare och upphandlare samarbetar under processen. Studien har även undersökt de upplevda förutsättningarna av projektledare och upphandlare för att främja innovation vid upphandling av anläggningsentreprenader. En fallstudie av fyra svenska kommuner genomfördes för att uppnå studiens syfte, där empirin framställdes genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med projektledare och upphandlare i kommunerna. Empirin visade att de studerade kommunerna till stor del saknade organisatoriska resurser för att främja innovation vid upphandling av anläggningsentreprenader. Resultaten indikerade att stödet och engagemanget för innovation inom anläggningsområdet var måttligt i kommunerna, men att det fanns ett starkt stöd för innovation inom andra områden exempelvis inom IT. Likväl, finns det fortfarande en vilja bland projektledare att främja innovation och öka effektiviteten i anläggningsentreprenaderna, och resultaten visade att projektledare och upphandlare var bättre rustade för att fokusera på inkrementella innovationer snarare än radikala innovationer. Möjligheter att främja innovation diskuterades och analyserades. Till exempel bedömde man att högre och mer projektspecifika miljökriterier i projekt kunde förbättra potentialen för ökad effektivitet och utveckling av innovativa lösningar i anläggningsentreprenaderna.
Coffee, Joyce E. (Joyce Elena) 1971. "Innovations in municipal service delivery : the case of Vietnam's Haiphong Water Supply Company." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (p. 63-67).
This thesis describes a state owned municipal water supply service company, the Haiphong Water Supply Company (HPWSCo), that improved its service delivery and successfully transformed itself into a profit making utility with metered consumers willing to pay for improved service. The thesis examines how HPWSCo tackled the typical problems of a developing country's municipal water supply company and succeeded in the eyes of the consumers, the local and national governments, and the wider development community. The thesis describes how and under what conditions HPWSCo has changed itself from a poorly performing utility to a successful one. It explores the characteristics of the local level service delivery 'ward model' that underpin HPWSCo's success, including: the structure of the ward water supply sub offices; the local procedures for responding to consumer need; and the management of local employees in a way that motivates exemplary performance. The thesis examines how HPWSCo used existing resources and scaled-out improvements ward by ward, learning lessons for subsequent ward enhancements. By focusing on what HPWSCo did the thesis attempts to illustrate the reform strategy of a government agency (state owned enterprise) previously riddled with problems and poor performance that became much more effective and efficient.
by Joyce E. Coffee.
Jonsson, Sandra. "Validation of mercury free methods for analysis of Chemical Oxygen Demand in municipial wastewater." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Analytisk kemi, 2015.
Full textVarje dag produceras avloppsvatten i samhället och för att kunna återanvända detta vatten krävs en tillförlitlig reningsprocess. För att rena avloppsvatten effektivt är det betydelsefullt att kontinuerligt testa avloppsvattnet utifrån ett antal viktiga parametrar. En av dessa är kemisk syreförbrukning, COD, som definieras av den mängd syre som förbrukas genom fullständig kemisk oxidation av organiskt material. Den svenska standardiserade analysmetoden för COD (SS-028142) , COD(Cr) är beroende av kvicksilver för att erhålla ett korrekt analysresultat utan påverkan av kloridjoner. Kvicksilver är enligt Svensk lag förbjudet sedan år 2009, men analysmetoden är dock vanligt använd på svenska avloppsreningsverk tack vare årliga dispenser. Detta examensarbete är en del av en förkommersiell innovationsupphandling som initierats av Svenskt Vatten med mål att undersöka och validera kvicksilverfria analysmetoder för COD tillgängliga på den internationella marknaden. Projektets syfte var att utföra en validering av tre analysmetoder: Klorid Determination, Klorid Elimination och PeCOD och jämföra dess resultat med referens metoden COD(Cr). Tre olika laboratorier, Käppala (Stockholm), Gryaab (Göteborg) och Komlab (Örnsköldsvik) medverkade i projektet. Valideringen genomfördes med de statistiska metoderna regression, korrelation och variansanalys, utifrån insamlade mätdata i syfte att undersöka de givna metodernas prestanda. Som ett komplement till det statistiska testerna sammanställdes synpunkter som framkommit under analysarbetet av laboratoriepersonal, för bedömning av metodernas användarvänlighet och robusthet. Utifrån valideringen var det tydligt att metoden Klorid Determination hade störst likhet med COD(Cr) metoden utifrån givna analysresultat, analystid samt utförda analyssteg. Detta resultat styrktes av höga värden för determinationskoefficients för inkommande avloppsvatten mellan innovatios metoden och referense metoden COD(Cr). Analysmetoden PeCOD bestod av två olika versioner, skildrade den lösliga COD innehållet i provet istället för den total COD koncentrationen som hos COD(Cr). Oavsett vilken version av PeCOD som används erhålls ett lägre COD resultat jämfört med referens metoden COD(Cr) då filtrerade prover analyserades. De framtagna varierande korrelations koefficienter mellan PeCOD och COD(Cr) indikerade att ingen enhetlig korrelation gick att finna mellan metoderna hos de olika laboratorierna. Analysmetoden COD Elimination pausades tidigt i processen men de tidiga testerna visade på halverade COD koncentrationer jämfört med referens metoden. Slutligen kan det nämnas att mätdata som användes som indata till de beskrivna statistiska testerna var begränsade och att vidare analyser rekommenderas för att kunna bevisa givna resultat med ökad sannolikhet.
Roy, Jean-Baptiste. "Gouvernance et innovation sociale : le centre communal d'action sociale de Besançon (1972-2016)." Thesis, Besançon, 2016.
Full textThe Municipal Centers of Social Action (MCSA), main tools implemented and used by municipalities in promoting solidary policies, is providing what is well known under the name of a "facultative assistance", regarding the traditional help of Departmental councils, the leader in this domain on their territories. In Besançon, since 1972, the MCSA is recognize as well advanced and innovative. However, in the last couple of years, the MCSA usage has declined and its influence has been increasing. In this context of doubt, the institution has made the wish to provide the framework for the analysis and an expertise expanding on the sociology of social policies. The nature of the working relationships within the internal organization (relationships between the team Management, relationships between the elected officials and the technicians…) and the external environment (Relationships with the City, the Department, and the whole partner’s assembly), raise the question about the status of the municipal intervention, regarding the prerogatives and the boundaries. Referring to Bisontin’s example, a general vision allows enlightening of the similarities and the contrasts of comparable structures. This study, approved by an "ICFR" (Industrial Convention of Formation by the Research), and laying on an interactional paradigm, allies at the same time technical approach and scientific point of view: it suggests practical recommendations and theoretical perspectives
Millward, Alison J. "Affordable downtown housing : innovative U.S. municipal initiatives and a case study of Seattle." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1990.
Full textApplied Science, Faculty of
Community and Regional Planning (SCARP), School of
Books on the topic "Innovation municipale"
R, Edwards J., and Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales., eds. Accounting innovation: Municipal corporations, 1835-1935. New York: Garland Pub., 1996.
Find full textGaudin, Jean Pierre. Technopolis: Crises urbaines et innovations municipales. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1989.
Find full textRobel, Brooke Leigh. Innovations in municipal solid waste management. Washington, D.C: International City/County Management Ass'n., 1997.
Find full text1945-, Clarke Susan E., ed. Urban innovation and autonomy: Political implications of policy change. Newbury Park, Calif: Sage Publications, 1989.
Find full text1956-, Harris Michael, and Kinney Rhonda 1967-, eds. Innovation and entrepreneurship in state and local governments. Lanham, Md: Lexington Books, 2003.
Find full textM, White D., Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory., United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Research and Development., National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S.), and Radian Corporation, eds. NOx control technologies applicable to municipal waste combustion. Research Triangle Park, NC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory, 1995.
Find full textBeilin, Igor'. Modeling of innovative production development of oil and gas regions. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.
Full textLefenda, Johann. "Bringing the Stadt back in!"--Stadtpolitik in Österreich: Urban politics : die Stadt zwischen politischer Herausforderung und gesellschaftlicher Innovation. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2009.
Find full textMohanty, P. K. Innovative urban development financing practices: A case study of Hyderabad City, India. Birmingham: International Development Department, 2003.
Find full textJayant, Kairam, ed. City of innovation: Leveraging the talent, ideas and creativity of Boston's municipal workforce. Cambridge, Mass: John F. Kennedy School of Government, 2010.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Innovation municipale"
Roth, Laura. "The (New) Municipalim." In Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation, 1–5. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textHugosson, Mårten, and Tomas Nord. "Innovation in strategic capabilities of municipal clients." In The Connectivity of Innovation in the Construction Industry, 173–98. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2019. |: Routledge, 2019.
Full textBarnekow, Sven, and Dorothea Jansen. "Municipal Utilities and the Promotion of Local Energy Efficiency Projects." In Sustainability and Innovation, 27–40. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag HD, 2011.
Full textDias, José Cabral. "Braga Municipal Market: Some ideas on Souto de Moura’s architecture." In Tradition and Innovation, 223–28. London: CRC Press, 2021.
Full textVikas Ashraf, Mohammad, Shabir Ahmad Rather, M. A. Hannan Khan, and Shoeb Ahmad. "Innovative Treatment Technologies for Municipal Wastewater." In Innovative and Hybrid Technologies for Wastewater Treatment and Recycling, 95–128. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2024.
Full textMonteiro, Eliseu, Nuno Couto, Valter Silva, and Abel Rouboa. "Assessment of Municipal Solid Wastes Gasification Through CFD Simulation." In Innovation, Engineering and Entrepreneurship, 662–67. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textStraßmann, Carolin, Sabrina C. Eimler, Isabel Peltzer, Julia Hermann, Aysegül Dogangün, and Simone Roth. "User-Centered Robots for Municipal Services: What Do Customers and Service Experts Expect from Robots in Municipal Institutions?" In Human-Computer Interaction. Technological Innovation, 639–55. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textSobotka, Dominika, Bogna Śniatała, and Jacek Mąkinia. "Technologies for Nutrient Recovery from Municipal Wastewater." In Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, 155–66. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textVakhitov, Damir R., Valery L. Pozdeev, Erkegul M. Biymyrsaeva, Yana F. Nashirvanova, and Ekaterina S. Makarova. "Ecological Problems of Municipal Transport Systems in Innovative Economy." In Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, 171–76. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textKalinina, Olga, and Olga Valebnikova. "Human Capital Management as Innovation Technologies for Municipal Organization." In International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Transportation Facilities and Transport EMMFT 2017, 1315–22. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Innovation municipale"
Qiao, Jun. "Optimization of Municipal Engineering Construction Process Management Based on Computational Intelligence." In 2024 Asia Pacific Conference on Innovation in Technology (APCIT), 1–5. IEEE, 2024.
Full textPerinić, Lea, Ana Perić Hadžić, Mirjana Kovačić, and Norberto Santos. "The Role of Social Innovation in Green Cities Development." In Interdisciplinarity Counts. University of Maribor, University Press, 2023.
Full textPetrogradskaya, Albina Aleksandrovna. "INNOVATIONS IN MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT." In РОССИЙСКАЯ НАУКА: АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ И РАЗРАБОТКИ. Самара: Самарский государственный экономический университет, 2021.
Full textPrigozhin, V. L. "Innovative Approach To Municipal Property Management." In RPTSS 2018 - International Conference on Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences. Cognitive-Crcs, 2018.
Full textTej, Juraj, Roman Vavrek, and Viera Papcunová. "Innovations in the field of inter-municipal cooperation." In XXIV. mezinárodního kolokvia o regionálních vědách. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2021.
Full textMinaev, Vladimir, Evgeniy Tsyshchuk, and Galina Tsyshchuk. "Network-centric concept of tourist and recreational systems management: municipal aspect." In International Conference "Computing for Physics and Technology - CPT2020". Bryansk State Technical University, 2020.
Full textKaulins, Janis. "MUNICIPAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOVERNANCE INDICATOR SYSTEM INNOVATION: INTRODUCTION AND ASSESSMENT." In 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM2017. Stef92 Technology, 2017.
Full textNeverova, E. V. "BASIC INNOVATIONS IN THE STATE AND MUNICIPAL PURCHASES MARKET." In New forms of production and entrepreneurship in the coordinates of neo-industrial development of the economy. PD of KSUEL, 2020.
Full textSimonova, N., T. V. Konoreva, T. V. Ivashkevich, and N. A. Levochkina. "Application of Innovative Technologies in Sustainable Municipal Development." In INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC FORUM ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEMS. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2021.
Full textCastillo Chung, Aldo Roger, Breitner Guillermo Diaz Rodríguez, Ernestina Haydee Florián Plasencia, and Giovanny Boris Maguiña Geronimo. "Barreras arquitectónicas para los discapacitados y adultos mayores en un anexo Municipal." In 3rd LACCEI International Multiconference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development (LEIRD 2023): “Igniting the Spark of Innovation: Emerging Trends, Disruptive Technologies, and Innovative Models for Business Success”. Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2023.
Full textReports on the topic "Innovation municipale"
Giammar, Daniel, Sunny Jiang, Pei Xu, Richard Breckenridge, Jordan Macknick, Nalini Rao, David Sedlak, and Jennifer Stokes-Draut. National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) Municipal Sector Technology Roadmap 2021. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2021.
Full textBland, Gary, Lucrecia Peinado, and Christin Stewart. Innovations for Improving Access to Quality Health Care: The Prospects for Municipal Health Insurance in Guatemala. RTI Press, December 2017.
Full textTeräs, Jukka, Helge Flick, Anders Torgeir Hjertø Lind, and Timothy Heleniak. WANO policy brief. Nordregio, February 2024.
Full textVasilenko, L. A., I. N. Rybakova, and N. S. Melnikova. Innovative technologies for solving complex problems in state and municipal government. Moscow: Prospect, 2007.
Full textArdanaz, Martín, Jaime Alfredo Bonet, Sol Garson, Silvana Huanqui Valcárcel, Andrés Muñoz Miranda, Gerson Javier Pérez, and Enid Slack. Municipal Fiscal Health in Latin America. Edited by Martín Ardanaz, Andrés Muñoz, and Enid Slack. Inter-American Development Bank, May 2022.
Full textSharma, Manoj, Junkyu Lee, and William Streeter. Mobilizing Resources through Municipal Bonds: Experiences from Developed and Developing Countries. Asian Development Bank, August 2023.
Full textSchreiner, Clara. International Case Studies of Smart Cities: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Inter-American Development Bank, June 2016.
Full textGutiérrez Bayo, Jaime. International Case Studies of Smart Cities: Santander, Spain. Inter-American Development Bank, June 2016.
Full textYáñez-Pagans, Patricia. Do We Need More Women in Power? Gender, Public Policy, and Development in Bolivia. Inter-American Development Bank, December 2014.
Full textTeräs, Jukka, Helge Flick, Anders Torgeir Hjertø Lind, and Timothy Heleniak. Waste Management in the High North. Nordregio, December 2024.
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