Academic literature on the topic 'Innovation – Aspect économique – France'
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Journal articles on the topic "Innovation – Aspect économique – France"
Guyon, Yves. "Les groupements d'intérêt économique." Articles 22, no. 2 (April 12, 2005): 383–427.
Full textAdam, Quentin. "Le cloud dans la chaîne de valeur industrielle du numérique." Annales des Mines - Enjeux numériques 27, no. 3 (September 27, 2024): 16–25.
Full textChantrel, Laure. "Dépopulation et réforme de la fiscalité en France aux XVI-XVIIe siècles." Population Vol. 49, no. 2 (February 1, 1994): 457–79.
Full textDidier, Emmanuel. "Introduction." Statistique et société 5, no. 2 (2017): 23–24.
Full textGuillemin, Alain. "Rente, famille, innovation Contribution a la sociologie du grand domaine noble au XIXe siècle." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 40, no. 1 (February 1985): 54–70.
Full textVachon, André. "Mgr de Laval et la traite de l’eau-de-vie." Travaux 25 (January 12, 2012): 33–34.
Full textCORDONNIER, P., M. JOURNET, Y. CHILLIARD, and G. LIENARD. "Impact économique de l’utilisation de la somatotropine dans les systèmes laitiers français." INRAE Productions Animales 2, no. 5 (December 10, 1989): 313–16.
Full textAubry, Nina. "Enjeux d’institutionnalisation de l’innovation sociale. L’exemple des schémas régionaux de développement économique d’innovation et d’internationalisation français." Canadian Journal of Regional Science 44, no. 2 (November 5, 2021): 30–41.
Full textTortajada, Ramón. "La Revue d’économie politique et la guerre de 1914 – 1918." Revue d'économie politique Vol. 133, no. 6 (January 4, 2024): 925–95.
Full textAlbert, Anaïs. "Le crédit à la consommation des classes populaires à la Belle Époque: Invention, innovation ou reconfiguration ?" Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 67, no. 4 (December 2012): 1049–82.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Innovation – Aspect économique – France"
Cadiou, Yann. "Analyse comparative des systèmes d'innovation de la France et du Japon dans le contexte de la mondialisation." Paris 7, 2001.
Full textInternationalization of innovation systems is studied within the framework of the institutionalistic theories of innovation, in a context of globalization of the activities, intensification of the transfers of knowledge and development of ICT's. Internationalization of these systems is analysed starting from a former work (8 typologies carried out on each subsystem), a comparison of the trajectories of France and Japan from the point of view of the performances of the countries in the field of innovation and competitiveness, and the addition of a level of reflection related to the financial systems. 76 variables are mobilized. This thesis is built in 3 great parts made up each of 2 chapters : - We analyse innovation systems which include the institution beyond only field of science and of technology be characterize on the theoretical and statistics plans though the study of French, Japanese and ten other innovation systems. The problem of internationalization of innovation systems and of the national basis of these systems in a context of globalization and the methodology used in the comparative analysis. - The trajectory of French and Japanese innovation systems is then studied through a data analysis. The analyses of the first part are prolonged and we compare innovation systems at three dates to appreciate the convergence and the divergence of the countries. The internationalization of the systems is posed in the regional dimension. - Innovation systems tend finally both to converge and to maintain their specificities in particular as regards of their regional integration. One also insists on the analysis of these systems in an international "regime", the articulation of technological and financial dimensions, the taking into account of the supply international system
Bunel, Simon. "Essays on the impact of innovation and technical progress." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, EHESS, 2024.
Full textSince the early 2000s, France and, more broadly, Europe have experienced a notable decline relative to the global technological frontier. In this context, this thesis examines the challenges of technological change by exploring both its causes and its economic implications. It is a collection of three essays that study the effect of technological change on growth and the labor market, as well as the effectiveness of public R\&D and innovation policies aimed at fostering the emergence of technological change. The analysis draws on French administrative firm data to shed light on these macroeconomic issues from a "micro-to-macro" perspective.The first chapter studies the effects of investments in modern manufacturing capital — including automation technologies — on the labor and product markets at different levels of analysis: firm, industry, and local labor market (commuting zone). The causal effects are estimated using an instrumental variable model that leverages pre-determined supply linkages and productivity shocks among foreign capital suppliers ("Shift-Share IV"). At both the firm and industry levels, investments in modern manufacturing capital lead to increased labor demand, higher sales and exports. However, the industry-level labor demand response is positive only in industries exposed to international competition. This chapter contributes to the existing literature by focusing on investment in modern manufacturing capital in a broad sense, without concentrating on a specific type of technology. It implements a novel empirical method within this literature to estimate the causal effects of adopting these technologies.The second chapter focuses on the implementation of an innovation support policy, the Innovation Tax Credit (CII), which aims to encourage SMEs to develop new products through the development of prototypes or pilot plants, thereby contributing to technological change. Using a difference-in-differences method following propensity score matching, this chapter reveals a greater short-term increase in employment for firms benefiting from the scheme, as well as a more pronounced medium-term increase in their turnover. Additionally, a greater increase in the number of new products produced is observed.Finally, the third chapter investigates the effect of creative destruction on the measurement of economic growth in France. Indeed, in sectors where new products replace old ones, it is challenging for statistical offices to distinguish between the increase in monetary value due to inflation and the real productivity growth. The standard procedure is to assume that the quality-adjusted inflation rate is the same as for other items in the same category that the statistical office can track over time, i.e., products not subject to creative destruction. This procedure is referred to as "imputation" in the United States. Using the Schumpeterian growth paradigm and establishment-level data, this chapter estimates that between 2004 and 2015, approximately 0.5 percentage points of real output growth per year is missed by INSEE, a figure similar to what has been estimated in the United States. The underlying dynamics of establishments and firms highlight that the similar estimates of missing growth between France and the United States conceal notable differences in establishment dynamics between the two countries
Autant-Bernard, Corinne. "Géographie de l'innovation et externalités locales de connaissance : une étude sur données françaises." Saint-Etienne, 2000.
Full textMarinescu, Ioana. "Coûts et procédures de licenciement, croissance et innovation technologique." Paris, EHESS, 2005.
Full textThe right for workers to challenge their dismissal at court generates costs for firms. What is the economic impact of these costs? Using a change in British law, we show how an increase in firing costs can diminish the probability of termination and likely increase the quality of matches, and hence productivity. We then study the relationship between these firing costs and the economic cycle. Thus, in France the rate of appeal to labour courts (prud'hommes) is pro cyclical. Moreover in France as the United Kingdom, trials for irregular dismissal are more often decided in favor of firms when unemployment is higher. Lastly, we ask if innovative firms use a specific type of finance. We show that this indeed the case : in particular, the more innovative a firm gets, the less it uses debt as a source of finance
Boubaker, Wided. "Eco-innovation, Performance environnementale et impact économique sur les entreprises : étude de cas des groupes Papetiers présents en France." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Nice, 2015.
Full textThis thesis seeks to demonstrate that improved Environmental Performance (EP), through the implementation of eco-innovative initiatives , positively influences Financial Performance ( FP) of a company. As basic hypothesis, we chose that of Porter ( 1991), which emphasizes the benefits of implementing environmental strategies respecting the principle of sustainable development. This hypothesis is totally opposed to the neoclassical vision that considers the costs of environmental protection as additional and excessive costs that may hamper the company's economic development. To validate our research hypothesis , we chose to test econometrically , through the method of linear regression, the relationship between EP and FP choosing as EP indicators, environmental investments and expenses (IE), the percentage of certified fiber (CF) and the "Sustainable Value"Environment indexes, relative to each of the environmental resources. These indexes are calculated using the approach "Sustainable Value" destined to evaluate the corporate sustainability and who represents an application of reasoning of classical financial analysis to environmental resources. We chose to conduct this study in a static and dynamic perspectives in order to assess the effects of EP on FP in a short and a medium term, through the evaluation of both the current effect and the one and two years delayed effect of the EP in FP. The results thus released from the econometric study provided a validation of our main research hypothesis , stating that a good EP influence positively the FP and the profitability of the Company.We note that the environmental initiatives are profitable since the first year of their implementation, except that the intensity of this profit varies according to the nature of Eco-innovation (Eco-innovation product, Eco-innovation process) and according to the characteristics of each company
Valdenaire, Karine. "Concentration économique et diversité culturelle : le cas du livre en France." Paris 1, 2003.
Full textSaint-Ges, Véronique. "Innovations environnementales dans la viticulture : une lecture économique du cas girondin." Bordeaux 4, 2006.
Full textCreti-Bettoni, Anna. "Réseaux, innovations et croissance." Toulouse 1, 1998.
Full textThis thesis analyses the impact of telecommunications on firms' productivity and organisation. The study is articulated around two research topics: one is mainly interested in micro-economic aspects (the theory of production and firms' organisation), while the second analyses a subject closer to macro-economic modelling (the technological progress). The thesis is composed by three principal papers: the first defines the starting point of my theoretical reflection, i. E. The modelling of the externalities of networks in the function of production; the second article analyses the relation between use of technologies of communication and firms' hierarchical organisation; finally, the third article studies the impact of telecommunications on total factor productivity and technical progress. These three papers are introduced by a review of the literature, describing the existing models on the principal topics we analyse. This review of the literature is organised in two parts. The first part focuses mainly on the competition models on firms offering goods likely to present the network externality effect; i. E. The additional value that a new subscriber brings to the community of the already existing subscribers. The second part analyses the literature on technological progress, and the most recent models on telecommunications infrastructure and growth. Two econometric works, one on telecommunications demand by firms, and the other on telecommunications and French national growth, are also presented as an illustration of the problems analysed, respectively, by the first and the second part of the thesis. Our thesis shows that the impact of telecommunications on the economy can be better analysed and measured at the micro-economic level than at the macro-economic level. The analysis of this missing link; is an interesting subject for further research
Boubaker, Wided. "Eco-innovation, Performance environnementale et impact économique sur les entreprises : étude de cas des groupes Papetiers présents en France." Thesis, Nice, 2015.
Full textThis thesis seeks to demonstrate that improved Environmental Performance (EP), through the implementation of eco-innovative initiatives , positively influences Financial Performance ( FP) of a company. As basic hypothesis, we chose that of Porter ( 1991), which emphasizes the benefits of implementing environmental strategies respecting the principle of sustainable development. This hypothesis is totally opposed to the neoclassical vision that considers the costs of environmental protection as additional and excessive costs that may hamper the company's economic development. To validate our research hypothesis , we chose to test econometrically , through the method of linear regression, the relationship between EP and FP choosing as EP indicators, environmental investments and expenses (IE), the percentage of certified fiber (CF) and the "Sustainable Value"Environment indexes, relative to each of the environmental resources. These indexes are calculated using the approach "Sustainable Value" destined to evaluate the corporate sustainability and who represents an application of reasoning of classical financial analysis to environmental resources. We chose to conduct this study in a static and dynamic perspectives in order to assess the effects of EP on FP in a short and a medium term, through the evaluation of both the current effect and the one and two years delayed effect of the EP in FP. The results thus released from the econometric study provided a validation of our main research hypothesis , stating that a good EP influence positively the FP and the profitability of the Company.We note that the environmental initiatives are profitable since the first year of their implementation, except that the intensity of this profit varies according to the nature of Eco-innovation (Eco-innovation product, Eco-innovation process) and according to the characteristics of each company
Ragot, Sophie. "L'innovation dans la modification de l'offre et de la demande des biens culturels." Aix-Marseille 2, 2007.
Full textCultural industries are two-sided: on the one hand, they are prototype industries because of their starting point which is purely cultural; on the other hand, they must take into account the technological change which is constitutive of their industrial side. Innovation is playing a big part in each of these steps. During the first one, innovation is omnipresent since every product is a creative innovation; during the second step, technological change is always occurring, as a new product or as a new production process. This work aims at studying the mechanisms of innovation in the field of book industry, music industry and cinema industry. By this analysis, we try to understand, from a theoretical then from an empirical point of view, what changes innovation causes in the demand and in the supply of cultural products. We also study what makes these industries different of other industries or similar to them. Finally, we explain the processes that make an innovation a success or a failure. Our results confirm that the “creative destruction” of Schumpeter is particularly efficient in the field of cultural industries. Major innovations, creative as well as technological, always disrupted these industries, but finally, solutions have always been found, giving firms new opportunities, and consumers easier ways to access culture
Books on the topic "Innovation – Aspect économique – France"
Francesca, Visintin, ed. Corporate governance, finance, and the technological advantage of nations. New York, NY: Routledge, 2007.
Find full textDucass, Alain. Gagner sa vie sur Internet: En Afrique comme en France. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2006.
Find full textBenhamou, Françoise. Politique culturelle de la France: Héritages, réalités, récits. Paris: Sapientia, 2005.
Find full textR, Baldwin John. Investissements du Canada en science et innovation: Le concept actuel de la recherche et développement est-il suffisant? Ottawa, Ont: Statistique Canada, 2005.
Find full textKasdi, Mohamed. Les entrepreneurs du coton: Innovation et développement économique : France du Nord, 1700-1830. Villeneuve-d'Ascq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2014.
Find full textE, Petrusa Jeffrey, ed. Innovation in the US service sector. London: Routledge, 2006.
Find full textJ, Ács Zoltán, ed. Regional innovation, knowledge and global change. London: Thomson, 2000.
Find full text1946-, Holbrook J. Adam, Wolfe David, and Queen's University (Kingston, Ont.). School of Policy Studies., eds. Innovation, institutions and territory: Regional innovation systems in Canada. Montréal: Published for the School of Policy Studies, Queen's University by McGill-Queen's University Press, 2000.
Find full textTaylor & Francis, ed. Innovation, networks, and learning regions? London: Jessica Kingsley, 1997.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Innovation – Aspect économique – France"
Geoffroy-Schwinden, Rebecca Dowd. "National Industry: Music as a “Useful” Art and Science." In From Servant to Savant, 165–207. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Full textXenou, Lamprini. "Le modèle de souveraineté numérique européenne promu par la présidence française du conseil de l’Union européenne." In Annuaire français de relations internationales, 627–47. Éditions Panthéon-Assas, 2023.
Full textPetruzzi, Marina A., Áurea Rodrigues, Michelle Moraes, and Antonia Correia. "An analysis of meal sharing reviews to explore serendipity." In Sustainable and Collaborative Tourism in a Digital World. Goodfellow Publishers, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Innovation – Aspect économique – France"
Babin, Anatolie, and Zorina Constantin Şişcan. "Discovery of the entrepreneurial potential of settlements, districts in the cross-border territory of the republic of Moldova-Ukraine on the basis of smart specialization approaches and priorities for sustainable territorial development." In MODERN TRENDS IN BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT: THEORY AND PRACTICE. Odessa National Maritime University, 2022.
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