Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Ingénierie et théorie des systèmes'
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Bugeaud, Florie. "ISamsara : pour une ingénierie des systèmes de services à base de méréologie et d'hypergraphes." Troyes, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011TROY0005.
Full textThe « service orientation » and its challenges are now well known within companies. How-ever, the analysis of the activities of services designers at a telecommunications operator, as well as the state of the art about the service theories and models show the still ill-specified nature of that term. Our work is anchored in the discipline of computer science, but it pursues the discussion of the SSME multidisciplinary approach (Service Science Management and Engineering). It first redefines the concept of service according to a systemic perspective. It also adopts a theory of the service relationship as a « traffic relationship », and various philosophical inspirations that help us to ontologically conceive reality as nested and interconnected processes. Therefore, we formalize the service as a dynamic phenomenon emerging from the coordination of heterogeneous entities, for which the « agencements theory » seems useful. Then, we propose to represent and simulate these « servicial agencements » with a hypergraph and a mereo-relational ontology revealing the structure but also to the calculated experience’s scenarios. The proposed method and tool’s proof of concept for the modeling and simulation of servicial agencements (iSamsara) are part of the problem of constructing a real Services Systems Engineering. Moreover, this work takes place in a con-text of knowledge engineering related to the process of opportunities study of a telecom operator
Cherrid, Hadia. "Commande et observateur par modes glissants d'ordre un et deux : application aux systèmes robotisés." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001VERS0033.
Full textIn the control of robotics systems, in order to synthesize control laws, all system state is necessary. Nevertheless, generally, only positions are measured. Their times derivatives are often either not available or contained noise. Therefore, it becomes essential to study and use observers for the control law. As for nonlinear systems, the separation principle is not applicable. We are interested by synthesizing the control and also the observer. Witch will guarantee the stability of the system as well as good performances. We have focused our work on the control of robot manipulators with electric and pneumatic actuators. We have chosen sliding mode technique in order to ensure robustness of the system regarding parameter uncertainties. We have introduced an additional adaptive law to make an enhancement : completely free oneself from the structure of the model. This guaranties an excellent robustness regarding structural errors. At last, to overcome the problem of chattering control in the two precedent schemes, we have introduced the second order in sliding mode to synthesize the controller and observer, in the case of variable systems. The thesis includes a recapitulative and comparative table, to choose the controller and observer strategies for a most number of lagrange’s systems. For each proposed control and observer schemes, we have presented simulation and experimental results which validate the theoretical study
Freire, Junior José Celso. "Ingénierie de systèmes d'information : une approche de multi-modélisation et de méta-modélisation." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1997. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00004944.
Full textEl, Moudni Abdellah. "Contribution à la modélisation et à l'analyse des systèmes discrets à échelles de temps multiples : application à la commande optimale." Lille 1, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985LIL10035.
Full textWasnik, Virag. "Approche conceptuelle et holistique de la modélisation de la fiabilité des systèmes complexes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Toulouse (2023-....), 2024. https://theses.hal.science/tel-04950967.
Full textThe study envisaged is placed in a conceptual context of a multidimensional assessment of the reliability of a complex mechatronic architecture system. More specifically, the aim is to develop an innovative methodological framework that breaks with conventional techniques for assessing the probability of failure of a system. Unlike traditional approaches based on the principles of calculating reliability by progressively feeding back composite information derived from the combination of reliability measurements of elementary components, the methodology under consideration is bi-univocal. Using a matrix approach, the proposal described below relates the functional and dysfunctional states of the strata to represent the different levels of decomposition of a complete system down to its basic components.The proposed methodology is based on the evidence that failures always occur at the level of the most elementary components, but originate and propagate their effects at higher levels. The failure of an elementary component can be caused by :a cause external to the system, applied to the component and placing it outside its nominal operating range and therefore resistance ;a lack of intrinsic quality, linked to a design or manufacturing defect in the component, making it incapable of performing the required function;a level of stress in excess of the permissible load, induced by the subsystem within which it operates;a number of stresses exceeding a limit threshold, triggering a malfunction due to fatigue.Excluding quality problems, which are factors in malfunctions not addressed in this work, the process of modelling the reliability of a system therefore requires a multidimensional approach linking the different hierarchical levels of the system under study. This approach cannot be purely multi-scale and, while the reliability model must consider both the spatial dimension (the place of the entity in the system nomenclature), it must also take into account the temporal dimension (the rate and form of stress and the dynamics of failure occurrence). This spatio-temporal representation of a system's reliability behaviour requires a combination of several views. This thesis focuses on characterising these different views and integrating them into a single methodological framework
Aloui, Adel. "La question de la définition organique de systèmes techniques en conception : cadre théorique et éléments de méthode." Lyon 3, 2008. https://scd-resnum.univ-lyon3.fr/in/theses/2008_in_aloui_a.pdf.
Full textOver time and due to the increasing complexity and the increasing of size of systems, design activity became an important issue. System architecture is a key problematic of the design process. Since the last two decades, architecture gained interest and its importance was framed in three domains: as a way to understand complex systems, to design them, to manage their manufacturing process and to provide long-term rationality. This research contributes on the operationalization efforts of the system architecture concept and its design methodologies. In this memory, our objective is to propose a methodology for architecture design. This methodology is based on systems engineering concepts and morphological analysis method. It articulates some processing models and the potential linkage between two principle concepts: synthesis and abstraction. The proposed methodology helps designers in practice and improves their abilities to more respond to issues that characterize architecture design. It permits an effective top-down design approach to generate system architecture
Rougé, Charles Jacques Jean. "Résilience et vulnérabilité dans le cadre de la théorie de la viabilité et des systèmes dynamiques stochastiques contrôlés." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013CLF22422/document.
Full textThis thesis proposes mathematical definitions of the resilience and vulnerability concepts, in the framework of stochastic controlled dynamical system, and particularly that of discrete time stochastic viability theory. It relies on previous works defining resilience in the framework of deterministic viability theory. The proposed definitions stem from the hypothesis that it is possible to distinguish usual uncertainty, included in the dynamics, from extreme or surprising events. Stochastic viability and reliability only deal with the first kind of uncertainty, and both evaluate the probability of exiting a subset of the state space in which the system’s properties are verified. Stochastic viability thus appears to be a branch of reliability theory. One of its central objects is the stochastic viability kernel, which contains all the states that are controllable so their probability of keeping the properties over a given time horizon is greater than a threshold value. We propose to define resilience as the probability of getting back to the stochastic viability kernel after an extreme or surprising event. We use stochastic dynamic programming to maximize both the probability of being viable and the probability of resilience at a given time horizon. We propose to then define vulnerability from a harm function defined on every possible trajectory of the system. The trajectories’ probability distribution implies that of the harm values and we define vulnerability as a statistic over this latter distribution. This definition is applicable with both the aforementioned uncertainty sources. On one hand, considering usual uncertainty, we define sets such that vulnerability is below a threshold, which generalizes the notion of stochastic viability kernel. On the other hand, after an extreme or surprising event, vulnerability proposes indicators to describe recovery trajectories (assuming that only usual uncertainty comes into play then). Vulnerability indicators related to a cost or to the crossing of a threshold can be minimized thanks to stochastic dynamic programming. We illustrate the concepts and tools developed in the thesis through an application to preexisting indicators of reliability and vulnerability that are used to evaluate the performance of a water supply system. We focus on proposing a stochastic dynamic programming algorithm to minimize a criterion that combines criteria of cost and of exit from the constraint set. The concepts are then articulated to describe the performance of a reservoir
Koenig, Damien. "Génération de résidus robustes pour une approche intégrée de diagnostic des systèmes linéaires déterministes ou stochastiques." Nancy 1, 1998. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/SCD_T_1998_0005_KOENIG.pdf.
Full textSaouri, Fatima-Zahra. "Stabilisation de quelques systèmes élastiques : analyse spectrale et comportement asymptotique." Nancy 1, 2000. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/SCD_T_2000_0279_SAOURI.pdf.
Full textOsorio, Gordillo Gloria Lilia. "Observateurs des systèmes singuliers incertains : application au contrôle et au diagnostic." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LORR0103.
Full textIn this thesis the observer design for uncertain linear descriptor systems and their applications to control and fault diagnosis is studied. Descriptor systems can be considered as a generalization of dynamical systems. This class of systems include algebraic and differential equations. The observer used in this work has a new structure more general than those presented in the literature. The observer structure proposed has additional degrees of freedom, which provides it robustness in face to variations not considered in the model. The new observer structure used in this thesis, named as generalized dynamic observer (GDO), is designed for different classes of descriptor systems. The asymptotic stability of the observer is proved by Lyapunov analysis through a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). In all cases, the LMI obtained from the Lyapunov analysis is treated by the elimination lemma. The use of the elimination lemma is essential in the development of the stability analysis of the observers, since it allows to obtain the GDO structure. Proportional observers (PO) and proportional-integral observers (PIO) can be considered as particular cases of our observer. The thesis is organized as follows: In the general introduction, the problem formulation is presented, the objectives of the thesis are pointed out, the scope of the investigation and the main contributions are also presented. Chapter 1 introduces descriptor systems as the class of systems considered in this work and presents a review of the state of the art focused on the observers design for these systems. Also we introduce the GDO as an observer with structure more general than that of the PO and the PIO. Chapter 2 develops the GDO for descriptor systems with or without disturbances. Extension of these approaches for discrete-time descriptor systems with or without disturbances are also presented. In Chapter 3, the robust approach of the GDO is treated for parametric uncertain descriptor systems, where the uncertainty is bounded, and for linear parameter varying (LPV) descriptor systems, where the parameters vary inside a polytope. Chapter 4 presents the GDO application to observer-based control with the objective to stabilize descriptor systems that normally are unstable. An extension of this approach to disturbed descriptor systems is also developed. Chapter 5 presents the GDO application to fault diagnosis, which is divided in two parts. The first one is to detect and isolate faults by using a GDO that provides residuals that are able to represent only the presence of one fault, so that we can isolate multiple faults. And the second part is to estimate the faults by using a GDO with a modified structure. These approaches are developed for descriptor systems and for uncertain descriptor systems. The last part is dedicated to general conclusions and some perspectives
Doublet, Maxime. "Commande tolérante aux défauts et diagnostic des systèmes à retard inconnu par une approche sans modèle." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LORR0188.
Full textIn this thesis, the model-free control was applied and adapted to delayed systems whose delay is either known or unknown. This method of control does not require the specific knowledge of a model of the system, it finds all its effectiveness in the apprehension of the unknown delays. Different adaptations of the classical approach, based on the minimization of frequency and temporal criteria, have been proposed in the context of a known, bounded or unknown delay. They allowed us to extend the range of systems considered and to improve the intrinsic performance of the model-free control. The delayed systems, which are the main target of this thesis, were able to benefit from these improvements. The problem of the fault-diagnosis of delayed systems was then addressed. A new method of model-free diagnosis has been proposed, based on model-free control principles. Our proposal only uses the temporal evolution of the system's input and output signals. Due to the generation of residual signals, the detection and localization of actuator/system faults were permitted under certain assumptions. Finally, we have studied the fault-tolerance properties of model-free control and its efficacy has been proven. Compared with more conventional methods, such as the PI Controller for example, a notable difference is to be mentioned. Indeed, unlike a PI controller, the model-free control is robust not only to low-frequency input disturbance signals, but it also allows for the rejection of other signal types by estimating summary parameters. Throughout this report, the effectiveness of the proposed approaches was illustrated in terms of control or diagnosis by multiple academic examples
Qiu, Siqi. "Modèles graphiques de l'évaluation de Sûreté de Fonctionnement et l'analyse des risques des Systèmes de Systèmes en présence d'incertitudes." Thesis, Compiègne, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014COMP2160.
Full textSystems of Systems (SoS) are large systems whose components are themselves systems which interact to realize a common goal, and for which the malfunction of a single system can have some serious consequences on the performance of the whole SoS. So it’s important that the design of these SoSs takes into account the dependability requirements of safety standard. In this thesis, our interests concern the modeling of SoS and the reliability analysis of SoS under uncertainty which is due to the lack of knowledge related to failure data and model. Therefore, two modeling methods which deal with different issues are applied to model SoSs and the corresponding quantitative reliability analysis is proposed. The objective of this thesis is to propose graphical models for dependability assessment and risk analysis of SoSs under uncertainty. Firstly, it will propose a dysfunctional model of the ERTMS which is considered as an SoS. The model will integrate the hardware aspect, the network aspect and the human factors. Then, it will evaluate some dependability attributes of the whole SoS. Later, it will take different kinds of uncertainties into account quantitatively. The proposed methodology is applied on the ERTMS Level 2. The main contribution of this thesis lies in three aspects. First, we propose a methodology to model and evaluate SoSs. Second, we consider ERTMS Level 2 as an SoS and seek to evaluate its dependability parameters by considering the unavailability of the whole SoS as an emergent property. Third, we model quantitatively different kinds of uncertainties in the proposed models
Offroy-Chave, Marie. "Ingénierie agroécologique et santé des cultures : Conception innovante de systèmes de cultures recourant aux plantes mycorhizotrophes pour la bioprotection de la tomate contre le flétrissement bactérien." Thesis, Antilles-Guyane, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015AGUY0828/document.
Full textAgroecological engineering aims to produce actionable knowledge to design economically and environmentally efficient cropping systems, based on the exploitation of natural regulation mechanisms. Our issue is centered on crop health, especially on the plant pathogenic bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum (bacterial wilt agent), of which an extremely aggressive strain threatens field tomato production in Martinique. The need to explore and develop alternatives to conventional methods of plant protection (resistant varieties, pesticides), ineffective in our case, calls for the implementation of an innovative design approach. Our work shows that the protection of the roots via the formation of a self-sustaining rhizospheric barrier may be an alternative biological control strategy. Different processes contribute, such as mycorrhizal symbiosis between roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, which are present in most soils. We show that the mobilization of indigenous mycorrhizal networks from an agricultural soil allows early mycorrhization of tomatoes. In addition, the association of plants with mycorrhizal and sanitizing properties in controlled conditions showed partial bioprotective effects and opens up new prospects for combinations between processes. These combinations may be exploited in various ways. We produced a generic analysis grid of key levers to design "healthy cropping systems " through multi-directional innovation trajectories. In Martinique's agricultural context, a learning process allows the emergence of a dynamic co-design of cropping systems using mycorrhizal plants. Our work thus provides tools for collective exploration of new sustainable management strategies for crop health
Nguyen, Danh Ngoc. "Contribution aux approches probabilistes pour le pronostic et la maintenance des systèmes contrôlés." Thesis, Troyes, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TROY0010/document.
Full textThe automatic control systems play an important role in the development of civilization and modern technology. The loss of effectiveness of the actuator acting on the system is harmful in the sense that it modifies the behavior of the system compared to that desired. This thesis is a contribution to the prognosis of the remaining useful life (RUL) and the maintenance of closed loop systems with actuators subjected to degradation. In the first contribution, a modeling framework with piecewise deterministic Markov process is considered in order to model the overall behavior of the system. In this context, the behavior of the system is represented by deterministic trajectories that are intersected by random size jumps occurring at random times and modeling the discrete degradation phenomenon of the actuator. The second contribution is a prognosis method of the system RUL which consists of two steps: the estimation of the probability distribution of the system state at the prognostic instant by particle filtering and the computation of the RUL which requires the estimation of the system reliability starting from the prognostic instant. The third contribution is the proposal of a parametric maintenance policy which dynamically take into account the available information on the state and on the current environment of the system and under the constraint of opportunity dates
Joffredo-Le, Brun Sophie. "Continuité de l'expérience des élèves et systèmes de représentation en mathématiques au cours préparatoire : une étude de cas au sein d'une ingénierie coopérative." Thesis, Brest, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016BRES0073/document.
Full textOur research is based on the ACE-ArithmÉcole (Arithmetic and Comprehension at Elementary School) project. The aim of this research is to build a curriculum for mathematics at 1st grade. We focus our study on how this curriculum is elaborated, particularly on the unit entitled “Situations”, that includes lessons on quantities. This unit has been built within a cooperative didactic engineering process, by a team comprising researchers and teachers of the experimental group. Our study is grounded in the theoretical framework developed within the comparative approach of didactics, notably the Joint Action Theory in Didactics. In order to conduct our theoretical analyses, we refer to the following set of notions: learning games, system of capacities, the contract-milieu dialectics and the expression-reticence dialectics. The analysis work is divided into three parts. First, we examine the engineering dialogue between the research team and the experimental teachers. This part aims at showing the importance of the students' continuity of experience through the systems that represent numbers. Second, we study how the research team modifies the unit texts after this dialogue, and how these texts impact the progress of didactic time. We highlight the progressive building of a reciprocal representation game. So as to tackle comparisons between numbers and the notion of difference, a constant back and forth between concrete and abstract representations is needed. These analyses aim at showing how representations are essential to didactic continuity, through a representation translating game all along the curriculum. So, we show how resources in mathematics within the framework of a cooperative work researchers / teachers can be designed. Then, we articulate the two parts with a fine study of effective lessons, implemented according to the unit texts. These lessons are conducted by two trainee teachers and by the class teacher, who is a member of the research team. We demonstrate how the students’ continuity of experience is built, through joint actions, by the use of representation systems. This continuity is necessary to a true mathematical experience for the students. We particularly identify some teaching gestures that are necessary to build this continuity through the use of representation systems
Menighed, Kamel. "Commandes coopératives embarquées et tolérantes aux défauts." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Nancy 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010NAN10071.
Full textThe work presented in this memory of thesis focuses on fault tolerance in the case of linear systems. Digital communication tools are used in the context of the implementation of an architecture for fault tolerant control of complex systems. A cooperation between the control/diagnosis blocks ensures the tolerance to certain types of faults which affect the system. Control systems is traditionally carried out starting from a central computer that collects all information gathered on the process. Then, these information are treated in order to develop a set of command which is applied to the process. Thanks to the development of the Networked System Control and embedded systems, systems architecture is oriented towards a distributed control and diagnostic algorithms. One proposes to address the problem of designing distribution strategies for diagnosis/control and control tasks cooperation between sub-controllers associated at each subsystem comprising the complex system and to take into account the faults on the actuators and sensors that affect the subsystems. Then a cooperative control strategy is proposed. It aims at compensating the effects of the faults affecting the system. Local controls are based on Model Predictive Control (MPC). An analysis of stability was made taking into account the failure of the communication network
Kaddour, Mahmoud. "Contribution à la surveillance et au contrôle de l'intégrité d'un système de localisation GNSS." Thesis, Lille 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LIL10126/document.
Full textThe current decade has marked the irresistible and irreversible arrival of the GNSS systems in society by making it accessible and essential to many users. Improved performance and reliability of GNSS systems is among the factors that contribute to the exponential development of the field of GNSS applications and services. This improvement is based on the use of estimation methods of geo-positioning which ensures a very high level of integrity. For this, these methods must incorporate a layer of well-developed autonomous integrity monitoring. In this work, we propose approaches for autonomous integrity monitoring of position estimation using GNSS measurements. We have chosen to develop approaches based on an informational formalism: Informational filter on the one hand and tools of the information theory of the other. Residuals based on mutual information are developed. With an appropriate thresholding, these residuals can detect and exclude GNSS erroneous measurements. In this context, other ideas were also developed in order to robustify the developed methods as the projection of GNSS observations in the information space and the development of optimization function in order to ameliorate the prediction of a filter. The proposed methods are tested and validated with real data acquired with an experimental vehicle with several open GNSS systems
Hocine, Abdelfettah. "Estimation d'état et diagnostic de systèmes à commutation par filtrage multi-modèle." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006INPL093N.
Full textIn this thesis, a fault detection method is developed for switching dynamic systems. These systems are represented by several linear models, each of them being associated to a particular operating mode. The proposed method is based on mode probabilities with the aim of finding the system operating mode and estimating the state. The method also uses a priori knowledge information about the mode transition probabilities represented by a Markov chain. This kind of model offers an ideal framework to the application of the multiple model estimation methods. The interest to use this type of estimators lies in the fact that in addition to the state estimation, the multiple model estimators get the probability activation of each model. These probabilities can be used for fault detection purpose. However, several improvements were made to this type of estimators in order to increasing the performances of the diagnosis
Osorio, Gordillo Gloria Lilia. "Observateurs des systèmes singuliers incertains : application au contrôle et au diagnostic." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LORR0103/document.
Full textIn this thesis the observer design for uncertain linear descriptor systems and their applications to control and fault diagnosis is studied. Descriptor systems can be considered as a generalization of dynamical systems. This class of systems include algebraic and differential equations. The observer used in this work has a new structure more general than those presented in the literature. The observer structure proposed has additional degrees of freedom, which provides it robustness in face to variations not considered in the model. The new observer structure used in this thesis, named as generalized dynamic observer (GDO), is designed for different classes of descriptor systems. The asymptotic stability of the observer is proved by Lyapunov analysis through a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). In all cases, the LMI obtained from the Lyapunov analysis is treated by the elimination lemma. The use of the elimination lemma is essential in the development of the stability analysis of the observers, since it allows to obtain the GDO structure. Proportional observers (PO) and proportional-integral observers (PIO) can be considered as particular cases of our observer. The thesis is organized as follows: In the general introduction, the problem formulation is presented, the objectives of the thesis are pointed out, the scope of the investigation and the main contributions are also presented. Chapter 1 introduces descriptor systems as the class of systems considered in this work and presents a review of the state of the art focused on the observers design for these systems. Also we introduce the GDO as an observer with structure more general than that of the PO and the PIO. Chapter 2 develops the GDO for descriptor systems with or without disturbances. Extension of these approaches for discrete-time descriptor systems with or without disturbances are also presented. In Chapter 3, the robust approach of the GDO is treated for parametric uncertain descriptor systems, where the uncertainty is bounded, and for linear parameter varying (LPV) descriptor systems, where the parameters vary inside a polytope. Chapter 4 presents the GDO application to observer-based control with the objective to stabilize descriptor systems that normally are unstable. An extension of this approach to disturbed descriptor systems is also developed. Chapter 5 presents the GDO application to fault diagnosis, which is divided in two parts. The first one is to detect and isolate faults by using a GDO that provides residuals that are able to represent only the presence of one fault, so that we can isolate multiple faults. And the second part is to estimate the faults by using a GDO with a modified structure. These approaches are developed for descriptor systems and for uncertain descriptor systems. The last part is dedicated to general conclusions and some perspectives
Mellinger, Philippe. "Estimation d'incertitudes d'identification modale avec et sans entrées connues : théorie, validation, application." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014REN1S102/document.
Full textDeterminination of vibration characteristics is a crucial step for structure certification or health monitoring. Whatever the method, modes identification of a structure requires vibration tests. During these tests, measurements are made in order to observe responses of the system to known, partially known or unknown excitations. Modal identification methods are global methods. They allow the determination of modes from data post-treatment. Some modal identification methods, such as those based on ARX modelisation error minimisation or subspace methods, have been largely spread into the industry for about fifteen years. Despite this succes, these methods will never provide exact results. Indeed, due to numerous error sources (e.g. sensor noises, environmental noises), modal identifications based on measured data can only lead to modal parameters estimations. By definition, an estimation is subject to statistical errors, also called variances. The purpose of this thesis is to give an in-depth study of these statistical errors estimation. This document is divided in three parts. Firstly, a description of two kind of modal identification methods (ARX modelisation error minimisation and subspace methods) is given. Secondly, the uncertainty estimation principle is explained and propagation schemes of variances are given. Finally, the third part provides an in-depth validation of these methods in order to proceed to industrial utilisations
El, Ayeb Béchir. "Méthodes, langages et outils de spécification et de construction des systèmes de diagnostic." Nancy 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989NAN10054.
Full textDoublet, Maxime. "Commande tolérante aux défauts et diagnostic des systèmes à retard inconnu par une approche sans modèle." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LORR0188/document.
Full textIn this thesis, the model-free control was applied and adapted to delayed systems whose delay is either known or unknown. This method of control does not require the specific knowledge of a model of the system, it finds all its effectiveness in the apprehension of the unknown delays. Different adaptations of the classical approach, based on the minimization of frequency and temporal criteria, have been proposed in the context of a known, bounded or unknown delay. They allowed us to extend the range of systems considered and to improve the intrinsic performance of the model-free control. The delayed systems, which are the main target of this thesis, were able to benefit from these improvements. The problem of the fault-diagnosis of delayed systems was then addressed. A new method of model-free diagnosis has been proposed, based on model-free control principles. Our proposal only uses the temporal evolution of the system's input and output signals. Due to the generation of residual signals, the detection and localization of actuator/system faults were permitted under certain assumptions. Finally, we have studied the fault-tolerance properties of model-free control and its efficacy has been proven. Compared with more conventional methods, such as the PI Controller for example, a notable difference is to be mentioned. Indeed, unlike a PI controller, the model-free control is robust not only to low-frequency input disturbance signals, but it also allows for the rejection of other signal types by estimating summary parameters. Throughout this report, the effectiveness of the proposed approaches was illustrated in terms of control or diagnosis by multiple academic examples
Pérez, Estrada Abraham Jashiel. "Observateurs adaptatifs des systèmes LPV : application à la commande et au diagnostic." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020LORR0069.
Full textIn this thesis, the observer design for linear parameter-varying systems and their applications to fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control is studied. A linear parameter-varying (LPV) system can approximate the nonlinear dynamic behavior through a set of linear state space models that are interpolated by a mechanism depending on the scheduling variables. The observer used in this research is called generalized dynamic observer (GDO), where the principal idea is to add dynamics structure to increase its degrees of freedom, with the purpose of achieving steady-state accuracy and improve robustness in estimation error against disturbances and parametric uncertainties. Therefore, this structure can be considered as more general than a proportional observer and proportional-integral observer. It addresses the GDO synthesis for LPV systems with measured and unmeasured scheduling variables such as the quasi-LPV system, in which the scheduling variables are functions of endogenous signals such as states, inputs, or outputs instead of exogenous signals. Conditions of existence and stability for each GDO structure are given through the Lyapunov approach using parameter-independent Lyapunov function or parameter-dependent Lyapunov function. The design is obtained in terms of a set of linear matrix inequalities. Engineering applications are used to illustrates the performance and effectiveness of the proposed approaches. It considers a fault-tolerant control (FTC) strategy for polytopic LPV systems to maintain the current system close to the desired performance and preserve stability conditions in the presence of actuator faults. A fault diagnosis unit is built to estimate the states, the actuator faults, and the parameter variation. That information is essential to the FTC law
Favre, Jean-Marie. "Une approche pour la maintenance et la ré-ingénierie globale des logiciels." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1995. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00724676.
Full textTarrit, Claude René. "Étude d’un Dispositif Pédagogique Instrumenté Complexe et de ses propriétés : une approche épistémique et méthodologique, le cas d’une université brésilienne." Thesis, Lille 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LIL12015/document.
Full textIn this thesis, we are working to solve an enigma by implementing a “research in action”: how has complex instrumented educational dispositif – CIED – become complex instrumented educational service – CIES ? And more specifically: what are the ingredients that have participated in the effectiveness of the coupling of a university and a learning management system and how can we study the modes of emergence and existence in a meso organizational and decisional register and at the mesosystem class ?This enigma is solved by mobilizing the CIED as a boundary object and epistemological and methodological tools such as: the dispositive approach, the ecological / systemic approach and activity theory. The analysis involves achieving a holistic reading of history. This methodological approach highlights the propensity of a dispositif to generate objects defined as related objects. The exploration of the properties of these related objects shows that it is possible to define a historical continuum and undo the discontinuities of the activity inherent in the computer traces
Barbu, Vlad. "Estimation des chaînes semi-markoviennes et des chaînes semi-markoviennes cachées en vue d'applications en fiabilité et en biologie." Compiègne, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005COMP1568.
Full textThe first part of my thesis concerns the discrete time semi-Markov models and the associated nonparametric estimation. The obtained results are used for deriving estimators of the systems reliability and of the associated measures. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are studied. An example illustrates how to practically compute the reliability indicators. The second part of my thesis is devoted to the estimation of hidden semi-Markov models. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are studied and an EM algorithm is proposed. An application in genetics for detecting the CpG islands in a DNA sequence shows the interest of our researches
Fallet-Fidry, Geoffrey. "Contribution à la modélisation et au traitement de l'incertain dans les analyses de risques multidisciplinaires de systèmes industriels : application à la source froide d'une unité de production d'énergie." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LORR0273.
Full textThe increasing complexity of industrial systems involves to demonstrate that all the risks are under control. Among the approaches developed, the IRA (developed from several years ago by EDF and CRAN) seems to be a relevant solution by proposing multidisciplinary, generic and unified model. However, these approaches should be improved with regards to modeling and processing of knowledge (provided by statistical experience feedback and expert judgments). This knowledge contains different types of uncertainty that influence the relevance of the results provided to the decision-makers. If the probabilistic framework is well adapted to deal with the uncertainties due to the natural variability of a physical phenomenon, it will be better to choose another framework to deal with the uncertainties due to the lack or imperfection of knowledge (epistemic uncertainties). One issue is to develop an approach adapted to the modeling and to the treatment of the two types of uncertainties. In that way, the evidence theory is an interesting framework to provide more coherent and more flexible modeling and processing of knowledge and uncertainties. Our works propose three main contributions. The first one concerns the formalization of the risks quantification by expert judgments by proposing more complete and flexible assessment tools. The second contribution provides an evidential risks model allowing to represent the different knowledge expressions a more coherent way and to estimate all the risks. Finally, in the last contribution, some tools are proposed for decision-making in uncertain environment. The implementation of these contributions on a real industrial application highlights their feasibility as well as their contributions with regard to more conventional approaches. It also allows us to identify new prospects development for the IRA approach
Jarrou, Abderrahmane. "Diagnostic de défauts et commande tolérante aux défauts des systèmes à énergie renouvelable." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020LORR0052.
Full textThe aim of this thesis work is to develop methodological tools for fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control for a multi-source renewable energy production system. In this context we consider an intelligent energy production-storage and consumption system, capable of reacting dynamically to its context of use and whose energy consumption is measured and controlled by monitoring systems. Based on these information flows, the energy performance of existing buildings (new and old) can be monitored, evaluated and controlled by developing methodologies and tools based on relevant factors such as user behaviour, weather forecasts, occurrence of faults, ... This thesis proposes the development of an optimal control scheme to control the climatic conditions of the building. The objective is to ensure the comfort of the occupants with the minimum energy consumption. A MPC (model predictive control) approach is first proposed in a centralized context, then declined in a distributed version for large buildings. In the presence of faults, the energy performance of buildings is degraded and a fault-tolerant control (FTC) should be implemented. The proposed FTC scheme is based on a diagnosis of the building instruments (sensor and actuator) that adapts the control laws so that the current performance remains close to the desired performance. In the thesis these approaches are developed in a linear and then bi-linear modeling framework. Simulation results show the efficiency of the proposed methods
Fallet-Fidry, Geoffrey. "Contribution à la modélisation et au traitement de l'incertain dans les analyses de risques multidisciplinaires de systèmes industriels - Application à la Source Froide d'une unité de production d'énergie." Phd thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00781498.
Full textHocine, Abdelfettah. "Estimation d'état et diagnostic de systèmes à commutation par filtrage multi-modèle." Phd thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine - INPL, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00135049.
Full textRocha, Loures de Freitas Eduardo. "Surveillance et diagnostic des phases transitoires des systèmes hybrides basés sur l'abstraction des dynamiques continues par réseau de Pétri temporel flou." Toulouse 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2006TOU30022.
Full textThe supervision and monitoring systems have a major role to the security of an industrial plant and the availability of its equipments. Forewarn the operator earliest about the deviations of the process nominal behaviour is fundamental to carry out preventive and corrective actions. Some kind of industrial plants like the chemical process and batch systems set significant complexities to the monitoring and supervision systems because of their hybrid nature (discrete and continuous interactions), the number of active variables and the complexity of theirs behaviour relations. This complexity becomes more pronounced in systems characterized by numerous operating mode changes leading to a numerous transitory phases. The monitoring of these transitory phases is a delicate issue. The large amount of variables to be taken into account leads to a difficult reasoning and interpretation of the process behaviour. In case of fault, the diagnosis becomes then a complex task. The marginal deviations of process behaviour may indicate a dysfunction that degenerates slowly or be caused by operator misbehaviour or piloting system fault. To cope with this complexity we propose a hierarchical monitoring and control system completed by a procedural decomposition proposed by the ISA88 norm, defining from the upper level the recipes, procedures, operations, phases and tasks. Our monitoring and diagnosis approach is located at two high levels of this procedural hierarchy: i) at the operation level, particularly on the transition period of operating modes where the influence relations between the variables are weekly or not known, ii) at the phase level where the influence relations are known in a period of time belonging the transition operating mode horizon. .
Settouti, Lotfi. "Systèmes à base de traces modélisées : modèles et langages pour l'exploitation des traces d'interactions." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LYO10019.
Full textThis thesis is funded by the Rhône-Alpes Region as a part of the project < Personalisation of Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) Systems >. Personalising TEL Systems is, above all, dependent on the capacity to produce relevant and exploitable traces of individual or collaborative learning activities. In this field, exploiting interaction traces addresses several problems ranging from its representation in a normalised and intelligible manner to its processing and interpretation in continuous way during the ongoing TEL activities. The proliferation of trace-based exploitations raises the need of generic tools to support their representation and exploitation. The main objective of this thesis is to define the theoretical foundations of such generic tools. To do that, we define the notion of Trace-Based System (TBS) as a kind of Knowledge-based system whose main source of knowledge is a set of trace of user-system interactions. This thesis investigates practical and theoretical issues related to TBS, covering the spectrum from concepts, services and architecture involved by such TBS (conceptual framework) to language design over declarative semantics (formal framework). The central topic of our framework is the development of a high-level trace transformation language supporting deductive rules as an abstraction and reasoning mechanism for traces. The declarative semantics for such language is defined by a (Tarski-style) model theory with accompanying fixpoint theory
Menighed, Kamel. "Commandes coopératives embarquées et tolérantes aux défauts." Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00545412.
Full textFragkoulis, Dimitrios. "Détection et localisation des défauts provenant des capteurs et des actionneurs : application sur un système non linéaire." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00339630.
Full textPrié, Yannick. "Vers une phénoménologie des inscriptions numériques. Dynamique de l'activité et des structures informationnelles dans les systèmes d'interprétation." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00655574.
Full textWang, Zhanjun. "Optimisation avancée pour la recherche et la composition des itinéraires comodaux au profit des clients de transport." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Lille, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ECLI0029/document.
Full textNowadays, the environment impact of transport is significant. In an attempt to address these problems, in this work, we are interested in the implementation of a transport information system, which integrates the existing means of transport to respond users' requests, including public transport and the shared transport like carpooling and car-sharing. In this context of application, we elaborate algorithms to provide attractive paths with respect to the imposed constraints, even for simultaneous requests. Different acceleration techniques for path planning are used to reduce the search space for a better performance. The attractive paths are divided into route sections on which the available offers are allocated to different requests, which is treated as one resource allocation problem using metaheuristics algorithms. With consideration of the distributed and dynamic aspects of the problem, the solving strategy makes use of several concepts like multi-agents system and different optimization methods. The proposed methods are tested with realistic scenarios with instances extracted from real world transport networks. The obtained results indicate that our proposed approaches can efficiently solve the itinerary planning problems by providing good and complete solutions
Ménigot, Sébastien. "Commande optimale appliquée aux systèmes d'imagerie ultrasonore." Phd thesis, Université François Rabelais - Tours, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00657980.
Full textBezzaoucha, Souad. "Commande tolérante aux défauts des systèmes non linéaires représentés par des modèles de Takagi-Sugeno." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LORR0120.
Full textA first contribution of this thesis is to propose a systematic procedure to deal with the state and parameter estimation for nonlinear time-varying systems. It consists in transforming the original system into a T-S model with unmeasurable premise variables using the sector nonlinearity transformation. Then a joint state and parameter observer is designed and the convergence conditions of the joint state and parameter estimation errors are established. The second contribution of this thesis is the stabilization problem under saturation constraints. In fact, we aim to present a new approach for the saturation nonlinearity study, where the sector nonlinearity transformation is used to represent the nonlinear behaviour of a saturated actuator under a T-S form. The T-S representation of the saturation is used to integrate the limitation constraints into the control synthesis, such that the system stability is ensured and the controller gains are calculated according to the saturation level. The model reference tracking control problem is also addressed. It aims to highlight the encoutered difficulties and the proposed solutions to achieve the tracking objective. Through analytical studies, by presenting clear structural conditions and control strategies, we try to point and answer some major interogations, that are : "how the model reference is to be chosen ? " and "which tracking criterion to consider to achieve a certain objective ? ". The case of constrained control input is also considered with a special focus on the anticipation for the saturated control
Saleh, Majd. "Digital ecosystem : towards a system of information systems." Thesis, Compiègne, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018COMP2413.
Full textRecently, with the rapid technological advancement that we are witnessing in the domain of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), many Information Systems (ISs) are introduced into our lives either at home or at work. That will cause growing challenges for the users, such as the need for managing huge amounts of resources and the difficulty to collaborate with others. In order to find the right information at the right time to make educated decisions, users have to look for resources distributed in many ISs (emails, social networks, wiki pages, electronic notes etc.). The process of searching for resources in different ISs is costly and time-consuming; therefore it needs to be optimized. The emergence of Digital Ecosystems (DE) presents the users with the potential for improving the accessibility and coordination of different systems. On the other hand, comparable to DE, a System of Information Systems (SoIS) is comprised of integrated ISs which are heterogeneous and independently operable on their own but are networked together for a common goal. The goal, as mentioned before, might be organizing and sharing of heterogeneous resources.This thesis focuses on moving from Digital Ecosystems towards a System of Information Systems as a solution to the emergent challenges facing users of different ISs in a collaboration context. The SoIS gives the opportunity to explore how collaboration can be enhanced through a combination of different ISs in the digital environment of organizations. In this context, we defined a semantic model and an architectural model of SoIS. We then developed a prototype, called MEMORAeSoIS, based on these models as collaboration support. This prototype can provide the ability to index, share, annotate, and recommend important resources coming from different ISs.Recently, with the rapid technological advancement that we are witnessing in the domain of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), many Information Systems (ISs) are introduced into our lives either at home or at work. That will cause growing challenges for the users, such as the need for managing huge amounts of resources and the difficulty to collaborate with others. In order to find the right information at the right time to make educated decisions, users have to look for resources distributed in many ISs (emails, social networks, wiki pages, electronic notes etc.). The process of searching for resources in different ISs is costly and time-consuming; therefore it needs to be optimized. The emergence of Digital Ecosystems (DE) presents the users with the potential for improving the accessibility and coordination of different systems. On the other hand, comparable to DE, a System of Information Systems (SoIS) is comprised of integrated ISs which are heterogeneous and independently operable on their own but are networked together for a common goal. The goal, as mentioned before, might be organizing and sharing of heterogeneous resources.This thesis focuses on moving from Digital Ecosystems towards a System of Information Systems as a solution to the emergent challenges facing users of different ISs in a collaboration context. The SoIS gives the opportunity to explore how collaboration can be enhanced through a combination of different ISs in the digital environment of organizations. In this context, we defined a semantic model and an architectural model of SoIS. We then developed a prototype, called MEMORAeSoIS, based on these models as collaboration support. This prototype can provide the ability to index, share, annotate, and recommend important resources coming from different ISs
Clément, Antoine. "Détection de nouveauté pour le monitoring vibratoire des structures de génie civil : approches chaotique et statistique de l'extraction d'indicateurs." Phd thesis, Toulouse 3, 2011. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/1348/.
Full textThe aim of structural health monitoring of civil structure is the early detection of damage to prevent tructure failure. But modelling the behaviour of such structure is a very challenging task due to it uniqueness and to the effect of environmental parameters on the dynamic. In this context, the novelty detection approach appears to be well adapted since it avoids the need of prior hypothesis on the nature of the dynamical behaviour, and integrates all variability factors. The work of this thesis has two principal aims. The first one is to quantify the ability of novelty detection to discriminate damage under strong environmental variations and impulse excitation. The second one is to introduce a new damage sensitive feature, referred as Jacobian Feature Vector (JFV). The JFV calculation is based on the reconstructed state space which exploits the progress achieved in the theory of non-linear dynamical systems, also known as chaos theory. The comparison between AR parameters, widely used for time series analysis, and the JFV is carried out on several case studies. One of them is a three storey wooden laboratory structure subjected to strong environmental variations and controlled excitation. Finally, since the last step of novelty detection is decision making based on statistical modelling of the normalized damage sensitive features, the robustness of several approaches for the setting of the classification threshold is investigated
Clément, Antoine. "Détection de nouveauté pour le monitoring vibratoire des structures de génie civil : Approches chaotique et statistique de l'extraction d'indicateurs." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00687065.
Full textTeglia, Yannick. "Ingénierie et robustesse des systèmes embarqués sécuritaires." Paris 6, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA066183.
Full textBezzaoucha, Souad. "Commande tolérante aux défauts de systèmes non linéaires représentés par des modèles de Takagi-Sugeno." Phd thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00948345.
Full textChevalier, Catherine. "Conflit et théorie des systèmes : contribution à une théorie des systèmes complexes." Compiègne, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996COMPD920.
Full textBartolami, Eline. "Ingénierie et auto-assemblage de systèmes biomoléculaires multivalents." Thesis, Montpellier, Ecole nationale supérieure de chimie, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ENCM0017.
Full textNatural systems are inspiring in showing that the combination of multiple interactions enables improvement in binding affinity and selectivity for a target. Thus, the design of synthetic and biocompatible multivalent systems is of great importance for biological applications. The work described in this PhD thesis aims at developing novel methodologies for generating functional multivalent systems.In order to engineer multivalent systems for the recognition of oligonucleotides, we elaborated a multi-step synthesis of functionalized α-PNA scaffolds bearing side-groups. This new scaffold can potentially serve for the multi-point sequence-selective recognition of DNA.Multivalent nanoconstructs are emerging tools for enzyme inhibition. In this context, we prepared multivalent clusters of iminosugars – by metal-free click ligations on peptide scaffolds – as candidates for glycosidases inhibition. Although such enzyme inhibitors based on iminosugar clusters were recently reported, their synthesis relies almost exclusively on copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition, which notorious toxicity represents a serious limitation for biological applications. Our approach demonstrates that iminosugar clusters can be prepared in a metal-free fashion and exhibit strong multivalent effects for the inhibition of α-mannosidases. Multivalent biomolecular systems are also candidates for gene delivery application. In this context, the design of dynamic systems is of interest for achieving controlled release. We implemented a self-assembly strategy, using the acylhydrazone click ligation, for the in situ generation of biomolecular clusters starting from peptide scaffolds and modified amino acids building blocks. We showed that, whereas both compounds are ineffective for DNA complexation, the mixed system spontaneously expresses cationic clusters that effectively complex DNA. We further demonstrated that, given the dynamic character of the acylhydrazone ligation, the system is able to a) adapt to the presence of the DNA target by selecting the optimal building blocks for the cluster self-assembly, and b) trigger DNA release by component exchange. This modular and versatile self-assembly approach was further exploited to perform a fragments screening varying molecular structure and valency. Thereby, we identified new and effective vectors for the transfection of siRNA in living cells.The last project described in this manuscript deals with the generation of cage-type peptide nanoconstructs by using a set of orthogonal and chemoselective click ligations. Two cages, based on acylhydrazone ligation on one side and thiol-maleimide on the other, were obtained successfully in one-pot.In summary, this work has led to the development of novel methodologies for the engineering and self-assembly of multivalent biomolecular nanoconstructs for diverse biological applications such as oligonucleotide recognition, delivery and enzyme inhibition
Heinkelé, Christophe. "Synthèse modale probabiliste : Théorie et applications." Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008ECDL0010.
Full textThe work developed in this phd-thesis is focused on the treatment of the uncertainties of the parameters of a vibro-acoustical system. After several recalls of numerical techniques to treat the impact of the randomness of these parameters on the behaviour of the system, we initiated an analytical method by using on one hand classical calculations of probability and on the other hand the modal analysis. So we began by writing the analytical expression of the probability density function of the frequency response of a harmonic oscillator by considering at first that only the natural frequency is random and governed by an uniform law, then in a second time that only viscous damping was random (of uniform law too). In a third time we considered the couple as being random. By using this last resolution allowed us to superpose n oscillators and to write the probability density funstion of a vibrating system of n degrees of freedom: we called this method the probabilistic modal analysis. We introduce an application on the Euler-Bernoulli beam treated by finite elements method. In this thesis, we introduce numerical techniques about the treatment of the randomness upon parameters (projection on the polynomial chaos), but a step towards the identification of parameters and their randomness was also tried. In this frame, first we use methods of nonparametric identification, then we display a family of methods based on the envelopes of the frequency response of the system given by the analytical resolution
Lazrag, Ayadi. "Théorie de contrôle et systèmes dynamiques." Thesis, Nice, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014NICE4060/document.
Full textThis thesis is devided into three parts. In the first part we begin by describing some well known results in geometric control theory such as the Chow Rashevsky Theorem, the Kalman rank condition, the End-Point Mapping and the linear test. Moreover, we define and study briefly local controllability around a reference control at first and second order. In the second part we provide an elementary proof of the Franks lemma for geodesic flows using basic tools of geometric control theory. In the last part, given a compact Riemannian manifold, we prove a uniform Franks' lemma at second order for geodesic flows and apply the result in persistence theory. In this part we introduce with more details notions of local controllability at first and second order. In fact, we provide a second order controllability result whose proof is long and technical
Jézéquel, Louis. "Synthèse modale : théorie et extensions." Lyon 1, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985LYO19066.
Full textThis study proposes a general formalism which permits the inclusion of the diverse methods of modal synthesis. Thus, the analysis of the symetry between the primal and dual formulations led to new procedures. Furthermore, the introduction of integral operators allowed the analysis of their efficiency. The definition of a new family of modes allows the identification of modal models based on simple vibratory tests. Optimal control of boundary characteristics led to the definition of highly efficient models despite the low number of degrees of freedom utilised. The behavior laws of the materials and of the interfaces are presented in such a way as to derive simplifying hypotheses which allow the modal synthesis methods to be extended to visco-elastic and non-linear modes. In particular, the utilisation of complex and non-linear modes is justified. The latter are linked to the normal transformation and their stability is studied through the use of the Poincaré transformation. Several methods for identifying models from dynamic trials are stated. New experimental and numerical procedures are proposed in the case of strong damping and of non-linearities localized on the interfaces. Throughout the study many numerical and experimental results are utilised to illustrate the diverse developments and to verity the efficiency of the diverse methods of modal synthesis
Ramadour, Philippe. "Modèles et langage pour la conception et la manipulation de composants réutilisables de domaine." Aix-Marseille 3, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001AIX30092.
Full textBruneau, Marina. "Une méthodologie de Reverse Engineering à partir de données hétérogènes pour les pièces et assemblages mécaniques." Thesis, Compiègne, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016COMP2267/document.
Full textThis thesis deals with a methodology of Reverse Engineering (RE) of mechanical assemblies from heterogeneous data in a routine context. This activity consists, from the existing data of a part or an assembly, in rebuilding their digital mock-up. The data used in entrance of our process of RE can be drawings, photos, points clouds or another existing version of the digital mock-up. The proposed approach, called Heterogeneous Data Integration for Reverse Engineering (HDI-RE), is divided into three steps : the segmentation, the signature and the comparison of the initial data with a knowledge database. The signatures of the studied object are compared with the signatures of the same type existing in the database in order to extract components ordered by similarity (distance with the object). The parameterized digital mock-up which is the most similar to the object is then extracted and its parameters identified from the initial data. Data set processing, called "heterogeneous" data, requires a solution which is able to manage on one hand, the heterogeneousness of the data and the information which they contain and on the other hand, the incompleteness of some data which are in link with the noise (into points cloud) or with the technology used to digitize the assembly (ex: scanner or photography)