Academic literature on the topic 'Ingénierie et théorie des systèmes'
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Journal articles on the topic "Ingénierie et théorie des systèmes"
Hochmuth, Reinhard, and Jana Peters. "About the “Mixture” of Discourses in the Use of Mathematics in Signal TheoryÀ propos du «mélange» de discours dans l'utilisation des mathématiques en théorie du signal." Educação Matemática Pesquisa : Revista do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Educação Matemática 22, no. 4 (September 15, 2020): 454–71.
Full text-MEINADIER, Jean-Pierre. "Intégration et ingénierie des systèmes informatiques." Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique -, no. 01 (1995): 42.
Full textVanderhaegen, Frédéric. "Pédagogie active et inclusive pour l’analyse de dangers de systèmes d’aide à la conduite basée sur la recherche de dissonances." J3eA 21 (2022): 2053.
Full textPumain, Denise. "Les modèles d’auto-organisation et le changement urbain." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 42, no. 117 (April 12, 2005): 349–66.
Full textPerrin-Riou, Bernadette. "Systèmes d'Euler $p$-adiques et théorie d'Iwasawa." Annales de l’institut Fourier 48, no. 5 (1998): 1231–307.
Full textBlocher, Jean-Noël. "Des Systèmes Hybrides Texte-Image-Son (SHTIS) comme instruments du dialogue d’ingénierie." Éducation et didactique 18, no. 1 (2024): 53–66.
Full textVitrac, Richard. "La théorie de la relativité cognitive et systémique." Acta Europeana Systemica 7 (July 11, 2020): 179–96.
Full textManterola, Ibon, and Ana Aldekoa. "Expérimentation d’une séquence didactique trilingue en contexte immersif en basque : des éléments pour un dialogue avec la règle du sept de la sociodidactique des langues." Calidoscópio 21, no. 1 (July 21, 2023): 21–41.
Full textGauthier, Y. "Sur la théorie des démonstrations." Articles 8, no. 2 (January 9, 2007): 273–85.
Full textTOURAINE, Alain. "Théorie et pratique d’une sociologie de l’action." Sociologie et sociétés 10, no. 2 (September 30, 2002): 149–88.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Ingénierie et théorie des systèmes"
Bugeaud, Florie. "ISamsara : pour une ingénierie des systèmes de services à base de méréologie et d'hypergraphes." Troyes, 2011.
Full textThe « service orientation » and its challenges are now well known within companies. How-ever, the analysis of the activities of services designers at a telecommunications operator, as well as the state of the art about the service theories and models show the still ill-specified nature of that term. Our work is anchored in the discipline of computer science, but it pursues the discussion of the SSME multidisciplinary approach (Service Science Management and Engineering). It first redefines the concept of service according to a systemic perspective. It also adopts a theory of the service relationship as a « traffic relationship », and various philosophical inspirations that help us to ontologically conceive reality as nested and interconnected processes. Therefore, we formalize the service as a dynamic phenomenon emerging from the coordination of heterogeneous entities, for which the « agencements theory » seems useful. Then, we propose to represent and simulate these « servicial agencements » with a hypergraph and a mereo-relational ontology revealing the structure but also to the calculated experience’s scenarios. The proposed method and tool’s proof of concept for the modeling and simulation of servicial agencements (iSamsara) are part of the problem of constructing a real Services Systems Engineering. Moreover, this work takes place in a con-text of knowledge engineering related to the process of opportunities study of a telecom operator
Cherrid, Hadia. "Commande et observateur par modes glissants d'ordre un et deux : application aux systèmes robotisés." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2001.
Full textIn the control of robotics systems, in order to synthesize control laws, all system state is necessary. Nevertheless, generally, only positions are measured. Their times derivatives are often either not available or contained noise. Therefore, it becomes essential to study and use observers for the control law. As for nonlinear systems, the separation principle is not applicable. We are interested by synthesizing the control and also the observer. Witch will guarantee the stability of the system as well as good performances. We have focused our work on the control of robot manipulators with electric and pneumatic actuators. We have chosen sliding mode technique in order to ensure robustness of the system regarding parameter uncertainties. We have introduced an additional adaptive law to make an enhancement : completely free oneself from the structure of the model. This guaranties an excellent robustness regarding structural errors. At last, to overcome the problem of chattering control in the two precedent schemes, we have introduced the second order in sliding mode to synthesize the controller and observer, in the case of variable systems. The thesis includes a recapitulative and comparative table, to choose the controller and observer strategies for a most number of lagrange’s systems. For each proposed control and observer schemes, we have presented simulation and experimental results which validate the theoretical study
Freire, Junior José Celso. "Ingénierie de systèmes d'information : une approche de multi-modélisation et de méta-modélisation." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1997.
Full textEl, Moudni Abdellah. "Contribution à la modélisation et à l'analyse des systèmes discrets à échelles de temps multiples : application à la commande optimale." Lille 1, 1985.
Full textWasnik, Virag. "Approche conceptuelle et holistique de la modélisation de la fiabilité des systèmes complexes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Toulouse (2023-....), 2024.
Full textThe study envisaged is placed in a conceptual context of a multidimensional assessment of the reliability of a complex mechatronic architecture system. More specifically, the aim is to develop an innovative methodological framework that breaks with conventional techniques for assessing the probability of failure of a system. Unlike traditional approaches based on the principles of calculating reliability by progressively feeding back composite information derived from the combination of reliability measurements of elementary components, the methodology under consideration is bi-univocal. Using a matrix approach, the proposal described below relates the functional and dysfunctional states of the strata to represent the different levels of decomposition of a complete system down to its basic components.The proposed methodology is based on the evidence that failures always occur at the level of the most elementary components, but originate and propagate their effects at higher levels. The failure of an elementary component can be caused by :a cause external to the system, applied to the component and placing it outside its nominal operating range and therefore resistance ;a lack of intrinsic quality, linked to a design or manufacturing defect in the component, making it incapable of performing the required function;a level of stress in excess of the permissible load, induced by the subsystem within which it operates;a number of stresses exceeding a limit threshold, triggering a malfunction due to fatigue.Excluding quality problems, which are factors in malfunctions not addressed in this work, the process of modelling the reliability of a system therefore requires a multidimensional approach linking the different hierarchical levels of the system under study. This approach cannot be purely multi-scale and, while the reliability model must consider both the spatial dimension (the place of the entity in the system nomenclature), it must also take into account the temporal dimension (the rate and form of stress and the dynamics of failure occurrence). This spatio-temporal representation of a system's reliability behaviour requires a combination of several views. This thesis focuses on characterising these different views and integrating them into a single methodological framework
Aloui, Adel. "La question de la définition organique de systèmes techniques en conception : cadre théorique et éléments de méthode." Lyon 3, 2008.
Full textOver time and due to the increasing complexity and the increasing of size of systems, design activity became an important issue. System architecture is a key problematic of the design process. Since the last two decades, architecture gained interest and its importance was framed in three domains: as a way to understand complex systems, to design them, to manage their manufacturing process and to provide long-term rationality. This research contributes on the operationalization efforts of the system architecture concept and its design methodologies. In this memory, our objective is to propose a methodology for architecture design. This methodology is based on systems engineering concepts and morphological analysis method. It articulates some processing models and the potential linkage between two principle concepts: synthesis and abstraction. The proposed methodology helps designers in practice and improves their abilities to more respond to issues that characterize architecture design. It permits an effective top-down design approach to generate system architecture
Rougé, Charles Jacques Jean. "Résilience et vulnérabilité dans le cadre de la théorie de la viabilité et des systèmes dynamiques stochastiques contrôlés." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2013.
Full textThis thesis proposes mathematical definitions of the resilience and vulnerability concepts, in the framework of stochastic controlled dynamical system, and particularly that of discrete time stochastic viability theory. It relies on previous works defining resilience in the framework of deterministic viability theory. The proposed definitions stem from the hypothesis that it is possible to distinguish usual uncertainty, included in the dynamics, from extreme or surprising events. Stochastic viability and reliability only deal with the first kind of uncertainty, and both evaluate the probability of exiting a subset of the state space in which the system’s properties are verified. Stochastic viability thus appears to be a branch of reliability theory. One of its central objects is the stochastic viability kernel, which contains all the states that are controllable so their probability of keeping the properties over a given time horizon is greater than a threshold value. We propose to define resilience as the probability of getting back to the stochastic viability kernel after an extreme or surprising event. We use stochastic dynamic programming to maximize both the probability of being viable and the probability of resilience at a given time horizon. We propose to then define vulnerability from a harm function defined on every possible trajectory of the system. The trajectories’ probability distribution implies that of the harm values and we define vulnerability as a statistic over this latter distribution. This definition is applicable with both the aforementioned uncertainty sources. On one hand, considering usual uncertainty, we define sets such that vulnerability is below a threshold, which generalizes the notion of stochastic viability kernel. On the other hand, after an extreme or surprising event, vulnerability proposes indicators to describe recovery trajectories (assuming that only usual uncertainty comes into play then). Vulnerability indicators related to a cost or to the crossing of a threshold can be minimized thanks to stochastic dynamic programming. We illustrate the concepts and tools developed in the thesis through an application to preexisting indicators of reliability and vulnerability that are used to evaluate the performance of a water supply system. We focus on proposing a stochastic dynamic programming algorithm to minimize a criterion that combines criteria of cost and of exit from the constraint set. The concepts are then articulated to describe the performance of a reservoir
Koenig, Damien. "Génération de résidus robustes pour une approche intégrée de diagnostic des systèmes linéaires déterministes ou stochastiques." Nancy 1, 1998.
Full textSaouri, Fatima-Zahra. "Stabilisation de quelques systèmes élastiques : analyse spectrale et comportement asymptotique." Nancy 1, 2000.
Full textOsorio, Gordillo Gloria Lilia. "Observateurs des systèmes singuliers incertains : application au contrôle et au diagnostic." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2015.
Full textIn this thesis the observer design for uncertain linear descriptor systems and their applications to control and fault diagnosis is studied. Descriptor systems can be considered as a generalization of dynamical systems. This class of systems include algebraic and differential equations. The observer used in this work has a new structure more general than those presented in the literature. The observer structure proposed has additional degrees of freedom, which provides it robustness in face to variations not considered in the model. The new observer structure used in this thesis, named as generalized dynamic observer (GDO), is designed for different classes of descriptor systems. The asymptotic stability of the observer is proved by Lyapunov analysis through a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). In all cases, the LMI obtained from the Lyapunov analysis is treated by the elimination lemma. The use of the elimination lemma is essential in the development of the stability analysis of the observers, since it allows to obtain the GDO structure. Proportional observers (PO) and proportional-integral observers (PIO) can be considered as particular cases of our observer. The thesis is organized as follows: In the general introduction, the problem formulation is presented, the objectives of the thesis are pointed out, the scope of the investigation and the main contributions are also presented. Chapter 1 introduces descriptor systems as the class of systems considered in this work and presents a review of the state of the art focused on the observers design for these systems. Also we introduce the GDO as an observer with structure more general than that of the PO and the PIO. Chapter 2 develops the GDO for descriptor systems with or without disturbances. Extension of these approaches for discrete-time descriptor systems with or without disturbances are also presented. In Chapter 3, the robust approach of the GDO is treated for parametric uncertain descriptor systems, where the uncertainty is bounded, and for linear parameter varying (LPV) descriptor systems, where the parameters vary inside a polytope. Chapter 4 presents the GDO application to observer-based control with the objective to stabilize descriptor systems that normally are unstable. An extension of this approach to disturbed descriptor systems is also developed. Chapter 5 presents the GDO application to fault diagnosis, which is divided in two parts. The first one is to detect and isolate faults by using a GDO that provides residuals that are able to represent only the presence of one fault, so that we can isolate multiple faults. And the second part is to estimate the faults by using a GDO with a modified structure. These approaches are developed for descriptor systems and for uncertain descriptor systems. The last part is dedicated to general conclusions and some perspectives
Books on the topic "Ingénierie et théorie des systèmes"
Theaker, Colin J. Introduction aux systèmes d'exploitation: Théorie et pratique. Paris: Eyrolles, 1987.
Find full textPichat, Étienne. Ingénierie des données: Systèmes d'information, modèles et bases de données. Paris: Masson, 1990.
Find full textMaret, Pierre de. Ingénierie des savoir-faire: Compétences individuelles et mémoire collective. Paris: Hermès, 1997.
Find full textChurchman, C. West. Le design des systèmes chercheurs: Fondements conceptuels de l'étude des systèmes et des touts organisés : extraits. Québec, Qué: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1988.
Find full textYatchinovsky, Arlette. L' approche systémique: Pour gérer l'incertitude et la complexité. Paris: ESF éditeur, 1999.
Find full textMicaelli, Jean-Pierre. Contribution à une ingénierie économique des systèmes de production: Fondements et expérimentation. Grenoble: A.N.R.T. Université Pierre Mendès France Grenoble 2, 1994.
Find full textLuhmann, Niklas. Politique et complexité: Les contributions de la théorie générale des systèmes. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1999.
Find full textAlpay, Daniel. Algorithme de Schur, espaces à noyau reproduisant et théorie des systèmes. Paris: Société Mathématique de France, 1998.
Find full textBenzaken, Claude. Systèmes formels: Introduction à la logique et à la théorie des langages. Paris: Masson, 1991.
Find full textProbst, Gilbert. Pensée globale et management: Résoudre les problèmes complexes. Paris: Éditions d'Organisation, 1989.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Ingénierie et théorie des systèmes"
Lewin, Mathieu. "Systèmes à N particules, atomes, molécules." In Théorie spectrale et mécanique quantique, 221–45. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textHYGOUNENC, Emmanuel. "Théorie des systèmes." In Ingénierie des systèmes, 13–40. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textHYGOUNENC, Emmanuel. "Conception fonctionnelle et logique." In Ingénierie des systèmes, 155–86. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textHYGOUNENC, Emmanuel. "Évaluation et comparaison des solutions." In Ingénierie des systèmes, 239–43. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textHYGOUNENC, Emmanuel. "Vérification et validation de l’architecture fonctionnelle." In Ingénierie des systèmes, 187–91. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textHYGOUNENC, Emmanuel. "Intégration, vérification et validation du système." In Ingénierie des systèmes, 297–307. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textHYGOUNENC, Emmanuel. "Vérification et validation de l’architecture physique." In Ingénierie des systèmes, 233–37. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textHYGOUNENC, Emmanuel. "Validation des exigences." In Ingénierie des systèmes, 145–52. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textHYGOUNENC, Emmanuel. "Réaliser un modèle de spécification simulable." In Ingénierie des systèmes, 271–87. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textHYGOUNENC, Emmanuel. "Introduction à l’ingénierie des exigences." In Ingénierie des systèmes, 59–70. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Ingénierie et théorie des systèmes"
Andersson, Fred. "Groupe µ and “the system of plastic form” -for an evaluation-." In Le Groupe μ : quarante ans de rhétorique – trente-trois ans de sémiotique visuelle. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2010.
Full textReports on the topic "Ingénierie et théorie des systèmes"
Tea, Céline. REX et données subjectives: quel système d'information pour la gestion des risques? Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, April 2012.
Full textJauvin, Nathalie, François Aubry, Francis Ethridge, Isabelle Feillou, Éric Gagnon, Andrew Freeman, Nancy Côté, et al. Recherche-action visant le développement d’un modèle d’intervention préventive en SST par et pour les préposés aux bénéficiaires en CHSLD. IRSST, September 2024.
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