Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Ingénierie automobile'
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Ripoll, Patrick. "Conception d'un système de diagnostic flou appliqué au moteur automobile." Chambéry, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999CHAMS024.
Full textLavaud, Gael. "Optimisation robuste appliquée au crash automobile." Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 2007. http://bibli.ec-lyon.fr/exl-doc/TH_T2092_glavaud.pdf.
Full textThis PhD thesis deals with robust design of complex systems with numerical simulations. The analysis of RENAULT design strategy suggests us concrete improvements based on the FIRST DESIGN methodology. This strategy relies on Engineering System ant the concept of robustness applied to all design step of the product. It uses all new design tools, as well statistical as modeling. This strategy allows designers to avoid design resource consuming and time demanding iterations. We use two concrete case study to illustrate our work. These cases take place in the context of costly simulations, that is why we will have to save them. First case study is about shape optimization of a pedestrian hood panel. We develop an industrial optimization tool and use it to find a satisfying shape. To save simulations, we also develop a special parameterization and a progressive validation of new shapes. Second case study is about robust design of a frontal crash. As traditional approaches could not fit our problem, we develop an original strategy based on crash scenarios. This method allows designers to identify unstable structural elements and to stabilize their behavior during the crash in the best conditions. All the tools developed along this work tend to take the best advantage of both new simulations tools and designers experience. Improvements of performance and design time on both cases study prove the interest of modifying the traditional design strategy to incorporate new numerical design tools
Guy-Coquille, Maud. "Evolution du régime de mobilité interne dans l’ingénierie automobile : conditions d'émergence et modes de gestion." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PSLEM087.
Full textThe environmental changes of the last thirties years imply more dynamism and flexibility, has led to an evolution of the notion of internal mobility. The literature as well the discourse from the companies express that the new forms and issues are mutually profitable to the companies and actors. This thesis questions this postulate, through the case of engineering, in which this new requirements of flexibility pose some specific problems, linked to the contextual and structural characteristics of this sector. It brings some interrogations about the kind of mobility system tenable in the engineering environment.This research takes place in the engineering department of a French automotivemanufacturer and questions the will of the company to deploy a new internal mobility policy. First, the thesis examines and discusses the intent of evolution. Then, it notices four main evolutions linked to internal mobility policy, which are the introduction of new forms of mobility, new actors and process. It questions the coherence between theses evolutions and the expectations of individuals in terms of career development, and then, examines the pertinence and feasibility of this evolution from the point of view of the context and activity specificities. Finally, the thesis proposes a management tool to support of mobility process by the managers
Boissie, Kevin. "Méthodes et outils pour la maîtrise de risques en ingénierie de l’obsolescence dans un contexte incertain : application à un équipementier automobile." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLC105.
Full textThis subject concerns, in a general way, the obsolescence management and the consideration of components life cycle in a multi-technological complex system. Rank 1 Suppliers in direct link with their customers make a commitment to guarantee a life of 20 years of their subsets, where their suppliers propose components with short life cycle of the order of 4 – 5 years. These subsets have to remain adaptable and upgradable with regard to permanent evolutions of needs, standards and technologies.“Unconsideration” of these elements has for consequences of the industrial risks which requiring:• The implementation of adapted means of storage, the consideration of guarantee quality and of mountability, and the taking of financial risks (on / under estimations, problems during the storage and components degradation).• Put in place a "serial project" aiming at redesigns a component supporting a function, become impossible to supply, while maintaining it compatible with the interface.• The search of solutions, allowing adapting the means and the products to the application of new standards / norms and needs.The target of this thesis is to study the obsolescence according to the complementary angles of: performance, structure, functions and features of the systems. These researches should allow, in obsolescence engineering, to determine a set of methods or tools for the control of the industrial risks.This thesis will lean on a set of real cases which obsolescence management is considered as a critical element.The studies have to allow formulating recommendations regarding conception of new subsets whose partial obsolescence, will not damage the features offered by the compound finished products, standards of choice during the design, to identify the life cycles of components and to explore the management of the obsolescence through concrete cases, on products at present marketed.Secondly, it will be necessary to look for the predictability and the adaptability of the system in what would be the next technological step.Allow by the anticipation, to act before undergoing. Which gains could be realized by a company mastering the guarantee of supply without discontinuity and without excess of production?
Kolli, Zehir. "Dynamique de renouvellement du parc automobile : Projection et impact environnemental." Phd thesis, Paris 1, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00860364.
Full textDahan, Raphael. "Conception robuste avec modèles simplifiés de crash : Application au choc lateral d'une automobile." Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007ECDL0002.
Full textIn this PhD thesis, an innovative robuste design process is developed and then applied to the design of a motocar for side impact. It is based on the V-shapped cycle of System Engineering and the construction of simplifieds physical models. These models are used at each level of the cycle to perform low cost robust optimization before specifying the best functional targets ti the next level, in terms of Quality/Cost/Delivery. By respecting the progressiveness of the design process, this step by step functional reasoning helps to manage complexity andd favors innovation. Thus, the proposed method maximizes chance to reach quickly a design that statisfies at best the initial expectations of the Project. Simplified crash modeling is presented within the framework of the proposed design method. The analogy between the construction of simplified models and the design process is undelined. Such a model is presented, concerning the side impact of a motoorcar. A simplified modeling of parts of a crash model experiencing small strains is also proposed, based on an elactic component modes synthesis taking into account large displacements. Thus, the simulation cost of full vehicle crash models is recued by twenty percents with a very small loss of accuracy in the results. This new modeling method was valisated on a case of car crash close to an industrial procblem. It can be applied in many ways to help reaching a robust design
Thomas, Jean-Hugh. "Etude de méthodes de diagnostic par reconnaissance des formes floue : application à deux situations issues du domaine automobile." Compiègne, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996COMP935S.
Full textDuverlie, Nathalie. "Etude de la propagation acoustique dans un guide bidimensionnel, en présence d'écoulement cisaille, application au domaine automobile." Compiègne, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997COMP1020.
Full textVargas, Catalina. "Modélisation du processus de conception en ingénierie des systèmes mécaniques : mise en oeuvre basée sur la propagation de contraintes : application à la conception d'une culasse automobile." Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995DENSA001.
Full textDesign is a complex activity which requires different kind of knowledge. It needs human skills such as know how and creativity. This activity is based on theorical principles and on empiric facts. In design the aim is to produce a description of an artefact which will exhibit the necessary attributes to carry out a given function. Design is, thus, the process of providing form froma formless description. We present a design process model to represent mechanical engineering design knowledge, specially in routine design or redesign. This approach proposes a design aid system environment based on proposed models and on a constraint propagation mechanism link to a traditional CAD/CAM system. Aprototype based in a cylinder haed design shows our meaning
Léaux, Floriane. "Relation entre microstructure et fatigue d’un acier ferritique utilisé dans l’industrie automobile : élaboration d’indicateurs d’endommagement." Thesis, Lille 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LIL10112/document.
Full textIn the international context of CO2 emissions reduction, VALEO, supported by the French Environment and Energy Agency, develops new car alternators allowing the “Start-Stop” function. Due to their specific geometry and the complex loading conditions, alternator cooling fans are subjected to fatigue damage. Their life time, based on current knowledge, is difficult to assess. A better reliability of the component depends on the understanding of the cyclic damage mechanisms of the material and this is the aim of the PhD thesis.The work followed three axes. At first, fatigue behaviour of the ferritic steel was studied on lab specimens and by means of Low Cycle Fatigue tests. They were carried out under different loading signals, studying the influence of mean strain, of strain rate or of a holding time. Then, a TEM study on one hand, and EBSD investigations on the other hand, focused on the microstructure, allowed to understand and to estimate cyclic plastic damage of the lab specimens, as well as of the fans (before and after cycling in real using conditions). Through this study, damage criteria based on the evolutions of the microstructure have been built and a relationship with the life time has been established. At the end, fatigue information was used in order to improve the material database of the commercial Finite Elements Method (FEM) software called ANSYS®. A better representation of the fatigue behaviour of the material was proposed through the Chaboche model
Robin-Boudaoud, Marie-Cécile. "Comportement et durée de vie de pièces tubulaires, soudées ou non, en acier ferritique 1. 4509 : application automobile." Paris, ENMP, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ENMP0059.
Full textFaurecia uses stainless ferritic steels to produce car manifolds, which are made of several tubular parts welded together. In order to reduce design costs, Faurecia needs to developp a robust numerical design tool. In the frame of this project, this thesis is a contribution to fatigue life assessment of 1. 4509 stainless steel tubular parts, welded or not, submitted to cyclic thermomechanical loadings. In a first part, the cyclic mechanical behaviors of the base metal (1. 4509 steel) and the melted metal are experementally studied under various loads. They are then described thanks to an elastoviscoplastic model. The specific mechanical behavior of the heat affected zone is also considered. The ability of the proposed models to describe the mechanical response of a welded zone is assessed thanks to a traction compression test including local strain measurements. In a second part, fatigue life of 1. 4509 steel is adressed. A large experimental dabase is built up. A non isothermal continuum damage model (J. Lemaitre model) is identified. The same test conditions are applied to welded specimens. Then, the resuts of those tests are analysed thanks to an uncoupled approach of mechanical behavior and damage. It is so considered that the strain distribution at the stabilized cycle, governs the fatigue life of the welded specimen. Thanks to this method, most the tests are well predicted (within a scattering band of factor 3 maximum). Finally, last part of this thesis concerns the integration of the identified models in a robust numerical tool in order to predict fatigue life of industrial welded parts. A submodel methodology is used in order to precisely predict the stabilized mechanical behavior of welded zone. This technique is successfully applied to predict the fatigue life of two welded parts, included a car manifold
Paris, Jean-Christophe. "Ingénierie cognitive pour l'aide à la conduite automobile de la personne âgée : analyse et modélisation de l'activité de conduite en situation naturelle pour la conception de fonctions de monitorage." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014BORD0425/document.
Full textThis thesis in Cognitics presents a Human Centered Design approach for thedevelopment of future driving assistance systems dedicated to elderly drivers orElderly Adapted Driver Assistance Systems (E-ADAS).To do so, this work relies on a multi-disciplinary approach for data collection andanalysis. Regarding Ergonomics, the aim is to better understand the specificrequirements of this population in order to identify their actual difficulties and actualneeds of assistance. In this frame, 76 drivers (aged from 70 to 87 years old) took partto an on-the-road experiment, driving an instrumented car. The dataset includes2100 km of ecological driving data and 1400 auto-evaluated driving situations,completed by 6 Focus Groups (involving 30 elderly drivers).The second part of this research, relying on Cognitive Engineering, explores thedesign and implementation of monitoring functions based on the aforementioneddataset. The objective is to have real-time models and analytical functions, able to:(1) supervise the driving activity as realized by an elderly driver, (2) taking in toconsideration the driving context or situational risks (3) in order to detect difficulties ordriving errors. Beyond this thesis, these diagnostics will have to be integrated inassistive systems to better adapt their support to the specific needs of elderly drivers.Specific monitoring functions related to basic vehicle control (speed management,lane positioning and headway regulation) are presented. Based on these results,integrated monitoring functions for intersection crossings in Left-Turn manoeuver,highway merging assistance, and, more broadly, lane change assistance areintroduced
Gstalter, Étienne. "Réduction d’ordre de modèle de crash automobile pour l’optimisation masse / prestations." Thesis, Compiègne, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020COMP2576.
Full textThis thesis is a part of a global research work dedicated to reduced-order modelling applications in the Renault engineering direction. It's research topic has been improved in the IRT System)('s project on Reduced Order Model and Multi-disciplinary Optimization. Some previous thesis can help understand the context. ([Vuong], [Charrier]). The main industrial application of the research theme is the focus on a body structure, in a crash loading. Some research works on acoustic, combustion and aerodynamic are currently ongoing. This thesis is both a contribution to the generic ReCUR method, and its application to a car body structure optimization for crash loadings. Engineering teams at Renault uses optimization to obtain the best crash simulation, with a numerical optimization software, based on designs of experiments. It requires a lot of crash simulation because each simulation is considered as unique, with only one response for each parameter. Only Inputs and Outputs are known. The ReCUR method consider that each simulation is a huge mine that needs our attention. We hope that we can decrease the number of crash simulation required to compute a model, by using much more data for each simulation
Mathern, Benoît. "Découverte interactive de connaissances à partir de traces d'activité : Synthèse d'automates pour l'analyse et la modélisation de l'activité de conduite automobile." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00864865.
Full textMahut, Fabien. "Intégration des approches PLM et SLM pour le développement et la gestion des Systèmes Produit-Service en contexte automobile : proposition d’un cadre méthodologique." Thesis, Compiègne, 2019. http://bibliotheque.utc.fr/EXPLOITATION/doc/IFD/2019COMP2473.
Full textThis research work is exploring the development and management of Product-Service Systems. These new integrated offers go along with specific issues which challenge the current product development strategies. Analyzing the academic literature on this matter, this work focuses on methodological frameworks for the development of PSS offers. The first level of these frameworks is about engineering approaches considers Service Lifecycle Management (SLM) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) interactions. The second level is about specific systems or PSS development processes and methods. The third and last level challenges the definitions of a PSS model. Fed by this review, this work provides a coherent proposal for PSS development across these three levels, qualified by 7 analysis criterias. On the first level, a detailed PLM-SLM interaction scheme is proposed. It supports a development process on the second level, alongside a PSS model based on FBS and result-resource-process triplet as a matter for service adequate description. This proposal has been experimented through two study cases. The first one, about an existing and mature PSS, enabled the development of a quality management tool. The second, about the development of a connected diagnostic PSS enabled to strengthen the illustration of the proposal for its adoption
Lardeur, Etienne. "Amélioration de la performance de l'ingénierie dans un contexte d'Ingénierie Système :Cas du développement conjoint des produits automobiles et de leurs systèmes de fabrication." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2003. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00011608.
Full textLannoy, Pierre. "L'intelligence des feux rouges. Sociologie d'une entreprise gestionnaire." Université catholique de Louvain, 2001. http://edoc.bib.ucl.ac.be:81/ETD-db/collection/available/BelnUcetd-06262002-072007/.
Full textMalpot, Amélie. "Etude du comportement en fatigue d’un composite à matrice polyamide renforcé d'un tissu de fibres de verre pour application automobile." Thesis, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, Ecole nationale supérieure de mécanique et d'aérotechnique, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ESMA0002/document.
Full textThis study is focused on a woven glass-fibre-reinforced composite (2/2 twill) with a polyamide 6,6 matrix. From the perspective of its future integration in automotive parts, the fatigue behavior of this material is investigated. The aim is to develop a fatigue model able to predict the fatigue life of the composite studied. The PA66 behaviour is highly influenced by the moisture content, thus, it is necessary to take this parameter into account. Hence, three conditionings are studied: RH0, RH50 andRH100 which correspond respectively to the dry-as-moulded, the ambient and the water-saturated state.Three different stacking sequences are used in order to study the influence of fibre orientation: [(0/90)3],[(90/0)3] and [(±45)3]. First, the influence of moisture on microstructural and mechanical properties formonotonic tensile tests is studied. The plasticizing effect of water on PA66 has been highlighted. A damage scenario has been determined for every configuration studied by using acoustic emission technique during monotonic tensile tests and post-mortem SEM observations. Then, tension-tension fatigue tests are performed for all sample configurations. The results have been used to set up two phenomenological fatigue life models: the constant life diagrams and the two-parameter model based onS-N curves. The latter has been enhanced by including the relative humidity in order to be able to predict the fatigue life of the material for any conditioning. In general, this model estimates quite well the fatigue life of the material for different testing conditions. Finally, the two-parameter model has been used for fatigue life prediction of both open-hole samples and a mini-structure in order to evaluate its capability to be used in an industrial context
Duchaud, Jean-Laurent. "Conception, modélisation et dimensionnement d'un système de levé de soupape à trois positions discrètes pour un moteur essence automobile." Thesis, Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015DENS0027/document.
Full textAbstract : As the constraint on vehicle consumption tightens, variable valve lift strategies are used to increase engines efficiency. This thesis focuses on issues related to the design of a three-stage electromagnetic valve tappet. First of all, the tappet has to fit inside the engine and has to offer three different valve lifts: a full lift for high speed and torque requirements, a low lift for small loads and a lift allowing cylinder deactivation for medium loads. The tappet dimensioning includes, for example, cams feasibility, spring parameters and contact pressure between cams and tappets. Valve lift selection is made by two electromagnetic actuators in order to obtain a short transition time. Their size, however, hinders their integration. Hence, we realize an optimization aiming to reduce its volume and define the command profile and its return springs. This optimization requires a multi-physics model (electric, magnetic and dynamic) to simulate the actuator behavior. Due to the parameter number and the computational time needed per iteration, the optimization is expensive. Hence we suggest two metamodels algorithms to be used in the optimization. The first algorithm, off-line, is able to create iteratively a predictor precise in the entire domain studied with a lesser cost than Latin Hypercube Sample. The second, in-line, refines the predictor inside the optimization loops and uses it when the predicted error is small
Le, Marchand Olivier. "Approche autonome pour la localisation et la surveillance de l'intégrité d'un véhicule automobile en environnement complexe." Phd thesis, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00672343.
Full textMathern, Benoît. "Découverte interactive de connaissances à partir de traces d’activité : Synthèse d’automates pour l’analyse et la modélisation de l’activité de conduite automobile." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LYO10041/document.
Full textDriving is a dynamic and complex activity. Understanding the origin of a driving situationrequires the analysis of the driver’s choices made while he/she drives. In addition,a driving situation has to be studied in its natural complexity and evolution. LESCOThas developed a model called COSMODRIVE, which provides a conceptual frameworkfor the cognitive simulation of the activity of car driving. In order to run themodel for a simulation, it is necessary to gather knowledge related to the driving situation,for example in the form of an automaton. The conception of such an automatonrequires : 1) the use of real data recorded in an instrumented car, and, 2) the use of humanexpertise to interpret these data. These data are considered in this thesis as activitytraces.The purpose of this thesis is to assist the Knowledge Engineering process of activityanalysis. The present thesis proposes a method to interactively discover knowledgefrom activity traces. For this purpose, data from car driving are considered as M-traces– which associate an explicit semantic to these data. This semantic is then used asknowledge in a Trace Based System. In a Trace Based System, M-traces can be filtered,transformed, reformulated, and abstracted. The resulting traces are then used as inputsin the production of an automaton model of the activity of driving. In this thesis,Workflow Mining techniques have been used to build automata (Petri nets) from logs.These techniques require complete or statistically representative data sets. However,data collected from instrumented vehicles are intrinsically unique, as no two drivingsituations will ever be identical. In addition, situations of particular interest, such ascritical situations, are rarely observed in instrumented vehicle studies. The challenge isthen to produce a model which is a form of generalisation from a limited set of cases,which have been judged by domain experts as being relevant and representative of whatactually happens.In the current thesis, algorithms synthesising Petri nets from traces have been madeinteractive, in order to achieve the modelling of such driving situations. This thenmakes it possible for experts to guide the algorithms and therefore to support the discoveryof knowledge relevant to the experts. The process involved in making the α-algorithm and the α+-algorithm interactive is discussed in the thesis in a way that canbe generalised to other algorithms.In addition, the current thesis illustrates how the use of a Trace Based System andthe interactive discovery of automata impacts the global cycle of Knowledge Discovery.A methodology is also proposed to build automaton models of the activity of cardriving. Finally, a case study is presented to illustrate how the proposed methodologycan be applied to real driving data in order to construct models with the softwaredeveloped in this thesis
Kaltcheva, Rossitza. "De l’isolement professionnel à la restauration de la fonction psychologique du collectif : la santé au travail, entre soliloque et pensée dialogique : le cas de l’intervention à l’ingénierie Renault." Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019CNAM1279.
Full textThis doctoral thesis originated in an activity clinic intervention in work psychology conducted at the Renault company in France. The intervention covered two activities: assembly line activities and industrial design. The thesis concerns the second activity conducted at the Renault Technocentre. The dialogical process deployed made it possible to reduce isolation at work by developing the psychological function of the group. The assumption put forward is that it is possible to demonstrate this development. The analyses characterise the situations of isolation producing utterances devoid of the existence of others as well as dialogues inhabited by others, a sign of the development of the psychological function of the group. The analyses raise questions concerning the establishment of a lasting dialogical process in the Renault engineering department. Theconclusion highlights the vital role of professional dialogue for efficiency and health at work
Woźniak, Ernest. "Model-based Synthesis of Distributed Real-time Automotive Architectures." Thesis, Paris 11, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA112145/document.
Full textHardware/software based solutions play significant role in the automotive domain. It is common that the implementation of certain functions that was done in a mechanical manner, in nowadays cars is done through the software and hardware. This tendency lead to the substantial number of functions operating as a set of software components deployed into hardware entities, i.e. Electronic Control Units (ECU). As a consequence the capacity of the overall code is estimated as tens of gigabytes and the number of ECUs reaches more than 100. Consequently the industrial state of the practice development approaches become inefficient. The objective of this thesis is to add to the current efforts trying to employ the Model Driven Engineering (MDE) in the context of the automotive SW/HW architectures design. First set of contributions relates to the guided strategies supporting the key engineering activities of the automotive methodology established by the EAST-\ADL2 language and the AUTOSAR standard. The main is the integration of the software architecture with the hardware platform. Although the amount of work on the synthesis is substantial, this thesis presents shortcomings of the existing approaches that disable them to fully support the EAST-ADL2/AUTOSAR methodology and delivers new techniques overcoming the current deficiencies. Second contribution concerns approaches for the modeling. Surprisingly the usage of general purpose modeling languages such as the SysML and MARTE although beneficial, haven’t found its way yet to be fully exploited by the automotive OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer). This especially relates to the modeling of the analyzable input and the optimization concerns which would enable triggering of the analysis and optimization directly from the models level. This work shows a way and defines additional concepts, necessary to construct analysis and optimization models
Pham, Hung-Manh. "Embedded computing architecture with dynamic hardware reconfiguration for intelligent automotive systems." Rennes 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2010REN1S139.
Full textThe omnipresence of electronic computers has led the automotive industry to face new security and performance requirements to integrate new applications in the field. The modern reconfigurable logic circuits meet now the requirements of processing performance, flexibility and industry trends on reducing product cost. We show in this thesis the importance of new dynamically reconfigurable architectures in the automotive field and more generally in the area of dependability. The use of dynamically reconfigurable computers can reduce the number of computers and reduce the costs of implementation. Unfortunately, these architectures are very sensitive to radiation and therefore to errors. We propose in this work, low cost fault-tolerant mechanisms to solve this problem. By performing a fault detection on reconfigurable computers and coupling it with a mechanism of tasks migration (hardware and software), then it is possible to significantly increase the robustness of the system, while maintaining high degree of performance
Attouche, Slimane. "Prédiction et tolérance aux fautes dans les systèmes multi-capteurs : application à la conduite automatique de véhicules en convois." Lille 1, 2002. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/RESTREINT/Th_Num/2002/50376-2002-237.pdf.
Full textPerrin, Olivier. "Modélisation et diagnostic de pannes dans des organes de véhicules automobiles à basse consommation." Rennes 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003REN10158.
Full textMouzon, Olivier de. "Une approche du diagnostic basée sur la logique floue : application aux bancs d'essais de moteurs automobiles." Toulouse 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003TOU30254.
Full textBegotto, Vincent. "Etude et conception d'un système de surveillance et de diagnostic vibratoires de boîtes de vitesses." Nancy 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997NAN10040.
Full textFoulard, Stéphane. "Online and real-time load monitoring for remaining service life prediction of automotive transmissions : damage level estimation of transmission components based on a torque acquisition." Thesis, Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ECDL0012.
Full textThis research work proposes the development and the validation of an online and real-time method to predict the remaining service life of the gearwheels of automotive transmissions, with the aim of implementing it on standard control units of series-production vehicles. By focusing on the proposition of a simple, reliable and easy-to-implement solution, the system relies on the combination of an acquisition method of the torques acting in the transmission and a continuous estimation of the damage levels of the gearwheels. Firstly, a state of the art and the theoretical basics are presented concerning a damage estimation based on a nominal stress concept and a linear damage accumulation. The global structure of the damage estimation algorithm is then analyzed and the methodological approach adopted for its development is explained. This is based in principal on a drivetrain model, validated with tests and measurements, where a particular attention is paid to the representation of the gear shifts and the transmission dynamics. Two types of transmissions are considered, namely a standard manual transmission and a dual clutch transmission mounted in series-production cars. Respectively a requirement analysis for the configuration of the algorithm as well as a requirement specification for the torque acquisition method are performed. On this basis, a state observer is developed and validated, which is able to reconstruct the clutch torque and the transmission output torque. Finally, a synthesis of the complete method and the final version of the algorithm are addressed, and the economic and ecological advantages of the introduction of the method in the context of lightweight design measures are discussed and evaluated
Kurzfassung Diese Dissertation beschreibt die Entwicklung einer Online- und Echtzeit-Methode zur Vorhersage der restlichen Lebensdauer von den Zahnradern eines Kraftfahrzeuggetriebes. Diese Methode ist fur eine Implementierung auf Standard-Steuergeraten vorgesehen. Durch die Fokussierung auf eine einfache, zuverlassige und leicht zu implementierende Losung beruht die Methode auf der Kombination aus einer Drehmomenterfassungsmethode und einer kontinuierlichen Vorhersage des Schadigungsniveaus der Zahnrader. Zuerst werden der Stand der Technik und die theoretischen Grundlagen von Schadigungsberechnungen basierend auf dem Nennspannungskonzept und einer linearen Schadensakkumulation dargestellt. Danach wird die globale Struktur des Schadigungsberechnungsalgorithmus gezeigt und die fur die Entwicklung ausgewahlte methodische Vorgehensweise erlautert. Diese bezieht sich grundsatzlich auf ein durch Testfahrten und Messungen verifiziertes Antriebsstrangmodell, welches besonders die Schaltungen und die Dynamik des Getriebes berucksichtigt. Ein Serien-Handschaltgetriebe und ein Serien-Doppelkupplungsgetriebe werden betrachtet. Fur diese zwei Getriebetypen werden eine Anforderungsanalyse zur Konfiguration des Algorithmus sowie eine Anforderungsspezifikation fur die Drehmomenterfassungsmethode durchgefuhrt. Auf Basis dieser Untersuchungen wird dann ein Zustandsbeobachter zur Rekonstruktion des Kupplungs- und Getriebeausgangsdrehmoments entwickelt und validiert. Infolgedessen werden eine Synthese der kompletten Methode und die Endversion des Algorithmus vorgestellt. Abschliesend werden die Wirtschaftlichkeit sowie die okologischen Vorteile in Bezug auf die Einfuhrung der Lebensdauermonitoringmethode im Rahmen von Leichtbaumasnahmen diskutiert und bewertet
Khoury, Elias. "Modélisation de la durée de vie résiduelle et maintenance prédictive : application à des véhicules industriels." Troyes, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012TROY0027.
Full textMaintenance has become in many fields such as the automotive field, a very important aspect due mostly to its economic dimension. In this context, we are interested in improving maintenance decision making in order to reduce its costs mainly. We focus specifically on the predictive maintenance approach using the residual useful lifetime (RUL) as a tool for decision support. The RUL integrates information about the state of a system and its environment in the past, present and future (prediction). At first, we consider degradation based failure models. We study and develop several models that can describe different behaviours of degradation and failure mechanisms. In particular we consider a case study on engine oil. For these different models, we propose methods to estimate the distribution of the RUL conditionally to the state of the system and its environment. Subsequently, we propose predictive maintenance strategies in several configurations and we show how the RUL can be used in decision making. The conducted studies show the benefit of using the RUL and allow us to quantify the resulting gain depending on the considered case and the way the RUL is used
Beldi, Mohamed. "Optimisation de la loi d'épaisseur des structures minces." Compiègne, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988COMPD153.
Full textOptimization techniques are applied here to minimize the mass of sand casting pieces by varying the thickness distribution of non-functional parts. A car suspension arm is taken as example. Finite element modelling is realized with triangular 3-node elements by using MEF/MOSAIC software. The middle surface of the shell is assumed to be fixed ; the design variables are the thicknesses of elements or groups of elements. The result is then smoothed to provide a feasible solution. Constraints are imposed to limit the stresses values on the critical parts of the structure. The minimization algorithm requires their gradients which are expressed by using the adjoint state method. The numerical results show that the optimization of thickness leads to a 25 % decrease of the mass
Gomes, Samuel. "Contribution de l'analyse de l'activité au processus de conception de produits innovants : application à la conception de systèmes de contrôle-commande automobiles." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1999. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/INPL_T_1999_GOMES_S.pdf.
Full textSituated in the industrial systems engineering field, this work proposes a reflection on the methods and the tools that can be applied for better designing new products adapted to future users. In this context, a transverse approach is adopted in the field of design methodologies, by using ergonomies and data processing principles. Some difficulties of co-operation between engineers and ergonomicists have been identified for designing new products in view of user activities. In this context, we have formulated several proposals. In addition to our own vision of the product design process, centered on the necessary co-operation between the various actors of the project, we propose a new co-operation tool based on motor activities observed when using the product. First we analyze the various user motor activities of existing products are analyzed using a global vision of the Man-Product-Environment system. Then, it is possible to build different future user activities of the future product by using modeling and simulation methods. The application of these proposals to an in-car radio design project showed the need for developing a new computer aided design tool: MANERCOS. This software is dedicated to real situations using activity analysis, based on video recordings. Thereafter, the same software can be used for modeling and simulating desired future user activities. In accordance with concurrent engineering techniques, the same methods and tools are proposed to evaluate existing production and to design future production means for the future product
Bordier, Luc. "Etude du comportement vibro-acoustique des réservoirs à carburants soumis à l'excitation de la pompe du module d'aspiration par une approche expérimentale et numérique." Compiègne, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008COMP1733.
Full textThis work presents the studies made within Inergy Automotive Systems and dealing with experimental testing and numerical computations for vibro-acoustic problems of fuel tanks due to the sender unit fuel pump. Because complains from car drivers about noise perturbation from fuel tanks have increased due to the improvement of the acoustic signature in cars, Inergy Automotive Systems has 1 to start a research study on this issue and has thus asked for a CIFRE grant in 2003. In a first part, this work presents the system in matter and the main goals of the study. In a second part, the theoretical formulation is given and then, in the third part, the modal behavior of partially filled fuel tank is studied. In the fourth part, the vibro-acoustic source (fuel-pump) is studied by experimental testing. At last, in a fifth part, both experimental and numerical model are presented for complete fuel tank assembly
Béreau, Martine. "Contribution de la théorie des sous-ensembles flous à la règle de discrimination des K plus proches voisins en mode partiellement supervisé." Compiègne, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986COMPD032.
Full textMakkawi, Khoder. "An adaptive fault tolerant fusion framework for a precise, available and fail-safe localization." Thesis, Lille 1, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020LIL1I069.
Full textThe adoption of a technological solution as a means of localization of an Intelligent Transport System requires validation of the usual performance metrics. These are mainly accuracy, availability, continuity, and safety. However, they present an antagonistic behavior, insofar as ensuring operational safety is generally to the detriment of availability. This localization brick can be used in functions that do not involve the security of the system and the surrounding environment, such as fleet tracking or passenger information. But, when it comes to providing localization information to the vehicle's trajectory control module, it seems obvious, that the unknown positioning error must be properly bounded, this is called positioning integrity. To increase integrity, the literature recommends the integration of a diagnostic and monitoring layer. Similarly, the coupling of complementary localization solutions such as GNSS for its absolute positioning capabilities, and odometry for the precision of its relative data is recommended to increase the accuracy, availability, and continuity of the system. In this work, we propose a framework allowing the implementation of merging GNSS raw data and odometric data, through the use of a data fusion stochastic filter, the Maximum Correntropy Criterion Nonlinear Information Filter, robust to different measurement noises (shot noises, multi-gaussian, etc...). This framework also integrates a diagnostic layer designed to be adaptive to the navigation context or to changing operational requirements through an informational metric, the α-Rényi Divergence, generalizing the metrics usually used for these purposes, such as the Bhattacharyya Divergence or the Kullback-Leibler Divergence. This divergence allows the design of parametric residuals that take into account the change in environment and thus the change in the a priori probability of facing or not facing GNSS measurement failures. We study the possibility of implementing a selection policy for this parameter and study the impact of this policy on all the above-mentioned performance. The encouraging results allow us to consider, as a perspective for this work, the complexification of the policy and the algorithms for setting the value of the α parameter by the contribution of artificial intelligence technologies in order to increase the discernibility of faults, minimize the probability of false alarms (and thus increase availability) and minimize the probability of missed detections (and thus increase operational safety). In this work, real data provided by the PRETIL plate-forme of CRIStAL Lab are used in order to test and validate the proposed approach
Adedjouma, Morayo. "Requirements Engineering Process according to Automotive Standards in a Model-driven Framework." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00724470.
Full textRessencourt, Hervé. "Diagnostic hors-ligne à base de modèles : approche multi-modèle pour la génération automatique de séquences de tests : application au domaine de l'automobile." Toulouse 3, 2008. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/2151/.
Full textThis thesis deals with the problem of off-board diagnosis in the automotive domain. The work has consisted in proposing and implementing an operational model based approach that determines the best sequences of tests to be performed by the garage mechanic to localise a faulty component on a vehicle. A multi-model approach is proposed for the description of mechatronic systems, which allows us to handle the functional complexity of embedded systems and to match functional symptoms with a set of faults on hardware / software components. The test sequencing problem is approached along a next best test strategy based on a local heuristic. This strategy enables an interactive diagnostic session, allowing more flexibility and leaving with the human operator the initiative to accept or reject the proposed test. A software prototype has been developed and tested on the rear wiper system of real vehicles. This thesis, supported by a CIFRE grant, is the result of collaboration between the company ACTIA and the research center LAAS-CNRS in the framework of the common laboratory Autodiag (LAAS, IRIT, ACTIA) which aims at developing new methods for diagnosis in the automotive domain
Judalet, Vincent. "Architecture robuste de contrôle pour un système by-wire en partage avec le conducteur." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLE005/document.
Full textThe improvement of the road safety implies to increase the place of driving assistance systems for road vehicles. Paving the road of the fully autonomous vehicle, the drive-by-wire technology could improve the potential of the vehicle control. The implementation of these new embedded systems is still limited, mainly for reliability reasons, thus requiring the development of diagnostic mechanisms to detect occurring faults. In a first step, we evaluate a fault detection and isolation algorithm, based on the interacting multiple models approach. The method relies on a probabilistic estimation of the vehicle state, for which different non-linear observer schemes are compared. The experimental validation required the preparation of a test vehicle.Then, when a fault is identified, the optimal back-up control strategies are investigated according to the availability of actuators.Thus study points out that faults on steer-by-wire systems are particularly difficult to treat
Haddad, Alain. "Stratégie de commande tolérante aux fautes active pour des systèmes suractionnés." Thesis, Lille 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LIL10207/document.
Full textAn active fault tolerant control (AFTC) strategy for overactuated systems is presented in this thesis. It consists of four steps: detecting very quickly the fault, activating a fault tolerant control law for preserving the stability of the overactuated system in presence of the fault, localizing precisely the faulty component, and finally reconfiguring the system by maintaining only the healthy components. This strategy is applied to an autonomous 2WS4WD vehicle : when the vehicle’s lateral deviation exceeds a dynamic security threshold, the fault tolerant control algorithm is activated. It is based on a dynamic reference generation and consists in controlling the redundant actuators which are not used in normal behavior. The control law used for this task is designed using Lyapunov theory and backstepping technique. It consists of two interconnected control loops: an outer loop and an inner loop. The outer loop ensures the computation of dynamic references necessary for preserving the trajectory tracking of the vehicle. The inner loop ensures the tracking of the dynamic references generated in the outer loop. A fault isolation module is then applied to determine precisely the faulty component. Once it is isolated, the system is controlled by using only healthy components. The diagnosis and fault tolerant control schemes are validated on a realistic vehicle model using a co-simulation between CarSim and Matlab/Simulink softwares
Bouayed, Kaïss. "Formulation et développement d'un élément fini de coque sandwich à cœur viscoélastique : application à un pare-brise de voiture en verre feuilleté." Compiègne, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011COMP1925.
Full textWe present in this thesis, conducted within ESI-Group Compiègne, a new quadratic shell finite element for modeling the dynamic behavior of sandwich structures with viscoelastic core. The new developed finite element uses a layerwise approximation of the displacement field which involves only displacements at outer surfaces and internal interfaces. To avoid a volume mesh, only the reference mid-surface is meshed with Q8 elements, which facilitates the task of meshing. The quadratic interpolation, according the local coordinates of the mid-surface, eliminates the numerical locking phenomenon that appears in the case of linear finite elements. A simplified modal method, that takes into account the frequency-dependence of the module of the viscoelastic polymer core, has also been proposed to a fast and efficient computing of the frequency response of sandwich structures. The results obtained with the developed finite element has been validated numerically in a first step, by comparison with results obtained by commercial codes (Nastran and Rayon-VTM), considering two simple test cases (plate and cylindrical shell). The second step was to conduct a study of the dynamic behavior of a car laminated windshield for a numerical validation of the results obtained using the new finite element and the simplified modal method. The last step was to compare the numerical results with experimental data obtained by a laser vibrometer and the post-processing software PULSE Reflex Modal Analysis
Houari, Abderahim. "Influence de la rigidité de chaussée sur le bruit de contact pneumatique-chaussée." Compiègne, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004COMP1496.
Full textTrakunsaranakom, Channarong. "Propositions pour une conception de produits manufacturiers collaborative, intuitive et tangible via des environnements de réalité virtuelle et augmentée." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017GREAI022/document.
Full textThe aim of this research introduces general concepts for performance assessment of virtual reality environments which are relevant to the design activity of manufactured products. Moreover, it aims to present also the context of the research respect to the Thai automotive industry, because this thesis expect to build new knowledge for the benefit of Thailand economy. This research covers several contexts of Human-Computer Interaction research as well as evolution of the VR assessment in the industrial and educational sector. The state of the art with direct relevance for the current research includes: user interface, human factor issues but also usability assessment but the wish here is to go a step further towards utility assessment. This research focuses on abstract level assessment criteria including: affordance, ergonomics, intuitiveness, tangibility, and tiredness assessments. We propose and analyse an assessment method of virtual reality for given activities. We are specifically concerned by activities involved at design stage or at manufacturing preparation stage and we have a deep focus on assembly activity and motion simulation. The design of a virtual reality environment and the implementation of a computer application that supports the evaluation of these activities are presented. The main objective of such application remains the assessment of the performance of virtual reality environments to support the tasks of designers and engineers.This research consists of two main activities: The first experience to validate the evaluation and comparison of the performance of the VRES by the use of low basic sensors consisting of docking quality, task duration, and gesture instability sensor. The experimental task is a set of simple screw assemblies allowing the analysis of the basic movements such as translation, rotation, orientation, and insertion into the holes. We have implemented the experiment on four environments and invited 40 participants to our experiment protocol. The second experience was thus organized around a barrel cam mechanism simulation which is operated with a single rotation motion but which provides a complex cam 3D trajectory. Even design experts may have some difficulties to anticipate the behaviour of this system. They usually experience difficulties when tuning design parameters to ensure that the mechanism is working well. It is thus investigated virtual reality capacity to overpass these difficulties. If this capacity is demonstrated, it is also expected to evaluate and compare the performance of the virtual reality environment system by the use of high level abstract assessment technique combined with low level sensors. Thirty participants have been involved in an experience where both basic sensors and high level assessment criteria were captured. Four virtual reality environments including either stereoscopy or haptic force-feedback device were compared respect to a given task
Coelho, Fabricio dal Cero. "Maîtrise de la tenue en fatigue des cordons de soudure." Thesis, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, Ecole nationale supérieure de mécanique et d'aérotechnique, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014ESMA0016/document.
Full textAutomotive chassis are composed mostly of welded parts subjected to complex multiaxial loadings.Welds are potential sites to initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks because of their particular geometry andtransformations induced by manufacturing process. A reliable and tractable fatigue design methodology is achallenge for automotive industry designers because it allows detecting the critical points from the upstreamphase, avoiding oversizing and reducing the number of physical prototypes.This study is divided into two parts allowing the distinction of effects induced by multiaxial loadingsand particular characteristics of the welded joints. The first part focuses on the complex multiaxial loading. Thebehavior of a “well known material”, the 1045 steel, is studied under "automobile" spectrum loading. Differentfatigue life prediction methods are compared under two criteria: quality of prediction and simplicity of use. Thesecond part focuses on the study of behavior and fatigue life simulation of welded structures. To achieve thisgoal, a representative specimen of chassis parts and manufacturing process has been designed. A representativeFE model is constructed, based on micrographic observations and instrumented tests. Two loading modes areused in fatigue tests in order to activate different damage mechanisms at constant amplitude and under"automobile" spectrum.Finally, the methodology "Weld Stress Gradient" is proposed to incorporate in fatigue analysis theeffect of the stress gradient at the vicinity of weld joints critical points. This methodology, combined with Vucriterion (taking into account complex loadings) and "DCA" nonlinear cumulative damage rule (taking intoaccount interaction between spectrum loading blocks), provides encouraging results for the studied specimen
Van, Box Som Annick. "Des sciences humaines aux sciences de l’ingénieur : comportements humains, activités finalisées et conception de systèmes d’assistance à la conduite de véhicules industriels." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010LYO20105/document.
Full textDriving a truck is a complex professional activity that takes place in a dynamic and constant changing environment. It needs a specific learning and it is set in a strict regulated framework including French labour code (Code du travail) as road regulation. Strong spatio-temporal pressure should be added to those characteristics. These constraints entail to drivers the use of operative strategies to achieve the main objective of their activity: respect of delivery time in optimal conditions of safety, security and productivity.This thesis deals with the contribution of cognitive psychology to the design of driving assistance systems for trucks. Works are intended to integrate, from the design of new systems, the demands of human cognitive functioning in real situation and the needs and expectations of drivers so that adapted and usable technological solutions could be proposed to them.Applied part shows two major dimensions of truck driving activity: productivity through the issue of the eco-driving assistance (“Conduite Economique Assistée, ADEME- RENAULT TRUCKS” project) and safety through the issue of the assistance to detection and protection of vulnerable road users (“VIVRE2, ANR-PREDIT05-LUTB” project).From a scientific point of view, the thesis ends with a proposal of a model of human functioning in finalized activities, of which is added an adapted model of the truck driving activity. The analysis performed in real environment enhance knowledge, on the one hand, on the applied driving strategies to the eco-driving of a truck in extra-urban environment and, on the other hand, on the components of the activity of drivers doing deliveries in urban environment. Moreover, works performed in VIVRE2 project allowed to specify representations and risky behaviours of vulnerable users with relation to trucks in town.From an applicative and ergonomic point of view, works on driving dynamic simulator allowed the evaluation of an innovative man-machine interface which could be adapted to eco-driving and the proposal as well as the evaluation of assistance systems to guarantee safety of vulnerable users during low speed manoeuvres in urban environment
Damay, Nicolas. "Contribution à la modélisation thermique de packs batteries LiFePO4 pour véhicules décarbonés." Thesis, Compiègne, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015COMP2242/document.
Full textThis PhD thesis is included in the global energy-management issue. lts focus is on battery packs for electric or hybrid vehicles. The latter are bound to heat quickly because they're receiving high stresses during operation. Thus, to avoid accelerating the aging process while maintaining a minimal cost, the battery and its cooling system have to be sized optimally. The proposed thermal models can be used to reach this optimal sizing. The electrical losses model has been improved to become stable during the simulations of long driving cycles. The precise study of the strong coupling between electrochemical and thermal behaviors has led to new characterization methods. The "decoupling" of these phenomena improves significantly the models predictions, especially in very stressed operation ranges (low temperature and high power).The precision is better than 1° C, even for several-hours simulations
Deniel, Jonathan. "Conscience du risque et automatisation de la conduite : de l’analyse des processus cognitifs en situation de changement de voie à la conception centrée sur l’humain d'un système d'automatisation human-like." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019BORD0445.
Full textDriving activity is both widespread and very complex. Among the most frequently executed manœuvres we identified the lane change (LC) with insertion between traffic vehicles. Current improvements in the field of driving automation are progressively paving the way for the gradual automation of the various components of the driving activity, including, among other things, lane changes.Our purposes in this thesis work in cognitive engineering were (1) to better understanding and contribution to the modeling of the driver's cognitive processes at work when making decisions and performing LC in manual driving (especially regarding the subjective risk assessment), in order to feed the development of the gls{COSMODRIVE} model (cites{bellet2003}). (2) Design and evaluate a textit{Human-like} automation capable of executing a LC as a human driver. This second objective also makes it possible to address questions about the acceptance of the behaviour of this type of automations. (3) Study the possible effects induced by the use of this LC automation, on decisions and judgments regarding lane change situations in subsequent manual driving situations.To achieve these objectives, we set up a research protocol (on the V-HCD driving simulation platform) divided into three intertwined experimental phases and involving the same participants for each of them. Participants were first invited to make decisions on LC and to assess the situational risk and acceptability of a hypothetical automated LC system. Then, in the second phase, they were invited to use and evaluate textit{Human-like} LC automation we designed for this experiment. Finally, in the last phase, participants were instructed to drive again manually and to make LC decisions in driving situations that were specially configured to approach their decision threshold (estimated from a direct analysis of their decisions during the first manual driving phase).The results obtained led us to identify a traffic merging strategy within the LC manœuvre allowing us, on the basis of the envelope zones theory, to explain the structure of the LC decisions. Concerning the human-like LC automation we found a better acceptance of the system by the participants than expected, even from the most reluctants to the autonomous vehicle. We also showed a decrease in the risk estimation of the situation and the manoeuvre when it was performed by the automation. We additionnaly validated the textit{Human-like} aspect of our automation's LC trajectory. Finally, we were able to highlight the occurence of an effect induced by the use of the automation during later manual driving LC situations. This induced effect was resulting in a lowering of the decision threshold as well as the risk assessment of the LC manoeuvre to be executed. These results suggest that the human-centred design approach to driving automation systems design is promising in terms of technology acceptance and adoption. However they may present some potential induced "side" effects that will require deeper investigation
Hähnel, Anthony. "Approche mécano-probabiliste système en conception pour la fiabilité." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007CLF21727.
Full textRekik, Saoussen. "Methodology for a model based timing analysis process for automotive systems." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00647906.
Full textTaheri, Ali. "Définition des indicateurs de l'efficience inventive pour caractériser les activités inventives en R&D : application au domaine de l’automobile." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015STRAD025/document.
Full text[...] This thesis was defined in the DEFI project to characterize the notion of efficiency in Inventive Design, and develop the metrics of inventive-design. The objective of this proposal is to define inventive performance indicators to enhance the creative capacity in the automotive industry. The research is focused on the NPD projects of R&D department, which are known as the responsible of technological evolutions. In this respect, the main elements of design performance, and the main criteria of inventiveness are studied and merged together. The inventive performance of a R&D team is concerned with the efficiency of their activities to create inventive designs when they apply existing knowledge, and/or use creative resources. This analyzes the relationship between what is received and what is applied or consumed to achieve higher inventiveness degree. The measures of inventiveness are based on the evaluation of novelty, resourcefulness, and usefulness of what comes out from design activities. All the evaluation methods developed in this work are integrated into a concrete system as IDPMS (Inventive Design Performance Measurement System), and an initial version of the IDPMS application is developed, by which R&D and project managers can observe the inventive performance of their NPD projects. So this work is categorized in Engineering Science for specifying performance indicators of inventive design activities. In recent years, our laboratory (LGeCo) focused on developing theoretical methods, then appropriate tools to accompany the industrial changes from the era of quality to the era of innovation. In this regard, this thesis provides the missing link of this effort by evaluating the main characteristics of inventions in engineering level to help companies enter into a logic performance along their innovation projects
Sabeh, Zahi. "Diagnostic à base de modèle : application à un moteur diesel suralimenté à injection directe." Phd thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine - INPL, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00139674.
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