Academic literature on the topic 'INFIRMATION'
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Journal articles on the topic "INFIRMATION"
Kiran, Unsal, and Cumhur Ekinci. "Infirmation arrival and efficiency in Bitcoin market." Pressacademia 13, no. 1 (July 30, 2021): 96.
Full textGalbraith, H., Md Shahjalal, and J. H. Topps. "Effect of dietary supplements based on urea or whitefish meal on growth and fleece characteristics of siberian and australasian Crossbred cashmere goats." Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Production (1972) 1994 (March 1994): 215.
Full textİlhan, Mehmet Mehdi. "Studies in the Medieval History of Diyarbekr Province: Some Notes on the Sources and Literature." Belleten 53, no. 206 (April 1, 1989): 199–231.
Full textSuryani, Cahya. "DISINFORMASI PEMBAKARAN BENDERA KALIMAT TAUHID." Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi 9, no. 2 (January 21, 2021): 76–86.
Full textRagni, Ludovic. "Fonctions de production et cohérence de la théorie de la capitalisation Walrasienne." Économie appliquée 43, no. 2 (1990): 95–129.
Full textPerrin, Denis. "Le rôle sémantique de l’attente." Articles 39, no. 1 (August 7, 2012): 213–37.
Full textJackson, Christopher R. "Infirmative Action: The Law of the Severely Disabled in Germany." Central European History 26, no. 4 (December 1993): 417–55.
Full textPegorari, Massimiliano. "Cicerone, de Inventione, 1.18: Iudicatio est, quae ex infirmatione et confirmatione rationis nascitur controversia." Rhetorica 36, no. 1 (2018): 1–23.
Full textPegorari, Massimiliano. "Cicerone, de Inventione, 1.18: Iudicatio est, quae ex infirmatione et confirmatione rationis nascitur controversia." Rhetorica 36, no. 1 (December 2018): 1–23.
Full textden Bok, Nico. "Gelukkig wie bestemd is tot geloof: Een systematisch-theologische analyse van Augustinus’ verkiezingsleer in relatie tot de menselijke wilsvrijheid2Bijv. GLA XXI 42: ‘Agit enim omnipotens in cordibus hominum etiam motum voluntatis eorum; vgl. XX 43: ‘quod eius [sc. hominus] voluntatem proprio vitio suo malum in hoe peccatum iudicia suo iusto et occulto inclinavit’. Zie ook De correptione et gratia XIV 43: ‘cui volenti [sc. Deo] salvum facere nullum hominum resistit arbitrium’ en XIV 45: ‘Non est itaque dubitandum, volentati Dei <...> humanas voluntates non posse resistere, quominus faciat ipse quod vult; quandoquidem etiam de ipsis hominum voluntatibus quod vult, cum vult, faciat’ (N.B.: het ‘cum vult’ geeft indirect het vrije van de wilsact aan, op het moment dat/wanneer Hij het wil, gebeurt het, maar Hij kan het ook niet-willen); vgl. PS XX 41. Zie eveneens DP XIII 33: ‘Nos ergo volumus, sed Deus in nobis operatur veile’ en XVII 41: niet alleen het ‘praeparare’ en ‘praevenire’, maar ook het ‘operari’ en ‘facere’ bij het tot geloof komen wordt aan God toegeschreven. Augustinus herhaalt soms, dat Gods wil de wil van mensen meer in Zijn macht heeft dan zij die in hun eigen macht hebben.Eén van de indrukwekkendste teksten is wel CG XII38: ‘Subventum est igitur infirmati voluntatis humanae, ut divina gratia indeclinabiliter et insuperabiliter ageretur et ideo, quamvis infirma, non tarnen deficeret neque adversitate aliqua vinceretur’. Vgl. de close-reading van J. Mausbach, Die Ethik des heiligen Augustinus, BD II: Die sittliche Befähigung des Menschen und ihre Verwirklichung, Freiburg i.Br. 19091, 35; Mausbach leest ook deze zin niet-deterministisch. Andere teksten zijn bijv. CG VIII 17: Als Christus voor Petrus gebeden heeft opdat zijn geloof niet zal bezwijken, kan Petrus’ geloof niet bezwijken, want anders zou Christus’gebed kunnen falen; en PS VIII 13: ‘Haec itaque gratia <...> a nullo duro corde respuitur’." NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion 48, no. 3 (July 1, 1994): 191–204.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "INFIRMATION"
Full textCitron, Raphael Beno. "Do industriels lead stock markets in Brazil?" Master's thesis, 2017.
Full textBooks on the topic "INFIRMATION"
Hackney, Ray. Towards e-government in the Welsh (UK) Assembly: An infirmation systems evaluation. Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University, Business School, 2002.
Find full textTom, Jewett, Miller Keith, Association for Computing Machinery. Special Interest group on Computers and Society., and Ethics and Social Impact Component, ACM Policy (1998 : Washington D.C.), eds. Proceedings of the Ethics and Social Impact Component, ACM Policy '98: Shaping policy in the infirmation age, May 10, 1998 Washington D.C. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 1998.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "INFIRMATION"
"infirmation, n." In Oxford English Dictionary. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press, 2023.
Full text"infirmative, adj. & n." In Oxford English Dictionary. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press, 2023.
Full text"Identifying managers’ infirmation needs in hotel companies: Tracy A. Jones BSc, MPhil, MHCIMA Senior Lecturer Department of Leisure Management Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education, UK." In Accounting and Finance for the International Hospitality Industry, 174–93. Routledge, 2010.
Full textConference papers on the topic "INFIRMATION"
Ekpotu, Wilson, Queen Nwabueze, Joseph Akintola, Martins Obialor, and Idongesit Ansa. "A Novel Approach to Post-Combustion Carbon Capture Processes in Natural Gas Plants By Reduction of Solvent Regeneration Time." In SPE Canadian Energy Technology Conference. SPE, 2022.
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